diff src/gtk/gftp-gtk.h @ 1:8b1883341c6f

Initial revision
author masneyb
date Mon, 05 Aug 2002 19:46:57 +0000
children 5551ab2301fe
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/gtk/gftp-gtk.h	Mon Aug 05 19:46:57 2002 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+/*  gftp-gtk.h - include file for the gftp gtk+ 1.2 port                     */
+/*  Copyright (C) 1998-2002 Brian Masney <masneyb@gftp.org>                  */
+/*                                                                           */
+/*  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify     */
+/*  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by     */
+/*  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or        */
+/*  (at your option) any later version.                                      */
+/*                                                                           */
+/*  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,          */
+/*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of           */
+/*  GNU General Public License for more details.                             */
+/*                                                                           */
+/*  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License        */
+/*  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software              */
+/*  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.                */
+#ifndef __GFTP_GTK_H
+#define __GFTP_GTK_H
+#include "../../lib/gftp.h"
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include <gdk/gdkkeysyms.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+#define IS_ONE_SELECTED(wdata)		(GTK_CLIST ((wdata)->listbox)->selection && GTK_CLIST ((wdata)->listbox)->selection->next == NULL)
+#define IS_NONE_SELECTED(wdata)		(GTK_CLIST ((wdata)->listbox)->selection == NULL)
+  #define gtk_widget_set_size_request(widget, width, height)	\
+				gtk_widget_set_usize (widget, width, height)
+typedef struct gftp_window_data_tag
+  GtkWidget *combo, 		/* Entry widget/history for the user to enter 
+   				   a directory */
+            *hoststxt, 		/* Show which directory we're in */
+            *listbox; 		/* Our listbox showing the files */
+  unsigned int sortcol, 	/* Which column we are sorting by */
+               sortasds : 1, 	/* Sorted ascending or descending */
+               sorted : 1,	/* Is the output sorted? */
+               show_selected : 1, /* Show only selected files */
+               *histlen;	/* Pointer to length of history */
+  char *filespec;		/* Filespec for the listbox */
+  gftp_request * request;	/* The host that we are connected to */
+  GList * files,		/* Files in the listbox */
+        ** history;		/* History of the directories */
+  GtkItemFactory *ifactory; 	/* This is for the menus that will
+                                   come up when you right click */
+  pthread_t tid;		/* Thread for the stop button */
+  unsigned long gotbytes;
+} gftp_window_data;
+typedef struct gftp_graphic_tag
+  char * filename;
+  GdkPixmap * pixmap;
+  GdkBitmap * bitmap;
+} gftp_graphic;
+typedef struct gftp_dialog_data_tag
+  GtkWidget * dialog,		/* Pointer to the dialog */
+            * checkbox,		/* Pointer to the checkbox widget */
+            * edit; 		/* Pointer to the edit widget */
+  GList * all_buttons;		/* All the buttons of this dialog */
+  gpointer data;		/* Data pointer we'll pass to the function */
+} gftp_dialog_data;
+typedef struct gftp_viewedit_data_tag 
+   char *filename,              /* File we are viewing/editing currently */
+        *remote_filename;       /* The filename on the remote computer */
+   struct stat st;              /* Vital file statistics */
+   pid_t pid;                   /* Our process id */
+   char **argv;                 /* Our arguments we passed to execvp. We will 
+                                   free it when the process terminates. This 
+                                   is the safest place to free this */
+   unsigned int view : 1,       /* View or edit this file */
+                rm : 1,         /* Delete this file after we're done with it */
+                dontupload : 1; /* Don't upload this file after we're done
+				   editing it */
+   gftp_window_data * fromwdata, /* The window we are viewing this file in */
+                    * towdata;
+} gftp_viewedit_data;
+typedef struct gftp_curtrans_data_tag
+  gftp_transfer * transfer;
+  GList * curfle;
+} gftp_curtrans_data;
+extern gftp_window_data window1, window2, * other_wdata, * current_wdata;
+extern GtkWidget * stop_btn, * hostedit, * useredit, * passedit,
+                 * portedit, * logwdw, * dlwdw, * protocol_menu, * optionmenu;
+extern GtkAdjustment * logwdw_vadj;
+extern GtkTextMark * logwdw_textmark;
+extern int local_start, remote_start, trans_start, log_start, tools_start;
+extern GHashTable * graphic_hash_table;
+extern GtkItemFactoryEntry * menus;
+extern GtkItemFactory * factory;
+extern pthread_mutex_t transfer_mutex, log_mutex;
+/* bookmarks.c */
+void run_bookmark 				( gpointer data );
+void add_bookmark 				( gpointer data );
+void edit_bookmarks 				( gpointer data );
+void build_bookmarks_menu			( void );
+/* chmod_dialog.c */ 
+void chmod_dialog 				( gpointer data );
+/* delete_dialog.c */ 
+void delete_dialog 				( gpointer data );
+/* dnd.c */
+void openurl_get_drag_data 			( GtkWidget * widget, 
+						  GdkDragContext * context, 
+						  gint x,
+						  gint y, 
+						  GtkSelectionData * selection_data, 
+						  guint info, 
+						  guint32 clk_time, 
+						  gpointer data );
+void listbox_drag 				( GtkWidget * widget, 
+						  GdkDragContext * context,
+						  GtkSelectionData * selection_data, 
+						  guint info, 
+						  guint32 clk_time, 
+						  gpointer data );
+void listbox_get_drag_data 			( GtkWidget * widget, 
+						  GdkDragContext * context, 
+						  gint x,
+						  gint y, 
+						  GtkSelectionData * selection_data, 
+						  guint info, 
+						  guint32 clk_time, 
+						  gpointer data );
+/* gftp-gtk.c */
+void toolbar_hostedit 				( GtkWidget * widget, 
+						  gpointer data );
+void sortrows 					( GtkCList * clist, 
+						  gint column, 
+						  gpointer data );
+void stop_button				( GtkWidget * widget,
+						  gpointer data );
+/* menu_items.c */
+void change_setting 				( gftp_window_data *wdata,
+						  int menuitem,
+						  GtkWidget * checkmenu );
+void tb_openurl_dialog 				( gpointer data );
+void openurl_dialog 				( gpointer data );
+void disconnect 				( gpointer data );
+void change_filespec 				( gpointer data );
+void show_selected				( gpointer data );
+void selectall 					( gpointer data );
+void selectallfiles 				( gpointer data );
+void deselectall 				( gpointer data );
+void site_dialog 				( gpointer data );
+int chdir_edit					( GtkWidget * widget,
+						  gpointer data );
+int chdir_dialog 				( gpointer data );
+void clearlog 					( gpointer data );
+void viewlog 					( gpointer data );
+void savelog 					( gpointer data );
+void clear_cache				( gpointer data );
+void options_dialog (gpointer data);
+void compare_windows (gpointer data);
+void about_dialog (gpointer data);
+/* misc-gtk.c */
+void fix_display				( void );
+void remove_files_window			( gftp_window_data * wdata );
+void ftp_log					( gftp_logging_level level,
+						  void *ptr,
+						  const char *string,
+						  ... );
+void refresh 					( gftp_window_data * wdata );
+void update_window_info				( void );
+void update_window				( gftp_window_data * wdata );
+GtkWidget * toolbar_pixmap			( GtkWidget * widget,
+						  char *filename );
+gftp_graphic * open_xpm				( GtkWidget * widget,
+						  char *filename );
+void gftp_free_pixmap 				( char *filename ); 
+void gftp_get_pixmap 				( GtkWidget * widget, 
+						  char *filename, 
+						  GdkPixmap ** pix,
+						  GdkBitmap ** bitmap );
+int check_status				( char *name,
+						  gftp_window_data * wdata,
+						  int check_other_stop,
+						  int only_one,
+						  int at_least_one,
+						  int func );
+void create_item_factory 			( GtkItemFactory * ifactory, 
+						  guint n_entries, 
+						  GtkItemFactoryEntry * entries,
+						  gpointer callback_data );
+GList * get_next_selection 			( GList * selection, 
+						  GList ** list, 
+						  int *curnum );
+void add_history 				( GtkWidget * widget, 
+						  GList ** history, 
+						  unsigned int *histlen, 
+						  const char *str );
+int check_reconnect 				( gftp_window_data * wdata );
+void add_file_listbox 				( gftp_window_data * wdata, 
+						  gftp_file * fle );
+void MakeEditDialog 				( char *diagtxt, 
+						  char *infotxt, 
+						  char *deftext, 
+						  int edit_shown, 
+						  int erase, 
+                                                  char *checktext,
+						  char *oktxt, 
+						  void (*okfunc) (), 
+						  void *okptr, 
+						  char *canceltxt, 
+						  void (*cancelfunc) (), 
+						  void *cancelptr );
+void MakeYesNoDialog 				( char *diagtxt, 
+						  char *infotxt, 
+						  int erase, 
+						  int num, 
+						  ... );
+void update_directory_download_progress 	( gftp_transfer * transfer );
+void *generic_thread 				( void * (*func) 
+                                                         (void *), 
+						  gftp_window_data * wdata );
+int progress_timeout 				( gpointer data );
+void display_cached_logs			( void );
+/* mkdir_dialog.c */
+void mkdir_dialog 				( gpointer data );
+/* rename_dialog.c */
+void rename_dialog				( gpointer data );
+/* transfer.c */
+int ftp_list_files				( gftp_window_data * wdata,
+						  int usecache );
+int ftp_connect					( gftp_window_data * wdata,
+						  gftp_request * request,
+						  int getdir );
+gint update_downloads 				( gpointer data );
+void * gftp_gtk_transfer_files 			( void *data );
+void get_files 					( gpointer data );
+void put_files 					( gpointer data );
+void transfer_window_files 			( gftp_window_data * fromwdata,
+						  gftp_window_data * towdata );
+void *do_getdir_thread 				( void * data );
+void add_file_transfer 				( gftp_request * fromreq, 
+						  gftp_request * toreq, 
+						  gftp_window_data * fromwdata,
+						  gftp_window_data * towdata, 
+						  GList * files,
+						  int copy_req );
+void start_transfer				( gpointer data );
+void stop_transfer				( gpointer data );
+void skip_transfer				( gpointer data );
+void remove_file_transfer 			( gpointer data );
+void move_transfer_up				( gpointer data );
+void move_transfer_down				( gpointer data );
+void gftp_gtk_ask_transfer 			( gftp_transfer * tdata );
+/* view_dialog.c */
+void edit_dialog 				( gpointer data );
+void view_dialog 				( gpointer data );
+void view_file 					( char *filename, 
+						  int fd, 
+						  int viewedit, 
+						  int del_file, 
+						  int start_pos, 
+						  int dontupload,
+						  char *remote_filename, 
+						  gftp_window_data * wdata );