# HG changeset patch
# User Richard M. Stallman <rms@gnu.org>
# Date 897631173 0
# Node ID 5988c3c973db656616cba136a5485bef0e16e61d
# Parent  49ed9656f1edf12d8ddf54ad04c444a79edb53a3
(gud-filter): extend scope of binding of gud-filter-defer-flag.

diff -r 49ed9656f1ed -r 5988c3c973db lisp/gud.el
--- a/lisp/gud.el	Fri Jun 12 05:53:52 1998 +0000
+++ b/lisp/gud.el	Fri Jun 12 05:59:33 1998 +0000
@@ -2136,22 +2136,22 @@
 	      ;; Let the comint filter do the actual insertion.
 	      ;; That lets us inherit various comint features.
-	      (comint-output-filter proc output)))
+	      (comint-output-filter proc output))
-	  ;; Put the arrow on the source line.
-	  ;; This must be outside of the save-excursion
-	  ;; in case the source file is our current buffer.
-	  (if process-window
-	      (save-selected-window
-		(select-window process-window)
-		(gud-display-frame))
-	    ;; We have to be in the proper buffer, (process-buffer proc),
-	    ;; but not in a save-excursion, because that would restore point.
-	    (let ((old-buf (current-buffer)))
-	      (set-buffer (process-buffer proc))
-	      (unwind-protect
-		  (gud-display-frame)
-		(set-buffer old-buf))))
+	    ;; Put the arrow on the source line.
+	    ;; This must be outside of the save-excursion
+	    ;; in case the source file is our current buffer.
+	    (if process-window
+		(save-selected-window
+		  (select-window process-window)
+		  (gud-display-frame))
+	      ;; We have to be in the proper buffer, (process-buffer proc),
+	      ;; but not in a save-excursion, because that would restore point.
+	      (let ((old-buf (current-buffer)))
+		(set-buffer (process-buffer proc))
+		(unwind-protect
+		    (gud-display-frame)
+		  (set-buffer old-buf)))))
 	  ;; If we deferred text that arrived during this processing,
 	  ;; handle it now.