diff Wnn/etc/yincoding.c @ 0:bbc77ca4def5

initial import
author Yoshiki Yazawa <yaz@cc.rim.or.jp>
date Thu, 13 Dec 2007 04:30:14 +0900
children c966456648ad
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Wnn/etc/yincoding.c	Thu Dec 13 04:30:14 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,1038 @@
+ *  $Id: yincoding.c,v 1.7 2005/04/10 15:26:37 aonoto Exp $
+ */
+ * FreeWnn is a network-extensible Kana-to-Kanji conversion system.
+ * This file is part of FreeWnn.
+ * 
+ * Copyright Kyoto University Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences
+ *                 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992
+ * Copyright OMRON Corporation. 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1999
+ * Copyright ASTEC, Inc. 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992
+ * Copyright FreeWnn Project 1999, 2000, 2002
+ *
+ * Maintainer:  FreeWnn Project   <freewnn@tomo.gr.jp>
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+/**  cWnn  Version 1.1   **/
+#  include <config.h>
+#include  <stdio.h>
+#include  <ctype.h>
+#include  "commonhd.h"
+#ifdef CHINESE
+#  include  <string.h>
+#  include  <strings.h>
+#endif /* STDC_HEADERS */
+#include  "cplib.h"
+#include  "rk_spclval.h"
+#include  "jh.h"
+#include  "wnn_string.h"
+extern char *py_table[];
+extern char *zy_table[];
+unsigned char last_mark;        /* Using to reme previous auto_state() */
+/* copied from old sstrings.c */
+static int
+cwnn_sStrcpy (c, w)
+     register char *c;
+     register w_char *w;
+  char *c0 = c;
+  for (; *w != 0; w++)
+    {
+      if ((*w & 0x8080) == 0x8000)
+        {
+          *c++ = 0x8f;
+          *c++ = (char) ((*w & 0xff00) >> 8);
+          *c++ = (char) ((*w & 0x007f) | 0x0080);
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          if (*w & 0xff00)
+            *c++ = (char) ((*w & 0xff00) >> 8);
+          else if (*w & 0x80)
+            *c++ = 0x8e;
+          *c++ = (char) (*w & 0x00ff);
+        }
+    }
+  *c = '\0';
+  return (c - c0);
+static int
+cwnn_Sstrcpy (w, c)
+     w_char *w;
+     unsigned char *c;
+  w_char *w0 = w;
+  for (; *c;)
+    {
+      if (*c & 0x80)
+        {
+          if (*c == 0x8e)
+            {
+              c++;
+              *w++ = (unsigned short) *c++;
+            }
+          else if (*c == 0x8f)
+            {
+              c++;
+              *w = (unsigned short) (*c++ << 8);
+              *w++ |= (unsigned short) (*c++ & 0x7f);
+            }
+          else
+            {
+              *w = (unsigned short) (*c++ << 8);
+              *w++ |= (unsigned short) *c++;
+            }
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          *w++ = (unsigned short) *c++;
+        }
+    }
+  *w = 0;
+  return (w - w0);
+static int
+cwnn_Sstrcat (w, c)
+     w_char *w;
+     unsigned char *c;
+  w_char *w0 = w;
+  for (; *w; w++);
+  for (; *c;)
+    {
+      if (*c & 0x80)
+        {
+          if (*c == 0x8e)
+            {
+              c++;
+              *w++ = (unsigned short) *c++;
+            }
+          else if (*c == 0x8f)
+            {
+              c++;
+              *w = (unsigned short) (*c++ << 8);
+              *w++ |= (unsigned short) (*c++ & 0x7f);
+            }
+          else
+            {
+              *w = (unsigned short) (*c++ << 8);
+              *w++ |= (unsigned short) *c++;
+            }
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          *w++ = (unsigned short) *c++;
+        }
+    }
+  *w = 0;
+  return (w - w0);
+/********** py_yunmu(), zy_yunmu(): if yuyin with YunMu, return YunMu's 
+        position in YunMu table. after that, you must calculate its 
+        real yun_raw static        if without YunMu, return -1  
+static int
+py_yunmu (yuyin)
+     register char *yuyin;
+  register int i;
+  for (i = (PY_NUM_YUNMU * 5) - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+    {
+      if (strncmp (yuyin, py_yunmu_tbl[i], strlen (py_yunmu_tbl[i])) == 0)
+        return (i);
+    }
+  return (-1);
+static int
+zy_yunmu (yuyin)
+     register char *yuyin;
+  register int i;
+  for (i = (ZY_NUM_YUNMU * 5) - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+    {
+      if (strncmp (yuyin, zy_yunmu_tbl[i], strlen (zy_yunmu_tbl[i])) == 0)
+        return (i);
+    }
+  return (-1);
+/* is_pinyin():  if is PinYin with Shengmu,     return 1   */
+/*              if is PinYin without Shengmu ,   return 0   */
+/*              else                            return -1  */
+static int
+is_pinyin (sheng_raw, yun_raw)
+     register int sheng_raw;
+     register int yun_raw;
+  if ((sheng_raw >= 0) && (sheng_raw < PY_NUM_SHENGMU) && (yun_raw >= 0) && (yun_raw < PY_NUM_YUNMU) && (pinyin_tbl[sheng_raw * PY_NUM_YUNMU + yun_raw] == 1))
+    {
+      if (sheng_raw == EMPTY_SHENG_RAW)
+        return (0);
+      else
+        return (1);
+    }
+  else
+    return (-1);
+/* is_zhuyin():  if is ZhuYin with Shengmu:     return 1   */
+/*               if is ZhuYin without Shengmu:  return 0   */
+/*                                       else:  return -1  */
+static int
+is_zhuyin (sheng_raw, yun_raw)
+     register int sheng_raw;
+     register int yun_raw;
+  if ((sheng_raw >= 0)
+       && (sheng_raw < ZY_NUM_SHENGMU)
+       && (yun_raw >= 0)
+       && (yun_raw < ZY_NUM_YUNMU)
+       && ((zhuyin_tbl[sheng_raw * ZY_NUM_YUNMU + yun_raw] & 0x8000) == 0x8000))
+    {
+      if (sheng_raw == EMPTY_SHENG_RAW)
+        return (0);
+      else
+        return (1);
+    }
+  return (-1);
+/* py_shengmu(), zy_shengmu(): 
+        if yuyin with ShengMu, return Shengmu's position
+        in ShengMu table.  if without ShengMu, return -1  
+static int
+py_shengmu (yuyin)
+     register char *yuyin;
+  register int i;
+  for (i = PY_NUM_SHENGMU - 1; i > 0; i--)
+    {
+      if (strncmp (yuyin, py_shengmu_tbl[i], strlen (py_shengmu_tbl[i])) == 0)
+        return (i);
+    }
+  return (-1);
+static int
+zy_shengmu (yuyin)
+     register char *yuyin;
+  register int i;
+  for (i = ZY_NUM_SHENGMU - 1; i > 0; i--)
+    {
+      if (strncmp (yuyin, zy_shengmu_tbl[i], strlen (zy_shengmu_tbl[i])) == 0)
+        return (i);
+    }
+  return (-1);
+#ifdef nodef
+static void
+getstr_pzy (lstr, yincod, which)
+     register letter *lstr;
+     register w_char yincod;
+     int which;
+  register letter *ltmp;
+  ltmp = lstr;
+  for (; *lstr; lstr++)
+    if ((which == CWNN_PINYIN) && ((*lstr & 0x0000ffff) == PY_EOF))
+      break;
+    else if ((which == CWNN_ZHUYIN) && (isZY_EOF (*lstr & 0x0000ffff)))
+      break;
+  lstr++;
+  *ltmp++ = yincod;
+  for (; *lstr; lstr++)
+    *ltmp++ = *lstr;
+  *ltmp = 0;
+/* create_yincod(): input:  
+        raw in ShengMu table of PinYin, raw in YunMu table of PinYin,
+        sisheng  output: yincod: if is PinYin, otherwise:0. 
+static w_char
+create_yincod (sheng_raw, yun_raw, ss)
+     register int sheng_raw;
+     register int yun_raw;
+     register int ss;
+  int ret = 0;
+  if (is_pinyin (sheng_raw, yun_raw) == 1)      /*Has Shengmu */
+    ret = 0x0080 + (((yun_raw << 1) + 0x20) << 8) + ((sheng_raw - 1) << 2) + 0x20;
+  else if (is_pinyin (sheng_raw, yun_raw) == 0) /*Not Shengmu */
+    ret = 0x0080 + (((yun_raw << 1) + 0x20) << 8) + ((X_SHENG_RAW - 1) << 2) + 0x20;    /*Rent this */
+  else
+    return (ret);
+  if ((ss > 0) && (ss <= 4))
+    ret += 0x0100 + ss - 1;
+  return (ret);
+/* pzy_yincod() 
+        in:     The param is expected to be a PinYin or a ZhuYin.
+        return:  a Yin_code is returned, if it is a PinYin or a ZhuYin.
+        otherwise, 0 is returned, 
+static int
+pzy_get_sheng_yun (yuyin, ss, sheng_raw, yun_raw, which)
+     register char *yuyin;      /* one PinYin or ZhuYin with end of character */
+     register int *ss;          /* get SiSheng from PinYin or ZhuYin */
+     register int *sheng_raw;   /* position in ShengMu table */
+     int *yun_raw;              /* position in YunMu table */
+     int which;
+  register int     j;
+  register char *pzytmp;
+  *ss = -1;
+  *sheng_raw = -1;
+  *yun_raw = -1;
+  pzytmp = yuyin;
+  if (which == CWNN_PINYIN)
+    {                           /* for Pinyin case */
+      if ((*sheng_raw = py_shengmu (pzytmp)) == -1)
+        {                       /* no ShengMu  */
+          if ((*yun_raw = py_yunmu (pzytmp)) == -1)
+            return (0);
+          else
+            {
+              pzytmp += strlen (py_yunmu_tbl[*yun_raw]);
+              *sheng_raw = 0;
+              *ss = *yun_raw % 5;
+              *yun_raw = *yun_raw / 5;
+              return (pzytmp - yuyin);
+            }
+        }
+      else
+        {                       /* has ShengMu */
+            for ( j = 0; (int)j < (int)strlen(py_shengmu_tbl[*sheng_raw]); j++) 
+                pzytmp++;
+          pzytmp += strlen (py_shengmu_tbl[*sheng_raw]);
+          if (strlen (pzytmp) == 0)
+            return (0);
+          if ((*yun_raw = py_yunmu (pzytmp)) != -1)
+            {
+              pzytmp += strlen (py_yunmu_tbl[*yun_raw]);
+              *ss = *yun_raw % 5;
+              *yun_raw = *yun_raw / 5;
+              return (pzytmp - yuyin);
+            }
+          else
+            {
+              pzytmp = yuyin;
+              if ((*yun_raw = py_yunmu (pzytmp)) == -1)
+                return (0);
+              else
+                {
+                  pzytmp += strlen (py_yunmu_tbl[*yun_raw]);
+                  *sheng_raw = 0;
+                  *ss = *yun_raw % 5;
+                  *yun_raw = *yun_raw / 5;
+                  return (pzytmp - yuyin);
+                }
+            }
+        }                       /* has ShengMu when Pinyin */
+    }
+  else
+    {                           /* for Zhuyin case */
+      if ((*sheng_raw = zy_shengmu (pzytmp)) == -1)
+        {                       /* no ShengMu  */
+          if ((*yun_raw = zy_yunmu (pzytmp)) == -1)
+            return (0);
+          else
+            {
+              pzytmp += strlen (zy_yunmu_tbl[*yun_raw]);
+              *sheng_raw = 0;
+              *ss = *yun_raw % 5;
+              *yun_raw = *yun_raw / 5;
+              return (pzytmp - yuyin);
+            }
+        }
+      else
+        {                       /* has ShengMu */
+            for ( j = 0; (int)j < (int)strlen(zy_shengmu_tbl[*sheng_raw]); j++) 
+                pzytmp++;
+          pzytmp += strlen (zy_shengmu_tbl[*sheng_raw]);
+          if (strlen (pzytmp) == 0)
+            return (0);
+          if ((*yun_raw = zy_yunmu (pzytmp)) != -1)
+            {
+              pzytmp += strlen (zy_yunmu_tbl[*yun_raw]);
+              *ss = *yun_raw % 5;
+              *yun_raw = *yun_raw / 5;
+              return (pzytmp - yuyin);
+            }
+          else
+            {
+              pzytmp = yuyin;
+              if ((*yun_raw = zy_yunmu (pzytmp)) == -1)
+                return (0);
+              else
+                {
+                  pzytmp += strlen (zy_yunmu_tbl[*yun_raw]);
+                  *sheng_raw = 0;
+                  *ss = *yun_raw % 5;
+                  *yun_raw = *yun_raw / 5;
+                  return (pzytmp - yuyin);
+                }
+            }
+        }                       /* has ShengMu when Zhuyin */
+    }                           /* which */
+static w_char
+pzy_yincod (one_yuyin, len)
+     register char *one_yuyin;
+     register int *len;
+  int ss[1];
+  int sheng_raw[1];
+  int yun_raw[1];
+  register int zytmp;
+  register int ret;
+  *len = 0;
+  /* for Pinyin */
+  if (ret = pzy_get_sheng_yun (one_yuyin, ss, sheng_raw, yun_raw, CWNN_PINYIN))
+    if (is_pinyin (sheng_raw[0], yun_raw[0]) != -1)
+      {
+        *len = ret;
+        return (create_yincod (sheng_raw[0], yun_raw[0], ss[0]));
+      }
+  /* for Zhuyin */
+  if (ret = pzy_get_sheng_yun (one_yuyin, ss, sheng_raw, yun_raw, CWNN_ZHUYIN))
+    {
+      zytmp = zhuyin_tbl[sheng_raw[0] * ZY_NUM_YUNMU + yun_raw[0]];
+      if (is_zhuyin (sheng_raw[0], yun_raw[0]) != -1)
+        {
+          if ((zytmp & 0x0080) == 0x0080)
+            {
+              sheng_raw[0] = (zytmp >> 8) & 0x7f;
+              yun_raw[0] = zytmp & 0x7f;
+            }
+          *len = ret;
+          return (create_yincod (sheng_raw[0], yun_raw[0], ss[0]));
+        }
+    }
+  return (0);                   /* Otherwise, Not a Pinyin nor Zhuyin  */
+/* ltoScpy():  copy strings from letter type to w_char type */
+static int
+ltoScpy (w, l)
+     register w_char *w;
+     register letter *l;
+  register w_char *w0 = w;
+  for (; *l; l++)
+    {
+      if (                      /* ((*l & 0x0000ffff) == PY_EOF) || isZY_EOF(*l & 0x0000ffff)
+                                   || */ (*l == EOLTTR))
+        /* add by Kuwari */
+        break;
+      *w++ = (*l & 0x0000ffff);
+    }
+  *w = (w_char) 0;
+  return (w - w0);
+/* find_pinyin():       find a YuYin in a string.  if there is a YuYin.
+         it must be at the tail of string.  return point of start YuYin
+         else return -1 eg. ;abcdHuang. 'Huang.' is a PinYin & return 5
+         012345
+static int
+find_pinyin (str)
+     register char *str;
+  register char *py_zy_tmp;
+  register int i;
+  register int pnt;
+  int len;
+  pnt = -1;
+  if ((((*(str + strlen (str) - 2) << 8) & 0xff00) | (*(str + strlen (str) - 1) & 0x00ff)) != PY_EOF)
+    return (-1);
+  for (i = strlen (str) - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+    {
+      if ((int) (strlen (str) - i) > PY_LEN)
+        return (pnt);
+      py_zy_tmp = str + i;
+      if (pzy_yincod (py_zy_tmp, &len) != 0)
+        pnt = i;
+    }
+  return (pnt);
+static int
+find_zhuyin (str)
+     register char *str;
+  register char *py_zy_tmp;
+  register int i;
+  register int pnt;
+  int len;
+  pnt = -1;
+  if (!isZY_EOF (((*(str + strlen (str) - 2) << 8) & 0xff00) | (*(str + strlen (str) - 1) & 0x00ff)))
+    return (-1);
+  for (i = strlen (str) - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+    {
+      if ((int) (strlen (str) - i) > PY_LEN)
+        return (pnt);
+      py_zy_tmp = str + i;
+      if (pzy_yincod (py_zy_tmp, &len) != 0)
+        pnt = i;
+    }
+  return (pnt);
+/* get_one_zhuyin(): get one ZhuYin from ZhuYin strings */
+/* get_one_pinyin(): get one PinYin from PinYin strings */
+static int
+get_one_pinyin (pinzhuyin_str, one_pinzhuyin)
+     register unsigned char *pinzhuyin_str;
+     register char *one_pinzhuyin;
+  register w_char chrtmp;
+  for (; (chrtmp = (((*pinzhuyin_str << 8) & 0xff00) | (*(pinzhuyin_str + 1) & 0x00ff))) != PY_EOF && *pinzhuyin_str != 0; pinzhuyin_str++)
+    *one_pinzhuyin++ = *pinzhuyin_str;
+  if (chrtmp == PY_EOF)
+    {
+      *one_pinzhuyin++ = *pinzhuyin_str;
+      pinzhuyin_str++;
+      *one_pinzhuyin++ = *pinzhuyin_str;
+      *one_pinzhuyin = 0;
+      return (1);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      *one_pinzhuyin = 0;
+      return (0);
+    }
+static int
+get_one_zhuyin (pinzhuyin_str, one_pinzhuyin)
+     register unsigned char *pinzhuyin_str;
+     register char *one_pinzhuyin;
+  register w_char chrtmp;
+  for (; !isZY_EOF (chrtmp = (((*pinzhuyin_str << 8) & 0xff00) | (*(pinzhuyin_str + 1) & 0x00ff))) && *pinzhuyin_str != 0; pinzhuyin_str++)
+    *one_pinzhuyin++ = *pinzhuyin_str;
+  if (isZY_EOF (chrtmp))
+    {
+      *one_pinzhuyin++ = *pinzhuyin_str;
+      pinzhuyin_str++;
+      *one_pinzhuyin++ = *pinzhuyin_str;
+      *one_pinzhuyin = 0;
+      return (1);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      *one_pinzhuyin = 0;
+      return (0);
+    }
+/* cwnn_is_yincod(c)    To check is "c"is a yincod. 
+        if so, return(1) otherwise return 0*/
+cwnn_is_yincod (c)
+     register w_char c;
+  register int sheng_raw;
+  register int yun_raw;
+  if (!_cwnn_isyincod_d (c))
+    return (0);
+  sheng_raw = Shengraw (c);
+  yun_raw = Yunraw (c);
+  if (is_pinyin (sheng_raw, yun_raw))
+    return (1);
+  if (sheng_raw == X_SHENG_RAW && is_pinyin (EMPTY_SHENG_RAW, yun_raw) == 0)
+    return (1);
+  else
+    return (0);
+/* For a given 'yincod', creat the corresponding Pinyin or Zhuyin
+   to pzy_buf as a w_char string. If the given 'yincod' is not a yincod,
+   'yincod', followed by a NULL is created to pzy_fub.
+   Return: the lenth of pzy_buf is returned.
+   Lenth means the lenth in console but not num of character.
+cwnn_yincod_pzy (pzy_buf, c, which)
+     register w_char *pzy_buf;  /* out:    a Pinyin or Zhuyin */
+     register w_char c;         /* input:  a yincod     */
+     int which;                 /* option Pinyin or Zhuyin */
+  register int sheng_raw;
+  register int yun_raw;
+  register int ss;              /* for Sisheng  */
+  register int zytmp;
+  if (!cwnn_is_yincod (c))
+    {
+      *pzy_buf = c;
+      *(pzy_buf + 1) = 0;
+      return (1);
+/*      if ( ((c&0x00ff)>0xa0) && ((c&0x00ff)< 0xff) &&
+             ((c>>8) > 0xa0) && ((c>>8) < 0xff) )
+                return(2);      
+        else    return(1);
+    }
+  sheng_raw = Shengraw (c);
+  yun_raw = Yunraw (c);
+  ss = _cwnn_sisheng (c);
+  if (which == CWNN_PINYIN)
+    {                           /* For Pinyin case */
+      if (sheng_raw == X_SHENG_RAW && is_pinyin (sheng_raw, yun_raw) == -1)
+        if (is_pinyin (EMPTY_SHENG_RAW, yun_raw) == 0)
+          sheng_raw = EMPTY_SHENG_RAW;
+      cwnn_Sstrcpy (pzy_buf, py_shengmu_tbl[sheng_raw]);
+      if (_cwnn_has_sisheng (c))
+        cwnn_Sstrcat (pzy_buf, py_yunmu_tbl[yun_raw * 5 + ss]);
+      else
+        cwnn_Sstrcat (pzy_buf, py_yunmu_tbl[yun_raw * 5]);
+    }
+  else
+    {                           /* For Zhuyin case */
+      zytmp = zhuyin_tbl[sheng_raw * ZY_NUM_YUNMU + yun_raw];
+      if (is_zhuyin (sheng_raw, yun_raw) == -1)
+        {
+          if ((zytmp & 0x0080) == 0x0080)
+            {
+              sheng_raw = (zytmp >> 8) & 0x7f;
+              yun_raw = zytmp & 0x7f;
+            }
+          else
+            {
+              if ((sheng_raw == X_SHENG_RAW) && (is_zhuyin (EMPTY_SHENG_RAW, yun_raw) == 0))
+                sheng_raw = EMPTY_SHENG_RAW;
+            }
+        }
+      cwnn_Sstrcpy (pzy_buf, zy_shengmu_tbl[sheng_raw]);
+      if (yun_raw == EMPTY_YUN_RAW)
+        {
+          w_char tmp_w;
+          if (_cwnn_has_sisheng (c))
+            {
+              switch (ss)
+                {
+                case 1:
+                  tmp_w = ZY_EOF_1;
+                  break;
+                case 2:
+                  tmp_w = ZY_EOF_2;
+                  break;
+                case 3:
+                  tmp_w = ZY_EOF_3;
+                  break;
+                case 4:
+                  tmp_w = ZY_EOF_4;
+                  break;
+                }
+            }
+          else
+            {
+              tmp_w = ZY_EOF_0;
+            }
+          wnn_Strncat (pzy_buf, &tmp_w, 1);
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          if (_cwnn_has_sisheng (c))
+            cwnn_Sstrcat (pzy_buf, zy_yunmu_tbl[yun_raw * 5 + ss]);
+          else
+            cwnn_Sstrcat (pzy_buf, zy_yunmu_tbl[yun_raw * 5]);
+        }
+    }
+  return (wnn_Strlen (pzy_buf));
+/* Copy s2 which having yincod to s1 in which yincod are replaced by
+the corresponding Pinyin or Zhuyin. Lenth of s2 is returned
+cwnn_yincod_pzy_str (s1, s2, n, which)
+     register w_char *s1;       /* result string having Pinyin or Zhuyin */
+     register w_char *s2;       /* input string having Yincod */
+     int n;
+     int which;
+  w_char s2tmp[LINE_SIZE];
+  register int i, j;
+  w_char pzy_buf[10];
+  int len, sum_len;
+  len = 0;
+  sum_len = 0;
+  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+    s2tmp[i] = s2[i];
+  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+    {
+/*      len = cwnn_yincod_pzy(pzy_buf, s2tmp[i], which);
+        for (j = 0; j < len; j++) 
+                *s1++ = pzy_buf[j];
+        sum_len += len;
+/* Strlen(pzy_buf) is the num of w_char , but "len" means the width */
+      len = cwnn_yincod_pzy (pzy_buf, s2tmp[i], which);
+      for (j = 0; j < wnn_Strlen (pzy_buf); j++)
+        *s1++ = pzy_buf[j];
+      sum_len += wnn_Strlen (pzy_buf);
+    }
+  *s1 = 0;
+  return (sum_len);
+/* cwnn_pzy_yincod(s1, s2, which): 
+After the matching in automaton, the string may be a Pinyin or a Zhuyin
+If so, it will be replace by the coreesponding Yincod */
+cwnn_pzy_yincod (s1, s2, which)
+     letter *s1, *s2;
+     int which;
+  /*
+     register w_char codetmp2[PY_LEN];
+     register char *codetmp1 = {"          "};
+   */
+  w_char codetmp2_buf[PY_LEN * 10 + 1];
+  char codetmp1_buf[PY_LEN * 20 + 2];
+  register w_char *codetmp2 = codetmp2_buf;
+  register char *codetmp1 = codetmp1_buf;
+  register letter *lettertmp = s2, *s1tmp = s1;
+  register w_char yincod;
+  int len;
+  int conv = 0;
+  w_char save_w[2];
+  char save, tmp[6];
+  save_w[0] = save_w[1] = 0;
+  ltoScpy (codetmp2, lettertmp);
+  if (cwnn_sStrcpy (codetmp1, codetmp2) <= 0)
+    return (0);
+/*      if ((yincod = pzy_yincod(codetmp1)) != 0) 
+                getstr_pzy(s1, yincod, which);
+Jun 13 Zhong */
+  for (; *lettertmp && *lettertmp != EOLTTR;)
+    {
+      if ((yincod = pzy_yincod (codetmp1, &len)) != 0)
+        {
+          conv++;
+          *s1tmp++ = (letter) yincod;
+          save = codetmp1[len];
+          codetmp1[len] = '\0';
+          lettertmp += cwnn_Sstrcpy (codetmp2, codetmp1);
+          codetmp1[len] = save;
+          codetmp1 += len;
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          save_w[0] = (w_char) (*lettertmp & 0xffff);
+          *s1tmp++ = *lettertmp++;
+          codetmp1 += cwnn_sStrcpy (tmp, save_w);
+        }
+    }
+  if (*lettertmp == EOLTTR)
+    *s1tmp++ = *lettertmp++;
+  if (conv)
+    {
+      return (s1tmp - s1);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      return (0);
+    }
+/* cwnn_py_yincod_str(), cwnn_zy_yincod_str():HUANG: for atod
+        we get yomi as PinYin or ZhuYin strings from ascii-dictionary and
+        translate it to YINcode
+cwnn_py_yincod_str (yuyin_str, css, un_sisheng_yincod_str, yincod_str)
+     register char *yuyin_str;  /* yomi: PinYin or ZhuYin strings */
+     register char *css;        /* get sisheng strings from PinYin strings */
+     register w_char *un_sisheng_yincod_str;    /* no-sisheng Yincod strings */
+     register w_char *yincod_str;       /* Yincod strings with sisheng */
+  register  char    one_yuyin[LINE_SIZE];
+  register  w_char not_yuyin[LINE_SIZE];
+  char one_yuyin_buf[LINE_SIZE];
+  w_char not_yuyin_buf[LINE_SIZE];
+  register char *one_yuyin = one_yuyin_buf;
+  register w_char *not_yuyin = not_yuyin_buf;
+  register int yin_eof;
+  register w_char yincod;
+  register int i, pst;
+  int len;
+  for (; *yuyin_str;)
+    {
+      yin_eof = get_one_pinyin (yuyin_str, one_yuyin);
+      yuyin_str += strlen (one_yuyin);
+      cwnn_Sstrcpy (not_yuyin, one_yuyin);
+      pst = find_pinyin (one_yuyin);
+      if (yin_eof == 1 && pst != -1)
+        {
+          for (i = 0; i < pst; i++)
+            {
+              *yincod_str++ = not_yuyin[i];
+              *un_sisheng_yincod_str++ = not_yuyin[i];
+              *css++ = '5';
+            }
+          yincod = pzy_yincod (one_yuyin, &len);
+          *yincod_str++ = yincod;
+          *un_sisheng_yincod_str++ = _cwnn_yincod_0 (yincod);
+          *css++ = (char) (_cwnn_sisheng (yincod) + 0x30);
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          for (i = 0; not_yuyin[i]; i++)
+            {
+              *yincod_str++ = not_yuyin[i];
+              *un_sisheng_yincod_str++ = not_yuyin[i];
+              *css++ = '5';
+            }
+        }
+    }
+  *yincod_str = 0;
+  *un_sisheng_yincod_str = 0;
+  *css = 0;
+cwnn_zy_yincod_str (yuyin_str, css, un_sisheng_yincod_str, yincod_str)
+     register char *yuyin_str;  /* yomi: PinYin or ZhuYin strings */
+     register char *css;        /* get sisheng strings from PinYin strings */
+     register w_char *un_sisheng_yincod_str;    /* no-sisheng Yincod strings */
+     register w_char *yincod_str;       /* Yincod strings with sisheng */
+  register  char    one_yuyin[LINE_SIZE];
+  register  w_char not_yuyin[LINE_SIZE];
+  char one_yuyin_buf[LINE_SIZE];
+  w_char not_yuyin_buf[LINE_SIZE];
+  register char *one_yuyin = one_yuyin_buf;
+  register w_char *not_yuyin = not_yuyin_buf;
+  register int yin_eof;
+  register w_char yincod;
+  register int i, pst;
+  int len;
+  for (; *yuyin_str;)
+    {
+      yin_eof = get_one_zhuyin (yuyin_str, one_yuyin);
+      yuyin_str += strlen (one_yuyin);
+      cwnn_Sstrcpy (not_yuyin, one_yuyin);
+      pst = find_zhuyin (one_yuyin);
+      if (yin_eof == 1 && pst != -1)
+        {
+          for (i = 0; i < pst; i++)
+            {
+              *yincod_str++ = not_yuyin[i];
+              *un_sisheng_yincod_str++ = not_yuyin[i];
+              *css++ = '5';
+            }
+          yincod = pzy_yincod (one_yuyin, &len);
+          *yincod_str++ = yincod;
+          *un_sisheng_yincod_str++ = _cwnn_yincod_0 (yincod);
+          *css++ = (char) (_cwnn_sisheng (yincod) + 0x30);
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          for (i = 0; not_yuyin[i]; i++)
+            {
+              *yincod_str++ = not_yuyin[i];
+              *un_sisheng_yincod_str++ = not_yuyin[i];
+              *css++ = '5';
+            }
+        }
+    }
+  *yincod_str = 0;
+  *un_sisheng_yincod_str = 0;
+  *css = 0;
+/* cwnn_py_str_analysis(), cp_zy_str_analysis():   HUANG: for atod
+        we get yomi as PinYin or ZhuYin strings from ascii-dictionary 
+        and translate it to YINcode
+cwnn_py_str_analysis (yuyin_str, css, un_sisheng_yincod_str, yincod_str)
+     register char *yuyin_str;  /* yomi: PinYin or ZhuYin strings */
+     register char *css;        /* get sisheng strings from PinYin strings */
+     register w_char *un_sisheng_yincod_str;    /* no-sisheng Yincod strings */
+     register w_char *yincod_str;       /* Yincod strings with sisheng */
+  register  char    one_yuyin[LINE_SIZE];
+  register  w_char not_yuyin[LINE_SIZE];
+  char one_yuyin_buf[LINE_SIZE];
+  w_char not_yuyin_buf[LINE_SIZE];
+  register char *one_yuyin = one_yuyin_buf;
+  register w_char *not_yuyin = not_yuyin_buf;
+  register int yin_eof;
+  register w_char yincod;
+  register int i, pst;
+  int len;
+  for (; *yuyin_str;)
+    {
+      yin_eof = get_one_pinyin (yuyin_str, one_yuyin);
+      yuyin_str += strlen (one_yuyin);
+      cwnn_Sstrcpy (not_yuyin, one_yuyin);
+      pst = find_pinyin (one_yuyin);
+      if (yin_eof == 1 && pst != -1)
+        {
+          for (i = 0; i < pst; i++)
+            {
+              *yincod_str++ = not_yuyin[i];
+              *un_sisheng_yincod_str++ = not_yuyin[i];
+              *css++ = '5';
+            }
+          yincod = pzy_yincod (one_yuyin, &len);
+          *yincod_str++ = yincod;
+          *un_sisheng_yincod_str++ = _cwnn_yincod_0 (yincod);
+          *css++ = (char) (_cwnn_sisheng (yincod) + 0x30);
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          for (i = 0; not_yuyin[i]; i++)
+            {
+              *yincod_str++ = not_yuyin[i];
+              *un_sisheng_yincod_str++ = not_yuyin[i];
+              *css++ = '5';
+            }
+        }
+    }
+  *yincod_str = 0;
+  *un_sisheng_yincod_str = 0;
+  *css = 0;
+cwnn_zy_str_analysis (yuyin_str, css, un_sisheng_yincod_str, yincod_str)
+     register char *yuyin_str;  /* yomi: PinYin or ZhuYin strings */
+     register char *css;        /* get sisheng strings from PinYin strings */
+     register w_char *un_sisheng_yincod_str;    /* no-sisheng Yincod strings */
+     register w_char *yincod_str;       /* Yincod strings with sisheng */
+  register  char    one_yuyin[LINE_SIZE];
+  register  w_char not_yuyin[LINE_SIZE];
+  char one_yuyin_buf[LINE_SIZE];
+  w_char not_yuyin_buf[LINE_SIZE];
+  register char *one_yuyin = one_yuyin_buf;
+  register w_char *not_yuyin = not_yuyin_buf;
+  register int yin_eof;
+  register w_char yincod;
+  register int i, pst;
+  int len;
+  for (; *yuyin_str;)
+    {
+      yin_eof = get_one_zhuyin (yuyin_str, one_yuyin);
+      yuyin_str += strlen (one_yuyin);
+      cwnn_Sstrcpy (not_yuyin, one_yuyin);
+      pst = find_zhuyin (one_yuyin);
+      if (yin_eof == 1 && pst != -1)
+        {
+          for (i = 0; i < pst; i++)
+            {
+              *yincod_str++ = not_yuyin[i];
+              *un_sisheng_yincod_str++ = not_yuyin[i];
+              *css++ = '5';
+            }
+          yincod = pzy_yincod (one_yuyin, &len);
+          *yincod_str++ = yincod;
+          *un_sisheng_yincod_str++ = _cwnn_yincod_0 (yincod);
+          *css++ = (char) (_cwnn_sisheng (yincod) + 0x30);
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          for (i = 0; not_yuyin[i]; i++)
+            {
+              *yincod_str++ = not_yuyin[i];
+              *un_sisheng_yincod_str++ = not_yuyin[i];
+              *css++ = '5';
+            }
+        }
+    }
+  *yincod_str = 0;
+  *un_sisheng_yincod_str = 0;
+  *css = 0;
+#endif /* CHINESE */