Mercurial > geeqie.yaz
string cleanup2008-07-26, by nadvornik
removed unused messages.desc_dlist2008-07-26, by nadvornik
fixed new folder command2008-07-26, by nadvornik
fixed renaming of directories2008-07-26, by nadvornik
warn about changed file extensions2008-07-26, by nadvornik
added icon for changes without warnings2008-07-26, by nadvornik
allow only existing folders in destination dialog2008-07-26, by nadvornik
clean up - checks are handled elsewhere2008-07-26, by nadvornik
more checks for file operations2008-07-26, by nadvornik
improved error reporting2008-07-25, by nadvornik
Minor tidy up and optimization.2008-07-25, by zas_
Set GIO channels to binary encoding.2008-07-24, by zas_
separated debugging log and debug CFLAGS2008-07-24, by nadvornik
indicate check warnings and errors in delete and rename dialogs2008-07-23, by nadvornik
removed file_data_add_change_info2008-07-23, by nadvornik
Minor tidy up.2008-07-23, by zas_
Tidy up.2008-07-23, by zas_
Use g_strconcat() instead of g_strdup_printf("%s%s", ...).2008-07-23, by zas_
Simplify parse_out_relatives().2008-07-23, by zas_
Tidy up.2008-07-23, by zas_
Fix missing newline at end of file.2008-07-23, by zas_
do not create duplicate FileData entries2008-07-22, by nadvornik
basic infrastructure for early error and dangerous operations checking2008-07-22, by nadvornik
clean up fd->change on error2008-07-22, by nadvornik
remove items from file_data_planned_change_hash when the operation is2008-07-22, by nadvornik
fixed stop button in editor dialog2008-07-22, by nadvornik
delete file_data_planned_change_hash when it is not used2008-07-22, by nadvornik
fixed2008-07-21, by nadvornik
file_util_rename_dir should not return anything2008-07-21, by nadvornik
added notification handler to view_dir2008-07-21, by nadvornik
French translation was updated.2008-07-21, by zas_