view getepg.php @ 92:e2c37cc736db

merged with upstream
author Yoshiki Yazawa <>
date Tue, 02 Mar 2010 23:20:06 +0900
parents 057ca53de6ca
children b3ba2658a228
line wrap: on
line source

  include_once( INSTALL_PATH . '/DBRecord.class.php' );
  include_once( INSTALL_PATH . '/Reservation.class.php' );
  include_once( INSTALL_PATH . '/Keyword.class.php' );
  include_once( INSTALL_PATH . '/Settings.class.php' );

  // 後方互換性
  if( ! defined( "BS_EPG_CHANNEL" )  ) define( "BS_EPG_CHANNEL",  "211"  );
  if( ! defined( "CS1_EPG_CHANNEL" ) ) define( "CS1_EPG_CHANNEL", "CS8"  );
  if( ! defined( "CS2_EPG_CHANNEL" ) ) define( "CS2_EPG_CHANNEL", "CS24" );

  function check_file( $file ) {
	// ファイルがないなら無問題
	if( ! file_exists( $file ) ) return true;

	// 1時間以上前のファイルなら削除してやり直す
	if( (time() - filemtime( $file )) > 3600 ) {
		@unlink( $file );
		return true;

	return false;

  $settings = Settings::factory();

  $temp_xml_bs  = $settings->temp_xml."_bs";
  $temp_xml_cs1 = $settings->temp_xml."_cs1";
  $temp_xml_cs2 = $settings->temp_xml."_cs2";
  $temp_xml_gr  = $settings->temp_xml."_gr";

  if( file_exists( $settings->temp_data ) ) @unlink( $settings->temp_data );

  // BSを処理する
  if( $settings->bs_tuners != 0 ) {
	// 録画重複チェック
	$num = DBRecord::countRecords(  RESERVE_TBL, "WHERE complete = '0' AND (type = 'BS' OR type = 'CS') AND endtime > now() AND starttime < addtime( now(), '00:03:05')" );
	if($num < $settings->bs_tuners && check_file($temp_xml_bs)) {
	 	$cmdline = "CHANNEL=".BS_EPG_CHANNEL." DURATION=180 TYPE=BS TUNER=0 MODE=0 OUTPUT=".$settings->temp_data." ".DO_RECORD . " >/dev/null 2>&1";
  		exec( $cmdline );
  		$cmdline = $settings->epgdump." /BS ".$settings->temp_data." ".$temp_xml_bs;
  		exec( $cmdline );
		$cmdline = INSTALL_PATH."/storeProgram.php BS ".$temp_xml_bs." >/dev/null 2>&1 &";
		exec( $cmdline );
  		if( file_exists( $settings->temp_data ) ) @unlink( $settings->temp_data );

	// CS
	if ($settings->cs_rec_flg != 0) {
		$num = DBRecord::countRecords(  RESERVE_TBL, "WHERE complete = '0' AND (type = 'BS' OR type = 'CS') AND endtime > now() AND starttime < addtime( now(), '00:03:05')" );
		if($num < $settings->bs_tuners && check_file($temp_xml_cs1)) {

			$cmdline = "CHANNEL=".CS1_EPG_CHANNEL." DURATION=120 TYPE=CS TUNER=0 MODE=0 OUTPUT=".$settings->temp_data." ".DO_RECORD . " >/dev/null 2>&1";
			exec( $cmdline );
			$cmdline = $settings->epgdump." /CS ".$settings->temp_data." ".$temp_xml_cs1;
			exec( $cmdline );
			$cmdline = INSTALL_PATH."/storeProgram.php CS ".$temp_xml_cs1." >/dev/null 2>&1 &";
			exec( $cmdline );
			if( file_exists( $settings->temp_data ) ) @unlink( $settings->temp_data );
		$num = DBRecord::countRecords(  RESERVE_TBL, "WHERE complete = '0' AND (type = 'BS' OR type = 'CS') AND endtime > now() AND starttime < addtime( now(), '00:03:05')" );
		if( ($num == 0) && check_file($temp_xml_cs2) ) {
			$cmdline = "CHANNEL=".CS2_EPG_CHANNEL." DURATION=120 TYPE=CS TUNER=0 MODE=0 OUTPUT=".$settings->temp_data." ".DO_RECORD . " >/dev/null 2>&1";
			exec( $cmdline );
			$cmdline = $settings->epgdump." /CS ".$settings->temp_data." ".$temp_xml_cs2;
			exec( $cmdline );
			$cmdline = INSTALL_PATH."/storeProgram.php CS ".$temp_xml_cs2." >/dev/null 2>&1 &";
			exec( $cmdline );
			if( file_exists( $settings->temp_data ) ) @unlink( $settings->temp_data );

  // 地上波を処理する
  if( $settings->gr_tuners != 0 ) {
	foreach( $GR_CHANNEL_MAP as $key=>$value ){
		// 録画重複チェック
		$num = DBRecord::countRecords(  RESERVE_TBL, "WHERE complete = '0' AND type = 'GR' AND endtime > now() AND starttime < addtime( now(), '00:01:10')" );
		if($num < $settings->gr_tuners && check_file($temp_xml_gr.$value."")) {
			$cmdline = "CHANNEL=".$value." DURATION=60 TYPE=GR TUNER=0 MODE=0 OUTPUT=".$settings->temp_data." ".DO_RECORD . " >/dev/null 2>&1";
			exec( $cmdline );
			$cmdline = $settings->epgdump." ".$key." ".$settings->temp_data." ".$temp_xml_gr.$value."";
			exec( $cmdline );
			$cmdline = INSTALL_PATH."/storeProgram.php GR ".$temp_xml_gr.$value." >/dev/null 2>&1 &";
			exec( $cmdline );
			if( file_exists( $settings->temp_data ) ) @unlink( $settings->temp_data );
