diff docs/website/generate-gftp-website.pl @ 222:007145d7d975

2003-7-11 Brian Masney <masneyb@gftp.org> * lib/protocols.c (gftp_calc_kbs) - only call gettimeofday() at the end only if we are throttling this connection * lib/cache.c lib/options.h docs/sample.gftp/gftprc - added cache_ttl option to determine the amount of time that cache entries will stay around * docs/gftp.xml docs/legal.xml docs/figures/* - documentation from Alexander Kirillov <kirillov@math.sunysb.edu> * docs/website - files for generating my main website. They aren't pretty, but hey it works. I'm mainly putting these in CVS just for backup purposes.
author masneyb
date Sun, 13 Jul 2003 12:38:35 +0000
children e599812712f0
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/docs/website/generate-gftp-website.pl	Sun Jul 13 12:38:35 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# This script will generate the gFTP webpage. You will have to first build the 
+# RPMs, DEBs, and tarballs and put them all in the current directory.
+use Time::Local;
+my @date = localtime (time ());
+my $version = `cat ../../configure | grep ^VERSION= | awk -F= '{print \$2}'`;
+chop ($version);
+my %rep = ("STABLE_BZ2" => "gftp-" . $version . ".tar.bz2",
+           "STABLE_GZ" => "gftp-" . $version . ".tar.gz",
+           "STABLE_I386RPM" => "gftp-" . $version . "-1.i386.rpm",
+           "STABLE_SRCRPM" => "gftp-" . $version . "-1.src.rpm",
+           "STABLE_I386DEB" => "gftp_" . $version . "-1_i386.deb",
+           "STABLE_I386DEB_COMMON" => "gftp-common_" . $version . "-1_i386.deb",
+           "STABLE_I386DEB_GTK" => "gftp-gtk_" . $version . "-1_i386.deb",
+           "STABLE_I386DEB_TEXT" => "gftp-text_" . $version . "-1_i386.deb"); 
+$tarfiles = "MD5SUMS changelog.html faq.html gftp-screenshot.png index.html install.html logo.jpg robots.txt screenshots.html";
+print "Generating MD5SUMS...\n";
+open M, ">MD5SUMS" || die "Can't open MD5SUMS: $!\n";
+foreach $tag (keys %rep)
+  {
+    next if $tag =~ /_KB$/;
+    $file = $rep{$tag};
+    if (!-e $file)
+      {
+        undef ($rep{$tag});
+        next;
+      }
+    $tarfiles .= " $file";
+    print M `md5sum $file`;
+    @st = stat ($file);
+    $rep{$tag . "_KB"} = int ($st[7] / 1024);
+  }
+close M;
+$rep{"STABLE_VER"} = $version;
+$rep{"STABLE_DATE"} = ++$date[4] . "/$date[3]/" . ($date[5] + 1900);
+print "Generating changelog.html...\n";
+open C, "<../gftp/ChangeLog-old" or die "Can't open ../gftp/ChangeLog-old: $!\n";
+open N, ">changelog.html" or die "Can't open changelog.html: $!\n";
+print N "<HTML>\n";
+print N "<HEAD>\n";
+print N "<TITLE>gFTP Changelog</TITLE>\n";
+print N "<META NAME=\"author\" CONTENT=\"Brian Masney\">\n";
+print N "<LINK REV=MADE HREF=\"mailto:masneyb\@gftp.org\">\n";
+print N "</HEAD>\n";
+print N "<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#FFFFFF\" TEXT=\"#000000\" LINK=\"#336699\" VLINK=\"#336699\" ALINK=\"#336699\">\n";
+print N "<FONT FACE=\"Lucida,Verdana,Helvetica,Arial\"><SMALL>\n";
+$close = 0;
+while (<C>)
+  {
+    chop;
+    next if /^\s*$/;
+    if (/^Changes/)
+      {
+        if ($close)
+          {
+            print N "\n</UL>\n";
+          }
+        else
+          {
+            $close = 1;
+          }  
+        print N "\n<H4>$_</H4>\n";
+        print N "<UL>";
+        next;
+      }
+    s/\</&lt\;/g;
+    s/\>/&gt\;/g;
+    s/\s+$//;
+    if (!/^\*/)
+      {
+        s/^\s+//;
+        print N " $_";
+      }
+    else
+      {
+        s/^\*\s+//;
+        print N "\n<LI>$_";
+      }
+  }
+print N "\n</UL>\n\n";
+print N "<P>Brian Masney <A HREF=\"mailto:masneyb\@gftp.org\">masneyb\@gftp.org</A></P>\n";
+print N "</SMALL></FONT></BODY></HTML>\n";
+close C;
+close N;
+print "Generating index.html...\n";
+open I, "<index.html.in" || die "Can't open index.html.in: $!\n";
+open N, ">index.html" || die "Can't open index.html: $!\n";
+while (<I>)
+  {
+    $skip = 0;
+    while (($var) = /\%(.*?)\%/)
+      {
+        if (!defined ($rep{$var}))
+          {
+            print STDERR "Warning: $var not found in hash. Skipping.\n";
+            $skip = 1;
+            last;
+          }
+        s/\%$var\%/$rep{$var}/g;
+      }
+    next if $skip == 1;
+    print N $_;
+  }
+close I;
+close N;
+$tarcmd = "tar -jcvf gftp-$version-website.tar.bz2 $tarfiles";
+print "Running $tarcmd...\n";
+system ($tarcmd);
+print "Done.\n";