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view Xwnmo/manual.en/2.env/cvtmt.txt @ 3:ed4bb01eb317
- suppress warnings.
- partially fixed comparison between pointer and 0.
author | Yoshiki Yazawa <> |
date | Thu, 13 Dec 2007 19:53:14 +0900 |
parents | bbc77ca4def5 |
children |
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CVTMT(4) UNIX Programmer's Manual CVTMT(4) NNAAMMEE cvt_meta_tbl - Meta key conversion table of Input Manager of the X Window System Version 11 (xwnmo(1X)) SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS //uussrr//llooccaall//lliibb//wwnnnn//ccvvtt__mmeettaa__ttbbll (Default) DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN Converts a meta key code(_K_e_y_S_y_m) generated by _X_L_o_o_k_u_p_- _S_t_r_i_n_g() to a one-byte character(_W_n_n _c_o_d_e) according to preset data. CCooddiinngg ffoorrmmaatt:: [ _K_e_y_S_y_m-_e_n_t_r_y <space_character> _W_n_n-_c_o_d_e ] Lines that start with a semicolon (;) are comments. CCooddee nnoottaattiioonn:: 0?? ---> Octal 0x?? or 0X?? ---> Hexadecimal ?? ---> Decimal EEXXAAMMPPLLEE Left 0x9A Up 0x99 Right 0x9B Down 0x9C F11 0x95 F12 0x96 F13 0x97 F14 0x98 minus 0x81 asciicircum 0x82 backslash 0x83 NNOOTTEESS Codes converted according to this table will be evaluated by _2_A__C_T_R_L (default), which is an alphanumeric-phonetic conver- sion automation table. After which, they are evaluated by _u_u_m_k_e_y. SSEEEE AALLSSOO xwnmo(1X), 2A_CTRL(4_JT), uumkey(4_JT), cvt_xim_tbl(4X), cvt_fun_tbl(4X) CCOOPPYYRRIIGGHHTT Copyright 1991 by OMRON Corporation Copyright 1991 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology AAUUTTHHOORR Seiji Kuwari (OMRON Corporation) Printed 12/1/92 Release 5 1