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author | Yoshiki Yazawa <> |
date | Mon, 08 Dec 2008 12:30:31 +0900 |
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%\chapter{Advanced uses of Mercurial Queues} \chapter{Mercurial Queues$B$N9bEY$J;H$$J}(B} \label{chap:mq-collab} %While it's easy to pick up straightforward uses of Mercurial Queues, %use of a little discipline and some of MQ's less frequently used %capabilities makes it possible to work in complicated development %environments. Mercurial Queues$B$NC1=c$J;H$$J}$r<h$j>e$2$?0lJ}!$>/!9$NE}@)$H(BMQ$B$N$"$^$jMQ(B $B$$$i$l$J$$5!G=$rMQ$$$k$3$H$GJ#;($J3+H/4D6-$G$N:n6H$,2DG=$H$J$k!%(B %In this chapter, I will use as an example a technique I have used to %manage the development of an Infiniband device driver for the Linux %kernel. The driver in question is large (at least as drivers go), %with 25,000 lines of code spread across 35 source files. It is %maintained by a small team of developers. $B$3$N>O$G$O!$(BLinux$B%+!<%M%kMQ(BInfiniband$B%G%P%$%9%I%i%$%P$N3+H/$r4IM}$9$k$N$K(B $BMQ$$$?%F%/%K%C%/$rNc$H$7$FMQ$$$k!%$3$N%I%i%$%P$O!J%I%i%$%P$H$7$F$O!KBg5,(B $BLO$G!$(B35$B$N%=!<%9%U%!%$%k$K$o$?$k(B25000$B9T$+$i$J$k!%$3$N%=!<%9$O>.5,LO$J3+H/(B $B<T$N%A!<%`$K$h$C$F$$;~4IM}$5$l$F$$$k!%(B %While much of the material in this chapter is specific to Linux, the %same principles apply to any code base for which you're not the %primary owner, and upon which you need to do a lot of development. $B$3$N>O$G$NAG:`$O(BLinux$B$KFC2=$7$F$$$k$,!$F1$886B'$O$$$+$J$k%3!<%I%Y!<%9$KBP(B $B$7$F$bE,MQ2DG=$G!$<+J,<+?H$G=jM-$7$F$$$J$$$,!$B?$/$N3+H/$r9T$&I,MW$N$"$k(B $B%3!<%I$J$I$K$bE,MQ$G$-$k!%(B %\section{The problem of many targets} \section{$B%?!<%2%C%H$,J#?t$"$k$H$$$&LdBj(B} %The Linux kernel changes rapidly, and has never been internally %stable; developers frequently make drastic changes between releases. %This means that a version of the driver that works well with a %particular released version of the kernel will not even \emph{compile} %correctly against, typically, any other version. Linux$B%+!<%M%k$O5^B.$KJQ2=$7!$$=$NFbIt$O7h$7$F0lDj$G$O$J$$!%3+H/<T$?$A$OIQ(B $BHK$K%j%j!<%94V$G7`E*$JJQ99$r9T$&!%$3$N$?$a!$FCDj$N%j%j!<%9%P!<%8%g%s$GNI(B $B$/F0$$$?%I%i%$%P$,!$Nc$($PJL$N%P!<%8%g%s$G$O@5$7$/%3%s%Q%$%k$9$k$3$H$9$i(B $B$G$-$J$/$J$k$H$$$&$3$H$r0UL#$9$k!%(B %To maintain a driver, we have to keep a number of distinct versions of %Linux in mind. $B%I%i%$%P$r0];}$9$k$?$a$K!$3+H/<T$O$$$/$D$b$NJL$N%P!<%8%g%s$N(BLinux$B$rA[Dj(B $B$7$J$1$l$P$J$i$J$$!%(B \begin{itemize} %\item One target is the main Linux kernel development tree. % Maintenance of the code is in this case partly shared by other % developers in the kernel community, who make ``drive-by'' % modifications to the driver as they develop and refine kernel % subsystems. \item $B0l$D$N%?!<%2%C%H$O(BLinux$B%+!<%M%k$N3+H/%D%j!<$G$"$k!%$3$N>l9g!$%3!<%I(B $B$N0];}4IM}$O%+!<%M%k%3%_%e%K%F%#$NB>$N3+H/<T!J$3$l$O%+!<%M%k$N%5%V(B $B%7%9%F%`$r2~NI$9$k$?$a$K%I%i%$%P$r(B``$BDI$$N)$F$k(B''$BJQ99$r9T$&3+H/<T$G(B $B$"$k!K$HItJ,E*$K6&M-$5$l$F$$$k!%(B %\item We also maintain a number of ``backports'' to older versions of % the Linux kernel, to support the needs of customers who are running % older Linux distributions that do not incorporate our drivers. (To % \emph{backport} a piece of code is to modify it to work in an older % version of its target environment than the version it was developed % for.) \item $B3+H/<T$O2f!9$N%I%i%$%P$,AH$_9~$^$l$F$$$J$$8E$$(BLinux$B%G%#%9%H%j%S%e!<(B $B%7%g%s$r;H$C$F$$$k8\5R$r%5%]!<%H$9$k$?$a$K!$8E$$%P!<%8%g%s$N(BLinux$B%+!<(B $B%M%k$X$N(B``$B%P%C%/%]!<%H(B''$B$rJz$($F$$$k!%%3!<%I$N0lIt$r(B\emph{$B%P%C%/%]!<(B $B%H(B}$B$9$k$3$H$O!$%I%i%$%P$,3+H/$5$l$?%P!<%8%g%s$h$j$b8E$$%P!<%8%g%s(B $B$N4D6-$GF0$/$h$&$K$9$k$3$H$r0UL#$9$k!%(B %\item Finally, we make software releases on a schedule that is % necessarily not aligned with those used by Linux distributors and % kernel developers, so that we can deliver new features to customers % without forcing them to upgrade their entire kernels or % distributions. \item $B:G=*E*$K(BLinux$B%G%#%9%H%j%S%e!<%?$d%+!<%M%k3+H/<T$rBT$?$;$k$3$H$J$/%9(B $B%1%8%e!<%kDL$j$K%=%U%H%&%'%"$r%j%j!<%9$9$k$3$H$,I,MW$G$"$j!$$3$l$K$h$C$F(B $B8\5R$K%+!<%M%k$d%G%#%9%H%j%S%e!<%7%g%sA4BN$r%"%C%W%0%l!<%I$5$;$k$3$H$J$/(B $B?75!G=$r8\5R$KFO$1$i$l$k!%(B \end{itemize} %\subsection{Tempting approaches that don't work well} \subsection{$B$d$C$F$7$^$$$,$A$J4V0c$C$?J}K!(B} %There are two ``standard'' ways to maintain a piece of software that %has to target many different environments. $B$5$^$6$^$J4D6-$r%?!<%2%C%H$K$7$?%=%U%H%&%'%"$r4IM}$9$k(B2$B$D$NI8=`E*$JJ}K!(B $B$,$"$k!%(B %The first is to maintain a number of branches, each intended for a %single target. The trouble with this approach is that you must %maintain iron discipline in the flow of changes between repositories. %A new feature or bug fix must start life in a ``pristine'' repository, %then percolate out to every backport repository. Backport changes are %more limited in the branches they should propagate to; a backport %change that is applied to a branch where it doesn't belong will %probably stop the driver from compiling. $BBh(B1$B$NJ}K!$O!$C10l$N%?!<%2%C%H8~$1$NJ#?t$N%V%i%s%A$r0];}$9$k$3$H$G$"$k!%$3(B $B$NJ}K!$NLdBjE@$O!$%j%]%8%H%j4V$G$NJQ99$NN.$l$K$D$$$F873J$J5,N'$r0];}$7$J(B $B$1$l$P$J$i$J$$$3$H$G$"$k!%?75!G=$d%P%0=$@5$O!$$-$l$$$J>uBV$N%j%]%8%H%j$G(B $B3+;O$7!$%P%C%/%]!<%H%j%]%8%H%j$K?;F)$9$kI,MW$,$"$k!%%P%C%/%]!<%HJQ99$OGH(B $B5Z$9$Y$-%V%i%s%AFb$K8BDj$5$l$F$$$J$1$l$P$J$i$J$$!%I,MW$N$J$$%V%i%s%A$X$N(B $B%P%C%/%]!<%H$NGH5Z$O$*$=$i$/%I%i%$%P$r%3%s%Q%$%kITG=$K$7$F$7$^$&$@$m$&!%(B %The second is to maintain a single source tree filled with conditional %statements that turn chunks of code on or off depending on the %intended target. Because these ``ifdefs'' are not allowed in the %Linux kernel tree, a manual or automatic process must be followed to %strip them out and yield a clean tree. A code base maintained in this %fashion rapidly becomes a rat's nest of conditional blocks that are %difficult to understand and maintain. $BBh(B2$B$NJ}K!$O!$%A%c%s%/$d%3!<%I$r!$L\E*$H$9$k%?!<%2%C%HKh$K(Bon/off$B$9$k>r7oJ8(B $B$rDI2C$7$?C10l$N%=!<%9%D%j!<$r0];}$9$kJ}K!$G$"$k!%$3$l$i$N(B``ifdef''$B$O(B linux$B%+!<%M%k%D%j!<$G$O5v$5$l$F$$$J$$$?$a!$<jF0$^$?$O<+F0$G$3$l$i$N%3!<%I(B $B$r=|5n$7!$%/%j!<%s$J%D%j!<$r:n$k%W%m%;%9$,I,MW$K$J$k!%$3$N$h$&$J$d$jJ}$G(B $B4IM}$5$l$?%3!<%I%Y!<%9$O$9$0$K>r7o@a$NAc7"$H2=$7!"M}2r$d4IM}$NK8$2$H$J$k!#(B %Neither of these approaches is well suited to a situation where you %don't ``own'' the canonical copy of a source tree. In the case of a %Linux driver that is distributed with the standard kernel, Linus's %tree contains the copy of the code that will be treated by the world %as canonical. The upstream version of ``my'' driver can be modified %by people I don't know, without me even finding out about it until %after the changes show up in Linus's tree. $B$"$J$?$,@5<0$J%=!<%9%D%j!<$r=jM-$7$F$$$k$N$G$J$1$l$P!"$3$l$i$N$d$jJ}$N$I(B $B$A$i$b$=$0$o$J$$$@$m$&!#I8=`$N(Blinux$B%+!<%M%k$KF1:-$5$l$F$$$k%I%i%$%P$N>l(B $B9g!$(BLinus$B$N%D%j!<$O@$3&Cf$G@5<0$J%3!<%I$H$7$F07$o$l$k%3%T!<$r4^$s$G$$$k!%(B ``$B;d(B''$B$N%I%i%$%P$N>eN.HG$O!$CN$i$J$$?M$K$h$C$FJQ99$5$lF@$k$7!$<+J,$NJQ99(B $B$,(BLinus$B$N%D%j!<$KF~$C$?$"$H$G$5$($bJQ99$5$lF@$k!%(B %These approaches have the added weakness of making it difficult to %generate well-formed patches to submit upstream. $B$3$l$i$N%"%W%m!<%A$O!$$&$^$/=q$+$l$?%Q%C%A$r>eN.$XDs=P$9$k$3$H$r:$Fq$K$7(B $B$F$7$^$&!%(B %In principle, Mercurial Queues seems like a good candidate to manage a %development scenario such as the above. While this is indeed the %case, MQ contains a few added features that make the job more %pleasant. Mercurial Queues$B$O>e5-$N$h$&$J3+H/%7%J%j%*$r4IM}$9$k$h$$8uJd$N0l$D$G$"$k(B $B$H$$$($k!%$3$N$h$&$J>l9g$N$?$a$K(BMQ$B$K$O:n6H$r$h$j2wE,$K$9$k$$$/$D$+$N5!G=(B $B$,$"$k!%(B %\section{Conditionally applying patches with guards} \section{$B%,!<%I$r;H$C$?%Q%C%A$N>r7oE*$JE,MQ(B} %Perhaps the best way to maintain sanity with so many targets is to be %able to choose specific patches to apply for a given situation. MQ %provides a feature called ``guards'' (which originates with quilt's %\texttt{guards} command) that does just this. To start off, let's %create a simple repository for experimenting in. %\interaction{mq.guards.init} %This gives us a tiny repository that contains two patches that don't %have any dependencies on each other, because they touch different files. $BB?$/$N%?!<%2%C%H$rBP>]$H$7$J$,$i@5>o$KJ]$D0lHVNI$$J}J}$O!$>u67$K1~$8$FFC(B $BDj$N%Q%C%A$rA*$Y$k$h$&$K$9$k$3$H$G$"$k!%(BMQ$B$O$3$NL\E*$N$?$a$K(Bquilt$B$N(B \texttt{guards}$B%3%^%s%I$KN`;w$7$?(B``guards''$B$H8F$P$l$k5!G=$rDs6!$7$F$$$k!%(B $B3+;O$KEv$?$C$F!$<B83$N$?$a$KC1=c$J%j%]%8%H%j$r:n@.$9$k!%(B \interaction{mq.guards.init} $B>.$5$J%j%]%8%H%j$r:n$j!$JL!9$N%U%!%$%k$rA`:n$9$k8_$$$K0MB8@-$N$J$$(B2$B$D$N%Q%C(B $B%A$rCV$/!%(B %The idea behind conditional application is that you can ``tag'' a %patch with a \emph{guard}, which is simply a text string of your %choosing, then tell MQ to select specific guards to use when applying %patches. MQ will then either apply, or skip over, a guarded patch, %depending on the guards that you have selected. $B>r7oIU$-$G%Q%C%A%Q%C%A$NE,MQ$r%3%s%H%m!<%k$9$kJ}K!$NGX8e$K$"$k$N(B $B$O!$(B\emph{guard}$B$K$h$C$F%Q%C%A$KIU$1$i$l$?(B``$B%?%0(B''$B$G$"$k!%%?%0$O<+M3$KA*(B $B$s$@C1=c$J%F%-%9%H$G!$(BMQ$B$,%Q%C%A$rE,MQ$9$k$H$-$KMQ$$$kFCDj$N%,!<%I$r;XDj(B $B$9$k!%(BMQ$B$O%,!<%I%Q%C%A$NE,MQ$^$?$O%9%-%C%W$r!$;XDj$5$l$?%,!<%I$K$h$C$F7h(B $BDj$9$k!%(B %A patch can have an arbitrary number of guards; %each one is \emph{positive} (``apply this patch if this guard is %selected'') or \emph{negative} (``skip this patch if this guard is %selected''). A patch with no guards is always applied. $B%Q%C%A$OG$0U$N?t$N%,!<%I$r;}$D$3$H$,$G$-$k!%3F!9$N%,!<%I(B $B$O!$(B\emph{positive}$B!J$3$N%,!<%I$,A*Br$5$l$F$$$k$H$-$K$3$N%Q%C%A$rE,MQ!K$^(B $B$?$O(B\emph{negative}$B!J$3$N%,!<%I$,A*Br$5$l$F$$$k$H$-$K$3$N%Q%C%A$r%9%-%C(B $B%W!K$G$"$k!%%,!<%I$r;}$?$J$$%Q%C%A$O>o$KE,MQ$5$l$k!%(B %\section{Controlling the guards on a patch} \section{$B%Q%C%AFb$N%,!<%I$rA`:n$9$k(B} %The \hgxcmd{mq}{qguard} command lets you determine which guards should %apply to a patch, or display the guards that are already in effect. %Without any arguments, it displays the guards on the current topmost %patch. %\interaction{mq.guards.qguard} %To set a positive guard on a patch, prefix the name of the guard with %a ``\texttt{+}''. %\interaction{mq.guards.qguard.pos} %To set a negative guard on a patch, prefix the name of the guard with %a ``\texttt{-}''. %\interaction{mq.guards.qguard.neg} \hgxcmd{mq}{qguard}$B%3%^%s%I$G$I$N%,!<%I$,%Q%C%A$KE,MQ$5$l$k$+$r;XDj$7$?(B $B$j!$$9$G$KM-8z$K$J$C$F$$$k%,!<%I$rI=<($5$;$k$3$H$,$G$-$k!%0z?t$J$7$G$3$N(B $B%3%^%s%I$r;H$&$H!$8=:_$N:G>e0L$N%Q%C%A$N%,!<%I$rI=<($9$k!%(B \interaction{mq.guards.qguard} $B%Q%C%A$K%]%8%F%#%V%,!<%I$r@_Dj$9$k$K$O!$%,!<%IL>$NA0$K(B``\texttt{+}''$B$r$D(B $B$1$k!%(B \interaction{mq.guards.qguard.pos} $B%Q%C%A$K%M%,%F%#%V%,!<%I$r@_Dj$9$k$K$O!$%,!<%IL>$NA0$K(B``\texttt{-}''$B$r$D(B $B$1$k!%(B \interaction{mq.guards.qguard.neg} %\begin{note} % The \hgxcmd{mq}{qguard} command \emph{sets} the guards on a patch; it % doesn't \emph{modify} them. What this means is that if you run % \hgcmdargs{qguard}{+a +b} on a patch, then \hgcmdargs{qguard}{+c} on % the same patch, the \emph{only} guard that will be set on it % afterwards is \texttt{+c}. %\end{note} \begin{note} \hgxcmd{mq}{qguard} $B%3%^%s%I$O%Q%C%A$K%,!<%I$r(B\emph{$B@_Dj$9$k(B}$B$,%Q%C%A<+(B $BBN$r(B\emph{$BJQ99$7$J$$(B}$BE@$KCm0U$5$l$?$$!%%Q%C%A$KBP$7$F(B \hgcmdargs{qguard}{+a +b}$B$r<B9T$7!$F1$8%Q%C%A$K(B\hgcmdargs{qguard}{+c}$B$r(B $B<B9T$9$k$H!$$3$N%Q%C%A$X$N%,!<%I$O(B\texttt{+c}$B$N$_$K$J$k!%(B \end{note} %Mercurial stores guards in the \sfilename{series} file; the form in %which they are stored is easy both to understand and to edit by hand. %(In other words, you don't have to use the \hgxcmd{mq}{qguard} command if %you don't want to; it's okay to simply edit the \sfilename{series} %file.) %\interaction{mq.guards.series} Mercurial$B$O%,!<%I$r(B\sfilename{series}$B%U%!%$%k$KJ]B8$9$k!%=q<0$OM}2r$7$d(B $B$9$/!$<j$GJQ99$9$k$N$b4JC1$G$"$k!%!J$D$^$j!$(B\hgxcmd{mq}{qguard}$B%3%^%s%I(B $B$r;H$$$?$/$J$1$l$P!$D>@\(B\sfilename{series}$B$rJT=8$7$F:Q$^$9$3$H$b$G$-$k!%!K(B \interaction{mq.guards.series} %\section{Selecting the guards to use} \section{$B;HMQ$9$k%,!<%I$rA*$V(B} %The \hgxcmd{mq}{qselect} command determines which guards are active at a %given time. The effect of this is to determine which patches MQ will %apply the next time you run \hgxcmd{mq}{qpush}. It has no other effect; in %particular, it doesn't do anything to patches that are already %applied. \hgxcmd{mq}{qselect}$B%3%^%s%I$r<B9T$9$k$3$H$G!$$=$N;~E@$G%"%/%F%#%V$J%,!<(B $B%I$r;XDj$9$k$3$H$,$G$-$k!%$3$N%3%^%s%I$K$h$C$F!$<!$K(B\hgxcmd{mq}{qpush}$B$,(B $B<B9T$5$l$?$H$-$K$I$N%Q%C%A$,(BMQ$B$K$h$C$FE,MQ$5$l$k$+$,;XDj$5$l$k!%$=$l0J30(B $B$N8z2L$O$J$/!$FC$K$9$G$KE,MQ$5$l$F$$$k%Q%C%A$KBP$7$F$O2?$b9T$o$J$$!%(B %With no arguments, the \hgxcmd{mq}{qselect} command lists the guards %currently in effect, one per line of output. Each argument is treated %as the name of a guard to apply. %\interaction{} %In case you're interested, the currently selected guards are stored in %the \sfilename{guards} file. %\interaction{} %We can see the effect the selected guards have when we run %\hgxcmd{mq}{qpush}. %\interaction{mq.guards.qselect.qpush} $B0z?t$J$7$G(B\hgxcmd{mq}{qselect}$B%3%^%s%I$r<B9T$9$k$H!$8=:_M-8z$J%,!<%I$N%j(B $B%9%H$r(B1$B9T$K(B1$B$D$:$DI=<($9$k!%3F!9$N0z?t$OE,MQ$5$l$k%,!<%I$NL>A0$H$7$F2r<a(B $B$5$l$k!%(B \interaction{} $B8=:_A*Br$5$l$F$$$k%,!<%I$K6=L#$,$"$k>l9g!$$3$l$O(B\sfilename{guards}$B%U%!%$(B $B%k$KJ]B8$5$l$F$$$k!%(B \interaction{} $BA*Br$5$l$?%,!<%I$N8z2L$O(B\hgxcmd{mq}{qpush}$B$N<B9T;~$K8+$k$3$H$,$G$-$k!%(B \interaction{mq.guards.qselect.qpush} %A guard cannot start with a ``\texttt{+}'' or ``\texttt{-}'' %character. The name of a guard must not contain white space, but most %othter characters are acceptable. If you try to use a guard with an %invalid name, MQ will complain: %\interaction{mq.guards.qselect.error} %Changing the selected guards changes the patches that are applied. %\interaction{mq.guards.qselect.quux} %You can see in the example below that negative guards take precedence %over positive guards. %\interaction{mq.guards.qselect.foobar} $B%,!<%I$r(B``\texttt{+}''$B$d(B``\texttt{-}''$B$NJ8;z$G;O$a$k$3$H$O$G$-$J$$!%%,!<(B $B%IL>$O6uGr$r4^$s$G$O$J$i$J$$$,!$$=$NB>$NKX$s$I$NJ8;z$r4^$`$3$H$,$G$-$k!%(B $B$b$7;HMQIT2D$NJ8;z$r4^$`>l9g$O!"(BMQ$B$,7Y9p$rI=<($9$k!#(B \interaction{mq.guards.qselect.error} $BA*Br$5$l$?%,!<%I$rJQ99$9$k$3$H$O!"E,MQ$5$l$k%Q%C%A$NJQ99$r0UL#$9$k!#(B \interaction{mq.guards.qselect.quux} $B2<$NNc$G%M%,%F%#%V%,!<%I$,%]%8%F%#%V%,!<%I$h$j$bM%@hEY$r;}$D$3$H$,$o$+$k!#(B \interaction{mq.guards.qselect.foobar} %\section{MQ's rules for applying patches} \section{MQ$B$N%Q%C%AE,MQ%k!<%k(B} %The rules that MQ uses when deciding whether to apply a patch %are as follows. MQ$B$,E,MQ$9$k%Q%C%A$r7hDj$9$k5,B'$O2<5-$N$H$*$j$G$"$k!#(B %\begin{itemize} %\item A patch that has no guards is always applied. %\item If the patch has any negative guard that matches any currently % selected guard, the patch is skipped. %\item If the patch has any positive guard that matches any currently % selected guard, the patch is applied. %\item If the patch has positive or negative guards, but none matches % any currently selected guard, the patch is skipped. %\end{itemize} \begin{itemize} \item $B%,!<%I$N$J$$%Q%C%A$O>o$KE,MQ$9$k(B \item $B%Q%C%A$K8=:_A*Br$5$l$F$$$k%,!<%I$K%^%C%A$9$k%M%,%F%#%V%,!<%I$,$"$l(B $B$P!"$=$N%Q%C%A$r%9%-%C%W$9$k(B \item $B%Q%C%A$K8=:_A*Br$5$l$F$$$k%,!<%I$K%^%C%A$9$k%]%8%F%#%V%,!<%I$,$"$l(B $B$P!"$=$N%Q%C%A$rE,MQ$9$k(B \item $B%Q%C%A$,%]%8%F%#%V!&%M%,%F%#%V$$$:$l$+$N%,!<%I$r;}$D$,!"8=:_A*Br$5(B $B$l$F$$$k%,!<%I$H%^%C%A$9$k$b$N$,$J$1$l$P!"$=$N%Q%C%A$r%9%-%C%W$9$k(B \end{itemize} %\section{Trimming the work environment} \section{$B:n6H4D6-$r=L>.$9$k(B} %In working on the device driver I mentioned earlier, I don't apply the %patches to a normal Linux kernel tree. Instead, I use a repository %that contains only a snapshot of the source files and headers that are %relevant to Infiniband development. This repository is~1\% the size %of a kernel repository, so it's easier to work with. $B0JA08@5Z$7$?%G%P%$%9%I%i%$%P$G$N:n6H$G$O!"(BLinux$B%+!<%M%k%D%j!<$K%Q%C%A$rE,(B $BMQ$7$F$$$J$+$C$?!%$=$NBe$o$j!$(BInfiniband$B%I%i%$%P$N3+H/$K4XO"$7$?%=!<%9$H(B $B%X%C%@%U%!%$%k$@$1$r;}$D%j%]%8%H%j$rMQ$$$?!%$3$N%j%]%8%H%j$O%+!<%M%k%j%](B $B%8%H%j$N(B~1\%$B$[$I$N%5%$%:$G!$:n6H$,MF0W$G$"$k!%(B %I then choose a ``base'' version on top of which the patches are %applied. This is a snapshot of the Linux kernel tree as of a revision %of my choosing. When I take the snapshot, I record the changeset ID %from the kernel repository in the commit message. Since the snapshot %preserves the ``shape'' and content of the relevant parts of the %kernel tree, I can apply my patches on top of either my tiny %repository or a normal kernel tree. $B$3$3$G%Q%C%A$rE,MQ$9$k$?$a$N(B``base''$B%P!<%8%g%s$rA*$V!%$3$l$OG$0U$KA*$s$@(B Linux$B%+!<%M%k%D%j!<$N%9%J%C%W%7%g%C%H$G!$:n@.$9$k:]!$%+!<%M%k%j%]%8%H%j$N(B $B%A%'%s%8%;%C%H(BID$B$r%3%_%C%H%a%C%;!<%8$K5-O?$7$F$*$/!%%9%J%C%W%7%g%C%H$O%+!<(B $B%M%k%D%j!<$N4XO"$9$kItJ,$N867?$rJ]$C$F$$$k$?$a!$<+J,$N%Q%C%A$r3+H/MQ$N8D(B $BJL$N%j%]%8%H%j$KE,MQ$9$k$N$HF1MM$KDL>o$N%+!<%M%k%D%j!<$KE,MQ$9$k$3$H$,$G(B $B$-$k!%(B %Normally, the base tree atop which the patches apply should be a %snapshot of a very recent upstream tree. This best facilitates the %development of patches that can easily be submitted upstream with few %or no modifications. $BDL>o!$%Q%C%A$,E,MQ$5$l$k%Y!<%9%D%j!<$O>eN.$N%D%j!<$N$4$/:G6a$N%9%J%C%W(B $B%7%g%C%H$G$"$k$Y$-$@!%$3$&$9$k$3$H$G!$3+H/$7$?%Q%C%A$r=$@5$9$k$3$H$J$/!$(B $B$"$k$$$O$4$/6O$+$J=$@5$N$_$G!$>eN.$XDs=P$9$k$3$H$,2DG=$K$J$k!%(B %\section{Dividing up the \sfilename{series} file} \section{\sfilename{series}$B%U%!%$%k$rJ,3d$9$k(B} %I categorise the patches in the \sfilename{series} file into a number %of logical groups. Each section of like patches begins with a block %of comments that describes the purpose of the patches that follow. $BI.<T$O(B\sfilename{series}$B%U%!%$%k$N%Q%C%A$r$$$/$D$+$NO@M}E*$J%0%k!<%W$K%+(B $B%F%4%i%$%:$7$F$$$k!%%Q%C%A$N$=$l$>$l$N%;%/%7%g%s$O$"$H$KB3$/%Q%C%A$,2?$G(B $B$"$k$+@bL@$9$k%3%a%s%H%V%m%C%/$G;O$^$C$F$$$k!%(B %The sequence of patch groups that I maintain follows. The ordering of %these groups is important; I'll describe why after I introduce the %groups. $B$=$N8e$K%a%s%F%J%s%9$7$F$$$k%Q%C%A%0%k!<%W$,O"$J$k!%%0%k!<%W$r@0M}$9$k$3(B $B$H$O=EMW$G$"$k!%$^$:%0%k!<%W$K$D$$$F@bL@$7$?8e!$$3$NM}M3$K?($l$k!%(B \begin{itemize} %\item The ``accepted'' group. Patches that the development team has % submitted to the maintainer of the Infiniband subsystem, and which % he has accepted, but which are not present in the snapshot that the % tiny repository is based on. These are ``read only'' patches, % present only to transform the tree into a similar state as it is in % the upstream maintainer's repository. \item ``accepted''$B%0%k!<%W!%3+H/%A!<%`$,(BInfiniband$B%5%V%7%9%F%`$N%a%s%F%J(B $B$KDs=P$7!$<uM}$5$l$?$,!$>.%j%]%8%H%j$N%Y!<%9$H$J$C$F$$$k%9%J%C%W(B $B%7%g%C%H$K$O$^$@<h$j9~$^$l$F$$$J$$$b$N!%$3$l$i$O%D%j!<$r>eN.%a%s%F(B $B%J$N%j%]%8%H%j$HF1MM$N>uBV$K$9$k$?$a$KB8:_$9$k(B``$BFI$_=P$7$N$_(B''$B$N%Q%C(B $B%A$G$"$k!%(B %\item The ``rework'' group. Patches that I have submitted, but that % the upstream maintainer has requested modifications to before he % will accept them. \item ``rework''$B%0%k!<%W!%Ds=P$7$?$,>eN.%a%s%F%J$,<uM}$K@h$@$C$FJQ99$rMW(B $B5a$7$?$b$N!%(B %\item The ``pending'' group. Patches that I have not yet submitted to % the upstream maintainer, but which we have finished working on. % These will be ``read only'' for a while. If the upstream maintainer % accepts them upon submission, I'll move them to the end of the % ``accepted'' group. If he requests that I modify any, I'll move % them to the beginning of the ``rework'' group. \item ``pending''$B%0%k!<%W!%>eN.%a%s%F%J$K$O$^$@Ds=P$7$F$$$J$$$,!$<j85$G(B $B$N:n6H$O40N;$7$?$b$N!%$3$l$i$O$7$P$i$/$N4V(B``read only''$B$K$J$C$F$*(B $B$j!$>eN.$N%a%s%F%J$XDs=P$7$F<uM}$5$l$?;~$O(B``accepted''$B%0%k!<%W$X0\(B $BF0$5$l$k!%%a%s%F%J$,JQ99$rMW5a$7$?>l9g$O(B``rework''$B%0%k!<%W$X0\F0$5(B $B$l$k!%(B %\item The ``in progress'' group. Patches that are actively being % developed, and should not be submitted anywhere yet. \item ``in progress''$B%0%k!<%W!%$3$N%0%k!<%W$K$O!$%"%/%F%#%V$K3+H/$5(B $B$l$F$*$j!$$^$@$I$3$X$bDs=P$5$l$k$Y$-$G$O$J$$%Q%C%A$,4^$^$l$k!%(B %\item The ``backport'' group. Patches that adapt the source tree to % older versions of the kernel tree. \item ``backport''$B%0%k!<%W!%%=!<%9$r8E$$%P!<%8%g%s$N%+!<%M%k%D%j!<$XE,9g(B $B$5$;$k%Q%C%A$+$i$J$k!%(B %\item The ``do not ship'' group. Patches that for some reason should % never be submitted upstream. For example, one such patch might % change embedded driver identification strings to make it easier to % distinguish, in the field, between an out-of-tree version of the % driver and a version shipped by a distribution vendor. \item ``do not ship''$B%0%k!<%W!%$J$s$i$+$NM}M3$K$h$C$F7h$7$F>eN.$XDs=P$5$l(B $B$k$Y$-$G$J$$%Q%C%A$+$i$J$k!%Nc$($P!$%D%j!<30$N%I%i%$%P$H%Y%s%@$K$h$C(B $B$FG[I[$5$l$F$$$k%I%i%$%P$r<1JL$7$d$9$/$9$k$?$a$K%I%i%$%P$N<1JLJ8;z(B $BNs$rJQ99$9$k$h$&$J%Q%C%A$,3:Ev$9$k!%(B \end{itemize} %Now to return to the reasons for ordering groups of patches in this %way. We would like the lowest patches in the stack to be as stable as %possible, so that we will not need to rework higher patches due to %changes in context. Putting patches that will never be changed first %in the \sfilename{series} file serves this purpose. $B%Q%C%A$r$3$N$h$&$JJ}K!$G@0M}$9$kM}M3$N@bL@$XLa$m$&!%0lHL$K!$%Q%C%A%9%?%C(B $B%/$NDl$K$"$k%Q%C%A$O$J$k$Y$/0BDj$G$"$C$FM_$7$$$H;W$&$b$N$@!%$=$&$G$"$l(B $B$P!$%Q%C%A$N%3%s%F%-%9%H$GJQ99$K$h$k:F:n6H$r$;$:$K:Q$`!%(B \sfilename{series}$B$K:G=i$KDI2C$9$k%Q%C%A$O7h$7$FJQ99$5$l$J$$$b$N$K$9$k$H(B $B$h$$!%(B %We would also like the patches that we know we'll need to modify to be %applied on top of a source tree that resembles the upstream tree as %closely as possible. This is why we keep accepted patches around for %a while. $B$^$?!$E,MQ$N$?$a$KJQ99$7$J$1$l$P$J$i$J$$%Q%C%A$K$D$$$F$O!$$G$-$k$@$1>eN.(B $B$N%D%j!<$K6a$$%=!<%9%D%j!<$KE,MQ$G$-$k$h$&$K$J$C$F$$$FM_$7$$$H9M$($k!%$3(B $B$l$,<uM}$5$l$?%Q%C%A$r$7$P$i$/$N4VJ];}$7$F$$$kM}M3$G$"$k!%(B %The ``backport'' and ``do not ship'' patches float at the end of the %\sfilename{series} file. The backport patches must be applied on top %of all other patches, and the ``do not ship'' patches might as well %stay out of harm's way. ``backport''$B$H(B``do not ship''$B%Q%C%A$O(B\sfilename{series}$B%U%!%$%k$NKvHx$KCV(B $B$+$l$k!%(B``backport''$B%Q%C%A$OB>$N%Q%C%A$9$Y$F$N>e$+$iE,MQ$5$l$J$1$l$P$J$i(B $B$J$$$7!$(B``do not ship''$B%Q%C%A$O0BA4$J$H$3$m$KCV$+$l$F$$$J$1$l$P$J$i$J$$!%(B %\section{Maintaining the patch series} \section{$B%Q%C%A%7%j!<%:$r4IM}$9$k(B} %In my work, I use a number of guards to control which patches are to %be applied. $B$3$N:n6H$G$O!$$I$N%Q%C%A$,E,MQ$5$l$k$+@)8f$9$k$?$a$K$$$/$D$+$N%,!<%I$rMQ(B $B$$$F$$$k!%(B \begin{itemize} %\item ``Accepted'' patches are guarded with \texttt{accepted}. I % enable this guard most of the time. When I'm applying the patches % on top of a tree where the patches are already present, I can turn % this patch off, and the patches that follow it will apply cleanly. \item ``Accepted''$B%Q%C%A$O(B\texttt{accepted}$B$K$h$C$F%,!<%I$5$l$F$$$k!%I.<T(B $B$O$3$N%,!<%I$r$[$\$$$D$bM-8z$K$7$F$$$k!%$9$G$K%Q%C%A$,B8:_$7$F$$$k%D%j!<(B $B$N>e$K?7$?$J%Q%C%A$rE,MQ$9$k;~$O!$$3$N%Q%C%A$r%*%U$K$7$F!$8eB3$N%Q%C%A$,(B $B%/%j!<%s$KE,MQ$5$l$k$h$&$K$9$k$3$H$,$G$-$k!%(B %\item Patches that are ``finished'', but not yet submitted, have no % guards. If I'm applying the patch stack to a copy of the upstream % tree, I don't need to enable any guards in order to get a reasonably % safe source tree. \item $B40@.$5$l$F$$$k$b$N$N!$$^$@Ds=P$5$l$F$$$J$$%Q%C%A$O%,!<%I$r;}$?$J(B $B$$!%$3$N%Q%C%A%9%?%C%/$r>eN.%D%j!<$N%3%T!<$KE,MQ$9$k>l9g!$%,!<%I$r(B $BA4$/;H$o$:$K==J,0BA4$J%=!<%9%D%j!<$rF@$k$3$H$,$G$-$k!%(B %\item Those patches that need reworking before being resubmitted are % guarded with \texttt{rework}. \item $B:FDs=P$N$?$a$K:n6H$,I,MW$J%Q%C%A$K$O(B\texttt{rework}$B%,!<%I$rMQ$$$k!%(B %\item For those patches that are still under development, I use % \texttt{devel}. \item $B3+H/Cf$N%Q%C%A$K$O(B\texttt{devel}$B%,!<%I$rMQ$$$F$$$k!%(B %\item A backport patch may have several guards, one for each version % of the kernel to which it applies. For example, a patch that % backports a piece of code to~2.6.9 will have a~\texttt{2.6.9} guard. \item $B%P%C%/%]!<%H%Q%C%A$O%Q%C%A$,E,MQ$5$l$k%+!<%M%k$N%P!<%8%g%s$=$l$>$l(B $B$KBP$7$F%,!<%I$r;}$D$3$H$,$"$k!%Nc$($P!$$"$k%3!<%I$r(B~2.6.9$B$K%P%C%/(B $B%]!<%H$9$k%Q%C%A$O(B~\texttt{2.6.9}$B$H$$$&%,!<%I$r;}$D!%(B \end{itemize} %This variety of guards gives me considerable flexibility in %determining what kind of source tree I want to end up with. For most %situations, the selection of appropriate guards is automated during %the build process, but I can manually tune the guards to use for less %common circumstances. $BB?$/$N%,!<%I$rMQ$$$k$3$H$K$h$C$F!$=@Fp$K:n6HBP>]$N%=!<%9%D%j!<$rA*$V$3$H(B $B$,$G$-$k!%%S%k%I=hM}Cf$K@5$7$$%,!<%I$r<+F0E*$KA*Br$G$-$k$3$H$,$[$H$s$I$@(B $B$,!$FC<l$J>u67$N$?$a$K<j$GA*$V$3$H$b2DG=$G$"$k!%(B %\subsection{The art of writing backport patches} \subsection{$B%P%C%/%]!<%H%Q%C%A$r=q$/5;=Q(B} %Using MQ, writing a backport patch is a simple process. All such a %patch has to do is modify a piece of code that uses a kernel feature %not present in the older version of the kernel, so that the driver %continues to work correctly under that older version. MQ$B$r;H$C$F%P%C%/%]!<%H%Q%C%A$r=q$/$N$OC1=c$J:n6H$G$"$k!%$=$N$h$&$J%Q%C%A(B $B$,$9$Y$-$3$H$O!$8E$$%P!<%8%g%s$N%+!<%M%k$KHw$o$C$F$$$J$$5!G=$r;H$&%3!<%I(B $B$rJQ99$7!$8E$$%P!<%8%g%s$N%+!<%M%k$G$b@5$7$/5!G=$7B3$1$k$h$&$K$9$k$3$H$@(B $B$1$G$"$k!%(B %A useful goal when writing a good backport patch is to make your code %look as if it was written for the older version of the kernel you're %targeting. The less obtrusive the patch, the easier it will be to %understand and maintain. If you're writing a collection of backport %patches to avoid the ``rat's nest'' effect of lots of %\texttt{\#ifdef}s (hunks of source code that are only used %conditionally) in your code, don't introduce version-dependent %\texttt{\#ifdef}s into the patches. Instead, write several patches, %each of which makes unconditional changes, and control their %application using guards. $B$h$$%P%C%/%]!<%H%Q%C%A$H$O!$$=$N%Q%C%A$K$h$C$F$"$?$+$b%3!<%I$,%?!<%2%C%H(B $B$N8E$$%P!<%8%g%s$N%+!<%M%k$K8~$1$F=q$+$l$?$h$&$J>uBV$K$J$k$b$N$G$"$k!%(B $BL5M}$N$J$$%Q%C%A$OM}2r$7$d$9$/!$%a%s%F%J%s%9$bMF0W$G$"$k!%(B $B%P%C%/%]!<%H%Q%C%A$r$$$/$D$b=q$$$F$$$k$J$i$P!$%3!<%IFb$NBgNL$N(B \texttt{\#ifdef}$B$G>r7oE*%3%s%Q%$%k$5$l$k%3!<%I$K$h$k:.Mp$rHr$1$k$Y$-$G$"(B $B$k!%$=$N$?$a$K%P!<%8%g%s$K0MB8$7$?(B\texttt{\#ifdef}$B$G$O$J$/!$%,!<%I$K$h$C(B $B$F@)8f$5$l$k>r7o%3%s%Q%$%k$K$h$i$J$$JQ99$r2C$($k$Y$-$G$"$k!%(B %There are two reasons to divide backport patches into a distinct %group, away from the ``regular'' patches whose effects they modify. %The first is that intermingling the two makes it more difficult to use %a tool like the \hgext{patchbomb} extension to automate the process of %submitting the patches to an upstream maintainer. The second is that %a backport patch could perturb the context in which a subsequent %regular patch is applied, making it impossible to apply the regular %patch cleanly \emph{without} the earlier backport patch already being %applied. $B%P%C%/%]!<%H%Q%C%A$rDL>o$NJQ99$r2C$($k%Q%C%A$HJL$N%0%k!<%W$KJ,3d$9$kM}M3(B $B$,(B2$B$D$"$k!%Bh0l$NM}M3$O!$(B2$B$D$r:.$<9g$o$;$k$3$H$G!$>eN.$N%a%s%F%J$X%Q%C%A(B $B$rDs=P$9$k$?$a$K(B\hgext{patchbomb}$B%(%/%9%F%s%7%g%s$N$h$&$J%D!<%k$r;H$&$N$,(B $BFq$7$/$J$k$3$H$G$"$k!%BhFs$NM}M3$O!$%P%C%/%]!<%H%Q%C%A$O!$8eB3$NDL>o%Q%C(B $B%A$NE,MQ$5$l$k%3%s%F%-%9%H$rMp$9$3$H$,$"$j!$$=$N$h$&$J>l9g!$DL>o%Q%C%A$O(B $B%P%C%/%]!<%H%Q%C%A$J$7$K@5$7$/E,MQ$9$k$3$H$,IT2DG=$K$J$C$F$7$^$&!%(B %\section{Useful tips for developing with MQ} \section{MQ$B$K$h$k3+H/$N(Btips} %\subsection{Organising patches in directories} \subsection{$B%G%#%l%/%H%jFb$G%Q%C%A$r4IM}$9$k(B} %If you're working on a substantial project with MQ, it's not difficult %to accumulate a large number of patches. For example, I have one %patch repository that contains over 250 patches. MQ$B$rMQ$$$FHf3SE*Bg5,LO$J%W%m%8%'%/%H$G:n6H$7$F$$$k>l9g!$BgNL$N%Q%C%A$,C_(B $B@Q$9$k$3$H$,>/$J$/$J$$!%Nc$($PI.<T$N$H$3$m$K$O!$(B250$B0J>e$N%Q%C%A$r4^$`%Q%C(B $B%A%j%]%8%H%j$,$"$k!%(B %If you can group these patches into separate logical categories, you %can if you like store them in different directories; MQ has no %problems with patch names that contain path separators. $B$b$7$3$l$i$N%Q%C%A$rO@M}E*$J%+%F%4%j$KJ,3d$9$k$3$H$,$G$-!$JL!9$N%G%#%l%/(B $B%H%j$K<}MF$7$?$$$H9M$($k$J$i$P!$%Q%C%AL>$K%Q%9%;%Q%l!<%?$r4^$a$F$b(BMQ$B$OLd(B $BBj$J$/<h$j07$&$3$H$,$G$-$k!%(B %\subsection{Viewing the history of a patch} \subsection{$B%Q%C%A$N%R%9%H%j$r8+$k(B} \label{mq-collab:tips:interdiff} %If you're developing a set of patches over a long time, it's a good %idea to maintain them in a repository, as discussed in %section~\ref{sec:mq:repo}. If you do so, you'll quickly discover that %using the \hgcmd{diff} command to look at the history of changes to a %patch is unworkable. This is in part because you're looking at the %second derivative of the real code (a diff of a diff), but also %because MQ adds noise to the process by modifying time stamps and %directory names when it updates a patch. $BD9$$4|4V$K$o$?$C$FB?$/$N%Q%C%A$r:n$C$F$-$?$N$J$i!$(B~\ref{sec:mq:repo}$B@a$G(B $B5DO@$7$F$-$?$h$&$K$=$l$i$r%j%]%8%H%j$G4IM}$9$k$N$ONI$$9M$($G$"$k!%$=$&$7(B $B$?>l9g!$$9$0$K(B\hgcmd{diff}$B%3%^%s%I$G$O%Q%C%A$N%R%9%H%j$r8+$k$3$H$K;H$($J(B $B$$$3$H$K5$$E$/$@$m$&!%$3$l$O<B:]$N%3!<%I$NFs<!E*$JGI@8J*!J(Bdiff$B$N(Bdiff$B!K$r(B $B8+$F$$$k$3$H$H!$(BMQ$B$,%Q%C%A$r99?7$9$k;~$K%?%$%`%9%?%s%W$H%G%#%l%/%H%jL>$r(B $BJQ99$9$k$3$H$G!$%W%m%;%9$K%N%$%:$r2C$($F$$$k$?$a$G$G$"$k!%(B %However, you can use the \hgext{extdiff} extension, which is bundled %with Mercurial, to turn a diff of two versions of a patch into %something readable. To do this, you will need a third-party package %called \package{patchutils}~\cite{web:patchutils}. This provides a %command named \command{interdiff}, which shows the differences between %two diffs as a diff. Used on two versions of the same diff, it %generates a diff that represents the diff from the first to the second %version. $B$7$+$7(BMercurial$B$KF1:-$5$l$F$$$k(B\hgext{extdiff}$B%(%/%9%F%s%7%g%s$r;H$$!$(B2$B$D(B $B$N%P!<%8%g%s$N%Q%C%A4V$G0UL#$N$"$k:9J,$r<h$k$3$H$,$G$-$k!%$3$N$?$a$K(B \package{patchutils}~\cite{web:patchutils}$B$r;H$&I,MW$,$"$k!%$3$N%Q%C%1!<(B $B%8$O(B2$B$D$N(Bdiff$B%U%!%$%k4V$N:9J,$r(Bdiff$B$H$7$FI=<($9$k(B\command{interdiff}$B$H$$(B $B$&%3%^%s%I$rDs6!$7$F$$$k!%F1$8(Bdiff$B$N0[$J$k%P!<%8%g%s4V$G;HMQ$9$l$P!$A08e(B $B$N(Bdiff$B$N4V$N(Bdiff$B$r@8@.$9$k!%(B %You can enable the \hgext{extdiff} extension in the usual way, by %adding a line to the \rcsection{extensions} section of your \hgrc. \hgrc $B%U%!%$%k$N(B \rcsection{extensions} $B%;%/%7%g%s$K<!$N9T$rDI2C$9$kDL>o$N(B $BJ}K!$G(B\hgext{extdiff}$B$rM-8z$K$G$-$k!%(B \begin{codesample2} [extensions] extdiff = \end{codesample2} %The \command{interdiff} command expects to be passed the names of two %files, but the \hgext{extdiff} extension passes the program it runs a %pair of directories, each of which can contain an arbitrary number of %files. We thus need a small program that will run \command{interdiff} %on each pair of files in these two directories. This program is %available as \sfilename{hg-interdiff} in the \dirname{examples} %directory of the source code repository that accompanies this book. %\excode{hg-interdiff} \command{interdiff}$B%3%^%s%I$O(B2$B$D$N%U%!%$%kL>$rEO$5$l$k$3$H$rA[Dj$7$F$$$k(B $B$,!$(B\hgext{extdiff}$B3HD%$O!$(B2$B$D$N%G%#%l%/%H%j$r0z?t$H$7$F<h$k%3%^%s%I$r5/(B $BF0$9$k!%=>$C$F$3$l$i$N(B2$B$D$N%G%#%l%/%H%j$N3F!9$N%U%!%$%k$KBP$7$F(B \command{interdiff}$B$r5/F0$9$k>.$5$J%W%m%0%i%`$,I,MW$K$J$k!%$3$NK\$N%=!<%9(B $B%3!<%I%j%]%8%H%j%G%#%l%/%H%jFb$N(B\dirname{examples}$B%G%#%l%/%H%j$K$"$k(B \sfilename{hg-interdiff}$B$H$$$&%W%m%0%i%`$,$=$l$@!%(B \excode{hg-interdiff} %With the \sfilename{hg-interdiff} program in your shell's search path, %you can run it as follows, from inside an MQ patch directory: $B%7%'%k%5!<%A%Q%9$NCf$K(B\sfilename{hg-interdiff}$B$,$"$l$P!$(B MQ$B%Q%C%A%G%#%l%/(B $B%H%j$NCf$+$i<!$N$h$&$K5/F0$G$-$k!%(B \begin{codesample2} hg extdiff -p hg-interdiff -r A:B my-change.patch \end{codesample2} %Since you'll probably want to use this long-winded command a lot, you %can get \hgext{hgext} to make it available as a normal Mercurial %command, again by editing your \hgrc. $B$3$ND9$$%3%^%s%I$OIQHK$K;H$&$3$H$K$J$k$@$m$&!%$=$3$G(B \hgrc $B$rJT=8(B $B$7!$(B\hgext{hgext}$B$GDL>o$N(BMercurial$B%3%^%s%I$N$h$&$K;H$($k$h$&$K$9$k!%(B \begin{codesample2} [extdiff] cmd.interdiff = hg-interdiff \end{codesample2} %This directs \hgext{hgext} to make an \texttt{interdiff} command %available, so you can now shorten the previous invocation of %\hgxcmd{extdiff}{extdiff} to something a little more wieldy. $B$3$l$O(B\hgext{hgext}$B$K(B\texttt{interdiff}$B%3%^%s%I$,MxMQ2DG=$G$"$k$3$H$r;X(B $B<($9$k$?$a!$0JA0$N(B\hgxcmd{extdiff}{extdiff}$B$N5/F0$r<c434JC1$K$G$-$k!%(B \begin{codesample2} hg interdiff -r A:B my-change.patch \end{codesample2} \begin{note} % The \command{interdiff} command works well only if the underlying % files against which versions of a patch are generated remain the % same. If you create a patch, modify the underlying files, and then % regenerate the patch, \command{interdiff} may not produce useful % output. \command{interdiff}$B%3%^%s%I$O!$%Q%C%A$N%P!<%8%g%s$,@8@.$5$l$?85$N%U%!%$%k(B $B$,F10l$KJ]$?$l$F$$$k>l9g$K8B$C$F@5$7$/F0$/!%%Q%C%A$r:n@.$7$F$+$i85$N%U%!(B $B%$%k$rJQ99$7!$%Q%C%A$r:F@8@.$7$?>l9g$O(B\command{interdiff}$B$OM-MQ$J:9J,$r=P(B $BNO$7$J$$$+$b$7$l$J$$!%(B \end{note} %The \hgext{extdiff} extension is useful for more than merely improving %the presentation of MQ~patches. To read more about it, go to %section~\ref{sec:hgext:extdiff}. \hgext{extdiff}$B%(%/%9%F%s%7%g%s$O(BMQ$B%Q%C%A$NI=8=$r2~A1$9$k0J>e$N$3$H$r$9(B $B$k!%$3$N%(%/%9%F%s%7%g%s$K$D$$$F99$KCN$j$?$$;~$O(B\ref{sec:hgext:extdiff}$B%;(B $B%/%7%g%s$r;2>H$5$l$?$$!%(B %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: yatex %%% TeX-master: "00book" %%% End: