view src/ui_fileops.c @ 9:d907d608745f

Sync to GQview 1.5.9 release. ######## DO NOT BASE ENHANCEMENTS OR TRANSLATION UPDATES ON CODE IN THIS CVS! This CVS is never up to date with current development and is provided solely for reference purposes, please use the latest official release package when making any changes or translation updates. ########
author gqview
date Sat, 26 Feb 2005 00:13:35 +0000
children dcc04a6a58bf
line wrap: on
line source

 * (SLIK) SimpLIstic sKin functions
 * (C) 2004 John Ellis
 * Author: John Ellis
 * This software is released under the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL).
 * Please read the included file COPYING for more information.
 * This software comes with no warranty of any kind, use at your own risk!

#  include "config.h"

#include <pwd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <utime.h>

#include <glib.h>
#include <gtk/gtk.h>	/* for locale warning dialog */

#include "ui_fileops.h"

#include "ui_utildlg.h"	/* for locale warning dialog */

 * generic file information and manipulation routines (public)

/* file sorting method (case) */
gint file_sort_case_sensitive = FALSE;

void print_term(const gchar *text_utf8)
	gchar *text_l;

	text_l = g_locale_from_utf8(text_utf8, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
	printf((text_l) ? text_l : text_utf8);

static void encoding_dialog(const gchar *path);

static gint encoding_dialog_idle(gpointer data)
	gchar *path = data;


	return FALSE;

static gint encoding_dialog_delay(gpointer data)
	g_idle_add(encoding_dialog_idle, data);

	return 0;

static void encoding_dialog(const gchar *path)
	static gint warned_user = FALSE;
	GenericDialog *gd;
	GString *string;
	const gchar *lc;
	const gchar *bf;

	/* check that gtk is initialized (loop is level > 0) */
	if (gtk_main_level() == 0)
		/* gtk not initialized */
		gtk_init_add(encoding_dialog_delay, g_strdup(path));

	if (warned_user) return;
	warned_user = TRUE;

	lc = getenv("LANG");
	bf = getenv("G_BROKEN_FILENAMES");
	warned_user = TRUE;

	string = g_string_new("");
	g_string_append(string, "One or more filenames are not encoded with the preferred locale character set.\n");
	g_string_append_printf(string, "Operations on, and display of these files with %s may not succeed.\n\n", PACKAGE);
	g_string_append(string, "If your filenames are not encoded in utf-8, try setting\n");
	g_string_append(string, "the environment variable G_BROKEN_FILENAMES=1\n");
	g_string_append_printf(string, "It appears G_BROKEN_FILENAMES is %s%s\n\n",
				(bf) ? "set to " : "not set.", (bf) ? bf : "");
	g_string_append_printf(string, "The locale appears to be set to \"%s\"\n(set by the LANG environment variable)\n", (lc) ? lc : "undefined");
	if (lc && (strstr(lc, "UTF-8") || strstr(lc, "utf-8")))
		gchar *name;
		name = g_convert(path, -1, "UTF-8", "ISO-8859-1", NULL, NULL, NULL);
		string = g_string_append(string, "\nPreferred encoding appears to be UTF-8, however the file:\n");
		g_string_append_printf(string, "\"%s\"\n%s encoded in valid UTF-8.\n",
				(name) ? name : "[name not displayable]",
				(g_utf8_validate(path, -1, NULL)) ? "is": "is NOT");

	gd = generic_dialog_new("Filename encoding locale mismatch",
				PACKAGE, "locale warning", NULL, TRUE, NULL, NULL);
	generic_dialog_add_button(gd, GTK_STOCK_CLOSE, NULL, NULL, TRUE);

	generic_dialog_add_message(gd, GTK_STOCK_DIALOG_WARNING,
				   "Filename encoding locale mismatch", string->str);


	g_string_free(string, TRUE);

gchar *path_to_utf8(const gchar *path)
	gchar *utf8;
	GError *error = NULL;

	if (!path) return NULL;

	utf8 = g_filename_to_utf8(path, -1, NULL, NULL, &error);
	if (error)
		printf("Unable to convert filename to UTF-8:\n%s\n%s\n", path, error->message);
	if (!utf8)
		/* just let it through, but bad things may happen */
		utf8 = g_strdup(path);

	return utf8;

gchar *path_from_utf8(const gchar *utf8)
	gchar *path;
	GError *error = NULL;

	if (!utf8) return NULL;

	path = g_filename_from_utf8(utf8, -1, NULL, NULL, &error);
	if (error)
		printf("Unable to convert filename to locale from UTF-8:\n%s\n%s\n", utf8, error->message);
	if (!path)
		/* if invalid UTF-8, text probaby still in original form, so just copy it */
		path = g_strdup(utf8);

	return path;

/* first we try the HOME environment var, if that doesn't work, we try getpwuid(). */
const gchar *homedir(void)
	static gchar *home = NULL;

	if (!home)
		home = path_to_utf8(getenv("HOME"));
	if (!home)
		struct passwd *pw = getpwuid(getuid());
		if (pw) home = path_to_utf8(pw->pw_dir);

	return home;

gint stat_utf8(const gchar *s, struct stat *st)
	gchar *sl;
	gint ret;

	if (!s) return FALSE;
	sl = path_from_utf8(s);
	ret = (stat(sl, st) == 0);

	return ret;

gint isname(const gchar *s)
	struct stat st;

	return stat_utf8(s, &st);

gint isfile(const gchar *s)
	struct stat st;

	return (stat_utf8(s, &st) && S_ISREG(st.st_mode));

gint isdir(const gchar *s)
	struct stat st;
	return (stat_utf8(s ,&st) && S_ISDIR(st.st_mode));

gint64 filesize(const gchar *s)
	struct stat st;
	if (!stat_utf8(s, &st)) return 0;
	return (gint)st.st_size;

time_t filetime(const gchar *s)
        struct stat st;

	if (!stat_utf8(s, &st)) return 0;
	return st.st_mtime;

gint filetime_set(const gchar *s, time_t tval)
	gint ret = FALSE;

	if (tval > 0)
		struct utimbuf ut;
		gchar *sl;

		ut.actime = ut.modtime = tval;

		sl = path_from_utf8(s);
		ret = (utime(sl, &ut) == 0);

	return ret;

gint access_file(const gchar *s, int mode)
	gchar *sl;
	gint ret;

	if (!s) return FALSE;

	sl = path_from_utf8(s);
	ret = (access(sl, mode) == 0);

	return ret;

gint unlink_file(const gchar *s)
	gchar *sl;
	gint ret;

	if (!s) return FALSE;

	sl = path_from_utf8(s);
	ret = (unlink(sl) == 0);

	return ret;

gint symlink_utf8(const gchar *source, const gchar *target)
	gchar *sl;
	gchar *tl;
	gint ret;

	if (!source || !target) return FALSE;

	sl = path_from_utf8(source);
	tl = path_from_utf8(target);

	ret = (symlink(sl, tl) == 0);


	return ret;

gint mkdir_utf8(const gchar *s, int mode)
	gchar *sl;
	gint ret;

	if (!s) return FALSE;

	sl = path_from_utf8(s);
	ret = (mkdir(sl, mode) == 0);
	return ret;

gint rmdir_utf8(const gchar *s)
	gchar *sl;
	gint ret;

	if (!s) return FALSE;

	sl = path_from_utf8(s);
	ret = (rmdir(sl) == 0);

	return ret;

gint copy_file_attributes(const gchar *s, const gchar *t, gint perms, gint mtime)
	struct stat st;
	gchar *sl, *tl;
	gint ret = FALSE;

	if (!s || !t) return FALSE;

	sl = path_from_utf8(s);
	tl = path_from_utf8(t);

	if (stat(sl, &st) == 0)
		struct utimbuf tb;

		ret = TRUE;

		/* set the dest file attributes to that of source (ignoring errors) */

		if (perms && chown(tl, st.st_uid, st.st_gid) < 0) ret = FALSE;
		if (perms && chmod(tl, st.st_mode) < 0) ret = FALSE;

		tb.actime = st.st_atime;
		tb.modtime = st.st_mtime;
		if (mtime && utime(tl, &tb) < 0) ret = FALSE;


	return ret;

/* paths are in filesystem encoding */
static gint hard_linked(const gchar *a, const gchar *b)
	struct stat sta;
	struct stat stb;

	if (stat(a, &sta) !=  0 || stat(b, &stb) != 0) return FALSE;

	return (sta.st_dev == stb.st_dev &&
		sta.st_ino == stb.st_ino);

gint copy_file(const gchar *s, const gchar *t)
	FILE *fi = NULL;
	FILE *fo = NULL;
	gchar *sl, *tl;
	gchar buf[4096];
	gint b;

	sl = path_from_utf8(s);
	tl = path_from_utf8(t);

	if (hard_linked(sl, tl))
		return TRUE;

	fi = fopen(sl, "rb");
	if (fi)
		fo = fopen(tl, "wb");
		if (!fo)
			fi = NULL;


	if (!fi || !fo) return FALSE;

	while((b = fread(buf, sizeof(char), 4096, fi)) && b != 0)
		if (fwrite(buf, sizeof(char), b, fo) != b)
			return FALSE;


	copy_file_attributes(s, t, TRUE, TRUE);

	return TRUE;

gint move_file(const gchar *s, const gchar *t)
	gchar *sl, *tl;
	gint ret = TRUE;

	if (!s || !t) return FALSE;

	sl = path_from_utf8(s);
	tl = path_from_utf8(t);
	if (rename(sl, tl) < 0)
		/* this may have failed because moving a file across filesystems
		was attempted, so try copy and delete instead */
		if (copy_file(s, t))
			if (unlink(sl) < 0)
				/* err, now we can't delete the source file so return FALSE */
				ret = FALSE;
			ret = FALSE;

	return ret;

gint rename_file(const gchar *s, const gchar *t)
	gchar *sl, *tl;
	gint ret;

	if (!s || !t) return FALSE;

	sl = path_from_utf8(s);
	tl = path_from_utf8(t);
	ret = (rename(sl, tl) == 0);

	return ret;

gchar *get_current_dir(void)
	gchar *pathl;
	gchar *path8;

	pathl = g_get_current_dir();
	path8 = path_to_utf8(pathl);

	return path8;

gint path_list(const gchar *path, GList **files, GList **dirs)
	DIR *dp;
	struct dirent *dir;
	struct stat ent_sbuf;
	GList *f_list = NULL;
	GList *d_list = NULL;
	gchar *pathl;

	if (!path) return FALSE;

	pathl = path_from_utf8(path);
	dp = opendir(pathl);
	if (!dp)
		/* dir not found */
		return FALSE;

	/* root dir fix */
	if (pathl[0] == '/' && pathl[1] == '\0')
		pathl = g_strdup("");

	while ((dir = readdir(dp)) != NULL)
		/* skip removed files */
		if (dir->d_ino > 0)
			gchar *name = dir->d_name;
			gchar *filepath = g_strconcat(pathl, "/", name, NULL);
			if (stat(filepath, &ent_sbuf) >= 0)
				gchar *path8;
				gchar *name8;

				name8 = path_to_utf8(name);
				path8 = g_strconcat(path, "/", name8, NULL);

				if (dirs && S_ISDIR(ent_sbuf.st_mode) &&
				    !(name[0] == '.' && (name[1] == '\0' || (name[1] == '.' && name[2] == '\0'))) )
					d_list = g_list_prepend(d_list, path8);
					path8 = NULL;
                               	else if (files && S_ISREG(ent_sbuf.st_mode))
					f_list = g_list_prepend(f_list, path8);
					path8 = NULL;


	if (dirs) *dirs = g_list_reverse(d_list);
	if (files) *files = g_list_reverse(f_list);

	return TRUE;

void path_list_free(GList *list)
	g_list_foreach(list, (GFunc)g_free, NULL);

GList *path_list_copy(GList *list)
	GList *new_list = NULL;
	GList *work;

	work = list;
	while (work)
		gchar *path;
		path = work->data;
		work = work->next;
		new_list = g_list_prepend(new_list, g_strdup(path));
	return g_list_reverse(new_list);

long checksum_simple(const gchar *path)
	gchar *path8;
	FILE *f;
	long sum = 0;
	gint c;

	path8 = path_from_utf8(path);
	f = fopen(path8, "r");
	if (!f) return -1;

	while((c = fgetc(f)) != EOF)
		sum += c;


	return sum;

gchar *unique_filename(const gchar *path, const gchar *ext, const gchar *divider, gint pad)
	gchar *unique;
	gint n = 1;

	if (!ext) ext = "";
	if (!divider) divider = "";

	unique = g_strconcat(path, ext, NULL);
	while (isname(unique))
		if (pad)
			unique = g_strdup_printf("%s%s%03d%s", path, divider, n, ext);
			unique = g_strdup_printf("%s%s%d%s", path, divider, n, ext);
		if (n > 999)
			/* well, we tried */
			return NULL;

	return unique;

gchar *unique_filename_simple(const gchar *path)
	gchar *unique;
	const gchar *name;
	const gchar *ext;

	if (!path) return NULL;

	name = filename_from_path(path);
	if (!name) return NULL;

	ext = extension_from_path(name);

	if (!ext)
		unique = unique_filename(path, NULL, "_", TRUE);
		gchar *base;

		base = remove_extension_from_path(path);
		unique = unique_filename(base, ext, "_", TRUE);

	return unique;

const gchar *filename_from_path(const gchar *path)
	const gchar *base;

	if (!path) return NULL;

	base = strrchr(path, '/');
	if (base) return base + 1;

	return path;

gchar *remove_level_from_path(const gchar *path)
	gchar *new_path;
	const gchar *ptr = path;
	gint p;

	if (!path) return NULL;

	p = strlen(path) - 1;
	if (p < 0) return NULL;
	while(ptr[p] != '/' && p > 0) p--;
	if (p == 0 && ptr[p] == '/') p++;
	new_path = g_strndup(path, (guint)p);
	return new_path;

gchar *concat_dir_and_file(const gchar *base, const gchar *name)
	if (!base || !name) return NULL;

	if (strcmp(base, "/") == 0) return g_strconcat(base, name, NULL);

	return g_strconcat(base, "/", name, NULL);

const gchar *extension_from_path(const gchar *path)
	if (!path) return NULL;
	return strrchr(path, '.');

gint file_extension_match(const gchar *path, const gchar *ext)
	gint p;
	gint e;

	if (!path) return FALSE;
	if (!ext) return TRUE;

	p = strlen(path);
	e = strlen(ext);

	return (p > e && strncasecmp(path + p - e, ext, e) == 0);

gchar *remove_extension_from_path(const gchar *path)
	gchar *new_path;
	const gchar *ptr = path;
	gint p;

	if (!path) return NULL;
	if (strlen(path) < 2) return g_strdup(path);

	p = strlen(path) - 1;
	while(ptr[p] != '.' && p > 0) p--;
	if (p == 0) p = strlen(path) - 1;
	new_path = g_strndup(path, (guint)p);
	return new_path;

void parse_out_relatives(gchar *path)
	gint s, t;

	if (!path) return;

	s = t = 0;

	while (path[s] != '\0')
		if (path[s] == '/' && path[s+1] == '.' && (path[s+2] == '/' || path[s+2] == '\0') )
			s += 2;
		else if (path[s] == '/' && path[s+1] == '.' && path[s+2] == '.' && (path[s+3] == '/' || path[s+3] == '\0') )
			s += 3;
			if (t > 0) t--;
			while (path[t] != '/' && t > 0) t--;
			if (s != t) path[t] = path[s];
	if (t == 0 && path[t] == '/') t++;
	if (t > 1 && path[t-1] == '/') t--;
	path[t] = '\0';

gint file_in_path(const gchar *name)
	gchar *path;
	gchar *namel;
	gint p, l;
	gint ret = FALSE;

	if (!name) return FALSE;
	path = g_strdup(getenv("PATH"));
	if (!path) return FALSE;
	namel = path_from_utf8(name);

	p = 0;
	l = strlen(path);
	while (p < l && !ret)
		gchar *f;
		gint e = p;
		while (path[e] != ':' && path[e] != '\0') e++;
		path[e] = '\0';
		f = g_strconcat(path + p, "/", namel, NULL);
		if (isfile(f)) ret = TRUE;
		p = e;

	return ret;