view cWnn/manual/chap6 @ 28:a7ccf412ba02

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author Yoshiki Yazawa <>
date Sat, 06 Mar 2010 23:24:53 +0900
parents bbc77ca4def5
line wrap: on
line source

			 ©§  £Ã£è£á£ð£ô£å£ò £¶  £Ã£Ï£Í£Í£Á£Î£Ä£Ó   ©§

©§ 6.1 OVERVIEW ©§

This chapter gives a description of the cWnn commands and other utilities available.

 cWnn Commands:
  1. cserver   -  Startup of the server 
  2. cuum      -  Startup of the front-end processor 
  3. cwnnstat  -  Current usage status of the server 
  4. cwnnkill  -  Termination of the server 
  5. cwnntouch -  Rewrite of dictionary header

 cWnn Utilities:
  5. catod     -  Creation of the binary form of a dictionary
  6. cdtoa     -  Restoration of a dictionary to its text form
  7. catof     -  Creation of the binary form of a grammar file
  8. cwdreg    -  Registration of characters/words into a specified dictionary
  9. cwddel    -  Deletion of characters/words from a specified dictionary
 10. cdicsort  -  Sorting of a specified text format dictionary

					- 6-1 -
©§ 6.2  STARTUP OF SERVER  -  cserver ©§

 * Description 
	cserver  -  To start the Chinese server.

 * Default Path 

 * Command Format 
	cserver [-f <file>] [-s <file>]

 * Function 
	During  Chinese  input, cserver  provides  the  services (such  as  conversion
	services etc.) and resources (such as dictionaries, grammar files etc.), 
	required by the users (front-end processors).  
	The input environment is provided by the front-end processor(cuum), which sends  
	its request to the cserver,  which subsequently performs the service and return
	the result back to the front-end processor.  Refer to the "Client-Server Model"
	in Section 1.3.

	Normally, once the system is up, fork() will be executed and the server runs as 
	a background process. 
	The startup of cserver can be set in "/etc/rc"  to be executed automatically in 
	the Unix system.

	When the  "cserver" command is executed, all the settings in the initialization 
	file  "/usr/local/lib/wnn/zh_CN/cserverrc"  will be  read and  the corresponding 
	initialization operations will be performed.
	Besides,  all resources  such as  dictionaries and usage frequency files of the 
	clients will  be maintained by the cserver.  Refer to  Section 5.3  for details 
	on "cserverrc". 

	If the user happens to start up  cserver after it  has already been started, an
	error message will be given.  Refer to Section 2.3.

 * Function Options 
	-f <file>       <file>  is the specified initialization file for the server.  
			If this option is not specified, the default initialization 
			file "/usr/local/bin/cWnn4/cserverrc" will be read. 

	-s <file>       <file>  is the specified logfile of cserver.
			All error messages will be directed to this specified logfile.
		        When <file> is specified as  "-", (eg. cserver -s -), the 
			error messages  will be sent to the standard error output.

					- 6-2 -
 * Note
	The command options inside [ ] shown in the Command Format indicates that they 
	are optional.   If they are  not required,  "cserver"  alone is  sufficient to
	start up the Chinese server.

 * Related files 

 * Reference 

					- 6-3 -

 * Description  
	cuum  -  To start the front-end processor 
		 (Refer to Section 3.2 for details in input environment)

 * Default Path 

 * Command Format 
	cuum  [-h/H] [-x/X]
	      [-k  <uumkey_file>]  [-c  <convert_key_file>]
	      [-r  <rk_file>]      [-D  <hostname>]
	      [-n  <username>]     [-l  <number_of_lines_for_conversion_input>]

	There are two more input environments: (1) Pinyin centred input enivornment
					       (2) Zhuyin centred input environment
	These two environments can be started up by using the "-r" option of the "cuum" 
	command together with the default path of each input environment.
	The "-r" option will be explained below.  You may refer to Section 3.2 for 
	examples on starting up these two environments.

 * Function 
	Once  "cuum" is executed, the initialization file for the  front-end processor 
	will be read from ONE of the following paths, in decreasing order: 
  	    (1) The file specified by the UUMRC C-Shell environment variable.
  	    (2) @HOME/.uumrc
  	    (3) /usr/local/lib/wnn/zh_CN/uumrc  (default path)

	After the initialization file is read, all the initializing  operations set in 
	the file will be  performed.  Refer to Sections 5.4 (uumrc) and 5.5 (wnnenvrc) 
	for the initialization details.
	The communication between the front-end processor(cuum) and the server(cserver)
	is via the socket.  Refer to Section 1.3 for details.

	If the user happens to start up  cuum  after it has  already been  started, an 
	error message will be given.  Refer to Section 2.3.

					- 6-4 -
 * Function Options 
   	-H  	The input mode will be set to ON after the startup of cuum.

 	-h   	The input mode will be set to OFF after the startup of cuum (default).

   	-X 	During cuum startup, the flow control of tty is ON (default).

   	-x	During cuum startup, the flow control of tty is OFF.

	-k  <uumkey_file> 
		Specify the keyboard definition file.  If this option is not specified,
		ONE  of the following  definition files  will be read  by  default, in 
		decreasing order:
  		(1) The filename indicated by  "setuumkey"  in the initialization file
		    "uumrc".  Refer to Sections 5.3(uumrc) and 5.6(uumkey).
  		(2) /usr/local/lib/wnn/zh_CN/uumkey
	-c  <convert_key_file> 
		Specify the conversion file for the keyboard input codes.  
		If this  option is not  specified,  ONE of the following files will be 
		read by default, in decreasing order:
  		(1) The filename indicated by  "setconvkey" in the initialization file
		    "uumrc" .  Refer to Sections 5.3(uumrc) and 5.7(cvt_key_tbl).
  		(2) /usr/local/lib/wnn/cvt_key_tbl

	-r  <rk_file> 
		Specify the input mode definition file of the input automaton.
		If this  option is not  specified,  ONE of the following files will be 
		read by default, in decreasing order:
  		(1) The filename indicated by "setautofile" in the initialization file
		    "uumrc".  Refer to Section 5.3(uumrc) and Section 7.5.
  		(2) /usr/local/lib/wnn/zh_CN/rk/mode

	-l  <lines>
		Specify the number of lines for input at the front-end processor.  
		(0  <  lines  <  window_line-1).  The maximum input line is the window 
		line minus one.  The default line number is 1.

	-D  <hostname>
		Specify the server at another host indicated by <hostname>.
		In this case, each  user environment  may be  set via  "setenv" in the 
		front-end processor initialization file, for example "uumrc".
		If  no <hostname> is specified, the one  specified by the  environment 
		variable CSERVER will be used.

					- 6-5 -
	-n  <username>
		Specify the username for the front-end processor. 
		If the  <username> is not specified, the value in environment variable 
		UUMUSER will be taken as the default value.  If UUMUSER is not defined,
		the username of the current front-end processor will be taken.

 * Note
	- The command options inside [ ]  shown in the  Command Format indicates that 
	  they are optional.  If they are not required, "cuum" alone is sufficient to
	  start up the front-end processor.
	- During  the startup  of cuum, a "pty" is required from the operating system. 
	  If "pty" is unable to be obtained, cuum startup will fail.
	  Similarly, if the initialization file, input automaton definition files and 
	  keyboard definition file cannot be read in, cuum startup will also fail.

 * Reference  
	cserver(6.2)  uumrc(5.3)  wnnenvrc(5.4)  uumkey(5.6)  cvt_key_tbl(5.7)

					- 6-6 -
©§ 6.4  CURRENT STATUS REPORT OF SERVER  -  cwnnstat  ©§

 * Description 
	cwnnstat  -  To show the current status of cserver.

 * Default Path 

 * Command Format 
	cwnnstat [-w] [-e] [-E] [-f] [-F] [-d] [-D] [-L <lang>] [<hostname>]

 * Function 
	To request for the current execution status of the  cserver for the current host.
	If <hostname> is specified, the status of the that  specified host will be given.
	With the function options as shown below, different information  may be obtained.

 * Function Options 
  	-w   	To list the username, hostname, socket number and the environment number.

 	-e   	To list the environment number, environment name and reference count.

  	-E   	To list the environment number, environment name, reference count, grammar 
		file number,  number of dictionary used, (list of dictionary numbers)  and 
		the numbers of the files used in the current environment.

  	-f   	To list the  file ID of each  cWnn file in the cserver, the file type, the
		location of file, reference count and the filename.

	-F      Same as -f option

  	-d   	To list  the dictionary  number of dictionaries  managed by  the host, the 
		dictionary  type,  dictionary  file  number,  dictionary  filename,  usage 
		frequency filename and usage frequency file number.

	-D   	To list the dictionary number, type, conversion method, number of entries,
		static/dynamic, current usage status, priority, alias, filename, 
		[(alias:usage frequency filename)], [password (frequency password)] of the 

  	-L   	To  specify  the language  name  which is  referred  during  selection  of
		cserver.  If  no  <lang>  is  specified,  the  one  specified  by  the 
		environment variable LANG will be used.  The default is "zh_CN".

					- 6-7 -
 * Note
	- The command options inside [ ] shown in the Command Format indicates that they 
	  are  optional.  If they are  not required,  "cwnnstat" alone is  sufficient to 
	  obtain the status of cserver.
	- Dictionary number is different from file number. 
	  * File number refers to the standardized number among all cWnn files.
	  * Dictionary number refers to the logical dictionary number in the server.
	- One  dictionary file may consist of different usage frequency files, and each 
	  will form an individual dictionary.
	- One dictionary file with  different conversion methods (forward/reverse) will 
	  form different dictionaries.

					- 6-8 -
©§ 6.5  SERVER TERMINATION  -  cwnnkill ©§

 * Description
        cwnnkill  -  To terminate the cserver.

 * Default Path

 * Command Format
        cwnnkill [-L <lang>] [<hostname>]

 * Function
        To terminate the cserver.  
	If <hostname> is given, the cserver at the specified host will be terminated. 

	If no <hostname> is given, "cwnnkill" will terminate the cserver of UNIX_domain.
	This is the cserver  specified in  the environment variable  CSERVER.  If this
	environment  variable is not specified,  "cwnnkill" will terminate the cserver
	of the local machine.

	If  some other  front-end processors are still  using the cserver to be killed,
	the current usage condition of the cserver will be shown, and termination will 
	fail.  Refer to Section 2.3.

 * Function Options 
  	-L   	To  specify the language  name which is  referred during  selection of
		cserver.  If  no  <lang>  is  specified,  the  one  specified  by  the 
		environment variable LANG will be used.  The default is "zh_CN".

 * Note
	The  hostname inside [ ]  shown in the  Command  Format  indicates that  it is 
	optional.  If this option is not required,  "cwnnkill" alone is  sufficient to 
	terminate the cserver.

					- 6-9 -
©§ 6.6  DICTIONARY HEADER UPDATE  -  cwnntouch  ©§

 * Description
        cwnntouch  -  To rewrite the header of the dictionary

 * Default Path

 * Command Format
        cwnntouch  <dict_filename>

 * Function
        To rewrite the header of the specified dictionary.  This is for matching the
	inode of the dictionary with the inode of the file.

	<dict_filename> is the filename of the binary format dictionary.

					- 6-10 -
©§ 6.7  CREATION OF DICTIONARY  -  catod  ©§

 * Description 
	catod  -  To convert the text format of a dictionary to binary format.

 * Default Path 

 * Command Format 
	catod  [-s <max_word>] [-R] [-r] [-e] [-S] [-U] [-P <dic_passwd>] 
	       [-p <fre_passwd>] [-h <cixing_file>]  <out_filename>

 * Function 
	This  command  converts a  dictionary from  text format  into binary format.
	<out_filename> is the name of the binary format dictionary.  
	If  <out_filename>  is not given, the output will be passed to the standard 
	output device(stdout).

	The input file may be piped in by using the "<" command.  For example,
        ©¦ catod  basic.dic  <  basic.u			      	      ©¦
	"basic.dic" here is the output binary format dictionary, while the "basic.u"
	is the input text format dictionary.

	If the input text dictionary is  not given, the input will be taken from the
	standard input(stdin).  To end the input via standard input, press ^D.

 * Function Options
	-s  <max_word>	  To specify the maximum number of words.  Default is 70000.

	-R		  To  create  a  dictionary  for  both  forward  and reverse 
			  conversion.  (Default).

	-r		  To  create  a  reverse format dictionary  only for reverse 

	-e		  If the Hanzi inside the text dictionary contains characters 
			  such as  space  and tab, they will be compacted to special 
			  format.  (Default).

	-S		  To create a static dictionary.

	-U		  To create a dynamic dictionary.

					- 6-11 -
	-P <dic_passwd>   To specify the password for the dictionary. 
			  If "-N" is used instead, the password of the dictionary will
			  be set to "*".

	-p <fre_passwd>	  To specify the password for the usage frequency file. 
			  If  "-n" is used instead, the password of the frequency file 
			  will be set to "*".
	-h <cixing_file>  To specify the Cixing definition file.

 * Note 
	- The parts in [ ] are options.  They may be omitted.
	- The Pinyin and Zhuyin dictionary has the same format.
	- For details on the structure of a dictionary file, refer to Section 8.2.
 * Reference


					- 6-12 -

 * Description 
	cdtoa  -  To convert the binary format of a dictionary back to text format.

 * Default Path 

 * Command Format 
	cdtoa [-n] [-s] [-z] [-e] [-E]  <in_filename> 
	      [-h <cixing_file>]  [<usage_frequency_file>....]

 * Function  
	To  convert the  binary format of  the dictionary to  text format, and output to 
	standard output (stdout).  
	<in_filename> is the name of the input binary format dictionary.

	The output may be piped into a file by using the ">" command.  For example,
        ©¦ cdtoa  dict.dic  >  dict.u				      ©¦
	"dict.u"  here is the output text format dictionary, while the "dict.dic" is the 
	input binary format dictionary.

	[< usage_frequency_file>....]  may indicate  more than  one user usage frequency 
	files (for a  particular  user).  These  usage  frequency  information  will  be 
	reflected in the text format dictionary created. 

 * Function Options 
	-s    		  To order the entries in text dictionary according to Pinyin or 

	-n 		  To attach sequence numbers to the output.

	-z		  To  convert the  binary format  back to  text format in Zhuyin.
			  (Note: default is Pinyin)

	-e		  If the  Hanzi inside the  text dictionary  contains characters 
			  such as  space  and  tab, they  will be  compacted to  special 
			  format. (Default)

	-E	   	  If the Hanzi inside  the text dictionary  contains  characters 
			  such as space and tab, they  will  NOT be compacted to special 

	-h <cixing_file>  To specify the Cixing definition file.

					- 6-13 -
 * Note
	- The parts in [ ] are options.  They may be omitted.
	- The Pinyin and Zhuyin dictionary has the same format.
	- The default conversion result of the text dictionary is in Pinyin.
 * Reference 


					- 6-14 -

 * Description 
	catof  -  To convert the text format of grammatical rules into binary format.

 * Default Path 

 * Command Format 
	catof  [-h <cixing_file>]   <out_grammar_file>

 * Function 
	This command converts a text file of  grammatical rules into binary format.
	<out_grammar_file>  is the name of the  output grammar file.  If it is not 
	specified, the grammatical rules will be passed to the standard output (stdout).

 * Function Options
	-h <cixing_file>	To specify the Cixing definition file.

 * Note
	- The parts in [ ] are options.  They may be omitted.
	- For details on the structure of grammar file, refer to Section 8.4.

					- 6-15 -

 * Description 
	cwdreg  -  To register characters/words into the binary format dictionary.

 * Default Path 

 * Command Format 
	cwdreg  [-D <server_name>]  -n <env_name>  -d <dic_no>    <   <text_dict>
	cwdreg  [-D <server_name>]  -n <env_name>  -L <filename>  <   <text_dict>

 * Function 
	This function allows  user to register characters/words into the specified
	binary dictionary, with either  dictionary number  <dic_no>  or dictionary
	filename  <filename>  specified.

	<server_name> is the machine name of the server.  If this is not specified,
	the default cserver indicated by the the environment variable CSERVER will
	be taken.

	"-n <env_name>"  must be  specified.   <env_name> is the environment name. 
	You may execute "cwnnstat -E" to see the current environment name. 

	Either  "-d <dic_no>"  or  "-L <filename>" must be specified.
	<dic_no> is the dictionary number. 
	<filename>  is the  filename of the dictionary.  "-L" is used for when the
	dictionary is from the local machine.

	"<" means to pipe the <text_dict> as an input to "cwdreg" command.

	<text_dict>  is the text file which user enters the characters/words to be
	registered.   The format of this text file must be the same as that in the
	system text format dictionary.  That is,
	©¦ Pinyin      Word       Cixing        Frequency   ©¦
	©¦   :           :          :              :        ©¦
	Refer to Section 8.2 for details.
	By using  "cwdreg",  all  the  characters/words  in  <text_dict>  will be 
	registered into the specified binary dictionary permanently.

 * Note
	- The parts in [ ] are options.  They may be omitted.

					- 6-16 -

 * Description 
	cwddel  -  To delete characters/words from the binary format dictionary.

 * Default Path 

 * Command Format 
	cwddel  [<server_name>]  <env_name>  <dic_no>    <   <text_dict>

 * Function 
	This function allows  user to delete  characters/words  from the specified
	binary dictionary, with the dictionary number  <dic_no>  specified.

	<server_name> is the machine name of the server.  If this is not specified,
	the default cserver indicated by the the environment variable CSERVER will
	be taken.

	<env_name>  must be specified.   <env_name> is the environment name. 
	You may execute "cwnnstat -E" to see the current environment name. 

	<dic_no> also must be specified.  <dic_no> is the dictionary number. 

	"<" means to pipe the <text_dict> as an input to "cwddel" command.

	<text_dict>  is the user text file which contains the serial number of the
	characters/words  to be  deleted  from the  binary dictionary.  The serial
	number of the characters/words can be found by using environment
	operation "Word/character search ¼ìË÷" as described in Section 5.2.
	By using  "cwddel", all the characters/words with  serial number specified
	in  <text_dict>  will be  deleted  from  the specified   binary dictionary 

 * Note
	- The parts in [ ] are options.  They may be omitted.

					- 6-17 -
©§ 6.12  DICTIONARY  SORT  -  cdicsort  ©§

 * Description 
	cdicsort  -  To sort the text format dictionary 

 * Default Path 

 * Command Format 
	cdicsort   <   <text_dict>

 * Function 
	This function allows user to sort the specified text format dictionary, which is
	piped in as <text_dict>.
	If the input  text  dictionary is  not given, the input  will be  taken from the
	standard input(stdin).  To end the input via standard input, press ^D.

	"<" means to pipe the <text_dict> as an input to "cdicsort" command.

	<text_dict> is the text format dictionary.  The format of this text file must be 
	the same as that in the system text format dictionary.  That is,
	©¦ Pinyin      Word       Cixing        Frequency   ©¦
	©¦   :           :          :              :        ©¦
	Refer to Section 8.2 for details.
	By using "cdicsort", all the Pinyin tuples in  <text_dict>  will be sorted.

	The  result of  "cdicsort"  will be output  to standard output (stdout).  It may 
	also be piped into a file by using the ">" command.  For example,
        ©¦ cdictsort  <  dict.u  >  sort_dict.u			      ©¦
	"dict.u"  here is the input text format dictionary, while the "sort_dict.u"  is 
	the sorted text format dictionary.

					- 6-18 -