view ja/undo.tex @ 372:bc32663d557e

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author Yoshiki Yazawa <>
date Mon, 08 Dec 2008 18:19:04 +0900
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%\chapter{Finding and fixing your mistakes}

%To err might be human, but to really handle the consequences well
%takes a top-notch revision control system.  In this chapter, we'll
%discuss some of the techniques you can use when you find that a
%problem has crept into your project.  Mercurial has some highly
%capable features that will help you to isolate the sources of
%problems, and to handle them appropriately.


%\section{Erasing local history}

%\subsection{The accidental commit}

%I have the occasional but persistent problem of typing rather more
%quickly than I can think, which sometimes results in me committing a
%changeset that is either incomplete or plain wrong.  In my case, the
%usual kind of incomplete changeset is one in which I've created a new
%source file, but forgotten to \hgcmd{add} it.  A ``plain wrong''
%changeset is not as common, but no less annoying.


%\subsection{Rolling back a transaction}

%In section~\ref{sec:concepts:txn}, I mentioned that Mercurial treats
%each modification of a repository as a \emph{transaction}.  Every time
%you commit a changeset or pull changes from another repository,
%Mercurial remembers what you did.  You can undo, or \emph{roll back},
%exactly one of these actions using the \hgcmd{rollback} command.  (See
%section~\ref{sec:undo:rollback-after-push} for an important caveat
%about the use of this command.)


%Here's a mistake that I often find myself making: committing a change
%in which I've created a new file, but forgotten to \hgcmd{add} it.
%Looking at the output of \hgcmd{status} after the commit immediately
%confirms the error.
%The commit captured the changes to the file \filename{a}, but not the
%new file \filename{b}.  If I were to push this changeset to a
%repository that I shared with a colleague, the chances are high that
%something in \filename{a} would refer to \filename{b}, which would not
%be present in their repository when they pulled my changes.  I would
%thus become the object of some indignation.


%However, luck is with me---I've caught my error before I pushed the
%changeset.  I use the \hgcmd{rollback} command, and Mercurial makes
%that last changeset vanish.
%Notice that the changeset is no longer present in the repository's
%history, and the working directory once again thinks that the file
%\filename{a} is modified.The commit and rollback have left the
%working directory exactly as it was prior to the commit; the changeset
%has been completely erased.  I can now safely \hgcmd{add} the file
%\filename{b}, and rerun my commit.

$BA4$K>C5n$5$l$k!%$3$N>uBV$G0BA4$K(B\hgcmd{add} \filename{b}$B$7!$$b$&0lEY(B

%\subsection{The erroneous pull}

%It's common practice with Mercurial to maintain separate development
%branches of a project in different repositories.  Your development
%team might have one shared repository for your project's ``0.9''
%release, and another, containing different changes, for the ``1.0''


%Given this, you can imagine that the consequences could be messy if
%you had a local ``0.9'' repository, and accidentally pulled changes
%from the shared ``1.0'' repository into it.  At worst, you could be
%paying insufficient attention, and push those changes into the shared
%``0.9'' tree, confusing your entire team (but don't worry, we'll
%return to this horror scenario later).  However, it's more likely that
%you'll notice immediately, because Mercurial will display the URL it's
%pulling from, or you will see it pull a suspiciously large number of
%changes into the repository.


%The \hgcmd{rollback} command will work nicely to expunge all of the
%changesets that you just pulled.  Mercurial groups all changes from
%one \hgcmd{pull} into a single transaction, so one \hgcmd{rollback} is
%all you need to undo this mistake.


%\subsection{Rolling back is useless once you've pushed}

%The value of the \hgcmd{rollback} command drops to zero once you've
%pushed your changes to another repository.  Rolling back a change
%makes it disappear entirely, but \emph{only} in the repository in
%which you perform the \hgcmd{rollback}.  Because a rollback eliminates
%history, there's no way for the disappearance of a change to propagate
%between repositories.


%If you've pushed a change to another repository---particularly if it's a
%shared repository---it has essentially ``escaped into the wild,'' and
%you'll have to recover from your mistake in a different way.  What will
%happen if you push a changeset somewhere, then roll it back, then pull
%from the repository you pushed to, is that the changeset will reappear
%in your repository.


%(If you absolutely know for sure that the change you want to roll back
%is the most recent change in the repository that you pushed to,
%\emph{and} you know that nobody else could have pulled it from that
%repository, you can roll back the changeset there, too, but you really
%should really not rely on this working reliably.  If you do this,
%sooner or later a change really will make it into a repository that
%you don't directly control (or have forgotten about), and come back to
%bite you.)


%\subsection{You can only roll back once}

%Mercurial stores exactly one transaction in its transaction log; that
%transaction is the most recent one that occurred in the repository.
%This means that you can only roll back one transaction.  If you expect
%to be able to roll back one transaction, then its predecessor, this is
%not the behaviour you will get.
%Once you've rolled back one transaction in a repository, you can't
%roll back again in that repository until you perform another commit or


%\section{Reverting the mistaken change}

%If you make a modification to a file, and decide that you really
%didn't want to change the file at all, and you haven't yet committed
%your changes, the \hgcmd{revert} command is the one you'll need.  It
%looks at the changeset that's the parent of the working directory, and
%restores the contents of the file to their state as of that changeset.
%(That's a long-winded way of saying that, in the normal case, it
%undoes your modifications.)


%Let's illustrate how the \hgcmd{revert} command works with yet another
%small example.  We'll begin by modifying a file that Mercurial is
%already tracking.
%If we don't want that change, we can simply \hgcmd{revert} the file.
%The \hgcmd{revert} command provides us with an extra degree of safety
%by saving our modified file with a \filename{.orig} extension.


%Here is a summary of the cases that the \hgcmd{revert} command can
%deal with.  We will describe each of these in more detail in the
%section that follows.
%\item If you modify a file, it will restore the file to its unmodified
%  state.
%\item If you \hgcmd{add} a file, it will undo the ``added'' state of
%  the file, but leave the file itself untouched.
%\item If you delete a file without telling Mercurial, it will restore
%  the file to its unmodified contents.
%\item If you use the \hgcmd{remove} command to remove a file, it will
%  undo the ``removed'' state of the file, and restore the file to its
%  unmodified contents.


\item $B%U%!%$%k$rJQ99$7$?>l9g!$(B\hgcmd{revert}$B$O%U%!%$%k$rJQ99$5$l$kA0$N>u(B

\item \hgcmd{add}$B$r<B9T$7$?>l9g!$(B\hgcmd{revert}$B$O(Badd$B$r<h$j>C$9$,!$%U%!%$(B
\item Mercurial$B$rA`:n$;$:$K%U%!%$%k$r>C5n$7$F$$$?>l9g!$(B\hgcmd{revert}$B$O(B
\item \hgcmd{remove}$B%3%^%s%I$G%U%!%$%k$r>C5n$7$F$$$?>l9g!$JQ99A0$N>uBV$G(B

%\subsection{File management errors}

%The \hgcmd{revert} command is useful for more than just modified
%files.  It lets you reverse the results of all of Mercurial's file
%management commands---\hgcmd{add}, \hgcmd{remove}, and so on.


%If you \hgcmd{add} a file, then decide that in fact you don't want
%Mercurial to track it, use \hgcmd{revert} to undo the add.  Don't
%worry; Mercurial will not modify the file in any way.  It will just
%``unmark'' the file.


%Similarly, if you ask Mercurial to \hgcmd{remove} a file, you can use
%\hgcmd{revert} to restore it to the contents it had as of the parent
%of the working directory.
%This works just as well for a file that you deleted by hand, without
%telling Mercurial (recall that in Mercurial terminology, this kind of
%file is called ``missing'').


%If you revert a \hgcmd{copy}, the copied-to file remains in your
%working directory afterwards, untracked.  Since a copy doesn't affect
%the copied-from file in any way, Mercurial doesn't do anything with
%the copied-from file.


%\subsubsection{A slightly special case: reverting a rename}

%If you \hgcmd{rename} a file, there is one small detail that
%you should remember.  When you \hgcmd{revert} a rename, it's not
%enough to provide the name of the renamed-to file, as you can see
%As you can see from the output of \hgcmd{status}, the renamed-to file
%is no longer identified as added, but the renamed-\emph{from} file is
%still removed!  This is counter-intuitive (at least to me), but at
%least it's easy to deal with.
%So remember, to revert a \hgcmd{rename}, you must provide \emph{both}
%the source and destination names.  


%(By the way, if you rename a file, then modify the renamed-to file,
%then revert both components of the rename, when Mercurial restores the
%file that was removed as part of the rename, it will be unmodified.
%If you need the modifications in the renamed-to file to show up in the
%renamed-from file, don't forget to copy them over.)


%These fiddly aspects of reverting a rename arguably constitute a small
%bug in Mercurial.


%\section{Dealing with committed changes}

%Consider a case where you have committed a change $a$, and another
%change $b$ on top of it; you then realise that change $a$ was
%incorrect.  Mercurial lets you ``back out'' an entire changeset
%automatically, and building blocks that let you reverse part of a
%changeset by hand.


%Before you read this section, here's something to keep in mind: the
%\hgcmd{backout} command undoes changes by \emph{adding} history, not
%by modifying or erasing it.  It's the right tool to use if you're
%fixing bugs, but not if you're trying to undo some change that has
%catastrophic consequences.  To deal with those, see


%\subsection{Backing out a changeset}

%The \hgcmd{backout} command lets you ``undo'' the effects of an entire
%changeset in an automated fashion.  Because Mercurial's history is
%immutable, this command \emph{does not} get rid of the changeset you
%want to undo.  Instead, it creates a new changeset that
%\emph{reverses} the effect of the to-be-undone changeset.


%The operation of the \hgcmd{backout} command is a little intricate, so
%let's illustrate it with some examples.  First, we'll create a
%repository with some simple changes.


%The \hgcmd{backout} command takes a single changeset ID as its
%argument; this is the changeset to back out.  Normally,
%\hgcmd{backout} will drop you into a text editor to write a commit
%message, so you can record why you're backing the change out.  In this
%example, we provide a commit message on the command line using the
%\hgopt{backout}{-m} option.


%\subsection{Backing out the tip changeset}

%We're going to start by backing out the last changeset we committed.
%You can see that the second line from \filename{myfile} is no longer
%present.  Taking a look at the output of \hgcmd{log} gives us an idea
%of what the \hgcmd{backout} command has done.
%Notice that the new changeset that \hgcmd{backout} has created is a
%child of the changeset we backed out.  It's easier to see this in
%figure~\ref{fig:undo:backout}, which presents a graphical view of the
%change history.  As you can see, the history is nice and linear.


%  \caption{Backing out a change using the \hgcmd{backout} command}

%\subsection{Backing out a non-tip change}

%If you want to back out a change other than the last one you
%committed, pass the \hgopt{backout}{--merge} option to the
%\hgcmd{backout} command.
%This makes backing out any changeset a ``one-shot'' operation that's
%usually simple and fast.


%If you take a look at the contents of \filename{myfile} after the
%backout finishes, you'll see that the first and third changes are
%present, but not the second.


%As the graphical history in figure~\ref{fig:undo:backout-non-tip}
%illustrates, Mercurial actually commits \emph{two} changes in this
%kind of situation (the box-shaped nodes are the ones that Mercurial
%commits automatically).  Before Mercurial begins the backout process,
%it first remembers what the current parent of the working directory
%is.  It then backs out the target changeset, and commits that as a
%changeset.  Finally, it merges back to the previous parent of the
%working directory, and commits the result of the merge.


%  \caption{Automated backout of a non-tip change using the
 %  \hgcmd{backout} command}

%The result is that you end up ``back where you were'', only with some
%extra history that undoes the effect of the changeset you wanted to
%back out.


%\subsubsection{Always use the \hgopt{backout}{--merge} option}

%In fact, since the \hgopt{backout}{--merge} option will do the ``right
%thing'' whether or not the changeset you're backing out is the tip
%(i.e.~it won't try to merge if it's backing out the tip, since there's
%no need), you should \emph{always} use this option when you run the
%\hgcmd{backout} command.


%\subsection{Gaining more control of the backout process}

%While I've recommended that you always use the
%\hgopt{backout}{--merge} option when backing out a change, the
%\hgcmd{backout} command lets you decide how to merge a backout
%changeset.  Taking control of the backout process by hand is something
%you will rarely need to do, but it can be useful to understand what
%the \hgcmd{backout} command is doing for you automatically. To
%illustrate this, let's clone our first repository, but omit the
%backout change that it contains.


%As with our earlier example, We'll commit a third changeset, then back
%out its parent, and see what happens.
%Our new changeset is again a descendant of the changeset we backout
%out; it's thus a new head, \emph{not} a descendant of the changeset
%that was the tip.  The \hgcmd{backout} command was quite explicit in
%telling us this.




%Again, it's easier to see what has happened by looking at a graph of
%the revision history, in figure~\ref{fig:undo:backout-manual}.This
%makes it clear that when we use \hgcmd{backout} to back out a change
%other than the tip, Mercurial adds a new head to the repository (the
%change it committed is box-shaped).


%  \caption{Backing out a change using the \hgcmd{backout} command}

%After the \hgcmd{backout} command has completed, it leaves the new
%``backout'' changeset as the parent of the working directory.
%Now we have two isolated sets of changes.


%Let's think about what we expect to see as the contents of
%\filename{myfile} now.  The first change should be present, because
%we've never backed it out.  The second change should be missing, as
%that's the change we backed out.  Since the history graph shows the
%third change as a separate head, we \emph{don't} expect to see the
%third change present in \filename{myfile}.
%To get the third change back into the file, we just do a normal merge
%of our two heads.
%Afterwards, the graphical history of our repository looks like


%  \caption{Manually merging a backout change}

%\subsection{Why \hgcmd{backout} works as it does}

%Here's a brief description of how the \hgcmd{backout} command works.
%\item It ensures that the working directory is ``clean'', i.e.~that
%  the output of \hgcmd{status} would be empty.
%\item It remembers the current parent of the working directory.  Let's
%  call this changeset \texttt{orig}
%\item It does the equivalent of a \hgcmd{update} to sync the working
%  directory to the changeset you want to back out.  Let's call this
%  changeset \texttt{backout}
%\item It finds the parent of that changeset.  Let's call that
%  changeset \texttt{parent}.
%\item For each file that the \texttt{backout} changeset affected, it
%  does the equivalent of a \hgcmdargs{revert}{-r parent} on that file,
%  to restore it to the contents it had before that changeset was
%  committed.
%\item It commits the result as a new changeset.  This changeset has
%  \texttt{backout} as its parent.
%\item If you specify \hgopt{backout}{--merge} on the command line, it
%  merges with \texttt{orig}, and commits the result of the merge.

 \item $B%o!<%-%s%0%G%#%l%/%H%j$,%/%j!<%s$G$"$k$3$H$r3NG'$9$k!%(Bi.e.\hgcmd{status}
 \item $B8=:_$N%o!<%-%s%0%G%#%l%/%H%j$N?F$r5-21$9$k$3$N%A%'%s%8%;%C%H$r(B
 \item $B%o!<%-%s%0%G%#%l%/%H%j$r!$%P%C%/%"%&%H$7$?%A%'%s%8%;%C%H$NFbMF$K(B
 \item $B$=$N%A%'%s%8%;%C%H$N?F$r8+$D$1=P$9$3$N%A%'%s%8%;%C%H$r(B
 \item \texttt{backout}$B%A%'%s%8%;%C%H$,1F6A$9$k3F!9$N%U%!%$%k$KBP$7$F!$(B
       \hgcmdargs{revert}{-r parent}$B$HEy2A$JA`:n$r9T$$!$%A%'%s%8%;%C%H$,(B
 \item $B?7$7$$%A%'%s%8%;%C%H$N7k2L$r%3%_%C%H$9$k!%$3$N%A%'%s%8%;%C%H$O(B
 \item \hgopt{backout}{--merge}$B$r%3%^%s%I%i%$%s$+$iF~NO$7$?>l9g!$(B

%An alternative way to implement the \hgcmd{backout} command would be
%to \hgcmd{export} the to-be-backed-out changeset as a diff, then use
%the \cmdopt{patch}{--reverse} option to the \command{patch} command to
%reverse the effect of the change without fiddling with the working
%directory.  This sounds much simpler, but it would not work nearly as


%The reason that \hgcmd{backout} does an update, a commit, a merge, and
%another commit is to give the merge machinery the best chance to do a
%good job when dealing with all the changes \emph{between} the change
%you're backing out and the current tip.  


%If you're backing out a changeset that's~100 revisions back in your
%project's history, the chances that the \command{patch} command will
%be able to apply a reverse diff cleanly are not good,because
%intervening changes are likely to have ``broken the context'' that
%\command{patch} uses to determine whether it can apply a patch (if
%this sounds like gibberish, see \ref{sec:mq:patch} for a
%discussion of the \command{patch} command).
%Also, Mercurial's merge machinery will handle files and directories
%being renamed, permission changes, and modifications to binary files,
%none of which \command{patch} can deal with.


%\section{Changes that should never have been}

%Most of the time, the \hgcmd{backout} command is exactly what you need
%if you want to undo the effects of a change.  It leaves a permanent
%record of exactly what you did, both when committing the original
%changeset and when you cleaned up after it.


%On rare occasions, though, you may find that you've committed a change
%that really should not be present in the repository at all.  For
%example, it would be very unusual, and usually considered a mistake,
%to commit a software project's object files as well as its source
%files.Object files have almost no intrinsic value, and they're
%\emph{big}, so they increase the size of the repository and the amount
%of time it takes to clone or pull changes.


%Before I discuss the options that you have if you commit a ``brown
%paper bag'' change (the kind that's so bad that you want to pull a
%brown paper bag over your head), let me first discuss some approaches
%that probably won't work.


%Since Mercurial treats history as accumulative---every change builds
%on top of all changes that preceded it---you generally can't just make
%disastrous changes disappear.  The one exception is when you've just
%committed a change, and it hasn't been pushed or pulled into another
%repository.  That's when you can safely use the \hgcmd{rollback}
%command, as I detailed in section~\ref{sec:undo:rollback}.


%After you've pushed a bad change to another repository, you \emph{could}
%still use \hgcmd{rollback} to make your local copy of the change
%disappear, but it won't have the consequences you want.  The change will
%still be present in the remote repository, so it will reappear in your
%local repository the next time you pull.


%If a situation like this arises, and you know which repositories your
%bad change has propagated into, you can \emph{try} to get rid of the
%changee from \emph{every} one of those repositories.  This is, of
%course, not a satisfactory solution: if you miss even a single
%repository while you're expunging, the change is still ``in the
%wild'', and could propagate further.


%If you've committed one or more changes \emph{after} the change that
%you'd like to see disappear, your options are further reduced.
%Mercurial doesn't provide a way to ``punch a hole'' in history,
%leaving changesets intact.


%XXX This needs filling out.  The \texttt{hg-replay} script in the
%\texttt{examples} directory works, but doesn't handle merge
%changesets.  Kind of an important omission.

XXX $BDI5-$NI,MW@-$"$j!%(B\texttt{examples}$B%G%#%l%/%H%jFb$N(B

%\subsection{Protect yourself from ``escaped'' changes}

%If you've committed some changes to your local repository and they've
%been pushed or pulled somewhere else, this isn't necessarily a
%disaster.  You can protect yourself ahead of time against some classes
%of bad changeset.  This is particularly easy if your team usually
%pulls changes from a central repository.


%By configuring some hooks on that repository to validate incoming
%changesets (see chapter~\ref{chap:hook}), you can automatically
%prevent some kinds of bad changeset from being pushed to the central
%repository at all.  With such a configuration in place, some kinds of
%bad changeset will naturally tend to ``die out'' because they can't
%propagate into the central repository.
%Better yet, this happens without any need for explicit intervention.


%For instance, an incoming change hook that verifies that a changeset
%will actually compile can prevent people from inadvertantly ``breaking
%the build''.


%\section{Finding the source of a bug}

%While it's all very well to be able to back out a changeset that
%introduced a bug, this requires that you know which changeset to back
%out.  Mercurial provides an invaluable command, called
%\hgcmd{bisect}, that helps you to automate this process and accomplish
%it very efficiently.


%The idea behind the \hgcmd{bisect} command is that a changeset has
%introduced some change of behaviour that you can identify with a
%simple binary test.  You don't know which piece of code introduced the
%change, but you know how to test for the presence of the bug.  The
%\hgcmd{bisect} command uses your test to direct its search for the
%changeset that introduced the code that caused the bug.


%Here are a few scenarios to help you understand how you might apply
%this command.
%\item The most recent version of your software has a bug that you
%  remember wasn't present a few weeks ago, but you don't know when it
%  was introduced.  Here, your binary test checks for the presence of
%  that bug.
%\item You fixed a bug in a rush, and now it's time to close the entry
%  in your team's bug database.  The bug database requires a changeset
%  ID when you close an entry, but you don't remember which changeset
%  you fixed the bug in.  Once again, your binary test checks for the
%  presence of the bug.
%\item Your software works correctly, but runs~15\% slower than the
%  last time you measured it.  You want to know which changeset
%  introduced the performance regression.  In this case, your binary
%  test measures the performance of your software, to see whether it's
%  ``fast'' or ``slow''.
%\item The sizes of the components of your project that you ship
%  exploded recently, and you suspect that something changed in the way
%  you build your project.

 \item $B%P%0$,5/$-$F$$$J$+$C$?:G$b?7$7$$%P!<%8%g%s$r3P$($F$$$k$,!$$I$N%P!<(B
 \item $B%P%0$rBg5^$.$G=$@5$7!$$"$J$?$N%A!<%`$N%P%0%G!<%?%Y!<%9$r%/%m!<%:(B
 \item $B$"$J$?$N%=%U%H%&%'%"$O@5$7$/F0$$$?$,!$0JA0B,Dj$7$?;~$h$j$b(B15\%$BCY(B
 \item $B=P2Y$9$k%W%m%8%'%/%H$N%3%s%]!<%M%s%H%5%$%:$,:G6aGzH/E*$KA}$($?!%(B

%From these examples, it should be clear that the \hgcmd{bisect}
%command is not useful only for finding the sources of bugs.  You can
%use it to find any ``emergent property'' of a repository (anything
%that you can't find from a simple text search of the files in the
%tree) for which you can write a binary test.


%We'll introduce a little bit of terminology here, just to make it
%clear which parts of the search process are your responsibility, and
%which are Mercurial's.  A \emph{test} is something that \emph{you} run
%when \hgcmd{bisect} chooses a changeset.A \emph{probe} is what
%\hgcmd{bisect} runs to tell whether a revision is good.  Finally,
%we'll use the word ``bisect'', as both a noun and a verb, to stand in
%for the phrase ``search using the \hgcmd{bisect} command''.


%One simple way to automate the searching process would be simply to
%probe every changeset.  However, this scales poorly.If it took ten
%minutes to test a single changeset, and you had 10,000 changesets in
%your repository, the exhaustive approach would take on average~35
%\emph{days} to find the changeset that introduced a bug. Even if you
%knew that the bug was introduced by one of the last 500 changesets,
%and limited your search to those, you'd still be looking at over 40
%hours to find the changeset that introduced your bug.


%What the \hgcmd{bisect} command does is use its knowledge of the
%``shape'' of your project's revision history to perform a search in
%time proportional to the \emph{logarithm} of the number of changesets
%to check (the kind of search it performs is called a dichotomic

%With this approach, searching through 10,000 changesets will
%take less than three hours, even at ten minutes per test (the search
%will require about 14 tests).  Limit your search to the last hundred
%changesets, and it will take only about an hour (roughly seven tests).


%The \hgcmd{bisect} command is aware of the ``branchy'' nature of a
%Mercurial project's revision history, so it has no problems dealing
%with branches, merges, or multiple heads in a repoository.  It can
%prune entire branches of history with a single probe, which is how it
%operates so efficiently.


%\subsection{Using the \hgcmd{bisect} command}

%Here's an example of \hgcmd{bisect} in action.

%  In versions 0.9.5 and earlier of Mercurial, \hgcmd{bisect} was not a
%  core command: it was distributed with Mercurial as an extension.
%  This section describes the built-in command, not the old extension.


%Now let's create a repository, so that we can try out the
%\hgcmd{bisect} command in isolation.
%We'll simulate a project that has a bug in it in a simple-minded way:
%create trivial changes in a loop, and nominate one specific change
%that will have the ``bug''.  This loop creates 35 changesets, each
%adding a single file to the repository.  We'll represent our ``bug''
%with a file that contains the text ``i have a gub''.

$B$O(B``i have a gub''$B$H$$$&J8;zNs$r;}$D%U%!%$%k$GI=8=$9$k!%(B

%The next thing that we'd like to do is figure out how to use the
%\hgcmd{bisect} command.  We can use Mercurial's normal built-in help
%mechanism for this.


%The \hgcmd{bisect} command works in steps.  Each step proceeds as follows.
%\item You run your binary test.
%  \begin{itemize}
%  \item If the test succeeded, you tell \hgcmd{bisect} by running the
%    \hgcmdargs{bisect}{good} command.
%  \item If it failed, run the \hgcmdargs{bisect}{--bad} command.
%  \end{itemize}
%\item The command uses your information to decide which changeset to
%  test next.
%\item It updates the working directory to that changeset, and the
%  process begins again.
%The process ends when \hgcmd{bisect} identifies a unique changeset
%that marks the point where your test transitioned from ``succeeding''
%to ``failing''.

\item $B%P%$%J%j%F%9%H$r<B9T$9$k(B
   \item $B%F%9%H$,@.8y$7$?>l9g!$(B\hgcmd{bisect}$B$r0z?t(B\hgcmdargs{bisect}{good}
   \item $B%F%9%H$,<:GT$7$?>l9g$O(B\hgcmdargs{bisect}{--bad}$B%3%^%s%I$r<B9T$9(B
 \item $B%3%^%s%I$O0z?t$GEO$5$l$?>pJs$r;H$C$F<!$K$I$N%A%'%s%8%;%C%H$r%F%9(B
 \item $B%3%^%s%I$O%o!<%-%s%0%G%#%l%/%H%j$r$=$N%A%'%s%8%;%C%H$K99?7$9$k!%(B

%To start the search, we must run the \hgcmdargs{bisect}{--reset} command.


%In our case, the binary test we use is simple: we check to see if any
%file in the repository contains the string ``i have a gub''.  If it
%does, this changeset contains the change that ``caused the bug''.  By
%convention, a changeset that has the property we're searching for is
%``bad'', while one that doesn't is ``good''.

$B$3$N%1!<%9$G$O!$%P%$%J%j%F%9%H$OC1=c$G!$%j%]%8%H%jFb$K(B``i have a gub''$B$r(B

%Most of the time, the revision to which the working directory is
%synced (usually the tip) already exhibits the problem introduced by
%the buggy change, so we'll mark it as ``bad''.


%Our next task is to nominate a changeset that we know \emph{doesn't}
%have the bug; the \hgcmd{bisect} command will ``bracket'' its search
%between the first pair of good and bad changesets.  In our case, we
%know that revision~10 didn't have the bug.  (I'll have more words
%about choosing the first ``good'' changeset later.)


%Notice that this command printed some output.
%\item It told us how many changesets it must consider before it can
%  identify the one that introduced the bug, and how many tests that
%  will require.
%\item It updated the working directory to the next changeset to test,
%  and told us which changeset it's testing.

 \item $B%P%0$NF~$C$?%A%'%s%8%;%C%H$rFCDj$9$k$^$G$K9MN8$9$Y$-%A%'%s%8%;%C%H(B
 \item $B%o!<%-%s%0%G%#%l%/%H%j$r<!$N%F%9%H$9$Y$-%A%'%s%8%;%C%H$K99?7$7!$(B

%We now run our test in the working directory.  We use the
%\command{grep} command to see if our ``bad'' file is present in the
%working directory.  If it is, this revision is bad; if not, this
%revision is good.


%This test looks like a perfect candidate for automation, so let's turn
%it into a shell function.
%We can now run an entire test step with a single command,
%A few more invocations of our canned test step command, and we're


%Even though we had~40 changesets to search through, the \hgcmd{bisect}
%command let us find the changeset that introduced our ``bug'' with
%only five tests.  Because the number of tests that the \hgcmd{bisect}
%command grows logarithmically with the number of changesets to
%search, the advantage that it has over the ``brute force'' search
%approach increases with every changeset you add.


%\subsection{Cleaning up after your search}

%When you're finished using the \hgcmd{bisect} command in a
%repository, you can use the \hgcmdargs{bisect}{reset} command to drop
%the information it was using to drive your search.  The command
%doesn't use much space, so it doesn't matter if you forget to run this
%command.  However, \hgcmd{bisect} won't let you start a new search in
%that repository until you do a \hgcmdargs{bisect}{reset}.


%\section{Tips for finding bugs effectively}

%\subsection{Give consistent input}

%The \hgcmd{bisect} command requires that you correctly report the
%result of every test you perform.  If you tell it that a test failed
%when it really succeeded, it \emph{might} be able to detect the
%inconsistency.  If it can identify an inconsistency in your reports,
%it will tell you that a particular changeset is both good and bad.
%However, it can't do this perfectly; it's about as likely to report
%the wrong changeset as the source of the bug.


%\subsection{Automate as much as possible}

%When I started using the \hgcmd{bisect} command, I tried a few times
%to run my tests by hand, on the command line.  This is an approach
%that I, at least, am not suited to.  After a few tries, I found that I
%was making enough mistakes that I was having to restart my searches
%several times before finally getting correct results.


%My initial problems with driving the \hgcmd{bisect} command by hand
%occurred even with simple searches on small repositories; if the
%problem you're looking for is more subtle, or the number of tests that
%\hgcmd{bisect} must perform increases, the likelihood of operator
%error ruining the search is much higher.  Once I started automating my
%tests, I had much better results.


%The key to automated testing is twofold:
%\item always test for the same symptom, and
%\item always feed consistent input to the \hgcmd{bisect} command.
%In my tutorial example above, the \command{grep} command tests for the
%symptom, and the \texttt{if} statement takes the result of this check
%and ensures that we always feed the same input to the \hgcmd{bisect}
%command.  The \texttt{mytest} function marries these together in a
%reproducible way, so that every test is uniform and consistent.

 \item $B>o$KF1$8C{8u$r%F%9%H$9$k!%$=$7$F(B
 \item $B>o$K(B\hgcmd{bisect}$B%3%^%s%I$K0l4S$7$?F~NO$r9T$&!%(B

%\subsection{Check your results}

%Because the output of a \hgcmd{bisect} search is only as good as the
%input you give it, don't take the changeset it reports as the
%absolute truth.  A simple way to cross-check its report is to manually
%run your test at each of the following changesets:
%\item The changeset that it reports as the first bad revision.  Your
%  test should still report this as bad.
%\item The parent of that changeset (either parent, if it's a merge).
%  Your test should report this changeset as good.
%\item A child of that changeset.  Your test should report this
%  changeset as bad.

 \item $B:G=i$N(Bbad$B%j%S%8%g%s$H$7$FJs9p$5$l$k%A%'%s%8%;%C%H!%$3$l$K$D$$$F%F(B
 \item $B$=$N%A%'%s%8%;%C%H$N?F!J%^!<%8$5$l$F$$$k$J$iN>J}$N?F!K!%%F%9%H$O(B
 \item $B:G=i$N(Bbad$B%j%S%8%g%s$H$7$FJs9p$5$l$k%A%'%s%8%;%C%H$N;R!%%F%9%H$O(B

%\subsection{Beware interference between bugs}

%It's possible that your search for one bug could be disrupted by the
%presence of another.  For example, let's say your software crashes at
%revision 100, and worked correctly at revision 50.  Unknown to you,
%someone else introduced a different crashing bug at revision 60, and
%fixed it at revision 80.  This could distort your results in one of
%several ways.


%It is possible that this other bug completely ``masks'' yours, which
%is to say that it occurs before your bug has a chance to manifest
%itself.If you can't avoid that other bug (for example, it prevents
%your project from building), and so can't tell whether your bug is
%present in a particular changeset, the \hgcmd{bisect} command cannot
%help you directly.  Instead, you can mark a changeset as untested by
%running \hgcmdargs{bisect}{--skip}.


%A different problem could arise if your test for a bug's presence is
%not specific enough.  If you check for ``my program crashes'', then
%both your crashing bug and an unrelated crashing bug that masks it
%will look like the same thing, and mislead \hgcmd{bisect}.


%Another useful situation in which to use \hgcmdargs{bisect}{--skip} is
%if you can't test a revision because your project was in a broken and
%hence untestable state at that revision, perhaps because someone
%checked in a change that prevented the project from building.


%\subsection{Bracket your search lazily}

%Choosing the first ``good'' and ``bad'' changesets that will mark the
%end points of your search is often easy,but it bears a little
%discussion nevertheless.  From the perspective of \hgcmd{bisect}, the
%``newest'' changeset is conventionally ``bad'', and the older
%changeset is ``good''.


%If you're having trouble remembering when a suitable ``good'' change
%was, so that you can tell \hgcmd{bisect}, you could do worse than
%testing changesets at random. Just remember to eliminate contenders
%that can't possibly exhibit the bug (perhaps because the feature with
%the bug isn't present yet) and those where another problem masks the
%bug (as I discussed above).


%Even if you end up ``early'' by thousands of changesets or months of
%history, you will only add a handful of tests to the total number that
%\hgcmd{bisect} must perform, thanks to its logarithmic behaviour.


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