changeset 361:96437101a088

more template.tex
author Yoshiki Yazawa <>
date Mon, 22 Sep 2008 22:48:57 +0900
parents 45ad9986748a
children df4ac9043db0
files ja/Makefile ja/template.tex ja/todo.txt
diffstat 3 files changed, 192 insertions(+), 77 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/ja/Makefile	Mon Sep 22 01:42:57 2008 +0900
+++ b/ja/Makefile	Mon Sep 22 22:48:57 2008 +0900
@@ -116,6 +116,7 @@
 dvi: $(sources) $(image-eps)
 	platex 00book.tex
+	cp 00book.aux hgbook.aux
 	bibtex hgbook
 	platex 00book.tex
--- a/ja/template.tex	Mon Sep 22 01:42:57 2008 +0900
+++ b/ja/template.tex	Mon Sep 22 22:48:57 2008 +0900
@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@
 %command by editing your \hgrc file, naming the style you would
 %prefer to use.
+Mercurial$B$NA4$F$N%3%^%s%I$GMQ$$$i$l$k=PNO%9%?%$%k$O(B \hgrc $B%U%!%$%k$rJT=8(B
@@ -274,125 +274,239 @@
-Mercurial's templating engine recognises the most commonly used escape
-sequences in strings.  When it sees a backslash (``\Verb+\+'')
-character, it looks at the following character and substitutes the two
-characters with a single replacement, as described below.
+%Mercurial's templating engine recognises the most commonly used escape
+%sequences in strings.  When it sees a backslash (``\Verb+\+'')
+%character, it looks at the following character and substitutes the two
+%characters with a single replacement, as described below.
-\item[\Verb+\textbackslash\textbackslash+] Backslash, ``\Verb+\+'',
+%\item[\Verb+\textbackslash\textbackslash+] Backslash, ``\Verb+\+'',
+%  ASCII~134.
+%\item[\Verb+\textbackslash n+] Newline, ASCII~12.
+%\item[\Verb+\textbackslash r+] Carriage return, ASCII~15.
+%\item[\Verb+\textbackslash t+] Tab, ASCII~11.
+%\item[\Verb+\textbackslash v+] Vertical tab, ASCII~13.
+%\item[\Verb+\textbackslash \{+] Open curly brace, ``\Verb+{+'', ASCII~173.
+%\item[\Verb+\textbackslash \}+] Close curly brace, ``\Verb+}+'', ASCII~175.
+\item[\Verb+\textbackslash\textbackslash+] $B%P%C%/%9%i%C%7%e(B, ``\Verb+\+'',
-\item[\Verb+\textbackslash n+] Newline, ASCII~12.
-\item[\Verb+\textbackslash r+] Carriage return, ASCII~15.
-\item[\Verb+\textbackslash t+] Tab, ASCII~11.
-\item[\Verb+\textbackslash v+] Vertical tab, ASCII~13.
-\item[\Verb+\textbackslash \{+] Open curly brace, ``\Verb+{+'', ASCII~173.
-\item[\Verb+\textbackslash \}+] Close curly brace, ``\Verb+}+'', ASCII~175.
+\item[\Verb+\textbackslash n+] $B2~9T(B, ASCII~12.
+\item[\Verb+\textbackslash r+] $BI|5"(B, ASCII~15.
+\item[\Verb+\textbackslash t+] $B%?%V(B, ASCII~11.
+\item[\Verb+\textbackslash v+] $B?bD>%?%V(B, ASCII~13.
+\item[\Verb+\textbackslash \{+] $B3+$-Cf3g8L(B, ``\Verb+{+'', ASCII~173.
+\item[\Verb+\textbackslash \}+] $BJD$8Cf3g8L(B, ``\Verb+}+'', ASCII~175.
-As indicated above, if you want the expansion of a template to contain
-a literal ``\Verb+\+'', ``\Verb+{+'', or ``\Verb+{+'' character, you
-must escape it.
+%As indicated above, if you want the expansion of a template to contain
+%a literal ``\Verb+\+'', ``\Verb+{+'', or ``\Verb+{+'' character, you
+%must escape it.
+``\Verb+\+'', ``\Verb+{+'', $B$^$?$O(B``\Verb+{+''$B$rF~$l$?$$>l9g$O%(%9%1!<%W(B
 %\section{Filtering keywords to change their results}
-Some of the results of template expansion are not immediately easy to
-use.  Mercurial lets you specify an optional chain of \emph{filters}
-to modify the result of expanding a keyword.  You have already seen a
-common filter, \tplkwfilt{date}{isodate}, in action above, to make a
-date readable.
+%Some of the results of template expansion are not immediately easy to
+%use.  Mercurial lets you specify an optional chain of \emph{filters}
+%to modify the result of expanding a keyword.  You have already seen a
+%common filter, \tplkwfilt{date}{isodate}, in action above, to make a
+%date readable.
-Below is a list of the most commonly used filters that Mercurial
-supports.  While some filters can be applied to any text, others can
-only be used in specific circumstances.  The name of each filter is
-followed first by an indication of where it can be used, then a
-description of its effect.
+%Below is a list of the most commonly used filters that Mercurial
+%supports.  While some filters can be applied to any text, others can
+%only be used in specific circumstances.  The name of each filter is
+%followed first by an indication of where it can be used, then a
+%description of its effect.
-\item[\tplfilter{addbreaks}] Any text. Add an XHTML ``\Verb+<br/>+''
-  tag before the end of every line except the last.  For example,
-  ``\Verb+foo\nbar+'' becomes ``\Verb+foo<br/>\nbar+''.
-\item[\tplkwfilt{date}{age}] \tplkword{date} keyword.  Render the
-  age of the date, relative to the current time.  Yields a string like
-  ``\Verb+10 minutes+''.
-\item[\tplfilter{basename}] Any text, but most useful for the
-  \tplkword{files} keyword and its relatives.  Treat the text as a
-  path, and return the basename. For example, ``\Verb+foo/bar/baz+''
-  becomes ``\Verb+baz+''.
-\item[\tplkwfilt{date}{date}] \tplkword{date} keyword.  Render a date
-  in a similar format to the Unix \tplkword{date} command, but with
-  timezone included.  Yields a string like
-  ``\Verb+Mon Sep 04 15:13:13 2006 -0700+''.
-\item[\tplkwfilt{author}{domain}] Any text, but most useful for the
-  \tplkword{author} keyword.  Finds the first string that looks like
-  an email address, and extract just the domain component.  For
-  example, ``\Verb+Bryan O'Sullivan <>+'' becomes
-  ``\''.
-\item[\tplkwfilt{author}{email}] Any text, but most useful for the
-  \tplkword{author} keyword.  Extract the first string that looks like
-  an email address.  For example,
-  ``\Verb+Bryan O'Sullivan <>+'' becomes
-  ``\''.
-\item[\tplfilter{escape}] Any text.  Replace the special XML/XHTML
-  characters ``\Verb+&+'', ``\Verb+<+'' and ``\Verb+>+'' with
-  XML entities.
-\item[\tplfilter{fill68}] Any text.  Wrap the text to fit in 68
-  columns.  This is useful before you pass text through the
-  \tplfilter{tabindent} filter, and still want it to fit in an
-  80-column fixed-font window.
-\item[\tplfilter{fill76}] Any text.  Wrap the text to fit in 76
-  columns.
-\item[\tplfilter{firstline}] Any text.  Yield the first line of text,
-  without any trailing newlines.
-\item[\tplkwfilt{date}{hgdate}] \tplkword{date} keyword.  Render the
-  date as a pair of readable numbers.  Yields a string like
-  ``\Verb+1157407993 25200+''.
-\item[\tplkwfilt{date}{isodate}] \tplkword{date} keyword.  Render the
-  date as a text string in ISO~8601 format.  Yields a string like
-  ``\Verb+2006-09-04 15:13:13 -0700+''.
-\item[\tplfilter{obfuscate}] Any text, but most useful for the
-  \tplkword{author} keyword.  Yield the input text rendered as a
-  sequence of XML entities.  This helps to defeat some particularly
-  stupid screen-scraping email harvesting spambots.
+%\item[\tplfilter{addbreaks}] Any text. Add an XHTML ``\Verb+<br/>+''
+%  tag before the end of every line except the last.  For example,
+%  ``\Verb+foo\nbar+'' becomes ``\Verb+foo<br/>\nbar+''.
+\item[\tplfilter{addbreaks}] $BG$0U$N%F%-%9%H!%(BXHTML$B%?%0(B``\Verb+<br/>+''
+			     ``\Verb+foo<br/>\nbar+''$B$H$J$k!%(B
+%\item[\tplkwfilt{date}{age}] \tplkword{date} keyword.  Render the
+%  age of the date, relative to the current time.  Yields a string like
+%  ``\Verb+10 minutes+''.
+\item[\tplkwfilt{date}{age}] \tplkword{date}$B%-!<%o!<%I!%F|;~$N7P2a;~4V$r(B
+			     $B8=:_$r5/E@$K@07A$9$k!%7k2L$O(B
+			     ``\Verb+10 minutes+''$B$N$h$&$K$J$k(B
+%\item[\tplfilter{basename}] Any text, but most useful for the
+%  \tplkword{files} keyword and its relatives.  Treat the text as a
+%  path, and return the basename. For example, ``\Verb+foo/bar/baz+''
+%  becomes ``\Verb+baz+''.
+\item[\tplfilter{basename}] $BG$0U$N%F%-%9%H$@$,!$(B\tplkword{files}$B%-!<%o!<(B
+			     $B%I$d$=$N4XO"%-!<%o!<%I$KBP$7$F:G$bM-MQ$G$"(B
+			     $B$k!%%F%-%9%H$r%Q%9$H$7$F07$$!$%Y!<%9%M!<%`$r(B
+			     $BJV$9!%Nc$($P(B``\Verb+foo/bar/baz+''$B$O(B
+			     ``\Verb+baz+''$B$H$J$k!%(B
+%\item[\tplkwfilt{date}{date}] \tplkword{date} keyword.  Render a date
+%  in a similar format to the Unix \tplkword{date} command, but with
+%  timezone included.  Yields a string like
+%  ``\Verb+Mon Sep 04 15:13:13 2006 -0700+''.
+\item[\tplkwfilt{date}{date}] \tplkword{date}$B%-!<%o!<%I!%F|;~$r(BUnix$B$N(B
+			     \tplkword{date}$B%3%^%s%I$N=PNO$K%?%$%`%>!<%s(B
+			     $B>pJs$rDI2C$7$?7A<0$K@07A$9$k!%7k2L$O(B
+			     ``\Verb+Mon Sep 04 15:13:13 2006 -0700+''$B$N(B
+			     $B$h$&$K$J$k!%(B
+%\item[\tplkwfilt{author}{domain}] Any text, but most useful for the
+%  \tplkword{author} keyword.  Finds the first string that looks like
+%  an email address, and extract just the domain component.  For
+%  example, ``\Verb+Bryan O'Sullivan <>+'' becomes
+%  ``\''.
+\item[\tplkwfilt{author}{domain}] $BG$0U$N%F%-%9%H!%(B\tplkword{author}$B%-!<%o!<(B
+			     $B%I$G$N;HMQ$K:G$bM-MQ!%:G=i$K8=$l$k(Bemail$B%"%I(B
+			     $B%l%97A<0$NJ8;zNs$r8+$D$1!$%I%a%$%sItJ,$@$1$r(B
+			     $BH4$-=P$9!%Nc$($P(B
+			     ``\Verb+Bryan O'Sullivan <>+''
+			     $B$O(B``\''$B$H$J$k!%(B
+%\item[\tplkwfilt{author}{email}] Any text, but most useful for the
+%  \tplkword{author} keyword.  Extract the first string that looks like
+%  an email address.  For example,
+%  ``\Verb+Bryan O'Sullivan <>+'' becomes
+%  ``\''.
+\item[\tplkwfilt{author}{email}] $BG$0U$N%F%-%9%H!%(B\tplkword{author}$B%-!<%o!<(B
+			     $B%I$G:G$bM-MQ!%:G=i$K8=$l$k(Bemail$B%"%I%l%97A<0(B
+			     $B$NJ8;zNs$rH4$-=P$9!%Nc$($P(B
+			     ``\Verb+Bryan O'Sullivan <>+''
+			     $B$O(B``\''$B$H$J$k!%(B
+%\item[\tplfilter{escape}] Any text.  Replace the special XML/XHTML
+%  characters ``\Verb+&+'', ``\Verb+<+'' and ``\Verb+>+'' with
+%  XML entities.
+\item[\tplfilter{escape}] $BG$0U$N%F%-%9%H!%(BXML/XHTML$BJ8;z(B
+			     ``\Verb+&+'', ``\Verb+<+''$B$*$h$S(B
+			     ``\Verb+>+''$B$r(BXML$B%(%s%F%#%F%#$GCV49$9$k!%(B
+%\item[\tplfilter{fill68}] Any text.  Wrap the text to fit in 68
+%  columns.  This is useful before you pass text through the
+%  \tplfilter{tabindent} filter, and still want it to fit in an
+%  80-column fixed-font window.
+\item[\tplfilter{fill68}] $BG$0U$N%F%-%9%H!%%F%-%9%H$r(B68$B7e$K<}$^$k$h$&$K@0(B
+			     $B7A$9$k!%$3$l$O(B80$B7e$K8GDj$5$l$?C<Kv$G$NI=<(MQ(B
+			     $B$K(B\tplfilter{tabindent}$B%U%#%k%?$r;H$&:]$KJX(B
+			     $BMx$G$"$k!%(B
+%\item[\tplfilter{fill76}] Any text.  Wrap the text to fit in 76
+%  columns.
+\item[\tplfilter{fill76}] $BG$0U$N%F%-%9%H!%(B76$B7e$K<}$^$k$h$&$K@07A$9$k!%(B
+%\item[\tplfilter{firstline}] Any text.  Yield the first line of text,
+%  without any trailing newlines.
+\item[\tplfilter{firstline}] $BG$0U$N%F%-%9%H:G=i$N9T$@$1$r=PNO$7!$8eB3$N(B
+			     $B9T$O0l@Z=PNO$7$J$$!%(B
+%\item[\tplkwfilt{date}{hgdate}] \tplkword{date} keyword.  Render the
+%  date as a pair of readable numbers.  Yields a string like
+%  ``\Verb+1157407993 25200+''.
+\item[\tplkwfilt{date}{hgdate}] \tplkword{date}$B%-!<%o!<%I!%F|;~$r2DFI$J(B
+			     $B?t;z$N%Z%"$K@07A$9$k!%(B``\Verb+115740799325200+''$B$N$h$&$JJ8;zNs$r=PNO$9$k!%(B
+%\item[\tplkwfilt{date}{isodate}] \tplkword{date} keyword.  Render the
+%  date as a text string in ISO~8601 format.  Yields a string like
+%  ``\Verb+2006-09-04 15:13:13 -0700+''.
+\item[\tplkwfilt{date}{isodate}] \tplkword{date}$B%-!<%o!<%I!%F|;~$r(B
+			     ISO~8601$B%U%)!<%^%C%H$K@07A$9$k!%=PNO$O(B
+			     ``\Verb+2006-09-04 15:13:13 -0700+''$B$N$h$&$K(B
+			     $B$J$k!%(B
+%\item[\tplfilter{obfuscate}] Any text, but most useful for the
+%  \tplkword{author} keyword.  Yield the input text rendered as a
+%  sequence of XML entities.  This helps to defeat some particularly
+%  stupid screen-scraping email harvesting spambots.
+			     $BJ;$;$FMxMQ$9$k>l9g:G$bM-MQ!%F~NO$5$l$?%F%-%9(B
+			     $B%H$r(BXML$B%(%s%F%#%F%#$N%7!<%1%s%9$H$7$F=PNO$9(B
+			     $B$k!%$3$l$O2hLL$r%9%/%l%$%T%s%0$9$k4VH4$1$J%9(B
+			     $B%Q%`%\%C%H$rHr$1$kF/$-$,$"$k!%(B
 \item[\tplkwfilt{author}{person}] Any text, but most useful for the
   \tplkword{author} keyword.  Yield the text before an email address.
   For example, ``\Verb+Bryan O'Sullivan <>+''
   becomes ``\Verb+Bryan O'Sullivan+''.
 \item[\tplkwfilt{date}{rfc822date}] \tplkword{date} keyword.  Render a
   date using the same format used in email headers.  Yields a string
   like ``\Verb+Mon, 04 Sep 2006 15:13:13 -0700+''.
 \item[\tplkwfilt{node}{short}] Changeset hash.  Yield the short form
   of a changeset hash, i.e.~a 12-byte hexadecimal string.
 \item[\tplkwfilt{date}{shortdate}] \tplkword{date} keyword.  Render
   the year, month, and day of the date.  Yields a string like
 \item[\tplfilter{strip}] Any text.  Strip all leading and trailing
   whitespace from the string.
 \item[\tplfilter{tabindent}] Any text.  Yield the text, with every line
   except the first starting with a tab character.
 \item[\tplfilter{urlescape}] Any text.  Escape all characters that are
   considered ``special'' by URL parsers.  For example, \Verb+foo bar+
   becomes \Verb+foo%20bar+.
 \item[\tplkwfilt{author}{user}] Any text, but most useful for the
   \tplkword{author} keyword.  Return the ``user'' portion of an email
   address.  For example,
   ``\Verb+Bryan O'Sullivan <>+'' becomes
-  \caption{Template filters in action}
+%  \caption{Template filters in action}
+  \caption{$B%F%s%W%l!<%H%U%#%k%?$NF0:n(B}
-  If you try to apply a filter to a piece of data that it cannot
-  process, Mercurial will fail and print a Python exception.  For
-  example, trying to run the output of the \tplkword{desc} keyword
-  into the \tplkwfilt{date}{isodate} filter is not a good idea.
+%  If you try to apply a filter to a piece of data that it cannot
+%  process, Mercurial will fail and print a Python exception.  For
+%  example, trying to run the output of the \tplkword{desc} keyword
+%  into the \tplkwfilt{date}{isodate} filter is not a good idea.
+ $B$7!$(BPython$B$+$i$NNc30$r=PNO$9$k!%Nc$($P(B\tplkword{desc}$B%-!<%o!<%I$N=PNO$K(B
+ \tplkwfilt{date}{isodate}$B%U%#%k%?$rE,MQ$9$k$N$O$$$$9M$($H$O8@$($J$$!%(B
 %\subsection{Combining filters}
--- a/ja/todo.txt	Mon Sep 22 01:42:57 2008 +0900
+++ b/ja/todo.txt	Mon Sep 22 22:48:57 2008 +0900
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 mq.tex		100%
 preface.tex	100%
 srcinstall.tex	100%
-template.tex	20%
+template.tex	50%
 undo.tex	100%