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<!-- vim: set filetype=docbkxml shiftwidth=2 autoindent expandtab tw=77 : --> <chapter id="chap:template"> <?dbhtml filename="customizing-the-output-of-mercurial.html"?> <title>Customising the output of Mercurial</title> <para id="x_578">Mercurial provides a powerful mechanism to let you control how it displays information. The mechanism is based on templates. You can use templates to generate specific output for a single command, or to customise the entire appearance of the built-in web interface.</para> <sect1 id="sec:style"> <title>Using precanned output styles</title> <para id="x_579">Packaged with Mercurial are some output styles that you can use immediately. A style is simply a precanned template that someone wrote and installed somewhere that Mercurial can find.</para> <para id="x_57a">Before we take a look at Mercurial's bundled styles, let's review its normal output.</para> &interaction.template.simple.normal; <para id="x_57b">This is somewhat informative, but it takes up a lot of space&emdash;five lines of output per changeset. The <literal>compact</literal> style reduces this to three lines, presented in a sparse manner.</para> &interaction.template.simple.compact; <para id="x_57c">The <literal>changelog</literal> style hints at the expressive power of Mercurial's templating engine. This style attempts to follow the GNU Project's changelog guidelines<citation>web:changelog</citation>.</para> &interaction.template.simple.changelog; <para id="x_57d">You will not be shocked to learn that Mercurial's default output style is named <literal>default</literal>.</para> <sect2> <title>Setting a default style</title> <para id="x_57e">You can modify the output style that Mercurial will use for every command by editing your <filename role="special">~/.hgrc</filename> file, naming the style you would prefer to use.</para> <programlisting>[ui] style = compact</programlisting> <para id="x_57f">If you write a style of your own, you can use it by either providing the path to your style file, or copying your style file into a location where Mercurial can find it (typically the <literal>templates</literal> subdirectory of your Mercurial install directory).</para> </sect2> </sect1> <sect1> <title>Commands that support styles and templates</title> <para id="x_580">All of Mercurial's <quote><literal>log</literal>-like</quote> commands let you use styles and templates: <command role="hg-cmd">hg incoming</command>, <command role="hg-cmd">hg log</command>, <command role="hg-cmd">hg outgoing</command>, and <command role="hg-cmd">hg tip</command>.</para> <para id="x_581">As I write this manual, these are so far the only commands that support styles and templates. Since these are the most important commands that need customisable output, there has been little pressure from the Mercurial user community to add style and template support to other commands.</para> </sect1> <sect1> <title>The basics of templating</title> <para id="x_582">At its simplest, a Mercurial template is a piece of text. Some of the text never changes, while other parts are <emphasis>expanded</emphasis>, or replaced with new text, when necessary.</para> <para id="x_583">Before we continue, let's look again at a simple example of Mercurial's normal output.</para> &interaction.template.simple.normal; <para id="x_584">Now, let's run the same command, but using a template to change its output.</para> &interaction.template.simple.simplest; <para id="x_585">The example above illustrates the simplest possible template; it's just a piece of static text, printed once for each changeset. The <option role="hg-opt-log">--template</option> option to the <command role="hg-cmd">hg log</command> command tells Mercurial to use the given text as the template when printing each changeset.</para> <para id="x_586">Notice that the template string above ends with the text <quote><literal>\n</literal></quote>. This is an <emphasis>escape sequence</emphasis>, telling Mercurial to print a newline at the end of each template item. If you omit this newline, Mercurial will run each piece of output together. See <xref linkend="sec:template:escape"/> for more details of escape sequences.</para> <para id="x_587">A template that prints a fixed string of text all the time isn't very useful; let's try something a bit more complex.</para> &interaction.template.simple.simplesub; <para id="x_588">As you can see, the string <quote><literal>{desc}</literal></quote> in the template has been replaced in the output with the description of each changeset. Every time Mercurial finds text enclosed in curly braces (<quote><literal>{</literal></quote> and <quote><literal>}</literal></quote>), it will try to replace the braces and text with the expansion of whatever is inside. To print a literal curly brace, you must escape it, as described in <xref linkend="sec:template:escape"/>.</para> </sect1> <sect1 id="sec:template:keyword"> <title>Common template keywords</title> <para id="x_589">You can start writing simple templates immediately using the keywords below.</para> <itemizedlist> <listitem><para id="x_58a"><literal role="template-keyword">author</literal>: String. The unmodified author of the changeset.</para> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_58b"><literal role="template-keyword">branches</literal>: String. The name of the branch on which the changeset was committed. Will be empty if the branch name was <literal>default</literal>.</para> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_58c"><literal role="template-keyword">date</literal>: Date information. The date when the changeset was committed. This is <emphasis>not</emphasis> human-readable; you must pass it through a filter that will render it appropriately. See <xref linkend="sec:template:filter"/> for more information on filters. The date is expressed as a pair of numbers. The first number is a Unix UTC timestamp (seconds since January 1, 1970); the second is the offset of the committer's timezone from UTC, in seconds.</para> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_58d"><literal role="template-keyword">desc</literal>: String. The text of the changeset description.</para> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_58e"><literal role="template-keyword">files</literal>: List of strings. All files modified, added, or removed by this changeset.</para> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_58f"><literal role="template-keyword">file_adds</literal>: List of strings. Files added by this changeset.</para> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_590"><literal role="template-keyword">file_dels</literal>: List of strings. Files removed by this changeset.</para> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_591"><literal role="template-keyword">node</literal>: String. The changeset identification hash, as a 40-character hexadecimal string.</para> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_592"><literal role="template-keyword">parents</literal>: List of strings. The parents of the changeset.</para> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_593"><literal role="template-keyword">rev</literal>: Integer. The repository-local changeset revision number.</para> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_594"><literal role="template-keyword">tags</literal>: List of strings. Any tags associated with the changeset.</para> </listitem></itemizedlist> <para id="x_595">A few simple experiments will show us what to expect when we use these keywords; you can see the results below.</para> &interaction.template.simple.keywords; <para id="x_596">As we noted above, the date keyword does not produce human-readable output, so we must treat it specially. This involves using a <emphasis>filter</emphasis>, about which more in <xref linkend="sec:template:filter"/>.</para> &interaction.template.simple.datekeyword; </sect1> <sect1 id="sec:template:escape"> <title>Escape sequences</title> <para id="x_597">Mercurial's templating engine recognises the most commonly used escape sequences in strings. When it sees a backslash (<quote><literal>\</literal></quote>) character, it looks at the following character and substitutes the two characters with a single replacement, as described below.</para> <itemizedlist> <listitem><para id="x_598"><literal>\</literal>: Backslash, <quote><literal>\</literal></quote>, ASCII 134.</para> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_599"><literal>\n</literal>: Newline, ASCII 12.</para> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_59a"><literal>\r</literal>: Carriage return, ASCII 15.</para> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_59b"><literal>\t</literal>: Tab, ASCII 11.</para> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_59c"><literal>\v</literal>: Vertical tab, ASCII 13.</para> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_59d"><literal>{</literal>: Open curly brace, <quote><literal>{</literal></quote>, ASCII 173.</para> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_59e"><literal>}</literal>: Close curly brace, <quote><literal>}</literal></quote>, ASCII 175.</para> </listitem></itemizedlist> <para id="x_59f">As indicated above, if you want the expansion of a template to contain a literal <quote><literal>\</literal></quote>, <quote><literal>{</literal></quote>, or <quote><literal>{</literal></quote> character, you must escape it.</para> </sect1> <sect1 id="sec:template:filter"> <title>Filtering keywords to change their results</title> <para id="x_5a0">Some of the results of template expansion are not immediately easy to use. Mercurial lets you specify an optional chain of <emphasis>filters</emphasis> to modify the result of expanding a keyword. You have already seen a common filter, <literal role="template-kw-filt-date">isodate</literal>, in action above, to make a date readable.</para> <para id="x_5a1">Below is a list of the most commonly used filters that Mercurial supports. While some filters can be applied to any text, others can only be used in specific circumstances. The name of each filter is followed first by an indication of where it can be used, then a description of its effect.</para> <itemizedlist> <listitem><para id="x_5a2"><literal role="template-filter">addbreaks</literal>: Any text. Add an XHTML <quote><literal><br/></literal></quote> tag before the end of every line except the last. For example, <quote><literal>foo\nbar</literal></quote> becomes <quote><literal>foo<br/>\nbar</literal></quote>.</para> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_5a3"><literal role="template-kw-filt-date">age</literal>: <literal role="template-keyword">date</literal> keyword. Render the age of the date, relative to the current time. Yields a string like <quote><literal>10 minutes</literal></quote>.</para> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_5a4"><literal role="template-filter">basename</literal>: Any text, but most useful for the <literal role="template-keyword">files</literal> keyword and its relatives. Treat the text as a path, and return the basename. For example, <quote><literal>foo/bar/baz</literal></quote> becomes <quote><literal>baz</literal></quote>.</para> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_5a5"><literal role="template-kw-filt-date">date</literal>: <literal role="template-keyword">date</literal> keyword. Render a date in a similar format to the Unix <literal role="template-keyword">date</literal> command, but with timezone included. Yields a string like <quote><literal>Mon Sep 04 15:13:13 2006 -0700</literal></quote>.</para> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_5a6"><literal role="template-kw-filt-author">domain</literal>: Any text, but most useful for the <literal role="template-keyword">author</literal> keyword. Finds the first string that looks like an email address, and extract just the domain component. For example, <quote><literal>Bryan O'Sullivan <></literal></quote> becomes <quote><literal></literal></quote>.</para> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_5a7"><literal role="template-kw-filt-author">email</literal>: Any text, but most useful for the <literal role="template-keyword">author</literal> keyword. Extract the first string that looks like an email address. For example, <quote><literal>Bryan O'Sullivan <></literal></quote> becomes <quote><literal></literal></quote>.</para> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_5a8"><literal role="template-filter">escape</literal>: Any text. Replace the special XML/XHTML characters <quote><literal>&</literal></quote>, <quote><literal><</literal></quote> and <quote><literal>></literal></quote> with XML entities.</para> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_5a9"><literal role="template-filter">fill68</literal>: Any text. Wrap the text to fit in 68 columns. This is useful before you pass text through the <literal role="template-filter">tabindent</literal> filter, and still want it to fit in an 80-column fixed-font window.</para> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_5aa"><literal role="template-filter">fill76</literal>: Any text. Wrap the text to fit in 76 columns.</para> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_5ab"><literal role="template-filter">firstline</literal>: Any text. Yield the first line of text, without any trailing newlines.</para> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_5ac"><literal role="template-kw-filt-date">hgdate</literal>: <literal role="template-keyword">date</literal> keyword. Render the date as a pair of readable numbers. Yields a string like <quote><literal>1157407993 25200</literal></quote>.</para> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_5ad"><literal role="template-kw-filt-date">isodate</literal>: <literal role="template-keyword">date</literal> keyword. Render the date as a text string in ISO 8601 format. Yields a string like <quote><literal>2006-09-04 15:13:13 -0700</literal></quote>.</para> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_5ae"><literal role="template-filter">obfuscate</literal>: Any text, but most useful for the <literal role="template-keyword">author</literal> keyword. Yield the input text rendered as a sequence of XML entities. This helps to defeat some particularly stupid screen-scraping email harvesting spambots.</para> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_5af"><literal role="template-kw-filt-author">person</literal>: Any text, but most useful for the <literal role="template-keyword">author</literal> keyword. Yield the text before an email address. For example, <quote><literal>Bryan O'Sullivan <></literal></quote> becomes <quote><literal>Bryan O'Sullivan</literal></quote>.</para> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_5b0"><literal role="template-kw-filt-date">rfc822date</literal>: <literal role="template-keyword">date</literal> keyword. Render a date using the same format used in email headers. Yields a string like <quote><literal>Mon, 04 Sep 2006 15:13:13 -0700</literal></quote>.</para> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_5b1"><literal role="template-kw-filt-node">short</literal>: Changeset hash. Yield the short form of a changeset hash, i.e. a 12-character hexadecimal string.</para> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_5b2"><literal role="template-kw-filt-date">shortdate</literal>: <literal role="template-keyword">date</literal> keyword. Render the year, month, and day of the date. Yields a string like <quote><literal>2006-09-04</literal></quote>.</para> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_5b3"><literal role="template-filter">strip</literal>: Any text. Strip all leading and trailing whitespace from the string.</para> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_5b4"><literal role="template-filter">tabindent</literal>: Any text. Yield the text, with every line except the first starting with a tab character.</para> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_5b5"><literal role="template-filter">urlescape</literal>: Any text. Escape all characters that are considered <quote>special</quote> by URL parsers. For example, <literal>foo bar</literal> becomes <literal>foo%20bar</literal>.</para> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_5b6"><literal role="template-kw-filt-author">user</literal>: Any text, but most useful for the <literal role="template-keyword">author</literal> keyword. Return the <quote>user</quote> portion of an email address. For example, <quote><literal>Bryan O'Sullivan <></literal></quote> becomes <quote><literal>bos</literal></quote>.</para> </listitem></itemizedlist> &interaction.template.simple.manyfilters; <note> <para id="x_5b7"> If you try to apply a filter to a piece of data that it cannot process, Mercurial will fail and print a Python exception. For example, trying to run the output of the <literal role="template-keyword">desc</literal> keyword into the <literal role="template-kw-filt-date">isodate</literal> filter is not a good idea.</para> </note> <sect2> <title>Combining filters</title> <para id="x_5b8">It is easy to combine filters to yield output in the form you would like. The following chain of filters tidies up a description, then makes sure that it fits cleanly into 68 columns, then indents it by a further 8 characters (at least on Unix-like systems, where a tab is conventionally 8 characters wide).</para> &interaction.template.simple.combine; <para id="x_5b9">Note the use of <quote><literal>\t</literal></quote> (a tab character) in the template to force the first line to be indented; this is necessary since <literal role="template-keyword">tabindent</literal> indents all lines <emphasis>except</emphasis> the first.</para> <para id="x_5ba">Keep in mind that the order of filters in a chain is significant. The first filter is applied to the result of the keyword; the second to the result of the first filter; and so on. For example, using <literal>fill68|tabindent</literal> gives very different results from <literal>tabindent|fill68</literal>.</para> </sect2> </sect1> <sect1> <title>From templates to styles</title> <para id="x_5bb">A command line template provides a quick and simple way to format some output. Templates can become verbose, though, and it's useful to be able to give a template a name. A style file is a template with a name, stored in a file.</para> <para id="x_5bc">More than that, using a style file unlocks the power of Mercurial's templating engine in ways that are not possible using the command line <option role="hg-opt-log">--template</option> option.</para> <sect2> <title>The simplest of style files</title> <para id="x_5bd">Our simple style file contains just one line:</para> &interaction.template.simple.rev; <para id="x_5be">This tells Mercurial, <quote>if you're printing a changeset, use the text on the right as the template</quote>.</para> </sect2> <sect2> <title>Style file syntax</title> <para id="x_5bf">The syntax rules for a style file are simple.</para> <itemizedlist> <listitem><para id="x_5c0">The file is processed one line at a time.</para> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_5c1">Leading and trailing white space are ignored.</para> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_5c2">Empty lines are skipped.</para> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_5c3">If a line starts with either of the characters <quote><literal>#</literal></quote> or <quote><literal>;</literal></quote>, the entire line is treated as a comment, and skipped as if empty.</para> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_5c4">A line starts with a keyword. This must start with an alphabetic character or underscore, and can subsequently contain any alphanumeric character or underscore. (In regexp notation, a keyword must match <literal>[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*</literal>.)</para> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_5c5">The next element must be an <quote><literal>=</literal></quote> character, which can be preceded or followed by an arbitrary amount of white space.</para> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_5c6">If the rest of the line starts and ends with matching quote characters (either single or double quote), it is treated as a template body.</para> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_5c7">If the rest of the line <emphasis>does not</emphasis> start with a quote character, it is treated as the name of a file; the contents of this file will be read and used as a template body.</para> </listitem></itemizedlist> </sect2> </sect1> <sect1> <title>Style files by example</title> <para id="x_5c8">To illustrate how to write a style file, we will construct a few by example. Rather than provide a complete style file and walk through it, we'll mirror the usual process of developing a style file by starting with something very simple, and walking through a series of successively more complete examples.</para> <sect2> <title>Identifying mistakes in style files</title> <para id="x_5c9">If Mercurial encounters a problem in a style file you are working on, it prints a terse error message that, once you figure out what it means, is actually quite useful.</para> &interaction.template.svnstyle.syntax.input; <para id="x_5ca">Notice that <filename></filename> attempts to define a <literal>changeset</literal> keyword, but forgets to give any content for it. When instructed to use this style file, Mercurial promptly complains.</para> &interaction.template.svnstyle.syntax.error; <para id="x_5cb">This error message looks intimidating, but it is not too hard to follow.</para> <itemizedlist> <listitem><para id="x_5cc">The first component is simply Mercurial's way of saying <quote>I am giving up</quote>.</para> <programlisting>___abort___: parse error</programlisting> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_5cd">Next comes the name of the style file that contains the error.</para> <programlisting>abort: ___broken.style___:1: parse error</programlisting> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_5ce">Following the file name is the line number where the error was encountered.</para> <programlisting>abort: parse error</programlisting> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_5cf">Finally, a description of what went wrong.</para> <programlisting>abort: ___parse error___</programlisting> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_5d0">The description of the problem is not always clear (as in this case), but even when it is cryptic, it is almost always trivial to visually inspect the offending line in the style file and see what is wrong.</para> </listitem></itemizedlist> </sect2> <sect2> <title>Uniquely identifying a repository</title> <para id="x_5d1">If you would like to be able to identify a Mercurial repository <quote>fairly uniquely</quote> using a short string as an identifier, you can use the first revision in the repository.</para> &; <para id="x_5d2">This is not guaranteed to be unique, but it is nevertheless useful in many cases.</para> <itemizedlist> <listitem><para id="x_5d3">It will not work in a completely empty repository, because such a repository does not have a revision zero.</para> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_5d4">Neither will it work in the (extremely rare) case where a repository is a merge of two or more formerly independent repositories, and you still have those repositories around.</para> </listitem></itemizedlist> <para id="x_5d5">Here are some uses to which you could put this identifier:</para> <itemizedlist> <listitem><para id="x_5d6">As a key into a table for a database that manages repositories on a server.</para> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_5d7">As half of a {<emphasis>repository ID</emphasis>, <emphasis>revision ID</emphasis>} tuple. Save this information away when you run an automated build or other activity, so that you can <quote>replay</quote> the build later if necessary.</para> </listitem></itemizedlist> </sect2> <sect2> <title>Mimicking Subversion's output</title> <para id="x_5d8">Let's try to emulate the default output format used by another revision control tool, Subversion.</para> &interaction.template.svnstyle.short; <para id="x_5d9">Since Subversion's output style is fairly simple, it is easy to copy-and-paste a hunk of its output into a file, and replace the text produced above by Subversion with the template values we'd like to see expanded.</para> &interaction.template.svnstyle.template; <para id="x_5da">There are a few small ways in which this template deviates from the output produced by Subversion.</para> <itemizedlist> <listitem><para id="x_5db">Subversion prints a <quote>readable</quote> date (the <quote><literal>Wed, 27 Sep 2006</literal></quote> in the example output above) in parentheses. Mercurial's templating engine does not provide a way to display a date in this format without also printing the time and time zone.</para> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_5dc">We emulate Subversion's printing of <quote>separator</quote> lines full of <quote><literal>-</literal></quote> characters by ending the template with such a line. We use the templating engine's <literal role="template-keyword">header</literal> keyword to print a separator line as the first line of output (see below), thus achieving similar output to Subversion.</para> </listitem> <listitem><para id="x_5dd">Subversion's output includes a count in the header of the number of lines in the commit message. We cannot replicate this in Mercurial; the templating engine does not currently provide a filter that counts the number of lines the template generates.</para> </listitem></itemizedlist> <para id="x_5de">It took me no more than a minute or two of work to replace literal text from an example of Subversion's output with some keywords and filters to give the template above. The style file simply refers to the template.</para> &; <para id="x_5df">We could have included the text of the template file directly in the style file by enclosing it in quotes and replacing the newlines with <quote><literal>\n</literal></quote> sequences, but it would have made the style file too difficult to read. Readability is a good guide when you're trying to decide whether some text belongs in a style file, or in a template file that the style file points to. If the style file will look too big or cluttered if you insert a literal piece of text, drop it into a template instead.</para> </sect2> </sect1> </chapter> <!-- local variables: sgml-parent-document: ("00book.xml" "book" "chapter") end: -->