view doc/ @ 1783:b0352818977b

Allow to switch to fullscreen mode using LIRC. Imagine the following situation (which happened to me several times) : you want to see photos from your bed or your sofa so you launch geeqie and go to the right directory, then you take your remote control and sit comfortably far from your keyboard and mouse. And when you want to begin to watch photos, you realize you forgot to enable full screen! You have to stand up and to go until your computer and come back, whereas you could have done it with your remote control. Patch by Bernard Massot.
author zas_
date Tue, 05 Jan 2010 17:49:50 +0000
parents 2ae81598b254
line wrap: on
line source

# This script converts trac wiki to docbook
# wiki pages must be in wiki/ directory and their names must start with "Guide"
# the first page is named GuideIndex
# output is written to docbook/ directory
# based on the following scripts:
# see the links above for a list of requirements

import sys
import os
from trac.test import EnvironmentStub, Mock, MockPerm
from trac.mimeview import Context
from import HtmlFormatter
from import WikiPage
from trac.web.href import Href

import urllib
from tidy import parseString
import libxml2
import libxslt
import re

datadir = os.getcwd() + "/wiki2docbook"

xhtml2dbXsl = u"""<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" 

  <xsl:import href=\"file:///""" + urllib.pathname2url(datadir + '/html2db/html2db.xsl') + """\" />
  <xsl:output method="xml" indent="no" encoding="utf-8"/>
  <xsl:param name="document-root" select="'__top_element__'"/>

normalizedHeadingsXsl = u"""<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" 

  <xsl:import href=\"file:///""" + urllib.pathname2url(datadir + '/headingsNormalizer/headingsNormalizer.xsl') + """\" />
  <xsl:output method="xml" indent="no" encoding="utf-8"/>
  <xsl:param name="defaultTopHeading" select="FIXME"/>

normalizedHeadingsXsl_xmldoc = libxml2.parseDoc(normalizedHeadingsXsl)
normalizedHeadingsXsl_xsldoc = libxslt.parseStylesheetDoc(normalizedHeadingsXsl_xmldoc)

xhtml2dbXsl_xmldoc = libxml2.parseDoc(xhtml2dbXsl)
xhtml2dbXsl_xsldoc = libxslt.parseStylesheetDoc(xhtml2dbXsl_xmldoc)

def html2docbook(html):

	options = dict(output_xhtml=1, add_xml_decl=1, indent=1, tidy_mark=0, input_encoding='utf8', output_encoding='utf8', doctype='auto', wrap=0, char_encoding='utf8')
	xhtml = parseString(html.encode("utf-8"), **options)

	xhtml_xmldoc = libxml2.parseDoc(str(xhtml))

	xhtml2_xmldoc = normalizedHeadingsXsl_xsldoc.applyStylesheet(xhtml_xmldoc, None)

	nhstring = normalizedHeadingsXsl_xsldoc.saveResultToString(xhtml2_xmldoc)

	docbook_xmldoc = xhtml2dbXsl_xsldoc.applyStylesheet(xhtml2_xmldoc, None)

	dbstring = xhtml2dbXsl_xsldoc.saveResultToString(docbook_xmldoc)

	return dbstring.decode('utf-8')

text = {}  #wiki text
depth = {} #document depth, 0 for index, leaf documents have depth 1 or 2
parent = {}#parent document (if depth > 0)
inner = {} #defined for documents that are parents

#top element indexed by depth
top_element = [ 'book', 'chapter', 'section', 'section', 'section', 'section', 'section', 'section', 'section', 'section' ]

env = EnvironmentStub()
req = Mock(href=Href('/'), abs_href=Href(''),
           authname='anonymous', perm=MockPerm(), args={})
context = Context.from_request(req, 'wiki')

def read_file(name):
	text[name] = file("wiki/" + name).read().decode('utf-8')
	page = WikiPage(env) = name
	page.text = '--''', '', '::1', 0)

def read_index():
	index_name = "GuideIndex"
	index_text = text[index_name]
	depth[index_name] = 0
	inner[index_name] = 1
	stack = [ index_name , '', '', '' ]
	for line in index_text.splitlines() :
		match = re.match('^( *)\* \[wiki:(Guide[a-zA-Z0-9]*)', line)
		if match:
			name =
			d = len( / 2
			if (d > 0):
				depth[name] = d
				parent[name] = stack[d - 1]
				inner[stack[d - 1]] = 1
				stack[d] = name

# exclude links with depth > 1 from wiki text, they will be included indirectly
def filter_out_indirect(text):
	out = ""
	for line in text.splitlines() :
		match = re.match('^( *)\* \[wiki:(Guide[a-zA-Z0-9]*)', line)
		d = 1
		if match:
			d = len( / 2
		if (d == 1):
			 out = out + line + "\n"
	return out

def process_pages():
	for name in text.keys():
		txt = text[name]
		if name in inner:
			txt = filter_out_indirect(txt)
		html = HtmlFormatter(env, context, txt).generate()
		html = html.replace("/wiki/Guide", "#Guide")
		top = top_element[depth[name]]
		db = html2docbook(html)

		if name in inner:
			# replace list items with XIncludes, FIXME: this is ugly
			r = re.compile('<itemizedlist[^>]*>')
			db = r.sub(r'', db);
			r = re.compile('</itemizedlist>')
			db = r.sub(r'', db);
			r = re.compile('<listitem>\s*<para>\s*<link\s*linkend="(Guide[a-zA-Z0-9]*)">[^<]*</link>\s*</para>\s*</listitem>')
			db = r.sub(r'<xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="\1.xml"/>\n', db);
		db = db.replace("<__top_element__>", "<" + top + " id=\"" + name + "\">")
		db = db.replace("</__top_element__>", "</" + top + ">")
		open("docbook/" + name + ".xml", "w").write(db.encode('utf-8'))
