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view src/image-load.c @ 1344:3f9be528787c
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author | nadvornik |
date | Sat, 28 Feb 2009 20:13:11 +0000 |
parents | 8b89e3ff286b |
children | c9949c19a6d0 |
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/* * Geeqie * (C) 2004 John Ellis * Copyright (C) 2008 - 2009 The Geeqie Team * * Author: John Ellis * * This software is released under the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL). * Please read the included file COPYING for more information. * This software comes with no warranty of any kind, use at your own risk! */ #include "main.h" #include "image-load.h" #include "exif.h" #include "filedata.h" #include "ui_fileops.h" #include "gq-marshal.h" #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/mman.h> /**************************************************************************************/ /* image looader class */ enum { SIGNAL_AREA_READY = 0, SIGNAL_ERROR, SIGNAL_DONE, SIGNAL_PERCENT, SIGNAL_COUNT }; static guint signals[SIGNAL_COUNT] = { 0 }; static void image_loader_init (GTypeInstance *instance, gpointer g_class); static void image_loader_class_init (ImageLoaderClass *class); static void image_loader_finalize(GObject *object); static void image_loader_stop(ImageLoader *il); GType image_loader_get_type (void) { static GType type = 0; if (type == 0) { static const GTypeInfo info = { sizeof (ImageLoaderClass), NULL, /* base_init */ NULL, /* base_finalize */ (GClassInitFunc)image_loader_class_init, /* class_init */ NULL, /* class_finalize */ NULL, /* class_data */ sizeof (ImageLoader), 0, /* n_preallocs */ (GInstanceInitFunc)image_loader_init, /* instance_init */ NULL /* value_table */ }; type = g_type_register_static (G_TYPE_OBJECT, "ImageLoaderType", &info, 0); } return type; } static void image_loader_init (GTypeInstance *instance, gpointer g_class) { ImageLoader *il = (ImageLoader *)instance; il->pixbuf = NULL; il->idle_id = -1; il->idle_priority = G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE; il->done = FALSE; il->loader = NULL; il->bytes_read = 0; il->bytes_total = 0; il->idle_done_id = -1; il->idle_read_loop_count = options->image.idle_read_loop_count; il->read_buffer_size = options->image.read_buffer_size; il->mapped_file = NULL; il->requested_width = 0; il->requested_height = 0; il->shrunk = FALSE; il->can_destroy = TRUE; #ifdef HAVE_GTHREAD il->data_mutex = g_mutex_new(); il->can_destroy_cond = g_cond_new(); #endif DEBUG_1("new image loader %p, bufsize=%u idle_loop=%u", il, il->read_buffer_size, il->idle_read_loop_count); } static void image_loader_class_init (ImageLoaderClass *class) { GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class); // gobject_class->set_property = image_loader_set_property; // gobject_class->get_property = image_loader_get_property; gobject_class->finalize = image_loader_finalize; signals[SIGNAL_AREA_READY] = g_signal_new("area_ready", G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE(gobject_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(ImageLoaderClass, area_ready), NULL, NULL, gq_marshal_VOID__INT_INT_INT_INT, G_TYPE_NONE, 4, G_TYPE_INT, G_TYPE_INT, G_TYPE_INT, G_TYPE_INT); signals[SIGNAL_ERROR] = g_signal_new("error", G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE(gobject_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(ImageLoaderClass, error), NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, G_TYPE_NONE, 0); signals[SIGNAL_DONE] = g_signal_new("done", G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE(gobject_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(ImageLoaderClass, done), NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, G_TYPE_NONE, 0); signals[SIGNAL_PERCENT] = g_signal_new("percent", G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE(gobject_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(ImageLoaderClass, percent), NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__DOUBLE, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_DOUBLE); } static void image_loader_finalize(GObject *object) { ImageLoader *il = (ImageLoader *)object; image_loader_stop(il); DEBUG_1("freeing image loader %p bytes_read=%d", il, il->bytes_read); if (il->idle_done_id != -1) g_source_remove(il->idle_done_id); while (g_source_remove_by_user_data(il)) { DEBUG_1("pending signals detected"); } while (il->area_param_list) { DEBUG_1("pending area_ready signals detected"); while (g_source_remove_by_user_data(il->area_param_list->data)) {} g_free(il->area_param_list->data); il->area_param_list = g_list_delete_link(il->area_param_list, il->area_param_list); } while (il->area_param_delayed_list) { g_free(il->area_param_delayed_list->data); il->area_param_delayed_list = g_list_delete_link(il->area_param_delayed_list, il->area_param_delayed_list); } if (il->pixbuf) g_object_unref(il->pixbuf); file_data_unref(il->fd); #ifdef HAVE_GTHREAD g_mutex_free(il->data_mutex); g_cond_free(il->can_destroy_cond); #endif } void image_loader_free(ImageLoader *il) { if (!il) return; g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(il)); } ImageLoader *image_loader_new(FileData *fd) { ImageLoader *il; if (!fd) return NULL; il = (ImageLoader *) g_object_new(TYPE_IMAGE_LOADER, NULL); il->fd = file_data_ref(fd); return il; } /**************************************************************************************/ /* send signals via idle calbacks - the callback are executed in the main thread */ typedef struct _ImageLoaderAreaParam ImageLoaderAreaParam; struct _ImageLoaderAreaParam { ImageLoader *il; guint x; guint y; guint w; guint h; }; static gint image_loader_emit_area_ready_cb(gpointer data) { ImageLoaderAreaParam *par = data; ImageLoader *il = par->il; g_signal_emit(il, signals[SIGNAL_AREA_READY], 0, par->x, par->y, par->w, par->h); g_mutex_lock(il->data_mutex); il->area_param_list = g_list_remove(il->area_param_list, par); g_free(par); g_mutex_unlock(il->data_mutex); return FALSE; } static gint image_loader_emit_done_cb(gpointer data) { ImageLoader *il = data; g_signal_emit(il, signals[SIGNAL_DONE], 0); return FALSE; } static gint image_loader_emit_error_cb(gpointer data) { ImageLoader *il = data; g_signal_emit(il, signals[SIGNAL_ERROR], 0); return FALSE; } static gint image_loader_emit_percent_cb(gpointer data) { ImageLoader *il = data; g_signal_emit(il, signals[SIGNAL_PERCENT], 0, image_loader_get_percent(il)); return FALSE; } /* DONE and ERROR are emited only once, thus they can have normal priority PERCENT and AREA_READY should be processed ASAP */ static void image_loader_emit_done(ImageLoader *il) { g_idle_add_full(il->idle_priority, image_loader_emit_done_cb, il, NULL); } static void image_loader_emit_error(ImageLoader *il) { g_idle_add_full(il->idle_priority, image_loader_emit_error_cb, il, NULL); } static void image_loader_emit_percent(ImageLoader *il) { g_idle_add_full(G_PRIORITY_HIGH, image_loader_emit_percent_cb, il, NULL); } /* this function expects that il->data_mutex is locked by caller */ static void image_loader_emit_area_ready(ImageLoader *il, guint x, guint y, guint w, guint h) { ImageLoaderAreaParam *par = g_new0(ImageLoaderAreaParam, 1); par->il = il; par->x = x; par->y = y; par->w = w; par->h = h; il->area_param_list = g_list_prepend(il->area_param_list, par); g_idle_add_full(G_PRIORITY_HIGH, image_loader_emit_area_ready_cb, par, NULL); } /**************************************************************************************/ /* the following functions may be executed in separate thread */ /* this function expects that il->data_mutex is locked by caller */ static void image_loader_queue_delayed_erea_ready(ImageLoader *il, guint x, guint y, guint w, guint h) { ImageLoaderAreaParam *par = g_new0(ImageLoaderAreaParam, 1); par->il = il; par->x = x; par->y = y; par->w = w; par->h = h; il->area_param_delayed_list = g_list_prepend(il->area_param_delayed_list, par); } static gint image_loader_get_stopping(ImageLoader *il) { gint ret; if (!il) return FALSE; g_mutex_lock(il->data_mutex); ret = il->stopping; g_mutex_unlock(il->data_mutex); return ret; } static void image_loader_sync_pixbuf(ImageLoader *il) { GdkPixbuf *pb; g_mutex_lock(il->data_mutex); if (!il->loader) { g_mutex_unlock(il->data_mutex); return; } pb = gdk_pixbuf_loader_get_pixbuf(il->loader); if (pb == il->pixbuf) { g_mutex_unlock(il->data_mutex); return; } if (il->pixbuf) g_object_unref(il->pixbuf); il->pixbuf = pb; if (il->pixbuf) g_object_ref(il->pixbuf); g_mutex_unlock(il->data_mutex); } static void image_loader_area_updated_cb(GdkPixbufLoader *loader, guint x, guint y, guint w, guint h, gpointer data) { ImageLoader *il = data; if (!image_loader_get_pixbuf(il)) { image_loader_sync_pixbuf(il); if (!image_loader_get_pixbuf(il)) { log_printf("critical: area_ready signal with NULL pixbuf (out of mem?)\n"); } } g_mutex_lock(il->data_mutex); if (il->delay_area_ready) image_loader_queue_delayed_erea_ready(il, x, y, w, h); else image_loader_emit_area_ready(il, x, y, w, h); g_mutex_unlock(il->data_mutex); } static void image_loader_area_prepared_cb(GdkPixbufLoader *loader, gpointer data) { GdkPixbuf *pb; guchar *pix; size_t h, rs; /* a workaround for */ gchar *format = gdk_pixbuf_format_get_name(gdk_pixbuf_loader_get_format(loader)); if (strcmp(format, "svg") == 0) { g_free(format); return; } g_free(format); pb = gdk_pixbuf_loader_get_pixbuf(loader); h = gdk_pixbuf_get_height(pb); rs = gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride(pb); pix = gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels(pb); memset(pix, 0, rs * h); /*this should be faster than pixbuf_fill */ } static void image_loader_size_cb(GdkPixbufLoader *loader, gint width, gint height, gpointer data) { ImageLoader *il = data; GdkPixbufFormat *format; gchar **mime_types; gint scale = FALSE; gint n; g_mutex_lock(il->data_mutex); if (il->requested_width < 1 || il->requested_height < 1) { g_mutex_unlock(il->data_mutex); return; } g_mutex_unlock(il->data_mutex); format = gdk_pixbuf_loader_get_format(loader); if (!format) return; mime_types = gdk_pixbuf_format_get_mime_types(format); n = 0; while (mime_types[n]) { if (strstr(mime_types[n], "jpeg")) scale = TRUE; n++; } g_strfreev(mime_types); if (!scale) return; g_mutex_lock(il->data_mutex); if (width > il->requested_width || height > il->requested_height) { gint nw, nh; if (((gdouble)il->requested_width / width) < ((gdouble)il->requested_height / height)) { nw = il->requested_width; nh = (gdouble)nw / width * height; if (nh < 1) nh = 1; } else { nh = il->requested_height; nw = (gdouble)nh / height * width; if (nw < 1) nw = 1; } gdk_pixbuf_loader_set_size(loader, nw, nh); il->shrunk = TRUE; } g_mutex_unlock(il->data_mutex); } static void image_loader_stop_loader(ImageLoader *il) { if (!il) return; if (il->loader) { /* some loaders do not have a pixbuf till close, order is important here */ gdk_pixbuf_loader_close(il->loader, NULL); image_loader_sync_pixbuf(il); g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(il->loader)); il->loader = NULL; } g_mutex_lock(il->data_mutex); il->done = TRUE; g_mutex_unlock(il->data_mutex); } static void image_loader_setup_loader(ImageLoader *il) { g_mutex_lock(il->data_mutex); il->loader = gdk_pixbuf_loader_new(); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(il->loader), "area_updated", G_CALLBACK(image_loader_area_updated_cb), il); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(il->loader), "size_prepared", G_CALLBACK(image_loader_size_cb), il); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(il->loader), "area_prepared", G_CALLBACK(image_loader_area_prepared_cb), il); g_mutex_unlock(il->data_mutex); } static void image_loader_done(ImageLoader *il) { image_loader_stop_loader(il); image_loader_emit_done(il); } static void image_loader_error(ImageLoader *il) { image_loader_stop_loader(il); DEBUG_1("pixbuf_loader reported load error for: %s", il->fd->path); image_loader_emit_error(il); } static gint image_loader_continue(ImageLoader *il) { gint b; gint c; if (!il) return FALSE; c = il->idle_read_loop_count ? il->idle_read_loop_count : 1; while (c > 0 && !image_loader_get_stopping(il)) { b = MIN(il->read_buffer_size, il->bytes_total - il->bytes_read); if (b == 0) { image_loader_done(il); return FALSE; } if (b < 0 || (b > 0 && !gdk_pixbuf_loader_write(il->loader, il->mapped_file + il->bytes_read, b, NULL))) { image_loader_error(il); return FALSE; } il->bytes_read += b; c--; } if (il->bytes_total > 0) { image_loader_emit_percent(il); } return TRUE; } static gint image_loader_begin(ImageLoader *il) { gint b; if (il->pixbuf) return FALSE; b = MIN(il->read_buffer_size, il->bytes_total - il->bytes_read); if (b < 1) return FALSE; image_loader_setup_loader(il); if (!gdk_pixbuf_loader_write(il->loader, il->mapped_file + il->bytes_read, b, NULL)) { image_loader_stop_loader(il); return FALSE; } il->bytes_read += b; /* read until size is known */ while (il->loader && !gdk_pixbuf_loader_get_pixbuf(il->loader) && b > 0 && !image_loader_get_stopping(il)) { b = MIN(il->read_buffer_size, il->bytes_total - il->bytes_read); if (b < 0 || (b > 0 && !gdk_pixbuf_loader_write(il->loader, il->mapped_file + il->bytes_read, b, NULL))) { image_loader_stop_loader(il); return FALSE; } il->bytes_read += b; } if (!il->pixbuf) image_loader_sync_pixbuf(il); if (il->bytes_read == il->bytes_total || b < 1) { /* done, handle (broken) loaders that do not have pixbuf till close */ image_loader_stop_loader(il); if (!il->pixbuf) return FALSE; image_loader_done(il); return TRUE; } if (!il->pixbuf) { image_loader_stop_loader(il); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /**************************************************************************************/ /* the following functions are always executed in the main thread */ static gint image_loader_setup_source(ImageLoader *il) { struct stat st; gchar *pathl; if (!il || il->loader || il->mapped_file) return FALSE; il->mapped_file = NULL; if (il->fd) { ExifData *exif = exif_read_fd(il->fd); if (options->thumbnails.use_exif) il->mapped_file = exif_get_preview(exif, &il->bytes_total, il->requested_width, il->requested_height); else il->mapped_file = exif_get_preview(exif, &il->bytes_total, 0, 0); /* get the largest available preview image or NULL for normal images*/ if (il->mapped_file) { il->preview = TRUE; DEBUG_1("Usable reduced size (preview) image loaded from file %s", il->fd->path); } exif_free_fd(il->fd, exif); } if (!il->mapped_file) { /* normal file */ gint load_fd; pathl = path_from_utf8(il->fd->path); load_fd = open(pathl, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK); g_free(pathl); if (load_fd == -1) return FALSE; if (fstat(load_fd, &st) == 0) { il->bytes_total = st.st_size; } else { close(load_fd); return FALSE; } il->mapped_file = mmap(0, il->bytes_total, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE, load_fd, 0); close(load_fd); if (il->mapped_file == MAP_FAILED) { il->mapped_file = 0; return FALSE; } il->preview = FALSE; } return TRUE; } static void image_loader_stop_source(ImageLoader *il) { if (!il) return; if (il->mapped_file) { if (il->preview) { exif_free_preview(il->mapped_file); } else { munmap(il->mapped_file, il->bytes_total); } il->mapped_file = NULL; } } static void image_loader_stop(ImageLoader *il) { if (!il) return; if (il->idle_id != -1) { g_source_remove(il->idle_id); il->idle_id = -1; } if (il->thread) { /* stop loader in the other thread */ g_mutex_lock(il->data_mutex); il->stopping = TRUE; while (!il->can_destroy) g_cond_wait(il->can_destroy_cond, il->data_mutex); g_mutex_unlock(il->data_mutex); } image_loader_stop_loader(il); image_loader_stop_source(il); } void image_loader_delay_area_ready(ImageLoader *il, gint enable) { g_mutex_lock(il->data_mutex); il->delay_area_ready = enable; if (!enable) { /* send delayed */ GList *list, *work; list = g_list_reverse(il->area_param_delayed_list); il->area_param_delayed_list = NULL; g_mutex_unlock(il->data_mutex); work = list; while (work) { ImageLoaderAreaParam *par = work->data; work = work->next; g_signal_emit(il, signals[SIGNAL_AREA_READY], 0, par->x, par->y, par->w, par->h); g_free(par); } g_list_free(list); } else { /* just unlock */ g_mutex_unlock(il->data_mutex); } } /**************************************************************************************/ /* execution via idle calls */ static gint image_loader_idle_cb(gpointer data) { gint ret = FALSE; ImageLoader *il = data; if (il->idle_id != -1) { ret = image_loader_continue(il); } if (!ret) { image_loader_stop_source(il); } return ret; } gint image_loader_start_idle(ImageLoader *il) { gint ret; if (!il) return FALSE; if (!il->fd) return FALSE; if (!image_loader_setup_source(il)) return FALSE; ret = image_loader_begin(il); if (ret && !il->done) il->idle_id = g_idle_add_full(il->idle_priority, image_loader_idle_cb, il, NULL); return ret; } /**************************************************************************************/ /* execution via thread */ static GThreadPool *image_loader_thread_pool = NULL; static GCond *image_loader_prio_cond = NULL; static GMutex *image_loader_prio_mutex = NULL; static gint image_loader_prio_num = 0; static void image_loader_thread_enter_high(void) { g_mutex_lock(image_loader_prio_mutex); image_loader_prio_num++; g_mutex_unlock(image_loader_prio_mutex); } static void image_loader_thread_leave_high(void) { g_mutex_lock(image_loader_prio_mutex); image_loader_prio_num--; if (image_loader_prio_num == 0) g_cond_signal(image_loader_prio_cond); g_mutex_unlock(image_loader_prio_mutex); } static void image_loader_thread_wait_high(void) { g_mutex_lock(image_loader_prio_mutex); while (image_loader_prio_num) { g_cond_wait(image_loader_prio_cond, image_loader_prio_mutex); } g_mutex_unlock(image_loader_prio_mutex); } void image_loader_thread_run(gpointer data, gpointer user_data) { ImageLoader *il = data; gint cont; if (il->idle_priority > G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE) { /* low prio, wait untill high prio tasks finishes */ image_loader_thread_wait_high(); } else { /* high prio */ image_loader_thread_enter_high(); } cont = image_loader_begin(il); if (!cont && !image_loader_get_pixbuf(il)) { /* loader failed, we have to send signal (idle mode returns the image_loader_begin return value directly) (success is always reported indirectly from image_loader_begin) */ image_loader_emit_error(il); } while (cont && !image_loader_get_is_done(il) && !image_loader_get_stopping(il)) { if (il->idle_priority > G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE) { /* low prio, wait untill high prio tasks finishes */ image_loader_thread_wait_high(); } cont = image_loader_continue(il); } image_loader_stop_loader(il); if (il->idle_priority <= G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE) { /* high prio */ image_loader_thread_leave_high(); } g_mutex_lock(il->data_mutex); il->can_destroy = TRUE; g_cond_signal(il->can_destroy_cond); g_mutex_unlock(il->data_mutex); } gint image_loader_start_thread(ImageLoader *il) { if (!il) return FALSE; if (!il->fd) return FALSE; il->thread = TRUE; if (!image_loader_setup_source(il)) return FALSE; if (!image_loader_thread_pool) { image_loader_thread_pool = g_thread_pool_new(image_loader_thread_run, NULL, -1, FALSE, NULL); image_loader_prio_cond = g_cond_new(); image_loader_prio_mutex = g_mutex_new(); } il->can_destroy = FALSE; /* ImageLoader can't be freed until image_loader_thread_run finishes */ g_thread_pool_push(image_loader_thread_pool, il, NULL); DEBUG_1("Thread pool num threads: %d", g_thread_pool_get_num_threads(image_loader_thread_pool)); return TRUE; } /**************************************************************************************/ /* public interface */ gint image_loader_start(ImageLoader *il) { if (!il) return FALSE; if (!il->fd) return FALSE; #ifdef HAVE_GTHREAD return image_loader_start_thread(il); #else return image_loader_start_idle(il); #endif } /* don't forget to gdk_pixbuf_ref() it if you want to use it after image_loader_free() */ GdkPixbuf *image_loader_get_pixbuf(ImageLoader *il) { GdkPixbuf *ret; if (!il) return NULL; g_mutex_lock(il->data_mutex); ret = il->pixbuf; g_mutex_unlock(il->data_mutex); return ret; } gchar *image_loader_get_format(ImageLoader *il) { GdkPixbufFormat *format; gchar **mimev; gchar *mime; if (!il || !il->loader) return NULL; format = gdk_pixbuf_loader_get_format(il->loader); if (!format) return NULL; mimev = gdk_pixbuf_format_get_mime_types(format); if (!mimev) return NULL; /* return first member of mimev, as GdkPixbufLoader has no way to tell us which exact one ? */ mime = g_strdup(mimev[0]); g_strfreev(mimev); return mime; } void image_loader_set_requested_size(ImageLoader *il, gint width, gint height) { if (!il) return; g_mutex_lock(il->data_mutex); il->requested_width = width; il->requested_height = height; g_mutex_unlock(il->data_mutex); } void image_loader_set_buffer_size(ImageLoader *il, guint count) { if (!il) return; g_mutex_lock(il->data_mutex); il->idle_read_loop_count = count ? count : 1; g_mutex_unlock(il->data_mutex); } void image_loader_set_priority(ImageLoader *il, gint priority) { if (!il) return; if (il->thread) return; /* can't change prio if the thread already runs */ il->idle_priority = priority; } gdouble image_loader_get_percent(ImageLoader *il) { gdouble ret; if (!il) return 0.0; g_mutex_lock(il->data_mutex); if (il->bytes_total == 0) { ret = 0.0; } else { ret = (gdouble)il->bytes_read / il->bytes_total; } g_mutex_unlock(il->data_mutex); return ret; } gint image_loader_get_is_done(ImageLoader *il) { gint ret; if (!il) return FALSE; g_mutex_lock(il->data_mutex); ret = il->done; g_mutex_unlock(il->data_mutex); return ret; } FileData *image_loader_get_fd(ImageLoader *il) { FileData *ret; if (!il) return NULL; g_mutex_lock(il->data_mutex); ret = il->fd; g_mutex_unlock(il->data_mutex); return ret; } gint image_loader_get_shrunk(ImageLoader *il) { gint ret; if (!il) return FALSE; g_mutex_lock(il->data_mutex); ret = il->shrunk; g_mutex_unlock(il->data_mutex); return ret; } /* FIXME - this can be rather slow and blocks until the size is known */ gint image_load_dimensions(FileData *fd, gint *width, gint *height) { ImageLoader *il; gint success; il = image_loader_new(fd); success = image_loader_start_idle(il); if (success && il->pixbuf) { if (width) *width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width(il->pixbuf); if (height) *height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height(il->pixbuf);; } else { if (width) *width = -1; if (height) *height = -1; } image_loader_free(il); return success; } /* vim: set shiftwidth=8 softtabstop=0 cindent cinoptions={1s: */