view Xwnmo/test/define.h @ 2:b605a0e60f5b

- reverted jdata.h - fixed the bug which occurred on changing length of bunsetsu.
author Yoshiki Yazawa <>
date Thu, 13 Dec 2007 17:42:01 +0900
parents bbc77ca4def5
line wrap: on
line source

 * $Id: define.h,v 1.2 2001/06/14 18:16:11 ura Exp $

 * FreeWnn is a network-extensible Kana-to-Kanji conversion system.
 * This file is part of FreeWnn.
 * Copyright OMRON Corporation. 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1999
 * Author: OMRON SOFTWARE Co., Ltd. <>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
 * any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
 * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
 * Commentary:
 * Change log:
 * Last modified date: 8,Feb.1999
 * Code:

 * X11R5 Input Method Test Program
 * define.h v 1.0   Fri Mar  8 18:21:25 JST 1991

 *      Author: Takashi Inoue    OMRON Corporation

/* definition of XIMTEST.C */

/* definition of error */
#define ENV_ERR 1

/* definition of buffer size */
#define MAX_BUF         256     /* MAXimum BUFfer size */

/* definition of judge flag about IC mode */
#define ONSP    0x0001          /* mode of ON-the-SPot */
#define OVERSP  0x0002          /* mode of OVER-the-SPot */
#define OFFSP   0x0004          /* mode of OFF-the-SPot */
#define ROOTW   0x0008          /* mode of ROOT-Window */
#define ENDAT   0x000F          /* END of All Tests */

/* definition of judge flag about test result of change IC */
#define COMP    0x0001          /* COMPleted test */
#define DIC     0x0002          /* Destroy IC and continue test */
#define MENU    0x0004          /* return main MENU */

/* definition of judge flag OK or NG */
#undef  OK
#define OK      0x0000          /* result is OK */
#define NG      0x0001          /* result is No Good */

/* definition of XRESOURCE.C */

/* definition of geometry about bitmap data */
#define BIT_WIDTH       10      /* BITmap data WIDTH */
#define BIT_HEIGHT      10      /* BITmap data HEIGHT */

/* definition of number of data on FontSet, Pixmap, Colormap .... */
#define ARRAY_MAX       2       /* ARRAY MAXimum */

/* definition of pixel value */
#define PLANE_MAX       1       /* PLANE MAXimum */
#define PIX_MAX         4       /* PIXel MAXimum */

/* definition of bitmap element value */
#define BITS_MAX        20      /* BITS MAXimum */

/* definition of number of menu windows */
#define MENU_MAX        20

/* definition of geometry on test window */
#define W1_X            680     /* Window1 X axis */
#define W23_X           0       /* Window2,3 X axis */
#define W1_Y            480     /* Winddow1 Y axis */
#define W2_Y            200     /* Window2, Y axis */
#define W3_Y            50      /* Window3 Y axis */
#define W1_WIDTH        600     /* Winddow1 WIDTH */
#define W2_WIDTH        400     /* Window2, WITDH */
#define W3_WIDTH        550     /* Window3 WIDTH */
#define W1_HEIGHT       450     /* Window1 HEIGHT */
#define W23_HEIGHT      150     /* Window2,3 HEIGHT */
#define W_BORDER        2       /* Window BORDER */

/* definition of geometry on name window of test window */
#define NW_WIDTH        80      /* Name Window WIDTH */
#define NW_HEIGHT       30      /* Name Window HEIGHT */
#define WIN_ITV         10      /* WINdow InTerVal */

/* definition of geometry on menu window */
#define MROOT_X         20      /* Menu ROOT window X axis */
#define MROOT_Y         930     /* Menu ROOT window Y axia */
#define MSUB_Y          30      /* Menu SUB window Y axis */
#define MSUB_WIDTH      90      /* Menu SUB window WIDTH */
#define MSUB_HEIGHT     30      /* Menu SUB window HEIGHT */
#define M_BORDER        2       /* Menu window BORDER_width */

/* definition of CHKIC.C */

/* definition of mode numer */
#define MODENUM         5       /* MODE NUMber */

/* definition of error code for XCreateIC and XGetICValues */
#define NOERR           0x0000  /* NO ERRor */
#define OPIMERR         0x0001  /* OPen IM ERRor */
#define GIMERR          0x0002  /* GetIMvalues ERRor */
#define CRICERR         0x0004  /* CReate IC ERRor */
#define GICERR          0x0008  /* GetICvalues ERRor */

/* definition of item-numbers of valuables */
#define ONMUST          15      /* ON-the-spot (MUST) */
#define ONMAY           17      /* ON-the-spot (MAY) */
#define OVERMUST        5       /* OVER-the-spot (MUST) */
#define OVERMAY         28      /* OVER-the-spot (MAY) */
#define OFFMUST         3       /* OFF-the-spot (MUST) */
#define OFFMAY          25      /* OFF-the-spot (MAY) */
#define ROOTMUST        1       /* ROOT-window (MUST) */
#define ROOTMAY         17      /* ROOT-window (MAY) */

#define V_NUM           3

/* definition of dummy valuable for XVaCreateNestedList */
#define DUMMY           0

/* definition of valuables for Set/GetICValues */
#define IS              "InputStyle"
#define CW              "CreateWindow"
#define FW              "FocusWindow"
#define RN              "ResouceName"
#define RC              "ResouceClass"
#define PAX             "Preedit-Area.x"
#define PAY             "Preedit-Area.y"
#define PAW             "Preedit-Area.width"
#define PAH             "Preedit-Area.height"
#define PNW             "Preedit-AreaNeeded.width"
#define PNH             "Preedit-AreaNeeded.height"
#define PSLX            "Preedit-SpotLocation.x"
#define PSLY            "Preedit-SpotLocation.y"
#define PCM             "Preedit-Colormap"
#define PFG             "Preedit-Foreground"
#define PBG             "Preedit-Background"
#define PBP             "Preedit-Bg/Pixmap"
#define PFS             "Preedit-FontSet"
#define PLS             "Preedit-LineSpacing"
#define PCU             "Preedit-Cursor"
#define PSL             "Preedit-StartCallbacks.client_data"
#define PSA             "Preedit-StartCallbacks.callback"
#define POL             "Preedit-DoneCallbacks.client_data"
#define POA             "Preedit-DoneCallback.callback"
#define PRL             "Preedit-DrawCallback.client_data"
#define PRA             "Preedit-DrawCallback.callback"
#define PCL             "Preedit-CaretCallback.client_data"
#define PCA             "Preedit-CaretCallback.callback"
#define SAX             "Status-Area.x"
#define SAY             "Status-Area.y"
#define SAW             "Status-Area.width"
#define SAH             "Status-Area.height"
#define SNW             "Status-AreaNeeded.width"
#define SNH             "Status-AreaNeeded.height"
#define SCM             "Status-Colormap"
#define SFG             "Status-Foreground"
#define SBG             "Status-Background"
#define SBP             "Status-Bg/Pixmap"
#define SFS             "Status-FontSet"
#define SCU             "Status-Cursor"
#define SSL             "Status-StartCallbacks.client_data"
#define SSA             "Status-StartCallbacks.callback"
#define SOL             "Status-DoneCallbacks.client_data"
#define SOA             "Status-DoneCallbacks.callback"
#define SRL             "Status-DrawCallbacks.client_data"
#define SRA             "Status-DrawCallbacks.callback"

/* definition of flag for output style */
#define DEC             0x000a
#define HEX             0x0010
#define STR             0x0100

/* definition of PreEdit/Status window area */
/* Preedit area on OVER-the-spot mode */
#define XPOVER          0       /* X axis */
#define YPOVER          0       /* Y axis */
#define WPOVER1         400     /* Width pattern 1 */
#define WPOVER2         150     /* Width pattern 2 */
#define HPOVER          300     /* Height */
#define XPSL1           0       /* X axis of SpotLocation pattern 1 */
#define XPSL2           300     /* X axis of SpotLocation pattern 2 */
#define YPSL            16      /* Y axis of SpotLocation */
#define LSPC1           5       /* LineSpacing pattern1 */
#define LSPC2           10      /* LineSpacing pattern2 */
/* Preedit area on OFF-the-spot mode */
#define WPOFF1          600     /* Width pattern 1 */
#define WPOFF2          800     /* Width pattern 2 */
/* Status area on OVer-the-spot mode & OFf-the-spot mode */
#define XSOVOF          20      /* X axis */
#define YSOVOF          370     /* Y axis */
#define WSOVOF1         100     /* Width pattern 1 */
#define WSOVOF2         50      /* Width pattern 2 */

#define ST_WIDTH        50      /* STatus WIDTH */
#define PS_HEIGHT       20      /* Preedit/Status HEIGHT */

/* definition of KEYEV.C */

/* flags for XSet/UnsetICFocus check */
#define SUICF           0x0001  /* Set/UnsetICFocus */

/* flags for SetICValues check */
#define FOCUS           0x0002  /* FOCUS window */
#define RESNC           0x0004  /* RESource Name/RESource Class */
#define AREA            0x0008  /* preedit/status AREA */
#define NEEDED          0x0010  /* preedit/status area NEEDED */
#define SPOT            0x0020  /* preedit SPOTlocation */
#define COLORMAP        0x0040  /* preedit/status COLORMAP */
#define GROUND          0x0080  /* preedit/status fore GROUND/back GROUND */
#define PIXMAP          0x0100  /* preedit/status bg/PIXMAP */
#define FONTSET         0x0200  /* preedit/status FONTSET */
#define LINESPC         0x0400  /* preedit LINE SPaCing (only over-the-spot) */
#define CURSOR          0x0800  /* preedit/status CURSOR */
#define RESET           0x1000  /* xmb/wcRESETic */
#define CHMOD           0x2000  /* return main menu to CHange MODe */

/* window name geometry */
#define MSTR_XY         5, 20

/* definition of CHKCSET.C */

#define CHKRES          2       /* CHecK items, array of RESource name/class */

/* definition of CHKPSSET.C */

#define CHKAREA         8
#define CHKNEEDED       4
#define CHKSPOT         2
#define CHKCMAP         2
#define CHKFBGND        4
#define CHKPIX          2
#define CHKFONT         2
#define CHKCUR          2

/* definition of curses.c */
#define PRDISP_GEOM     22, 80, 0, 1    /* geometry of print part */
#define MODISP_GEOM     1, 80, 22, 1    /* geometry of mode part */
#define STDISP_GEOM     1, 80, 23, 1    /* geometry of status part */

#define TITLE_YX        6, 26   /* geometry of title(title) */
#define COPYR_YX        14, 24  /* geometry of title(copyright) */

#define MTITLE_YX       3, 33   /* geometry of menu mode (title) */
#define MON_YX          7, 31   /* geometry of menu mode (mode1) */
#define MOVER_YX        10, 31  /* geometry of menu mode (mode2) */
#define MOFF_YX         13, 31  /* geometry of menu mode (mode3) */
#define MROOT_YX        16, 31  /* geometry of menu mode (mode4) */
#define EXIT_YX         19, 31  /* geometry of menu mode (exit) */
#define MODISP_YX       22, 1   /* (y, x) of mode part */
#define STDISP_YX       23, 1   /* (y, x) of status part */

#define SLEEP_TIME      1       /* SLEEP TIME for process */

/* macro */
#define CALCY(winy, winh) ((winy) - ((winh) + (WIN_ITV)))

#define MB              0       /* Multi Byte string mode */
#define WC              1       /* Wide Character string mode */