;;; rfc2368.el --- support for rfc2368;; Copyright (C) 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004,;; 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.;; Author: Sen Nagata <sen@eccosys.com>;; Keywords: mail;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or;; (at your option) any later version.;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the;; GNU General Public License for more details.;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.;;; Commentary:;;;; notes:;;;; -repeat after me: "the colon is not part of the header name...";; -if w3 becomes part of emacs, then it may make sense to have this;; file depend on w3 -- the maintainer of w3 says merging w/ Emacs;; is planned!;;;; historical note:;;;; this is intended as a replacement for mailto.el;;;; acknowledgements:;;;; the functions that deal w/ unhexifying in this file were basically;; taken from w3 -- i hope to replace them w/ something else soon OR;; perhaps if w3 becomes a part of emacs soon, use the functions from w3.;;; History:;;;; 0.3:;;;; added the constant rfc2368-version;; implemented first potential fix for a bug in rfc2368-mailto-regexp;; implemented first potential fix for a bug in rfc2368-parse-mailto;; (both bugs reported by Kenichi OKADA);;;; 0.2:;;;; started to use checkdoc;;;; 0.1:;;;; initial implementation;;; Code:;; only an approximation?;; see rfc 1738(defconst rfc2368-mailto-regexp "^\\(mailto:\\)\\([^?]+\\)*\\(\\?\\(.*\\)\\)*" "Regular expression to match and aid in parsing a mailto url.");; describes 'mailto:'(defconst rfc2368-mailto-scheme-index 1 "Describes the 'mailto:' portion of the url.");; i'm going to call this part the 'prequery'(defconst rfc2368-mailto-prequery-index 2 "Describes the portion of the url between 'mailto:' and '?'.");; i'm going to call this part the 'query'(defconst rfc2368-mailto-query-index 4 "Describes the portion of the url after '?'.")(defun rfc2368-unhexify-string (string) "Unhexify STRING -- e.g. 'hello%20there' -> 'hello there'." (replace-regexp-in-string "%[[:xdigit:]]\\{2\\}" (lambda (match) (string (string-to-number (substring match 1) 16))) string t t))(defun rfc2368-parse-mailto-url (mailto-url) "Parse MAILTO-URL, and return an alist of header-name, header-value pairs.MAILTO-URL should be a RFC 2368 (mailto) compliant url. A cons cell w/ akey of 'Body' is a special case and is considered a header for this purpose.The returned alist is intended for use w/ the `compose-mail' interface.Note: make sure MAILTO-URL has been 'unhtmlized' (e.g. & -> &), beforecalling this function." (let ((case-fold-search t) prequery query headers-alist) (if (string-match rfc2368-mailto-regexp mailto-url) (progn (setq prequery (match-string rfc2368-mailto-prequery-index mailto-url)) (setq query (match-string rfc2368-mailto-query-index mailto-url)) ;; build alist of header name-value pairs (if (not (null query)) (setq headers-alist (mapcar (lambda (x) (let* ((temp-list (split-string x "=")) (header-name (car temp-list)) (header-value (cadr temp-list))) ;; return ("Header-Name" . "header-value") (cons (capitalize (rfc2368-unhexify-string header-name)) (rfc2368-unhexify-string header-value)))) (split-string query "&")))) ;; deal w/ multiple 'To' recipients (if prequery (progn (setq prequery (rfc2368-unhexify-string prequery)) (if (assoc "To" headers-alist) (let* ((our-cons-cell (assoc "To" headers-alist)) (our-cdr (cdr our-cons-cell))) (setcdr our-cons-cell (concat prequery ", " our-cdr))) (setq headers-alist (cons (cons "To" prequery) headers-alist))))) headers-alist) (error "Failed to match a mailto: url")) ))(provide 'rfc2368);; arch-tag: ea804934-ad96-4f69-957b-857a76e4fd95;;; rfc2368.el ends here