1 /*
2 * $Id: wnnrc_op.c,v 1.10 2002/06/22 13:26:21 hiroo Exp $
3 */
5 /*
6 * FreeWnn is a network-extensible Kana-to-Kanji conversion system.
7 * This file is part of FreeWnn.
8 *
9 * Copyright Kyoto University Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences
10 * 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992
11 * Copyright OMRON Corporation. 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1999
12 * Copyright ASTEC, Inc. 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992
13 * Copyright FreeWnn Project 1999, 2000, 2002
14 *
15 * Maintainer: FreeWnn Project <freewnn@tomo.gr.jp>
16 *
17 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
18 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
19 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
20 * (at your option) any later version.
21 *
22 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
23 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
25 * GNU General Public License for more details.
26 *
27 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
28 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
29 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
30 */
32 /* uumrc operations */
33 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
34 # include <config.h>
35 #endif
37 #include <stdio.h>
38 #include <ctype.h>
39 #include <errno.h>
41 # include <stdlib.h>
42 # include <string.h>
43 #else
45 # include <malloc.h>
46 # endif
48 # include <strings.h>
49 # endif
50 #endif /* STDC_HEADERS */
51 #include <pwd.h>
53 #include "jllib.h"
54 #include "commonhd.h"
55 #include "wnn_config.h"
56 #include "buffer.h"
57 #include "rk_spclval.h"
58 #include "sdefine.h"
59 #include "sheader.h"
60 #include "wnn_os.h"
62 extern int conv_keyin ();
63 extern int keyin2 ();
66 void
67 getfname (file, path)
68 char *path, *file;
69 {
70 char *c;
72 c = path + strlen (path);
73 for (; *c != '/' && c >= path; c--);
74 strcpy (file, c + 1);
75 }
79 /** s1とs2がマッチしたら非0を返す。s1にはワイルドカード '*' を
80 含んでよい(s2にはだめ)。*/
81 int
82 strmatch (s1, s2)
83 char *s1, *s2;
84 {
85 while (1)
86 {
87 if (*s1 == '\0')
88 return (*s2 == '\0');
89 if (*s1 != '*')
90 {
91 if (*s1 != *s2)
92 return (0);
93 s1++;
94 s2++;
95 continue;
96 }
98 s1++;
99 do
100 {
101 if (strmatch (s1, s2))
102 return (1);
103 }
104 while (*s2++ != '\0');
105 return (0);
106 }
107 }
109 /** KEYBOARDという環境変数が設定されていればそれが、又、いなければTERMが
110 返る */
111 char *
112 get_kbd_env ()
113 {
114 char *term;
116 return (NULL != (term = getenv (WNN_KEYBOARD_ENV)) ? term : getenv ("TERM"));
117 }
119 /** KEYBOARDという環境変数が設定されていればそれが、又、いなければTERMが、
120 引き数とマッチするかどうかの検査(マッチしたら非0が返る)。convert_key
121 の初期設定に使う。*/
122 int
123 lookWnnterm (s)
124 char *s;
125 {
126 char *term;
128 return (NULL == (term = get_kbd_env ())? 0 : strmatch (s, term));
129 }
131 int
132 expand_expr (s)
133 /** ~user、@HOME、@LIBDIRの展開(但し、文字列の先頭のみ)。できない時は-1が
134 返り、その場合sの中身は着々とそのまんま。sの長さ<256と仮定してる。*/
135 /** @USR (env名、logname), @LANG の展開 */
136 char *s;
137 {
138 char tmp[EXPAND_PATH_LENGTH];
139 register char *p, *s1;
140 int noerr, expandsuc;
141 struct passwd *u;
142 extern struct passwd *getpwnam ();
144 if (*s != '~' && *s != '@')
145 {
146 strcpy (tmp, s);
147 *s = '\0';
148 noerr = 1;
149 }
150 else
151 {
152 if ((int) strlen (s) >= EXPAND_PATH_LENGTH)
153 return (-1);
155 s1 = s;
156 if (NULL != (p = strchr (++s1, '/')))
157 {
158 strcpy (tmp, p);
159 *p = '\0';
160 }
161 else
162 *tmp = '\0';
163 /* ここまでは準備。s…先頭、s1…2文字目、p…最初の'/'のあったところ
164 (ここで一旦切る)、tmp…それ以後のコピー。 */
166 if (*s == '~')
167 {
168 if (*s1)
169 {
170 noerr = expandsuc = (NULL != (u = getpwnam (s1)) && (int) (strlen (p = u->pw_dir) + strlen (tmp)) < EXPAND_PATH_LENGTH);
172 }
173 else
174 {
175 noerr = expandsuc = (NULL != (p = getenv ("HOME")) && (int) (strlen (p) + strlen (tmp)) < EXPAND_PATH_LENGTH);
176 }
178 }
179 else
180 { /* then, *s must be '@' */
181 if (!strcmp (s1, "HOME"))
182 {
183 noerr = expandsuc = (NULL != (p = getenv ("HOME")) && (int) (strlen (p) + strlen (tmp)) < EXPAND_PATH_LENGTH);
184 }
185 else if (!strcmp (s1, "LIBDIR"))
186 {
187 noerr = expandsuc = ((int) (strlen (p = LIBDIR) + strlen (tmp)) < EXPAND_PATH_LENGTH);
188 }
189 else
190 { /* @HOME, @LIBDIR igai ha kaenai */
191 noerr = 1;
192 expandsuc = 0;
193 }
194 }
195 if (expandsuc)
196 strcpy (s, p);
197 }
199 if (noerr)
200 {
201 int len = strlen ("@USR");
202 int len1 = strlen ("@LANG");
203 p = tmp;
204 for (; *p; p++)
205 {
206 if (!strncmp (p, "@USR", len))
207 {
208 if ((int) (strlen (username) + strlen (p) + strlen (s) - len) < EXPAND_PATH_LENGTH)
209 {
210 strcat (s, username);
211 p += len - 1;
212 }
213 else
214 {
215 return (-1);
216 }
217 }
218 else if (!strncmp (p, "@LANG", len1))
219 {
220 if ((int) (strlen (lang_dir) + strlen (p) + strlen (s) - len1) < EXPAND_PATH_LENGTH)
221 {
222 strcat (s, lang_dir);
223 p += len1 - 1;
224 }
225 else
226 {
227 return (-1);
228 }
229 }
230 else
231 {
232 strncat (s, p, 1);
233 }
234 }
235 }
236 return (noerr ? 0 : -1);
237 }
241 /** uumrc を見てのパラメータの設定 */
242 int
243 uumrc_set_entry (data, dn)
244 char *data;
245 int *dn;
246 {
247 int num, d1;
248 char code[256];
249 char s[7][EXPAND_PATH_LENGTH];
250 char tmp[1024];
251 FILE *fp;
252 char *s0or1;
254 num = sscanf (data, "%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s", code, s[0], s[1], s[2], s[3], s[4], s[5], s[6]);
255 if (num <= 0)
256 {
257 return (-1);
258 }
260 if (code[0] == ';')
261 {
262 return (0);
263 }
264 else if (strcmp (code, "include") == 0)
265 {
266 if (expand_expr (s[0]) != 0)
267 {
268 fprintf (stderr, "Can't expand %s.\r\n", s[0]);
269 }
270 if ((fp = fopen (s[0], "r")) != NULL)
271 {
272 while (fgets (tmp, 1024, fp) != NULL)
273 {
274 uumrc_set_entry (tmp, dn);
275 }
276 fclose (fp);
277 }
278 else
279 {
280 fprintf (stderr, "Can't open %s.\r\n", s[0]);
281 }
282 }
283 else if (strcmp (code, "setuumkey") == 0)
284 {
285 /* setuumkey --- this must be a file. */
286 if (!uumkey_defined_by_option && (num > 1))
287 {
288 if (expand_expr (s[0]) != 0)
289 {
290 fprintf (stderr, "Can't expand %s.\r\n", s[0]);
291 }
292 strncpy (uumkey_name_in_uumrc, s[0], PATHNAMELEN);
293 }
294 }
295 else if (strcmp (code, "setconvenv") == 0)
296 {
297 if (num > 1)
298 {
299 get_new_env (0);
300 /* setconvenv */
301 if (num > 2)
302 {
303 if (!(strcmp (s[num - 2], "sticky")))
304 {
305 normal_sticky = 1;
306 num--;
307 }
308 }
309 if (num == 2)
310 s0or1 = s[0];
311 else
312 {
313 s0or1 = s[1];
314 if (def_servername && *def_servername)
315 {
316 servername = (char *) malloc (strlen (def_servername) + 1);
317 strcpy (servername, def_servername);
318 }
319 else
320 {
321 servername = (char *) malloc (strlen (s[0]) + 1);
322 strcpy (servername, s[0]);
323 }
324 }
325 if (expand_expr (s0or1) != 0)
326 {
327 fprintf (stderr, "Can't expand %s.\r\n", s0or1);
328 }
329 envrcname = (char *) malloc (strlen (s0or1) + 1);
330 strcpy (envrcname, s0or1);
331 }
332 }
333 else if (strcmp (code, "setkankanaenv") == 0)
334 {
335 if (num > 1)
336 {
337 get_new_env (1);
338 /* setkankanaenv */
339 if (num > 2)
340 {
341 if (!(strcmp (s[num - 2], "sticky")))
342 {
343 reverse_sticky = 1;
344 num--;
345 }
346 }
347 if (num == 2)
348 s0or1 = s[0];
349 else
350 {
351 s0or1 = s[1];
352 if (def_reverse_servername && *def_reverse_servername)
353 {
354 reverse_servername = (char *) malloc (strlen (def_reverse_servername) + 1);
355 strcpy (reverse_servername, def_reverse_servername);
356 }
357 else
358 {
359 reverse_servername = (char *) malloc (strlen (s[0]) + 1);
360 strcpy (reverse_servername, s[0]);
361 }
362 }
363 if (expand_expr (s0or1) != 0)
364 {
365 fprintf (stderr, "Can't expand %s.\r\n", s0or1);
366 }
367 reverse_envrcname = (char *) malloc (strlen (s0or1) + 1);
368 strcpy (reverse_envrcname, s0or1);
369 }
370 }
371 else if (strcmp (code, "setenv") == 0)
372 {
373 if (num > 2)
374 {
375 get_new_env (0);
376 if (!(strcmp (s[num - 2], "sticky")))
377 {
378 normal_sticky = 1;
379 num--;
380 }
381 if (num == 3)
382 s0or1 = s[1];
383 else
384 {
385 s0or1 = s[2];
386 if (def_servername && *def_servername)
387 {
388 servername = (char *) malloc (strlen (def_servername) + 1);
389 strcpy (servername, def_servername);
390 }
391 else
392 {
393 servername = (char *) malloc (strlen (s[1]) + 1);
394 strcpy (servername, s[1]);
395 }
396 }
397 if (expand_expr (s0or1) != 0)
398 {
399 fprintf (stderr, "Can't expand %s.\r\n", s0or1);
400 }
401 envrcname = (char *) malloc (strlen (s0or1) + 1);
402 strcpy (envrcname, s0or1);
403 strcpy (env_name_s, s[0]);
404 }
405 }
406 else if (strcmp (code, "setenv_R") == 0)
407 {
408 if (num > 2)
409 {
410 get_new_env (1);
411 if (!(strcmp (s[num - 2], "sticky")))
412 {
413 reverse_sticky = 1;
414 num--;
415 }
416 if (num == 3)
417 s0or1 = s[1];
418 else
419 {
420 s0or1 = s[2];
421 if (def_reverse_servername && *def_reverse_servername)
422 {
423 reverse_servername = (char *) malloc (strlen (def_reverse_servername) + 1);
424 strcpy (reverse_servername, def_reverse_servername);
425 }
426 else
427 {
428 reverse_servername = (char *) malloc (strlen (s[1]) + 1);
429 strcpy (reverse_servername, s[1]);
430 }
431 }
432 if (expand_expr (s0or1) != 0)
433 {
434 fprintf (stderr, "Can't expand %s.\r\n", s0or1);
435 }
436 reverse_envrcname = (char *) malloc (strlen (s0or1) + 1);
437 strcpy (reverse_envrcname, s0or1);
438 strcpy (reverse_env_name_s, s[0]);
439 }
440 }
441 else if (strcmp (code, "setrkfile") == 0)
442 {
443 /* setrkfile */
444 if (!rkfile_defined_by_option && (num > 1))
445 {
446 if (expand_expr (s[0]) != 0)
447 {
448 fprintf (stderr, "Can't expand %s.\r\n", s[0]);
449 }
450 strncpy (rkfile_name_in_uumrc, s[0], PATHNAMELEN);
451 }
452 }
453 else if (strcmp (code, "setconvkey") == 0)
454 {
455 /* setconvkey --- pair of TERM name and used table name */
456 if (!convkey_defined_by_option)
457 {
458 if (num == 2)
459 s0or1 = s[0];
460 else if ((num > 2) && lookWnnterm (s[0]))
461 s0or1 = s[1];
462 else
463 goto NOMATCH;
465 if (expand_expr (s0or1) != 0)
466 {
467 fprintf (stderr, "Can't expand %s.\r\n", s0or1);
468 }
469 strncpy (convkey_name_in_uumrc, s0or1, PATHNAMELEN);
471 }
472 }
473 else if (strcmp (code, "flow_control_on") == 0)
474 {
475 /* setflowctrl */
476 if (!(defined_by_option & OPT_FLOW_CTRL))
477 {
478 flow_control = 1;
479 }
480 }
481 else if (strcmp (code, "flow_control_off") == 0)
482 {
483 /* setflowctrl */
484 if (!(defined_by_option & OPT_FLOW_CTRL))
485 {
486 flow_control = 0;
487 }
488 }
489 else if (strcmp (code, "waking_up_in_henkan_mode") == 0 || strcmp (code, "waking_up_in_convert_mode") == 0)
490 {
491 /* */
492 if (!(defined_by_option & OPT_WAKING_UP_MODE))
493 {
494 henkan_off_flag = 0;
495 }
496 }
497 else if (strcmp (code, "waking_up_no_henkan_mode") == 0 || strcmp (code, "waking_up_no_convert_mode") == 0)
498 {
499 /* */
500 if (!(defined_by_option & OPT_WAKING_UP_MODE))
501 {
502 henkan_off_flag = 1;
503 }
504 }
505 else if (strcmp (code, "convkey_always_on") == 0)
506 {
507 convkey_on = 1;
508 }
509 else if (strcmp (code, "convkey_not_always_on") == 0)
510 {
511 convkey_on = 0;
512 }
513 else if (strcmp (code, "simple_delete") == 0)
514 {
515 excellent_delete = 0;
516 }
517 else if (strcmp (code, "excellent_delete") == 0)
518 {
519 excellent_delete = 1;
520 }
521 else if (strcmp (code, "send_ascii_char") == 0)
522 {
523 /* send ascii char or not */
524 send_ascii_char = 1;
525 }
526 else if (strcmp (code, "not_send_ascii_char") == 0)
527 {
528 send_ascii_char = 0;
529 }
530 else if (strcmp (code, "setmaxchg") == 0)
531 {
532 /* setmaxchg ----- henkan kanou saidai mojisuu */
533 if (change_ascii_to_int (s[0], &d1) != -1)
534 {
535 maxchg = (d1 <= 0) ? maxchg : d1;
536 }
537 }
538 else if (strcmp (code, "setmaxbunsetsu") == 0)
539 {
540 /* setmaxbunsetsu ---- kaiseki kanou saidai bunsetsu kosuu */
541 if (num >= 2)
542 {
543 if (change_ascii_to_int (s[0], &d1) != -1)
544 {
545 maxbunsetsu = (d1 <= 0) ? maxbunsetsu : d1;
546 }
547 }
548 }
549 else if (strcmp (code, "setmaxichirankosu") == 0)
550 {
551 /* setmaxichirankosuu --- jikouho ichiran hyouji kosuu */
552 if (num >= 2)
553 {
554 if (change_ascii_to_int (s[0], &d1) != -1)
555 {
556 max_ichiran_kosu = (d1 <= 0) ? max_ichiran_kosu : d1;
557 }
558 }
559 }
560 else if (strcmp (code, "setmaxhistory") == 0)
561 {
562 /* setmaxhistory --- set depth of history */
563 if (num >= 2)
564 {
565 if (change_ascii_to_int (s[0], &d1) != -1)
566 {
567 max_history = (d1 <= 0) ? max_history : d1 + 1;
568 }
569 }
570 }
571 else if (strcmp (code, "remove_cs") == 0)
572 {
573 remove_cs_from_termcap = 1;
574 }
575 else if (strcmp (code, "not_remove_cs") == 0)
576 {
577 remove_cs_from_termcap = 0;
578 }
579 else if (strcmp (code, "setjishopath") == 0 || strcmp (code, "setdicpath") == 0)
580 {
581 /* setjishopath --- 辞書のあるディレクトリ */
582 if (num >= 2)
583 {
584 if (expand_expr (s[0]) != 0)
585 {
586 fprintf (stderr, "Can't expand %s.\r\n", s[0]);
587 }
588 Sstrcpy (jishopath, s[0]);
589 }
590 }
591 else if (strcmp (code, "sethindopath") == 0 || strcmp (code, "setfreqpath") == 0)
592 {
593 /* sethindopath --- 頻度のあるディレクトリ */
594 if (num >= 2)
595 {
596 if (expand_expr (s[0]) != 0)
597 {
598 fprintf (stderr, "Can't expand %s.\r\n", s[0]);
599 }
600 Sstrcpy (hindopath, s[0]);
601 }
602 }
603 else if ((strcmp (code, "setfuzokugopath") == 0) || (strcmp (code, "setgrammarpath") == 0))
604 {
605 if (num >= 2)
606 {
607 if (expand_expr (s[0]) != 0)
608 {
609 fprintf (stderr, "Can't expand %s.\r\n", s[0]);
610 }
611 Sstrcpy (fuzokugopath, s[0]);
612 }
613 /*
614 } else if (strcmp(code, "dai_kugiri_str") == 0){
615 if(num >= 2){
616 char tmp[MAXKUGIRI * 2];
617 read_kanji_str(tmp, s[0]);
618 Sstrcpy(kugiri_str, tmp);
619 }else{
620 kugiri_str[0] = 0;
621 }
622 */
623 }
624 else if (strcmp (code, "touroku_comment") == 0)
625 {
626 touroku_comment = 1;
627 }
628 else if (strcmp (code, "touroku_no_comment") == 0)
629 {
630 touroku_comment = 0;
631 }
632 else
633 {
634 /* printf("Undefined entry \"%s\" in uumrc.\r\n",code); */
635 }
636 return (0);
637 }
639 int
640 change_ascii_to_int (st, dp)
641 char *st;
642 int *dp;
643 {
644 register int total, flag;
646 total = 0;
647 flag = 0;
648 while (*st != NULL)
649 {
650 if (isdigit (*st))
651 {
652 total = total * 10 + (*st - '0');
653 }
654 else if (*st == '+')
655 {
656 if (flag != 0)
657 {
658 return (-1);
659 }
660 flag = 1;
661 }
662 else if (*st == '-')
663 {
664 if (flag != 0)
665 {
666 return (-1);
667 }
668 flag = -1;
669 }
670 else
671 {
672 return (-1);
673 }
674 st++;
675 }
676 if (flag == 0)
677 {
678 flag = 1;
679 }
680 *dp = total * flag;
681 return (1);
682 }
685 /* uumrc ファイルからデータを読みその設定を行う。*/
686 int
687 uumrc_get_entries ()
688 {
689 extern FILE *open_uumrc ();
690 FILE *fp;
691 int dn;
692 char data[1024];
694 /* default setting */
696 maxchg = MAXCHG;
697 maxbunsetsu = MAXBUNSETSU;
698 max_ichiran_kosu = MAX_ICHIRAN_KOSU;
700 max_history = MAX_HISTORY + 1;
702 if ((fp = open_uumrc ()) == NULL)
703 {
704 return -1;
705 }
706 dn = 0;
707 while (fgets (data, 1024, fp) != NULL)
708 {
709 uumrc_set_entry (data, &dn);
710 }
711 fclose (fp);
712 return (0);
713 }
716 /** uumrc ファイルのオープン */
717 FILE *
718 open_uumrc ()
719 {
720 FILE *fp;
721 char *n, buf[1024];
723 if (n = getenv (WNN_UUM_ENV))
724 {
725 if (fp = fopen (n, "r"))
726 {
727 if (verbose_option)
728 fprintf (stderr, "uumrc: using uumrc %s\r\n", n);
729 return fp;
730 }
731 else
732 {
733 goto error;
734 }
735 }
736 if (n = getenv ("HOME"))
737 {
738 strcat (strcpy (buf, n), USR_UUMRC);
739 if (fp = fopen (buf, "r"))
740 {
741 if (verbose_option)
742 fprintf (stderr, "uumrc: using uumrc %s\r\n", buf);
743 return fp;
744 }
745 }
746 strcpy (buf, LIBDIR);
747 strcat (buf, "/");
748 strcat (buf, lang_dir);
749 strcat (buf, RCFILE);
750 if ((fp = fopen (buf, "r")) != NULL)
751 {
752 if (verbose_option)
753 fprintf (stderr, "uumrc: using uumrc %s\r\n", buf);
754 return fp;
755 }
756 error:
757 fprintf (stderr, MSG_GET (14));
758 /*
759 fprintf(stderr , "uumrc ファイルがありません。");
760 */
761 fflush (stderr);
762 return (0);
763 }
766 #ifdef nodef
767 read_kanji_str (c, o)
768 register char *c, *o;
769 {
770 for (; *o; c++)
771 {
772 if (*o == '\\')
773 {
774 if (*++o == '0')
775 {
776 o += 1;
777 if (*o >= '0' && *o <= '7')
778 {
779 *c = (*o++ - '0');
780 }
781 else
782 continue;
783 if (*o >= '0' && *o <= '7')
784 {
785 *c *= 8;
786 *c |= (*o++ - '0');
787 }
788 else
789 continue;
790 }
791 else
792 {
793 *c = *o++;
794 }
795 }
796 else
797 {
798 *c = *o++;
799 }
800 }
801 *c = 0;
802 }
803 #endif