view Xwnmo/manual.en/4.cmd/xwnmo.txt @ 13:778894f4449f

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author Yoshiki Yazawa <>
date Sun, 02 Mar 2008 19:47:09 +0900
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XWNMO(1)            UNIX Programmer's Manual             XWNMO(1)

     xwnmo - Input Manager of the X Window System Version 11

     xxwwnnmmoo [-_o_p_t_i_o_n ...]

     The _x_w_n_m_o is a input manager for Input Method of X Window
     System.  It is based on [_X _W_i_n_d_o_w _S_y_s_t_e_m, _V_e_r_s_i_o_n _1_1 _I_n_p_u_t
     _M_e_t_h_o_d _S_p_e_c_i_f_i_c_a_t_i_o_n_s].  It provides a multi-language input
     environment for multiple clients in the X Window System Ver-
     sion 11. Clients can connect to it by using XIM library.

     _x_w_n_m_o supports multi-screen environment. _x_w_n_m_o creates one
     window for _R_o_o_t-_m_o_d_e on each screen.

     The conversion engine _x_w_n_m_o use is the internationalized
     Wnn. It selects conversion server in accordance with
     language of clients.  How many languages _x_w_n_m_o supports
     depend on the configuration file (_x_i_m_c_o_n_f). Please refer the
     manual of _x_i_m_c_o_n_f.

     _X_w_n_m_o supports the following inputstyles:
             ( XIMPreeditArea | XIMStatusArea )
             ( XIMPreeditPosition | XIMStatusArea )
             ( XIMPreeditNothing | XIMStatusNothing )
             ( XIMPreeditCallbacks | XIMStatusArea )
             ( XIMPreeditArea | XIMStatusCallbacks )
             ( XIMPreeditPosition | XIMStatusCallbacks )
             ( XIMPreeditCallbacks | XIMStatusCallbacks )

     If you attempt to connect _x_w_n_m_o by using XIM library, You
     must set modifiers __X_W_N_M_O.

             set environment XXMMOODDIIFFIIEERRSS=@im=_XWNMO and XSetLo-

     For feather information about XIM library, please see the
     chapter 13 of Xdoc or [_X _W_i_n_d_o_w _S_y_s_t_e_m, _V_e_r_s_i_o_n _1_1 _I_n_p_u_t
     _M_e_t_h_o_d _S_p_e_c_i_f_i_c_a_t_i_o_n_s].

     According to _I_n_p_u_t _M_e_t_h_o_d _S_p_e_c_i_f_i_c_a_t_i_o_n_s, the locale which
     input method use is only one and static locale. Thence _x_w_n_m_o
     provides only one languange environment which depends on the
     current locale of _X_O_p_e_n_I_M(). And you could not change this
     environment.  But if libX11.a was compiled with XXMMLL define,
     clients can use multi locale environment. In other words,
     you can change current languange environment on the fly by
     changing current locale. The way to use its environment is
     the following:

     CCrreeaattiinngg eennvviirroonnmmeenntt
             Call _X_m_l_O_p_e_n_I_M() instead of XOpenIM() ,set
             XXNNCCuurrrreennttLLaanngguuaaggee argument of XIC and call
             _X_C_r_e_a_t_e_I_C(). So _x_w_n_m_o attempts to create as many
             language environment as possible and set current
             environment to the locale set XNCurrentLanguage. If
             you don't set XNCurrentLanguage current environment
             is the first environment _x_w_n_m_o created.  A syntax of
             XNCurrentLanguage follows.
             current_language = <language>'_'<territory>

     CChhaannggiinngg eennvviirroonnmmeenntt
             If you want to change current languange environment,
             set XXNNCCuurrrreennttLLaanngguuaaggee argument and call _X_S_e_t_-

     _X_w_n_m_o accept that XXMMLL clients and NNOONN__XXMMLL clients connect
     _x_w_n_m_o at the same time.

     _X_w_n_m_o has two interfaces for changing current languange
     environment.  One is _c_h_a_n_g_e__l_o_c_a_l_e__c_t function. This func-
     tion is good only when current locale is _w_r__W_R._c_t. You can
     write it in _u_u_m_k_e_y-_f_i_l_e.  A syntax of change_locale_ct fol-

     change_locale_ct <key>  [ <key> ... ]

     Other is _c_h_a_n_g_e__l_o_c_a_l_e function. You can write it in
     _u_u_m_k_e_y-_f_i_l_e.  A syntax of change_locale follows.

     change_locale <key>  [ <key> ... ]

     This function is good only when you set XXNNCChhaannggeeLLooccaalleeCCBB
     argument. The value of this argument is a pointer of call-
     back function.  This function will be call by input method
     when you change current languange environment of _x_w_n_m_o. A
     interface of this function follows.

     void ChangeLocaleCB(char *locale)

     _X_w_n_m_o is able to support XJp protocol. If You compile _x_w_n_m_o
     with XXJJPP define, it supports "Communication Kit" part of XJp
     protocol.  And if You compile _x_w_n_m_o with XXJJPP and XXJJPP__DDIIRREECCTT
     define, it supports "Direct Interface" part of XJp protocol.

     _X_w_n_m_o is able to support SEP(SpotLocation Extended Proto-
     col).  If You compile _x_w_n_m_o with SSPPOOTT define, it supports
     SEP.  And please use __X_i_p_C_h_a_n_g_e_S_p_o_t() function. it's inter-
     face follows.

     int __XXiippCChhaannggeeSSppoott(_i_c, _s_p_o_t__x, _s_p_o_t__y)
         XIC ic;
         short spot_x, spot_y;

     ic:       Specifies the input context.
     spot_x, spot_y:     Specifies the coordinates of the

     _X_w_n_m_o accepts the following options:

     --DD _s_e_r_v_e_r-_n_a_m_e
             This option specifies the machine name of conversion
             server.  If this isn't set, first _J_S_E_R_V_E_R environ-
             ment is referred. And if it isn't set, _x_w_n_m_o
             attempts to connect "_j_s_e_r_v_e_r" machine.  And if it's
             connect failed, _x_w_n_m_o attempts to connect local

     --nn _u_s_e_r-_n_a_m_e
             This option specifies the user name which is used as
             env-name of Wnn.  If this isn't set, first _W_N_N_U_S_E_R
             environment is referred. And if it isn't set, the
             user name of process is referred.

     --llcc _l_a_n_g_u_a_g_e-_n_a_m_e
             This option specifies the _l_a_n_g_u_a_g_e _n_a_m_e which is
             referred as the language environment of _R_o_o_t-_m_o_d_e.
             If this isn't set, first _L_A_N_G environment is
             referred. And if it isn't set, the default is _j_a__J_P.
             A syntax of language-name follows.
             language = <language>'_'<territory>

     --kk _u_u_m_k_e_y-_f_i_l_e-_n_a_m_e
             This option specifies the path name of _u_u_m_k_e_y-_f_i_l_e.
             For feather information about _u_u_m_k_e_y-_f_i_l_e, please
             see Wnn manual.

     --rr _r_o_m_k_a_n-_f_i_l_e-_n_a_m_e
             This option specifies the directory name of _r_o_m_k_a_n-
             _f_i_l_e. For feather information about _r_o_m_k_a_n-_f_i_l_e,
             please see Wnn manual.

     --XX _c_o_n_v_e_r_t-_k_e_y-_f_i_l_e-_n_a_m_e
             This option specifies the path name of _c_o_n_v_e_r_t-_k_e_y-
             _f_i_l_e. The _c_o_n_v_e_r_t-_k_e_y-_f_i_l_e contains the relation
             between keys of X and keys of Wnn. The default is
             "/usr/local/lib/wnn/cvt_xim_tbl".  For feather
             information about _c_o_n_v_e_r_t-_k_e_y-_f_i_l_e, please see the
             manual of _c_v_t__x_i_m__t_b_l.

     --FF _c_o_n_v_e_r_t-_f_u_n_c_t_i_o_n-_f_i_l_e-_n_a_m_e
             This option specifies the path name of _c_o_n_v_e_r_t-
             _f_u_n_c_t_i_o_n-_f_i_l_e. The _c_o_n_v_e_r_t-_f_u_n_c_t_i_o_n-_f_i_l_e contains
             the relation between function keys of X and keys of
             Wnn. This file is only for older version _x_w_n_m_o.
             Please use _c_v_t__x_i_m__t_b_l as much as possible.  For
             feather information about _c_o_n_v_e_r_t-_f_u_n_c_t_i_o_n-_f_i_l_e,
             please see the manual of _c_v_t__f_u_n__t_b_l.

     --MM _c_o_n_v_e_r_t-_m_e_t_a-_f_i_l_e-_n_a_m_e
             This option specifies the path name of _c_o_n_v_e_r_t-
             _m_e_t_a-_f_i_l_e. The _c_o_n_v_e_r_t-_m_e_t_a-_f_i_l_e contains the rela-
             tion between meta keys of X and keys of Wnn. This
             file is only for older version _x_w_n_m_o.  Please use
             _c_v_t__x_i_m__t_b_l as much as possible.  For feather infor-
             mation about _c_o_n_v_e_r_t-_m_e_t_a-_f_i_l_e, please see the
             manual of _c_v_t__m_e_t_a__t_b_l.

     --ddiissppllaayy _d_i_s_p_l_a_y
             This option specifies the X server to connect; see

     --hheellpp   This causes _x_w_n_m_o to print out a verbose message
             describing its options.

     --jjuu _x_j_t_u_i_l-_n_a_m_e
             This option specifies the path name of _x_j_u_t_i_l which
             is _t_h_e _d_i_c_t_i_o_n_a_r_y _u_t_i_l_i_t_y _m_a_n_a_g_e_r.  The default is

     --EEMM     This causes that the menu for exit is available when
             a mouse pointer is pushed on _R_o_o_t-_m_o_d_e window.  The
             default is available.


     This causes that the menu for exit is disable.  Please use
     killxwnmo for exit.  The following options affects windows
     for _R_o_o_t-_m_o_d_e on all screens.

     --ffss _f_o_n_t-_n_a_m_e-_l_i_s_t
             This option specifies the list of font name. The
             fontset of _R_o_o_t-_m_o_d_e window is created from this
             list. The default is depend on the locale.  A syntax
             of this list follows.
             font-name-list = <fontname>{','fontname}

     --ggeeoommeettrryy _g_e_o_m_e_t_r_y
             This option specifies the preferred size and posi-
             tion of _R_o_o_t-_m_o_d_e window.  see _X(_1)

     --ffgg _c_o_l_o_r
             This option specifies the color to use for display-
             ing text of _R_o_o_t-_m_o_d_e window. The default is

     --bbgg _c_o_l_o_r
             This option specifies the color to use for the back-
             ground of _R_o_o_t-_m_o_d_e window.  The default is

     --bbdd _c_o_l_o_r
             This option specifies the color to use for the
             border of _R_o_o_t-_m_o_d_e window.  The default is

     --bbww _n_u_m_b_e_r
             This option specifies the width in pixels of the
             border surrounding _R_o_o_t-_m_o_d_e window.

     --iiccoonniicc This option indicates that _x_w_n_m_o should ask the win-
             dow manager to start it as an icon rather than as
             the normal window.  If the -RV option is specified
             or "rootVisible" resource is specified as ``True'',
             this option becomes void.

     ##_g_e_o_m   This option specifies the preferred position of the
             icon window.  It is shorthand for specifying the
             ``*_i_c_o_n_G_e_o_m_e_t_r_y'' resource.

     --hh      This causes _x_w_n_m_o to wake up in conversion _o_f_f mode.

     --HH      This causes _x_w_n_m_o to wake up in conversion _o_n mode.
             The default is off mode.

     --RRVV     This causes _x_w_n_m_o to unmap _R_o_o_t-_m_o_d_e window when
             henkan modeis off or no client uses _R_o_o_t-_m_o_d_e.  This
             option make -iconic option void and set "iconic"
             resource as ``False''.

     _X_w_n_m_o accepts the following resource names and classes:

     sseerrvveerrNNaammee ((class SSeerrvveerrNNaammee))
             This option specifies the machine name of conversion
             server.  If this isn't set, first _J_S_E_R_V_E_R environ-
             ment is referred. And if it isn't set, _x_w_n_m_o
             attempts to connect "_j_s_e_r_v_e_r" machine.  And if it's
             connect failed, _x_w_n_m_o attempts to connect local

     uusseerrNNaammee ((class UUsseerrNNaammee))
             Specifies the user name which is used as env-name of
             Wnn.  If this isn't set, first _W_N_N_U_S_E_R environment
             is referred. And if it isn't set, the user name of
             process is referred.

     xxiimmrrccNNaammee ((class XXiimmrrccNNaammee))
             Specifies the path name of _x_i_m_r_c-_f_i_l_e which is a
             start up file of _x_w_n_m_o.  If this isn't set or there
             is not it, first $_H_O_M_E/._x_i_m_r_c is referred.  And if
             it doesn't exist, the default is
             "/usr/local/lib/wnn/ximrc".  For feather information
             about _x_i_m_r_c-_f_i_l_e, please see the manual of _x_i_m_r_c-

     ccvvttxxiimmNNaammee ((class CCvvttxxiimmNNaammee))
             Specifies the path name _c_o_n_v_e_r_t-_k_e_y-_f_i_l_e. The
             _c_o_n_v_e_r_t-_k_e_y-_f_i_l_e contains the relation between func-
             tion keys of X and keys of Wnn. The default is
             "/usr/local/lib/wnn/cvt_xim_tbl".  For feather
             information about _c_o_n_v_e_r_t-_k_e_y-_f_i_l_e, please see the
             manual of cvt_xim_tbl.

     ccvvttffuunnNNaammee ((class CCvvttffuunnNNaammee))
             Specifies the path name _c_o_n_v_e_r_t-_f_u_n_c_t_i_o_n-_f_i_l_e. The
             _c_o_n_v_e_r_t-_f_u_n_c_t_i_o_n-_f_i_l_e contains the relation between
             function keys of X and keys of Wnn. This file is
             only for older version _x_w_n_m_o.  Please use
             _c_v_t__x_i_m__t_b_l as much as possible.  For feather infor-
             mation about _c_o_n_v_e_r_t-_f_u_n_c_t_i_o_n-_f_i_l_e, please see the
             manual of cvt_fun_tbl.

     ccvvttmmeettaaNNaammee ((class CCvvttmmeettaaNNaammee))
             Specifies the path name of _c_o_n_v_e_r_t-_m_e_t_a-_f_i_l_e. The
             _c_o_n_v_e_r_t-_m_e_t_a-_f_i_l_e contains the relation between meta
             keys of X and keys of Wnn. This file is only for
             older version _x_w_n_m_o.  Please use _c_v_t__x_i_m__t_b_l as much
             as possible.  For feather information about
             _c_o_n_v_e_r_t-_m_e_t_a-_f_i_l_e, please see the manual of

     xxjjuuttiillNNaammee ((class XXjjuuttiillNNaammee))
             Specifies the path name of _x_j_u_t_i_l which is _t_h_e _d_i_c_-
             _t_i_o_n_a_r_y _u_t_i_l_i_t_y _m_a_n_a_g_e_r.  The default is

     llaannggNNaammee ((class LLaannggNNaammee))
             Specifies the _l_o_c_a_l_e _n_a_m_e which is referred as the
             language environment of _R_o_o_t-_m_o_d_e. If this isn't
             set, first _L_A_N_G environment is referred. And if it
             isn't set, the default is _j_a__J_P.  A syntax of
             language-name follows.
             language = <language>'_'<territory>

     eexxiittMMeennuu ((class EExxiittMMeennuu))
             Indicates that the menu for exit is available when a
             mouse pointer is pushed on _R_o_o_t-_m_o_d_e window.  The
             default is ``True''.

     The following options can be specified for the window for
     _R_o_o_t-_m_o_d_e on each screen separately. the sub-name and sub-
     class of each screen are ssccrreeeennNN and SSccrreeeennNN. Then NN are
     specified the number of screen.

     ffoorreeggrroouunndd ((class FFoorreeggrroouunndd))
             Specifies the color to use for displaying text of
             _R_o_o_t-_m_o_d_e window.  The default is ``black''.

     bbaacckkggrroouunndd ((class BBaacckkggrroouunndd))
             Specifies the color to use for the background of
             _R_o_o_t-_m_o_d_e window.  The default is ``white''.

     bboorrddeerrCCoolloorr ((class BBoorrddeerrCCoolloorr))
             Specifies the color to use for the border of _R_o_o_t-
             _m_o_d_e window.  The default is ``black''.

     iiccoonniicc ((class IIccoonniicc))
             Indicates that _x_w_n_m_o should ask the window manager
             to start it as an icon rather than as the normal
             window.  If the -RV option is specified or "root-
             Visible" resource is specified as ``True'', this
             resource is specified as ``False''.  The default is

     ggeeoommeettrryy ((class GGeeoommeettrryy))
             Specifies the preferred size and position of _R_o_o_t-
             _m_o_d_e window.

     iiccoonnGGeeoommeettrryy ((class IIccoonnGGeeoommeettrryy))
             Specifies the preferred position of the icon window.

     bboorrddeerrWWiiddtthh ((class BBoorrddeerrWWiiddtthh))
             Specifies the width in pixels of the border sur-
             rounding _R_o_o_t-_m_o_d_e window.

     ffoonnttSSeett ((class FFoonnttSSeett))
             Specifies the list of font name. The fontset of
             _R_o_o_t-_m_o_d_e window is created from this list. The
             default is depend on the locale.  A syntax of this
             list follows.
             font-name-list = <fontname>{','fontname}

     rroooottVViissiibbllee ((class RRoooottVViissiibbllee))
             Indicates that _x_w_n_m_o should unmap _R_o_o_t-_m_o_d_e window
             when henkan mode is off or no client uses _R_o_o_t-_m_o_d_e.
             The default is ``False''.  This resource make
             -iconic option void and set "iconic" resource as

     killxwnmo(1X), ximrc(4X), cvt_xim_tbl(4X), cvt_fun_tbl(4X),
     _W_n_n _M_a_n_u_a_l (in the Wnn source directory)

     Copyright 1992, 1992 by OMRON Corporation
     Copyright 1992, 1992 by Massachusetts Institute of Technol-

     Seiji Kuwari (OMRON Corporation)

Printed 12/1/92             Release 5                           6