// testsubclass.cpp --- unit test for analyzer and complex C++ inheritance// Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.// Author: Eric M. Ludlam <eric@siege-engine.com>// This file is part of GNU Emacs.// GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or// (at your option) any later version.// GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of// MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the// GNU General Public License for more details.// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License// along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.//#include <iostream>#include "testsubclass.hh"void animal::moose::setFeet(int numfeet) //^1^{ if (numfeet > 4) { std::cerr << "Why would a moose have more than 4 feet?" << std::endl; return; } fFeet = numfeet;}int animal::moose::getFeet() //^2^{ return fFeet;}void animal::moose::doNothing() //^3^{ animal::moose foo(); fFeet = N// -15- ; // #15# ( "NAME1" "NAME2" "NAME3" )}void deer::moose::setAntlers(bool have_antlers) //^4^{ fAntlers = have_antlers;}bool deer::moose::getAntlers() //^5^// %1% ( ( "testsubclass.cpp" "testsubclass.hh" ) ( "deer::moose::doSomething" "deer::moose::getAntlers" "moose" ) ){ return fAntlers;}bool i_dont_have_symrefs()// %2% ( ("testsubclass.cpp" ) ("i_dont_have_symrefs")){}void deer::moose::doSomething() //^6^{ // All these functions should be identified by semantic analyzer. getAntlers(); setAntlers(true); getFeet(); setFeet(true); doNothing(); fSomeField = true; fIsValid = true;}void deer::alces::setLatin(bool l) { fLatin = l;}bool deer::alces::getLatin() { return fLatin;}void deer::alces::doLatinStuff(moose moosein) { // All these functions should be identified by semantic analyzer. getFeet(); setFeet(true); getLatin(); setLatin(true); doNothing(); deer::moose foo();}moose deer::alces::createMoose(){ moose MooseVariableName; bool tmp; int itmp; bool fool; int fast; MooseVariableName = createMoose(); doLatinStuff(MooseVariableName); tmp = this.f// -1- // #1# ( "fAlcesBool" "fIsValid" "fLatin" ) ; itmp = this.f// -2- // #2# ( "fAlcesInt" "fGreek" "fIsProtectedInt" ) ; tmp = f// -3- // #3# ( "fAlcesBool" "fIsValid" "fLatin" "fool" ) ; itmp = f// -4- // #4# ( "fAlcesInt" "fGreek" "fIsProtectedInt" "fast" ) ; MooseVariableName = m// -5- // #5# ( "moose" ) return MooseVariableName;}/** Test Scope Changes * * This function is rigged to make sure the scope changes to account * for different locations in local variable parsing. */int someFunction(int mPickle){ moose mMoose = deer::alces::createMoose(); if (mPickle == 1) { int mOption1 = 2; m// -5- // #5# ( "mMoose" "mOption1" "mPickle" ) ; } else { int mOption2 = 2; m// -6- // #6# ( "mMoose" "mOption2" "mPickle" ) ; }}// Thanks Ming-Wei Chang for this next example.namespace pub_priv { class A{ private: void private_a(){} public: void public_a(); }; void A::public_a() { A other_a; other_a.p// -7- // #7# ( "private_a" "public_a" ) ; } int some_regular_function(){ A a; a.p// -8- // #8# ( "public_a" ) ; return 0; }}/** Test Scope w/in a function (non-method) with classes using * different levels of inheritance. */int otherFunction(){ sneaky::antelope Antelope(1); sneaky::jackalope Jackalope(1); sneaky::bugalope Bugalope(1); Antelope.// -9- // #9# ( "fAntyPublic" "fQuadPublic" "testAccess") ; Jackalope.// -10- // #10# ( "fBunnyPublic" "testAccess") ; Jackalope// @1@ 6 ; Jackalope; Jackalope; Jackalope; Bugalope.// -11- // #11# ( "fBugPublic" "testAccess") ; Bugalope// @2@ 3 ;}/** Test methods within each class for types of access to the baseclass. */bool sneaky::antelope::testAccess() //^7^{ this.// -12- // #12# ( "fAntyPrivate" "fAntyProtected" "fAntyPublic" "fQuadProtected" "fQuadPublic" "testAccess" ) ;}bool sneaky::jackalope::testAccess() //^8^{ this.// -13- // #13# ( "fBunnyPrivate" "fBunnyProtected" "fBunnyPublic" "fQuadProtected" "fQuadPublic" "testAccess" ) ;}bool sneaky::bugalope::testAccess() //^9^{ this.// -14- // #14# ( "fBugPrivate" "fBugProtected" "fBugPublic" "fQuadPublic" "testAccess" ) ;}// arch-tag: 20a08c42-9ba6-4c8d-966a-893b37c841ef