Mercurial > epgrec.yaz
mod: xmlrpcをテスト的に追加(まだ途中)2010-03-30, by Sushi-k
fix: バグ発見、修正2010-03-30, by Sushi-k
merged with upstream2010-03-29, by Yoshiki Yazawa
mod: RecException追加2010-03-28, by
mod: do-record.shラッパを追加(まだ途中)2010-03-28, by
mod: yazucchiさんのパッチ取り込み2010-03-28, by
more relaxed tuner occupation check2010-03-28, by Yoshiki Yazawa
merged with upstream2010-03-27, by Yoshiki Yazawa
fix: 予約済み定数を使ってしまったミスを修正。エラーレベルに警告を追加2010-03-27, by
merged with upstream2010-03-26, by Yoshiki Yazawa
fix: スターチャンネル追加2010-03-22, by
merged with upstream2010-03-22, by Yoshiki Yazawa
mod: キーワード予約のログの位置を変えた2010-03-22, by
fix: 間抜けなミスを修正2010-03-22, by
mod: 積み残しを修正2010-03-21, by
mod: EPGの更新と同時に予約情報を更新するように変更、ログビューアの追加2010-03-21, by
remove test code2010-03-20, by Yoshiki Yazawa
enable mb_str_replace()2010-03-20, by Yoshiki Yazawa
drop video/index.html2010-03-20, by Yoshiki Yazawa
include settings/config_custom.php if it exists so that the default settings may be overridden by the custom settings.2010-03-20, by Yoshiki Yazawa
merged with upstream2010-03-20, by Yoshiki Yazawa
mod: ログ機能のためにconfig.phpを変更2010-03-20, by
mod: ログ機能を追加2010-03-20, by
mod: mb_ereg_replace -> preg_replace2010-03-19, by yoneda
fix: 日本語混ざりのファイル名の問題2010-03-19, by yoneda
fix: 勘違いを修正2010-03-19, by
mod: 積み残し関係の修正2010-03-18, by Sushi-k
mod: 半角英数で検索しても全角英数がヒットするように変更2010-03-18, by Sushi-k
mod: typoをfix2010-03-17, by Sushi-k
mod: 動作の見た目を少し修正2010-03-17, by Sushi-k
mod: 改行コード2010-03-17, by Sushi-k
mod: チャンネルスキップの大まかな実装終了2010-03-17, by Sushi-k
mod: チャンネルスキップの大まかな実装終了2010-03-17, by Sushi-k
mod: チャンネルスキップJavaScript修正2010-03-16, by
mod: チャンネルスキップ引き続き実装中(まだ動かない)2010-03-16, by yoneda
mod: チャンネルスキップ引き続き実装中(まだ途中)2010-03-16, by yoneda
mod: チャンネルスキップ実装中(番組表の表示方法を変更した)2010-03-16, by Sushi-k
add: チャンネルスキップの追加途中(改造中)2010-03-14, by yoneda
revoke mb_str_replace for now2010-03-14, by Yoshiki Yazawa
utf8 collate try12010-03-14, by Yoshiki Yazawa
merged with upstream2010-03-14, by Yoshiki Yazawa
fix: マルチバイトmb_str_replaceをネットからいただいて追加2010-03-13, by yoneda
mod: キーワード検索を整理2010-03-13, by yoneda
mod: DBテーブル構造をconfig.phpから切り離した2010-03-13, by yoneda
added zenkaku query hack2010-03-13, by Yoshiki Yazawa
merged with upstream2010-03-13, by Yoshiki Yazawa
change: EPG取得並列化が可能かどうかを判定するように変更2010-03-13, by
modified fail safe hack2010-03-12, by Yoshiki Yazawa
merged with upstream2010-03-08, by Yoshiki Yazawa
fix: #文字がファイル名に混ざるとサムネールが表示できない問題?2010-03-08, by Sushi-k
change: アップデート用のスクリプトを変更2010-03-08, by Sushi-k
add: 時間帯で絞り込みを追加2010-03-08, by Sushi-k
operator == will fail on ubuntu where dash has been used as the sh equivalent.2010-03-08, by Yoshiki Yazawa
added default SID if none has been specified2010-03-07, by Yoshiki Yazawa
added fail safe hack2010-03-07, by Yoshiki Yazawa
fix whitespace and new line code2010-03-07, by Yoshiki Yazawa
rename utility script2010-03-04, by Yoshiki Yazawa
make config.xml writable by anyone if it exists.2010-03-04, by Yoshiki Yazawa
remove limit for maximum hours to show2010-03-04, by Yoshiki Yazawa
removed trailing whitespace2010-03-02, by Yoshiki Yazawa
changed file encoding to utf-82010-03-02, by Yoshiki Yazawa
merged with upstream2010-03-02, by Yoshiki Yazawa
fix: さらに修正2010-03-02, by
fix: さらに修正2010-03-02, by
fix: $*_CHANNEL_MAPに存在しないチャンネルの番組を取得する際のエラーを修正2010-03-02, by
merged with upstream2010-03-02, by Yoshiki Yazawa
fix: CSとBSを合計するとチューナー数以上の重複予約が出来てしまうバグを修正2010-03-02, by Sushi-k
fix tuner occupation check2010-03-02, by Yoshiki Yazawa
delete trailing whitespace2010-03-02, by Yoshiki Yazawa
added an utility script to change directories to required permission2010-03-02, by Yoshiki Yazawa
merged with upstream2010-03-01, by Yoshiki Yazawa
mod: 並列化テスト中2010-03-01, by Sushi-k
mod: 並列テスト中2010-03-01, by Sushi-k
add: EPG取得並列化版を暫定的に標準に2010-03-01, by yoneda
new: EPG取得の並列化テストを追加2010-02-28, by yoneda
fix: CSのEPG取得時に予約重複チェックを行っていなかったのを修正2010-02-28, by yoneda
add a README2010-02-25, by Sushi-k
add: db table updater script.2010-02-25, by Sushi-k
add SID: Reservation.class.php2010-02-24, by Sushi-k
new file: channelInfo.php2010-02-24, by Sushi-k
modified: Keyword.class.php2010-02-24, by Sushi-k
fixed: Reservation.class.php2010-02-23, by Sushi-k
delete trailing white space2010-02-14, by Yoshiki Yazawa
use autorec_mode even though simple reservation2010-02-14, by Yoshiki Yazawa
make use of --sid option to reduce file size2010-02-14, by Yoshiki Yazawa
- tuner occupation check was too strict2010-01-26, by Yoshiki Yazawa
fixed typo2010-01-16, by Yoshiki Yazawa
fix: getepg get program information duaring CS/BS recording.2009-11-03, by yoneda
Merge branch 'origin/testing'2009-11-03, by yoneda
modified: config.php.sample2009-10-21, by Sushi-k
add: CS support (thanks to dakku)2009-10-21, by Sushi-k
testing: auto record with mode2009-11-03, by yoneda
modified: mediatomb.php2009-10-09, by Sushi-k
change: preg_replace to str_replace2009-08-14, by yoneda
fix: typo and ereg_replace replace to preg_replace2009-08-14, by yoneda
modified: templates/keywordTable.html2009-08-02, by yoneda
add: keyword link2009-08-02, by yoneda
modified: sendstream.php2009-08-01, by yoneda
change: viewer & stream2009-08-01, by yoneda
add: height_per_minite at index.html2009-07-29, by Sushi-k
fix: bug2009-07-29, by Sushi-k
change: GEN_THUMBNAIL2009-07-28, by yoneda
fix: typo2009-07-28, by yoneda
modified: Settings.class.php2009-07-28, by Sushi-k
fix: bug2009-07-28, by Sushi-k
modified: templates/envSetting.html2009-07-28, by Sushi-k
fix: bug2009-07-28, by Sushi-k
fix: height use real number2009-07-28, by Sushi-k
fix: bug2009-07-28, by Sushi-k
fix: bug2009-07-28, by Sushi-k
add: gen-thumbnail.sh2009-07-28, by Sushi-k
modified: config.php.sample2009-07-28, by Sushi-k
fix: bug2009-07-28, by Sushi-k
modified: viewer.php2009-07-28, by Sushi-k
modified: getepg.php2009-07-28, by Sushi-k
add: web base setting2009-07-28, by Sushi-k
fix: bug2009-07-28, by Sushi-k
fix: bug2009-07-28, by Sushi-k
change: modify all scripts for web base setting.2009-07-28, by Sushi-k
modified: index.php2009-07-28, by Sushi-k
change: modify all script for web base setting2009-07-27, by yoneda
new file: cache/.htaccess2009-07-27, by yoneda
modified: index.php2009-07-27, by Sushi-k
modified: index.php2009-07-27, by Sushi-k
new file: js/jquery.validate.min.js2009-07-27, by Sushi-k
testing: Web base setting page.2009-07-27, by Sushi-k
modified: Settings.class.php2009-07-27, by Sushi-k
add: Settings class2009-07-27, by Sushi-k
modified: templates/recordedTable.html2009-07-26, by yoneda
modified: mediatomb.php2009-07-26, by yoneda
add: editable title & description2009-07-26, by yoneda
modified: changeReservation.php2009-07-25, by yoneda
add: editable reserve program's title & description2009-07-25, by yoneda
modified: templates/programTable.html2009-07-23, by yoneda
Change: using ajax in custom reservation method2009-07-23, by yoneda
modified: recomplete.php2009-07-17, by yoneda
modified: recomplete.php2009-07-17, by Sushi-k
new file: epgrec_upgrade.php2009-07-16, by Sushi-k
change: field type ( title, path )2009-07-16, by Sushi-k
change: draw main program table too fast.2009-07-16, by Sushi-k
fix: fetch_array() in DBRecord.class.php2009-07-16, by Sushi-k
added: mysql_real_escape_string2009-07-15, by Sushi-k
added: filename customize function2009-07-15, by Sushi-k
added: remove video with real file.2009-07-14, by Sushi-k
modified: mediatomb.php2009-07-13, by yoneda
new file: mediatomb.php2009-07-13, by yoneda
support mediatomb db update (testing)2009-07-13, by yoneda
fixed: mysql_connect before mysql_real_escape_string2009-07-13, by Sushi-k
modified: config.php.sample2009-07-09, by Sushi-k
added: EXTRA_TIME2009-07-09, by Sushi-k
modified: getepg.php2009-07-09, by Sushi-k
modified: config.php.sample2009-07-08, by Sushi-k
new file: templates_c/index.html2009-07-08, by Sushi-k
modified:, by Sushi-k
modified: config.php.sample2009-07-08, by Sushi-k
new file: LICENSE.txt2009-07-08, by Sushi-k
deleted: LICENSE.ja2009-07-08, by Sushi-k
first commit2009-07-08, by Sushi-k