diff docs/rfcs/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-04.txt @ 497:e60a6ec4aa85

2004-7-12 Brian Masney <masneyb@gftp.org> * docs/rfcs/* - added RFCs that are used by this program
author masneyb
date Tue, 13 Jul 2004 01:35:15 +0000
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line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/docs/rfcs/draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-04.txt	Tue Jul 13 01:35:15 2004 +0000
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+Secure Shell Working Group                                  J. Galbraith
+Internet-Draft                                          VanDyke Software
+Expires: June 18, 2003                                         T. Ylonen
+                                                             S. Lehtinen
+                                        SSH Communications Security Corp
+                                                       December 18, 2002
+                       SSH File Transfer Protocol
+                    draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-04.txt
+Status of this Memo
+   This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with
+   all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026.
+   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
+   Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups.  Note that
+   other groups may also distribute working documents as
+   Internet-Drafts.
+   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
+   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
+   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
+   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."
+   The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at http://
+   www.ietf.org/ietf/1id-abstracts.txt.
+   The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at
+   http://www.ietf.org/shadow.html.
+   This Internet-Draft will expire on June 18, 2003.
+Copyright Notice
+   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002).  All Rights Reserved.
+   The SSH File Transfer Protocol provides secure file transfer
+   functionality over any reliable data stream.  It is the standard file
+   transfer protocol for use with the SSH2 protocol.  This document
+   describes the file transfer protocol and its interface to the SSH2
+   protocol suite.
+Galbraith, et al.        Expires June 18, 2003                  [Page 1]
+Internet-Draft         SSH File Transfer Protocol          December 2002
+Table of Contents
+   1.     Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
+   2.     Use with the SSH Connection Protocol . . . . . . . . . . .   4
+   3.     General Packet Format  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
+   3.1    The use of stderr in the server  . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
+   4.     Protocol Initialization  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
+   4.1    Client Initialization  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
+   4.2    Server Initialization  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
+   4.3    Determining Server Newline Convention  . . . . . . . . . .   9
+   5.     File Attributes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
+   5.1    Flags  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
+   5.2    Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
+   5.3    Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
+   5.4    Owner and Group  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
+   5.5    Permissions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
+   5.6    Times  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
+   5.7    ACL  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
+   5.8    Extended attributes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
+   6.     Requests From the Client to the Server . . . . . . . . . .  15
+   6.1    Request Synchronization and Reordering . . . . . . . . . .  15
+   6.2    File Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
+   6.3    Opening, Creating, and Closing Files . . . . . . . . . . .  16
+   6.4    Reading and Writing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
+   6.5    Removing and Renaming Files  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
+   6.6    Creating and Deleting Directories  . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
+   6.7    Scanning Directories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
+   6.8    Retrieving File Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
+   6.9    Setting File Attributes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
+   6.10   Dealing with Symbolic links  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
+   6.11   Canonicalizing the Server-Side Path Name . . . . . . . . .  25
+   6.11.1 Best practice for dealing with paths . . . . . . . . . . .  25
+   7.     Responses from the Server to the Client  . . . . . . . . .  26
+   8.     Vendor-Specific Extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  30
+   9.     Security Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  31
+   10.    Changes from previous protocol versions  . . . . . . . . .  32
+   10.1   Changes between versions 4 and 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . .  32
+   10.2   Changes between versions 3 and 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . .  33
+   10.3   Changes between versions 2 and 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . .  33
+   10.4   Changes between versions 1 and 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . .  33
+   11.    Trademark Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  34
+          References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  35
+          Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  35
+          Intellectual Property and Copyright Statements . . . . . .  37
+Galbraith, et al.        Expires June 18, 2003                  [Page 2]
+Internet-Draft         SSH File Transfer Protocol          December 2002
+1. Introduction
+   This protocol provides secure file transfer (and more generally file
+   system access) functionality over a reliable data stream, such as a
+   channel in the SSH2 protocol [5].
+   This protocol is designed so that it could be used to implement a
+   secure remote file system service, as well as a secure file transfer
+   service.
+   This protocol assumes that it runs over a secure channel, and that
+   the server has already authenticated the user at the client end, and
+   that the identity of the client user is externally available to the
+   server implementation.
+   In general, this protocol follows a simple request-response model.
+   Each request and response contains a sequence number and multiple
+   requests may be pending simultaneously.  There are a relatively large
+   number of different request messages, but a small number of possible
+   response messages.  Each request has one or more response messages
+   that may be returned in result (e.g., a read either returns data or
+   reports error status).
+   The packet format descriptions in this specification follow the
+   notation presented in the secsh architecture draft. [5]
+   Even though this protocol is described in the context of the SSH2
+   protocol, this protocol is general and independent of the rest of the
+   SSH2 protocol suite.  It could be used in a number of different
+   applications, such as secure file transfer over TLS RFC 2246 [1] and
+   transfer of management information in VPN applications.
+Galbraith, et al.        Expires June 18, 2003                  [Page 3]
+Internet-Draft         SSH File Transfer Protocol          December 2002
+2. Use with the SSH Connection Protocol
+   When used with the SSH2 Protocol suite, this protocol is intended to
+   be used from the SSH Connection Protocol [7] as a subsystem, as
+   described in section ``Starting a Shell or a Command''.  The
+   subsystem name used with this protocol is "sftp".
+Galbraith, et al.        Expires June 18, 2003                  [Page 4]
+Internet-Draft         SSH File Transfer Protocol          December 2002
+3. General Packet Format
+   All packets transmitted over the secure connection are of the
+   following format:
+   	uint32             length
+   	byte               type
+   	byte[length - 1]   data payload
+   That is, they are just data preceded by 32-bit length and 8-bit type
+   fields.  The `length' is the length of the data area, and does not
+   include the `length' field itself.  The format and interpretation of
+   the data area depends on the packet type.
+   All packet descriptions below only specify the packet type and the
+   data that goes into the data field.  Thus, they should be prefixed by
+   the `length' and `type' fields.
+   The maximum size of a packet is in practice determined by the client
+   (the maximum size of read or write requests that it sends, plus a few
+   bytes of packet overhead).  All servers SHOULD support packets of at
+   least 34000 bytes (where the packet size refers to the full length,
+   including the header above).  This should allow for reads and writes
+   of at most 32768 bytes.
+   There is no limit on the number of outstanding (non-acknowledged)
+   requests that the client may send to the server.  In practice this is
+   limited by the buffering available on the data stream and the queuing
+   performed by the server.  If the server's queues are full, it should
+   not read any more data from the stream, and flow control will prevent
+   the client from sending more requests.  Note, however, that while
+   there is no restriction on the protocol level, the client's API may
+   provide a limit in order to prevent infinite queuing of outgoing
+   requests at the client.
+   The following values are defined for packet types.
+Galbraith, et al.        Expires June 18, 2003                  [Page 5]
+Internet-Draft         SSH File Transfer Protocol          December 2002
+   	#define SSH_FXP_INIT                1
+   	#define SSH_FXP_VERSION             2
+   	#define SSH_FXP_OPEN                3
+   	#define SSH_FXP_CLOSE               4
+   	#define SSH_FXP_READ                5
+   	#define SSH_FXP_WRITE               6
+   	#define SSH_FXP_LSTAT               7
+   	#define SSH_FXP_FSTAT               8
+   	#define SSH_FXP_SETSTAT             9
+   	#define SSH_FXP_FSETSTAT           10
+   	#define SSH_FXP_OPENDIR            11
+   	#define SSH_FXP_READDIR            12
+   	#define SSH_FXP_REMOVE             13
+   	#define SSH_FXP_MKDIR              14
+   	#define SSH_FXP_RMDIR              15
+   	#define SSH_FXP_REALPATH           16
+   	#define SSH_FXP_STAT               17
+   	#define SSH_FXP_RENAME             18
+   	#define SSH_FXP_READLINK           19
+   	#define SSH_FXP_SYMLINK            20
+   	#define SSH_FXP_STATUS            101
+   	#define SSH_FXP_HANDLE            102
+   	#define SSH_FXP_DATA              103
+   	#define SSH_FXP_NAME              104
+   	#define SSH_FXP_ATTRS             105
+   	#define SSH_FXP_EXTENDED          200
+   	#define SSH_FXP_EXTENDED_REPLY    201
+   	RESERVED_FOR_EXTENSIONS            210-255
+   Additional packet types should only be defined if the protocol
+   version number (see Section ``Protocol Initialization'') is
+   incremented, and their use MUST be negotiated using the version
+   number.  However, the SSH_FXP_EXTENDED and SSH_FXP_EXTENDED_REPLY
+   packets can be used to implement vendor-specific extensions.  See
+   Section ``Vendor-Specific-Extensions'' for more details.
+3.1 The use of stderr in the server
+   Packets are sent and received on stdout and stdin.  Data sent on
+   stderr by the server SHOULD be considered debug or supplemental error
+   information, and MAY be displayed to the user.
+   For example, during initialization, there is no client request
+   active, so errors or warning information cannot be sent to the client
+   as part of the SFTP protocol at this early stage.  However, the
+Galbraith, et al.        Expires June 18, 2003                  [Page 6]
+Internet-Draft         SSH File Transfer Protocol          December 2002
+   errors or warnings MAY be sent as stderr text.
+Galbraith, et al.        Expires June 18, 2003                  [Page 7]
+Internet-Draft         SSH File Transfer Protocol          December 2002
+4. Protocol Initialization
+   When the file transfer protocol starts, the client first sends a
+   SSH_FXP_INIT (including its version number) packet to the server.
+   The server responds with a SSH_FXP_VERSION packet, supplying the
+   lowest of its own and the client's version number.  Both parties
+   should from then on adhere to particular version of the protocol.
+   The version number of the protocol specified in this document is 4.
+   The version number should be incremented for each incompatible
+   revision of this protocol.
+4.1 Client Initialization
+   The SSH_FXP_INIT packet (from client to server) has the following
+   data:
+   		uint32 version
+   Version 3 of this protocol allowed clients to include extensions in
+   the SSH_FXP_INIT packet; however, this can cause interoperability
+   problems with version 1 and version 2 servers because the client must
+   send this packet before knowing the servers version.
+   In this version of the protocol, clients MUST use the
+   SSH_FXP_EXTENDED packet to send extensions to the server after
+   version exchange has completed.  Clients MUST NOT include extensions
+   in the version packet.  This will prevent interoperability problems
+   with older servers
+4.2 Server Initialization
+   The SSH_FXP_VERSION packet (from server to client) has the following
+   data:
+   		uint32 version
+   		<extension data>
+   'version' is the lower of the protocol version supported by the
+   server and the version number received from the client.
+   The extension data may be empty, or may be a sequence of
+   		string extension_name
+   		string extension_data
+   pairs (both strings MUST always be present if one is, but the
+   `extension_data' string may be of zero length).  If present, these
+Galbraith, et al.        Expires June 18, 2003                  [Page 8]
+Internet-Draft         SSH File Transfer Protocol          December 2002
+   strings indicate extensions to the baseline protocol.  The
+   `extension_name' field(s) identify the name of the extension.  The
+   name should be of the form "name@domain", where the domain is the DNS
+   domain name of the organization defining the extension.  Additional
+   names that are not of this format may be defined later by the IETF.
+   Implementations MUST silently ignore any extensions whose name they
+   do not recognize.
+4.3 Determining Server Newline Convention
+   In order to correctly process text files in a cross platform
+   compatible way, the newline convention must be converted from that of
+   the server to that of the client, or, during an upload, from that of
+   the client to that of the server.
+   Versions 3 and prior of this protocol made no provisions for
+   processing text files.  Many clients implemented some sort of
+   conversion algorithm, but without either a 'canonical' on the wire
+   format or knowledge of the servers newline convention, correct
+   conversion was not always possible.
+   Starting with Version 4, the SSH_FXF_TEXT file open flag (Section
+   6.3) makes it possible to request that the server translate a file to
+   a 'canonical' on the wire format.  This format uses \r\n as the line
+   separator.
+   Servers for systems using multiple newline characters (for example,
+   Mac OS X or VMS) or systems using counted records, MUST translate to
+   the canonical form.
+   However, to ease the burden of implementation on servers that use a
+   single, simple separator sequence, the following extension allows the
+   canonical format to be changed.
+   	string "newline"
+   	string new-canonical-separator (usually "\r" or "\n" or "\r\n")
+   All clients MUST support this extension.
+   When processing text files, clients SHOULD NOT translate any
+   character or sequence that is not an exact match of the servers
+   newline separator.
+   In particular, if the newline sequence being used is the canonical
+   "\r\n" sequence, a lone \r or a lone \n SHOULD be written through
+   without change.
+Galbraith, et al.        Expires June 18, 2003                  [Page 9]
+Internet-Draft         SSH File Transfer Protocol          December 2002
+5. File Attributes
+   A new compound data type is defined for encoding file attributes.
+   The same encoding is used both when returning file attributes from
+   the server and when sending file attributes to the server.  When
+   sending it to the server, the flags field specifies which attributes
+   are included, and the server will use default values for the
+   remaining attributes (or will not modify the values of remaining
+   attributes).  When receiving attributes from the server, the flags
+   specify which attributes are included in the returned data.  The
+   server normally returns all attributes it knows about.
+   	uint32   flags
+   	byte     type                 always present
+   	uint64   size                 present only if flag SIZE
+   	string   owner                present only if flag OWNERGROUP
+   	string   group                present only if flag OWNERGROUP
+   	uint32   permissions          present only if flag PERMISSIONS
+   	uint64   atime                present only if flag ACCESSTIME
+   	uint32   atime_nseconds       present only if flag SUBSECOND_TIMES
+   	uint64   createtime           present only if flag CREATETIME
+   	uint32   createtime_nseconds  present only if flag SUBSECOND_TIMES
+   	uint64   mtime                present only if flag MODIFYTIME
+   	uint32   mtime_nseconds       present only if flag SUBSECOND_TIMES
+   	string   acl                  present only if flag ACL
+   	uint32   extended_count       present only if flag EXTENDED
+   	string   extended_type
+   	string   extended_data
+   	...      more extended data (extended_type - extended_data pairs),
+   		   so that number of pairs equals extended_count
+5.1 Flags
+   The `flags' specify which of the fields are present.  Those fields
+   for which the corresponding flag is not set are not present (not
+   included in the packet).  New flags can only be added by incrementing
+   the protocol version number (or by using the extension mechanism
+   described below).
+   The flags bits are defined to have the following values:
+Galbraith, et al.        Expires June 18, 2003                 [Page 10]
+Internet-Draft         SSH File Transfer Protocol          December 2002
+   	#define SSH_FILEXFER_ATTR_SIZE              0x00000001
+   	#define SSH_FILEXFER_ATTR_PERMISSIONS       0x00000040
+   	#define SSH_FILEXFER_ATTR_ACCESSTIME        0x00000008
+   	#define SSH_FILEXFER_ATTR_CREATETIME        0x00000010
+   	#define SSH_FILEXFER_ATTR_MODIFYTIME        0x00000020
+   	#define SSH_FILEXFER_ATTR_ACL               0x00000040
+   	#define SSH_FILEXFER_ATTR_OWNERGROUP        0x00000080
+   	#define SSH_FILEXFER_ATTR_EXTENDED          0x80000000
+   In previous versions of this protocol flags value 0x00000002 was
+   SSH_FILEXFER_ATTR_UIDGID.  This value is now unused, and OWNERGROUP
+   was given a new value in order to ease implementation burden.
+   0x00000002 MUST NOT appear in the mask.  Some future version of this
+   protocol may reuse flag 0x00000002.
+5.2 Type
+   The type field is always present.  The following types are defined:
+   	#define SSH_FILEXFER_TYPE_REGULAR          1
+   	#define SSH_FILEXFER_TYPE_DIRECTORY        2
+   	#define SSH_FILEXFER_TYPE_SYMLINK          3
+   	#define SSH_FILEXFER_TYPE_SPECIAL          4
+   	#define SSH_FILEXFER_TYPE_UNKNOWN          5
+   On a POSIX system, these values would be derived from the permission
+   field.
+5.3 Size
+   The `size' field specifies the size of the file on disk, in bytes.
+   If it is present during file creation, it should be considered a hint
+   as to the files eventual size.
+   Files opened with the SSH_FXF_TEXT flag may have a size that is
+   greater or less than the value of the size field.
+5.4 Owner and Group
+   The `owner' and `group' fields are represented as UTF-8 strings; this
+   is the form used by NFS v4.  See NFS version 4 Protocol.  [3] The
+   following text is selected quotations from section 5.6.
+   To avoid a representation that is tied to a particular underlying
+   implementation at the client or server, the use of UTF-8 strings has
+   been chosen.  The string should be of the form user@dns_domain".
+   This will allow for a client and server that do not use the same
+Galbraith, et al.        Expires June 18, 2003                 [Page 11]
+Internet-Draft         SSH File Transfer Protocol          December 2002
+   local representation the ability to translate to a common syntax that
+   can be interpreted by both.  In the case where there is no
+   translation available to the client or server, the attribute value
+   must be constructed without the "@".  Therefore, the absence of the @
+   from the owner or owner_group attribute signifies that no translation
+   was available and the receiver of the attribute should not place any
+   special meaning with the attribute value.  Even though the attribute
+   value can not be translated, it may still be useful.  In the case of
+   a client, the attribute string may be used for local display of
+   ownership.
+5.5 Permissions
+   The `permissions' field contains a bit mask of file permissions as
+   defined by POSIX [1].
+5.6 Times
+   The 'atime', 'createtime', and 'mtime' contain the access, creation,
+   and modification times of the files, respectively.   They are
+   represented as seconds from Jan 1, 1970 in UTC.
+   A negative value indicates number of seconds before Jan 1, 1970.  In
+   both cases, if the SSH_FILEXFER_ATTR_SUBSECOND_TIMES flag is set, the
+   nseconds field is to be added to the seconds field for the final time
+   representation.  For example, if the time to be represented is
+   one-half second before 0 hour January 1, 1970, the seconds field
+   would have a value of negative one (-1) and the nseconds fields would
+   have a value of one-half second (500000000).  Values greater than
+   999,999,999 for nseconds are considered invalid.
+5.7 ACL
+   The 'ACL' field contains an ACL similar to that defined in section
+   5.9 of NFS version 4 Protocol [3].
+   	uint32   ace-count
+   	repeated ace-count time:
+   	uint32   ace-type
+   	uint32   ace-flag
+   	uint32   ace-mask
+   	string   who [UTF-8]
+   ace-type is one of the following four values (taken from NFS Version
+   4 Protocol [3]:
+Galbraith, et al.        Expires June 18, 2003                 [Page 12]
+Internet-Draft         SSH File Transfer Protocol          December 2002
+   	const ACE4_ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE      = 0x00000000;
+   	const ACE4_ACCESS_DENIED_ACE_TYPE       = 0x00000001;
+   	const ACE4_SYSTEM_AUDIT_ACE_TYPE        = 0x00000002;
+   	const ACE4_SYSTEM_ALARM_ACE_TYPE        = 0x00000003;
+   ace-flag is a combination of the following flag values.  See NFS
+   Version 4 Protocol [3] section 5.9.2:
+   	const ACE4_FILE_INHERIT_ACE             = 0x00000001;
+   	const ACE4_DIRECTORY_INHERIT_ACE        = 0x00000002;
+   	const ACE4_NO_PROPAGATE_INHERIT_ACE     = 0x00000004;
+   	const ACE4_INHERIT_ONLY_ACE             = 0x00000008;
+   	const ACE4_SUCCESSFUL_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG   = 0x00000010;
+   	const ACE4_FAILED_ACCESS_ACE_FLAG       = 0x00000020;
+   	const ACE4_IDENTIFIER_GROUP             = 0x00000040;
+   ace-mask is any combination of the following flags (taken from NFS
+   Version 4 Protocol [3] section 5.9.3:
+   	const ACE4_READ_DATA            = 0x00000001;
+   	const ACE4_LIST_DIRECTORY       = 0x00000001;
+   	const ACE4_WRITE_DATA           = 0x00000002;
+   	const ACE4_ADD_FILE             = 0x00000002;
+   	const ACE4_APPEND_DATA          = 0x00000004;
+   	const ACE4_ADD_SUBDIRECTORY     = 0x00000004;
+   	const ACE4_READ_NAMED_ATTRS     = 0x00000008;
+   	const ACE4_WRITE_NAMED_ATTRS    = 0x00000010;
+   	const ACE4_EXECUTE              = 0x00000020;
+   	const ACE4_DELETE_CHILD         = 0x00000040;
+   	const ACE4_READ_ATTRIBUTES      = 0x00000080;
+   	const ACE4_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES     = 0x00000100;
+   	const ACE4_DELETE               = 0x00010000;
+   	const ACE4_READ_ACL             = 0x00020000;
+   	const ACE4_WRITE_ACL            = 0x00040000;
+   	const ACE4_WRITE_OWNER          = 0x00080000;
+   	const ACE4_SYNCHRONIZE          = 0x00100000;
+   who is a UTF-8 string of the form described in 'Owner and Group'
+   (Section 5.4)
+   Also, as per '5.9.4 ACE who' [3] there are several identifiers that
+   need to be understood universally.  Some of these identifiers cannot
+   be understood when an client access the server, but have meaning when
+   a local process accesses the file.  The ability to display and modify
+   these permissions is permitted over SFTP.
+      OWNER         The owner of the file.
+Galbraith, et al.        Expires June 18, 2003                 [Page 13]
+Internet-Draft         SSH File Transfer Protocol          December 2002
+      GROUP         The group associated with the file.
+      EVERYONE      The world.
+      INTERACTIVE   Accessed from an interactive terminal.
+      NETWORK       Accessed via the network.
+      DIALUP        Accessed as a dialup user to the server.
+      BATCH         Accessed from a batch job.
+      ANONYMOUS     Accessed without any authentication.
+      AUTHENTICATED Any authenticated user (opposite of ANONYMOUS).
+      SERVICE       Access from a system service.
+   To avoid conflict, these special identifiers are distinguish by an
+   appended "@" and should appear in the form "xxxx@" (note: no domain
+   name after the "@").  For example: ANONYMOUS@.
+5.8 Extended attributes
+   The SSH_FILEXFER_ATTR_EXTENDED flag provides a general extension
+   mechanism for vendor-specific extensions.  If the flag is specified,
+   then the `extended_count' field is present.  It specifies the number
+   of extended_type-extended_data pairs that follow.  Each of these
+   pairs specifies an extended attribute.  For each of the attributes,
+   the extended_type field should be a string of the format
+   "name@domain", where "domain" is a valid, registered domain name and
+   "name" identifies the method.  The IETF may later standardize certain
+   names that deviate from this format (e.g., that do not contain the
+   "@" sign).  The interpretation of `extended_data' depends on the
+   type.  Implementations SHOULD ignore extended data fields that they
+   do not understand.
+   Additional fields can be added to the attributes by either defining
+   additional bits to the flags field to indicate their presence, or by
+   defining extended attributes for them.  The extended attributes
+   mechanism is recommended for most purposes; additional flags bits
+   should only be defined by an IETF standards action that also
+   increments the protocol version number.  The use of such new fields
+   MUST be negotiated by the version number in the protocol exchange.
+   It is a protocol error if a packet with unsupported protocol bits is
+   received.
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+6. Requests From the Client to the Server
+   Requests from the client to the server represent the various file
+   system operations.  Each request begins with an `id' field, which is
+   a 32-bit identifier identifying the request (selected by the client).
+   The same identifier will be returned in the response to the request.
+   One possible implementation is a monotonically increasing request
+   sequence number (modulo 2^32).
+   Many operations in the protocol operate on open files.  The
+   SSH_FXP_OPEN request can return a file handle (which is an opaque
+   variable-length string) which may be used to access the file later
+   (e.g.  in a read operation).  The client MUST NOT send requests the
+   server with bogus or closed handles.  However, the server MUST
+   perform adequate checks on the handle in order to avoid security
+   risks due to fabricated handles.
+   This design allows either stateful and stateless server
+   implementation, as well as an implementation which caches state
+   between requests but may also flush it.  The contents of the file
+   handle string are entirely up to the server and its design.  The
+   client should not modify or attempt to interpret the file handle
+   strings.
+   The file handle strings MUST NOT be longer than 256 bytes.
+6.1 Request Synchronization and Reordering
+   The protocol and implementations MUST process requests relating to
+   the same file in the order in which they are received.  In other
+   words, if an application submits multiple requests to the server, the
+   results in the responses will be the same as if it had sent the
+   requests one at a time and waited for the response in each case.  For
+   example, the server may process non-overlapping read/write requests
+   to the same file in parallel, but overlapping reads and writes cannot
+   be reordered or parallelized.  However, there are no ordering
+   restrictions on the server for processing requests from two different
+   file transfer connections.  The server may interleave and parallelize
+   them at will.
+   There are no restrictions on the order in which responses to
+   outstanding requests are delivered to the client, except that the
+   server must ensure fairness in the sense that processing of no
+   request will be indefinitely delayed even if the client is sending
+   other requests so that there are multiple outstanding requests all
+   the time.
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+6.2 File Names
+   This protocol represents file names as strings.  File names are
+   assumed to use the slash ('/') character as a directory separator.
+   File names starting with a slash are "absolute", and are relative to
+   the root of the file system.  Names starting with any other character
+   are relative to the user's default directory (home directory).  Note
+   that identifying the user is assumed to take place outside of this
+   protocol.
+   Servers SHOULD interpret a path name component ".." as referring to
+   the parent directory, and "." as referring to the current directory.
+   If the server implementation limits access to certain parts of the
+   file system, it must be extra careful in parsing file names when
+   enforcing such restrictions.  There have been numerous reported
+   security bugs where a ".." in a path name has allowed access outside
+   the intended area.
+   An empty path name is valid, and it refers to the user's default
+   directory (usually the user's home directory).
+   Otherwise, no syntax is defined for file names by this specification.
+   Clients should not make any other assumptions; however, they can
+   splice path name components returned by SSH_FXP_READDIR together
+   using a slash ('/') as the separator, and that will work as expected.
+   In order to comply with IETF Policy on Character Sets and Languages
+   [2], all filenames are to be encoded in UTF-8.  The shortest valid
+   UTF-8 encoding of the UNICODE data MUST be used.  The server is
+   responsible for converting the UNICODE data to whatever canonical
+   form it requires.
+   For example, if the server requires that precomposed characters
+   always be used, the server MUST NOT assume the filename as sent by
+   the client has this attribute, but must do this normalization itself.
+   It is understood that the lack of well-defined semantics for file
+   names may cause interoperability problems between clients and servers
+   using radically different operating systems.  However, this approach
+   is known to work acceptably with most systems, and alternative
+   approaches that e.g.  treat file names as sequences of structured
+   components are quite complicated.
+6.3 Opening, Creating, and Closing Files
+   Files are opened and created using the SSH_FXP_OPEN message, whose
+   data part is as follows:
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+   	uint32        id
+   	string        filename [UTF-8]
+   	uint32        pflags
+   	ATTRS         attrs
+   The `id' field is the request identifier as for all requests.
+   The `filename' field specifies the file name.  See Section ``File
+   Names'' for more information.
+   The `pflags' field is a bitmask.  The following bits have been
+   defined.
+   	#define SSH_FXF_READ            0x00000001
+   	#define SSH_FXF_WRITE           0x00000002
+   	#define SSH_FXF_APPEND          0x00000004
+   	#define SSH_FXF_CREAT           0x00000008
+   	#define SSH_FXF_TRUNC           0x00000010
+   	#define SSH_FXF_EXCL            0x00000020
+   	#define SSH_FXF_TEXT            0x00000040
+   These have the following meanings:
+      Open the file for reading.
+      Open the file for writing.  If both this and SSH_FXF_READ are
+      specified, the file is opened for both reading and writing.
+      Force all writes to append data at the end of the file.  The
+      offset parameter to write will be ignored.
+      If this flag is specified, then a new file will be created if one
+      does not already exist (if O_TRUNC is specified, the new file will
+      be truncated to zero length if it previously exists).
+      Forces an existing file with the same name to be truncated to zero
+      length when creating a file by specifying SSH_FXF_CREAT.
+      SSH_FXF_CREAT MUST also be specified if this flag is used.
+      Causes the request to fail if the named file already exists.
+      SSH_FXF_CREAT MUST also be specified if this flag is used.
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+      Indicates that the server should treat the file as text and
+      convert it to the canonical newline convention in use.  (See
+      Determining Server Newline Convention. (Section 4.3)
+      When a file is opened with the FXF_TEXT flag, the offset field in
+      both the read and write function are ignored.
+      Servers MUST correctly process multiple parallel reads and writes
+      correctly in this mode.  Naturally, it is permissible for them to
+      do this by serializing the requests.  It would not be possible for
+      a client to reliably detect a server that does not implement
+      parallel writes in time to prevent damage.
+      Clients SHOULD use the SSH_FXF_APPEND flag to append data to a
+      text file rather then using write with a calculated offset.
+      To support seeks on text file the following SSH_FXP_EXTENDED
+      packet is defined.
+   	string "text-seek"
+   	string file-handle
+   	uint64 line-number
+      line-number is the index of the line number to seek to, where byte
+      0 in the file is line number 0, and the byte directly following
+      the first newline sequence in the file is line number 1 and so on.
+      The response to a "text-seek" request is an SSH_FXP_STATUS
+      message.
+      An attempt to seek past the end-of-file should result in a
+      SSH_FX_EOF status.
+      Servers SHOULD support at least one "text-seek" in order to
+      support resume.  However, a client MUST be prepared to receive
+      SSH_FX_OP_UNSUPPORTED when attempting a "text-seek" operation.
+      The client can then try a fall-back strategy, if it has one.
+      Clients MUST be prepared to handle SSH_FX_OP_UNSUPPORTED returned
+      for read or write operations that are not sequential.
+   The `attrs' field specifies the initial attributes for the file.
+   Default values will be used for those attributes that are not
+   specified.  See Section ``File Attributes'' for more information.
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+   The response to this message will be either SSH_FXP_HANDLE (if the
+   operation is successful) or SSH_FXP_STATUS (if the operation fails).
+   A file is closed by using the SSH_FXP_CLOSE request.  Its data field
+   has the following format:
+   	uint32     id
+   	string     handle
+   where `id' is the request identifier, and `handle' is a handle
+   previously returned in the response to SSH_FXP_OPEN or
+   SSH_FXP_OPENDIR.  The handle becomes invalid immediately after this
+   request has been sent.
+   The response to this request will be a SSH_FXP_STATUS message.  One
+   should note that on some server platforms even a close can fail.
+   This can happen e.g.  if the server operating system caches writes,
+   and an error occurs while flushing cached writes during the close.
+6.4 Reading and Writing
+   Once a file has been opened, it can be read using the following
+   message:
+   	byte       SSH_FXP_READ
+   	uint32     id
+   	string     handle
+   	uint64     offset
+   	uint32     len
+   where `id' is the request identifier, `handle' is an open file handle
+   returned by SSH_FXP_OPEN, `offset' is the offset (in bytes) relative
+   to the beginning of the file from where to start reading, and `len'
+   is the maximum number of bytes to read.
+   In response to this request, the server will read as many bytes as it
+   can from the file (up to `len'), and return them in a SSH_FXP_DATA
+   message.  If an error occurs or EOF is encountered before reading any
+   data, the server will respond with SSH_FXP_STATUS.
+   For normal disk files, it is normally guaranteed that this will read
+   the specified number of bytes, or up to end of file.  However, if the
+   read length is very long, the server may truncate it if it doesn't
+   support packets of that length.  See General Packet Format (Section
+   3).
+   For e.g.  device files this may return fewer bytes than requested.
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+   Writing to a file is achieved using the following message:
+   	byte       SSH_FXP_WRITE
+   	uint32     id
+   	string     handle
+   	uint64     offset
+   	string     data
+   where `id' is a request identifier, `handle' is a file handle
+   returned by SSH_FXP_OPEN, `offset' is the offset (in bytes) from the
+   beginning of the file where to start writing, and `data' is the data
+   to be written.
+   The write will extend the file if writing beyond the end of the file.
+   It is legal to write way beyond the end of the file; the semantics
+   are to write zeroes from the end of the file to the specified offset
+   and then the data.  On most operating systems, such writes do not
+   allocate disk space but instead leave "holes" in the file.
+   The server responds to a write request with a SSH_FXP_STATUS message.
+6.5 Removing and Renaming Files
+   Files can be removed using the SSH_FXP_REMOVE message.  It has the
+   following format:
+   	uint32     id
+   	string     filename [UTF-8]
+   where `id' is the request identifier and `filename' is the name of
+   the file to be removed.  See Section ``File Names'' for more
+   information.  This request cannot be used to remove directories.
+   The server will respond to this request with a SSH_FXP_STATUS
+   message.
+   Files (and directories) can be renamed using the SSH_FXP_RENAME
+   message.  Its data is as follows:
+   	uint32     id
+   	string     oldpath [UTF-8]
+   	string     newpath [UTF-8]
+   where `id' is the request identifier, `oldpath' is the name of an
+   existing file or directory, and `newpath' is the new name for the
+   file or directory.  It is an error if there already exists a file
+   with the name specified by newpath.  The server may also fail rename
+   requests in other situations, for example if `oldpath' and `newpath'
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+   point to different file systems on the server.
+   The server will respond to this request with a SSH_FXP_STATUS
+   message.
+6.6 Creating and Deleting Directories
+   New directories can be created using the SSH_FXP_MKDIR request.  It
+   has the following format:
+   	uint32     id
+   	string     path [UTF-8]
+   	ATTRS      attrs
+   where `id' is the request identifier.
+   `path' specifies the directory to be created.  See Section ``File
+   Names'' for more information on file names.
+   `attrs' specifies the attributes that should be applied to it upon
+   creation.  Attributes are discussed in more detail in Section ``File
+   Attributes''.
+   The server will respond to this request with a SSH_FXP_STATUS
+   message.  If a file or directory with the specified path already
+   exists, an error will be returned.
+   Directories can be removed using the SSH_FXP_RMDIR request, which has
+   the following format:
+   	uint32     id
+   	string     path [UTF-8]
+   where `id' is the request identifier, and `path' specifies the
+   directory to be removed.  See Section ``File Names'' for more
+   information on file names.
+   The server responds to this request with a SSH_FXP_STATUS message.
+   Errors may be returned from this operation for various reasons,
+   including, but not limited to, the path does not exist, the path does
+   not refer to a directory object, the directory is not empty, or the
+   user has insufficient access or permission to perform the requested
+   operation.
+6.7 Scanning Directories
+   The files in a directory can be listed using the SSH_FXP_OPENDIR and
+   SSH_FXP_READDIR requests.  Each SSH_FXP_READDIR request returns one
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+   or more file names with full file attributes for each file.  The
+   client should call SSH_FXP_READDIR repeatedly until it has found the
+   file it is looking for or until the server responds with a
+   SSH_FXP_STATUS message indicating an error (normally SSH_FX_EOF if
+   there are no more files in the directory).  The client should then
+   close the handle using the SSH_FXP_CLOSE request.
+   The SSH_FXP_OPENDIR opens a directory for reading.  It has the
+   following format:
+   	uint32     id
+   	string     path [UTF-8]
+   where `id' is the request identifier and `path' is the path name of
+   the directory to be listed (without any trailing slash).  See Section
+   ``File Names'' for more information on file names.  This will return
+   an error if the path does not specify a directory or if the directory
+   is not readable.  The server will respond to this request with either
+   a SSH_FXP_HANDLE or a SSH_FXP_STATUS message.
+   Once the directory has been successfully opened, files (and
+   directories) contained in it can be listed using SSH_FXP_READDIR
+   requests.  These are of the format
+   	uint32     id
+   	string     handle
+   where `id' is the request identifier, and `handle' is a handle
+   returned by SSH_FXP_OPENDIR.  (It is a protocol error to attempt to
+   use an ordinary file handle returned by SSH_FXP_OPEN.)
+   The server responds to this request with either a SSH_FXP_NAME or a
+   SSH_FXP_STATUS message.  One or more names may be returned at a time.
+   Full status information is returned for each name in order to speed
+   up typical directory listings.
+   If there are no more names available to be read, the server MUST
+   respond with a SSH_FXP_STATUS message with error code of SSH_FX_EOF.
+   When the client no longer wishes to read more names from the
+   directory, it SHOULD call SSH_FXP_CLOSE for the handle.  The handle
+   should be closed regardless of whether an error has occurred or not.
+6.8 Retrieving File Attributes
+   Very often, file attributes are automatically returned by
+   SSH_FXP_READDIR.  However, sometimes there is need to specifically
+   retrieve the attributes for a named file.  This can be done using the
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+   SSH_FXP_STAT and SSH_FXP_LSTAT only differ in that SSH_FXP_STAT
+   follows symbolic links on the server, whereas SSH_FXP_LSTAT does not
+   follow symbolic links.  Both have the same format:
+   	uint32     id
+   	string     path [UTF-8]
+   	uint32     flags
+   where `id' is the request identifier, and `path' specifies the file
+   system object for which status is to be returned.  The server
+   responds to this request with either SSH_FXP_ATTRS or SSH_FXP_STATUS.
+   The flags field specify the attribute flags in which the client has
+   particular interest.  This is a hint to the server.  For example,
+   because retrieving owner / group and acl information can be an
+   expensive operation under some operating systems, the server may
+   choose not to retrieve this information unless the client expresses a
+   specific interest in it.
+   The client has no guarantee the server will provide all the fields
+   that it has expressed an interest in.
+   SSH_FXP_FSTAT differs from the others in that it returns status
+   information for an open file (identified by the file handle).  Its
+   format is as follows:
+   	uint32     id
+   	string     handle
+   	uint32     flags
+   where `id' is the request identifier and `handle' is a file handle
+   returned by SSH_FXP_OPEN.  The server responds to this request with
+6.9 Setting File Attributes
+   File attributes may be modified using the SSH_FXP_SETSTAT and
+   SSH_FXP_FSETSTAT requests.  These requests are used for operations
+   such as changing the ownership, permissions or access times, as well
+   as for truncating a file.
+   The SSH_FXP_SETSTAT request is of the following format:
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+   	uint32     id
+   	string     path [UTF-8]
+   	ATTRS      attrs
+   where `id' is the request identifier, `path' specifies the file
+   system object (e.g.  file or directory) whose attributes are to be
+   modified, and `attrs' specifies the modifications to be made to its
+   attributes.  Attributes are discussed in more detail in Section
+   ``File Attributes''.
+   An error will be returned if the specified file system object does
+   not exist or the user does not have sufficient rights to modify the
+   specified attributes.  The server responds to this request with a
+   SSH_FXP_STATUS message.
+   The SSH_FXP_FSETSTAT request modifies the attributes of a file which
+   is already open.  It has the following format:
+   	uint32     id
+   	string     handle
+   	ATTRS      attrs
+   where `id' is the request identifier, `handle' (MUST be returned by
+   SSH_FXP_OPEN) identifies the file whose attributes are to be
+   modified, and `attrs' specifies the modifications to be made to its
+   attributes.  Attributes are discussed in more detail in Section
+   ``File Attributes''.  The server will respond to this request with
+6.10 Dealing with Symbolic links
+   The SSH_FXP_READLINK request may be used to read the target of a
+   symbolic link.  It would have a data part as follows:
+   	uint32     id
+   	string     path [UTF-8]
+   where `id' is the request identifier and `path' specifies the path
+   name of the symlink to be read.
+   The server will respond with a SSH_FXP_NAME packet containing only
+   one name and a dummy attributes value.  The name in the returned
+   packet contains the target of the link.  If an error occurs, the
+   server may respond with SSH_FXP_STATUS.
+   The SSH_FXP_SYMLINK request will create a symbolic link on the
+   server.  It is of the following format
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+   	uint32     id
+   	string     linkpath   [UTF-8]
+   	string     targetpath [UTF-8]
+   where `id' is the request identifier, `linkpath' specifies the path
+   name of the symlink to be created and `targetpath' specifies the
+   target of the symlink.  The server shall respond with a
+   SSH_FXP_STATUS indicating either success (SSH_FX_OK) or an error
+   condition.
+6.11 Canonicalizing the Server-Side Path Name
+   The SSH_FXP_REALPATH request can be used to have the server
+   canonicalize any given path name to an absolute path.  This is useful
+   for converting path names containing ".." components or relative
+   pathnames without a leading slash into absolute paths.  The format of
+   the request is as follows:
+   	uint32     id
+   	string     path [UTF-8]
+   where `id' is the request identifier and `path' specifies the path
+   name to be canonicalized.  The server will respond with a
+   SSH_FXP_NAME packet containing the name in canonical form and a dummy
+   attributes value.  If an error occurs, the server may also respond
+   with SSH_FXP_STATUS.
+6.11.1 Best practice for dealing with paths
+   The client SHOULD treat the results of SSH_FXP_REALPATH as a
+   canonical absolute path, even if the path does not appear to be
+   absolute.  A client that use REALPATH(".") and treats the result as
+   absolute, even if there is no leading slash, will continue to
+   function correctly, even when talking to a Windows NT or VMS style
+   system, where absolute paths may not begin with a slash.
+   For example, if the client wishes to change directory up, and the
+   server has returned "c:/x/y/z" from REALPATH, the client SHOULD use
+   "c:/x/y/z/..".
+   As a second example, if the client wishes to open the file "x.txt" in
+   the current directory, and server has returned "dka100:/x/y/z" as the
+   canonical path of the directory, the client SHOULD open "dka100:/x/y/
+   z/x.txt"
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+7. Responses from the Server to the Client
+   The server responds to the client using one of a few response
+   packets.  All requests can return a SSH_FXP_STATUS response upon
+   failure.  When the operation is successful, any of the responses may
+   be returned (depending on the operation).  If no data needs to be
+   returned to the client, the SSH_FXP_STATUS response with SSH_FX_OK
+   status is appropriate.  Otherwise, the SSH_FXP_HANDLE message is used
+   to return a file handle (for SSH_FXP_OPEN and SSH_FXP_OPENDIR
+   requests), SSH_FXP_DATA is used to return data from SSH_FXP_READ,
+   SSH_FXP_NAME is used to return one or more file names from a
+   used to return file attributes from SSH_FXP_STAT, SSH_FXP_LSTAT, and
+   SSH_FXP_FSTAT requests.
+   Exactly one response will be returned for each request.  Each
+   response packet contains a request identifier which can be used to
+   match each response with the corresponding request.  Note that it is
+   legal to have several requests outstanding simultaneously, and the
+   server is allowed to send responses to them in a different order from
+   the order in which the requests were sent (the result of their
+   execution, however, is guaranteed to be as if they had been processed
+   one at a time in the order in which the requests were sent).
+   Response packets are of the same general format as request packets.
+   Each response packet begins with the request identifier.
+   The format of the data portion of the SSH_FXP_STATUS response is as
+   follows:
+   	uint32     id
+   	uint32     error/status code
+   	string     error message (ISO-10646 UTF-8 [RFC-2279])
+   	string     language tag (as defined in [RFC-1766])
+   where `id' is the request identifier, and `error/status code'
+   indicates the result of the requested operation.  The value SSH_FX_OK
+   indicates success, and all other values indicate failure.
+   Currently, the following values are defined (other values may be
+   defined by future versions of this protocol):
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+   	#define SSH_FX_OK                            0
+   	#define SSH_FX_EOF                           1
+   	#define SSH_FX_NO_SUCH_FILE                  2
+   	#define SSH_FX_PERMISSION_DENIED             3
+   	#define SSH_FX_FAILURE                       4
+   	#define SSH_FX_BAD_MESSAGE                   5
+   	#define SSH_FX_NO_CONNECTION                 6
+   	#define SSH_FX_CONNECTION_LOST               7
+   	#define SSH_FX_OP_UNSUPPORTED                8
+   	#define SSH_FX_INVALID_HANDLE                9
+   	#define SSH_FX_NO_SUCH_PATH                  10
+   	#define SSH_FX_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS           11
+   	#define SSH_FX_WRITE_PROTECT                 12
+   	#define SSH_FX_NO_MEDIA                      13
+      Indicates successful completion of the operation.
+      indicates end-of-file condition; for SSH_FX_READ it means that no
+      more data is available in the file, and for SSH_FX_READDIR it
+      indicates that no more files are contained in the directory.
+      is returned when a reference is made to a file which does not
+      exist.
+      is returned when the authenticated user does not have sufficient
+      permissions to perform the operation.
+      is a generic catch-all error message; it should be returned if an
+      error occurs for which there is no more specific error code
+      defined.
+      may be returned if a badly formatted packet or protocol
+      incompatibility is detected.
+      is a pseudo-error which indicates that the client has no
+      connection to the server (it can only be generated locally by the
+      client, and MUST NOT be returned by servers).
+      is a pseudo-error which indicates that the connection to the
+      server has been lost (it can only be generated locally by the
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+      client, and MUST NOT be returned by servers).
+      indicates that an attempt was made to perform an operation which
+      is not supported for the server (it may be generated locally by
+      the client if e.g.  the version number exchange indicates that a
+      required feature is not supported by the server, or it may be
+      returned by the server if the server does not implement an
+      operation).
+      The handle value was invalid.
+      The file path does not exist or is invalid.
+      The file already exists.
+      The file is on read only media, or the media is write protected.
+      The requested operation can not be completed because there is no
+      media available in the drive.
+   The SSH_FXP_HANDLE response has the following format:
+   	uint32     id
+   	string     handle
+   where `id' is the request identifier, and `handle' is an arbitrary
+   string that identifies an open file or directory on the server.  The
+   handle is opaque to the client; the client MUST NOT attempt to
+   interpret or modify it in any way.  The length of the handle string
+   MUST NOT exceed 256 data bytes.
+   The SSH_FXP_DATA response has the following format:
+   	uint32     id
+   	string     data
+   where `id' is the request identifier, and `data' is an arbitrary byte
+   string containing the requested data.  The data string may be at most
+   the number of bytes requested in a SSH_FXP_READ request, but may also
+   be shorter if end of file is reached or if the read is from something
+   other than a regular file.
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+Internet-Draft         SSH File Transfer Protocol          December 2002
+   The SSH_FXP_NAME response has the following format:
+   	uint32     id
+   	uint32     count
+   	repeats count times:
+   		string     filename [UTF-8]
+   		ATTRS      attrs
+   where `id' is the request identifier, `count' is the number of names
+   returned in this response, and the remaining fields repeat `count'
+   times (so that all three fields are first included for the first
+   file, then for the second file, etc).  In the repeated part,
+   `filename' is a file name being returned (for SSH_FXP_READDIR, it
+   will be a relative name within the directory, without any path
+   components; for SSH_FXP_REALPATH it will be an absolute path name),
+   and `attrs' is the attributes of the file as described in Section
+   ``File Attributes''.
+   The SSH_FXP_ATTRS response has the following format:
+   	uint32     id
+   	ATTRS      attrs
+   where `id' is the request identifier, and `attrs' is the returned
+   file attributes as described in Section ``File Attributes''.
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+Internet-Draft         SSH File Transfer Protocol          December 2002
+8. Vendor-Specific Extensions
+   The SSH_FXP_EXTENDED request provides a generic extension mechanism
+   for adding vendor-specific commands.  The request has the following
+   format:
+   	uint32     id
+   	string     extended-request
+   	... any request-specific data ...
+   where `id' is the request identifier, and `extended-request' is a
+   string of the format "name@domain", where domain is an internet
+   domain name of the vendor defining the request.  The rest of the
+   request is completely vendor-specific, and servers should only
+   attempt to interpret it if they recognize the `extended-request'
+   name.
+   The server may respond to such requests using any of the response
+   packets defined in Section ``Responses from the Server to the
+   Client''.  Additionally, the server may also respond with a
+   SSH_FXP_EXTENDED_REPLY packet, as defined below.  If the server does
+   not recognize the `extended-request' name, then the server MUST
+   respond with SSH_FXP_STATUS with error/status set to
+   The SSH_FXP_EXTENDED_REPLY packet can be used to carry arbitrary
+   extension-specific data from the server to the client.  It is of the
+   following format:
+   	uint32     id
+   	... any request-specific data ...
+   There is a range of packet types reserved for use by extensions.  In
+   order to avoid collision, extensions that turn on the use of
+   additional packet types should determine those numbers dynamically.
+   The suggested way of doing this is have an extension request from the
+   client to the server that enables the extension; the extension
+   response from the server to the client would specify the actual type
+   values to use, in additional to any other data.
+   Extension authors should be mindful of the limited range of packet
+   types available (there are only 45 values available) and avoid
+   requiring a new packet type where possible.
+Galbraith, et al.        Expires June 18, 2003                 [Page 30]
+Internet-Draft         SSH File Transfer Protocol          December 2002
+9. Security Considerations
+   This protocol assumes that it is run over a secure channel and that
+   the endpoints of the channel have been authenticated.  Thus, this
+   protocol assumes that it is externally protected from network-level
+   attacks.
+   This protocol provides file system access to arbitrary files on the
+   server (only constrained by the server implementation).  It is the
+   responsibility of the server implementation to enforce any access
+   controls that may be required to limit the access allowed for any
+   particular user (the user being authenticated externally to this
+   protocol, typically using the SSH User Authentication Protocol [8].
+   Care must be taken in the server implementation to check the validity
+   of received file handle strings.  The server should not rely on them
+   directly; it MUST check the validity of each handle before relying on
+   it.
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+Internet-Draft         SSH File Transfer Protocol          December 2002
+10. Changes from previous protocol versions
+   The SSH File Transfer Protocol has changed over time, before it's
+   standardization.  The following is a description of the incompatible
+   changes between different versions.
+10.1 Changes between versions 4 and 3
+   Many of the changes between version 4 and version 3 are to the
+   attribute structure to make it more flexible for non-unix platforms.
+   o  Clarify the use of stderr by the server.
+   o  Clarify handling of very large read requests by the server.
+   o  Make all filenames UTF-8.
+   o  Added 'newline' extension.
+   o  Made time fields 64 bit, and optionally have nanosecond resultion.
+   o  Made file attribute owner and group strings so they can actually
+      be used on disparate systems.
+   o  Added createtime field, and added separate flags for atime,
+      createtime, and mtime so they can be set separately.
+   o  Split the file type out of the permissions field and into it's own
+      field (which is always present.)
+   o  Added acl attribute.
+   o  Added SSH_FXF_TEXT file open flag.
+   o  Added flags field to the get stat commands so that the client can
+      specifically request information the server might not normally
+      included for performance reasons.
+   o  Removed the long filename from the names structure-- it can now be
+      built from information available in the attrs structure.
+   o  Added reserved range of packet numbers for extensions.
+   o  Added several additional error codes.
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+Internet-Draft         SSH File Transfer Protocol          December 2002
+10.2 Changes between versions 3 and 2
+   o  The SSH_FXP_READLINK and SSH_FXP_SYMLINK messages were added.
+   o  The SSH_FXP_EXTENDED and SSH_FXP_EXTENDED_REPLY messages were
+      added.
+   o  The SSH_FXP_STATUS message was changed to include fields `error
+      message' and `language tag'.
+10.3 Changes between versions 2 and 1
+   o  The SSH_FXP_RENAME message was added.
+10.4 Changes between versions 1 and 0
+   o  Implementation changes, no actual protocol changes.
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+Internet-Draft         SSH File Transfer Protocol          December 2002
+11. Trademark Issues
+   "ssh" is a registered trademark of SSH Communications Security Corp
+   in the United States and/or other countries.
+Galbraith, et al.        Expires June 18, 2003                 [Page 34]
+Internet-Draft         SSH File Transfer Protocol          December 2002
+   [1]  Dierks, T., Allen, C., Treese, W., Karlton, P., Freier, A. and
+        P. Kocher, "The TLS Protocol Version 1.0", RFC 2246, January
+        1999.
+   [2]  Alvestrand, H., "IETF Policy on Character Sets and Languages",
+        BCP 18, RFC 2277, January 1998.
+   [3]  Shepler, S., Callaghan, B., Robinson, D., Thurlow, R., Beame,
+        C., Eisler, M. and D. Noveck, "NFS version 4 Protocol", RFC
+        3010, December 2000.
+   [4]  Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, "Information
+        Technology - Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) - Part
+        1: System Application Program Interface (API) [C Language]",
+        IEEE Standard 1003.2, 1996.
+   [5]  Rinne, T., Ylonen, T., Kivinen, T., Saarinen, M. and S.
+        Lehtinen, "SSH Protocol Architecture",
+        draft-ietf-secsh-architecture-13 (work in progress), September
+        2002.
+   [6]  Rinne, T., Ylonen, T., Kivinen, T., Saarinen, M. and S.
+        Lehtinen, "SSH Protocol Transport Protocol",
+        draft-ietf-secsh-transport-15 (work in progress), September
+        2002.
+   [7]  Rinne, T., Ylonen, T., Kivinen, T., Saarinen, M. and S.
+        Lehtinen, "SSH Connection Protocol", draft-ietf-secsh-connect-16
+        (work in progress), September 2002.
+   [8]  Rinne, T., Ylonen, T., Kivinen, T., Saarinen, M. and S.
+        Lehtinen, "SSH Authentication Protocol",
+        draft-ietf-secsh-userauth-16 (work in progress), September 2002.
+Authors' Addresses
+   Joseph Galbraith
+   VanDyke Software
+   4848 Tramway Ridge Blvd
+   Suite 101
+   Albuquerque, NM  87111
+   US
+   Phone: +1 505 332 5700
+   EMail: galb-list@vandyke.com
+Galbraith, et al.        Expires June 18, 2003                 [Page 35]
+Internet-Draft         SSH File Transfer Protocol          December 2002
+   Tatu Ylonen
+   SSH Communications Security Corp
+   Fredrikinkatu 42
+   HELSINKI  FIN-00100
+   Finland
+   EMail: ylo@ssh.com
+   Sami Lehtinen
+   SSH Communications Security Corp
+   Fredrikinkatu 42
+   HELSINKI  FIN-00100
+   Finland
+   EMail: sjl@ssh.com
+Galbraith, et al.        Expires June 18, 2003                 [Page 36]
+Internet-Draft         SSH File Transfer Protocol          December 2002
+Intellectual Property Statement
+   The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any
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+   Director.
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+   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002).  All Rights Reserved.
+   This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to
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+Galbraith, et al.        Expires June 18, 2003                 [Page 37]
+Internet-Draft         SSH File Transfer Protocol          December 2002
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+   Internet Society.
+Galbraith, et al.        Expires June 18, 2003                 [Page 38]