changeset 103:5b80c922ebdd

More merge content.
author Bryan O'Sullivan <>
date Thu, 19 Oct 2006 15:18:07 -0700
parents ff9dc8bc2a8b
children 32bf9a5f22c0
files en/99defs.tex en/Makefile en/examples/run-example en/examples/tour-merge-conflict en/kdiff3.png en/tour-merge-conflict.svg en/tour-merge.tex
diffstat 7 files changed, 440 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/en/99defs.tex	Wed Oct 18 15:47:04 2006 -0700
+++ b/en/99defs.tex	Thu Oct 19 15:18:07 2006 -0700
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
 % Graphics inclusion.
-  \newcommand{\grafix}[1]{\includegraphics{#1.pdf}}
+  \newcommand{\grafix}[1]{\includegraphics{#1}}
--- a/en/Makefile	Wed Oct 18 15:47:04 2006 -0700
+++ b/en/Makefile	Thu Oct 19 15:18:07 2006 -0700
@@ -19,11 +19,15 @@
 image-sources := \
+	kdiff3.png \
 	mq-stack.svg \
 	tour-history.svg \
-	tour-merge-sep-repos.svg \
+	tour-merge-conflict.svg \
+	tour-merge-merge.svg \
 	tour-merge-pull.svg \
-	tour-merge-merge.svg
+	tour-merge-sep-repos.svg
+image-svg := $(filter %.svg,$(image-sources))
 example-sources := \
 	daily.files \
@@ -38,7 +42,8 @@
 	mq.tutorial \
 	template.simple \
 	template.svnstyle \
-	tour
+	tour \
+	tour-merge-conflict
 latex-options = \
 	-interaction batchmode \
@@ -134,5 +139,7 @@
 	echo -n $(hg_id) > build_id.tex
-	rm -rf beta html pdf *.eps *.pdf *.png *.aux *.dvi *.log *.out \
+	rm -rf beta html pdf \
+		$(image-svg:%.svg=%.pdf) \
+		$(image-svg:%.svg=%.png) \
 		examples/*.{out,run} examples/.run build_id.tex
--- a/en/examples/run-example	Wed Oct 18 15:47:04 2006 -0700
+++ b/en/examples/run-example	Thu Oct 19 15:18:07 2006 -0700
@@ -39,7 +39,8 @@
 class example:
     shell = '/usr/bin/env bash'
-    prompt = '__run_example_prompt__ '
+    ps1 = '__run_example_ps1__ '
+    ps2 = '__run_example_ps2__ '
     pi_re = re.compile(r'#\$\s*(name):\s*(.*)$')
     timeout = 5
@@ -99,21 +100,23 @@
                 s =
             except OSError, err:
                 if err.errno == errno.EIO:
-                    return ''
+                    return '', ''
             if self.verbose:
                 print >> sys.stderr, self.debugrepr(s)
             s = out.getvalue()
-            if s.endswith(self.prompt):
-                return s.replace('\r\n', '\n')[:-len(self.prompt)]
+            if s.endswith(self.ps1):
+                return self.ps1, s.replace('\r\n', '\n')[:-len(self.ps1)]
+            if s.endswith(self.ps2):
+                return self.ps2, s.replace('\r\n', '\n')[:-len(self.ps2)]
     def sendreceive(self, s):
-        r = self.receive()
+        ps, r = self.receive()
         if r.startswith(s):
             r = r[len(s):]
-        return r
+        return ps, r
     def run(self):
         ofp = None
@@ -128,8 +131,8 @@
         rcfile = os.path.join(tmpdir, '.bashrc')
         rcfp = open(rcfile, 'w')
-        print >> rcfp, 'PS1="%s"' % self.prompt
-        print >> rcfp, 'PS2="%s"' % self.prompt
+        print >> rcfp, 'PS1="%s"' % self.ps1
+        print >> rcfp, 'PS2="%s"' % self.ps2
         print >> rcfp, 'unset HISTFILE'
         print >> rcfp, 'export EXAMPLE_DIR="%s"' % os.getcwd()
         print >> rcfp, 'export LANG=C'
@@ -153,12 +156,19 @@
         self.poll.register(, select.POLLIN | select.POLLERR |
+        prompts = {
+            '': '',
+            self.ps1: '$',
+            self.ps2: '>',
+            }
                 # eat first prompt string from shell
                 # setup env and prompt
-                self.sendreceive('source %s\n' % rcfile)
+                ps, output = self.sendreceive('source %s\n' % rcfile)
                 for hunk in self.parse():
                     # is this line a processing instruction?
                     m = self.pi_re.match(hunk)
@@ -174,18 +184,20 @@
                                 ofp = None
                     elif hunk.strip():
                         # it's something we should execute
-                        output = self.sendreceive(hunk)
+                        newps, output = self.sendreceive(hunk)
                         if not ofp:
                         # first, print the command we ran
                         if not hunk.startswith('#'):
                             nl = hunk.endswith('\n')
-                            hunk = ('$ \\textbf{%s}' %
-                                    tex_escape(hunk.rstrip('\n')))
+                            hunk = ('%s \\textbf{%s}' %
+                                    (prompts[ps],
+                                     tex_escape(hunk.rstrip('\n'))))
                             if nl: hunk += '\n'
                         # then its output
+                    ps = newps
                 open( + '.run', 'w')
@@ -195,7 +207,7 @@
-                    output = self.sendreceive('exit\n')
+                    ps, output = self.sendreceive('exit\n')
                     if ofp:
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/en/examples/tour-merge-conflict	Thu Oct 19 15:18:07 2006 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+hg init scam
+cd scam
+#$ name: wife
+cat > letter.txt <<EOF
+I am Mariam Abacha, the wife of former
+Nigerian dictator Sani Abacha.
+hg add letter.txt
+hg commit -m '419 scam, first draft'
+#$ name: cousin
+cd ..
+hg clone scam scam-cousin
+cd scam-cousin
+cat > letter.txt <<EOF
+I am Shehu Musa Abacha, cousin to the former
+Nigerian dictator Sani Abacha.
+hg commit -m '419 scam, with cousin'
+#$ name: son
+cd ..
+hg clone scam scam-son
+cd scam-son
+cat > letter.txt <<EOF
+I am Alhaji Abba Abacha, son of the former
+Nigerian dictator Sani Abacha.
+hg commit -m '419 scam, with son'
+#$ name: pull
+cd ..
+hg clone scam-cousin scam-merge
+cd scam-merge
+hg pull -u ../scam-son
+#$ name: merge
+export HGMERGE=merge
+hg merge
+cat letter.txt
+#$ name: commit
+cat > letter.txt <<EOF
+I am Bryan O'Sullivan, no relation of the former
+Nigerian dictator Sani Abacha.
+hg commit -m 'Send me your money'
+hg tip
Binary file en/kdiff3.png has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/en/tour-merge-conflict.svg	Thu Oct 19 15:18:07 2006 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
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--- a/en/tour-merge.tex	Wed Oct 18 15:47:04 2006 -0700
+++ b/en/tour-merge.tex	Thu Oct 19 15:18:07 2006 -0700
@@ -113,12 +113,126 @@
 \section{Merging conflicting changes}
 Most merges are simple affairs, but sometimes you'll find yourself
-merging a change that you made with another, where both modify the
-same portions of the same files.  Unless both modifications are
-identical, this results in a \emph{conflict}, where you have to decide
-how to reconcile the different changes into something coherent.
+merging changes where each modifies the same portions of the same
+files.  Unless both modifications are identical, this results in a
+\emph{conflict}, where you have to decide how to reconcile the
+different changes into something coherent.
+  \centering
+  \grafix{tour-merge-conflict}
+  \caption{Conflicting changes to a document}
+  \label{fig:tour-merge:conflict}
+Figure~\ref{fig:tour-merge:conflict} illustrates an instance of two
+conflicting changes to a document.  We started with a single version
+of the file; then we made some changes; while someone else made
+different changes to the same text.  Our task in resolving the
+conflicting changes is to decide what the file should look like.
+Mercurial doesn't have a built-in facility for handling conflicts.
+Instead, it runs an external program called \command{hgmerge}.  This
+is a shell script that is bundled with Mercurial; you can change it to
+behave however you please.  What it does by default is try to find one
+of several different merging tools that are likely to be installed on
+your system.  It first tries a few fully automatic merging tools; if
+these don't succeed (because the resolution process requires human
+guidance) or aren't present, the script tries a few different
+graphical merging tools.
+It's also possible to get Mercurial to run another program or script
+instead of \command{hgmerge}, by setting the \envar{HGMERGE}
+environment variable to the name of your preferred program.
+\subsection{Using a graphical merge tool}
+My preferred graphical merge tool is \command{kdiff3}, which I'll use
+to describe the features that are common to graphical file merging
+tools.  You can see a screenshot of \command{kdiff3} in action in
+figure~\ref{fig:tour-merge:kdiff3}.  The kind of merge it is
+performing is called a \emph{three-way merge}, because there are three
+different versions of the file of interest to us.  The tool thus
+splits the upper portion of the window into three panes:
+\item At the left is the \emph{base} version of the file, i.e.~the
+  most recent version from which the two versions we're trying to
+  merge are descended.
+\item In the middle is ``our'' version of the file, with the contents
+  that we modified.
+\item On the right is ``their'' version of the file, the one that
+  from the changeset that we're trying to merge with.
+In the pane below these is the current \emph{result} of the merge.
+Our task is to replace all of the red text, which indicates unresolved
+conflicts, with some sensible merger of the ``ours'' and ``theirs''
+versions of the file.
+All four of these panes are \emph{locked together}; if we scroll
+vertically or horizontally in any of them, the others are updated to
+display the corresponding sections of their respective files.
-\section{Using an extension to simplify merging}
+  \centering
+  \grafix{kdiff3}
+  \caption{Using \command{kdiff3} to merge versions of a file}
+  \label{fig:tour-merge:kdiff3}
+For each conflicting portion of the file, we can choose to resolve
+thhe conflict using some combination of text from the base version,
+ours, or theirs.  We can also manually edit the merged file at any
+time, in case we need to make further modifications.
+There are \emph{many} file merging tools available, too many to cover
+here.  They vary in which platforms they are available for, and in
+their particular strengths and weaknesses.  Most are tuned for merging
+files containing plain text, while a few are aimed at specialised file
+formats (generally XML).
+\subsection{A worked example}
+In this example, we will reproduce the file modification history of
+figure~\ref{fig:tour-merge:conflict} above.  Let's begin by creating a
+repository with a base version of our document.
+We'll clone the repository and make a change to the file.
+And another clone, to simulate someone else making a change to the
+file.  (This hints at the idea that it's not all that unusual to merge
+with yourself when you isolate tasks in separate repositories, and
+indeed to find and resolve conflicts while doing so.)
+Having created two different versions of the file, we'll set up an
+environment suitable for running our merge.
+In this example, I won't use Mercurial's normal \command{hgmerge}
+program to do the merge, because it would drop my nice automated
+example-running tool into a graphical user interface.  Instead, I'll
+set \envar{HGMERGE} to tell Mercurial to use the non-interactive
+\command{merge} command.  This is bundled with many Unix-like systems.
+If you're following this example on your computer, don't bother
+setting \envar{HGMERGE}.
+Because \command{merge} can't resolve the conflicting changes, it
+leaves \emph{merge markers} inside the file that has conflicts,
+indicating which lines have conflicts, and whether they came from our
+version of the file or theirs.
+Mercurial can tell from the way \command{merge} exits that it wasn't
+able to merge successfully, so it tells us what commands we'll need to
+run if we want to redo the merging operation.  This could be useful
+if, for example, we were running a graphical merge tool and quit
+because we were confused or realised we had made a mistake.
+If automatic or manual merges fail, there's nothing to prevent us from
+``fixing up'' the affected files ourselves, and committing the results
+of our merge:
+\section{Simplifying the pull-merge-commit 
+  sequence}
 The process of merging changes as outlined above is straightforward,
 but requires running three commands in sequence.
@@ -127,9 +241,9 @@
   hg merge
   hg commit -m 'Merged remote changes'
-In the case of the final commit, you also need to come up with a
-commit message, which is almost always going to be a piece of
-uninteresting ``boilerplate'' text.
+In the case of the final commit, you also need to enter a commit
+message, which is almost always going to be a piece of uninteresting
+``boilerplate'' text.
 It would be nice to reduce the number of steps needed, if this were
 possible.  Indeed, Mercurial is distributed with an extension called