view lisp/userlock.el @ 16842:72276b334084 before-thomas-posix1996 glibc-2_0_2 libc-970108 libc-970109 libc-970110 libc-970111 libc-970112 libc-970113 libc-970114 libc-970115 libc-970116 libc-970117 libc-970118 libc-970119 libc-970120 libc-970121 libc-970122 libc-970123 libc-970124 libc-970125 libc-970126 libc-970127 libc-970128 libc-970129 libc-970130 libc-970131 libc-970201 libc-970202 libc-970203 libc-970204 libc-970205 libc-970206 libc-970207 libc-970208 libc-970209 libc-970210 libc-970211 libc-970212 libc-970213 libc-970214 libc-970215 libc-970216 libc-970217 libc-970218 libc-970219 libc-970220 libc-970221 libc-970222 libc-970223 libc-970224 libc-970225 libc-970226 libc-970227 libc-970228 libc-970301 libc-970302 libc-970303 libc-970304 libc-970305 libc-970306 libc-970307 libc-970308 libc-970309 libc-970310 libc-970311 libc-970312 libc-970313 libc-970314 libc-970315 libc-970316 libc-970317 libc-970318 libc-970319 libc-970320 libc-970321 libc-970322 libc-970323 libc-970324 libc20x-970306 libc20x-97031 libc20x-970316 libc20x-970318 libc20x-970319 libc20x-970404 root-libc-2_0_x-branch

Add hppa1.1-hitachi-hiuxmpp support, passed along by rms.
author David J. MacKenzie <>
date Tue, 07 Jan 1997 19:29:28 +0000
parents d99336533cc0
children 2f47e06ef5a3
line wrap: on
line source

;;; userlock.el --- handle file access contention between multiple users

;; Copyright (C) 1985, 1986 Free Software Foundation, inc.

;; Maintainer: FSF
;; Keywords: internal

;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.

;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
;; any later version.

;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

;;; Commentary:

;; This file is autoloaded to handle certain conditions
;; detected by the file-locking code within Emacs.
;; The two entry points are `ask-user-about-lock' and
;; `ask-user-about-supersession-threat'.

;;; Code:

(put 'file-locked 'error-conditions '(file-locked file-error error))

(defun ask-user-about-lock (fn opponent)
  "Ask user what to do when he wants to edit FILE but it is locked by USER.
This function has a choice of three things to do:
  do (signal 'buffer-file-locked (list FILE USER))
    to refrain from editing the file
  return t (grab the lock on the file)
  return nil (edit the file even though it is locked).
You can rewrite it to use any criterion you like to choose which one to do."
    (let (answer)
      (while (null answer)
	(message "%s is locking %s: action (s, q, p, ?)? " opponent fn)
	(let ((tem (let ((inhibit-quit t)
			 (cursor-in-echo-area t))
		     (prog1 (downcase (read-char))
		            (setq quit-flag nil)))))
	  (if (= tem help-char)
	    (setq answer (assoc tem '((?s . t)
				      (?q . yield)
				      (?\C-g . yield)
				      (?p . nil)
				      (?? . help))))
	    (cond ((null answer)
		   (message "Please type q, s, or p; or ? for help")
		   (sit-for 3))
		  ((eq (cdr answer) 'help)
		   (setq answer nil))
		  ((eq (cdr answer) 'yield)
		   (signal 'file-locked (list "File is locked" fn opponent)))))))
      (cdr answer))))

(defun ask-user-about-lock-help ()
  (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Help*"
    (princ "It has been detected that you want to modify a file that someone else has
already started modifying in EMACS.

You can <s>teal the file; The other user becomes the
  intruder if (s)he ever unmodifies the file and then changes it again.
You can <p>roceed; you edit at your own (and the other user's) risk.
You can <q>uit; don't modify this file.")
      (set-buffer standard-output)

 'file-supersession 'error-conditions '(file-supersession file-error error))

(defun ask-user-about-supersession-threat (fn)
  "Ask a user who is about to modify an obsolete buffer what to do.
This function has two choices: it can return, in which case the modification
of the buffer will proceed, or it can (signal 'file-supersession (file)),
in which case the proposed buffer modification will not be made.

You can rewrite this to use any criterion you like to choose which one to do.
The buffer in question is current when this function is called."
    (let (answer)
      (while (null answer)
	(message "%s changed on disk; really edit the buffer? (y, n, r or C-h) "
		 (file-name-nondirectory fn))
	(let ((tem (downcase (let ((cursor-in-echo-area t))
	  (setq answer
		(if (= tem help-char)
		  (cdr (assoc tem '((?n . yield)
				    (?\C-g . yield)
				    (?y . proceed)
				    (?r . revert)
				    (?? . help))))))
	  (cond ((null answer)
		 (message "Please type y, n or r; or ? for help")
		 (sit-for 3))
		((eq answer 'help)
		 (setq answer nil))
		((eq answer 'revert)
		 (revert-buffer nil (not (buffer-modified-p)))
					; ask confirmation iff buffer modified
		 (signal 'file-supersession
			 (list "File reverted" fn)))
		((eq answer 'yield)
		 (signal 'file-supersession
			 (list "File changed on disk" fn))))))
        "File on disk now will become a backup file if you save these changes.")
      (setq buffer-backed-up nil))))

(defun ask-user-about-supersession-help ()
  (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Help*"
    (princ "You want to modify a buffer whose disk file has changed
since you last read it in or saved it with this buffer.

If you say `y' to go ahead and modify this buffer,
you risk ruining the work of whoever rewrote the file.
If you say `r' to revert, the contents of the buffer are refreshed
from the file on disk.
If you say `n', the change you started to make will be aborted.

Usually, you should type `n' and then `M-x revert-buffer',
to get the latest version of the file, then make the change again.")
      (set-buffer standard-output)

;;; userlock.el ends here