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author | Yoshiki Yazawa <> |
date | Fri, 21 Dec 2007 16:41:48 +0900 |
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XIMCONF(4) UNIX Programmer's Manual XIMCONF(4) NNAAMMEE ximconf - Configuration file of Input Manager of the X Win- dow System Version 11 (xwnmo(1X)) SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS //uussrr//llooccaall//lliibb//wwnnnn//xxiimmccoonnff DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN In the _x_i_m_c_o_n_f file, configurations of _x_w_n_m_o are wrote. As configurations; environments of each supported languages(the relation between internal locale and external locale, CSWIDTH(code set width), whether use conversion server or not and etc.), default locale and locale for world environ- ment. Lines that start with a semicolon (;) are comments. CCooddiinngg ffoorrmmaatt:: {ext_locale}[|{ext_locale}|...] {lang} {internal_locale} {cswidth} {using_server} {code_trans} or setdefaultlocale {def_locale} or setworldlocale {world_locale} eexxtt__llooccaallee Specifies a locale name which is used by client. If a client requests _x_w_n_m_o to use the ext_locale, _x_w_n_m_o will refer the client to lang, internal_locale and etc. in same line. Plural ext_locale can be specified with separator '|'. llaanngg Specifies a lang name which is referred as LANG name on Wnn environment. Please refer manuals for serverdefs or uumrc of Wnn. iinntteerrnnaall__llooccaallee Specifies a locale name which is used as internal locale by _x_w_n_m_o. The Wnn library can process only EUC encoding. Therefore _x_w_n_m_o must use locales are subset of EUC. Must specify locales are subset of EUC in internal_locale. ccsswwiiddtthh Specifies CSWIDTH(code set width) of internal_locale. Code format of CSWIDTH follows. CSWIDTH=b1[:c1][,b2[:c2][,b3[:c3]]] "b1-b3" is byte length of each code set(except SS2 or SS3). "c1-c3" is column length of each code set. "b1" and "c1" is for code set 1. "b2" and "c2" is for code set 2. "b3" and "c3" is for code set 3. uussiinngg__sseerrvveerr Specifies whether this language environment uses its conversion server or not. If ``True'' or ``TRUE'' is specified, the conversion server will be used. Otherwise it will not be used. For exam- ple; in case of Latin languages, input of those languages will be realized with automaton conver- sion. ccooddee__ttrraannss In case of peculiar languages(e.g. Chinese), it is necessary to translate internal code to code for drawing (e.g. Yincoding of Chinese). In those language, code_trans specifies the translation method as string. Otherwise ``Normal'' must be specified in code_trans. Currently, only ``Yin- coding'' is support. It is for Yincoding of Chinese. ddeeff__llooccaallee Specifies default locale name. If locale for Root-mode is empty or "C" locale, this default locale will be used. If def_locale is not speci- fied, DEFAULT_LANG will be used as default locale. DEFAULT_LANG depends on environment of compiling. If you want to know DEFAULT_LANG, set the resource langName as NULL, set the environment variable LANG as "C" and execute _x_w_n_m_o. Then _x_w_n_m_o will print the message "I try to set locale to default ???.". This ??? is DEFAULT_LANG. wwoorrlldd__llooccaallee Specifies locale for world environment. If a client requests _x_w_n_m_o to use this world locale, _x_w_n_m_o will create multi-language environment for the client. If world_locale is not specified, "wr_WR.ct" will be used as default. SSEEEE AALLSSOO xwnmo(1X) CCOOPPYYRRIIGGHHTT Copyright 1992 by OMRON Corporation Copyright 1992 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology AAUUTTHHOORR Seiji Kuwari (OMRON Corporation) Printed 12/1/92 Release 5 2