view src/editors.h @ 1743:d8e9d0cc640e

Allow to switch to fullscreen mode using LIRC. Imagine the following situation (which happened to me several times) : you want to see photos from your bed or your sofa so you launch geeqie and go to the right directory, then you take your remote control and sit comfortably far from your keyboard and mouse. And when you want to begin to watch photos, you realize you forgot to enable full screen! You have to stand up and to go until your computer and come back, whereas you could have done it with your remote control. Patch by Bernard Massot.
author zas_
date Tue, 05 Jan 2010 17:49:50 +0000
parents 475bbae6a7a3
line wrap: on
line source

 * Geeqie
 * (C) 2004 John Ellis
 * Copyright (C) 2008 - 2009 The Geeqie Team
 * Author: John Ellis
 * This software is released under the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL).
 * Please read the included file COPYING for more information.
 * This software comes with no warranty of any kind, use at your own risk!

#ifndef EDITORS_H
#define EDITORS_H

typedef enum {
	EDITOR_KEEP_FS            = 0x00000001,
	EDITOR_VERBOSE            = 0x00000002,
	EDITOR_VERBOSE_MULTI      = 0x00000004,
	EDITOR_TERMINAL		  = 0x00000008,

	EDITOR_DEST               = 0x00000100,
	EDITOR_FOR_EACH           = 0x00000200,
	EDITOR_SINGLE_COMMAND     = 0x00000400,
	/* below are errors */
	EDITOR_ERROR_EMPTY        = 0x00020000,
	EDITOR_ERROR_SYNTAX       = 0x00040000,
	EDITOR_ERROR_NO_FILE      = 0x00100000,
	EDITOR_ERROR_CANT_EXEC    = 0x00200000,
	EDITOR_ERROR_STATUS       = 0x00400000,
	EDITOR_ERROR_SKIPPED      = 0x00800000,
	/* mask to match errors only */
	EDITOR_ERROR_MASK         = 0xffff0000,
} EditorFlags;

struct _EditorDescription {
	gchar *key; 		/* desktop file name, not including path, including extension */
	gchar *name; 		/* Name, localized name presented to user */
	gchar *icon;		/* Icon */
	gchar *exec;		/* Exec */
	gchar *menu_path;	
	gchar *hotkey;
	GList *ext_list;
	gchar *file;
	gchar *comment;		/* .desktop Comment key, used to show a tooltip */
	EditorFlags flags;
	gboolean hidden;	/* explicitly hidden, shown in configuration dialog */
	gboolean ignored;	/* not interesting, do not show at all */

#define EDITOR_ERRORS(flags) ((flags) & EDITOR_ERROR_MASK)
#define EDITOR_ERRORS_BUT_SKIPPED(flags) (!!(((flags) & EDITOR_ERROR_MASK) && !((flags) & EDITOR_ERROR_SKIPPED)))

/* return values from callback function */
enum {
	EDITOR_CB_CONTINUE = 0, /* continue multiple editor execution on remaining files*/
	EDITOR_CB_SKIP,         /* skip the remaining files */
	EDITOR_CB_SUSPEND       /* suspend execution, one of editor_resume or editor_skip
				   must be called later */

enum {

extern GtkListStore *desktop_file_list;

extern GHashTable *editors;

void editor_load_descriptions(void);
GList *editor_list_get(void);

Callback is called even on skipped files, with the EDITOR_ERROR_SKIPPED flag set.
It is a good place to call file_data_change_info_free().

ed - pointer that can be used for editor_resume/editor_skip or NULL if all files were already processed
flags - flags above
list - list of procesed FileData structures, typically single file or whole list passed to start_editor_*
data - generic pointer
typedef gint (*EditorCallback) (gpointer ed, EditorFlags flags, GList *list, gpointer data);

void editor_resume(gpointer ed);
void editor_skip(gpointer ed);

EditorFlags start_editor_from_file(const gchar *key, FileData *fd);
EditorFlags start_editor_from_filelist(const gchar *key, GList *list);
EditorFlags start_editor_from_file_full(const gchar *key, FileData *fd, EditorCallback cb, gpointer data);
EditorFlags start_editor_from_filelist_full(const gchar *key, GList *list, EditorCallback cb, gpointer data);
gboolean editor_window_flag_set(const gchar *key);
gboolean editor_is_filter(const gchar *key);
const gchar *editor_get_error_str(EditorFlags flags);

const gchar *editor_get_name(const gchar *key);

gboolean is_valid_editor_command(const gchar *key);
gboolean editor_blocks_file(const gchar *key);

EditorFlags editor_command_parse(const EditorDescription *editor, GList *list, gchar **output);

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