view src/color-man.c @ 274:2710d14f6a28

Fix the "continuous display" of tooltips in the collection view (before the tooltip delay occured once, then changing icon to icon never hide the tooltip again, now the tip is displayed shortly after the cursor moved on the icon, but disappears when moving cursor to another icon). Display the full path to the file when Show filename text is on (before nothing was displayed). When Show filename text is off, behavior is unchanged, the (short) filename is displayed.
author zas_
date Tue, 08 Apr 2008 21:33:29 +0000
parents f6e307c7bad6
children 9995c5fb202a
line wrap: on
line source

 * Geeqie
 * (C) 2006 John Ellis
 * Author: John Ellis
 * This software is released under the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL).
 * Please read the included file COPYING for more information.
 * This software comes with no warranty of any kind, use at your own risk!

#include "gqview.h"
#include "color-man.h"

#include "image.h"
#include "ui_fileops.h"

#ifdef HAVE_LCMS
/*** color support enabled ***/

  #include <lcms/lcms.h>
  #include <lcms.h>

typedef struct _ColorManCache ColorManCache;
struct _ColorManCache {
	cmsHPROFILE   profile_in;
	cmsHPROFILE   profile_out;
	cmsHTRANSFORM transform;

	ColorManProfileType profile_in_type;
	gchar *profile_in_file;

	ColorManProfileType profile_out_type;
	gchar *profile_out_file;

	gint has_alpha;

	gint refcount;

/* pixels to transform per idle call */
#define COLOR_MAN_CHUNK_SIZE 81900

static void color_man_lib_init(void)
	static gint init_done = FALSE;

	if (init_done) return;
	init_done = TRUE;


 * color transform cache

static GList *cm_cache_list = NULL;

static void color_man_cache_ref(ColorManCache *cc)
	if (!cc) return;


static void color_man_cache_unref(ColorManCache *cc)
	if (!cc) return;

	if (cc->refcount < 1)
		if (cc->transform) cmsDeleteTransform(cc->transform);
		if (cc->profile_in) cmsCloseProfile(cc->profile_in);
		if (cc->profile_out) cmsCloseProfile(cc->profile_out);



static cmsHPROFILE color_man_cache_load_profile(ColorManProfileType type, const gchar *file,
						unsigned char *data, guint data_len)
	cmsHPROFILE profile = NULL;

	switch (type)
			if (file)
				gchar *pathl;

				pathl = path_from_utf8(file);
				profile = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(pathl, "r");
			profile = cmsCreate_sRGBProfile();
			if (data)
				profile = cmsOpenProfileFromMem(data, data_len);

	return profile;

static ColorManCache *color_man_cache_new(ColorManProfileType in_type, const gchar *in_file,
					  unsigned char *in_data, guint in_data_len,
					  ColorManProfileType out_type, const gchar *out_file,
					  gint has_alpha)
	ColorManCache *cc;


	cc = g_new0(ColorManCache, 1);
	cc->refcount = 1;

	cc->profile_in_type = in_type;
	cc->profile_in_file = g_strdup(in_file);

	cc->profile_out_type = out_type;
	cc->profile_out_file = g_strdup(out_file);

	cc->has_alpha = has_alpha;

	cc->profile_in = color_man_cache_load_profile(cc->profile_in_type, cc->profile_in_file,
						      in_data, in_data_len);
	cc->profile_out = color_man_cache_load_profile(cc->profile_out_type, cc->profile_out_file,
						       NULL, 0);

	if (!cc->profile_in || !cc->profile_out)
		if (debug) printf("failed to load color profile for %s: %d %s\n",
				  (!cc->profile_in) ? "input" : "screen",
				  (!cc->profile_in) ? cc->profile_in_type : cc->profile_out_type,
				  (!cc->profile_in) ? cc->profile_in_file : cc->profile_out_file);

		return NULL;

	cc->transform = cmsCreateTransform(cc->profile_in,
					   (has_alpha) ? TYPE_RGBA_8 : TYPE_RGB_8,
					   (has_alpha) ? TYPE_RGBA_8 : TYPE_RGB_8,

	if (!cc->transform)
		if (debug) printf("failed to create color profile transform\n");

		return NULL;

	if (cc->profile_in_type != COLOR_PROFILE_MEM)
		cm_cache_list = g_list_append(cm_cache_list, cc);

	return cc;

static void color_man_cache_free(ColorManCache *cc)
	if (!cc) return;

	cm_cache_list = g_list_remove(cm_cache_list, cc);

static void color_man_cache_reset(void)
	while (cm_cache_list)
		ColorManCache *cc;

		cc = cm_cache_list->data;

static ColorManCache *color_man_cache_find(ColorManProfileType in_type, const gchar *in_file,
					   ColorManProfileType out_type, const gchar *out_file,
					   gint has_alpha)
	GList *work;

	work = cm_cache_list;
	while (work)
		ColorManCache *cc;
		gint match = FALSE;

		cc = work->data;
		work = work->next;

		if (cc->profile_in_type == in_type &&
		    cc->profile_out_type == out_type &&
		    cc->has_alpha == has_alpha)
			match = TRUE;

		if (match && cc->profile_in_type == COLOR_PROFILE_FILE)
			match = (cc->profile_in_file && in_file &&
				 strcmp(cc->profile_in_file, in_file) == 0);
		if (match && cc->profile_out_type == COLOR_PROFILE_FILE)
			match = (cc->profile_out_file && out_file &&
				 strcmp(cc->profile_out_file, out_file) == 0);

		if (match) return cc;

	return NULL;

static ColorManCache *color_man_cache_get(ColorManProfileType in_type, const gchar *in_file,
					  unsigned char *in_data, guint in_data_len,
					  ColorManProfileType out_type, const gchar *out_file,
					  gint has_alpha)
	ColorManCache *cc;

	cc = color_man_cache_find(in_type, in_file, out_type, out_file, has_alpha);
	if (cc)
		return cc;

	return color_man_cache_new(in_type, in_file, in_data, in_data_len,
				   out_type, out_file, has_alpha);

 * color manager

static void color_man_done(ColorMan *cm, ColorManReturnType type)
	if (cm->func_done)
		cm->func_done(cm, type, cm->func_done_data);

static void color_man_correct_region(ColorMan *cm, gint x, gint y, gint w, gint h,
				     gint pixbuf_width, gint pixbuf_height)
	ColorManCache *cc;
	guchar *pix;
	gint rs;
	gint i;

	cc = cm->profile;

	pix = gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels(cm->pixbuf);
	rs = gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride(cm->pixbuf);

	w = MIN(w, pixbuf_width - x);
	h = MIN(h, pixbuf_height - y);

	pix += x * ((cc->has_alpha) ? 4 : 3);
	for (i = 0; i < h; i++)
		guchar *pbuf;

		pbuf = pix + ((y + i) * rs);
		cmsDoTransform(cc->transform, pbuf, pbuf, w);

	if (cm->incremental_sync && cm->imd) image_area_changed(cm->imd, x, y, w, h);

static gint color_man_idle_cb(gpointer data)
	ColorMan *cm = data;
	gint width, height;
	gint rh;

	if (cm->imd &&
	    cm->pixbuf != image_get_pixbuf(cm->imd))
		cm->idle_id = -1;
		color_man_done(cm, COLOR_RETURN_IMAGE_CHANGED);
		return FALSE;

	width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width(cm->pixbuf);
	height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height(cm->pixbuf);

	if (cm->row > height)
		if (!cm->incremental_sync && cm->imd)
			image_area_changed(cm->imd, 0, 0, width, height);

		cm->idle_id = -1;
		color_man_done(cm, COLOR_RETURN_SUCCESS);
		return FALSE;

	rh = COLOR_MAN_CHUNK_SIZE / width + 1;
	color_man_correct_region(cm, 0, cm->row, width, rh, width, height);
	cm->row += rh;

	return TRUE;

static ColorMan *color_man_new_real(ImageWindow *imd, GdkPixbuf *pixbuf,
				    ColorManProfileType input_type, const gchar *input_file,
				    unsigned char *input_data, guint input_data_len,
				    ColorManProfileType screen_type, const gchar *screen_file,
				    ColorManDoneFunc done_func, gpointer done_data)
	ColorMan *cm;
	gint has_alpha;

	if (imd) pixbuf = image_get_pixbuf(imd);
	if (!pixbuf) return NULL;

	cm = g_new0(ColorMan, 1);
	cm->imd = imd;
	cm->pixbuf = pixbuf;

	cm->incremental_sync = FALSE;
	cm->row = 0;
	cm->idle_id = -1;

	cm->func_done = done_func;
	cm->func_done_data = done_data;

	has_alpha = gdk_pixbuf_get_has_alpha(pixbuf);
	cm->profile = color_man_cache_get(input_type, input_file, input_data, input_data_len,
					  screen_type, screen_file, has_alpha);
	if (!cm->profile)
		return NULL;

	cm->idle_id = g_idle_add(color_man_idle_cb, cm);

	return cm;

ColorMan *color_man_new(ImageWindow *imd, GdkPixbuf *pixbuf,
			ColorManProfileType input_type, const gchar *input_file,
			ColorManProfileType screen_type, const gchar *screen_file,
			ColorManDoneFunc done_func, gpointer done_data)
	return color_man_new_real(imd, pixbuf,
				  input_type, input_file, NULL, 0,
				  screen_type, screen_file,
				  done_func, done_data);

ColorMan *color_man_new_embedded(ImageWindow *imd, GdkPixbuf *pixbuf,
				 unsigned char *input_data, guint input_data_len,
				 ColorManProfileType screen_type, const gchar *screen_file,
				 ColorManDoneFunc done_func, gpointer done_data)
	return color_man_new_real(imd, pixbuf,
				  COLOR_PROFILE_MEM, NULL, input_data, input_data_len,
				  screen_type, screen_file,
				  done_func, done_data);

void color_man_free(ColorMan *cm)
	if (!cm) return;

	if (cm->idle_id != -1) g_source_remove(cm->idle_id);
	if (cm->pixbuf) g_object_unref(cm->pixbuf);



void color_man_update(void)

/*** color support not enabled ***/

ColorMan *color_man_new(ImageWindow *imd, GdkPixbuf *pixbuf,
			ColorManProfileType input_type, const gchar *input_file,
			ColorManProfileType screen_type, const gchar *screen_file,
			ColorManDoneFunc don_func, gpointer done_data)
	/* no op */
	return NULL;

ColorMan *color_man_new_embedded(ImageWindow *imd, GdkPixbuf *pixbuf,
				 unsigned char *input_data, guint input_data_len,
				 ColorManProfileType screen_type, const gchar *screen_file,
				 ColorManDoneFunc done_func, gpointer done_data)
	/* no op */
	return NULL;

void color_man_free(ColorMan *cm)
	/* no op */

void color_man_update(void)
	/* no op */
