view lib/cache.c @ 485:7334a74db6f6

2004-6-15 Brian Masney <> * lib/protocols.c - added supported for multiline VMS directory listings. Also, parse the date correctly for single line VMS directory listings * lib/gftp.h lib/local.c lib/rfc2068.c lib/rfc959.c lib/sshv.c - added function pointer get_next_dirlist_line to gftp_request structure. This will retrieve the next line of input for the directory listing. This is only implemented in the FTP protocol at the moment. It shouldn't be needed in the other protocols
author masneyb
date Wed, 16 Jun 2004 02:57:02 +0000
parents 075f89b4395c
children fbb5a02beddb
line wrap: on
line source

/*  cache.c - contains the cache routines                                    */
/*  Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Brian Masney <>                  */
/*                                                                           */
/*  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify     */
/*  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by     */
/*  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or        */
/*  (at your option) any later version.                                      */
/*                                                                           */
/*  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,          */
/*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of           */
/*  GNU General Public License for more details.                             */
/*                                                                           */
/*  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License        */
/*  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software              */
/*  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111 USA      */

#include "gftp.h"
static const char cvsid[] = "$Id$";

struct gftp_cache_entry_tag
  char *url,
  int server_type;
  time_t expiration_date;

  char *pos1,
typedef struct gftp_cache_entry_tag gftp_cache_entry;

static int
gftp_parse_cache_line (gftp_request * request, gftp_cache_entry * centry, 
                       char *line)
  char *pos;

  memset (centry, 0, sizeof (*centry));

  if ((pos = strchr (line, '\t')) == NULL || *(pos + 1) == '\0')
      if (request != NULL)
        request->logging_function (gftp_logging_error, request,
                            _("Error: Invalid line %s in cache index file\n"), 
      return (-1);

  centry->pos1 = pos;
  *pos++ = '\0';
  centry->url = line;
  centry->file = pos;
  if ((pos = strchr (pos, '\t')) == NULL || *(pos + 1) == '\0')
      if (request != NULL)
        request->logging_function (gftp_logging_error, request,
                            _("Error: Invalid line %s in cache index file\n"), 
      return (-1);

  centry->pos2 = pos;
  *pos++ = '\0';
  centry->server_type = strtol (pos, NULL, 10);

  if ((pos = strchr (pos, '\t')) == NULL || *(pos + 1) == '\0')
      if (request != NULL)
        request->logging_function (gftp_logging_error, request,
                            _("Error: Invalid line %s in cache index file\n"), 
      return (-1);

  centry->pos3 = pos;
  *pos++ = '\0';
  centry->expiration_date = strtol (pos, NULL, 10);

  return (0);

static void
gftp_restore_cache_line (gftp_cache_entry * centry, char *line)
  if (centry->pos1 != NULL)
    *centry->pos1 = '\t';

  if (centry->pos2 != NULL)
    *centry->pos2 = '\t';

  if (centry->pos3 != NULL)
    *centry->pos3 = '\t';

gftp_generate_cache_description (gftp_request * request, char *description,
                                 size_t len, int ignore_directory)
  g_snprintf (description, len, "%s://%s@%s:%d%s",
              request->username == NULL ? "" : request->username,
              request->hostname == NULL ? "" : request->hostname,
              ignore_directory || request->directory == NULL ? "" : request->directory);

gftp_new_cache_entry (gftp_request * request)
  char *cachedir, *tempstr, *temp1str;
  int cache_fd, fd;
  intptr_t cache_ttl;
  ssize_t ret;
  time_t t;

  gftp_lookup_request_option (request, "cache_ttl", &cache_ttl);
  time (&t);
  t += cache_ttl;

  cachedir = expand_path (BASE_CONF_DIR "/cache");
  if (access (cachedir, F_OK) == -1)
      if (mkdir (cachedir, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR) < 0)
          if (request != NULL)
            request->logging_function (gftp_logging_error, request,
                                 _("Error: Could not make directory %s: %s\n"),
                                 cachedir, g_strerror (errno));

          return (-1);

  tempstr = g_strdup_printf ("%s/index.db", cachedir);
  if ((fd = gftp_fd_open (request, tempstr, O_WRONLY | O_APPEND | O_CREAT, 
                          S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR)) == -1)
      g_free (tempstr);
      g_free (cachedir);
      return (-1);

  g_free (tempstr);

  tempstr = g_strdup_printf ("%s/cache.XXXXXX", cachedir);
  if ((cache_fd = mkstemp (tempstr)) < 0)
      g_free (tempstr);
      if (request != NULL)
        request->logging_function (gftp_logging_error, request,
                                 _("Error: Cannot create temporary file: %s\n"),
                                 g_strerror (errno));
      return (-1);
  g_free (cachedir);

  lseek (fd, 0, SEEK_END);
  temp1str = g_strdup_printf ("%s://%s@%s:%d%s\t%s\t%d\t%ld\n", 
                           request->username == NULL ? "" : request->username,
                           request->hostname == NULL ? "" : request->hostname,
                           request->directory == NULL ? "" : request->directory,
                           tempstr, request->server_type, t);
  g_free (tempstr);
  ret = gftp_fd_write (NULL, temp1str, strlen (temp1str), fd);
  g_free (temp1str);

  if (close (fd) != 0 || ret < 0)
      if (request != NULL)
        request->logging_function (gftp_logging_error, request,
                                   _("Error closing file descriptor: %s\n"),
                                   g_strerror (errno));

      close (cache_fd);
      return (-1);

  return (cache_fd);

gftp_find_cache_entry (gftp_request * request)
  char *indexfile, buf[BUFSIZ], description[BUFSIZ];
  gftp_getline_buffer * rbuf;
  gftp_cache_entry centry;
  int indexfd, cachefd;
  time_t now;

  time (&now);

  gftp_generate_cache_description (request, description, sizeof (description),

  indexfile = expand_path (BASE_CONF_DIR "/cache/index.db");
  if ((indexfd = gftp_fd_open (NULL, indexfile, O_RDONLY, 0)) == -1)
      g_free (indexfile);
      return (-1);
  g_free (indexfile);

  rbuf = NULL;
  while (gftp_get_line (NULL, &rbuf, buf, sizeof (buf), indexfd) > 0)
      if (gftp_parse_cache_line (request, &centry, buf) < 0)

      /* See if this entry is still valid... */
      if (centry.expiration_date < now)

      if (strcmp (description, centry.url) == 0)
	  if (close (indexfd) != 0)
              if (request != NULL)
                request->logging_function (gftp_logging_error, request,
                                       _("Error closing file descriptor: %s\n"),
                                       g_strerror (errno));
              return (-1);

	  if ((cachefd = gftp_fd_open (request, centry.file, O_RDONLY, 0)) == -1)
            return (-1);

          if (lseek (cachefd, 0, SEEK_END) == 0)
              close (cachefd); 
              return (-1);

          if (lseek (cachefd, 0, SEEK_SET) == -1)
              if (request != NULL)
                request->logging_function (gftp_logging_error, request,
                                       _("Error: Cannot seek on file %s: %s\n"),
                                       centry.file, g_strerror (errno));


          request->server_type = centry.server_type;
	  return (cachefd);
  close (indexfd);
  return (-1);

gftp_clear_cache_files (void)
  char *indexfile, buf[BUFSIZ];
  gftp_getline_buffer * rbuf;
  gftp_cache_entry centry;
  int indexfd;

  indexfile = expand_path (BASE_CONF_DIR "/cache/index.db");
  if ((indexfd = gftp_fd_open (NULL, indexfile, O_RDONLY, 0)) == -1)
      g_free (indexfile);

  rbuf = NULL;
  while (gftp_get_line (NULL, &rbuf, buf, sizeof (buf), indexfd) > 0)
      if (gftp_parse_cache_line (NULL, &centry, buf) < 0)

      unlink (centry.file);

  close (indexfd);
  unlink (indexfile);
  g_free (indexfile);

gftp_delete_cache_entry (gftp_request * request, char *descr, 
                         int ignore_directory)
  char *oldindexfile, *newindexfile, buf[BUFSIZ], description[BUFSIZ];
  gftp_getline_buffer * rbuf;
  gftp_cache_entry centry;
  int indexfd, newfd;
  size_t len;
  time_t now;
  int remove;
  g_return_if_fail (request != NULL || descr != NULL);

  time (&now);
  if (request != NULL)
      gftp_generate_cache_description (request, description, sizeof (description),
  else if (descr != NULL)
      strncpy (description, descr, sizeof (description));
      description[sizeof (description) - 1] = '\0';

  oldindexfile = expand_path (BASE_CONF_DIR "/cache/index.db");
  if ((indexfd = gftp_fd_open (NULL, oldindexfile, O_RDONLY, 0)) == -1)
      g_free (oldindexfile);

  newindexfile = expand_path (BASE_CONF_DIR "/cache/");
  if ((newfd = gftp_fd_open (request, newindexfile, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 
                             S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR)) == -1)
      g_free (oldindexfile);
      g_free (newindexfile);

  rbuf = NULL;
  while (gftp_get_line (NULL, &rbuf, buf, sizeof (buf) - 1, indexfd) > 0)
      if (gftp_parse_cache_line (request, &centry, buf) < 0)

      remove = 0;
      if (centry.expiration_date < now)
        remove = 1;
      else if (ignore_directory)
          if (strncmp (centry.url, description, strlen (description)) == 0)
            remove = 1;
          if (strcmp (centry.url, description) == 0)
            remove = 1;

      if (remove)
        unlink (centry.file);
          /* Make sure we put the tabs back in the line. I do it this way 
             so that I don't have to allocate memory again for each line 
             as we read it */
          gftp_restore_cache_line (&centry, buf);

          /* Make sure when we call gftp_get_line() that we pass the read size
             as sizeof(buf) - 1 so that we'll have room to put the newline */
          len = strlen (buf);
          buf[len--] = '\n';

          if (gftp_fd_write (NULL, buf, len, newfd) < 0)

  close (indexfd);
  close (newfd);

  unlink (oldindexfile);
  rename (newindexfile, oldindexfile);

  g_free (oldindexfile);
  g_free (newindexfile);