view src/metadata.c @ 1318:fb76c291b00f

fixed --fullscreen option together with enabled bar
author nadvornik
date Tue, 24 Feb 2009 20:47:38 +0000
parents 10073464e6aa
children 361120a66609
line wrap: on
line source

 * Geeqie
 * (C) 2004 John Ellis
 * Copyright (C) 2008 - 2009 The Geeqie Team
 * Author: John Ellis, Laurent Monin
 * This software is released under the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL).
 * Please read the included file COPYING for more information.
 * This software comes with no warranty of any kind, use at your own risk!

#include "main.h"
#include "metadata.h"

#include "cache.h"
#include "exif.h"
#include "filedata.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "secure_save.h"
#include "ui_fileops.h"
#include "ui_misc.h"
#include "utilops.h"
#include "filefilter.h"
#include "layout.h"

typedef enum {
} MetadataKey;

static const gchar *group_keys[] = {KEYWORD_KEY, COMMENT_KEY, NULL}; /* tags that will be written to all files in a group */

static gboolean metadata_write_queue_idle_cb(gpointer data);
static gint metadata_legacy_write(FileData *fd);
static void metadata_legacy_delete(FileData *fd, const gchar *except);

 * write queue

static GList *metadata_write_queue = NULL;
static gint metadata_write_idle_id = -1;

static void metadata_write_queue_add(FileData *fd)
	if (!g_list_find(metadata_write_queue, fd))
		metadata_write_queue = g_list_prepend(metadata_write_queue, fd);

	if (metadata_write_idle_id != -1) 
		metadata_write_idle_id = -1;
	if (options->metadata.confirm_after_timeout)
		metadata_write_idle_id = g_timeout_add(options->metadata.confirm_timeout * 1000, metadata_write_queue_idle_cb, NULL);

gboolean metadata_write_queue_remove(FileData *fd)
	fd->modified_xmp = NULL;

	metadata_write_queue = g_list_remove(metadata_write_queue, fd);
	file_data_send_notification(fd, NOTIFY_TYPE_REREAD);


	return TRUE;

gboolean metadata_write_queue_remove_list(GList *list)
	GList *work;
	gboolean ret = TRUE;
	work = list;
	while (work)
		FileData *fd = work->data;
		work = work->next;
		ret = ret && metadata_write_queue_remove(fd);
	return ret;

gboolean metadata_write_queue_confirm(FileUtilDoneFunc done_func, gpointer done_data)
	GList *work;
	GList *to_approve = NULL;
	work = metadata_write_queue;
	while (work)
		FileData *fd = work->data;
		work = work->next;
		if (fd->change) continue; /* another operation in progress, skip this file for now */
		to_approve = g_list_prepend(to_approve, file_data_ref(fd));

	file_util_write_metadata(NULL, to_approve, NULL, done_func, done_data);
	return (metadata_write_queue != NULL);

static gboolean metadata_write_queue_idle_cb(gpointer data)
	metadata_write_queue_confirm(NULL, NULL);
	metadata_write_idle_id = -1;
	return FALSE;

gboolean metadata_write_perform(FileData *fd)
	gboolean success;
	ExifData *exif;
	if (fd->change->dest && 
	    strcmp(extension_from_path(fd->change->dest), GQ_CACHE_EXT_METADATA) == 0)
		success = metadata_legacy_write(fd);
		if (success) metadata_legacy_delete(fd, fd->change->dest);
		return success;

	/* write via exiv2 */
	/*  we can either use cached metadata which have fd->modified_xmp already applied 
	                             or read metadata from file and apply fd->modified_xmp
	    metadata are read also if the file was modified meanwhile */
	exif = exif_read_fd(fd); 
	if (!exif) return FALSE;

	success = (fd->change->dest) ? exif_write_sidecar(exif, fd->change->dest) : exif_write(exif); /* write modified metadata */
	exif_free_fd(fd, exif);

	if (fd->change->dest)
		/* this will create a FileData for the sidecar and link it to the main file 
		   (we can't wait until the sidecar is discovered by directory scanning because
		    exif_read_fd is called before that and it would read the main file only and 
		    store the metadata in the cache)
		    FIXME: this does not catch new sidecars created by independent external programs
	if (success) metadata_legacy_delete(fd, fd->change->dest);
	return success;

gint metadata_queue_length(void)
	return g_list_length(metadata_write_queue);

static gboolean metadata_check_key(const gchar *keys[], const gchar *key)
	const gchar **k = keys;
	while (*k)
		if (strcmp(key, *k) == 0) return TRUE;
	return FALSE;

gboolean metadata_write_list(FileData *fd, const gchar *key, const GList *values)
	if (!fd->modified_xmp)
		fd->modified_xmp = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, (GDestroyNotify)string_list_free);
	g_hash_table_insert(fd->modified_xmp, g_strdup(key), string_list_copy((GList *)values));
	if (fd->exif)
		exif_update_metadata(fd->exif, key, values);
	file_data_send_notification(fd, NOTIFY_TYPE_INTERNAL);

	if (options->metadata.sync_grouped_files && metadata_check_key(group_keys, key))
		GList *work = fd->sidecar_files;
		while (work)
			FileData *sfd = work->data;
			work = work->next;
			if (filter_file_class(sfd->extension, FORMAT_CLASS_META)) continue; 

			metadata_write_list(sfd, key, values);

	return TRUE;
gboolean metadata_write_string(FileData *fd, const gchar *key, const char *value)
	GList *list = g_list_append(NULL, g_strdup(value));
	gboolean ret = metadata_write_list(fd, key, list);
	return ret;

 * keyword / comment read/write

static gint metadata_file_write(gchar *path, GHashTable *modified_xmp)
	SecureSaveInfo *ssi;
	GList *keywords = g_hash_table_lookup(modified_xmp, KEYWORD_KEY);
	GList *comment_l = g_hash_table_lookup(modified_xmp, COMMENT_KEY);
	gchar *comment = comment_l ? comment_l->data : NULL;

	ssi = secure_open(path);
	if (!ssi) return FALSE;

	secure_fprintf(ssi, "#%s comment (%s)\n\n", GQ_APPNAME, VERSION);

	secure_fprintf(ssi, "[keywords]\n");
	while (keywords && secsave_errno == SS_ERR_NONE)
		const gchar *word = keywords->data;
		keywords = keywords->next;

		secure_fprintf(ssi, "%s\n", word);
	secure_fputc(ssi, '\n');

	secure_fprintf(ssi, "[comment]\n");
	secure_fprintf(ssi, "%s\n", (comment) ? comment : "");

	secure_fprintf(ssi, "#end\n");

	return (secure_close(ssi) == 0);

static gint metadata_legacy_write(FileData *fd)
	gint success = FALSE;

	g_assert(fd->change && fd->change->dest);
	gchar *metadata_pathl;

	DEBUG_1("Saving comment: %s", fd->change->dest);

	metadata_pathl = path_from_utf8(fd->change->dest);

	success = metadata_file_write(metadata_pathl, fd->modified_xmp);


	return success;

static gint metadata_file_read(gchar *path, GList **keywords, gchar **comment)
	FILE *f;
	gchar s_buf[1024];
	MetadataKey key = MK_NONE;
	GList *list = NULL;
	GString *comment_build = NULL;

	f = fopen(path, "r");
	if (!f) return FALSE;

	while (fgets(s_buf, sizeof(s_buf), f))
		gchar *ptr = s_buf;

		if (*ptr == '#') continue;
		if (*ptr == '[' && key != MK_COMMENT)
			gchar *keystr = ++ptr;
			key = MK_NONE;
			while (*ptr != ']' && *ptr != '\n' && *ptr != '\0') ptr++;
			if (*ptr == ']')
				*ptr = '\0';
				if (g_ascii_strcasecmp(keystr, "keywords") == 0)
					key = MK_KEYWORDS;
				else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp(keystr, "comment") == 0)
					key = MK_COMMENT;
			case MK_NONE:
			case MK_KEYWORDS:
				while (*ptr != '\n' && *ptr != '\0') ptr++;
				*ptr = '\0';
				if (strlen(s_buf) > 0)
					gchar *kw = utf8_validate_or_convert(s_buf);

					list = g_list_prepend(list, kw);
			case MK_COMMENT:
				if (!comment_build) comment_build = g_string_new("");
				g_string_append(comment_build, s_buf);

	if (keywords) 
		*keywords = g_list_reverse(list);
	if (comment_build)
		if (comment)
			gint len;
			gchar *ptr = comment_build->str;

			/* strip leading and trailing newlines */
			while (*ptr == '\n') ptr++;
			len = strlen(ptr);
			while (len > 0 && ptr[len - 1] == '\n') len--;
			if (ptr[len] == '\n') len++; /* keep the last one */
			if (len > 0)
				gchar *text = g_strndup(ptr, len);

				*comment = utf8_validate_or_convert(text);
		g_string_free(comment_build, TRUE);

	return TRUE;

static void metadata_legacy_delete(FileData *fd, const gchar *except)
	gchar *metadata_path;
	gchar *metadata_pathl;
	if (!fd) return;

	metadata_path = cache_find_location(CACHE_TYPE_METADATA, fd->path);
	if (metadata_path && (!except || strcmp(metadata_path, except) != 0)) 
		metadata_pathl = path_from_utf8(metadata_path);
	metadata_path = cache_find_location(CACHE_TYPE_XMP_METADATA, fd->path);
	if (metadata_path && (!except || strcmp(metadata_path, except) != 0)) 
		metadata_pathl = path_from_utf8(metadata_path);

static gint metadata_legacy_read(FileData *fd, GList **keywords, gchar **comment)
	gchar *metadata_path;
	gchar *metadata_pathl;
	gint success = FALSE;
	if (!fd) return FALSE;

	metadata_path = cache_find_location(CACHE_TYPE_METADATA, fd->path);
	if (!metadata_path) return FALSE;

	metadata_pathl = path_from_utf8(metadata_path);

	success = metadata_file_read(metadata_pathl, keywords, comment);


	return success;

static GList *remove_duplicate_strings_from_list(GList *list)
	GList *work = list;
	GHashTable *hashtable = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash, g_str_equal);
	GList *newlist = NULL;

	while (work)
		gchar *key = work->data;

		if (g_hash_table_lookup(hashtable, key) == NULL)
			g_hash_table_insert(hashtable, (gpointer) key, GINT_TO_POINTER(1));
			newlist = g_list_prepend(newlist, key);
		work = work->next;


	return g_list_reverse(newlist);

GList *metadata_read_list(FileData *fd, const gchar *key, MetadataFormat format)
	ExifData *exif;
	GList *list = NULL;
	if (!fd) return NULL;

	/* unwritten data overide everything */
	if (fd->modified_xmp && format == METADATA_PLAIN)
	        list = g_hash_table_lookup(fd->modified_xmp, key);
		if (list) return string_list_copy(list);

	    Legacy metadata file is the primary source if it exists.
	    Merging the lists does not make much sense, because the existence of
	    legacy metadata file indicates that the other metadata sources are not
	    writable and thus it would not be possible to delete the keywords
	    that comes from the image file.
	if (strcmp(key, KEYWORD_KEY) == 0)
	        if (metadata_legacy_read(fd, &list, NULL)) return list;

	if (strcmp(key, COMMENT_KEY) == 0)
		gchar *comment = NULL;
	        if (metadata_legacy_read(fd, NULL, &comment)) return g_list_append(NULL, comment);
	exif = exif_read_fd(fd); /* this is cached, thus inexpensive */
	if (!exif) return NULL;
	list = exif_get_metadata(exif, key, format);
	exif_free_fd(fd, exif);
	return list;

gchar *metadata_read_string(FileData *fd, const gchar *key, MetadataFormat format)
	GList *string_list = metadata_read_list(fd, key, format);
	if (string_list)
		gchar *str = string_list->data;
		string_list->data = NULL;
		return str;
	return NULL;

guint64 metadata_read_int(FileData *fd, const gchar *key, guint64 fallback)
	guint64 ret;
	gchar *endptr;
	gchar *string = metadata_read_string(fd, key, METADATA_PLAIN);
	if (!string) return fallback;
	ret = g_ascii_strtoull(string, &endptr, 10);
	if (string == endptr) ret = fallback;
	return ret;
gboolean metadata_append_string(FileData *fd, const gchar *key, const char *value)
	gchar *str = metadata_read_string(fd, key, METADATA_PLAIN);
	if (!str) 
		return metadata_write_string(fd, key, value);
		gchar *new_string = g_strconcat(str, value, NULL);
		gboolean ret = metadata_write_string(fd, key, new_string);
		return ret;

gboolean metadata_append_list(FileData *fd, const gchar *key, const GList *values)
	GList *list = metadata_read_list(fd, key, METADATA_PLAIN);
	if (!list) 
		return metadata_write_list(fd, key, values);
		gboolean ret;
		list = g_list_concat(list, string_list_copy(values));
		list = remove_duplicate_strings_from_list(list);
		ret = metadata_write_list(fd, key, list);
		return ret;

gboolean find_string_in_list(GList *list, const gchar *string)
	while (list)
		gchar *haystack = list->data;

		if (haystack && string && strcmp(haystack, string) == 0) return TRUE;

		list = list->next;

	return FALSE;

#define KEYWORDS_SEPARATOR(c) ((c) == ',' || (c) == ';' || (c) == '\n' || (c) == '\r' || (c) == '\b')

GList *string_to_keywords_list(const gchar *text)
	GList *list = NULL;
	const gchar *ptr = text;

	while (*ptr != '\0')
		const gchar *begin;
		gint l = 0;

		while (KEYWORDS_SEPARATOR(*ptr)) ptr++;
		begin = ptr;
		while (*ptr != '\0' && !KEYWORDS_SEPARATOR(*ptr))

		/* trim starting and ending whitespaces */
		while (l > 0 && g_ascii_isspace(*begin)) begin++, l--;
		while (l > 0 && g_ascii_isspace(begin[l-1])) l--;

		if (l > 0)
			gchar *keyword = g_strndup(begin, l);

			/* only add if not already in the list */
			if (find_string_in_list(list, keyword) == FALSE)
				list = g_list_append(list, keyword);

	return list;

 * keywords to marks

gboolean meta_data_get_keyword_mark(FileData *fd, gint n, gpointer data)
	GList *keywords;
	gboolean found = FALSE;
	keywords = metadata_read_list(fd, KEYWORD_KEY, METADATA_PLAIN);
	if (keywords)
		GList *work = keywords;

		while (work)
			gchar *kw = work->data;
			work = work->next;
			if (strcmp(kw, data) == 0)
				found = TRUE;
	return found;

gboolean meta_data_set_keyword_mark(FileData *fd, gint n, gboolean value, gpointer data)
	GList *keywords = NULL;
	gboolean found = FALSE;
	gboolean changed = FALSE;
	GList *work;
	keywords = metadata_read_list(fd, KEYWORD_KEY, METADATA_PLAIN);

	work = keywords;

	while (work)
		gchar *kw = work->data;
		if (strcmp(kw, data) == 0)
			found = TRUE;
			if (!value) 
				changed = TRUE;
				keywords = g_list_delete_link(keywords, work);
		work = work->next;
	if (value && !found) 
		changed = TRUE;
		keywords = g_list_append(keywords, g_strdup(data));
	if (changed) metadata_write_list(fd, KEYWORD_KEY, keywords);

	return TRUE;

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