diff es/template.tex @ 501:b05e35d641e4

Copying the files from en to es and taking intro chapter
author Igor TAmara <igor@tamarapatino.org>
date Fri, 07 Nov 2008 21:42:57 -0500
parents 04c08ad7e92e
children 012631b248de
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/es/template.tex	Fri Nov 07 21:33:22 2008 -0500
+++ b/es/template.tex	Fri Nov 07 21:42:57 2008 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
+\chapter{Customising the output of Mercurial}
+Mercurial provides a powerful mechanism to let you control how it
+displays information.  The mechanism is based on templates.  You can
+use templates to generate specific output for a single command, or to
+customise the entire appearance of the built-in web interface.
+\section{Using precanned output styles}
+Packaged with Mercurial are some output styles that you can use
+immediately.  A style is simply a precanned template that someone
+wrote and installed somewhere that Mercurial can find.
+Before we take a look at Mercurial's bundled styles, let's review its
+normal output.
+This is somewhat informative, but it takes up a lot of space---five
+lines of output per changeset.  The \texttt{compact} style reduces
+this to three lines, presented in a sparse manner.
+The \texttt{changelog} style hints at the expressive power of
+Mercurial's templating engine.  This style attempts to follow the GNU
+Project's changelog guidelines\cite{web:changelog}.
+You will not be shocked to learn that Mercurial's default output style
+is named \texttt{default}.
+\subsection{Setting a default style}
+You can modify the output style that Mercurial will use for every
+command by editing your \hgrc\ file, naming the style you would
+prefer to use.
+  [ui]
+  style = compact
+If you write a style of your own, you can use it by either providing
+the path to your style file, or copying your style file into a
+location where Mercurial can find it (typically the \texttt{templates}
+subdirectory of your Mercurial install directory).
+\section{Commands that support styles and templates}
+All of Mercurial's ``\texttt{log}-like'' commands let you use styles
+and templates: \hgcmd{incoming}, \hgcmd{log}, \hgcmd{outgoing}, and
+As I write this manual, these are so far the only commands that
+support styles and templates.  Since these are the most important
+commands that need customisable output, there has been little pressure
+from the Mercurial user community to add style and template support to
+other commands.
+\section{The basics of templating}
+At its simplest, a Mercurial template is a piece of text.  Some of the
+text never changes, while other parts are \emph{expanded}, or replaced
+with new text, when necessary.
+Before we continue, let's look again at a simple example of
+Mercurial's normal output.
+Now, let's run the same command, but using a template to change its
+The example above illustrates the simplest possible template; it's
+just a piece of static text, printed once for each changeset.  The
+\hgopt{log}{--template} option to the \hgcmd{log} command tells
+Mercurial to use the given text as the template when printing each
+Notice that the template string above ends with the text
+``\Verb+\n+''.  This is an \emph{escape sequence}, telling Mercurial
+to print a newline at the end of each template item.  If you omit this
+newline, Mercurial will run each piece of output together.  See
+section~\ref{sec:template:escape} for more details of escape sequences.
+A template that prints a fixed string of text all the time isn't very
+useful; let's try something a bit more complex.
+As you can see, the string ``\Verb+{desc}+'' in the template has been
+replaced in the output with the description of each changeset.  Every
+time Mercurial finds text enclosed in curly braces (``\texttt{\{}''
+and ``\texttt{\}}''), it will try to replace the braces and text with
+the expansion of whatever is inside.  To print a literal curly brace,
+you must escape it, as described in section~\ref{sec:template:escape}.
+\section{Common template keywords}
+You can start writing simple templates immediately using the keywords
+\item[\tplkword{author}] String.  The unmodified author of the changeset.
+\item[\tplkword{branches}] String.  The name of the branch on which
+  the changeset was committed.  Will be empty if the branch name was
+  \texttt{default}.
+\item[\tplkword{date}] Date information.  The date when the changeset
+  was committed.  This is \emph{not} human-readable; you must pass it
+  through a filter that will render it appropriately.  See
+  section~\ref{sec:template:filter} for more information on filters.
+  The date is expressed as a pair of numbers.  The first number is a
+  Unix UTC timestamp (seconds since January 1, 1970); the second is
+  the offset of the committer's timezone from UTC, in seconds.
+\item[\tplkword{desc}] String.  The text of the changeset description.
+\item[\tplkword{files}] List of strings.  All files modified, added, or
+  removed by this changeset.
+\item[\tplkword{file\_adds}] List of strings.  Files added by this
+  changeset.
+\item[\tplkword{file\_dels}] List of strings.  Files removed by this
+  changeset.
+\item[\tplkword{node}] String.  The changeset identification hash, as a
+  40-character hexadecimal string.
+\item[\tplkword{parents}] List of strings.  The parents of the
+  changeset.
+\item[\tplkword{rev}] Integer.  The repository-local changeset revision
+  number.
+\item[\tplkword{tags}] List of strings.  Any tags associated with the
+  changeset.
+A few simple experiments will show us what to expect when we use these
+keywords; you can see the results in
+  \interaction{template.simple.keywords}
+  \caption{Template keywords in use}
+  \label{fig:template:keywords}
+As we noted above, the date keyword does not produce human-readable
+output, so we must treat it specially.  This involves using a
+\emph{filter}, about which more in section~\ref{sec:template:filter}.
+\section{Escape sequences}
+Mercurial's templating engine recognises the most commonly used escape
+sequences in strings.  When it sees a backslash (``\Verb+\+'')
+character, it looks at the following character and substitutes the two
+characters with a single replacement, as described below.
+\item[\Verb+\textbackslash\textbackslash+] Backslash, ``\Verb+\+'',
+  ASCII~134.
+\item[\Verb+\textbackslash n+] Newline, ASCII~12.
+\item[\Verb+\textbackslash r+] Carriage return, ASCII~15.
+\item[\Verb+\textbackslash t+] Tab, ASCII~11.
+\item[\Verb+\textbackslash v+] Vertical tab, ASCII~13.
+\item[\Verb+\textbackslash \{+] Open curly brace, ``\Verb+{+'', ASCII~173.
+\item[\Verb+\textbackslash \}+] Close curly brace, ``\Verb+}+'', ASCII~175.
+As indicated above, if you want the expansion of a template to contain
+a literal ``\Verb+\+'', ``\Verb+{+'', or ``\Verb+{+'' character, you
+must escape it.
+\section{Filtering keywords to change their results}
+Some of the results of template expansion are not immediately easy to
+use.  Mercurial lets you specify an optional chain of \emph{filters}
+to modify the result of expanding a keyword.  You have already seen a
+common filter, \tplkwfilt{date}{isodate}, in action above, to make a
+date readable.
+Below is a list of the most commonly used filters that Mercurial
+supports.  While some filters can be applied to any text, others can
+only be used in specific circumstances.  The name of each filter is
+followed first by an indication of where it can be used, then a
+description of its effect.
+\item[\tplfilter{addbreaks}] Any text. Add an XHTML ``\Verb+<br/>+''
+  tag before the end of every line except the last.  For example,
+  ``\Verb+foo\nbar+'' becomes ``\Verb+foo<br/>\nbar+''.
+\item[\tplkwfilt{date}{age}] \tplkword{date} keyword.  Render the
+  age of the date, relative to the current time.  Yields a string like
+  ``\Verb+10 minutes+''.
+\item[\tplfilter{basename}] Any text, but most useful for the
+  \tplkword{files} keyword and its relatives.  Treat the text as a
+  path, and return the basename. For example, ``\Verb+foo/bar/baz+''
+  becomes ``\Verb+baz+''.
+\item[\tplkwfilt{date}{date}] \tplkword{date} keyword.  Render a date
+  in a similar format to the Unix \tplkword{date} command, but with
+  timezone included.  Yields a string like
+  ``\Verb+Mon Sep 04 15:13:13 2006 -0700+''.
+\item[\tplkwfilt{author}{domain}] Any text, but most useful for the
+  \tplkword{author} keyword.  Finds the first string that looks like
+  an email address, and extract just the domain component.  For
+  example, ``\Verb+Bryan O'Sullivan <bos@serpentine.com>+'' becomes
+  ``\Verb+serpentine.com+''.
+\item[\tplkwfilt{author}{email}] Any text, but most useful for the
+  \tplkword{author} keyword.  Extract the first string that looks like
+  an email address.  For example,
+  ``\Verb+Bryan O'Sullivan <bos@serpentine.com>+'' becomes
+  ``\Verb+bos@serpentine.com+''.
+\item[\tplfilter{escape}] Any text.  Replace the special XML/XHTML
+  characters ``\Verb+&+'', ``\Verb+<+'' and ``\Verb+>+'' with
+  XML entities.
+\item[\tplfilter{fill68}] Any text.  Wrap the text to fit in 68
+  columns.  This is useful before you pass text through the
+  \tplfilter{tabindent} filter, and still want it to fit in an
+  80-column fixed-font window.
+\item[\tplfilter{fill76}] Any text.  Wrap the text to fit in 76
+  columns.
+\item[\tplfilter{firstline}] Any text.  Yield the first line of text,
+  without any trailing newlines.
+\item[\tplkwfilt{date}{hgdate}] \tplkword{date} keyword.  Render the
+  date as a pair of readable numbers.  Yields a string like
+  ``\Verb+1157407993 25200+''.
+\item[\tplkwfilt{date}{isodate}] \tplkword{date} keyword.  Render the
+  date as a text string in ISO~8601 format.  Yields a string like
+  ``\Verb+2006-09-04 15:13:13 -0700+''.
+\item[\tplfilter{obfuscate}] Any text, but most useful for the
+  \tplkword{author} keyword.  Yield the input text rendered as a
+  sequence of XML entities.  This helps to defeat some particularly
+  stupid screen-scraping email harvesting spambots.
+\item[\tplkwfilt{author}{person}] Any text, but most useful for the
+  \tplkword{author} keyword.  Yield the text before an email address.
+  For example, ``\Verb+Bryan O'Sullivan <bos@serpentine.com>+''
+  becomes ``\Verb+Bryan O'Sullivan+''.
+\item[\tplkwfilt{date}{rfc822date}] \tplkword{date} keyword.  Render a
+  date using the same format used in email headers.  Yields a string
+  like ``\Verb+Mon, 04 Sep 2006 15:13:13 -0700+''.
+\item[\tplkwfilt{node}{short}] Changeset hash.  Yield the short form
+  of a changeset hash, i.e.~a 12-byte hexadecimal string.
+\item[\tplkwfilt{date}{shortdate}] \tplkword{date} keyword.  Render
+  the year, month, and day of the date.  Yields a string like
+  ``\Verb+2006-09-04+''.
+\item[\tplfilter{strip}] Any text.  Strip all leading and trailing
+  whitespace from the string.
+\item[\tplfilter{tabindent}] Any text.  Yield the text, with every line
+  except the first starting with a tab character.
+\item[\tplfilter{urlescape}] Any text.  Escape all characters that are
+  considered ``special'' by URL parsers.  For example, \Verb+foo bar+
+  becomes \Verb+foo%20bar+.
+\item[\tplkwfilt{author}{user}] Any text, but most useful for the
+  \tplkword{author} keyword.  Return the ``user'' portion of an email
+  address.  For example,
+  ``\Verb+Bryan O'Sullivan <bos@serpentine.com>+'' becomes
+  ``\Verb+bos+''.
+  \interaction{template.simple.manyfilters}
+  \caption{Template filters in action}
+  \label{fig:template:filters}
+  If you try to apply a filter to a piece of data that it cannot
+  process, Mercurial will fail and print a Python exception.  For
+  example, trying to run the output of the \tplkword{desc} keyword
+  into the \tplkwfilt{date}{isodate} filter is not a good idea.
+\subsection{Combining filters}
+It is easy to combine filters to yield output in the form you would
+like.  The following chain of filters tidies up a description, then
+makes sure that it fits cleanly into 68 columns, then indents it by a
+further 8~characters (at least on Unix-like systems, where a tab is
+conventionally 8~characters wide).
+Note the use of ``\Verb+\t+'' (a tab character) in the template to
+force the first line to be indented; this is necessary since
+\tplkword{tabindent} indents all lines \emph{except} the first.
+Keep in mind that the order of filters in a chain is significant.  The
+first filter is applied to the result of the keyword; the second to
+the result of the first filter; and so on.  For example, using
+\Verb+fill68|tabindent+ gives very different results from
+\section{From templates to styles}
+A command line template provides a quick and simple way to format some
+output.  Templates can become verbose, though, and it's useful to be
+able to give a template a name.  A style file is a template with a
+name, stored in a file.
+More than that, using a style file unlocks the power of Mercurial's
+templating engine in ways that are not possible using the command line
+\hgopt{log}{--template} option.
+\subsection{The simplest of style files}
+Our simple style file contains just one line:
+This tells Mercurial, ``if you're printing a changeset, use the text
+on the right as the template''.
+\subsection{Style file syntax}
+The syntax rules for a style file are simple.
+\item The file is processed one line at a time.
+\item Leading and trailing white space are ignored.
+\item Empty lines are skipped.
+\item If a line starts with either of the characters ``\texttt{\#}'' or
+  ``\texttt{;}'', the entire line is treated as a comment, and skipped
+  as if empty.
+\item A line starts with a keyword.  This must start with an
+  alphabetic character or underscore, and can subsequently contain any
+  alphanumeric character or underscore.  (In regexp notation, a
+  keyword must match \Verb+[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*+.)
+\item The next element must be an ``\texttt{=}'' character, which can
+  be preceded or followed by an arbitrary amount of white space.
+\item If the rest of the line starts and ends with matching quote
+  characters (either single or double quote), it is treated as a
+  template body.
+\item If the rest of the line \emph{does not} start with a quote
+  character, it is treated as the name of a file; the contents of this
+  file will be read and used as a template body.
+\section{Style files by example}
+To illustrate how to write a style file, we will construct a few by
+example.  Rather than provide a complete style file and walk through
+it, we'll mirror the usual process of developing a style file by
+starting with something very simple, and walking through a series of
+successively more complete examples.
+\subsection{Identifying mistakes in style files}
+If Mercurial encounters a problem in a style file you are working on,
+it prints a terse error message that, once you figure out what it
+means, is actually quite useful.
+Notice that \filename{broken.style} attempts to define a
+\texttt{changeset} keyword, but forgets to give any content for it.
+When instructed to use this style file, Mercurial promptly complains.
+This error message looks intimidating, but it is not too hard to
+\item The first component is simply Mercurial's way of saying ``I am
+  giving up''.
+  \begin{codesample4}
+    \textbf{abort:} broken.style:1: parse error
+  \end{codesample4}
+\item Next comes the name of the style file that contains the error.
+  \begin{codesample4}
+    abort: \textbf{broken.style}:1: parse error
+  \end{codesample4}
+\item Following the file name is the line number where the error was
+  encountered.
+  \begin{codesample4}
+    abort: broken.style:\textbf{1}: parse error
+  \end{codesample4}
+\item Finally, a description of what went wrong.
+  \begin{codesample4}
+    abort: broken.style:1: \textbf{parse error}
+  \end{codesample4}
+  The description of the problem is not always clear (as in this
+  case), but even when it is cryptic, it is almost always trivial to
+  visually inspect the offending line in the style file and see what
+  is wrong.
+\subsection{Uniquely identifying a repository}
+If you would like to be able to identify a Mercurial repository
+``fairly uniquely'' using a short string as an identifier, you can
+use the first revision in the repository.
+This is not guaranteed to be unique, but it is nevertheless useful in
+many cases.
+\item It will not work in a completely empty repository, because such
+  a repository does not have a revision~zero.
+\item Neither will it work in the (extremely rare) case where a
+  repository is a merge of two or more formerly independent
+  repositories, and you still have those repositories around.
+Here are some uses to which you could put this identifier:
+\item As a key into a table for a database that manages repositories
+  on a server.
+\item As half of a \{\emph{repository~ID}, \emph{revision~ID}\} tuple.
+  Save this information away when you run an automated build or other
+  activity, so that you can ``replay'' the build later if necessary.
+\subsection{Mimicking Subversion's output}
+Let's try to emulate the default output format used by another
+revision control tool, Subversion.
+Since Subversion's output style is fairly simple, it is easy to
+copy-and-paste a hunk of its output into a file, and replace the text
+produced above by Subversion with the template values we'd like to see
+There are a few small ways in which this template deviates from the
+output produced by Subversion.
+\item Subversion prints a ``readable'' date (the ``\texttt{Wed, 27 Sep
+    2006}'' in the example output above) in parentheses.  Mercurial's
+  templating engine does not provide a way to display a date in this
+  format without also printing the time and time zone.
+\item We emulate Subversion's printing of ``separator'' lines full of
+  ``\texttt{-}'' characters by ending the template with such a line.
+  We use the templating engine's \tplkword{header} keyword to print a
+  separator line as the first line of output (see below), thus
+  achieving similar output to Subversion.
+\item Subversion's output includes a count in the header of the number
+  of lines in the commit message.  We cannot replicate this in
+  Mercurial; the templating engine does not currently provide a filter
+  that counts the number of items it is passed.
+It took me no more than a minute or two of work to replace literal
+text from an example of Subversion's output with some keywords and
+filters to give the template above.  The style file simply refers to
+the template.
+We could have included the text of the template file directly in the
+style file by enclosing it in quotes and replacing the newlines with
+``\verb!\n!'' sequences, but it would have made the style file too
+difficult to read.  Readability is a good guide when you're trying to
+decide whether some text belongs in a style file, or in a template
+file that the style file points to.  If the style file will look too
+big or cluttered if you insert a literal piece of text, drop it into a
+template instead.
+%%% Local Variables: 
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