# HG changeset patch
# User Karoly Lorentey <lorentey@elte.hu>
# Date 1135923347 0
# Node ID dc3a189e9e3a2711b27471c0c8737d4e213037d3
# Parent  c415fd182aefb4814f6a83411ee269a7bc6a76b5
Fix splash screen loosing input events on Emacsclient frames.

* lisp/startup.el (fancy-splash-screens): Use `overriding-local-map'
  instead of `overriding-terminal-local-map' for now; the latter doesn't
  work right, it looses keypresses to another terminal.

git-archimport-id: lorentey@elte.hu--2004/emacs--multi-tty--0--patch-478

diff -r c415fd182aef -r dc3a189e9e3a README.multi-tty
--- a/README.multi-tty	Fri Dec 30 05:30:57 2005 +0000
+++ b/README.multi-tty	Fri Dec 30 06:15:47 2005 +0000
@@ -401,6 +401,12 @@
+** Let-binding `overriding-terminal-local-map' on a brand new frame
+   does not seem to work correctly.  (See `fancy-splash-screens'.)
+   The keymap seems to be set up right, but events go to another
+   terminal.  Or is it `unread-command-events' that gets Emacs
+   confused?  Investigate.
 ** `delete-frame' events are handled by `special-event-map'
    immediately when read by `read_char'.  This is fine but it prevents
    higher-level keymaps from binding that event to get notified of the
diff -r c415fd182aef -r dc3a189e9e3a lisp/startup.el
--- a/lisp/startup.el	Fri Dec 30 05:30:57 2005 +0000
+++ b/lisp/startup.el	Fri Dec 30 06:15:47 2005 +0000
@@ -1334,7 +1334,7 @@
       (catch 'stop-splashing
 	    (let* ((map (make-sparse-keymap))
-		   (overriding-terminal-local-map map)
+		   (overriding-local-map map)
 		   ;; Catch if our frame is deleted; the delete-frame
 		   ;; event is unreliable and is handled by
 		   ;; `special-event-map' anyway.