view src/image-overlay.c @ 1783:b0352818977b

Allow to switch to fullscreen mode using LIRC. Imagine the following situation (which happened to me several times) : you want to see photos from your bed or your sofa so you launch geeqie and go to the right directory, then you take your remote control and sit comfortably far from your keyboard and mouse. And when you want to begin to watch photos, you realize you forgot to enable full screen! You have to stand up and to go until your computer and come back, whereas you could have done it with your remote control. Patch by Bernard Massot.
author zas_
date Tue, 05 Jan 2010 17:49:50 +0000
parents 6146ec0c9ab9
children 9a20074dbd8f
line wrap: on
line source

 * Geeqie
 * (C) 2006 John Ellis
 * Copyright (C) 2008 - 2009 The Geeqie Team
 * Author: John Ellis
 * This software is released under the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL).
 * Please read the included file COPYING for more information.
 * This software comes with no warranty of any kind, use at your own risk!

#include "main.h"
#include "image-overlay.h"

#include "collect.h"
#include "exif.h"
#include "filedata.h"
#include "histogram.h"
#include "image.h"
#include "img-view.h"
#include "layout.h"
#include "metadata.h"
#include "pixbuf-renderer.h"
#include "pixbuf_util.h"
#include "ui_fileops.h"
#include "image-load.h"

 * image overlay

typedef struct _OverlayStateData OverlayStateData;
struct _OverlayStateData {
	ImageWindow *imd;
	ImageState changed_states;
	NotifyType notify;

	Histogram *histogram;

	OsdShowFlags show;

	gint ovl_info;
	gint x;
	gint y;

	gint icon_time[IMAGE_OSD_COUNT];
	gint icon_id[IMAGE_OSD_COUNT];

	guint idle_id; /* event source id */
	guint timer_id; /* event source id */
	gulong destroy_id;

typedef struct _OSDIcon OSDIcon;
struct _OSDIcon {
	gboolean reset;	/* reset on new image */
	gint x;		/* x, y offset */
	gint y;
	gchar *key;	/* inline pixbuf */

static OSDIcon osd_icons[] = {
	{  TRUE,   0,   0, NULL },			/* none */
	{  TRUE, -10, -10, NULL },			/* auto rotated */
	{  TRUE, -10, -10, NULL },			/* user rotated */
	{  TRUE, -40, -10, NULL },			/* color embedded */
	{  TRUE, -70, -10, NULL },			/* first image */
	{  TRUE, -70, -10, NULL },			/* last image */
	{ FALSE, -70, -10, NULL },			/* osd enabled */
	{ FALSE, 0, 0, NULL }

#define OSD_DATA "overlay-data"


#define HISTOGRAM_WIDTH  256

static void image_osd_timer_schedule(OverlayStateData *osd);

void set_image_overlay_template_string(gchar **template_string, const gchar *value)

	*template_string = g_strdup(value);

void set_default_image_overlay_template_string(gchar **template_string)
	set_image_overlay_template_string(template_string, DEFAULT_OVERLAY_INFO);

static OverlayStateData *image_get_osd_data(ImageWindow *imd)
	OverlayStateData *osd;

	if (!imd) return NULL;


	osd = g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(imd->pr), "IMAGE_OVERLAY_DATA");
	return osd;

static void image_set_osd_data(ImageWindow *imd, OverlayStateData *osd)
	g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(imd->pr), "IMAGE_OVERLAY_DATA", osd);

 * image histogram

void image_osd_histogram_toggle_channel(ImageWindow *imd)
	OverlayStateData *osd = image_get_osd_data(imd);

	if (!osd || !osd->histogram) return;


void image_osd_histogram_toggle_mode(ImageWindow *imd)
	OverlayStateData *osd = image_get_osd_data(imd);

	if (!osd || !osd->histogram) return;


void image_osd_histogram_set_channel(ImageWindow *imd, gint chan)
	OverlayStateData *osd = image_get_osd_data(imd);

	if (!osd || !osd->histogram) return;

	histogram_set_channel(osd->histogram, chan);

void image_osd_histogram_set_mode(ImageWindow *imd, gint mode)
	OverlayStateData *osd = image_get_osd_data(imd);

	if (!osd || !osd->histogram) return;

	histogram_set_mode(osd->histogram, mode);

gint image_osd_histogram_get_channel(ImageWindow *imd)
	OverlayStateData *osd = image_get_osd_data(imd);

	if (!osd || !osd->histogram) return HCHAN_DEFAULT;

	return histogram_get_channel(osd->histogram);

gint image_osd_histogram_get_mode(ImageWindow *imd)
	OverlayStateData *osd = image_get_osd_data(imd);

	if (!osd || !osd->histogram) return 0;

	return histogram_get_mode(osd->histogram);

void image_osd_toggle(ImageWindow *imd)
	OsdShowFlags show;

	if (!imd) return;

	show = image_osd_get(imd);
	if (show == OSD_SHOW_NOTHING)
		image_osd_set(imd, OSD_SHOW_INFO | OSD_SHOW_STATUS);
		if (show & OSD_SHOW_HISTOGRAM)
			image_osd_set(imd, OSD_SHOW_NOTHING);
			image_osd_set(imd, show | OSD_SHOW_HISTOGRAM);

static gchar *keywords_to_string(FileData *fd)
	GList *keywords;
	GString *kwstr = NULL;
	gchar *ret = NULL;


	keywords = metadata_read_list(fd, KEYWORD_KEY, METADATA_PLAIN);

	if (keywords)
		GList *work = keywords;

		while (work)
			gchar *kw = work->data;
			work = work->next;
			if (!kw) continue;
			if (!kwstr)
				kwstr = g_string_new("");
				g_string_append(kwstr, ", ");
			g_string_append(kwstr, kw);

	if (kwstr)
		ret = kwstr->str;
		g_string_free(kwstr, FALSE);

	return ret;

static gchar *image_osd_mkinfo(const gchar *str, ImageWindow *imd, GHashTable *vars)
	gchar delim = '%', imp = '|', sep[] = " - ";
	gchar *start, *end;
	guint pos, prev;
	gboolean want_separator = FALSE;
	gchar *name, *data;
	GString *new;
	gchar *ret;

	if (!str || !*str) return g_strdup("");

	new = g_string_new(str);

	prev = 0;

	while (TRUE)
		guint limit = 0;
		gchar *trunc = NULL;
		gchar *limpos = NULL;
		gchar *extra = NULL;
		gchar *extrapos = NULL;
		gchar *p;

		start = strchr(new->str, delim);
		if (!start)
		end = strchr(start+1, delim);
		if (!end)

		/* Search for optionnal modifiers
		 * %name:99:extra% -> name = "name", limit=99, extra = "extra"
		for (p = start + 1; p < end; p++)
			if (p[0] == ':')
				if (g_ascii_isdigit(p[1]) && !limpos)
					limpos = p + 1;
					if (!trunc) trunc = p;
					extrapos = p + 1;
					if (!trunc) trunc = p;

		if (limpos)
			limit = (guint) atoi(limpos);

		if (extrapos)
			extra = g_strndup(extrapos, end - extrapos);
		name = g_strndup(start+1, (trunc ? trunc : end)-start-1);
		pos = start - new->str;
		data = NULL;

		if (strcmp(name, "keywords") == 0)
			data = keywords_to_string(imd->image_fd);
		else if (strcmp(name, "comment") == 0)
			data = metadata_read_string(imd->image_fd, COMMENT_KEY, METADATA_PLAIN);
			data = g_strdup(g_hash_table_lookup(vars, name));
			if (data && strcmp(name, "zoom") == 0) imd->overlay_show_zoom = TRUE;
			if (!data)
				data = metadata_read_string(imd->image_fd, name, METADATA_FORMATTED);
		if (data && *data && limit > 0 && strlen(data) > limit + 3)
			gchar *new_data = g_strdup_printf("%-*.*s...", limit, limit, data);
			data = new_data;
		if (data)
			/* Since we use pango markup to display, we need to escape here */
			gchar *escaped = g_markup_escape_text(data, -1);
			data = escaped;

		if (extra)
			if (data && *data)
				/* Display data between left and right parts of extra string
				 * the data is expressed by a '*' character. A '*' may be escaped
				 * by a \. You should escape all '*' characters, do not rely on the
				 * current implementation which only replaces the first unescaped '*'.
				 * If no "*" is present, the extra string is just appended to data string.
				 * Pango mark up is accepted in left and right parts.
				 * Any \n is replaced by a newline
				 * Examples:
				 * "<i>*</i>\n" -> data is displayed in italics ended with a newline
				 * "\n" 	-> ended with newline
				 * "ISO *"	-> prefix data with "ISO " (ie. "ISO 100")
				 * "\**\*"	-> prefix data with a star, and append a star (ie. "*100*")
				 * "\\*"	-> prefix data with an anti slash (ie "\100")
				 * "Collection <b>*</b>\n" -> display data in bold prefixed by "Collection " and a newline is appended
				 * FIXME: using background / foreground colors lead to weird results.
				gchar *new_data;
				gchar *left = NULL;
				gchar *right = extra;
				gchar *p;
				guint len = strlen(extra);
				/* Search for left and right parts and unescape characters */
				for (p = extra; *p; p++, len--)
					if (p[0] == '\\')
						if (p[1] == 'n')
							memmove(p+1, p+2, --len);
							p[0] = '\n';
						else if (p[1] != '\0')
							memmove(p, p+1, len--); // includes \0
					else if (p[0] == '*' && !left)
						right = p + 1;
						left = extra;

				if (left) right[-1] = '\0';

				new_data = g_strdup_printf("%s%s%s", left ? left : "", data, right);
				data = new_data;

		g_string_erase(new, pos, end-start+1);
		if (data && *data)
			if (want_separator)
				/* insert separator */
				g_string_insert(new, pos, sep);
				pos += strlen(sep);
				want_separator = FALSE;

			g_string_insert(new, pos, data);
			pos += strlen(data);

		if (pos-prev >= 1 && new->str[pos] == imp)
			/* pipe character is replaced by a separator, delete it
			 * and raise a flag if needed */
			g_string_erase(new, pos--, 1);
			want_separator |= (data && *data);

		if (new->str[pos] == '\n') want_separator = FALSE;

		prev = pos - 1;


	/* search and destroy empty lines */
	end = new->str;
	while ((start = strchr(end, '\n')))
		end = start;
		while (*++(end) == '\n')
		g_string_erase(new, start-new->str, end-start-1);


	ret = new->str;
	g_string_free(new, FALSE);

	return ret;

typedef enum {
	OSDT_NONE 	= 0,
	OSDT_FREE 	= 1 << 0,
	OSDT_NO_DUP 	= 1 << 1
} OsdTemplateFlags;

static void osd_template_insert(GHashTable *vars, gchar *keyword, gchar *value, OsdTemplateFlags flags)
	if (!value)
		g_hash_table_insert(vars, keyword, g_strdup(""));

	if (flags & OSDT_NO_DUP)
		g_hash_table_insert(vars, keyword, value);
		g_hash_table_insert(vars, keyword, g_strdup(value));

	if (flags & OSDT_FREE) g_free((gpointer) value);

static GdkPixbuf *image_osd_info_render(OverlayStateData *osd)
	GdkPixbuf *pixbuf = NULL;
	gint width, height;
	PangoLayout *layout;
	const gchar *name;
	gchar *text;
	GdkPixbuf *imgpixbuf = NULL;
	gboolean with_hist;
	const HistMap *histmap;
	ImageWindow *imd = osd->imd;
	FileData *fd = image_get_fd(imd);

	if (!fd) return NULL;

	name = image_get_name(imd);
	if (name)
		gint n, t;
		CollectionData *cd;
		CollectInfo *info;
		GHashTable *vars;

		vars = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, g_free);

		cd = image_get_collection(imd, &info);
		if (cd)
			t = g_list_length(cd->list);
			n = g_list_index(cd->list, info) + 1;
			if (cd->name)
				if (file_extension_match(cd->name, GQ_COLLECTION_EXT))
					osd_template_insert(vars, "collection", remove_extension_from_path(cd->name), OSDT_FREE);
					osd_template_insert(vars, "collection", cd->name, OSDT_NONE);
				osd_template_insert(vars, "collection", _("Untitled"), OSDT_NONE);
			LayoutWindow *lw = layout_find_by_image(imd);
			if (lw)
				if (lw->slideshow)
					n = g_list_length(lw->slideshow->list_done);
					t = n + g_list_length(lw->slideshow->list);
					if (n == 0) n = t;
					t = layout_list_count(lw, NULL);
					n = layout_list_get_index(lw, image_get_fd(lw->image)) + 1;
			else if (view_window_find_image(imd, &n, &t))
				t = 1;
				n = 1;
			if (n < 1) n = 1;
			if (t < 1) t = 1;
			osd_template_insert(vars, "collection", NULL, OSDT_NONE);
		osd_template_insert(vars, "number", g_strdup_printf("%d", n), OSDT_NO_DUP);
		osd_template_insert(vars, "total", g_strdup_printf("%d", t), OSDT_NO_DUP);
		osd_template_insert(vars, "name", (gchar *) name, OSDT_NONE);
		osd_template_insert(vars, "date", imd->image_fd ? ((gchar *) text_from_time(imd->image_fd->date)) : "", OSDT_NONE);
		osd_template_insert(vars, "size", imd->image_fd ? (text_from_size_abrev(imd->image_fd->size)) : g_strdup(""), OSDT_FREE);
		osd_template_insert(vars, "zoom", image_zoom_get_as_text(imd), OSDT_FREE);
		if (!imd->unknown)
			gint w, h;
			GdkPixbuf *load_pixbuf = image_loader_get_pixbuf(imd->il);

			if (imd->delay_flip &&
			    imd->il && load_pixbuf &&
			    image_get_pixbuf(imd) != load_pixbuf)
				w = gdk_pixbuf_get_width(load_pixbuf);
				h = gdk_pixbuf_get_height(load_pixbuf);
				imgpixbuf = load_pixbuf;
				image_get_image_size(imd, &w, &h);
				imgpixbuf = (PIXBUF_RENDERER(imd->pr))->pixbuf;
			osd_template_insert(vars, "width", g_strdup_printf("%d", w), OSDT_NO_DUP);
	 		osd_template_insert(vars, "height", g_strdup_printf("%d", h), OSDT_NO_DUP);
	 		osd_template_insert(vars, "res", g_strdup_printf("%d × %d", w, h), OSDT_FREE);
			osd_template_insert(vars, "width", NULL, OSDT_NONE);
	 		osd_template_insert(vars, "height", NULL, OSDT_NONE);
	 		osd_template_insert(vars, "res", NULL, OSDT_NONE);

	 	text = image_osd_mkinfo(options->image_overlay.template_string, imd, vars);

	} else {
		/* When does this occur ?? */
		text = g_markup_escape_text(_("Untitled"), -1);

	with_hist = ((osd->show & OSD_SHOW_HISTOGRAM) && osd->histogram);
	if (with_hist)
		histmap = histmap_get(imd->image_fd);
		if (!histmap) 
			with_hist = FALSE;
		gint active_marks = 0;
		gint mark;
		gchar *text2;

		for (mark = 0; mark < FILEDATA_MARKS_SIZE; mark++)
			active_marks += file_data_get_mark(fd, mark);

		if (active_marks > 0)
			GString *buf = g_string_sized_new(FILEDATA_MARKS_SIZE * 2);

			for (mark = 0; mark < FILEDATA_MARKS_SIZE; mark++)
				g_string_append_printf(buf, file_data_get_mark(fd, mark) ? " <span background='#FF00FF'>%c</span>" : " %c", '1' + mark);

			if (*text)
				text2 = g_strdup_printf("%s\n%s", text, buf->str);
				text2 = g_strdup(buf->str);
			g_string_free(buf, TRUE);
			text = text2;

		if (with_hist)
			gchar *escaped_histogram_label = g_markup_escape_text(histogram_label(osd->histogram), -1);
			if (*text)
				text2 = g_strdup_printf("%s\n%s", text, escaped_histogram_label);
				text2 = g_strdup(escaped_histogram_label);
			text = text2;

	layout = gtk_widget_create_pango_layout(imd->pr, NULL);
	pango_layout_set_markup(layout, text, -1);

	pango_layout_get_pixel_size(layout, &width, &height);
	/* with empty text width is set to 0, but not height) */
	if (width == 0)
		height = 0;
	else if (height == 0)
		width = 0;
	if (width > 0) width += 10;
	if (height > 0) height += 10;

	if (with_hist)
		if (width < HISTOGRAM_WIDTH + 10) width = HISTOGRAM_WIDTH + 10;
		height += HISTOGRAM_HEIGHT + 5;

	if (width > 0 && height > 0)
		/* TODO: make osd color configurable --Zas */
		pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new(GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB, TRUE, 8, width, height);
		pixbuf_set_rect_fill(pixbuf, 3, 3, width-6, height-6, 240, 240, 240, 210);
		pixbuf_set_rect(pixbuf, 0, 0, width, height, 240, 240, 240, 80, 1, 1, 1, 1);
		pixbuf_set_rect(pixbuf, 1, 1, width-2, height-2, 240, 240, 240, 130, 1, 1, 1, 1);
		pixbuf_set_rect(pixbuf, 2, 2, width-4, height-4, 240, 240, 240, 180, 1, 1, 1, 1);
		pixbuf_pixel_set(pixbuf, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
		pixbuf_pixel_set(pixbuf, width - 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
		pixbuf_pixel_set(pixbuf, 0, height - 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
		pixbuf_pixel_set(pixbuf, width - 1, height - 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);

		if (with_hist)
			gint x = 5;
			gint y = height - HISTOGRAM_HEIGHT - 5;
			gint w = width - 10;

			pixbuf_set_rect_fill(pixbuf, x, y, w, HISTOGRAM_HEIGHT, 220, 220, 220, 210);
			histogram_draw(osd->histogram, histmap, pixbuf, x, y, w, HISTOGRAM_HEIGHT);
		pixbuf_draw_layout(pixbuf, layout, imd->pr, 5, 5, 0, 0, 0, 255);


	return pixbuf;

static GdkPixbuf *image_osd_icon_pixbuf(ImageOSDFlag flag)
	static GdkPixbuf **icons = NULL;
	GdkPixbuf *icon = NULL;

	if (!icons) icons = g_new0(GdkPixbuf *, IMAGE_OSD_COUNT);
	if (icons[flag]) return icons[flag];

	if (osd_icons[flag].key)
		icon = pixbuf_inline(osd_icons[flag].key);

	if (!icon)
		icon = gdk_pixbuf_new(GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB, TRUE, 8, 24, 24);
		pixbuf_set_rect_fill(icon, 1, 1, 22, 22, 255, 255, 255, 200);
		pixbuf_set_rect(icon, 0, 0, 24, 24, 0, 0, 0, 128, 1, 1, 1, 1);
		switch (flag)
				pixbuf_set_rect(icon, 3, 8, 11, 12,
						0, 0, 0, 255,
						3, 0, 3, 0);
				pixbuf_draw_triangle(icon, 14, 3, 6, 12,
						     20, 9, 14, 15, 14, 3,
						     0, 0, 0, 255);
				pixbuf_set_rect_fill(icon, 3, 3, 18, 6, 200, 0, 0, 255);
				pixbuf_set_rect_fill(icon, 3, 9, 18, 6, 0, 200, 0, 255);
				pixbuf_set_rect_fill(icon, 3, 15, 18, 6, 0, 0, 200, 255);
				pixbuf_set_rect(icon, 3, 3, 18, 18, 0, 0, 0, 200, 3, 3, 3, 0);
				pixbuf_draw_triangle(icon, 6, 5, 12, 6,
						     12, 5, 18, 11, 6, 11,
						     0, 0, 0, 255);
				pixbuf_set_rect(icon, 3, 3, 18, 18, 0, 0, 0, 200, 3, 3, 0, 3);
				pixbuf_draw_triangle(icon, 6, 12, 12, 6,
						     12, 18, 6, 12, 18, 12,
						     0, 0, 0, 255);
				pixbuf_set_rect_fill(icon, 11, 3, 3, 12, 0, 0, 0, 255);
				pixbuf_set_rect_fill(icon, 11, 17, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 255);

	icons[flag] = icon;

	return icon;

static gint image_overlay_add(ImageWindow *imd, GdkPixbuf *pixbuf, gint x, gint y,
			      OverlayRendererFlags flags)
	return pixbuf_renderer_overlay_add((PixbufRenderer *)imd->pr, pixbuf, x, y, flags);

static void image_overlay_set(ImageWindow *imd, gint id, GdkPixbuf *pixbuf, gint x, gint y)
	pixbuf_renderer_overlay_set((PixbufRenderer *)imd->pr, id, pixbuf, x, y);

#if 0 /* unused for now */
static gint image_overlay_get(ImageWindow *imd, gint id, GdkPixbuf **pixbuf, gint *x, gint *y)
	return pixbuf_renderer_overlay_get((PixbufRenderer *)imd->pr, id, pixbuf, x, y);

static void image_overlay_remove(ImageWindow *imd, gint id)
	pixbuf_renderer_overlay_remove((PixbufRenderer *)imd->pr, id);

static void image_osd_icon_show(OverlayStateData *osd, ImageOSDFlag flag)
	GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;

	if (osd->icon_id[flag]) return;

	pixbuf = image_osd_icon_pixbuf(flag);
	if (!pixbuf) return;

	osd->icon_id[flag] = image_overlay_add(osd->imd, pixbuf,
					       osd_icons[flag].x, osd_icons[flag].y,

static void image_osd_icon_hide(OverlayStateData *osd, ImageOSDFlag flag)
	if (osd->icon_id[flag])
		image_overlay_remove(osd->imd, osd->icon_id[flag]);
		osd->icon_id[flag] = 0;

static void image_osd_icons_reset_time(OverlayStateData *osd)
	gint i;

	for (i = 0; i < IMAGE_OSD_COUNT; i++)
		if (osd_icons[i].reset)
			osd->icon_time[i] = 0;

static void image_osd_icons_update(OverlayStateData *osd)
	gint i;

	for (i = 0; i < IMAGE_OSD_COUNT; i++)
		if (osd->icon_time[i] > 0)
			image_osd_icon_show(osd, i);
			image_osd_icon_hide(osd, i);

static void image_osd_icons_hide(OverlayStateData *osd)
	gint i;

	for (i = 0; i < IMAGE_OSD_COUNT; i++)
		image_osd_icon_hide(osd, i);

static void image_osd_info_show(OverlayStateData *osd, GdkPixbuf *pixbuf)
	if (osd->ovl_info == 0)
		osd->ovl_info = image_overlay_add(osd->imd, pixbuf, osd->x, osd->y, OVL_RELATIVE);
		image_overlay_set(osd->imd, osd->ovl_info, pixbuf, osd->x, osd->y);

static void image_osd_info_hide(OverlayStateData *osd)
	if (osd->ovl_info == 0) return;

	image_overlay_remove(osd->imd, osd->ovl_info);
	osd->ovl_info = 0;

static gboolean image_osd_update_cb(gpointer data)
	OverlayStateData *osd = data;

	osd->imd->overlay_show_zoom = FALSE;

	if (osd->show & OSD_SHOW_INFO)
		/* redraw when the image was changed, 
		   with histogram we have to redraw also when loading is finished */
		if (osd->changed_states & IMAGE_STATE_IMAGE ||
		    (osd->changed_states & IMAGE_STATE_LOADING && osd->show & OSD_SHOW_HISTOGRAM) ||
		    osd->notify & NOTIFY_HISTMAP)
			GdkPixbuf *pixbuf;

			pixbuf = image_osd_info_render(osd);
			if (pixbuf)
				image_osd_info_show(osd, pixbuf);

	if (osd->show & OSD_SHOW_STATUS)
		if (osd->changed_states & IMAGE_STATE_IMAGE)
		if (osd->changed_states & IMAGE_STATE_COLOR_ADJ)

		if (osd->changed_states & IMAGE_STATE_ROTATE_AUTO)
			gint n = 0;

			if (osd->imd->state & IMAGE_STATE_ROTATE_AUTO)
				n = 1;
				if (!osd->imd->cm) n += IMAGE_OSD_DEFAULT_DURATION;

			osd->icon_time[IMAGE_OSD_ROTATE_AUTO] = n;


	osd->changed_states = IMAGE_STATE_NONE;
	osd->notify = 0;
	osd->idle_id = 0;
	return FALSE;

static void image_osd_update_schedule(OverlayStateData *osd, gboolean force)
	if (force) osd->changed_states |= IMAGE_STATE_IMAGE;

	if (!osd->idle_id)
		osd->idle_id = g_idle_add_full(G_PRIORITY_HIGH, image_osd_update_cb, osd, NULL);

void image_osd_update(ImageWindow *imd)
	OverlayStateData *osd = image_get_osd_data(imd);

	if (!osd) return;

	image_osd_update_schedule(osd, TRUE);

static gboolean image_osd_timer_cb(gpointer data)
	OverlayStateData *osd = data;
	gboolean done = TRUE;
	gboolean changed = FALSE;
	gint i;

	for (i = 0; i < IMAGE_OSD_COUNT; i++)
		if (osd->icon_time[i] > 1)
			if (osd->icon_time[i] < 2)
				osd->icon_time[i] = 0;
				changed = TRUE;
				done = FALSE;

	if (changed) image_osd_update_schedule(osd, FALSE);

	if (done)
		osd->timer_id = 0;
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;

static void image_osd_timer_schedule(OverlayStateData *osd)
	if (!osd->timer_id)
		osd->timer_id = g_timeout_add(100, image_osd_timer_cb, osd);

static void image_osd_state_cb(ImageWindow *imd, ImageState state, gpointer data)
	OverlayStateData *osd = data;

	osd->changed_states |= state;
	image_osd_update_schedule(osd, FALSE);

static void image_osd_notify_cb(FileData *fd, NotifyType type, gpointer data)
	OverlayStateData *osd = data;

	if ((type & (NOTIFY_HISTMAP)) && osd->imd && fd == osd->imd->image_fd)
		DEBUG_1("Notify osd: %s %04x", fd->path, type);
		osd->notify |= type;
		image_osd_update_schedule(osd, FALSE);

static void image_osd_free(OverlayStateData *osd)
	if (!osd) return;

	if (osd->idle_id) g_source_remove(osd->idle_id);
	if (osd->timer_id) g_source_remove(osd->timer_id);

	file_data_unregister_notify_func(image_osd_notify_cb, osd);

	if (osd->imd)
		image_set_osd_data(osd->imd, NULL);
		g_signal_handler_disconnect(osd->imd->pr, osd->destroy_id);

		image_set_state_func(osd->imd, NULL, NULL);


	if (osd->histogram) histogram_free(osd->histogram);


#if 0
static void image_osd_remove(ImageWindow *imd)
	OverlayStateData *osd = image_get_osd_data(imd);

	if (osd) image_osd_free(osd);

static void image_osd_destroy_cb(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
	OverlayStateData *osd = data;

	osd->imd = NULL;

static void image_osd_enable(ImageWindow *imd, OsdShowFlags show)
	OverlayStateData *osd = image_get_osd_data(imd);

	if (!osd)
		osd = g_new0(OverlayStateData, 1);
		osd->imd = imd;
		osd->show = OSD_SHOW_NOTHING;
		osd->x = options->image_overlay.x;
		osd->y = options->image_overlay.y;
		osd->histogram = histogram_new();

		osd->destroy_id = g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(imd->pr), "destroy",
						   G_CALLBACK(image_osd_destroy_cb), osd);
		image_set_osd_data(imd, osd);

		image_set_state_func(osd->imd, image_osd_state_cb, osd);
		file_data_register_notify_func(image_osd_notify_cb, osd, NOTIFY_PRIORITY_LOW);

	if (show & OSD_SHOW_STATUS)
		image_osd_icon(imd, IMAGE_OSD_ICON, -1);

	if (show != osd->show)
		image_osd_update_schedule(osd, TRUE);

	osd->show = show;

void image_osd_set(ImageWindow *imd, OsdShowFlags show)
	if (!imd) return;

	image_osd_enable(imd, show);

OsdShowFlags image_osd_get(ImageWindow *imd)
	OverlayStateData *osd = image_get_osd_data(imd);

	return osd ? osd->show : OSD_SHOW_NOTHING;

Histogram *image_osd_get_histogram(ImageWindow *imd)
	OverlayStateData *osd = image_get_osd_data(imd);

	return osd ? osd->histogram : NULL;

void image_osd_copy_status(ImageWindow *src, ImageWindow *dest)
	Histogram *h_src, *h_dest;
	image_osd_set(dest, image_osd_get(src));
	h_src = image_osd_get_histogram(src);
	h_dest = image_osd_get_histogram(dest);
	h_dest->histogram_mode = h_src->histogram_mode;
	h_dest->histogram_channel = h_src->histogram_channel;

/* duration:
    0 = hide
    1 = show
   2+ = show for duration tenths of a second
   -1 = use default duration
void image_osd_icon(ImageWindow *imd, ImageOSDFlag flag, gint duration)
	OverlayStateData *osd = image_get_osd_data(imd);

	if (!osd) return;

	if (flag >= IMAGE_OSD_COUNT) return;
	if (duration < 0) duration = IMAGE_OSD_DEFAULT_DURATION;
	if (duration > 1) duration += 1;

	osd->icon_time[flag] = duration;

	image_osd_update_schedule(osd, FALSE);
/* vim: set shiftwidth=8 softtabstop=0 cindent cinoptions={1s: */