view tools/po4a/po4a-updatepo @ 751:751ee9bf2e8d

ch00-preface.xml: Typo fix
author Dongsheng Song <>
date Fri, 20 Mar 2009 16:59:07 +0800
parents 082bb76417f1
line wrap: on
line source

#! /usr/bin/env perl
eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
    if $running_under_some_shell;

# pod-updatepo -- Update the po translation of POD data.
# $Id: po4a-updatepo,v 1.44 2009-03-07 12:33:10 nekral-guest Exp $
# Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004 by Martin Quinson (
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of GPL (see COPYING).

=head1 NAME

po4a-updatepo - update the translation (in po format) of documentation


po4a-updatepo -f E<lt>fmtE<gt> (-m E<lt>master.docE<gt>)+ (-p E<lt>XX.poE<gt>)+

(XX.po are the outputs, all others are inputs)


The po4a (po for anything) project goal is to ease translations (and more
interestingly, the maintenance of translations) using gettext tools on
areas where they were not expected like documentation.

The C<po4a-updatepo> script is in charge of updating po files to make
them reflect the changes made to the original documentation file. For that,
it converts the documentation file to a pot file, and call L<msgmerge(1)>
on this new pot and on the provided po files.

It is possible to give more than one po file (if you want to update several
languages at once), and several documentation files (if you want to store
the translations of several documents in the same po file).

If the master document has non-ascii characters, it will convert the po files
to utf-8 (if they weren't already), in order to allow non-standard characters
in a culture independent way.


=over 4

=item -f, --format

Format of the documentation you want to handle. Use the --help-format
option to see the list of available formats.

=item -m, --master

File(s) containing the master document to translate.

=item -M, --master-charset

Charset of the files containing the document to translate. Note that all
files must have the same charset.

=item -p, --po

Po file(s) to update. If these files do not exist, they are created by

=item -o, --option

Extra option(s) to pass to the format plugin and other po4a internal module.
Specify each option in the 'name=value' format. See the documentation of
each plugin for more information about the valid options and their meanings.

=item --previous

This option adds '--previous' to the options passed to msgmerge.
It requires gettext 0.16 or later.

=item --msgmerge-opt options

Extra options for msgmerge.

=item -h, --help

Show a short help message.

=item --help-format

List the documentation format handled by po4a.

=item -V, --version

Display the version of the script and exit.

=item -v, --verbose

Increase the verbosity of the program.

=item -d, --debug

Output some debugging information.


=head1 SEE ALSO

L<po4a(7)>, L<po4a-gettextize(1)>, L<po4a-translate(1)>, L<po4a-normalize(1)>.

=head1 AUTHORS

 Denis Barbier <>
 Martin Quinson (


Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 by SPI, inc.

This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of GPL (see the COPYING file).


use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;

use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
use Locale::Po4a::Po;

use Locale::Po4a::Chooser;
use Locale::Po4a::TransTractor;
use Locale::Po4a::Common;

use Pod::Usage qw(pod2usage);

use File::Temp;


sub show_version {
    exit 0;

# init commandline parser
Getopt::Long::config('bundling', 'no_getopt_compat', 'no_auto_abbrev');

# Parse our options
my (@masterfiles,@pofiles);
my ($help,$help_fmt,$verbose,$debug,$format,@options);
my $mastchar;
my $previous;
my $msgmerge_opt = "";
GetOptions('help|h'      => \$help,
	   'help-format' => \$help_fmt,

	   'master|m=s'  => \@masterfiles,
	   'po|p=s'      => \@pofiles,
	   'format|f=s'  => \$format,

	   'master-charset|M=s' => \$mastchar,

	   'option|o=s'  => \@options,

	   'previous'    => \$previous,
	   'msgmerge-opt=s' => \$msgmerge_opt,
	   'verbose|v'   => \$verbose,
	   'debug|d'     => \$debug,
	   'version|V'   => \&show_version)
    or pod2usage();

$help && pod2usage (-verbose => 1, -exitval => 0);
$help_fmt && Locale::Po4a::Chooser::list(0);
pod2usage () if scalar @masterfiles < 1 || scalar @pofiles < 1;

$msgmerge_opt .= " --previous" if $previous;

my %options = (
    "verbose" => $verbose,
    "debug" => $debug);

foreach (@options) {
    if (m/^([^=]*)=(.*)$/) {
    } else {

# parser
my ($doc)=Locale::Po4a::Chooser::new($format,%options);

map { -e $_ || die wrap_msg(gettext("File %s does not exist."), $_) } @masterfiles;
map { die wrap_msg(gettext("po4a-updatepo can't take the input po from stdin."))
	if $_ eq '-'  && !-e '-'} @pofiles;

my ($pot_filename);
					   DIR    => "/tmp",
					   SUFFIX => ".pot",
					   OPEN   => 0,
					   UNLINK => 0)
    or die wrap_msg(gettext("Can't create a temporary pot file: %s"), $!);

print STDERR wrap_msg(gettext("Parse input files... ")) if $verbose;

$doc->{TT}{utf_mode} = 1;

$doc->process('file_in_name'    => \@masterfiles,
	      'file_in_charset' => $mastchar,
	      'po_out_name'     => $pot_filename,
	      'debug'           => $debug,
	      'verbose'         => $verbose);

print STDERR wrap_msg(gettext("done.")) if $verbose;

while (my $po_filename=shift @pofiles) {
    if (-e $po_filename) {
	print STDERR wrap_msg(gettext("Updating %s:"), $po_filename)
	    if $verbose;
	my $cmd = "msgmerge $msgmerge_opt -U $po_filename $pot_filename";
	system ($cmd) == 0
	    or die wrap_msg(gettext("Error while running msgmerge: %s"), $!);
	system "msgfmt --statistics -v -o /dev/null $po_filename"
	  if $verbose;
    } else {
	print STDERR wrap_msg(gettext("Creating %s:"), $po_filename)
	    if $verbose;
	system ("cp",$pot_filename,$po_filename) == 0
	    or die wrap_msg(gettext("Error while copying the po file: %s"), $!);
