2 This is a snapshot of a wiki page, from the time of release. For current version
3 of the page look at http://geeqie.wiki.sourceforge.net/new_features
5 ================================================================================
7 Comparing images side-to-side
9 Menu: View/Split/...
10 View/Connected Scroll
11 View/Connected Zoom
13 File marks
15 Each image can be marked with up to 6 different
16 flags, it is possible to convert marks to selection and vice versa,
17 even boolean operations are supported
18 Note: marks are visible in file list and fullscreen mode with info,
19 they are not visible in icon list (yet).
21 Menu: Select/Show Marks
22 Select/Mark ...
24 File grouping
26 It is possible to group files which have the same name and different extension,
27 and show them as one entry. Typical usage: raw + jpeg, raw + xmp.
29 Configuration: Preferences/Filtering
31 External commands
33 It is possible to replace internal copy/move/delete operations with
34 external commands, for example create hardlinks instead of copying files.
36 External editors handling was improved, it is possible to run an editor
37 on the best fitting file type, and the exit status is reported back
38 to Geeqie.
40 Configuration: Preferences/Editors
41 Menu: Edit/...
44 Controls redesign
46 Most of controls was added to menu and is handled via keyboard accelerators,
47 thus they can be configured in ~/.geeqie/accels
49 The default function of keys 1, 2, 3, ... was changed from zoom to mark toggle and
50 function of <ctrl>1, <ctrl>2, <ctrl>3, ... from external editor to selecting mark.
52 Exiv2 support
54 Geeqie can be optionally linked with exiv2 to improve support for image metadata.
55 Details are at http://geeqie.wiki.sourceforge.net/Exiv2
57 Various enhancements
59 * Customizable overlay info (see Edit > Preferences > Advanced > Full screen).
60 * Configurable frame around image (see Edit > Preferences > Image > Limit image size when autofitting).
61 * Custom border color around the image (see Edit > Preferences > Image > Custom border color).
62 * Honor selection while fullscreen navigation (patch by Uwe Ohse).
63 * Make properties tabs reorderable through drag'n drop (patch by Laurent Monin).
64 * Various exif improvements (see Edit > Preferences > Properties > Exif, based on patch by Uwe Ohse).
65 * Setting no limit size to trash directory is now possible using zero as value.
66 * Main configuration file was renamed from gqviewrc to geeqierc.
67 * Add the possibility to match duplicates on the name but ignoring the case (see Find Duplicates dialog).
68 * Add the possibility to print file names with path (see Path checkbox in the Text tab in the Print dialog).
69 * Histogram added to full screen overlay (press twice I to display, J to change mode, K for channels).
70 * Add support for some Samsung raw files (.pef) (need testing).
71 * In the collection view, display the full path to the file as tooltip when Show filename text is on.
72 * Secure rc file saving was implemented, it reduces the risk of corruption during the save.
73 * New Go to directory view feature that permits to find and display the directory corresponding to an image view.
74 * Hiding the self (.) directory from directory view is now possible (Edit > Preferences > Filtering > Show dot directory)
75 * Image postprocessing (rotation, color management and grayscale) is now done in pixbuf-renderer.
76 * Toggling Grayscale now applies to all images.
77 * Add zoom ratio display to OSD in fullscreen mode. It appears as [%zoom%] in fullscreen info string.
78 * Support for AdobeRGB colorspace
79 * Try to keep image orientation set by the user during the session.