view src/nsterm.h @ 111107:f3721a6253a8

Fix mouse highlight in bidi-reordered continued lines. xdisp.c (row_containing_pos): Don't return too early when CHARPOS is in a bidi-reordered continued line. Return immediately when the first hit is found in a line that is not continued, or when an exact match for CHARPOS is found. (mouse_face_from_buffer_pos): Rewrite to not assume that START_CHARPOS is always in mouse_face_beg_row. If necessary, swap mouse_face_beg_row and mouse_face_end_row so that the former is always above the latter or identical to it. Continued lines that begin or end outside of the visible region still don't work.
author Eli Zaretskii <>
date Sat, 02 Oct 2010 17:05:20 +0200 (2010-10-02)
parents d6fc586a0872
children 2186ab0af4a5
line wrap: on
line source
/* Definitions and headers for communication with NeXT/Open/GNUstep API.
   Copyright (C) 1989, 1993, 2005, 2008, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

This file is part of GNU Emacs.

GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <>.  */

#include "dispextern.h"
#include "frame.h"
#include "character.h"
#include "font.h"
#include "sysselect.h"

#ifdef HAVE_NS

#ifdef __OBJC__

/* ==========================================================================

   The Emacs application

   ========================================================================== */

/* We override sendEvent: as a means to stop/start the event loop */
@interface EmacsApp : NSApplication
- (void)logNotification: (NSNotification *)notification;
- (void)sendEvent: (NSEvent *)theEvent;
- (void)showPreferencesWindow: (id)sender;
- (BOOL) openFile: (NSString *)fileName;
- (void)fd_handler: (NSTimer *) fdEntry;
- (void)timeout_handler: (NSTimer *)timedEntry;
- (BOOL)fulfillService: (NSString *)name withArg: (NSString *)arg;

/* ==========================================================================

   The main Emacs view

   ========================================================================== */

@class EmacsToolbar;

@interface EmacsView : NSView <NSTextInput> /* 10.6+: NSWindowDelegate */
   char *old_title;
   BOOL windowClosing;
   NSString *workingText;
   BOOL processingCompose;
   struct frame *emacsframe;
   int rows, cols;
   int scrollbarsNeedingUpdate;
   EmacsToolbar *toolbar;

/* AppKit-side interface */
- menuDown: sender;
- toolbarClicked: (id)item;
- toggleToolbar: (id)sender;
- (void)keyDown: (NSEvent *)theEvent;
- (void)mouseDown: (NSEvent *)theEvent;
- (void)mouseUp: (NSEvent *)theEvent;
- setMiniwindowImage: (BOOL)setMini;

/* Emacs-side interface */
- initFrameFromEmacs: (struct frame *) f;
- (void) setRows: (int) r andColumns: (int) c;
- (void) setWindowClosing: (BOOL)closing;
- (EmacsToolbar *) toolbar;
- (void) deleteWorkingText;

/* Not declared, but useful. */
- (void) unlockFocusNeedsFlush: (BOOL)needs;

/* Small utility used for processing resize events under Cocoa. */
@interface EmacsWindow : NSWindow
  NSPoint grabOffset;

/* ==========================================================================

   The main menu implementation

   ========================================================================== */

@interface EmacsMenu : NSMenu  /* 10.6+: <NSMenuDelegate> */
  struct frame *frame;
  unsigned long keyEquivModMask;

- initWithTitle: (NSString *)title frame: (struct frame *)f;
- (void)setFrame: (struct frame *)f;
- (void)menuNeedsUpdate: (NSMenu *)menu; /* (delegate method) */
- (NSString *)parseKeyEquiv: (const char *)key;
- (NSMenuItem *)addItemWithWidgetValue: (void *)wvptr;
- (void)fillWithWidgetValue: (void *)wvptr;
- (EmacsMenu *)addSubmenuWithTitle: (const char *)title forFrame: (struct frame *)f;
- (void) clear;
- (Lisp_Object)runMenuAt: (NSPoint)p forFrame: (struct frame *)f
                 keymaps: (int)keymaps;

/* ==========================================================================


   ========================================================================== */

@class EmacsImage;

@interface EmacsToolbar : NSToolbar  /* 10.6+: <NSToolbarDelegate> */
     EmacsView *emacsView;
     NSMutableDictionary *identifierToItem;
     NSMutableArray *activeIdentifiers;
     NSArray *prevIdentifiers;
     unsigned long enablement, prevEnablement;
- initForView: (EmacsView *)view withIdentifier: (NSString *)identifier;
- (void) clearActive;
- (BOOL) changed;
- (void) addDisplayItemWithImage: (EmacsImage *)img idx: (int)idx
                        helpText: (const char *)help
                         enabled: (BOOL)enabled;
/* delegate methods */
- (NSToolbarItem *)toolbar: (NSToolbar *)toolbar
     itemForItemIdentifier: (NSString *)itemIdentifier
 willBeInsertedIntoToolbar: (BOOL)flag;
- (NSArray *)toolbarDefaultItemIdentifiers: (NSToolbar *)toolbar;
- (NSArray *)toolbarAllowedItemIdentifiers: (NSToolbar *)toolbar;

/* ==========================================================================

   Message / question windows

   ========================================================================== */

@interface EmacsDialogPanel : NSPanel
   NSTextField *command;
   NSTextField *title;
   NSMatrix *matrix;
   int rows, cols;
- initFromContents: (Lisp_Object)menu isQuestion: (BOOL)isQ;
- addButton: (char *)str value: (Lisp_Object)val row: (int)row;
- addString: (char *)str row: (int)row;
- addSplit;
- (Lisp_Object)runDialogAt: (NSPoint)p;

@interface EmacsTooltip : NSObject  /* 10.6+: <NSWindowDelegate> */
    NSWindow *win;
    NSTextField *textField;
    NSTimer *timer;
- init;
- (void) setText: (char *)text;
- (void) showAtX: (int)x Y: (int)y for: (int)seconds;
- (void) hide;
- (BOOL) isActive;
- (NSRect) frame;

/* ==========================================================================

   File open/save panels
   This and next override methods to work around OS X behavior of
   restarting application loop when user dismisses panel.

   ========================================================================== */

@interface EmacsSavePanel : NSSavePanel
@interface EmacsOpenPanel : NSOpenPanel

@interface EmacsFileDelegate : NSObject
- (BOOL)panel: (id)sender isValidFilename: (NSString *)filename;
- (BOOL)panel: (id)sender shouldShowFilename: (NSString *)filename;
- (NSString *)panel: (id)sender userEnteredFilename: (NSString *)filename
          confirmed: (BOOL)okFlag;

/* ==========================================================================

   Images and stippling

   ========================================================================== */

@interface EmacsImage : NSImage
  id imageListNext;
  int refCount;
  NSBitmapImageRep *bmRep; /* used for accessing pixel data */
  unsigned char *pixmapData[5]; /* shortcut to access pixel data */
  BOOL onTiger;
  NSColor *stippleMask;
+ allocInitFromFile: (Lisp_Object)file;
- reference;
- imageListSetNext: (id)arg;
- imageListNext;
- (void)dealloc;
- initFromXBM: (unsigned char *)bits width: (int)w height: (int)h
         flip: (BOOL)flip;
- initFromSkipXBM: (unsigned char *)bits width: (int)w height: (int)h
             flip: (BOOL)flip length: (int)length;
- setXBMColor: (NSColor *)color;
- initForXPMWithDepth: (int)depth width: (int)width height: (int)height;
- (void)setPixmapData;
- (unsigned long)getPixelAtX: (int)x Y: (int)y;
- (void)setPixelAtX: (int)x Y: (int)y toRed: (unsigned char)r
               green: (unsigned char)g blue: (unsigned char)b
              alpha:(unsigned char)a;
- (void)setAlphaAtX: (int)x Y: (int)y to: (unsigned char)a;
- (NSColor *)stippleMask;

/* ==========================================================================


   ========================================================================== */

@interface EmacsScroller : NSScroller
   Lisp_Object win;
   struct frame *frame;
   NSResponder *prevResponder;

   /* offset to the bottom of knob of last mouse down */
   float last_mouse_offset;
   float min_portion;
   int pixel_height;
   int last_hit_part;

   BOOL condemned;

   /* optimize against excessive positioning calls generated by emacs */
   int em_position;
   int em_portion;
   int em_whole;

- initFrame: (NSRect )r window: (Lisp_Object)win;
- (void)setFrame: (NSRect)r;
- (void)dealloc;

- setPosition: (int) position portion: (int) portion whole: (int) whole;
- (int) checkSamePosition: (int)position portion: (int)portion
                    whole: (int)whole;
- (void) getMouseMotionPart: (int *)part window: (Lisp_Object *)window
                          x: (Lisp_Object *)x y: ( Lisp_Object *)y;
- (void) sendScrollEventAtLoc: (float)loc fromEvent: (NSEvent *)e;
- repeatScroll: (NSTimer *)sender;
- condemn;
- reprieve;
- judge;

/* ==========================================================================

   Rendering on Panther and above

   ========================================================================== */

/* rendering util */
@interface EmacsGlyphStorage : NSObject <NSGlyphStorage>
  NSAttributedString *attrStr;
  NSMutableDictionary *dict;
  CGGlyph *cglyphs;
  unsigned long maxChar, maxGlyph;
  long i, len;
- initWithCapacity: (unsigned long) c;
- (void) setString: (NSString *)str font: (NSFont *)font;
#endif	/* NS_IMPL_COCOA */

extern NSArray *ns_send_types, *ns_return_types;
extern NSString *ns_app_name;
extern EmacsMenu *mainMenu, *svcsMenu, *dockMenu;

/* Apple removed the declaration, but kept the implementation */
@interface NSApplication (EmacsApp)
- (void)setAppleMenu: (NSMenu *)menu;

#if defined(__LP64__) && __LP64__
typedef double CGFloat;
typedef long NSInteger;
typedef unsigned long NSUInteger;
typedef float CGFloat;
typedef int NSInteger;
typedef unsigned int NSUInteger;
#endif /* not LP64 */
#endif /* not NS_HAVE_NSINTEGER */

#endif  /* __OBJC__ */

/* ==========================================================================

   Non-OO stuff

   ========================================================================== */

/* Special keycodes that we pass down the event chain */
#define KEY_NS_POWER_OFF               ((1<<28)|(0<<16)|1)
#define KEY_NS_OPEN_FILE               ((1<<28)|(0<<16)|2)
#define KEY_NS_OPEN_TEMP_FILE          ((1<<28)|(0<<16)|3)
#define KEY_NS_DRAG_FILE               ((1<<28)|(0<<16)|4)
#define KEY_NS_DRAG_COLOR              ((1<<28)|(0<<16)|5)
#define KEY_NS_DRAG_TEXT               ((1<<28)|(0<<16)|6)
#define KEY_NS_CHANGE_FONT             ((1<<28)|(0<<16)|7)
#define KEY_NS_OPEN_FILE_LINE          ((1<<28)|(0<<16)|8)
#define KEY_NS_PUT_WORKING_TEXT        ((1<<28)|(0<<16)|9)
#define KEY_NS_UNPUT_WORKING_TEXT      ((1<<28)|(0<<16)|10)
#define KEY_NS_SPI_SERVICE_CALL        ((1<<28)|(0<<16)|11)
#define KEY_NS_NEW_FRAME               ((1<<28)|(0<<16)|12)
#define KEY_NS_TOGGLE_TOOLBAR          ((1<<28)|(0<<16)|13)
#define KEY_NS_SHOW_PREFS              ((1<<28)|(0<<16)|14)

/* could use list to store these, but rest of emacs has a big infrastructure
   for managing a table of bitmap "records" */
struct ns_bitmap_record
#ifdef __OBJC__
  EmacsImage *img;
  void *img;
  char *file;
  int refcount;
  int height, width, depth;

/* this to map between emacs color indices and NSColor objects */
struct ns_color_table
  unsigned int size;
  unsigned int avail;
#ifdef __OBJC__
  NSColor **colors;
  NSMutableSet *empty_indices;
  void **items;
  void *availIndices;

#define RGB_TO_ULONG(r, g, b) (((r) << 16) | ((g) << 8) | (b))
#define ARGB_TO_ULONG(a, r, g, b) (((a) << 24) | ((r) << 16) | ((g) << 8) | (b))

#define ALPHA_FROM_ULONG(color) ((color) >> 24)
#define RED_FROM_ULONG(color) (((color) >> 16) & 0xff)
#define GREEN_FROM_ULONG(color) (((color) >> 8) & 0xff)
#define BLUE_FROM_ULONG(color) ((color) & 0xff)

/* Do not change `* 0x101' in the following lines to `<< 8'.  If
   changed, image masks in 1-bit depth will not work. */
#define RED16_FROM_ULONG(color) (RED_FROM_ULONG(color) * 0x101)
#define GREEN16_FROM_ULONG(color) (GREEN_FROM_ULONG(color) * 0x101)
#define BLUE16_FROM_ULONG(color) (BLUE_FROM_ULONG(color) * 0x101)

/* this extends font backend font */
struct nsfont_info
  struct font font;

  char *name;  /* postscript name, uniquely identifies on NS systems */
  float width;  /* this and following metrics stored as float rather than int */
  float height;
  float underpos;
  float underwidth;
  float size;
#ifdef __OBJC__
  NSFont *nsfont;
  /* cgfont and synthItal are used only on OS X 10.3+ */
  CGFontRef cgfont;
#else /* GNUstep or OS X < 10.3 */
  void *cgfont;
#else /* ! OBJC */
  void *nsfont;
  void *cgfont;
  char bold, ital;  /* convenience flags */
  char synthItal;
  float voffset;  /* mean of ascender/descender offsets */
  XCharStruct max_bounds;
  /* we compute glyph codes and metrics on-demand in blocks of 256 indexed
     by hibyte, lobyte */
  unsigned short **glyphs; /* map unicode index to glyph */
  struct font_metrics **metrics;

/* init'd in ns_initialize_display_info () */
struct ns_display_info
  /* Chain of all ns_display_info structures.  */
  struct ns_display_info *next;

  /* The generic display parameters corresponding to this NS display. */
  struct terminal *terminal;

  /* This is a cons cell of the form (NAME . FONT-LIST-CACHE).
     The same cons cell also appears in ns_display_name_list.  */
  Lisp_Object name_list_element;

  /* The number of fonts loaded. */
  int n_fonts;

  /* Minimum width over all characters in all fonts in font_table.  */
  int smallest_char_width;

  /* Minimum font height over all fonts in font_table.  */
  int smallest_font_height;

  struct ns_bitmap_record *bitmaps;
  int bitmaps_size;
  int bitmaps_last;

  struct image_cache *image_cache;

  struct ns_color_table *color_table;

  /* DPI resolution of this screen */
  double resx, resy;

  /* Mask of things that cause the mouse to be grabbed */
  int grabbed;

  int n_planes;

  int color_p;

  Window root_window;

  /* Xism */
  XrmDatabase xrdb;

  /* The cursor to use for vertical scroll bars. */
  Cursor vertical_scroll_bar_cursor;

  /* most mouse face stuff moved in here as of 21+ (and reasonably so) */
  int mouse_face_beg_row, mouse_face_beg_col;
  int mouse_face_end_row, mouse_face_end_col;
  int mouse_face_beg_x, mouse_face_beg_y;
  int mouse_face_end_x, mouse_face_end_y;
  int mouse_face_past_end;
  Lisp_Object mouse_face_window;
  int mouse_face_face_id;
  int mouse_face_deferred_gc;
  Lisp_Object mouse_face_overlay;
  FRAME_PTR mouse_face_mouse_frame;
  int mouse_face_mouse_x, mouse_face_mouse_y;
  int mouse_face_defer;
  int mouse_face_hidden;
  int mouse_face_image_state;

  struct frame *x_highlight_frame;
  struct frame *x_focus_frame;

/* This is a chain of structures for all the NS displays currently in use.  */
extern struct ns_display_info *x_display_list;

extern Lisp_Object ns_display_name_list;
extern struct ns_display_info *ns_display_info_for_name ();

struct ns_display_info *check_x_display_info (Lisp_Object frame);
FRAME_PTR check_x_frame (Lisp_Object frame);

struct ns_output
#ifdef __OBJC__
  EmacsView *view;
  id miniimage;
  NSColor *cursor_color;
  NSColor *foreground_color;
  NSColor *background_color;
  EmacsToolbar *toolbar;
  void *view;
  void *miniimage;
  void *cursor_color;
  void *foreground_color;
  void *background_color;
  void *toolbar;

  /* NSCursors init'ed in initFrameFromEmacs */
  Cursor text_cursor;
  Cursor nontext_cursor;
  Cursor modeline_cursor;
  Cursor hand_cursor;
  Cursor hourglass_cursor;
  Cursor horizontal_drag_cursor;

  /* NS-specific */
  Cursor current_pointer;

  /* lord knows why Emacs needs to know about our Window ids.. */
  Window window_desc, parent_desc;
  char explicit_parent;

  struct font *font;
  int baseline_offset;

  /* If a fontset is specified for this frame instead of font, this
     value contains an ID of the fontset, else -1.  */
  int fontset; /* only used with font_backend */

  Lisp_Object icon_top;
  Lisp_Object icon_left;

  /* The size of the extra width currently allotted for vertical
     scroll bars, in pixels.  */
  int vertical_scroll_bar_extra;

  /* The height of the titlebar decoration (included in NSWindow's frame). */
  int titlebar_height;

  /* The height of the toolbar if displayed, else 0. */
  int toolbar_height;

  /* This is the Emacs structure for the NS display this frame is on.  */
  struct ns_display_info *display_info;

/* this dummy decl needed to support TTYs */
struct x_output
  unsigned long background_pixel;
  unsigned long foreground_pixel;

/* This gives the ns_display_info structure for the display F is on.  */
#define FRAME_NS_DISPLAY_INFO(f) ((f)->output_data.ns->display_info)
/* the primacy of X must be constantly worked with... */
#define FRAME_X_DISPLAY_INFO(f) ((f)->output_data.ns->display_info)
#define FRAME_X_OUTPUT(f) ((f)->output_data.ns)
#define FRAME_NS_WINDOW(f) ((f)->output_data.ns->window_desc)
#define FRAME_X_WINDOW(f) ((f)->output_data.ns->window_desc)

/* This is the `Display *' which frame F is on.  */
#define FRAME_NS_DISPLAY(f) (0)
#define FRAME_X_DISPLAY(f) (0)

#define FRAME_FOREGROUND_COLOR(f) ((f)->output_data.ns->foreground_color)
#define FRAME_BACKGROUND_COLOR(f) ((f)->output_data.ns->background_color)


#define NS_FACE_FOREGROUND(f) ((f)->foreground)
#define NS_FACE_BACKGROUND(f) ((f)->background)
#define FRAME_NS_TITLEBAR_HEIGHT(f) ((f)->output_data.ns->titlebar_height)
#define FRAME_TOOLBAR_HEIGHT(f) ((f)->output_data.ns->toolbar_height)

#define FONT_WIDTH(f)	((f)->max_width)
#define FONT_HEIGHT(f)	((f)->height)
/*#define FONT_BASE(f)    ((f)->ascent) */
#define FONT_BASE(f)    (((struct nsfont_info *)f)->max_bounds.ascent)
/*#define FONT_DESCENT(f) ((f)->descent) */
#define FONT_DESCENT(f) (((struct nsfont_info *)f)->max_bounds.descent)


#define FRAME_NS_VIEW(f) ((f)->output_data.ns->view)
#define FRAME_CURSOR_COLOR(f) ((f)->output_data.ns->cursor_color)
#define FRAME_POINTER_TYPE(f) ((f)->output_data.ns->current_pointer)

#define FRAME_FONT(f) ((f)->output_data.ns->font)

#ifdef __OBJC__
#define XNS_SCROLL_BAR(vec) ((id) XSAVE_VALUE (vec)->pointer)
#define XNS_SCROLL_BAR(vec) XSAVE_VALUE (vec)->pointer

/* Compute pixel size for vertical scroll bars */
#define NS_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH(f)                              \
(FRAME_HAS_VERTICAL_SCROLL_BARS (f)                          \
 ? rint (FRAME_CONFIG_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH (f) > 0               \
        ? FRAME_CONFIG_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH (f)                 \
 : 0)

/* Difference btwn char-column-calculated and actual SB widths.
   This is only a concern for rendering when SB on left. */
#define NS_SCROLL_BAR_ADJUST(w, f)		\
        - NS_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH (f)) : 0)

/* XXX: fix for GNUstep inconsistent accounting for titlebar */
#define NS_TOP_POS(f) ((f)->top_pos + 18)
#define NS_TOP_POS(f) ((f)->top_pos)

#define FRAME_NS_FONT_TABLE(f) (FRAME_NS_DISPLAY_INFO (f)->font_table)

#define FRAME_FONTSET(f) ((f)->output_data.ns->fontset)

  (FRAME_NS_DISPLAY_INFO (f)->smallest_char_width)
  (FRAME_NS_DISPLAY_INFO (f)->smallest_font_height)
#define FONT_TYPE_FOR_UNIBYTE(font, ch)   0
#define FONT_TYPE_FOR_MULTIBYTE(font, ch) 0
#define FRAME_BASELINE_OFFSET(f) ((f)->output_data.ns->baseline_offset)
#define BLACK_PIX_DEFAULT(f) 0x000000

/* First position where characters can be shown (instead of scrollbar, if
   it is on left. */

extern struct ns_display_info *ns_term_init ();
extern void ns_term_shutdown (int sig);

/* constants for text rendering */
#define NS_DUMPGLYPH_NORMAL             0
#define NS_DUMPGLYPH_CURSOR             1
#define NS_DUMPGLYPH_MOUSEFACE          3

EXFUN (Fx_display_grayscale_p, 1);
EXFUN (Fx_display_planes, 1);

/* In nsfont, called from fontset.c */
extern void nsfont_make_fontset_for_font (Lisp_Object name,
                                         Lisp_Object font_object);

/* In nsfont, for debugging */
struct glyph_string;
void ns_dump_glyphstring (struct glyph_string *s);

/* Implemented in nsterm, published in or needed from nsfns. */
extern Lisp_Object Qfontsize;
extern Lisp_Object ns_list_fonts (FRAME_PTR f, Lisp_Object pattern,
                                  int size, int maxnames);
extern void ns_clear_frame (struct frame *f);

extern const char *ns_xlfd_to_fontname (const char *xlfd);

extern void check_ns (void);
extern Lisp_Object ns_map_event_to_object ();
extern Lisp_Object ns_string_from_pasteboard ();
extern void ns_string_to_pasteboard ();
extern void nxatoms_of_nsselect ();
extern int ns_lisp_to_cursor_type ();
extern Lisp_Object ns_cursor_type_to_lisp (int arg);
extern Lisp_Object Qnone;
extern void ns_set_name_as_filename (struct frame *f);
extern void ns_set_doc_edited (struct frame *f, Lisp_Object arg);

extern int
ns_defined_color (struct frame *f,
                  const char *name,
                  XColor *color_def, int alloc,
                  char makeIndex);
extern void
ns_query_color (void *col, XColor *color_def, int setPixel);

#ifdef __OBJC__
extern Lisp_Object ns_color_to_lisp (NSColor *col);
extern int ns_lisp_to_color (Lisp_Object color, NSColor **col);
extern NSColor *ns_lookup_indexed_color (unsigned long idx, struct frame *f);
extern unsigned long ns_index_color (NSColor *color, struct frame *f);
extern void ns_free_indexed_color (unsigned long idx, struct frame *f);

/* C access to ObjC functionality */
extern void  ns_release_object (void *obj);
extern void  ns_retain_object (void *obj);
extern void *ns_alloc_autorelease_pool ();
extern void ns_release_autorelease_pool ();

/* in nsmenu */
extern void update_frame_tool_bar (FRAME_PTR f);
extern void free_frame_tool_bar (FRAME_PTR f);
extern void find_and_call_menu_selection (FRAME_PTR f,
    int menu_bar_items_used, Lisp_Object vector, void *client_data);
extern Lisp_Object find_and_return_menu_selection (FRAME_PTR f,
                                                   int keymaps,
                                                   void *client_data);
extern Lisp_Object ns_popup_dialog (Lisp_Object position, Lisp_Object contents,
                                    Lisp_Object header);

/* More prototypes that should be moved to a more general include file */
extern void set_frame_menubar (struct frame *f, int first_time, int deep_p);
extern void x_set_window_size (struct frame *f, int change_grav,
                              int cols, int rows);
extern void x_sync (struct frame *);
extern Lisp_Object x_get_focus_frame (struct frame *);
extern void x_set_mouse_position (struct frame *f, int h, int v);
extern void x_set_mouse_pixel_position (struct frame *f, int pix_x, int pix_y);
extern void x_make_frame_visible (struct frame *f);
extern void x_make_frame_invisible (struct frame *f);
extern void x_iconify_frame (struct frame *f);
extern int x_char_width (struct frame *f);
extern int x_char_height (struct frame *f);
extern int x_pixel_width (struct frame *f);
extern int x_pixel_height (struct frame *f);
extern void x_set_frame_alpha (struct frame *f);
extern void x_set_menu_bar_lines (struct frame *, Lisp_Object, Lisp_Object);
extern void x_set_tool_bar_lines (struct frame *f,
                                  Lisp_Object value,
                                  Lisp_Object oldval);
extern void x_activate_menubar (struct frame *);
extern void free_frame_menubar (struct frame *);

extern void ns_init_paths (void);
extern void syms_of_nsterm (void);
extern void syms_of_nsfns (void);
extern void syms_of_nsmenu (void);
extern void syms_of_nsselect (void);

/* From nsimage.m, needed in image.c */
struct image;
extern void *ns_image_from_XBM (unsigned char *bits, int width, int height);
extern void *ns_image_for_XPM (int width, int height, int depth);
extern void *ns_image_from_file (Lisp_Object file);
extern int ns_load_image (struct frame *f, struct image *img,
                          Lisp_Object spec_file, Lisp_Object spec_data);
extern int ns_image_width (void *img);
extern int ns_image_height (void *img);
extern unsigned long ns_get_pixel (void *img, int x, int y);
extern void ns_put_pixel (void *img, int x, int y, unsigned long argb);
extern void ns_set_alpha (void *img, int x, int y, unsigned char a);

extern int x_display_pixel_height (struct ns_display_info *);
extern int x_display_pixel_width (struct ns_display_info *);

/* This in nsterm.m */
extern int ns_select (int nfds, fd_set *readfds, fd_set *writefds,
                      fd_set *exceptfds, struct timeval *timeout);
extern unsigned long ns_get_rgb_color (struct frame *f,
                                       float r, float g, float b, float a);
extern NSPoint last_mouse_motion_position;

extern char gnustep_base_version[];  /* version tracking */

#define MINWIDTH 10
#define MINHEIGHT 10

/* Screen max coordinate
 Using larger coordinates causes movewindow/placewindow to abort */
#define SCREENMAX 16000

#define NS_SCROLL_BAR_WIDTH_DEFAULT     [EmacsScroller scrollerWidth]
/* This is to match emacs on other platforms, ugly though it is. */
#define NS_SELECTION_COLOR_DEFAULT	@"LightGoldenrod2";

/* Little utility macros */
#define IN_BOUND(min, x, max) (((x) < (min)) \
                                ? (min) : (((x)>(max)) ? (max) : (x)))

/* needed somewhere... */

#endif	/* HAVE_NS */

/* arch-tag: 0a28b142-4ac1-4a81-a243-abcd82d9c4e5
   (do not change this comment) */