view en/Makefile @ 406:fb5c0d56d7f1

Fix test 'tour'. Executing 'tour' test now creates some files in /tmp to store the revision numbers as they are created on the fly and appear in the output files. When SVG files are to be converted to PNG or EPS files within the Makefile, a tool 'fixsvg' will be invoked to substitute some placeholder markup by the real version number which fits to the test output, before the final conversion takes place.
author Guido Ostkamp <>
date Wed, 20 Aug 2008 22:15:35 +0200
parents dc3d42f3a288
children 028543f67bea
line wrap: on
line source

# This makefile requires GNU make.

sources := \
	00book.tex \
	99book.bib \
	99defs.tex \
	build_id.tex \
	branch.tex \
	cmdref.tex \
	collab.tex \
	concepts.tex \
	daily.tex \
	filenames.tex \
	hg_id.tex \
	hgext.tex \
	hook.tex \
	intro.tex \
	mq.tex \
	mq-collab.tex \
	mq-ref.tex \
	preface.tex \
	srcinstall.tex \
	template.tex \
	tour-basic.tex \
	tour-merge.tex \

image-sources := \ \
	filelog.svg \
	kdiff3.png \
	metadata.svg \
	mq-stack.svg \
	note.png \
	revlog.svg \
	snapshot.svg \
	tour-history.svg \
	tour-merge-conflict.svg \
	tour-merge-merge.svg \
	tour-merge-pull.svg \
	tour-merge-sep-repos.svg \ \ \ \ \
	wdir.svg \
	wdir-after-commit.svg \
	wdir-branch.svg \
	wdir-merge.svg \

image-dot := $(filter,$(image-sources))
image-svg := $(filter %.svg,$(image-sources))
image-png := $(filter %.png,$(image-sources))

image-pdf := $( $(image-svg:%.svg=%.pdf) $(image-png)
image-html := $( $(image-svg:%.svg=%.png) $(image-png)

example-sources := \
	backout \
	bisect \
	branching \
	branch-named \
	branch-repo \
	cmdref \
	daily.copy \
	daily.files \
	daily.rename \
	daily.revert \
	extdiff \
	filenames \
	hook.msglen \
	hook.simple \ \
	issue29 \
	mq.guards \
	mq.qinit-help \
	mq.dodiff \ \
	mq.tarball \ \
	mq.tutorial \
	rename.divergent \
	rollback \
	tag \
	template.simple \
	template.svnstyle \
	tour \

example-prereqs := \

dist-sources := \
	../html/hgicon.png \
	../html/index.html.var \

latex-options = \
	-interaction batchmode \
	-output-directory $(dir $(1)) \
	-jobname $(basename $(notdir $(1)))

hg = $(shell which hg)

hg-id = $(shell hg parents --template '{node|short}, dated {date|isodate},\n')

hg-version = $(shell hg version -q | \
		     sed 's,.*(version \(unknown\|[a-f0-9+]*\)),\1,')

all: pdf html

pdf: pdf/hgbook.pdf

define pdf
	mkdir -p $(dir $@)
	TEXINPUTS=$(dir $<): pdflatex $(call latex-options,$@) $< || (rm -f $@; exit 1)
	cp 99book.bib $(dir $@)
	cd $(dir $@) && bibtex $(basename $(notdir $@))
	cd $(dir $@) && makeindex $(basename $(notdir $@))
	TEXINPUTS=$(dir $<): pdflatex $(call latex-options,$@) $< || (rm -f $@; exit 1)
	TEXINPUTS=$(dir $<): pdflatex $(call latex-options,$@) $< || (rm -f $@; exit 1)
	if grep 'Reference.*undefined' $(@:.pdf=.log); then exit 1; fi

pdf/hgbook.pdf: $(sources) examples $(image-pdf)
	$(call pdf)

html: onepage split

onepage: $(htlatex) html/onepage/hgbook.html html/onepage/hgbook.css $(image-html:%=html/onepage/%)

html/onepage/%: %
	cp $< $@

split: $(htlatex) html/split/hgbook.html html/split/hgbook.css $(image-html:%=html/split/%)

html/split/%: %
	cp $< $@

# This is a horrible hack to work around the fact that the htlatex
# command in tex4ht is itself a horrible hack.  I really don't want to
# include verbatim the big wad of TeX that is repeated in that script,
# but I've given up and run a hacked copy as here.

define htlatex
	mkdir -p $(dir $(1))
	cp 99book.bib $(dir $(1))
	TEXINPUTS=$(dir $(2)): ./ $(2) "bookhtml,html4-uni,$(3)" " -cunihtf -utf8" "$(dir $(1))" "$(call latex-options,$(1))" || (rm -f $(1); exit 1)
	cd $(dir $(1)) && tex4ht -f/$(basename $(notdir $(1))) -cvalidate -cunihtf
	cd $(dir $(1)) && t4ht -f/$(basename $(notdir $(1)))
	./ $(dir $(1))/*.html
	rm $(dir $(1))/hgbook.css

html/onepage/hgbook.html: $(sources) examples $(image-html) bookhtml.cfg
	$(call htlatex,$@,$<)

html/split/hgbook.html: $(sources) examples bookhtml.cfg
	$(call htlatex,$@,$<,2)

# Produce 90dpi PNGs for the web.

%.png: %.svg
	./fixsvg $<
	mv $<.tmp foobar.svg
	inkscape -D -e $@ foobar.svg

	dot -Tsvg -o $@ $<

# Produce eps & pdf for the pdf

%.pdf: %.eps
	epstopdf $<

%.eps: %.svg
	./fixsvg $<
	mv $<.tmp foobar.svg
	inkscape -E $@ foobar.svg

	dot -Tps -o $@ $<

examples: $(example-prereqs) examples/.run

examples/.run: $(example-sources:%=examples/
	touch examples/.run

examples/ examples/% examples/run-example
	cd examples && ./run-example $(notdir $<)

changelog := $(wildcard ../.hg/store/00changelog.[id])
ifeq ($(changelog),)
changelog := $(wildcard ../.hg/00changelog.[id])

build_id.tex: $(changelog)
	echo -n '$(hg-id)' > build_id.tex

hg_id.tex: $(hg)
	echo -n '$(hg-version)' > hg_id.tex

	rm -rf dist html pdf \
		$( \
		$( \
		$(image-svg:%.svg=%.pdf) \
		$(image-svg:%.svg=%.png) \
		examples/*.{lxo,run} examples/.run build_id.tex hg_id.tex

install: pdf split $(dist-sources)
	rm -rf dist
	mkdir -p dist
	cp pdf/hgbook.pdf dist
	cp html/split/*.{css,html,png} dist
	cp $(dist-sources) dist

rsync: install
	rsync -avz --delete dist