view Wnn/include/jdata.h @ 14:709a803fbbff

fixed prototype erratas
author Yoshiki Yazawa <>
date Sun, 02 Mar 2008 21:49:59 +0900
parents b605a0e60f5b
children 6bfa7ea3b75b
line wrap: on
line source

 *  $Id: jdata.h,v 1.5 2005/04/10 15:26:37 aonoto Exp $

 * FreeWnn is a network-extensible Kana-to-Kanji conversion system.
 * This file is part of FreeWnn.
 * Copyright Kyoto University Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences
 *                 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992
 * Copyright OMRON Corporation. 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1999
 * Copyright ASTEC, Inc. 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992
 * Copyright FreeWnn Project 1999, 2000
 * Maintainer:  FreeWnn Project   <>
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the
 * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

#ifndef WNN_JDATA_H
#define WNN_JDATA_H

#ifndef JS
struct jdata
  int kanji1;
  short kanji2;                 /* */
  short which;                  /* gyaku henkan? */
  int serial;                   /* index is a serial number of the first 
                                   entry which is stored in this entry */
  int kosuu;                    /* this means the number of elements in this
                                   entry */
  int jishono;                  /* jishono in which these entries are stored */
  struct jdata *jptr;           /* pointer to another jdata which
                                   points out a jdata of the same yomi
                                   but (always)different jishono */
  unsigned short *hinsi;
#ifdef  CONVERT_with_SiSheng    /* Don't warry. Only use in server and jutil */
/* It's only use CWNN : 四声 */
  unsigned short *sisheng;
  unsigned short sisheng_int;
  UCHAR *hindo;                 /* 頻度 */
  UCHAR *hindo_in;              /* 内部頻度 */
#endif /* JS */

struct JT
  unsigned int total;           /* トータル頻度 */
  int gosuu;
  char hpasswd[WNN_PASSWD_LEN];
  int syurui;

  int maxcomment;
  int maxhinsi_list;
  int maxserial;
  int maxtable;                 /* For UD Dic */
  int maxhontai;                /* For UD Dic  and Static Dic */
  int maxkanji;
  int maxri1[2];                /* For Rev Dic */
  int maxri2;                   /* For Rev Dic, is equal to maxserial */

  w_char *comment;
  w_char *hinsi_list;

  UCHAR *hindo;                 /* 頻度 */
#ifdef  CONVERT_with_SiSheng    /* Don't warry. Only use in server and jutil */
/* It's only use CWNN : 四声 */
  unsigned short *sisheng;
  unsigned short sisheng_int;
  unsigned short *hinsi;        /* bunpou data is stored here */
  UCHAR *kanji;                 /* kanji data is stored here */
  struct uind1 *table;          /* another tablefile for user jisho */
  UCHAR *hontai;                /*  the tablefile (index-file) */
  struct rind1 *ri1[2];         /* For Rev Dic */
  struct rind2 *ri2;            /* For Rev Dic */

  short dirty;
  short hdirty;

/* ここから4つは、 登録可能辞書、逆変換可能辞書にのみ関係する */
  int bufsize_kanji;            /* 漢字領域の大きさ */
  int bufsize_serial;           /* 文法、頻度領域の大きさ */
  int bufsize_hontai;           /* インデックス(hontai)の領域の大きさ */
  int bufsize_table;            /*  インデックス(table)の領域の大きさ */
  int bufsize_ri1[2];           /* 逆変換可能辞書の table の領域の大きさ  */

  /* hinsi_list wo kakunou suru */
  int maxnode;
  struct wnn_hinsi_node *node;
#ifdef  CONVERT_by_STROKE       /* Don't warry. Only use in server and jutil */
/* Used for Bixing dic  */
  struct b_node *bind;          /* index for yomi <--> kanji search */
  int max_bnode;                /* Max num of tuple     */
  int bufsize_bnode;            /* BUFFER size of the b_node */

struct HJT
  struct wnn_file_uniq dic_file_uniq;
  int maxcomment;
  int maxserial;

  w_char *comment;
  UCHAR *hindo;

  short hdirty;
  int bufsize_serial;

 * structures concerning UD dicts

#define AL_INT(x) ((unsigned long)((char *)(x) + 3) & ((unsigned long)~0x3))

#define ENDPTR 0                /* The end of (int) pointer list in uind2->next */
#define RD_ENDPTR 0xffffffff    /* The end of (int) pointer list in rind2->next */

struct uind1
  int pter1;                    /* pointer to uind1 */
  int pter;                     /* pinter to uind2 */
  unsigned int yomi1;
  unsigned int yomi2;

struct uind2
  int next;                     /* pointer to uind2 */
  int serial;
  int kanjipter;
  w_char kosuu;
  w_char yomi[1];               /* actually it is variable length */

/* MAXTABLE MAX... ha user file no ookisani kuwaete touroku no tame 
   ni totteoku ookisa*/
#define MAXTABLE 100            /* you can touroku MAXTABLE element without 
                                   realloc the jisho */
#define MAXHONTAI MAXTABLE * 4 * 4
 * structures concerning REV dicts.

struct rind1
  int pter1;                    /* pointer to rind1 */
  int pter;                     /* pinter to rind2 */

struct rind2
  int next[2];                  /* pointer to rind2 */
  int kanjipter;

 * Reverse Dict ni kansite, dotira wo hikuka?

#define D_YOMI 0
#define D_KANJI 1

#define KANJI_str1(pter, which) (((which) == D_YOMI)?((w_char *)((pter) + 2)):\
    ((w_char *)((pter) + 2) + Strlen((w_char *)((pter) + 2)) + 1))

#define KANJI_str(p, which) ((*((p) + 1) & FORWARDED)? \
    KANJI_str1(((*(w_char *)((p) + 2)) << 16 | (*(w_char *)((p) + 4))) \
               + (p),which): \
    KANJI_str1((p), which))

#define Get_kanji_len(pter, which) (Strlen(KANJI_str(pter, which)))

 * structures concerning SD dicts.

#define ST_NORMAL 1
#define ST_NOENT 2
#define ST_NOPTER 3
#define ST_SMALL 4
#define ST_TABLE 5

 *Concerning HINSI. But these may not be used.

#define SAKUJO_HINSI 0xfffe     /* sakujo sareta tango no hinsi */
#define NANDEMO_EEYO 0xfffd     /* nandemo maeni koreru to iu hinsi */

 *Concerning KANJI and COMMENT.

#define HAS_YOMI 1
#define HAS_COMMENT 2
#define FORWARDED 4

/* #define SEPARATE_CHAR '\0'*/
/* Choose character which do not appear as the first byte of w_char */

#define DIC_YOMI_CHAR  1

#define DIC_HIRAGANA "\\y"
#define DIC_KATAKANA "\\k"

/*#define       DIC_HANKAKU     "\\h"   *//* 半角 *//* 読みのまま */
#define DIC_ZENKAKU     "\\z"   /* 全角 */      /* 123 */
#define DIC_NUM_KAN     "\\chan"        /* 漢数字 */    /* 一二三 */
#define DIC_NUM_KANSUUJI "\\chas"       /* 漢数字 */    /* 百二十三 */
#define DIC_NUM_KANOLD  "\\chao"        /* 漢数字 */    /* 壱百弐拾参 */
#define DIC_NUM_HANCAN  "\\nhc" /* 半角数字 */  /* 1,234 */
#define DIC_NUM_ZENCAN  "\\nzc" /* 全角数字 */  /* 1,234 */
#define DIC_HEX         "\\X"   /* \Xa4a2 */
#define DIC_HEXc        "\\x"   /* \xa4a2 */
#define DIC_OCT         "\\0"   /* \040   */
#define DIC_ESC         "\\\\"  /* \\ = \  */

#ifdef notuse
/* 英数 */
#define WNN_ALP_HAN     -4      /* 半角 */      /* 読みのまま */
#define WNN_ALP_ZEN     -30     /* 全角 */
/* 記号 */
#define WNN_KIG_HAN     -5      /* 半角 */      /* 読みのまま */
#define WNN_KIG_JIS     -40     /* 全角(JIS) */
#define WNN_KIG_ASC     -41     /* 全角(ASC) */

struct b_node
  short pter;                   /* Point to Indix-2     */
  short pter_son;               /* Ptr to first son     */
  short pter_next;              /* Ptr to next brother  */

struct b_koho
  struct b_koho *previou;
  int value;
  w_char *p_yomi;
  w_char *p_kanji;
  unsigned short *p_hinsi;
  UCHAR *p_hindo;
  int serial;
  int dic_no;
#endif  /* CONVERT_by_STROKE */

#endif  /* WNN_JDATA_H */