;;; cust-print.el --- handles print-level and print-circle;; Copyright (C) 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.;; Author: Daniel LaLiberte <liberte@holonexus.org>;; Adapted-By: ESR;; Keywords: extensions;; LCD Archive Entry:;; cust-print|Daniel LaLiberte|liberte@holonexus.org;; |Handle print-level, print-circle and more.;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option);; any later version.;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the;; GNU General Public License for more details.;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.;;; Commentary:;; This package provides a general print handler for prin1 and princ;; that supports print-level and print-circle, and by the way,;; print-length since the standard routines are being replaced. Also,;; to print custom types constructed from lists and vectors, use;; custom-print-list and custom-print-vector. See the documentation;; strings of these variables for more details. ;; If the results of your expressions contain circular references to;; other parts of the same structure, the standard Emacs print;; subroutines may fail to print with an untrappable error,;; "Apparently circular structure being printed". If you only use cdr;; circular lists (where cdrs of lists point back; what is the right;; term here?), you can limit the length of printing with;; print-length. But car circular lists and circular vectors generate;; the above mentioned error in Emacs version 18. Version;; 19 supports print-level, but it is often useful to get a better;; print representation of circular and shared structures; the print-circle;; option may be used to print more concise representations.;; There are three main ways to use this package. First, you may;; replace prin1, princ, and some subroutines that use them by calling;; install-custom-print so that any use of these functions in;; Lisp code will be affected; you can later reset with;; uninstall-custom-print. Second, you may temporarily install;; these functions with the macro with-custom-print. Third, you;; could call the custom routines directly, thus only affecting the;; printing that requires them.;; Note that subroutines which call print subroutines directly will;; not use the custom print functions. In particular, the evaluation;; functions like eval-region call the print subroutines directly.;; Therefore, if you evaluate (aref circ-list 0), where circ-list is a;; circular list rather than an array, aref calls error directly which;; will jump to the top level instead of printing the circular list.;; Uninterned symbols are recognized when print-circle is non-nil,;; but they are not printed specially here. Use the cl-packages package;; to print according to print-gensym.;; Obviously the right way to implement this custom-print facility is;; in C or with hooks into the standard printer. Please volunteer;; since I don't have the time or need. More CL-like printing;; capabilities could be added in the future.;; Implementation design: we want to use the same list and vector;; processing algorithm for all versions of prin1 and princ, since how;; the processing is done depends on print-length, print-level, and;; print-circle. For circle printing, a preprocessing step is;; required before the final printing. Thanks to Jamie Zawinski;; for motivation and algorithms.;;; Code:(defgroup cust-print nil "Handles print-level and print-circle." :prefix "print-" :group 'lisp :group 'extensions);; If using cl-packages:'(defpackage "cust-print" (:nicknames "CP" "custom-print") (:use "el") (:export print-level print-circle custom-print-install custom-print-uninstall custom-print-installed-p with-custom-print custom-prin1 custom-princ custom-prin1-to-string custom-print custom-format custom-message custom-error custom-printers add-custom-printer ))'(in-package cust-print);; Emacs 18 doesn't have defalias.;; Provide def for byte compiler.(eval-and-compile (or (fboundp 'defalias) (fset 'defalias 'fset)));; Variables:;;=========================================================;;(defvar print-length nil;; "*Controls how many elements of a list, at each level, are printed.;;This is defined by emacs.")(defcustom print-level nil "*Controls how many levels deep a nested data object will print. If nil, printing proceeds recursively and may lead tomax-lisp-eval-depth being exceeded or an error may occur:`Apparently circular structure being printed.'Also see `print-length' and `print-circle'.If non-nil, components at levels equal to or greater than `print-level'are printed simply as `#'. The object to be printed is at level 0,and if the object is a list or vector, its top-level components are atlevel 1." :type '(choice (const nil) integer) :group 'cust-print)(defcustom print-circle nil "*Controls the printing of recursive structures. If nil, printing proceeds recursively and may lead to`max-lisp-eval-depth' being exceeded or an error may occur:\"Apparently circular structure being printed.\" Also see`print-length' and `print-level'.If non-nil, shared substructures anywhere in the structure are printedwith `#N=' before the first occurrence (in the order of the printrepresentation) and `#N#' in place of each subsequent occurrence,where N is a positive decimal integer.There is no way to read this representation in standard Emacs,but if you need to do so, try the cl-read.el package." :type 'boolean :group 'cust-print)(defcustom custom-print-vectors nil "*Non-nil if printing of vectors should obey print-level and print-length.For Emacs 18, setting print-level, or adding custom print list orvector handling will make this happen anyway. Emacs 19 obeysprint-level, but not for vectors." :type 'boolean :group 'cust-print);; Custom printers;;==========================================================(defconst custom-printers nil ;; e.g. '((symbolp . pkg::print-symbol)) "An alist for custom printing of any type.Pairs are of the form (PREDICATE . PRINTER). If PREDICATE is truefor an object, then PRINTER is called with the object.PRINTER should print to `standard-output' using cust-print-original-princif the standard printer is sufficient, or cust-print-prin for complex things.The PRINTER should return the object being printed.Don't modify this variable directly. Use `add-custom-printer' and`delete-custom-printer'");; Should cust-print-original-princ and cust-print-prin be exported symbols?;; Or should the standard printers functions be replaced by;; CP ones in Emacs Lisp so that CP internal functions need not be called?(defun add-custom-printer (pred printer) "Add a pair of PREDICATE and PRINTER to `custom-printers'.Any pair that has the same PREDICATE is first removed." (setq custom-printers (cons (cons pred printer) (delq (assq pred custom-printers) custom-printers))) ;; Rather than updating here, we could wait until cust-print-top-level is called. (cust-print-update-custom-printers))(defun delete-custom-printer (pred) "Delete the custom printer associated with PREDICATE." (setq custom-printers (delq (assq pred custom-printers) custom-printers)) (cust-print-update-custom-printers))(defun cust-print-use-custom-printer (object) ;; Default function returns nil. nil)(defun cust-print-update-custom-printers () ;; Modify the definition of cust-print-use-custom-printer (defalias 'cust-print-use-custom-printer ;; We don't really want to require the byte-compiler. ;; (byte-compile `(lambda (object) (cond ,@(mapcar (function (lambda (pair) `((,(car pair) object) (,(cdr pair) object)))) custom-printers) ;; Otherwise return nil. (t nil) )) ;; ) ));; Saving and restoring emacs printing routines.;;====================================================(defun cust-print-set-function-cell (symbol-pair) (defalias (car symbol-pair) (symbol-function (car (cdr symbol-pair)))))(defun cust-print-original-princ (object &optional stream)) ; dummy def;; Save emacs routines.(if (not (fboundp 'cust-print-original-prin1)) (mapcar 'cust-print-set-function-cell '((cust-print-original-prin1 prin1) (cust-print-original-princ princ) (cust-print-original-print print) (cust-print-original-prin1-to-string prin1-to-string) (cust-print-original-format format) (cust-print-original-message message) (cust-print-original-error error))))(defun custom-print-install () "Replace print functions with general, customizable, Lisp versions.The emacs subroutines are saved away, and you can reinstall themby running `custom-print-uninstall'." (interactive) (mapcar 'cust-print-set-function-cell '((prin1 custom-prin1) (princ custom-princ) (print custom-print) (prin1-to-string custom-prin1-to-string) (format custom-format) (message custom-message) (error custom-error) )) t)(defun custom-print-uninstall () "Reset print functions to their emacs subroutines." (interactive) (mapcar 'cust-print-set-function-cell '((prin1 cust-print-original-prin1) (princ cust-print-original-princ) (print cust-print-original-print) (prin1-to-string cust-print-original-prin1-to-string) (format cust-print-original-format) (message cust-print-original-message) (error cust-print-original-error) )) t)(defalias 'custom-print-funcs-installed-p 'custom-print-installed-p)(defun custom-print-installed-p () "Return t if custom-print is currently installed, nil otherwise." (eq (symbol-function 'custom-prin1) (symbol-function 'prin1)))(put 'with-custom-print-funcs 'edebug-form-spec '(body))(put 'with-custom-print 'edebug-form-spec '(body))(defalias 'with-custom-print-funcs 'with-custom-print)(defmacro with-custom-print (&rest body) "Temporarily install the custom print package while executing BODY." `(unwind-protect (progn (custom-print-install) ,@body) (custom-print-uninstall)));; Lisp replacements for prin1 and princ, and for some subrs that use them;;===============================================================;; - so far only the printing and formatting subrs.(defun custom-prin1 (object &optional stream) "Output the printed representation of OBJECT, any Lisp object.Quoting characters are printed when needed to make output that `read'can handle, whenever this is possible.Output stream is STREAM, or value of `standard-output' (which see).This is the custom-print replacement for the standard `prin1'. Ituses the appropriate printer depending on the values of `print-level'and `print-circle' (which see)." (cust-print-top-level object stream 'cust-print-original-prin1))(defun custom-princ (object &optional stream) "Output the printed representation of OBJECT, any Lisp object.No quoting characters are used; no delimiters are printed aroundthe contents of strings.Output stream is STREAM, or value of `standard-output' (which see).This is the custom-print replacement for the standard `princ'." (cust-print-top-level object stream 'cust-print-original-princ))(defun custom-prin1-to-string (object &optional noescape) "Return a string containing the printed representation of OBJECT,any Lisp object. Quoting characters are used when needed to make outputthat `read' can handle, whenever this is possible, unless the optionalsecond argument NOESCAPE is non-nil.This is the custom-print replacement for the standard `prin1-to-string'." (let ((buf (get-buffer-create " *custom-print-temp*"))) ;; We must erase the buffer before printing in case an error ;; occurred during the last prin1-to-string and we are in debugger. (save-excursion (set-buffer buf) (erase-buffer)) ;; We must be in the current-buffer when the print occurs. (if noescape (custom-princ object buf) (custom-prin1 object buf)) (save-excursion (set-buffer buf) (buffer-string) ;; We could erase the buffer again, but why bother? )))(defun custom-print (object &optional stream) "Output the printed representation of OBJECT, with newlines around it.Quoting characters are printed when needed to make output that `read'can handle, whenever this is possible.Output stream is STREAM, or value of `standard-output' (which see).This is the custom-print replacement for the standard `print'." (cust-print-original-princ "\n" stream) (custom-prin1 object stream) (cust-print-original-princ "\n" stream))(defun custom-format (fmt &rest args) "Format a string out of a control-string and arguments. The first argument is a control string. It, and subsequent argumentssubstituted into it, become the value, which is a string.It may contain %s or %d or %c to substitute successive following arguments.%s means print an argument as a string, %d means print as number in decimal,%c means print a number as a single character.The argument used by %s must be a string or a symbol;the argument used by %d, %b, %o, %x or %c must be a number.This is the custom-print replacement for the standard `format'. Itcalls the emacs `format' after first making strings for list,vector, or symbol args. The format specification for such args shouldbe `%s' in any case, so a string argument will also work. The stringis generated with `custom-prin1-to-string', which quotes quotablecharacters." (apply 'cust-print-original-format fmt (mapcar (function (lambda (arg) (if (or (listp arg) (vectorp arg) (symbolp arg)) (custom-prin1-to-string arg) arg))) args)))(defun custom-message (fmt &rest args) "Print a one-line message at the bottom of the screen.The first argument is a control string.It may contain %s or %d or %c to print successive following arguments.%s means print an argument as a string, %d means print as number in decimal,%c means print a number as a single character.The argument used by %s must be a string or a symbol;the argument used by %d or %c must be a number.This is the custom-print replacement for the standard `message'.See `custom-format' for the details." ;; It doesn't work to princ the result of custom-format as in: ;; (cust-print-original-princ (apply 'custom-format fmt args)) ;; because the echo area requires special handling ;; to avoid duplicating the output. ;; cust-print-original-message does it right. (apply 'cust-print-original-message fmt (mapcar (function (lambda (arg) (if (or (listp arg) (vectorp arg) (symbolp arg)) (custom-prin1-to-string arg) arg))) args)))(defun custom-error (fmt &rest args) "Signal an error, making error message by passing all args to `format'.This is the custom-print replacement for the standard `error'.See `custom-format' for the details." (signal 'error (list (apply 'custom-format fmt args))));; Support for custom prin1 and princ;;=========================================;; Defs to quiet byte-compiler.(defvar circle-table)(defvar cust-print-current-level)(defun cust-print-original-printer (object)) ; One of the standard printers.(defun cust-print-low-level-prin (object)) ; Used internally.(defun cust-print-prin (object)) ; Call this to print recursively.(defun cust-print-top-level (object stream emacs-printer) ;; Set up for printing. (let ((standard-output (or stream standard-output)) ;; circle-table will be non-nil if anything is circular. (circle-table (and print-circle (cust-print-preprocess-circle-tree object))) (cust-print-current-level (or print-level -1))) (defalias 'cust-print-original-printer emacs-printer) (defalias 'cust-print-low-level-prin (cond ((or custom-printers circle-table print-level ; comment out for version 19 ;; Emacs doesn't use print-level or print-length ;; for vectors, but custom-print can. (if custom-print-vectors (or print-level print-length))) 'cust-print-print-object) (t 'cust-print-original-printer))) (defalias 'cust-print-prin (if circle-table 'cust-print-print-circular 'cust-print-low-level-prin)) (cust-print-prin object) object))(defun cust-print-print-object (object) ;; Test object type and print accordingly. ;; Could be called as either cust-print-low-level-prin or cust-print-prin. (cond ((null object) (cust-print-original-printer object)) ((cust-print-use-custom-printer object) object) ((consp object) (cust-print-list object)) ((vectorp object) (cust-print-vector object)) ;; All other types, just print. (t (cust-print-original-printer object))))(defun cust-print-print-circular (object) ;; Printer for `prin1' and `princ' that handles circular structures. ;; If OBJECT appears multiply, and has not yet been printed, ;; prefix with label; if it has been printed, use `#N#' instead. ;; Otherwise, print normally. (let ((tag (assq object circle-table))) (if tag (let ((id (cdr tag))) (if (> id 0) (progn ;; Already printed, so just print id. (cust-print-original-princ "#") (cust-print-original-princ id) (cust-print-original-princ "#")) ;; Not printed yet, so label with id and print object. (setcdr tag (- id)) ; mark it as printed (cust-print-original-princ "#") (cust-print-original-princ (- id)) (cust-print-original-princ "=") (cust-print-low-level-prin object) )) ;; Not repeated in structure. (cust-print-low-level-prin object))));;================================================;; List and vector processing for print functions.(defun cust-print-list (list) ;; Print a list using print-length, print-level, and print-circle. (if (= cust-print-current-level 0) (cust-print-original-princ "#") (let ((cust-print-current-level (1- cust-print-current-level))) (cust-print-original-princ "(") (let ((length (or print-length 0))) ;; Print the first element always (even if length = 0). (cust-print-prin (car list)) (setq list (cdr list)) (if list (cust-print-original-princ " ")) (setq length (1- length)) ;; Print the rest of the elements. (while (and list (/= 0 length)) (if (and (listp list) (not (assq list circle-table))) (progn (cust-print-prin (car list)) (setq list (cdr list))) ;; cdr is not a list, or it is in circle-table. (cust-print-original-princ ". ") (cust-print-prin list) (setq list nil)) (setq length (1- length)) (if list (cust-print-original-princ " "))) (if (and list (= length 0)) (cust-print-original-princ "...")) (cust-print-original-princ ")")))) list)(defun cust-print-vector (vector) ;; Print a vector according to print-length, print-level, and print-circle. (if (= cust-print-current-level 0) (cust-print-original-princ "#") (let ((cust-print-current-level (1- cust-print-current-level)) (i 0) (len (length vector))) (cust-print-original-princ "[") (if print-length (setq len (min print-length len))) ;; Print the elements (while (< i len) (cust-print-prin (aref vector i)) (setq i (1+ i)) (if (< i (length vector)) (cust-print-original-princ " "))) (if (< i (length vector)) (cust-print-original-princ "...")) (cust-print-original-princ "]") )) vector);; Circular structure preprocessing;;==================================(defun cust-print-preprocess-circle-tree (object) ;; Fill up the table. (let (;; Table of tags for each object in an object to be printed. ;; A tag is of the form: ;; ( <object> <nil-t-or-id-number> ) ;; The id-number is generated after the entire table has been computed. ;; During walk through, the real circle-table lives in the cdr so we ;; can use setcdr to add new elements instead of having to setq the ;; variable sometimes (poor man's locf). (circle-table (list nil))) (cust-print-walk-circle-tree object) ;; Reverse table so it is in the order that the objects will be printed. ;; This pass could be avoided if we always added to the end of the ;; table with setcdr in walk-circle-tree. (setcdr circle-table (nreverse (cdr circle-table))) ;; Walk through the table, assigning id-numbers to those ;; objects which will be printed using #N= syntax. Delete those ;; objects which will be printed only once (to speed up assq later). (let ((rest circle-table) (id -1)) (while (cdr rest) (let ((tag (car (cdr rest)))) (cond ((cdr tag) (setcdr tag id) (setq id (1- id)) (setq rest (cdr rest))) ;; Else delete this object. (t (setcdr rest (cdr (cdr rest)))))) )) ;; Drop the car. (cdr circle-table) ))(defun cust-print-walk-circle-tree (object) (let (read-equivalent-p tag) (while object (setq read-equivalent-p (or (numberp object) (and (symbolp object) ;; Check if it is uninterned. (eq object (intern-soft (symbol-name object))))) tag (and (not read-equivalent-p) (assq object (cdr circle-table)))) (cond (tag ;; Seen this object already, so note that. (setcdr tag t)) ((not read-equivalent-p) ;; Add a tag for this object. (setcdr circle-table (cons (list object) (cdr circle-table))))) (setq object (cond (tag ;; No need to descend since we have already. nil) ((consp object) ;; Walk the car of the list recursively. (cust-print-walk-circle-tree (car object)) ;; But walk the cdr with the above while loop ;; to avoid problems with max-lisp-eval-depth. ;; And it should be faster than recursion. (cdr object)) ((vectorp object) ;; Walk the vector. (let ((i (length object)) (j 0)) (while (< j i) (cust-print-walk-circle-tree (aref object j)) (setq j (1+ j))))))))));; Example.;;======================================='(progn (progn ;; Create some circular structures. (setq circ-sym (let ((x (make-symbol "FOO"))) (list x x))) (setq circ-list (list 'a 'b (vector 1 2 3 4) 'd 'e 'f)) (setcar (nthcdr 3 circ-list) circ-list) (aset (nth 2 circ-list) 2 circ-list) (setq dotted-circ-list (list 'a 'b 'c)) (setcdr (cdr (cdr dotted-circ-list)) dotted-circ-list) (setq circ-vector (vector 1 2 3 4 (list 'a 'b 'c 'd) 6 7)) (aset circ-vector 5 (make-symbol "-gensym-")) (setcar (cdr (aref circ-vector 4)) (aref circ-vector 5)) nil) (install-custom-print) ;; (setq print-circle t) (let ((print-circle t)) (or (equal (prin1-to-string circ-list) "#1=(a b [1 2 #1# 4] #1# e f)") (error "circular object with array printing"))) (let ((print-circle t)) (or (equal (prin1-to-string dotted-circ-list) "#1=(a b c . #1#)") (error "circular object with array printing"))) (let* ((print-circle t) (x (list 'p 'q)) (y (list (list 'a 'b) x 'foo x))) (setcdr (cdr (cdr (cdr y))) (cdr y)) (or (equal (prin1-to-string y) "((a b) . #1=(#2=(p q) foo #2# . #1#))" ) (error "circular list example from CL manual"))) (let ((print-circle nil)) ;; cl-packages.el is required to print uninterned symbols like #:FOO. ;; (require 'cl-packages) (or (equal (prin1-to-string circ-sym) "(#:FOO #:FOO)") (error "uninterned symbols in list"))) (let ((print-circle t)) (or (equal (prin1-to-string circ-sym) "(#1=FOO #1#)") (error "circular uninterned symbols in list"))) (uninstall-custom-print) )(provide 'cust-print);;; cust-print.el ends here