changeset 673:ad304b606163

Initial cut at web comment system import
author Bryan O'Sullivan <>
date Tue, 10 Mar 2009 21:42:19 -0700
parents 40025381bded
children bebd5ff7fe7f
files .hgignore web/README web/hgbook.conf web/hgbook/ web/hgbook/comments/ web/hgbook/comments/ web/hgbook/comments/ web/hgbook/comments/sql/comment.mysql.sql web/hgbook/comments/sql/element.mysql.sql web/hgbook/comments/ web/hgbook/comments/ web/hgbook/ web/hgbook/ web/hgbook/ web/hgbook/ web/hgbook/ web/hgbook/ web/hgbook/templates/404.html web/hgbook/templates/500.html web/hgbook/templates/boilerplate.html web/hgbook/templates/comment.html web/hgbook/templates/feeds/comments_description.html web/hgbook/templates/feeds/comments_title.html web/hgbook/templates/simple.html web/hgbook/ web/icons/caution.png web/icons/favicon.png web/icons/important.png web/icons/note.png web/icons/remark.png web/icons/rss.png web/icons/shell.png web/icons/source.png web/icons/tip.png web/icons/warning.png web/javascript/form-min.js web/javascript/form.js web/javascript/hsbook.js web/javascript/jquery-min.js web/javascript/jquery.js web/robots.txt web/
diffstat 40 files changed, 4651 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/.hgignore	Mon Mar 09 23:42:31 2009 -0700
+++ b/.hgignore	Tue Mar 10 21:42:19 2009 -0700
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
@@ -37,3 +38,4 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/web/README	Tue Mar 10 21:42:19 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+This directory contains web-related files.  Surprise!
+javascript - files used by the comment system, based on jQuery
+rwh        - Django app that acts as the comment back end
+styles.css - style file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/web/hgbook.conf	Tue Mar 10 21:42:19 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# -*- apache -*-
+<VirtualHost *:80>
+    ServerName
+    ServerAdmin
+    ErrorLog logs/hgbook-error_log
+    # Debian:
+    # CustomLog logs/hgbook-access_log full
+    # Fedora:
+    CustomLog logs/hgbook-access_log combined
+    Options +MultiViews
+    DirectoryIndex index.html.var index.html
+    DocumentRoot "/home/bos/hg/hgbook/en/html"
+    # Actively redirect requests via a ServerAlias to the canonical hostname.
+    RewriteEngine On
+    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !
+    RewriteRule ^(.*)$1 [R]
+    <Location "/">
+        SetHandler python-program
+	# hg clone
+        PythonPath "['/home/bos/hg/django-trunk', '/home/bos/hg/hgbook/web'] + sys.path"
+        PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
+        PythonAutoReload Off
+        SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE hgbook.settings
+        PythonDebug Off
+    </Location>
+    <Location ~ "^/$">
+        SetHandler None
+        DirectoryIndex index.html
+    </Location>
+    <Location ~ "^/index.html">
+        SetHandler None
+    </Location>
+    <Location ~ "^/robots.txt">
+        SetHandler None
+    </Location>
+    <Location "/read">
+        SetHandler None
+    </Location>
+    <Location "/support">
+        SetHandler None
+    </Location>
+    <Location "/media">
+        SetHandler None
+    </Location>
+    Alias /media /home/bos/hg/django-trunk/django/contrib/admin/media
+    <Directory "/home/bos/hg/hgbook/en/html">
+        Options Indexes FollowSymlinks
+        AllowOverride None
+        Order allow,deny
+        Allow from all
+    </Directory>
+    <Directory "/home/bos/hg/hgbook/en/html">
+        AllowOverride AuthConfig
+    </Directory>
+    <Directory "/home/bos/hg/hgbook/en/html/support">
+        Options None
+    </Directory>
+<Directory "/home/bos/hg/django-trunk/django/contrib/admin/media">
+    Options None
+    AllowOverride None
+    Order allow,deny
+    Allow from all
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/web/hgbook/comments/	Tue Mar 10 21:42:19 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
+from django.utils.feedgenerator import Atom1Feed
+from django.contrib.syndication.feeds import Feed
+from hgbook.comments.models import Comment, Element
+class MyAtomFeed(Atom1Feed):
+    title_type = u'html'
+class Comments(Feed):
+    feed_type = MyAtomFeed
+    title = 'Real World Haskell: recent comments'
+    subtitle = ('Recent comments on the text of &#8220;Real World '
+                'Haskell&#8221;, from our readers')
+    link = '/feeds/comments/'
+    author_name = 'Our readers'
+    def feedfilter(self, queryset):
+        return queryset.order_by('-date')[:20]
+    def items(self):
+        return self.feedfilter(Comment.objects)
+    def item_author_name(self, obj):
+        return obj.submitter_name
+    def item_pubdate(self, obj):
+        return
+    def get_object(self, bits):
+        if len(bits) == 0:
+            return self.items()
+        elif len(bits) > 1:
+            raise ObjectDoesNotExist
+        return self.feedfilter(Comment.objects.filter(element__chapter=bits[0],
+                                                      hidden=False))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/web/hgbook/comments/	Tue Mar 10 21:42:19 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+from django.db import models
+import sha
+mutable = True
+class Element(models.Model):
+    class Admin:
+        search_fields = ['id', 'chapter']
+        list_filter = ['chapter', 'title']
+    id = models.CharField('ID attribute', max_length=64, editable=False,
+                          primary_key=True)
+    chapter = models.CharField('Chapter ID', max_length=64, editable=False,
+                               db_index=True)
+    title = models.CharField('Section title', max_length=256, editable=False)
+    def __unicode__(self):
+        return
+class Comment(models.Model):
+    class Admin:
+        list_display = ['element', 'submitter_name', 'comment', 'reviewed',
+                        'hidden', 'date']
+        search_fields = ['comment']
+        date_hierarchy = 'date'
+        list_filter = ['date', 'submitter_name']
+        search_fields = ['title', 'submitter_name', 'submitter_url']
+        fields = (
+            (None, {'fields': ('submitter_name', 'element', 'comment')}),
+            ('Review and presentation state',
+             {'fields': ('reviewed', 'hidden')}),
+            ('Other info', {'fields': ('date', 'submitter_url', 'ip')}),
+            )
+    element = models.ForeignKey(Element,
+        help_text='ID of paragraph that was commented on')
+    comment = models.TextField(editable=mutable,
+        help_text='Text of submitted comment (please do not modify)')
+    submitter_name = models.CharField('Submitter', max_length=64,
+        help_text='Self-reported name of submitter (may be bogus)')
+    submitter_url = models.URLField('URL', blank=True, editable=mutable,
+        help_text='Self-reported URL of submitter (may be empty or bogus)')
+    ip = models.IPAddressField('IP address', editable=mutable,
+        help_text='IP address from which comment was submitted')
+    date = models.DateTimeField('date submitted', auto_now=True,
+                                auto_now_add=True)
+    reviewed = models.BooleanField(default=False, db_index=True,
+        help_text='Has this comment been reviewed by an author?')
+    hidden = models.BooleanField(default=False, db_index=True,
+        help_text='Has this comment been hidden from public display?')
+    def __unicode__(self):
+        return self.comment[:32]
+    def get_absolute_url(self):
+        s =
+        s.update(repr(self.comment))
+        s.update(repr(self.submitter_name))
+        s.update(str(
+        return '/read/%s.html#%s?comment=%s&uuid=%s' % (
+            self.element.chapter,,, s.hexdigest()[:20]
+            )
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/web/hgbook/comments/sql/comment.mysql.sql	Tue Mar 10 21:42:19 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+alter table comments_comment convert to character set utf8 collate utf8_bin;
+alter table comments_comment default character set utf8 collate utf8_bin;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/web/hgbook/comments/sql/element.mysql.sql	Tue Mar 10 21:42:19 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+alter table comments_element convert to character set utf8 collate utf8_bin;
+alter table comments_element default character set utf8 collate utf8_bin;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/web/hgbook/comments/	Tue Mar 10 21:42:19 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
+urlpatterns = patterns('',
+    (r'chapter/(?P<id>[^/]+)/?$', 'hgbook.comments.views.chapter'),
+    (r'chapter/(?P<id>[^/]+)/count/?$', 'hgbook.comments.views.chapter_count'),
+    (r'single/(?P<id>[^/]+)/?$', 'hgbook.comments.views.single'),
+    (r'submit/(?P<id>[^/]+)/?$', 'hgbook.comments.views.submit')
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/web/hgbook/comments/	Tue Mar 10 21:42:19 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+import django.newforms as forms
+from django.db import connection
+from django.http import HttpResponse
+from hgbook.comments.models import Comment, Element
+from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, render_to_response
+from django.template import Context
+from django.template.loader import get_template
+from django.utils.simplejson import dumps 
+def dump_queries():
+    # requires settings.DEBUG to be set to True in order to work
+    if len(connection.queries) == 1:
+        print connection.queries
+    else:
+        qs = {}
+        for q in connection.queries:
+            qs[q['sql']] = qs.setdefault(q['sql'], 0) + 1
+        for q in sorted(qs.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True):
+            print q
+        print len(connection.queries)
+class CommentForm(forms.Form):
+    id = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput)
+    name = forms.CharField(max_length=64)
+    url = forms.URLField(max_length=128, required=False)
+    comment = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea(attrs={
+        'rows': 8, 'cols': 60
+        }))
+    remember = forms.BooleanField(initial=True, required=False)
+def comments_by_chapter(id):
+    objs = {}
+    for c in Comment.objects.filter(element__chapter=id, hidden=False).order_by('date'):
+        objs.setdefault(c.element_id, []).append(c)
+    return objs
+def chapter(request, id):
+    template = get_template('comment.html')
+    resp = {}
+    for elt, comments in comments_by_chapter(id).iteritems():
+        form = CommentForm(initial={
+            'id': elt,
+            'name': request.session.get('name', ''),
+            })
+        resp[elt] = template.render(Context({
+            'id': elt,
+            'form': form,
+            'length': len(comments),
+            'query': comments,
+            }))
+    return HttpResponse(dumps(resp), mimetype='application/json')
+def chapter_count(request, id):
+    resp = comments_by_chapter(id)
+    for elt, comments in resp.iteritems():
+        resp[elt] = len(comments)
+    return HttpResponse(dumps(resp), mimetype='application/json')
+def single(request, id, form=None, newid=None):
+    queryset = Comment.objects.filter(element=id, hidden=False).order_by('date')
+    if form is None:
+        form = CommentForm(initial={
+            'id': id,
+            'name': request.session.get('name', ''),
+            })
+    try:
+        error = form.errors[0]
+    except:
+        error = ''
+    return render_to_response('comment.html', {
+        'id': id,
+        'form': form,
+        'length': len(queryset),
+        'query': queryset,
+        'newid': newid or True,
+        'error': error,
+        })
+def submit(request, id):
+    element = get_object_or_404(Element, id=id)
+    form = None
+    newid = None
+    if request.method == 'POST':
+        form = CommentForm(request.POST)
+        if form.is_valid():
+            data = form.cleaned_data
+            if data.get('remember'):
+                request.session['name'] = data['name']
+                request.session['url'] = data['url']
+            else:
+                request.session.pop('name', None)
+                request.session.pop('url', None)
+            c = Comment(element=element,
+                        comment=data['comment'],
+                        submitter_name=data['name'],
+                        submitter_url=data['url'],
+                        ip=request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR'))
+            newid =
+            form = None
+    return single(request, id, form, newid)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/web/hgbook/	Tue Mar 10 21:42:19 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+import MySQLdb as mysql
+def connect():
+    try:
+        import secrets
+    except ImportError:
+        print >> sys.stderr, 'Decrypt or create a new copy!'
+        sys.exit(1)
+    if secrets.DATABASE_ENGINE != 'mysql':
+        print >> sys.stderr, ('You are using a %s database' %
+                              secrets.DATABASE_ENGINE)
+        sys.exit(1)
+    kwargs = {
+        'charset': 'utf8',
+        'use_unicode': True,
+        }
+    if secrets.DATABASE_USER:
+        kwargs['user'] = secrets.DATABASE_USER
+    if secrets.DATABASE_NAME:
+        kwargs['db'] = secrets.DATABASE_NAME
+    if secrets.DATABASE_PASSWORD:
+        kwargs['passwd'] = secrets.DATABASE_PASSWORD
+    if secrets.DATABASE_HOST.startswith('/'):
+        kwargs['unix_socket'] = secrets.DATABASE_HOST
+    elif secrets.DATABASE_HOST:
+        kwargs['host'] = secrets.DATABASE_HOST
+    if secrets.DATABASE_PORT:
+        kwargs['port'] = int(secrets.DATABASE_PORT)
+    return mysql.connect(**kwargs)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/web/hgbook/	Tue Mar 10 21:42:19 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# This script updates the contents of the comments_element table.
+# It's fugly, but a lot less painful than trying to use Django's
+# fixtures system.
+import os, sys
+import dbutil
+os.system('make -C ../../en ids')
+conn = dbutil.connect()
+c = conn.cursor()
+c.execute('''load data local infile "../../en/all-ids.dat" replace
+             into table comments_element
+             fields terminated by "|"''')
+print 'Database updated'
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/web/hgbook/	Tue Mar 10 21:42:19 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from import execute_manager
+    import settings # Assumed to be in the same directory.
+except ImportError:
+    import sys
+    sys.stderr.write("Error: Can't find the file '' in the directory containing %r. It appears you've customized things.\nYou'll have to run, passing it your settings module.\n(If the file does indeed exist, it's causing an ImportError somehow.)\n" % __file__)
+    sys.exit(1)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    execute_manager(settings)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/web/hgbook/	Tue Mar 10 21:42:19 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import os, sys
+import dbutil
+conn = dbutil.connect()
+c = conn.cursor()
+c.execute('''select submitter_name from comments_comment''')
+reviewers = {}
+mappings = {
+    u'alejandro "tab-lover" dubrovsky': u'Alejandro Dubrovsky',
+    u'alex hirzel <>': u'Alex Hirzel',
+    u'anonymous coward': u'Anonymous',
+    u'arthur van leeuwen': u'Arthur van Leeuwen',
+    u'augustss': u'Lennart Augustsson',
+    u'ed t': u'Anonymous',
+    u'geogre moschovitis': u'George Moschovitis',
+    u'george m': u'George Moschovitis',
+    u'haskell newb': u'Anonymous',
+    u'j. pablo fernandez': u'J. Pablo Fernández',
+    u'kamal al-marhoobi': u'Kamal Al-Marhubi',
+    u'kevin w.': u'Kevin Watters',
+    u'max cantor (#haskell - mxc)': u'Max Cantor',
+    u'michael campbell': u'Michael Campbell',
+    u'mike btauwerman': u'Mike Brauwerman',
+    u'no credit necessary': u'Anonymous',
+    u'nykänen, matti': u'Matti Nykänen',
+    u'omar antolin camarena': u'Omar Antolín Camarena',
+    u'ryan t mulligan': u'Ryan T. Mulligan',
+    u'sengan baring-gould': u'Sengan Baring-Gould',
+    u'some guy': u'Anonymous',
+    u'tomas janousek': u'Tomáš Janoušek',
+    u'william halchin': u'William N. Halchin',
+    }
+def fixup(s):
+    try:
+        return s.encode('ascii')
+    except UnicodeEncodeError:
+        def f(c):
+            o = ord(c)
+            if o < 128:
+                return c
+            return '&#%d;' % o
+        return ''.join(map(f, s))
+total = 0
+for r in c.fetchall():
+    r = r[0].decode('utf-8')
+    if r in ("Bryan O'Sullivan", 'John Goerzen', 'Don Stewart'):
+        continue
+    total += 1
+    m = mappings.get(r.lower())
+    if m:
+        r = m
+    elif len(r) < 2 or ' ' not in r:
+        r = 'Anonymous'
+    reviewers.setdefault(r, 0)
+    reviewers[r] += 1
+reviewers = sorted(reviewers.iteritems(), key=lambda x: x[0])
+cohorts = [(.01,1),(.002,.01)]
+for (lo,hi) in cohorts:
+    lo = total * lo
+    hi = total * hi
+    for r in [n for n in reviewers if lo <= n[1] < hi]:
+        if r[1] > 3:
+            print '%s,' % fixup(r[0])
+    print
+lo = total * .002
+for n in reviewers:
+    if n[1] < lo:
+        print '%s,' % fixup(n[0])
Binary file web/hgbook/ has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/web/hgbook/	Tue Mar 10 21:42:19 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# Django settings for hgbook project.
+import os, sys
+DEBUG = False
+    ("Bryan O'Sullivan", ''),
+ROOT = os.path.dirname(sys.modules[__name__].__file__)
+except ImportError:
+    print >> sys.stderr, 'Faking up some database configuration for you'
+    DATABASE_ENGINE = 'sqlite3'
+    DATABASE_NAME = os.path.join(ROOT, '.database.sqlite3')
+    SECRET_KEY = ''
+# Local time zone for this installation. Choices can be found here:
+# although not all choices may be avilable on all operating systems.
+# If running in a Windows environment this must be set to the same as your
+# system time zone.
+TIME_ZONE = 'America/Los_Angeles'
+# Language code for this installation. All choices can be found here:
+LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en-us'
+SITE_ID = 1
+# If you set this to False, Django will make some optimizations so as not
+# to load the internationalization machinery.
+USE_I18N = True
+# Absolute path to the directory that holds media.
+# Example: "/home/media/"
+# URL that handles the media served from MEDIA_ROOT. Make sure to use a
+# trailing slash if there is a path component (optional in other cases).
+# Examples: "", ""
+# URL prefix for admin media -- CSS, JavaScript and images. Make sure to use a
+# trailing slash.
+# Examples: "", "/media/".
+# List of callables that know how to import templates from various sources.
+    'django.template.loaders.filesystem.load_template_source',
+    'django.template.loaders.app_directories.load_template_source',
+#     'django.template.loaders.eggs.load_template_source',
+    'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware',
+    'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware',
+    'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware',
+    'django.middleware.doc.XViewMiddleware',
+ROOT_URLCONF = 'hgbook.urls'
+    os.path.join(ROOT, 'templates')
+    'django.contrib.admin',
+    'django.contrib.auth',
+    'django.contrib.contenttypes',
+    'django.contrib.sessions',
+    'django.contrib.sites',
+    'hgbook.comments',
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/web/hgbook/templates/404.html	Tue Mar 10 21:42:19 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+{% extends "simple.html" %}
+{% block title %}Page Not Found{% endblock %}
+{% block body %}
+<p>Sorry, we hit <a href="">&perp;</a> when trying to find the
+page you requested.</p>
+{% endblock %}
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/web/hgbook/templates/500.html	Tue Mar 10 21:42:19 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+{% extends "simple.html" %}
+{% block title %}Internal Server Error{% endblock %}
+{% block body %}
+<p>Sorry, we hit <a
+href="">&perp;</a> when
+trying to process your request.  If possible, please let <a
+href="">Bryan</a> know that this problem happened,
+and what you were doing when it occurred.</p>
+{% endblock %}
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/web/hgbook/templates/boilerplate.html	Tue Mar 10 21:42:19 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+  <head>
+    <title>{% block pagetitle %}Real World Haskell{% endblock %}</title>
+    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/support/styles.css" type="text/css"/>
+    <link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="Comments"
+      href="/feeds/comments/"/>
+    <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="/support/figs/favicon.png"/>
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="/support/jquery.js"></script>
+      <script type="text/javascript" src="/support/form.js"></script>
+    <script type="text/javascript" src="/support/hsbook.js"></script>
+  </head>
+  <body>
+    {% block bodycontent %}{% endblock %}
+    <div class="hgbookfooter"> <p><img src="/support/figs/rss.png"> Want to stay
+	up to date? Subscribe to comment feeds for any chapter, or
+	the <a class="feed"
+	  href="/feeds/comments/">entire book</a>.</p> <p>Copyright
+	2007, 2008 Bryan O'Sullivan, Don Stewart, and John Goerzen. This
+	work is licensed under a <a rel="license" href=
+	  "">Creative
+	  Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License</a>. Icons by
+	  <a href="">Paul Davey</a> aka <a
+	  href="">Mattahan</a>.</p>
+    </div>
+    <script src=""
+      type="text/javascript"></script>
+    <script type="text/javascript">_uacct = "UA-1805907-3";
+      urchinTracker();</script>
+  </body>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/web/hgbook/templates/comment.html	Tue Mar 10 21:42:19 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+{% ifequal length 1 %}
+  <a class="commenttoggle" id="toggle_{{ id }}"
+      onclick="return toggleComment('{{ id }}')"
+      href="comments: show / hide">One comment</a>
+{% else %}
+  {% if length %}
+    <a class="commenttoggle" id="toggle_{{ id }}"
+      onclick="return toggleComment('{{ id }}')"
+      href="comments: show / hide">{{ length }} comments</a>
+  {% else %}
+    <a class="commenttoggle" id="toggle_{{ id }}"
+      onclick="return toggleComment('{{ id }}')"
+      href="comments: show / hide">No comments</a>
+    <div class="comment" {% if not newid %} style="display: none;" {% endif %}>
+      <div class="comment_body">Be the first to comment on this paragraph!</div>
+    </div>
+  {% endif %}
+{% endifequal %}
+{% for c in query %}
+  <div class="{% ifequal newid %}new_{% endifequal %}comment"
+      {% if not newid %} style="display: none;" {% endif %}
+    id="comment{{ }}">
+    <a name="comment{{ }}"/>
+    <div class="comment_header">
+	<span class="comment_id"><a href="/admin/comments/comment/{{ }}/">{{ }}</a></span>
+      {% if c.submitter_url %}
+	<span class="comment_name"><a rel="nofollow"
+	  href="{{ c.submitter_url }}">{{ c.submitter_name|escape }}</a></span>
+      {% else %}
+	<span class="comment_name">{{ c.submitter_name|escape }}</span>
+      {% endif %}
+      <span class="comment_date">{{|date:"Y-m-d" }}</span>
+      {% if c.reviewed %}
+	<span class="comment_reviewed">(reviewed)</span>
+      {% endif %}
+      {% ifequal newid %}
+	<span class="comment_thanks">thank you for your comment!</span>
+      {% endifequal %}
+    </div>
+    <div class="comment_body">{{ c.comment|escape|linebreaks }}</div>
+  </div>
+{% endfor %}
+<form class="comment" id="form_{{ id }}" action="/comments/submit/{{ id }}/"
+    method="post" {% if not newid %} style="display: none;" {% endif %}>
+  {{ }}
+  <table>
+    <tbody>
+      <tr><td align="right" valign="top">Comment<br><a class="comment_help"
+		href="web.html#web.comment">[ help ]</a></td>
+	  <td>{{ form.comment }}</td></tr>
+      <tr><td align="right">Your name</td><td>{{ }}
+	    <span class="comment_help"><b>Required</b> so we can <a
+		href="">give you credit</a></span></td></tr>
+      <tr><td align="right">Your URL</td><td>{{ form.url }}
+	    <span class="comment_help"><b>Optional</b> link to blog, home page,
+	      <i>etc</i>.</span></td></tr>
+      <tr><td align="right">Remember you?</td><td>{{ form.remember }}</td></tr>
+      <tr><td/><td><input name="submit" type="submit"
+	      value="Submit Comment"/><span class="comment_error">{{ error }}</span></td></tr>
+    </tbody>
+  </table>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/web/hgbook/templates/feeds/comments_description.html	Tue Mar 10 21:42:19 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<p>On {{|date:"Y-m-d" }},
+      {% if obj.submitter_url %}
+	<a rel="nofollow" href="{{ obj.submitter_url }}">{{ obj.submitter_name|escape }}</a>
+      {% else %}
+	{{ obj.submitter_name|escape }}
+      {% endif %}
+commented on &#8220;{{ obj.element.title|escape }}&#8221;:</p>
+{{ obj.comment|escape|linebreaks }}
+<p>To see this comment in context or to respond, visit <a
+	href="http://{{ site.domain }}{{ obj.get_absolute_url }}">{{ site.domain }}</a></p>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/web/hgbook/templates/feeds/comments_title.html	Tue Mar 10 21:42:19 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+Comment on &#8220;{{ obj.element.title|escape }}&#8221;
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/web/hgbook/templates/simple.html	Tue Mar 10 21:42:19 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+{% extends "boilerplate.html" %}
+{% block bodycontent %}
+<div class="navheader"><h1>{% block title %}{% endblock %}</h1></div>
+<div class="basetemplate">{% block body %}{% endblock %}</div>
+{% endblock %}
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/web/hgbook/	Tue Mar 10 21:42:19 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+import os
+from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
+import hgbook.comments.feeds as feeds
+feeds = {
+    'comments': feeds.Comments,
+    }
+urlpatterns = patterns('',
+    (r'^comments/', include('hgbook.comments.urls')),
+    (r'^feeds/(?P<url>.*)/$', 'django.contrib.syndication.views.feed',
+     {'feed_dict': feeds}),          
+    # Only uncomment this for local testing without Apache.
+    # (r'^html/(?P<path>.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve',
+    # {'document_root': os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(
+    #    sys.modules[__name__].__file__) + '/../../en/html'),
+    # Uncomment this for admin:
+    (r'^admin/', include('django.contrib.admin.urls')),
Binary file web/icons/caution.png has changed
Binary file web/icons/favicon.png has changed
Binary file web/icons/important.png has changed
Binary file web/icons/note.png has changed
Binary file web/icons/remark.png has changed
Binary file web/icons/rss.png has changed
Binary file web/icons/shell.png has changed
Binary file web/icons/source.png has changed
Binary file web/icons/tip.png has changed
Binary file web/icons/warning.png has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/web/javascript/form-min.js	Tue Mar 10 21:42:19 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+(function($){$.fn.ajaxSubmit=function(_2){if(typeof _2=="function"){_2={success:_2};}_2=$.extend({url:this.attr("action")||window.location,type:this.attr("method")||"GET"},_2||{});var _3={};$.event.trigger("form.pre.serialize",[this,_2,_3]);if(_3.veto){return this;}var a=this.formToArray(_2.semantic);if({for(var n in{a.push({name:n,[n]});}}if(_2.beforeSubmit&&_2.beforeSubmit(a,this,_2)===false){return this;}$.event.trigger("form.submit.validate",[a,this,_2,_3]);if(_3.veto){return this;}var q=$.param(a);if(_2.type.toUpperCase()=="GET"){_2.url+=(_2.url.indexOf("?")>=0?"&":"?")+q;;}else{;}var _7=this,callbacks=[];if(_2.resetForm){callbacks.push(function(){_7.resetForm();});}if(_2.clearForm){callbacks.push(function(){_7.clearForm();});}if(!_2.dataType&&{var _8=_2.success||function(){};callbacks.push(function(_9){if(this.evalScripts){$("innerHTML",_9).evalScripts().each(_8,arguments);}else{$(,arguments);}});}else{if(_2.success){callbacks.push(_2.success);}}_2.success=function(_a,_b){for(var i=0,max=callbacks.length;i<max;i++){callbacks[i](_a,_b,_7);}};var _d=$("input:file",this).fieldValue();var _e=false;for(var j=0;j<_d.length;j++){if(_d[j]){_e=true;}}if(_2.iframe||_e){fileUpload();}else{$.ajax(_2);}$.event.trigger("form.submit.notify",[this,_2]);return this;function fileUpload(){var _10=_7[0];var _11=$.extend({},$.ajaxSettings,_2);var id="jqFormIO"+$.fn.ajaxSubmit.counter++;var $io=$("<iframe id=\""+id+"\" name=\""+id+"\" />");var io=$io[0];var op8=$.browser.opera&&window.opera.version()<9;if($.browser.msie||op8){io.src="javascript:false;document.write(\"\");";}$io.css({position:"absolute",top:"-1000px",left:"-1000px"});var xhr={responseText:null,responseXML:null,status:0,statusText:"n/a",getAllResponseHeaders:function(){},getResponseHeader:function(){},setRequestHeader:function(){}};var;if(g&&!$.active++){$.event.trigger("ajaxStart");}if(g){$.event.trigger("ajaxSend",[xhr,_11]);}var _18=0;var _19=0;setTimeout(function(){$io.appendTo("body");io.attachEvent?io.attachEvent("onload",cb):io.addEventListener("load",cb,false);var _1a=_10.encoding?"encoding":"enctype";var t=_7.attr("target");_7.attr({target:id,method:"POST",action:_11.url});_10[_1a]="multipart/form-data";if(_11.timeout){setTimeout(function(){_19=true;cb();},_11.timeout);}_10.submit();_7.attr("target",t);},10);function cb(){if(_18++){return;}io.detachEvent?io.detachEvent("onload",cb):io.removeEventListener("load",cb,false);var ok=true;try{if(_19){throw "timeout";}var _1d,doc;doc=io.contentWindow?io.contentWindow.document:io.contentDocument?io.contentDocument:io.document;xhr.responseText=doc.body?doc.body.innerHTML:null;xhr.responseXML=doc.XMLDocument?doc.XMLDocument:doc;if(_11.dataType=="json"||_11.dataType=="script"){var ta=doc.getElementsByTagName("textarea")[0];_1d=ta?ta.value:xhr.responseText;if(_11.dataType=="json"){eval("data = "+_1d);}else{$.globalEval(_1d);}}else{if(_11.dataType=="xml"){_1d=xhr.responseXML;if(!_1d&&xhr.responseText!=null){_1d=toXml(xhr.responseText);}}else{_1d=xhr.responseText;}}}catch(e){ok=false;$.handleError(_11,xhr,"error",e);}if(ok){_11.success(_1d,"success");if(g){$.event.trigger("ajaxSuccess",[xhr,_11]);}}if(g){$.event.trigger("ajaxComplete",[xhr,_11]);}if(g&&!--$.active){$.event.trigger("ajaxStop");}if(_11.complete){_11.complete(xhr,ok?"success":"error");}setTimeout(function(){$io.remove();xhr.responseXML=null;},100);}function toXml(s,doc){if(window.ActiveXObject){doc=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");doc.async="false";doc.loadXML(s);}else{doc=(new DOMParser()).parseFromString(s,"text/xml");}return (doc&&doc.documentElement&&doc.documentElement.tagName!="parsererror")?doc:null;}}};$.fn.ajaxSubmit.counter=0;$.fn.ajaxForm=function(_21){return this.ajaxFormUnbind().submit(submitHandler).each(function(){this.formPluginId=$.fn.ajaxForm.counter++;$.fn.ajaxForm.optionHash[this.formPluginId]=_21;$(":submit,input:image",this).click(clickHandler);});};$.fn.ajaxForm.counter=1;$.fn.ajaxForm.optionHash={};function clickHandler(e){var _23=this.form;_23.clk=this;if(this.type=="image"){if(e.offsetX!=undefined){_23.clk_x=e.offsetX;_23.clk_y=e.offsetY;}else{if(typeof $.fn.offset=="function"){var _24=$(this).offset();_23.clk_x=e.pageX-_24.left;;}else{_23.clk_x=e.pageX-this.offsetLeft;_23.clk_y=e.pageY-this.offsetTop;}}}setTimeout(function(){_23.clk=_23.clk_x=_23.clk_y=null;},10);}function submitHandler(){var id=this.formPluginId;var _26=$.fn.ajaxForm.optionHash[id];$(this).ajaxSubmit(_26);return false;}$.fn.ajaxFormUnbind=function(){this.unbind("submit",submitHandler);return this.each(function(){$(":submit,input:image",this).unbind("click",clickHandler);});};$.fn.formToArray=function(_27){var a=[];if(this.length==0){return a;}var _29=this[0];var els=_27?_29.getElementsByTagName("*"):_29.elements;if(!els){return a;}for(var i=0,max=els.length;i<max;i++){var el=els[i];var;if(!n){continue;}if(_27&&_29.clk&&el.type=="image"){if(!el.disabled&&_29.clk==el){a.push({name:n+".x",value:_29.clk_x},{name:n+".y",value:_29.clk_y});}continue;}var v=$.fieldValue(el,true);if(v&&v.constructor==Array){for(var j=0,jmax=v.length;j<jmax;j++){a.push({name:n,value:v[j]});}}else{if(v!==null&&typeof v!="undefined"){a.push({name:n,value:v});}}}if(!_27&&_29.clk){var _30=_29.getElementsByTagName("input");for(var i=0,max=_30.length;i<max;i++){var _32=_30[i];var;if(n&&!_32.disabled&&_32.type=="image"&&_29.clk==_32){a.push({name:n+".x",value:_29.clk_x},{name:n+".y",value:_29.clk_y});}}}return a;};$.fn.formSerialize=function(_34){return $.param(this.formToArray(_34));};$.fn.fieldSerialize=function(_35){var a=[];this.each(function(){var;if(!n){return;}var v=$.fieldValue(this,_35);if(v&&v.constructor==Array){for(var i=0,max=v.length;i<max;i++){a.push({name:n,value:v[i]});}}else{if(v!==null&&typeof v!="undefined"){a.push({,value:v});}}});return $.param(a);};$.fn.fieldValue=function(_3a){for(var val=[],i=0,max=this.length;i<max;i++){var el=this[i];var v=$.fieldValue(el,_3a);if(v===null||typeof v=="undefined"||(v.constructor==Array&&!v.length)){continue;}v.constructor==Array?$.merge(val,v):val.push(v);}return val;};$.fieldValue=function(el,_3f){var,t=el.type,tag=el.tagName.toLowerCase();if(typeof _3f=="undefined"){_3f=true;}if(_3f&&(!n||el.disabled||t=="reset"||t=="button"||(t=="checkbox"||t=="radio")&&!el.checked||(t=="submit"||t=="image")&&el.form&&el.form.clk!=el||tag=="select"&&el.selectedIndex==-1)){return null;}if(tag=="select"){var _41=el.selectedIndex;if(_41<0){return null;}var a=[],ops=el.options;var one=(t=="select-one");var max=(one?_41+1:ops.length);for(var i=(one?_41:0);i<max;i++){var op=ops[i];if(op.selected){var v=$.browser.msie&&!(op.attributes["value"].specified)?op.text:op.value;if(one){return v;}a.push(v);}}return a;}return el.value;};$.fn.clearForm=function(){return this.each(function(){$("input,select,textarea",this).clearFields();});};$.fn.clearFields=$.fn.clearInputs=function(){return this.each(function(){var t=this.type,tag=this.tagName.toLowerCase();if(t=="text"||t=="password"||tag=="textarea"){this.value="";}else{if(t=="checkbox"||t=="radio"){this.checked=false;}else{if(tag=="select"){this.selectedIndex=-1;}}}});};$.fn.resetForm=function(){return this.each(function(){if(typeof this.reset=="function"||(typeof this.reset=="object"&&!this.reset.nodeType)){this.reset();}});};})(jQuery);
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/web/javascript/form.js	Tue Mar 10 21:42:19 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,819 @@
+ * jQuery Form Plugin
+ * @requires jQuery v1.1 or later
+ *
+ * Examples at:
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Revision: $Id$
+ */
+ (function($) {
+ * ajaxSubmit() provides a mechanism for submitting an HTML form using AJAX.
+ *
+ * ajaxSubmit accepts a single argument which can be either a success callback function
+ * or an options Object.  If a function is provided it will be invoked upon successful
+ * completion of the submit and will be passed the response from the server.
+ * If an options Object is provided, the following attributes are supported:
+ *
+ *  target:   Identifies the element(s) in the page to be updated with the server response.
+ *            This value may be specified as a jQuery selection string, a jQuery object,
+ *            or a DOM element.
+ *            default value: null
+ *
+ *  url:      URL to which the form data will be submitted.
+ *            default value: value of form's 'action' attribute
+ *
+ *  type:     The method in which the form data should be submitted, 'GET' or 'POST'.
+ *            default value: value of form's 'method' attribute (or 'GET' if none found)
+ *
+ *  data:     Additional data to add to the request, specified as key/value pairs (see $.ajax).
+ *
+ *  beforeSubmit:  Callback method to be invoked before the form is submitted.
+ *            default value: null
+ *
+ *  success:  Callback method to be invoked after the form has been successfully submitted
+ *            and the response has been returned from the server
+ *            default value: null
+ *
+ *  dataType: Expected dataType of the response.  One of: null, 'xml', 'script', or 'json'
+ *            default value: null
+ *
+ *  semantic: Boolean flag indicating whether data must be submitted in semantic order (slower).
+ *            default value: false
+ *
+ *  resetForm: Boolean flag indicating whether the form should be reset if the submit is successful
+ *
+ *  clearForm: Boolean flag indicating whether the form should be cleared if the submit is successful
+ *
+ *
+ * The 'beforeSubmit' callback can be provided as a hook for running pre-submit logic or for
+ * validating the form data.  If the 'beforeSubmit' callback returns false then the form will
+ * not be submitted. The 'beforeSubmit' callback is invoked with three arguments: the form data
+ * in array format, the jQuery object, and the options object passed into ajaxSubmit.
+ * The form data array takes the following form:
+ *
+ *     [ { name: 'username', value: 'jresig' }, { name: 'password', value: 'secret' } ]
+ *
+ * If a 'success' callback method is provided it is invoked after the response has been returned
+ * from the server.  It is passed the responseText or responseXML value (depending on dataType).
+ * See jQuery.ajax for further details.
+ *
+ *
+ * The dataType option provides a means for specifying how the server response should be handled.
+ * This maps directly to the jQuery.httpData method.  The following values are supported:
+ *
+ *      'xml':    if dataType == 'xml' the server response is treated as XML and the 'success'
+ *                   callback method, if specified, will be passed the responseXML value
+ *      'json':   if dataType == 'json' the server response will be evaluted and passed to
+ *                   the 'success' callback, if specified
+ *      'script': if dataType == 'script' the server response is evaluated in the global context
+ *
+ *
+ * Note that it does not make sense to use both the 'target' and 'dataType' options.  If both
+ * are provided the target will be ignored.
+ *
+ * The semantic argument can be used to force form serialization in semantic order.
+ * This is normally true anyway, unless the form contains input elements of type='image'.
+ * If your form must be submitted with name/value pairs in semantic order and your form
+ * contains an input of type='image" then pass true for this arg, otherwise pass false
+ * (or nothing) to avoid the overhead for this logic.
+ *
+ *
+ * When used on its own, ajaxSubmit() is typically bound to a form's submit event like this:
+ *
+ * $("#form-id").submit(function() {
+ *     $(this).ajaxSubmit(options);
+ *     return false; // cancel conventional submit
+ * });
+ *
+ * When using ajaxForm(), however, this is done for you.
+ *
+ * @example
+ * $('#myForm').ajaxSubmit(function(data) {
+ *     alert('Form submit succeeded! Server returned: ' + data);
+ * });
+ * @desc Submit form and alert server response
+ *
+ *
+ * @example
+ * var options = {
+ *     target: '#myTargetDiv'
+ * };
+ * $('#myForm').ajaxSubmit(options);
+ * @desc Submit form and update page element with server response
+ *
+ *
+ * @example
+ * var options = {
+ *     success: function(responseText) {
+ *         alert(responseText);
+ *     }
+ * };
+ * $('#myForm').ajaxSubmit(options);
+ * @desc Submit form and alert the server response
+ *
+ *
+ * @example
+ * var options = {
+ *     beforeSubmit: function(formArray, jqForm) {
+ *         if (formArray.length == 0) {
+ *             alert('Please enter data.');
+ *             return false;
+ *         }
+ *     }
+ * };
+ * $('#myForm').ajaxSubmit(options);
+ * @desc Pre-submit validation which aborts the submit operation if form data is empty
+ *
+ *
+ * @example
+ * var options = {
+ *     url: myJsonUrl.php,
+ *     dataType: 'json',
+ *     success: function(data) {
+ *        // 'data' is an object representing the the evaluated json data
+ *     }
+ * };
+ * $('#myForm').ajaxSubmit(options);
+ * @desc json data returned and evaluated
+ *
+ *
+ * @example
+ * var options = {
+ *     url: myXmlUrl.php,
+ *     dataType: 'xml',
+ *     success: function(responseXML) {
+ *        // responseXML is XML document object
+ *        var data = $('myElement', responseXML).text();
+ *     }
+ * };
+ * $('#myForm').ajaxSubmit(options);
+ * @desc XML data returned from server
+ *
+ *
+ * @example
+ * var options = {
+ *     resetForm: true
+ * };
+ * $('#myForm').ajaxSubmit(options);
+ * @desc submit form and reset it if successful
+ *
+ * @example
+ * $('#myForm).submit(function() {
+ *    $(this).ajaxSubmit();
+ *    return false;
+ * });
+ * @desc Bind form's submit event to use ajaxSubmit
+ *
+ *
+ * @name ajaxSubmit
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @param options  object literal containing options which control the form submission process
+ * @cat Plugins/Form
+ * @return jQuery
+ */
+$.fn.ajaxSubmit = function(options) {
+    if (typeof options == 'function')
+        options = { success: options };
+    options = $.extend({
+        url:  this.attr('action') || window.location,
+        type: this.attr('method') || 'GET'
+    }, options || {});
+    // hook for manipulating the form data before it is extracted;
+    // convenient for use with rich editors like tinyMCE or FCKEditor
+    var veto = {};
+    $.event.trigger('form.pre.serialize', [this, options, veto]);
+    if (veto.veto) return this;
+    var a = this.formToArray(options.semantic);
+	if ( {
+	    for (var n in
+	        a.push( { name: n, value:[n] } );
+	}
+    // give pre-submit callback an opportunity to abort the submit
+    if (options.beforeSubmit && options.beforeSubmit(a, this, options) === false) return this;
+    // fire vetoable 'validate' event
+    $.event.trigger('form.submit.validate', [a, this, options, veto]);
+    if (veto.veto) return this;
+    var q = $.param(a);//.replace(/%20/g,'+');
+    if (options.type.toUpperCase() == 'GET') {
+        options.url += (options.url.indexOf('?') >= 0 ? '&' : '?') + q;
+ = null;  // data is null for 'get'
+    }
+    else
+ = q; // data is the query string for 'post'
+    var $form = this, callbacks = [];
+    if (options.resetForm) callbacks.push(function() { $form.resetForm(); });
+    if (options.clearForm) callbacks.push(function() { $form.clearForm(); });
+    // perform a load on the target only if dataType is not provided
+    if (!options.dataType && {
+        var oldSuccess = options.success || function(){};
+        callbacks.push(function(data) {
+            if (this.evalScripts)
+                $("innerHTML", data).evalScripts().each(oldSuccess, arguments);
+            else // jQuery v1.1.4
+                $(, arguments);
+        });
+    }
+    else if (options.success)
+        callbacks.push(options.success);
+    options.success = function(data, status) {
+        for (var i=0, max=callbacks.length; i < max; i++)
+            callbacks[i](data, status, $form);
+    };
+    // are there files to upload?
+    var files = $('input:file', this).fieldValue();
+    var found = false;
+    for (var j=0; j < files.length; j++)
+        if (files[j])
+            found = true;
+    if (options.iframe || found) // options.iframe allows user to force iframe mode
+        fileUpload();
+    else
+        $.ajax(options);
+    // fire 'notify' event
+    $.event.trigger('form.submit.notify', [this, options]);
+    return this;
+    // private function for handling file uploads (hat tip to YAHOO!)
+    function fileUpload() {
+        var form = $form[0];
+        var opts = $.extend({}, $.ajaxSettings, options);
+        var id = 'jqFormIO' + $.fn.ajaxSubmit.counter++;
+        var $io = $('<iframe id="' + id + '" name="' + id + '" />');
+        var io = $io[0];
+        var op8 = $.browser.opera && window.opera.version() < 9;
+        if ($.browser.msie || op8) io.src = 'javascript:false;document.write("");';
+        $io.css({ position: 'absolute', top: '-1000px', left: '-1000px' });
+        var xhr = { // mock object
+            responseText: null,
+            responseXML: null,
+            status: 0,
+            statusText: 'n/a',
+            getAllResponseHeaders: function() {},
+            getResponseHeader: function() {},
+            setRequestHeader: function() {}
+        };
+        var g =;
+        // trigger ajax global events so that activity/block indicators work like normal
+        if (g && ! $.active++) $.event.trigger("ajaxStart");
+        if (g) $.event.trigger("ajaxSend", [xhr, opts]);
+        var cbInvoked = 0;
+        var timedOut = 0;
+        // take a breath so that pending repaints get some cpu time before the upload starts
+        setTimeout(function() {
+            $io.appendTo('body');
+            // jQuery's event binding doesn't work for iframe events in IE
+            io.attachEvent ? io.attachEvent('onload', cb) : io.addEventListener('load', cb, false);
+            // make sure form attrs are set
+            var encAttr = form.encoding ? 'encoding' : 'enctype';
+            var t = $form.attr('target');
+            $form.attr({
+                target:   id,
+                method:  'POST',
+                action:   opts.url
+            });
+            form[encAttr] = 'multipart/form-data';
+            // support timout
+            if (opts.timeout)
+                setTimeout(function() { timedOut = true; cb(); }, opts.timeout);
+            form.submit();
+            $form.attr('target', t); // reset target
+        }, 10);
+        function cb() {
+            if (cbInvoked++) return;
+            io.detachEvent ? io.detachEvent('onload', cb) : io.removeEventListener('load', cb, false);
+            var ok = true;
+            try {
+                if (timedOut) throw 'timeout';
+                // extract the server response from the iframe
+                var data, doc;
+                doc = io.contentWindow ? io.contentWindow.document : io.contentDocument ? io.contentDocument : io.document;
+                xhr.responseText = doc.body ? doc.body.innerHTML : null;
+                xhr.responseXML = doc.XMLDocument ? doc.XMLDocument : doc;
+                if (opts.dataType == 'json' || opts.dataType == 'script') {
+                    var ta = doc.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0];
+                    data = ta ? ta.value : xhr.responseText;
+                    if (opts.dataType == 'json')
+                        eval("data = " + data);
+                    else
+                        $.globalEval(data);
+                }
+                else if (opts.dataType == 'xml') {
+                    data = xhr.responseXML;
+                    if (!data && xhr.responseText != null)
+                        data = toXml(xhr.responseText);
+                }
+                else {
+                    data = xhr.responseText;
+                }
+            }
+            catch(e){
+                ok = false;
+                $.handleError(opts, xhr, 'error', e);
+            }
+            // ordering of these callbacks/triggers is odd, but that's how $.ajax does it
+            if (ok) {
+                opts.success(data, 'success');
+                if (g) $.event.trigger("ajaxSuccess", [xhr, opts]);
+            }
+            if (g) $.event.trigger("ajaxComplete", [xhr, opts]);
+            if (g && ! --$.active) $.event.trigger("ajaxStop");
+            if (opts.complete) opts.complete(xhr, ok ? 'success' : 'error');
+            // clean up
+            setTimeout(function() {
+                $io.remove();
+                xhr.responseXML = null;
+            }, 100);
+        };
+        function toXml(s, doc) {
+            if (window.ActiveXObject) {
+                doc = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM');
+                doc.async = 'false';
+                doc.loadXML(s);
+            }
+            else
+                doc = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(s, 'text/xml');
+            return (doc && doc.documentElement && doc.documentElement.tagName != 'parsererror') ? doc : null;
+        };
+    };
+$.fn.ajaxSubmit.counter = 0; // used to create unique iframe ids
+ * ajaxForm() provides a mechanism for fully automating form submission.
+ *
+ * The advantages of using this method instead of ajaxSubmit() are:
+ *
+ * 1: This method will include coordinates for <input type="image" /> elements (if the element
+ *    is used to submit the form).
+ * 2. This method will include the submit element's name/value data (for the element that was
+ *    used to submit the form).
+ * 3. This method binds the submit() method to the form for you.
+ *
+ * Note that for accurate x/y coordinates of image submit elements in all browsers
+ * you need to also use the "dimensions" plugin (this method will auto-detect its presence).
+ *
+ * The options argument for ajaxForm works exactly as it does for ajaxSubmit.  ajaxForm merely
+ * passes the options argument along after properly binding events for submit elements and
+ * the form itself.  See ajaxSubmit for a full description of the options argument.
+ *
+ *
+ * @example
+ * var options = {
+ *     target: '#myTargetDiv'
+ * };
+ * $('#myForm').ajaxSForm(options);
+ * @desc Bind form's submit event so that 'myTargetDiv' is updated with the server response
+ *       when the form is submitted.
+ *
+ *
+ * @example
+ * var options = {
+ *     success: function(responseText) {
+ *         alert(responseText);
+ *     }
+ * };
+ * $('#myForm').ajaxSubmit(options);
+ * @desc Bind form's submit event so that server response is alerted after the form is submitted.
+ *
+ *
+ * @example
+ * var options = {
+ *     beforeSubmit: function(formArray, jqForm) {
+ *         if (formArray.length == 0) {
+ *             alert('Please enter data.');
+ *             return false;
+ *         }
+ *     }
+ * };
+ * $('#myForm').ajaxSubmit(options);
+ * @desc Bind form's submit event so that pre-submit callback is invoked before the form
+ *       is submitted.
+ *
+ *
+ * @name   ajaxForm
+ * @param  options  object literal containing options which control the form submission process
+ * @return jQuery
+ * @cat    Plugins/Form
+ * @type   jQuery
+ */
+$.fn.ajaxForm = function(options) {
+    return this.ajaxFormUnbind().submit(submitHandler).each(function() {
+        // store options in hash
+        this.formPluginId = $.fn.ajaxForm.counter++;
+        $.fn.ajaxForm.optionHash[this.formPluginId] = options;
+        $(":submit,input:image", this).click(clickHandler);
+    });
+$.fn.ajaxForm.counter = 1;
+$.fn.ajaxForm.optionHash = {};
+function clickHandler(e) {
+    var $form = this.form;
+    $form.clk = this;
+    if (this.type == 'image') {
+        if (e.offsetX != undefined) {
+            $form.clk_x = e.offsetX;
+            $form.clk_y = e.offsetY;
+        } else if (typeof $.fn.offset == 'function') { // try to use dimensions plugin
+            var offset = $(this).offset();
+            $form.clk_x = e.pageX - offset.left;
+            $form.clk_y = e.pageY -;
+        } else {
+            $form.clk_x = e.pageX - this.offsetLeft;
+            $form.clk_y = e.pageY - this.offsetTop;
+        }
+    }
+    // clear form vars
+    setTimeout(function() { $form.clk = $form.clk_x = $form.clk_y = null; }, 10);
+function submitHandler() {
+    // retrieve options from hash
+    var id = this.formPluginId;
+    var options = $.fn.ajaxForm.optionHash[id];
+    $(this).ajaxSubmit(options);
+    return false;
+ * ajaxFormUnbind unbinds the event handlers that were bound by ajaxForm
+ *
+ * @name   ajaxFormUnbind
+ * @return jQuery
+ * @cat    Plugins/Form
+ * @type   jQuery
+ */
+$.fn.ajaxFormUnbind = function() {
+    this.unbind('submit', submitHandler);
+    return this.each(function() {
+        $(":submit,input:image", this).unbind('click', clickHandler);
+    });
+ * formToArray() gathers form element data into an array of objects that can
+ * be passed to any of the following ajax functions: $.get, $.post, or load.
+ * Each object in the array has both a 'name' and 'value' property.  An example of
+ * an array for a simple login form might be:
+ *
+ * [ { name: 'username', value: 'jresig' }, { name: 'password', value: 'secret' } ]
+ *
+ * It is this array that is passed to pre-submit callback functions provided to the
+ * ajaxSubmit() and ajaxForm() methods.
+ *
+ * The semantic argument can be used to force form serialization in semantic order.
+ * This is normally true anyway, unless the form contains input elements of type='image'.
+ * If your form must be submitted with name/value pairs in semantic order and your form
+ * contains an input of type='image" then pass true for this arg, otherwise pass false
+ * (or nothing) to avoid the overhead for this logic.
+ *
+ * @example var data = $("#myForm").formToArray();
+ * $.post( "myscript.cgi", data );
+ * @desc Collect all the data from a form and submit it to the server.
+ *
+ * @name formToArray
+ * @param semantic true if serialization must maintain strict semantic ordering of elements (slower)
+ * @type Array<Object>
+ * @cat Plugins/Form
+ */
+$.fn.formToArray = function(semantic) {
+    var a = [];
+    if (this.length == 0) return a;
+    var form = this[0];
+    var els = semantic ? form.getElementsByTagName('*') : form.elements;
+    if (!els) return a;
+    for(var i=0, max=els.length; i < max; i++) {
+        var el = els[i];
+        var n =;
+        if (!n) continue;
+        if (semantic && form.clk && el.type == "image") {
+            // handle image inputs on the fly when semantic == true
+            if(!el.disabled && form.clk == el)
+                a.push({name: n+'.x', value: form.clk_x}, {name: n+'.y', value: form.clk_y});
+            continue;
+        }
+        var v = $.fieldValue(el, true);
+        if (v && v.constructor == Array) {
+            for(var j=0, jmax=v.length; j < jmax; j++)
+                a.push({name: n, value: v[j]});
+        }
+        else if (v !== null && typeof v != 'undefined')
+            a.push({name: n, value: v});
+    }
+    if (!semantic && form.clk) {
+        // input type=='image' are not found in elements array! handle them here
+        var inputs = form.getElementsByTagName("input");
+        for(var i=0, max=inputs.length; i < max; i++) {
+            var input = inputs[i];
+            var n =;
+            if(n && !input.disabled && input.type == "image" && form.clk == input)
+                a.push({name: n+'.x', value: form.clk_x}, {name: n+'.y', value: form.clk_y});
+        }
+    }
+    return a;
+ * Serializes form data into a 'submittable' string. This method will return a string
+ * in the format: name1=value1&amp;name2=value2
+ *
+ * The semantic argument can be used to force form serialization in semantic order.
+ * If your form must be submitted with name/value pairs in semantic order then pass
+ * true for this arg, otherwise pass false (or nothing) to avoid the overhead for
+ * this logic (which can be significant for very large forms).
+ *
+ * @example var data = $("#myForm").formSerialize();
+ * $.ajax('POST', "myscript.cgi", data);
+ * @desc Collect all the data from a form into a single string
+ *
+ * @name formSerialize
+ * @param semantic true if serialization must maintain strict semantic ordering of elements (slower)
+ * @type String
+ * @cat Plugins/Form
+ */
+$.fn.formSerialize = function(semantic) {
+    //hand off to jQuery.param for proper encoding
+    return $.param(this.formToArray(semantic));
+ * Serializes all field elements in the jQuery object into a query string.
+ * This method will return a string in the format: name1=value1&amp;name2=value2
+ *
+ * The successful argument controls whether or not serialization is limited to
+ * 'successful' controls (per
+ * The default value of the successful argument is true.
+ *
+ * @example var data = $("input").formSerialize();
+ * @desc Collect the data from all successful input elements into a query string
+ *
+ * @example var data = $(":radio").formSerialize();
+ * @desc Collect the data from all successful radio input elements into a query string
+ *
+ * @example var data = $("#myForm :checkbox").formSerialize();
+ * @desc Collect the data from all successful checkbox input elements in myForm into a query string
+ *
+ * @example var data = $("#myForm :checkbox").formSerialize(false);
+ * @desc Collect the data from all checkbox elements in myForm (even the unchecked ones) into a query string
+ *
+ * @example var data = $(":input").formSerialize();
+ * @desc Collect the data from all successful input, select, textarea and button elements into a query string
+ *
+ * @name fieldSerialize
+ * @param successful true if only successful controls should be serialized (default is true)
+ * @type String
+ * @cat Plugins/Form
+ */
+$.fn.fieldSerialize = function(successful) {
+    var a = [];
+    this.each(function() {
+        var n =;
+        if (!n) return;
+        var v = $.fieldValue(this, successful);
+        if (v && v.constructor == Array) {
+            for (var i=0,max=v.length; i < max; i++)
+                a.push({name: n, value: v[i]});
+        }
+        else if (v !== null && typeof v != 'undefined')
+            a.push({name:, value: v});
+    });
+    //hand off to jQuery.param for proper encoding
+    return $.param(a);
+ * Returns the value(s) of the element in the matched set.  For example, consider the following form:
+ *
+ *  <form><fieldset>
+ *      <input name="A" type="text" />
+ *      <input name="A" type="text" />
+ *      <input name="B" type="checkbox" value="B1" />
+ *      <input name="B" type="checkbox" value="B2"/>
+ *      <input name="C" type="radio" value="C1" />
+ *      <input name="C" type="radio" value="C2" />
+ *  </fieldset></form>
+ *
+ *  var v = $(':text').fieldValue();
+ *  // if no values are entered into the text inputs
+ *  v == ['','']
+ *  // if values entered into the text inputs are 'foo' and 'bar'
+ *  v == ['foo','bar']
+ *
+ *  var v = $(':checkbox').fieldValue();
+ *  // if neither checkbox is checked
+ *  v === undefined
+ *  // if both checkboxes are checked
+ *  v == ['B1', 'B2']
+ *
+ *  var v = $(':radio').fieldValue();
+ *  // if neither radio is checked
+ *  v === undefined
+ *  // if first radio is checked
+ *  v == ['C1']
+ *
+ * The successful argument controls whether or not the field element must be 'successful'
+ * (per
+ * The default value of the successful argument is true.  If this value is false the value(s)
+ * for each element is returned.
+ *
+ * Note: This method *always* returns an array.  If no valid value can be determined the
+ *       array will be empty, otherwise it will contain one or more values.
+ *
+ * @example var data = $("#myPasswordElement").fieldValue();
+ * alert(data[0]);
+ * @desc Alerts the current value of the myPasswordElement element
+ *
+ * @example var data = $("#myForm :input").fieldValue();
+ * @desc Get the value(s) of the form elements in myForm
+ *
+ * @example var data = $("#myForm :checkbox").fieldValue();
+ * @desc Get the value(s) for the successful checkbox element(s) in the jQuery object.
+ *
+ * @example var data = $("#mySingleSelect").fieldValue();
+ * @desc Get the value(s) of the select control
+ *
+ * @example var data = $(':text').fieldValue();
+ * @desc Get the value(s) of the text input or textarea elements
+ *
+ * @example var data = $("#myMultiSelect").fieldValue();
+ * @desc Get the values for the select-multiple control
+ *
+ * @name fieldValue
+ * @param Boolean successful true if only the values for successful controls should be returned (default is true)
+ * @type Array<String>
+ * @cat Plugins/Form
+ */
+$.fn.fieldValue = function(successful) {
+    for (var val=[], i=0, max=this.length; i < max; i++) {
+        var el = this[i];
+        var v = $.fieldValue(el, successful);
+        if (v === null || typeof v == 'undefined' || (v.constructor == Array && !v.length))
+            continue;
+        v.constructor == Array ? $.merge(val, v) : val.push(v);
+    }
+    return val;
+ * Returns the value of the field element.
+ *
+ * The successful argument controls whether or not the field element must be 'successful'
+ * (per
+ * The default value of the successful argument is true.  If the given element is not
+ * successful and the successful arg is not false then the returned value will be null.
+ *
+ * Note: If the successful flag is true (default) but the element is not successful, the return will be null
+ * Note: The value returned for a successful select-multiple element will always be an array.
+ * Note: If the element has no value the return value will be undefined.
+ *
+ * @example var data = jQuery.fieldValue($("#myPasswordElement")[0]);
+ * @desc Gets the current value of the myPasswordElement element
+ *
+ * @name fieldValue
+ * @param Element el The DOM element for which the value will be returned
+ * @param Boolean successful true if value returned must be for a successful controls (default is true)
+ * @type String or Array<String> or null or undefined
+ * @cat Plugins/Form
+ */
+$.fieldValue = function(el, successful) {
+    var n =, t = el.type, tag = el.tagName.toLowerCase();
+    if (typeof successful == 'undefined') successful = true;
+    if (successful && (!n || el.disabled || t == 'reset' || t == 'button' ||
+        (t == 'checkbox' || t == 'radio') && !el.checked ||
+        (t == 'submit' || t == 'image') && el.form && el.form.clk != el ||
+        tag == 'select' && el.selectedIndex == -1))
+            return null;
+    if (tag == 'select') {
+        var index = el.selectedIndex;
+        if (index < 0) return null;
+        var a = [], ops = el.options;
+        var one = (t == 'select-one');
+        var max = (one ? index+1 : ops.length);
+        for(var i=(one ? index : 0); i < max; i++) {
+            var op = ops[i];
+            if (op.selected) {
+                // extra pain for IE...
+                var v = $.browser.msie && !(op.attributes['value'].specified) ? op.text : op.value;
+                if (one) return v;
+                a.push(v);
+            }
+        }
+        return a;
+    }
+    return el.value;
+ * Clears the form data.  Takes the following actions on the form's input fields:
+ *  - input text fields will have their 'value' property set to the empty string
+ *  - select elements will have their 'selectedIndex' property set to -1
+ *  - checkbox and radio inputs will have their 'checked' property set to false
+ *  - inputs of type submit, button, reset, and hidden will *not* be effected
+ *  - button elements will *not* be effected
+ *
+ * @example $('form').clearForm();
+ * @desc Clears all forms on the page.
+ *
+ * @name clearForm
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Plugins/Form
+ */
+$.fn.clearForm = function() {
+    return this.each(function() {
+        $('input,select,textarea', this).clearFields();
+    });
+ * Clears the selected form elements.  Takes the following actions on the matched elements:
+ *  - input text fields will have their 'value' property set to the empty string
+ *  - select elements will have their 'selectedIndex' property set to -1
+ *  - checkbox and radio inputs will have their 'checked' property set to false
+ *  - inputs of type submit, button, reset, and hidden will *not* be effected
+ *  - button elements will *not* be effected
+ *
+ * @example $('.myInputs').clearFields();
+ * @desc Clears all inputs with class myInputs
+ *
+ * @name clearFields
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Plugins/Form
+ */
+$.fn.clearFields = $.fn.clearInputs = function() {
+    return this.each(function() {
+        var t = this.type, tag = this.tagName.toLowerCase();
+        if (t == 'text' || t == 'password' || tag == 'textarea')
+            this.value = '';
+        else if (t == 'checkbox' || t == 'radio')
+            this.checked = false;
+        else if (tag == 'select')
+            this.selectedIndex = -1;
+    });
+ * Resets the form data.  Causes all form elements to be reset to their original value.
+ *
+ * @example $('form').resetForm();
+ * @desc Resets all forms on the page.
+ *
+ * @name resetForm
+ * @type jQuery
+ * @cat Plugins/Form
+ */
+$.fn.resetForm = function() {
+    return this.each(function() {
+        // guard against an input with the name of 'reset'
+        // note that IE reports the reset function as an 'object'
+        if (typeof this.reset == 'function' || (typeof this.reset == 'object' && !this.reset.nodeType))
+            this.reset();
+    });
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/web/javascript/hsbook.js	Tue Mar 10 21:42:19 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+function qid(id) {
+  return id.replace(/([.:])/g, "\\$1");
+function beforeComment(formData, jqForm, options) {
+  var form = jqForm[0];
+  if (!form.comment.value) {
+    $( + " span.comment_error").empty().append(
+      "<span class=\"comment_error\">Your comment is empty</span>");
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (! {
+    $( + " span.comment_error").empty().append(
+      "<span class=\"comment_error\">Please provide a name</span>");
+    return false;
+  }
+  $( + " span.comment_error").empty().after(
+    "<img src=\"figs/throbber.gif\" style=\"vertical-align: middle\"/>");
+  $( + " input[@name=submit]").attr("disabled", true);
+function ajaxifyForm(id) {
+  var q = qid(id);
+  $("#form_" + q).ajaxForm({ beforeSubmit: beforeComment,
+			     success: function() { ajaxifyForm(id); },
+			     target: "#comments_" + q });
+function toggleComment(id) {
+  $("#toggle_" + qid(id)).nextAll().toggle();
+  return false;
+function loadComments(id) {
+  $("#comments_" + qid(id)).load(location.protocol + "//" + +
+				 "/comments/single/" + id + "/", function() {
+    ajaxifyForm(id);
+  });
+  return false;
+function loadAllComments() {
+  $("a.commenttoggle").each(function() {
+    var id = $(this).attr("pid");
+    if (id) {
+      loadComments(id);
+    }
+  });
+$(document).ready(function() {
+  function loading(id) {
+    return " <span id=\"comments_" + id + "\" class=\"comment\">" +
+      "<span pid=\"" + id + "\" class=\"commenttoggle\">Loading..." +
+      "</span></span>";
+  }
+  $("div.toc>p")
+    .after("<p style='display: none;'><a onclick='return loadAllComments()'>" +
+	   "Load all comments (<b>slow</b>)</a></p>")
+    .toggle(function() { $(this).nextAll().show("normal"); },
+	    function() { $(this).nextAll().hide("normal"); })
+    .hover(function() { $(this).fadeTo("normal", 0.8); },
+	   function() { $(this).fadeTo("normal", 0.35); });
+  $("p[@id]").each(function() {
+    $(this).append(loading($(this).attr("id")));
+  });
+  $("pre[@id]").each(function() {
+    $(this).after(loading($(this).attr("id")));
+  });
+  var chapid = $("div.preface, div.chapter, div.appendix, div.bibliography").attr("id");
+  $("#chapterfeed").attr("href",
+			 $("#chapterfeed").attr("href") + chapid + "/");
+  $.getJSON(location.protocol + "//" + + "/comments/chapter/" +
+	    chapid + "/count/", function(data) {
+    $.each(data, function(id, item) {
+      var s = item == 1 ? "" : "s";
+      $("#comments_" + qid(id) + " span.commenttoggle").replaceWith(
+        "<a class='commenttoggle' id='toggle_" + id + "' " +
+	"pid='" + id + "' " +
+	"onclick='return loadComments(\"" + id + "\")' " +
+	"href='comments: show / hide'>" + item + " comment" + s + "</a>");
+    });
+    $("span.commenttoggle").each(function() {
+      var id = $(this).attr("pid");
+      $(this).replaceWith("<a class='commenttoggle' id='toggle_" + id + "' " +
+			  "onclick='return loadComments(\"" + id + "\")' " +
+			  "href='comment: add'>No comments</a>");
+    });
+  });
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/web/javascript/jquery-min.js	Tue Mar 10 21:42:19 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ * jQuery 1.2.1 - New Wave Javascript
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2007 John Resig (
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
+ * and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
+ *
+ * $Date: 2007-09-16 23:42:06 -0400 (Sun, 16 Sep 2007) $
+ * $Rev: 3353 $
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timers=jQuery.timers;for(var i=0;i<timers.length;i++)if(!timers[i]())timers.splice(i--,1);if(!timers.length)clearInterval(timer);},13);}},show:function(){this.options.orig[this.prop]=jQuery.attr(,this.prop);;this.custom(0,this.cur());if(this.prop=="width"||this.prop=="height")[this.prop]="1px";jQuery(this.elem).show();},hide:function(){this.options.orig[this.prop]=jQuery.attr(,this.prop);this.options.hide=true;this.custom(this.cur(),0);},step:function(){var t=(new Date()).getTime();if(t>this.options.duration+this.startTime){;this.pos=this.state=1;this.update();this.options.curAnim[this.prop]=true;var done=true;for(var i in this.options.curAnim)if(this.options.curAnim[i]!==true)done=false;if(done){if(this.options.display!=null){;;if(jQuery.css(this.elem,"display")=="none")"block";}if(this.options.hide)"none";if(this.options.hide|| p in this.options.curAnim)jQuery.attr(,p,this.options.orig[p]);}if(done&&jQuery.isFunction(this.options.complete))this.options.complete.apply(this.elem);return false;}else{var n=t-this.startTime;this.state=n/this.options.duration;this.pos=jQuery.easing[this.options.easing||(jQuery.easing.swing?"swing":"linear")](this.state,n,0,1,this.options.duration);*this.pos);this.update();}return true;}};jQuery.fx.step={scrollLeft:function(fx){;},scrollTop:function(fx){;},opacity:function(fx){jQuery.attr(,"opacity",;},_default:function(fx){[fx.prop];}};jQuery.fn.offset=function(){var left=0,top=0,elem=this[0],results;if(elem)with(jQuery.browser){var absolute=jQuery.css(elem,"position")=="absolute",parent=elem.parentNode,offsetParent=elem.offsetParent,doc=elem.ownerDocument,safari2=safari&&parseInt(version)<522;if(elem.getBoundingClientRect){box=elem.getBoundingClientRect();add(box.left+Math.max(doc.documentElement.scrollLeft,doc.body.scrollLeft),,doc.body.scrollTop));if(msie){var border=jQuery("html").css("borderWidth");border=(border=="medium"||jQuery.boxModel&&parseInt(version)>=7)&&2||border;add(-border,-border);}}else{add(elem.offsetLeft,elem.offsetTop);while(offsetParent){add(offsetParent.offsetLeft,offsetParent.offsetTop);if(mozilla&&/^t[d|h]$/i.test(parent.tagName)||!safari2)border(offsetParent);if(safari2&&!absolute&&jQuery.css(offsetParent,"position")=="absolute")absolute=true;offsetParent=offsetParent.offsetParent;}while(parent.tagName&&!/^body|html$/i.test(parent.tagName)){if(!/^inline|table-row.*$/i.test(jQuery.css(parent,"display")))add(-parent.scrollLeft,-parent.scrollTop);if(mozilla&&jQuery.css(parent,"overflow")!="visible")border(parent);parent=parent.parentNode;}if(safari2&&absolute)add(-doc.body.offsetLeft,-doc.body.offsetTop);}results={top:top,left:left};}return results;function border(elem){add(jQuery.css(elem,"borderLeftWidth"),jQuery.css(elem,"borderTopWidth"));}function add(l,t){left+=parseInt(l)||0;top+=parseInt(t)||0;}};})();
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/web/javascript/jquery.js	Tue Mar 10 21:42:19 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,2992 @@
+ * jQuery 1.2.1 - New Wave Javascript
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2007 John Resig (
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
+ * and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
+ *
+ * $Date: 2007-09-16 23:42:06 -0400 (Sun, 16 Sep 2007) $
+ * $Rev: 3353 $
+ */
+// Map over jQuery in case of overwrite
+if ( typeof jQuery != "undefined" )
+	var _jQuery = jQuery;
+var jQuery = window.jQuery = function(selector, context) {
+	// If the context is a namespace object, return a new object
+	return this instanceof jQuery ?
+		this.init(selector, context) :
+		new jQuery(selector, context);
+// Map over the $ in case of overwrite
+if ( typeof $ != "undefined" )
+	var _$ = $;
+// Map the jQuery namespace to the '$' one
+window.$ = jQuery;
+var quickExpr = /^[^<]*(<(.|\s)+>)[^>]*$|^#(\w+)$/;
+jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = {
+	init: function(selector, context) {
+		// Make sure that a selection was provided
+		selector = selector || document;
+		// Handle HTML strings
+		if ( typeof selector  == "string" ) {
+			var m = quickExpr.exec(selector);
+			if ( m && (m[1] || !context) ) {
+				// HANDLE: $(html) -> $(array)
+				if ( m[1] )
+					selector = jQuery.clean( [ m[1] ], context );
+				// HANDLE: $("#id")
+				else {
+					var tmp = document.getElementById( m[3] );
+					if ( tmp )
+						// Handle the case where IE and Opera return items
+						// by name instead of ID
+						if ( != m[3] )
+							return jQuery().find( selector );
+						else {
+							this[0] = tmp;
+							this.length = 1;
+							return this;
+						}
+					else
+						selector = [];
+				}
+			// HANDLE: $(expr)
+			} else
+				return new jQuery( context ).find( selector );
+		// HANDLE: $(function)
+		// Shortcut for document ready
+		} else if ( jQuery.isFunction(selector) )
+			return new jQuery(document)[ jQuery.fn.ready ? "ready" : "load" ]( selector );
+		return this.setArray(
+			// HANDLE: $(array)
+			selector.constructor == Array && selector ||
+			// HANDLE: $(arraylike)
+			// Watch for when an array-like object is passed as the selector
+			(selector.jquery || selector.length && selector != window && !selector.nodeType && selector[0] != undefined && selector[0].nodeType) && jQuery.makeArray( selector ) ||
+			// HANDLE: $(*)
+			[ selector ] );
+	},
+	jquery: "1.2.1",
+	size: function() {
+		return this.length;
+	},
+	length: 0,
+	get: function( num ) {
+		return num == undefined ?
+			// Return a 'clean' array
+			jQuery.makeArray( this ) :
+			// Return just the object
+			this[num];
+	},
+	pushStack: function( a ) {
+		var ret = jQuery(a);
+		ret.prevObject = this;
+		return ret;
+	},
+	setArray: function( a ) {
+		this.length = 0;
+		Array.prototype.push.apply( this, a );
+		return this;
+	},
+	each: function( fn, args ) {
+		return jQuery.each( this, fn, args );
+	},
+	index: function( obj ) {
+		var pos = -1;
+		this.each(function(i){
+			if ( this == obj ) pos = i;
+		});
+		return pos;
+	},
+	attr: function( key, value, type ) {
+		var obj = key;
+		// Look for the case where we're accessing a style value
+		if ( key.constructor == String )
+			if ( value == undefined )
+				return this.length && jQuery[ type || "attr" ]( this[0], key ) || undefined;
+			else {
+				obj = {};
+				obj[ key ] = value;
+			}
+		// Check to see if we're setting style values
+		return this.each(function(index){
+			// Set all the styles
+			for ( var prop in obj )
+				jQuery.attr(
+					type ? : this,
+					prop, jQuery.prop(this, obj[prop], type, index, prop)
+				);
+		});
+	},
+	css: function( key, value ) {
+		return this.attr( key, value, "curCSS" );
+	},
+	text: function(e) {
+		if ( typeof e != "object" && e != null )
+			return this.empty().append( document.createTextNode( e ) );
+		var t = "";
+		jQuery.each( e || this, function(){
+			jQuery.each( this.childNodes, function(){
+				if ( this.nodeType != 8 )
+					t += this.nodeType != 1 ?
+						this.nodeValue : jQuery.fn.text([ this ]);
+			});
+		});
+		return t;
+	},
+	wrapAll: function(html) {
+		if ( this[0] )
+			// The elements to wrap the target around
+			jQuery(html, this[0].ownerDocument)
+				.clone()
+				.insertBefore(this[0])
+				.map(function(){
+					var elem = this;
+					while ( elem.firstChild )
+						elem = elem.firstChild;
+					return elem;
+				})
+				.append(this);
+		return this;
+	},
+	wrapInner: function(html) {
+		return this.each(function(){
+			jQuery(this).contents().wrapAll(html);
+		});
+	},
+	wrap: function(html) {
+		return this.each(function(){
+			jQuery(this).wrapAll(html);
+		});
+	},
+	append: function() {
+		return this.domManip(arguments, true, 1, function(a){
+			this.appendChild( a );
+		});
+	},
+	prepend: function() {
+		return this.domManip(arguments, true, -1, function(a){
+			this.insertBefore( a, this.firstChild );
+		});
+	},
+	before: function() {
+		return this.domManip(arguments, false, 1, function(a){
+			this.parentNode.insertBefore( a, this );
+		});
+	},
+	after: function() {
+		return this.domManip(arguments, false, -1, function(a){
+			this.parentNode.insertBefore( a, this.nextSibling );
+		});
+	},
+	end: function() {
+		return this.prevObject || jQuery([]);
+	},
+	find: function(t) {
+		var data =, function(a){ return jQuery.find(t,a); });
+		return this.pushStack( /[^+>] [^+>]/.test( t ) || t.indexOf("..") > -1 ?
+			jQuery.unique( data ) : data );
+	},
+	clone: function(events) {
+		// Do the clone
+		var ret ={
+			return this.outerHTML ? jQuery(this.outerHTML)[0] : this.cloneNode(true);
+		});
+		// Need to set the expando to null on the cloned set if it exists
+		// removeData doesn't work here, IE removes it from the original as well
+		// this is primarily for IE but the data expando shouldn't be copied over in any browser
+		var clone = ret.find("*").andSelf().each(function(){
+			if ( this[ expando ] != undefined )
+				this[ expando ] = null;
+		});
+		// Copy the events from the original to the clone
+		if (events === true)
+			this.find("*").andSelf().each(function(i) {
+				var events =, "events");
+				for ( var type in events )
+					for ( var handler in events[type] )
+						jQuery.event.add(clone[i], type, events[type][handler], events[type][handler].data);
+			});
+		// Return the cloned set
+		return ret;
+	},
+	filter: function(t) {
+		return this.pushStack(
+			jQuery.isFunction( t ) &&
+			jQuery.grep(this, function(el, index){
+				return t.apply(el, [index]);
+			}) ||
+			jQuery.multiFilter(t,this) );
+	},
+	not: function(t) {
+		return this.pushStack(
+			t.constructor == String &&
+			jQuery.multiFilter(t, this, true) ||
+			jQuery.grep(this, function(a) {
+				return ( t.constructor == Array || t.jquery )
+					? jQuery.inArray( a, t ) < 0
+					: a != t;
+			})
+		);
+	},
+	add: function(t) {
+		return this.pushStack( jQuery.merge(
+			this.get(),
+			t.constructor == String ?
+				jQuery(t).get() :
+				t.length != undefined && (!t.nodeName || jQuery.nodeName(t, "form")) ?
+					t : [t] )
+		);
+	},
+	is: function(expr) {
+		return expr ? jQuery.multiFilter(expr,this).length > 0 : false;
+	},
+	hasClass: function(expr) {
+		return"." + expr);
+	},
+	val: function( val ) {
+		if ( val == undefined ) {
+			if ( this.length ) {
+				var elem = this[0];
+				// We need to handle select boxes special
+				if ( jQuery.nodeName(elem, "select") ) {
+					var index = elem.selectedIndex,
+						a = [],
+						options = elem.options,
+						one = elem.type == "select-one";
+					// Nothing was selected
+					if ( index < 0 )
+						return null;
+					// Loop through all the selected options
+					for ( var i = one ? index : 0, max = one ? index + 1 : options.length; i < max; i++ ) {
+						var option = options[i];
+						if ( option.selected ) {
+							// Get the specifc value for the option
+							var val = jQuery.browser.msie && !option.attributes["value"].specified ? option.text : option.value;
+							// We don't need an array for one selects
+							if ( one )
+								return val;
+							// Multi-Selects return an array
+							a.push(val);
+						}
+					}
+					return a;
+				// Everything else, we just grab the value
+				} else
+					return this[0].value.replace(/\r/g, "");
+			}
+		} else
+			return this.each(function(){
+				if ( val.constructor == Array && /radio|checkbox/.test(this.type) )
+					this.checked = (jQuery.inArray(this.value, val) >= 0 ||
+						jQuery.inArray(, val) >= 0);
+				else if ( jQuery.nodeName(this, "select") ) {
+					var tmp = val.constructor == Array ? val : [val];
+					jQuery("option", this).each(function(){
+						this.selected = (jQuery.inArray(this.value, tmp) >= 0 ||
+						jQuery.inArray(this.text, tmp) >= 0);
+					});
+					if ( !tmp.length )
+						this.selectedIndex = -1;
+				} else
+					this.value = val;
+			});
+	},
+	html: function( val ) {
+		return val == undefined ?
+			( this.length ? this[0].innerHTML : null ) :
+			this.empty().append( val );
+	},
+	replaceWith: function( val ) {
+		return this.after( val ).remove();
+	},
+	eq: function(i){
+		return this.slice(i, i+1);
+	},
+	slice: function() {
+		return this.pushStack( Array.prototype.slice.apply( this, arguments ) );
+	},
+	map: function(fn) {
+		return this.pushStack( this, function(elem,i){
+			return elem, i, elem );
+		}));
+	},
+	andSelf: function() {
+		return this.add( this.prevObject );
+	},
+	domManip: function(args, table, dir, fn) {
+		var clone = this.length > 1, a; 
+		return this.each(function(){
+			if ( !a ) {
+				a = jQuery.clean(args, this.ownerDocument);
+				if ( dir < 0 )
+					a.reverse();
+			}
+			var obj = this;
+			if ( table && jQuery.nodeName(this, "table") && jQuery.nodeName(a[0], "tr") )
+				obj = this.getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0] || this.appendChild(document.createElement("tbody"));
+			jQuery.each( a, function(){
+				var elem = clone ? this.cloneNode(true) : this;
+				if ( !evalScript(0, elem) )
+ obj, elem );
+			});
+		});
+	}
+function evalScript(i, elem){
+	var script = jQuery.nodeName(elem, "script");
+	if ( script ) {
+		if ( elem.src )
+			jQuery.ajax({ url: elem.src, async: false, dataType: "script" });
+		else
+			jQuery.globalEval( elem.text || elem.textContent || elem.innerHTML || "" );
+		if ( elem.parentNode )
+			elem.parentNode.removeChild(elem);
+	} else if ( elem.nodeType == 1 )
+    jQuery("script", elem).each(evalScript);
+	return script;
+jQuery.extend = jQuery.fn.extend = function() {
+	// copy reference to target object
+	var target = arguments[0] || {}, a = 1, al = arguments.length, deep = false;
+	// Handle a deep copy situation
+	if ( target.constructor == Boolean ) {
+		deep = target;
+		target = arguments[1] || {};
+	}
+	// extend jQuery itself if only one argument is passed
+	if ( al == 1 ) {
+		target = this;
+		a = 0;
+	}
+	var prop;
+	for ( ; a < al; a++ )
+		// Only deal with non-null/undefined values
+		if ( (prop = arguments[a]) != null )
+			// Extend the base object
+			for ( var i in prop ) {
+				// Prevent never-ending loop
+				if ( target == prop[i] )
+					continue;
+				// Recurse if we're merging object values
+				if ( deep && typeof prop[i] == 'object' && target[i] )
+					jQuery.extend( target[i], prop[i] );
+				// Don't bring in undefined values
+				else if ( prop[i] != undefined )
+					target[i] = prop[i];
+			}
+	// Return the modified object
+	return target;
+var expando = "jQuery" + (new Date()).getTime(), uuid = 0, win = {};
+	noConflict: function(deep) {
+		window.$ = _$;
+		if ( deep )
+			window.jQuery = _jQuery;
+		return jQuery;
+	},
+	// This may seem like some crazy code, but trust me when I say that this
+	// is the only cross-browser way to do this. --John
+	isFunction: function( fn ) {
+		return !!fn && typeof fn != "string" && !fn.nodeName && 
+			fn.constructor != Array && /function/i.test( fn + "" );
+	},
+	// check if an element is in a XML document
+	isXMLDoc: function(elem) {
+		return elem.documentElement && !elem.body ||
+			elem.tagName && elem.ownerDocument && !elem.ownerDocument.body;
+	},
+	// Evalulates a script in a global context
+	// Evaluates Async. in Safari 2 :-(
+	globalEval: function( data ) {
+		data = jQuery.trim( data );
+		if ( data ) {
+			if ( window.execScript )
+				window.execScript( data );
+			else if ( jQuery.browser.safari )
+				// safari doesn't provide a synchronous global eval
+				window.setTimeout( data, 0 );
+			else
+ window, data );
+		}
+	},
+	nodeName: function( elem, name ) {
+		return elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toUpperCase() == name.toUpperCase();
+	},
+	cache: {},
+	data: function( elem, name, data ) {
+		elem = elem == window ? win : elem;
+		var id = elem[ expando ];
+		// Compute a unique ID for the element
+		if ( !id ) 
+			id = elem[ expando ] = ++uuid;
+		// Only generate the data cache if we're
+		// trying to access or manipulate it
+		if ( name && !jQuery.cache[ id ] )
+			jQuery.cache[ id ] = {};
+		// Prevent overriding the named cache with undefined values
+		if ( data != undefined )
+			jQuery.cache[ id ][ name ] = data;
+		// Return the named cache data, or the ID for the element	
+		return name ? jQuery.cache[ id ][ name ] : id;
+	},
+	removeData: function( elem, name ) {
+		elem = elem == window ? win : elem;
+		var id = elem[ expando ];
+		// If we want to remove a specific section of the element's data
+		if ( name ) {
+			if ( jQuery.cache[ id ] ) {
+				// Remove the section of cache data
+				delete jQuery.cache[ id ][ name ];
+				// If we've removed all the data, remove the element's cache
+				name = "";
+				for ( name in jQuery.cache[ id ] ) break;
+				if ( !name )
+					jQuery.removeData( elem );
+			}
+		// Otherwise, we want to remove all of the element's data
+		} else {
+			// Clean up the element expando
+			try {
+				delete elem[ expando ];
+			} catch(e){
+				// IE has trouble directly removing the expando
+				// but it's ok with using removeAttribute
+				if ( elem.removeAttribute )
+					elem.removeAttribute( expando );
+			}
+			// Completely remove the data cache
+			delete jQuery.cache[ id ];
+		}
+	},
+	// args is for internal usage only
+	each: function( obj, fn, args ) {
+		if ( args ) {
+			if ( obj.length == undefined )
+				for ( var i in obj )
+					fn.apply( obj[i], args );
+			else
+				for ( var i = 0, ol = obj.length; i < ol; i++ )
+					if ( fn.apply( obj[i], args ) === false ) break;
+		// A special, fast, case for the most common use of each
+		} else {
+			if ( obj.length == undefined )
+				for ( var i in obj )
+ obj[i], i, obj[i] );
+			else
+				for ( var i = 0, ol = obj.length, val = obj[0]; 
+					i < ol &&,i,val) !== false; val = obj[++i] ){}
+		}
+		return obj;
+	},
+	prop: function(elem, value, type, index, prop){
+			// Handle executable functions
+			if ( jQuery.isFunction( value ) )
+				value = elem, [index] );
+			// exclude the following css properties to add px
+			var exclude = /z-?index|font-?weight|opacity|zoom|line-?height/i;
+			// Handle passing in a number to a CSS property
+			return value && value.constructor == Number && type == "curCSS" && !exclude.test(prop) ?
+				value + "px" :
+				value;
+	},
+	className: {
+		// internal only, use addClass("class")
+		add: function( elem, c ){
+			jQuery.each( (c || "").split(/\s+/), function(i, cur){
+				if ( !jQuery.className.has( elem.className, cur ) )
+					elem.className += ( elem.className ? " " : "" ) + cur;
+			});
+		},
+		// internal only, use removeClass("class")
+		remove: function( elem, c ){
+			elem.className = c != undefined ?
+				jQuery.grep( elem.className.split(/\s+/), function(cur){
+					return !jQuery.className.has( c, cur );	
+				}).join(" ") : "";
+		},
+		// internal only, use is(".class")
+		has: function( t, c ) {
+			return jQuery.inArray( c, (t.className || t).toString().split(/\s+/) ) > -1;
+		}
+	},
+	swap: function(e,o,f) {
+		for ( var i in o ) {
+["old"+i] =[i];
+[i] = o[i];
+		}
+		f.apply( e, [] );
+		for ( var i in o )
+[i] =["old"+i];
+	},
+	css: function(e,p) {
+		if ( p == "height" || p == "width" ) {
+			var old = {}, oHeight, oWidth, d = ["Top","Bottom","Right","Left"];
+			jQuery.each( d, function(){
+				old["padding" + this] = 0;
+				old["border" + this + "Width"] = 0;
+			});
+			jQuery.swap( e, old, function() {
+				if ( jQuery(e).is(':visible') ) {
+					oHeight = e.offsetHeight;
+					oWidth = e.offsetWidth;
+				} else {
+					e = jQuery(e.cloneNode(true))
+						.find(":radio").removeAttr("checked").end()
+						.css({
+							visibility: "hidden", position: "absolute", display: "block", right: "0", left: "0"
+						}).appendTo(e.parentNode)[0];
+					var parPos = jQuery.css(e.parentNode,"position") || "static";
+					if ( parPos == "static" )
+ = "relative";
+					oHeight = e.clientHeight;
+					oWidth = e.clientWidth;
+					if ( parPos == "static" )
+ = "static";
+					e.parentNode.removeChild(e);
+				}
+			});
+			return p == "height" ? oHeight : oWidth;
+		}
+		return jQuery.curCSS( e, p );
+	},
+	curCSS: function(elem, prop, force) {
+		var ret, stack = [], swap = [];
+		// A helper method for determining if an element's values are broken
+		function color(a){
+			if ( !jQuery.browser.safari )
+				return false;
+			var ret = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(a,null);
+			return !ret || ret.getPropertyValue("color") == "";
+		}
+		if (prop == "opacity" && jQuery.browser.msie) {
+			ret = jQuery.attr(, "opacity");
+			return ret == "" ? "1" : ret;
+		}
+		if (prop.match(/float/i))
+			prop = styleFloat;
+		if (!force &&[prop])
+			ret =[prop];
+		else if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) {
+			if (prop.match(/float/i))
+				prop = "float";
+			prop = prop.replace(/([A-Z])/g,"-$1").toLowerCase();
+			var cur = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem, null);
+			if ( cur && !color(elem) )
+				ret = cur.getPropertyValue(prop);
+			// If the element isn't reporting its values properly in Safari
+			// then some display: none elements are involved
+			else {
+				// Locate all of the parent display: none elements
+				for ( var a = elem; a && color(a); a = a.parentNode )
+					stack.unshift(a);
+				// Go through and make them visible, but in reverse
+				// (It would be better if we knew the exact display type that they had)
+				for ( a = 0; a < stack.length; a++ )
+					if ( color(stack[a]) ) {
+						swap[a] = stack[a].style.display;
+						stack[a].style.display = "block";
+					}
+				// Since we flip the display style, we have to handle that
+				// one special, otherwise get the value
+				ret = prop == "display" && swap[stack.length-1] != null ?
+					"none" :
+					document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem,null).getPropertyValue(prop) || "";
+				// Finally, revert the display styles back
+				for ( a = 0; a < swap.length; a++ )
+					if ( swap[a] != null )
+						stack[a].style.display = swap[a];
+			}
+			if ( prop == "opacity" && ret == "" )
+				ret = "1";
+		} else if (elem.currentStyle) {
+			var newProp = prop.replace(/\-(\w)/g,function(m,c){return c.toUpperCase();});
+			ret = elem.currentStyle[prop] || elem.currentStyle[newProp];
+			// From the awesome hack by Dean Edwards
+			//
+			// If we're not dealing with a regular pixel number
+			// but a number that has a weird ending, we need to convert it to pixels
+			if ( !/^\d+(px)?$/i.test(ret) && /^\d/.test(ret) ) {
+				var style =;
+				var runtimeStyle = elem.runtimeStyle.left;
+				elem.runtimeStyle.left = elem.currentStyle.left;
+ = ret || 0;
+				ret = + "px";
+ = style;
+				elem.runtimeStyle.left = runtimeStyle;
+			}
+		}
+		return ret;
+	},
+	clean: function(a, doc) {
+		var r = [];
+		doc = doc || document;
+		jQuery.each( a, function(i,arg){
+			if ( !arg ) return;
+			if ( arg.constructor == Number )
+				arg = arg.toString();
+			// Convert html string into DOM nodes
+			if ( typeof arg == "string" ) {
+				// Fix "XHTML"-style tags in all browsers
+				arg = arg.replace(/(<(\w+)[^>]*?)\/>/g, function(m, all, tag){
+					return tag.match(/^(abbr|br|col|img|input|link|meta|param|hr|area)$/i)? m : all+"></"+tag+">";
+				});
+				// Trim whitespace, otherwise indexOf won't work as expected
+				var s = jQuery.trim(arg).toLowerCase(), div = doc.createElement("div"), tb = [];
+				var wrap =
+					// option or optgroup
+					!s.indexOf("<opt") &&
+					[1, "<select>", "</select>"] ||
+					!s.indexOf("<leg") &&
+					[1, "<fieldset>", "</fieldset>"] ||
+					s.match(/^<(thead|tbody|tfoot|colg|cap)/) &&
+					[1, "<table>", "</table>"] ||
+					!s.indexOf("<tr") &&
+					[2, "<table><tbody>", "</tbody></table>"] ||
+				 	// <thead> matched above
+					(!s.indexOf("<td") || !s.indexOf("<th")) &&
+					[3, "<table><tbody><tr>", "</tr></tbody></table>"] ||
+					!s.indexOf("<col") &&
+					[2, "<table><tbody></tbody><colgroup>", "</colgroup></table>"] ||
+					// IE can't serialize <link> and <script> tags normally
+					jQuery.browser.msie &&
+					[1, "div<div>", "</div>"] ||
+					[0,"",""];
+				// Go to html and back, then peel off extra wrappers
+				div.innerHTML = wrap[1] + arg + wrap[2];
+				// Move to the right depth
+				while ( wrap[0]-- )
+					div = div.lastChild;
+				// Remove IE's autoinserted <tbody> from table fragments
+				if ( jQuery.browser.msie ) {
+					// String was a <table>, *may* have spurious <tbody>
+					if ( !s.indexOf("<table") && s.indexOf("<tbody") < 0 ) 
+						tb = div.firstChild && div.firstChild.childNodes;
+					// String was a bare <thead> or <tfoot>
+					else if ( wrap[1] == "<table>" && s.indexOf("<tbody") < 0 )
+						tb = div.childNodes;
+					for ( var n = tb.length-1; n >= 0 ; --n )
+						if ( jQuery.nodeName(tb[n], "tbody") && !tb[n].childNodes.length )
+							tb[n].parentNode.removeChild(tb[n]);
+					// IE completely kills leading whitespace when innerHTML is used	
+					if ( /^\s/.test(arg) )	
+						div.insertBefore( doc.createTextNode( arg.match(/^\s*/)[0] ), div.firstChild );
+				}
+				arg = jQuery.makeArray( div.childNodes );
+			}
+			if ( 0 === arg.length && (!jQuery.nodeName(arg, "form") && !jQuery.nodeName(arg, "select")) )
+				return;
+			if ( arg[0] == undefined || jQuery.nodeName(arg, "form") || arg.options )
+				r.push( arg );
+			else
+				r = jQuery.merge( r, arg );
+		});
+		return r;
+	},
+	attr: function(elem, name, value){
+		var fix = jQuery.isXMLDoc(elem) ? {} : jQuery.props;
+		// Safari mis-reports the default selected property of a hidden option
+		// Accessing the parent's selectedIndex property fixes it
+		if ( name == "selected" && jQuery.browser.safari )
+			elem.parentNode.selectedIndex;
+		// Certain attributes only work when accessed via the old DOM 0 way
+		if ( fix[name] ) {
+			if ( value != undefined ) elem[fix[name]] = value;
+			return elem[fix[name]];
+		} else if ( jQuery.browser.msie && name == "style" )
+			return jQuery.attr(, "cssText", value );
+		else if ( value == undefined && jQuery.browser.msie && jQuery.nodeName(elem, "form") && (name == "action" || name == "method") )
+			return elem.getAttributeNode(name).nodeValue;
+		// IE elem.getAttribute passes even for style
+		else if ( elem.tagName ) {
+			if ( value != undefined ) {
+				if ( name == "type" && jQuery.nodeName(elem,"input") && elem.parentNode )
+					throw "type property can't be changed";
+				elem.setAttribute( name, value );
+			}
+			if ( jQuery.browser.msie && /href|src/.test(name) && !jQuery.isXMLDoc(elem) ) 
+				return elem.getAttribute( name, 2 );
+			return elem.getAttribute( name );
+		// elem is actually ... set the style
+		} else {
+			// IE actually uses filters for opacity
+			if ( name == "opacity" && jQuery.browser.msie ) {
+				if ( value != undefined ) {
+					// IE has trouble with opacity if it does not have layout
+					// Force it by setting the zoom level
+					elem.zoom = 1; 
+					// Set the alpha filter to set the opacity
+					elem.filter = (elem.filter || "").replace(/alpha\([^)]*\)/,"") +
+						(parseFloat(value).toString() == "NaN" ? "" : "alpha(opacity=" + value * 100 + ")");
+				}
+				return elem.filter ? 
+					(parseFloat( elem.filter.match(/opacity=([^)]*)/)[1] ) / 100).toString() : "";
+			}
+			name = name.replace(/-([a-z])/ig,function(z,b){return b.toUpperCase();});
+			if ( value != undefined ) elem[name] = value;
+			return elem[name];
+		}
+	},
+	trim: function(t){
+		return (t||"").replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
+	},
+	makeArray: function( a ) {
+		var r = [];
+		// Need to use typeof to fight Safari childNodes crashes
+		if ( typeof a != "array" )
+			for ( var i = 0, al = a.length; i < al; i++ )
+				r.push( a[i] );
+		else
+			r = a.slice( 0 );
+		return r;
+	},
+	inArray: function( b, a ) {
+		for ( var i = 0, al = a.length; i < al; i++ )
+			if ( a[i] == b )
+				return i;
+		return -1;
+	},
+	merge: function(first, second) {
+		// We have to loop this way because IE & Opera overwrite the length
+		// expando of getElementsByTagName
+		// Also, we need to make sure that the correct elements are being returned
+		// (IE returns comment nodes in a '*' query)
+		if ( jQuery.browser.msie ) {
+			for ( var i = 0; second[i]; i++ )
+				if ( second[i].nodeType != 8 )
+					first.push(second[i]);
+		} else
+			for ( var i = 0; second[i]; i++ )
+				first.push(second[i]);
+		return first;
+	},
+	unique: function(first) {
+		var r = [], done = {};
+		try {
+			for ( var i = 0, fl = first.length; i < fl; i++ ) {
+				var id =[i]);
+				if ( !done[id] ) {
+					done[id] = true;
+					r.push(first[i]);
+				}
+			}
+		} catch(e) {
+			r = first;
+		}
+		return r;
+	},
+	grep: function(elems, fn, inv) {
+		// If a string is passed in for the function, make a function
+		// for it (a handy shortcut)
+		if ( typeof fn == "string" )
+			fn = eval("false||function(a,i){return " + fn + "}");
+		var result = [];
+		// Go through the array, only saving the items
+		// that pass the validator function
+		for ( var i = 0, el = elems.length; i < el; i++ )
+			if ( !inv && fn(elems[i],i) || inv && !fn(elems[i],i) )
+				result.push( elems[i] );
+		return result;
+	},
+	map: function(elems, fn) {
+		// If a string is passed in for the function, make a function
+		// for it (a handy shortcut)
+		if ( typeof fn == "string" )
+			fn = eval("false||function(a){return " + fn + "}");
+		var result = [];
+		// Go through the array, translating each of the items to their
+		// new value (or values).
+		for ( var i = 0, el = elems.length; i < el; i++ ) {
+			var val = fn(elems[i],i);
+			if ( val !== null && val != undefined ) {
+				if ( val.constructor != Array ) val = [val];
+				result = result.concat( val );
+			}
+		}
+		return result;
+	}
+var userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
+// Figure out what browser is being used
+jQuery.browser = {
+	version: (userAgent.match(/.+(?:rv|it|ra|ie)[\/: ]([\d.]+)/) || [])[1],
+	safari: /webkit/.test(userAgent),
+	opera: /opera/.test(userAgent),
+	msie: /msie/.test(userAgent) && !/opera/.test(userAgent),
+	mozilla: /mozilla/.test(userAgent) && !/(compatible|webkit)/.test(userAgent)
+var styleFloat = jQuery.browser.msie ? "styleFloat" : "cssFloat";
+	// Check to see if the W3C box model is being used
+	boxModel: !jQuery.browser.msie || document.compatMode == "CSS1Compat",
+	styleFloat: jQuery.browser.msie ? "styleFloat" : "cssFloat",
+	props: {
+		"for": "htmlFor",
+		"class": "className",
+		"float": styleFloat,
+		cssFloat: styleFloat,
+		styleFloat: styleFloat,
+		innerHTML: "innerHTML",
+		className: "className",
+		value: "value",
+		disabled: "disabled",
+		checked: "checked",
+		readonly: "readOnly",
+		selected: "selected",
+		maxlength: "maxLength"
+	}
+	parent: "a.parentNode",
+	parents: "jQuery.dir(a,'parentNode')",
+	next: "jQuery.nth(a,2,'nextSibling')",
+	prev: "jQuery.nth(a,2,'previousSibling')",
+	nextAll: "jQuery.dir(a,'nextSibling')",
+	prevAll: "jQuery.dir(a,'previousSibling')",
+	siblings: "jQuery.sibling(a.parentNode.firstChild,a)",
+	children: "jQuery.sibling(a.firstChild)",
+	contents: "jQuery.nodeName(a,'iframe')?a.contentDocument||a.contentWindow.document:jQuery.makeArray(a.childNodes)"
+}, function(i,n){
+	jQuery.fn[ i ] = function(a) {
+		var ret =,n);
+		if ( a && typeof a == "string" )
+			ret = jQuery.multiFilter(a,ret);
+		return this.pushStack( jQuery.unique(ret) );
+	};
+	appendTo: "append",
+	prependTo: "prepend",
+	insertBefore: "before",
+	insertAfter: "after",
+	replaceAll: "replaceWith"
+}, function(i,n){
+	jQuery.fn[ i ] = function(){
+		var a = arguments;
+		return this.each(function(){
+			for ( var j = 0, al = a.length; j < al; j++ )
+				jQuery(a[j])[n]( this );
+		});
+	};
+jQuery.each( {
+	removeAttr: function( key ) {
+		jQuery.attr( this, key, "" );
+		this.removeAttribute( key );
+	},
+	addClass: function(c){
+		jQuery.className.add(this,c);
+	},
+	removeClass: function(c){
+		jQuery.className.remove(this,c);
+	},
+	toggleClass: function( c ){
+		jQuery.className[ jQuery.className.has(this,c) ? "remove" : "add" ](this, c);
+	},
+	remove: function(a){
+		if ( !a || jQuery.filter( a, [this] ).r.length ) {
+			jQuery.removeData( this );
+			this.parentNode.removeChild( this );
+		}
+	},
+	empty: function() {
+		// Clean up the cache
+		jQuery("*", this).each(function(){ jQuery.removeData(this); });
+		while ( this.firstChild )
+			this.removeChild( this.firstChild );
+	}
+}, function(i,n){
+	jQuery.fn[ i ] = function() {
+		return this.each( n, arguments );
+	};
+jQuery.each( [ "Height", "Width" ], function(i,name){
+	var n = name.toLowerCase();
+	jQuery.fn[ n ] = function(h) {
+		return this[0] == window ?
+			jQuery.browser.safari && self["inner" + name] ||
+			jQuery.boxModel && Math.max(document.documentElement["client" + name], document.body["client" + name]) ||
+			document.body["client" + name] :
+			this[0] == document ?
+				Math.max( document.body["scroll" + name], document.body["offset" + name] ) :
+				h == undefined ?
+					( this.length ? jQuery.css( this[0], n ) : null ) :
+					this.css( n, h.constructor == String ? h : h + "px" );
+	};
+var chars = jQuery.browser.safari && parseInt(jQuery.browser.version) < 417 ?
+		"(?:[\\w*_-]|\\\\.)" :
+		"(?:[\\w\u0128-\uFFFF*_-]|\\\\.)",
+	quickChild = new RegExp("^>\\s*(" + chars + "+)"),
+	quickID = new RegExp("^(" + chars + "+)(#)(" + chars + "+)"),
+	quickClass = new RegExp("^([#.]?)(" + chars + "*)");
+	expr: {
+		"": "m[2]=='*'||jQuery.nodeName(a,m[2])",
+		"#": "a.getAttribute('id')==m[2]",
+		":": {
+			// Position Checks
+			lt: "i<m[3]-0",
+			gt: "i>m[3]-0",
+			nth: "m[3]-0==i",
+			eq: "m[3]-0==i",
+			first: "i==0",
+			last: "i==r.length-1",
+			even: "i%2==0",
+			odd: "i%2",
+			// Child Checks
+			"first-child": "a.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('*')[0]==a",
+			"last-child": "jQuery.nth(a.parentNode.lastChild,1,'previousSibling')==a",
+			"only-child": "!jQuery.nth(a.parentNode.lastChild,2,'previousSibling')",
+			// Parent Checks
+			parent: "a.firstChild",
+			empty: "!a.firstChild",
+			// Text Check
+			contains: "(a.textContent||a.innerText||jQuery(a).text()||'').indexOf(m[3])>=0",
+			// Visibility
+			visible: '"hidden"!=a.type&&jQuery.css(a,"display")!="none"&&jQuery.css(a,"visibility")!="hidden"',
+			hidden: '"hidden"==a.type||jQuery.css(a,"display")=="none"||jQuery.css(a,"visibility")=="hidden"',
+			// Form attributes
+			enabled: "!a.disabled",
+			disabled: "a.disabled",
+			checked: "a.checked",
+			selected: "a.selected||jQuery.attr(a,'selected')",
+			// Form elements
+			text: "'text'==a.type",
+			radio: "'radio'==a.type",
+			checkbox: "'checkbox'==a.type",
+			file: "'file'==a.type",
+			password: "'password'==a.type",
+			submit: "'submit'==a.type",
+			image: "'image'==a.type",
+			reset: "'reset'==a.type",
+			button: '"button"==a.type||jQuery.nodeName(a,"button")',
+			input: "/input|select|textarea|button/i.test(a.nodeName)",
+			// :has()
+			has: "jQuery.find(m[3],a).length",
+			// :header
+			header: "/h\\d/i.test(a.nodeName)",
+			// :animated
+			animated: "jQuery.grep(jQuery.timers,function(fn){return a==fn.elem;}).length"
+		}
+	},
+	// The regular expressions that power the parsing engine
+	parse: [
+		// Match: [@value='test'], [@foo]
+		/^(\[) *@?([\w-]+) *([!*$^~=]*) *('?"?)(.*?)\4 *\]/,
+		// Match: :contains('foo')
+		/^(:)([\w-]+)\("?'?(.*?(\(.*?\))?[^(]*?)"?'?\)/,
+		// Match: :even, :last-chlid, #id, .class
+		new RegExp("^([:.#]*)(" + chars + "+)")
+	],
+	multiFilter: function( expr, elems, not ) {
+		var old, cur = [];
+		while ( expr && expr != old ) {
+			old = expr;
+			var f = jQuery.filter( expr, elems, not );
+			expr = f.t.replace(/^\s*,\s*/, "" );
+			cur = not ? elems = f.r : jQuery.merge( cur, f.r );
+		}
+		return cur;
+	},
+	find: function( t, context ) {
+		// Quickly handle non-string expressions
+		if ( typeof t != "string" )
+			return [ t ];
+		// Make sure that the context is a DOM Element
+		if ( context && !context.nodeType )
+			context = null;
+		// Set the correct context (if none is provided)
+		context = context || document;
+		// Initialize the search
+		var ret = [context], done = [], last;
+		// Continue while a selector expression exists, and while
+		// we're no longer looping upon ourselves
+		while ( t && last != t ) {
+			var r = [];
+			last = t;
+			t = jQuery.trim(t);
+			var foundToken = false;
+			// An attempt at speeding up child selectors that
+			// point to a specific element tag
+			var re = quickChild;
+			var m = re.exec(t);
+			if ( m ) {
+				var nodeName = m[1].toUpperCase();
+				// Perform our own iteration and filter
+				for ( var i = 0; ret[i]; i++ )
+					for ( var c = ret[i].firstChild; c; c = c.nextSibling )
+						if ( c.nodeType == 1 && (nodeName == "*" || c.nodeName.toUpperCase() == nodeName.toUpperCase()) )
+							r.push( c );
+				ret = r;
+				t = t.replace( re, "" );
+				if ( t.indexOf(" ") == 0 ) continue;
+				foundToken = true;
+			} else {
+				re = /^([>+~])\s*(\w*)/i;
+				if ( (m = re.exec(t)) != null ) {
+					r = [];
+					var nodeName = m[2], merge = {};
+					m = m[1];
+					for ( var j = 0, rl = ret.length; j < rl; j++ ) {
+						var n = m == "~" || m == "+" ? ret[j].nextSibling : ret[j].firstChild;
+						for ( ; n; n = n.nextSibling )
+							if ( n.nodeType == 1 ) {
+								var id =;
+								if ( m == "~" && merge[id] ) break;
+								if (!nodeName || n.nodeName.toUpperCase() == nodeName.toUpperCase() ) {
+									if ( m == "~" ) merge[id] = true;
+									r.push( n );
+								}
+								if ( m == "+" ) break;
+							}
+					}
+					ret = r;
+					// And remove the token
+					t = jQuery.trim( t.replace( re, "" ) );
+					foundToken = true;
+				}
+			}
+			// See if there's still an expression, and that we haven't already
+			// matched a token
+			if ( t && !foundToken ) {
+				// Handle multiple expressions
+				if ( !t.indexOf(",") ) {
+					// Clean the result set
+					if ( context == ret[0] ) ret.shift();
+					// Merge the result sets
+					done = jQuery.merge( done, ret );
+					// Reset the context
+					r = ret = [context];
+					// Touch up the selector string
+					t = " " + t.substr(1,t.length);
+				} else {
+					// Optimize for the case nodeName#idName
+					var re2 = quickID;
+					var m = re2.exec(t);
+					// Re-organize the results, so that they're consistent
+					if ( m ) {
+					   m = [ 0, m[2], m[3], m[1] ];
+					} else {
+						// Otherwise, do a traditional filter check for
+						// ID, class, and element selectors
+						re2 = quickClass;
+						m = re2.exec(t);
+					}
+					m[2] = m[2].replace(/\\/g, "");
+					var elem = ret[ret.length-1];
+					// Try to do a global search by ID, where we can
+					if ( m[1] == "#" && elem && elem.getElementById && !jQuery.isXMLDoc(elem) ) {
+						// Optimization for HTML document case
+						var oid = elem.getElementById(m[2]);
+						// Do a quick check for the existence of the actual ID attribute
+						// to avoid selecting by the name attribute in IE
+						// also check to insure id is a string to avoid selecting an element with the name of 'id' inside a form
+						if ( (jQuery.browser.msie||jQuery.browser.opera) && oid && typeof == "string" && != m[2] )
+							oid = jQuery('[@id="'+m[2]+'"]', elem)[0];
+						// Do a quick check for node name (where applicable) so
+						// that div#foo searches will be really fast
+						ret = r = oid && (!m[3] || jQuery.nodeName(oid, m[3])) ? [oid] : [];
+					} else {
+						// We need to find all descendant elements
+						for ( var i = 0; ret[i]; i++ ) {
+							// Grab the tag name being searched for
+							var tag = m[1] == "#" && m[3] ? m[3] : m[1] != "" || m[0] == "" ? "*" : m[2];
+							// Handle IE7 being really dumb about <object>s
+							if ( tag == "*" && ret[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() == "object" )
+								tag = "param";
+							r = jQuery.merge( r, ret[i].getElementsByTagName( tag ));
+						}
+						// It's faster to filter by class and be done with it
+						if ( m[1] == "." )
+							r = jQuery.classFilter( r, m[2] );
+						// Same with ID filtering
+						if ( m[1] == "#" ) {
+							var tmp = [];
+							// Try to find the element with the ID
+							for ( var i = 0; r[i]; i++ )
+								if ( r[i].getAttribute("id") == m[2] ) {
+									tmp = [ r[i] ];
+									break;
+								}
+							r = tmp;
+						}
+						ret = r;
+					}
+					t = t.replace( re2, "" );
+				}
+			}
+			// If a selector string still exists
+			if ( t ) {
+				// Attempt to filter it
+				var val = jQuery.filter(t,r);
+				ret = r = val.r;
+				t = jQuery.trim(val.t);
+			}
+		}
+		// An error occurred with the selector;
+		// just return an empty set instead
+		if ( t )
+			ret = [];
+		// Remove the root context
+		if ( ret && context == ret[0] )
+			ret.shift();
+		// And combine the results
+		done = jQuery.merge( done, ret );
+		return done;
+	},
+	classFilter: function(r,m,not){
+		m = " " + m + " ";
+		var tmp = [];
+		for ( var i = 0; r[i]; i++ ) {
+			var pass = (" " + r[i].className + " ").indexOf( m ) >= 0;
+			if ( !not && pass || not && !pass )
+				tmp.push( r[i] );
+		}
+		return tmp;
+	},
+	filter: function(t,r,not) {
+		var last;
+		// Look for common filter expressions
+		while ( t  && t != last ) {
+			last = t;
+			var p = jQuery.parse, m;
+			for ( var i = 0; p[i]; i++ ) {
+				m = p[i].exec( t );
+				if ( m ) {
+					// Remove what we just matched
+					t = t.substring( m[0].length );
+					m[2] = m[2].replace(/\\/g, "");
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+			if ( !m )
+				break;
+			// :not() is a special case that can be optimized by
+			// keeping it out of the expression list
+			if ( m[1] == ":" && m[2] == "not" )
+				r = jQuery.filter(m[3], r, true).r;
+			// We can get a big speed boost by filtering by class here
+			else if ( m[1] == "." )
+				r = jQuery.classFilter(r, m[2], not);
+			else if ( m[1] == "[" ) {
+				var tmp = [], type = m[3];
+				for ( var i = 0, rl = r.length; i < rl; i++ ) {
+					var a = r[i], z = a[ jQuery.props[m[2]] || m[2] ];
+					if ( z == null || /href|src|selected/.test(m[2]) )
+						z = jQuery.attr(a,m[2]) || '';
+					if ( (type == "" && !!z ||
+						 type == "=" && z == m[5] ||
+						 type == "!=" && z != m[5] ||
+						 type == "^=" && z && !z.indexOf(m[5]) ||
+						 type == "$=" && z.substr(z.length - m[5].length) == m[5] ||
+						 (type == "*=" || type == "~=") && z.indexOf(m[5]) >= 0) ^ not )
+							tmp.push( a );
+				}
+				r = tmp;
+			// We can get a speed boost by handling nth-child here
+			} else if ( m[1] == ":" && m[2] == "nth-child" ) {
+				var merge = {}, tmp = [],
+					test = /(\d*)n\+?(\d*)/.exec(
+						m[3] == "even" && "2n" || m[3] == "odd" && "2n+1" ||
+						!/\D/.test(m[3]) && "n+" + m[3] || m[3]),
+					first = (test[1] || 1) - 0, last = test[2] - 0;
+				for ( var i = 0, rl = r.length; i < rl; i++ ) {
+					var node = r[i], parentNode = node.parentNode, id =;
+					if ( !merge[id] ) {
+						var c = 1;
+						for ( var n = parentNode.firstChild; n; n = n.nextSibling )
+							if ( n.nodeType == 1 )
+								n.nodeIndex = c++;
+						merge[id] = true;
+					}
+					var add = false;
+					if ( first == 1 ) {
+						if ( last == 0 || node.nodeIndex == last )
+							add = true;
+					} else if ( (node.nodeIndex + last) % first == 0 )
+						add = true;
+					if ( add ^ not )
+						tmp.push( node );
+				}
+				r = tmp;
+			// Otherwise, find the expression to execute
+			} else {
+				var f = jQuery.expr[m[1]];
+				if ( typeof f != "string" )
+					f = jQuery.expr[m[1]][m[2]];
+				// Build a custom macro to enclose it
+				f = eval("false||function(a,i){return " + f + "}");
+				// Execute it against the current filter
+				r = jQuery.grep( r, f, not );
+			}
+		}
+		// Return an array of filtered elements (r)
+		// and the modified expression string (t)
+		return { r: r, t: t };
+	},
+	dir: function( elem, dir ){
+		var matched = [];
+		var cur = elem[dir];
+		while ( cur && cur != document ) {
+			if ( cur.nodeType == 1 )
+				matched.push( cur );
+			cur = cur[dir];
+		}
+		return matched;
+	},
+	nth: function(cur,result,dir,elem){
+		result = result || 1;
+		var num = 0;
+		for ( ; cur; cur = cur[dir] )
+			if ( cur.nodeType == 1 && ++num == result )
+				break;
+		return cur;
+	},
+	sibling: function( n, elem ) {
+		var r = [];
+		for ( ; n; n = n.nextSibling ) {
+			if ( n.nodeType == 1 && (!elem || n != elem) )
+				r.push( n );
+		}
+		return r;
+	}
+ * A number of helper functions used for managing events.
+ * Many of the ideas behind this code orignated from 
+ * Dean Edwards' addEvent library.
+ */
+jQuery.event = {
+	// Bind an event to an element
+	// Original by Dean Edwards
+	add: function(element, type, handler, data) {
+		// For whatever reason, IE has trouble passing the window object
+		// around, causing it to be cloned in the process
+		if ( jQuery.browser.msie && element.setInterval != undefined )
+			element = window;
+		// Make sure that the function being executed has a unique ID
+		if ( !handler.guid )
+			handler.guid = this.guid++;
+		// if data is passed, bind to handler 
+		if( data != undefined ) { 
+        		// Create temporary function pointer to original handler 
+			var fn = handler; 
+			// Create unique handler function, wrapped around original handler 
+			handler = function() { 
+				// Pass arguments and context to original handler 
+				return fn.apply(this, arguments); 
+			};
+			// Store data in unique handler 
+ = data;
+			// Set the guid of unique handler to the same of original handler, so it can be removed 
+			handler.guid = fn.guid;
+		}
+		// Namespaced event handlers
+		var parts = type.split(".");
+		type = parts[0];
+		handler.type = parts[1];
+		// Init the element's event structure
+		var events =, "events") ||, "events", {});
+		var handle =, "handle", function(){
+			// returned undefined or false
+			var val;
+			// Handle the second event of a trigger and when
+			// an event is called after a page has unloaded
+			if ( typeof jQuery == "undefined" || jQuery.event.triggered )
+				return val;
+			val = jQuery.event.handle.apply(element, arguments);
+			return val;
+		});
+		// Get the current list of functions bound to this event
+		var handlers = events[type];
+		// Init the event handler queue
+		if (!handlers) {
+			handlers = events[type] = {};	
+			// And bind the global event handler to the element
+			if (element.addEventListener)
+				element.addEventListener(type, handle, false);
+			else
+				element.attachEvent("on" + type, handle);
+		}
+		// Add the function to the element's handler list
+		handlers[handler.guid] = handler;
+		// Keep track of which events have been used, for global triggering
+[type] = true;
+	},
+	guid: 1,
+	global: {},
+	// Detach an event or set of events from an element
+	remove: function(element, type, handler) {
+		var events =, "events"), ret, index;
+		// Namespaced event handlers
+		if ( typeof type == "string" ) {
+			var parts = type.split(".");
+			type = parts[0];
+		}
+		if ( events ) {
+			// type is actually an event object here
+			if ( type && type.type ) {
+				handler = type.handler;
+				type = type.type;
+			}
+			if ( !type ) {
+				for ( type in events )
+					this.remove( element, type );
+			} else if ( events[type] ) {
+				// remove the given handler for the given type
+				if ( handler )
+					delete events[type][handler.guid];
+				// remove all handlers for the given type
+				else
+					for ( handler in events[type] )
+						// Handle the removal of namespaced events
+						if ( !parts[1] || events[type][handler].type == parts[1] )
+							delete events[type][handler];
+				// remove generic event handler if no more handlers exist
+				for ( ret in events[type] ) break;
+				if ( !ret ) {
+					if (element.removeEventListener)
+						element.removeEventListener(type,, "handle"), false);
+					else
+						element.detachEvent("on" + type,, "handle"));
+					ret = null;
+					delete events[type];
+				}
+			}
+			// Remove the expando if it's no longer used
+			for ( ret in events ) break;
+			if ( !ret ) {
+				jQuery.removeData( element, "events" );
+				jQuery.removeData( element, "handle" );
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	trigger: function(type, data, element, donative, extra) {
+		// Clone the incoming data, if any
+		data = jQuery.makeArray(data || []);
+		// Handle a global trigger
+		if ( !element ) {
+			// Only trigger if we've ever bound an event for it
+			if ([type] )
+				jQuery("*").add([window, document]).trigger(type, data);
+		// Handle triggering a single element
+		} else {
+			var val, ret, fn = jQuery.isFunction( element[ type ] || null ),
+				// Check to see if we need to provide a fake event, or not
+				evt = !data[0] || !data[0].preventDefault;
+			// Pass along a fake event
+			if ( evt )
+				data.unshift( this.fix({ type: type, target: element }) );
+			// Enforce the right trigger type
+			data[0].type = type;
+			// Trigger the event
+			if ( jQuery.isFunction(, "handle") ) )
+				val =, "handle").apply( element, data );
+			// Handle triggering native .onfoo handlers
+			if ( !fn && element["on"+type] && element["on"+type].apply( element, data ) === false )
+				val = false;
+			// Extra functions don't get the custom event object
+			if ( evt )
+				data.shift();
+			// Handle triggering of extra function
+			if ( extra && extra.apply( element, data ) === false )
+				val = false;
+			// Trigger the native events (except for clicks on links)
+			if ( fn && donative !== false && val !== false && !(jQuery.nodeName(element, 'a') && type == "click") ) {
+				this.triggered = true;
+				element[ type ]();
+			}
+			this.triggered = false;
+		}
+		return val;
+	},
+	handle: function(event) {
+		// returned undefined or false
+		var val;
+		// Empty object is for triggered events with no data
+		event = jQuery.event.fix( event || window.event || {} ); 
+		// Namespaced event handlers
+		var parts = event.type.split(".");
+		event.type = parts[0];
+		var c =, "events") &&, "events")[event.type], args = arguments, 1 );
+		args.unshift( event );
+		for ( var j in c ) {
+			// Pass in a reference to the handler function itself
+			// So that we can later remove it
+			args[0].handler = c[j];
+			args[0].data = c[j].data;
+			// Filter the functions by class
+			if ( !parts[1] || c[j].type == parts[1] ) {
+				var tmp = c[j].apply( this, args );
+				if ( val !== false )
+					val = tmp;
+				if ( tmp === false ) {
+					event.preventDefault();
+					event.stopPropagation();
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		// Clean up added properties in IE to prevent memory leak
+		if (jQuery.browser.msie)
+ = event.preventDefault = event.stopPropagation =
+				event.handler = = null;
+		return val;
+	},
+	fix: function(event) {
+		// store a copy of the original event object 
+		// and clone to set read-only properties
+		var originalEvent = event;
+		event = jQuery.extend({}, originalEvent);
+		// add preventDefault and stopPropagation since 
+		// they will not work on the clone
+		event.preventDefault = function() {
+			// if preventDefault exists run it on the original event
+			if (originalEvent.preventDefault)
+				originalEvent.preventDefault();
+			// otherwise set the returnValue property of the original event to false (IE)
+			originalEvent.returnValue = false;
+		};
+		event.stopPropagation = function() {
+			// if stopPropagation exists run it on the original event
+			if (originalEvent.stopPropagation)
+				originalEvent.stopPropagation();
+			// otherwise set the cancelBubble property of the original event to true (IE)
+			originalEvent.cancelBubble = true;
+		};
+		// Fix target property, if necessary
+		if ( ! && event.srcElement )
+ = event.srcElement;
+		// check if target is a textnode (safari)
+		if (jQuery.browser.safari && == 3)
+ =;
+		// Add relatedTarget, if necessary
+		if ( !event.relatedTarget && event.fromElement )
+			event.relatedTarget = event.fromElement == ? event.toElement : event.fromElement;
+		// Calculate pageX/Y if missing and clientX/Y available
+		if ( event.pageX == null && event.clientX != null ) {
+			var e = document.documentElement, b = document.body;
+			event.pageX = event.clientX + (e && e.scrollLeft || b.scrollLeft || 0);
+			event.pageY = event.clientY + (e && e.scrollTop || b.scrollTop || 0);
+		}
+		// Add which for key events
+		if ( !event.which && (event.charCode || event.keyCode) )
+			event.which = event.charCode || event.keyCode;
+		// Add metaKey to non-Mac browsers (use ctrl for PC's and Meta for Macs)
+		if ( !event.metaKey && event.ctrlKey )
+			event.metaKey = event.ctrlKey;
+		// Add which for click: 1 == left; 2 == middle; 3 == right
+		// Note: button is not normalized, so don't use it
+		if ( !event.which && event.button )
+			event.which = (event.button & 1 ? 1 : ( event.button & 2 ? 3 : ( event.button & 4 ? 2 : 0 ) ));
+		return event;
+	}
+	bind: function( type, data, fn ) {
+		return type == "unload" ?, data, fn) : this.each(function(){
+			jQuery.event.add( this, type, fn || data, fn && data );
+		});
+	},
+	one: function( type, data, fn ) {
+		return this.each(function(){
+			jQuery.event.add( this, type, function(event) {
+				jQuery(this).unbind(event);
+				return (fn || data).apply( this, arguments);
+			}, fn && data);
+		});
+	},
+	unbind: function( type, fn ) {
+		return this.each(function(){
+			jQuery.event.remove( this, type, fn );
+		});
+	},
+	trigger: function( type, data, fn ) {
+		return this.each(function(){
+			jQuery.event.trigger( type, data, this, true, fn );
+		});
+	},
+	triggerHandler: function( type, data, fn ) {
+		if ( this[0] )
+			return jQuery.event.trigger( type, data, this[0], false, fn );
+	},
+	toggle: function() {
+		// Save reference to arguments for access in closure
+		var a = arguments;
+		return {
+			// Figure out which function to execute
+			this.lastToggle = 0 == this.lastToggle ? 1 : 0;
+			// Make sure that clicks stop
+			e.preventDefault();
+			// and execute the function
+			return a[this.lastToggle].apply( this, [e] ) || false;
+		});
+	},
+	hover: function(f,g) {
+		// A private function for handling mouse 'hovering'
+		function handleHover(e) {
+			// Check if mouse(over|out) are still within the same parent element
+			var p = e.relatedTarget;
+			// Traverse up the tree
+			while ( p && p != this ) try { p = p.parentNode; } catch(e) { p = this; };
+			// If we actually just moused on to a sub-element, ignore it
+			if ( p == this ) return false;
+			// Execute the right function
+			return (e.type == "mouseover" ? f : g).apply(this, [e]);
+		}
+		// Bind the function to the two event listeners
+		return this.mouseover(handleHover).mouseout(handleHover);
+	},
+	ready: function(f) {
+		// Attach the listeners
+		bindReady();
+		// If the DOM is already ready
+		if ( jQuery.isReady )
+			// Execute the function immediately
+			f.apply( document, [jQuery] );
+		// Otherwise, remember the function for later
+		else
+			// Add the function to the wait list
+			jQuery.readyList.push( function() { return f.apply(this, [jQuery]); } );
+		return this;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * All the code that makes DOM Ready work nicely.
+	 */
+	isReady: false,
+	readyList: [],
+	// Handle when the DOM is ready
+	ready: function() {
+		// Make sure that the DOM is not already loaded
+		if ( !jQuery.isReady ) {
+			// Remember that the DOM is ready
+			jQuery.isReady = true;
+			// If there are functions bound, to execute
+			if ( jQuery.readyList ) {
+				// Execute all of them
+				jQuery.each( jQuery.readyList, function(){
+					this.apply( document );
+				});
+				// Reset the list of functions
+				jQuery.readyList = null;
+			}
+			// Remove event listener to avoid memory leak
+			if ( jQuery.browser.mozilla || jQuery.browser.opera )
+				document.removeEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", jQuery.ready, false );
+			// Remove script element used by IE hack
+			if( !window.frames.length ) // don't remove if frames are present (#1187)
+				jQuery(window).load(function(){ jQuery("#__ie_init").remove(); });
+		}
+	}
+jQuery.each( ("blur,focus,load,resize,scroll,unload,click,dblclick," +
+	"mousedown,mouseup,mousemove,mouseover,mouseout,change,select," + 
+	"submit,keydown,keypress,keyup,error").split(","), function(i,o){
+	// Handle event binding
+	jQuery.fn[o] = function(f){
+		return f ? this.bind(o, f) : this.trigger(o);
+	};
+var readyBound = false;
+function bindReady(){
+	if ( readyBound ) return;
+	readyBound = true;
+	// If Mozilla is used
+	if ( jQuery.browser.mozilla || jQuery.browser.opera )
+		// Use the handy event callback
+		document.addEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", jQuery.ready, false );
+	// If IE is used, use the excellent hack by Matthias Miller
+	//
+	else if ( jQuery.browser.msie ) {
+		// Only works if you document.write() it
+		document.write("<scr" + "ipt id=__ie_init defer=true " + 
+			"src=//:><\/script>");
+		// Use the defer script hack
+		var script = document.getElementById("__ie_init");
+		// script does not exist if jQuery is loaded dynamically
+		if ( script ) 
+			script.onreadystatechange = function() {
+				if ( this.readyState != "complete" ) return;
+				jQuery.ready();
+			};
+		// Clear from memory
+		script = null;
+	// If Safari  is used
+	} else if ( jQuery.browser.safari )
+		// Continually check to see if the document.readyState is valid
+		jQuery.safariTimer = setInterval(function(){
+			// loaded and complete are both valid states
+			if ( document.readyState == "loaded" || 
+				document.readyState == "complete" ) {
+				// If either one are found, remove the timer
+				clearInterval( jQuery.safariTimer );
+				jQuery.safariTimer = null;
+				// and execute any waiting functions
+				jQuery.ready();
+			}
+		}, 10); 
+	// A fallback to window.onload, that will always work
+	jQuery.event.add( window, "load", jQuery.ready );
+	load: function( url, params, callback ) {
+		if ( jQuery.isFunction( url ) )
+			return this.bind("load", url);
+		var off = url.indexOf(" ");
+		if ( off >= 0 ) {
+			var selector = url.slice(off, url.length);
+			url = url.slice(0, off);
+		}
+		callback = callback || function(){};
+		// Default to a GET request
+		var type = "GET";
+		// If the second parameter was provided
+		if ( params )
+			// If it's a function
+			if ( jQuery.isFunction( params ) ) {
+				// We assume that it's the callback
+				callback = params;
+				params = null;
+			// Otherwise, build a param string
+			} else {
+				params = jQuery.param( params );
+				type = "POST";
+			}
+		var self = this;
+		// Request the remote document
+		jQuery.ajax({
+			url: url,
+			type: type,
+			data: params,
+			complete: function(res, status){
+				// If successful, inject the HTML into all the matched elements
+				if ( status == "success" || status == "notmodified" )
+					// See if a selector was specified
+					self.html( selector ?
+						// Create a dummy div to hold the results
+						jQuery("<div/>")
+							// inject the contents of the document in, removing the scripts
+							// to avoid any 'Permission Denied' errors in IE
+							.append(res.responseText.replace(/<script(.|\s)*?\/script>/g, ""))
+							// Locate the specified elements
+							.find(selector) :
+						// If not, just inject the full result
+						res.responseText );
+				// Add delay to account for Safari's delay in globalEval
+				setTimeout(function(){
+					self.each( callback, [res.responseText, status, res] );
+				}, 13);
+			}
+		});
+		return this;
+	},
+	serialize: function() {
+		return jQuery.param(this.serializeArray());
+	},
+	serializeArray: function() {
+		return{
+			return jQuery.nodeName(this, "form") ?
+				jQuery.makeArray(this.elements) : this;
+		})
+		.filter(function(){
+			return && !this.disabled && 
+				(this.checked || /select|textarea/i.test(this.nodeName) || 
+					/text|hidden|password/i.test(this.type));
+		})
+		.map(function(i, elem){
+			var val = jQuery(this).val();
+			return val == null ? null :
+				val.constructor == Array ?
+ val, function(val, i){
+						return {name:, value: val};
+					}) :
+					{name:, value: val};
+		}).get();
+	}
+// Attach a bunch of functions for handling common AJAX events
+jQuery.each( "ajaxStart,ajaxStop,ajaxComplete,ajaxError,ajaxSuccess,ajaxSend".split(","), function(i,o){
+	jQuery.fn[o] = function(f){
+		return this.bind(o, f);
+	};
+var jsc = (new Date).getTime();
+	get: function( url, data, callback, type ) {
+		// shift arguments if data argument was ommited
+		if ( jQuery.isFunction( data ) ) {
+			callback = data;
+			data = null;
+		}
+		return jQuery.ajax({
+			type: "GET",
+			url: url,
+			data: data,
+			success: callback,
+			dataType: type
+		});
+	},
+	getScript: function( url, callback ) {
+		return jQuery.get(url, null, callback, "script");
+	},
+	getJSON: function( url, data, callback ) {
+		return jQuery.get(url, data, callback, "json");
+	},
+	post: function( url, data, callback, type ) {
+		if ( jQuery.isFunction( data ) ) {
+			callback = data;
+			data = {};
+		}
+		return jQuery.ajax({
+			type: "POST",
+			url: url,
+			data: data,
+			success: callback,
+			dataType: type
+		});
+	},
+	ajaxSetup: function( settings ) {
+		jQuery.extend( jQuery.ajaxSettings, settings );
+	},
+	ajaxSettings: {
+		global: true,
+		type: "GET",
+		timeout: 0,
+		contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
+		processData: true,
+		async: true,
+		data: null
+	},
+	// Last-Modified header cache for next request
+	lastModified: {},
+	ajax: function( s ) {
+		var jsonp, jsre = /=(\?|%3F)/g, status, data;
+		// Extend the settings, but re-extend 's' so that it can be
+		// checked again later (in the test suite, specifically)
+		s = jQuery.extend(true, s, jQuery.extend(true, {}, jQuery.ajaxSettings, s));
+		// convert data if not already a string
+		if ( && s.processData && typeof != "string" )
+ = jQuery.param(;
+		// Handle JSONP Parameter Callbacks
+		if ( s.dataType == "jsonp" ) {
+			if ( s.type.toLowerCase() == "get" ) {
+				if ( !s.url.match(jsre) )
+					s.url += (s.url.match(/\?/) ? "&" : "?") + (s.jsonp || "callback") + "=?";
+			} else if ( ! || ! )
+ = ( ? + "&" : "") + (s.jsonp || "callback") + "=?";
+			s.dataType = "json";
+		}
+		// Build temporary JSONP function
+		if ( s.dataType == "json" && ( && || s.url.match(jsre)) ) {
+			jsonp = "jsonp" + jsc++;
+			// Replace the =? sequence both in the query string and the data
+			if ( )
+ =, "=" + jsonp);
+			s.url = s.url.replace(jsre, "=" + jsonp);
+			// We need to make sure
+			// that a JSONP style response is executed properly
+			s.dataType = "script";
+			// Handle JSONP-style loading
+			window[ jsonp ] = function(tmp){
+				data = tmp;
+				success();
+				complete();
+				// Garbage collect
+				window[ jsonp ] = undefined;
+				try{ delete window[ jsonp ]; } catch(e){}
+			};
+		}
+		if ( s.dataType == "script" && s.cache == null )
+			s.cache = false;
+		if ( s.cache === false && s.type.toLowerCase() == "get" )
+			s.url += (s.url.match(/\?/) ? "&" : "?") + "_=" + (new Date()).getTime();
+		// If data is available, append data to url for get requests
+		if ( && s.type.toLowerCase() == "get" ) {
+			s.url += (s.url.match(/\?/) ? "&" : "?") +;
+			// IE likes to send both get and post data, prevent this
+ = null;
+		}
+		// Watch for a new set of requests
+		if ( && ! )
+			jQuery.event.trigger( "ajaxStart" );
+		// If we're requesting a remote document
+		// and trying to load JSON or Script
+		if ( !s.url.indexOf("http") && s.dataType == "script" ) {
+			var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
+			var script = document.createElement("script");
+			script.src = s.url;
+			// Handle Script loading
+			if ( !jsonp && (s.success || s.complete) ) {
+				var done = false;
+				// Attach handlers for all browsers
+				script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function(){
+					if ( !done && (!this.readyState || 
+							this.readyState == "loaded" || this.readyState == "complete") ) {
+						done = true;
+						success();
+						complete();
+						head.removeChild( script );
+					}
+				};
+			}
+			head.appendChild(script);
+			// We handle everything using the script element injection
+			return;
+		}
+		var requestDone = false;
+		// Create the request object; Microsoft failed to properly
+		// implement the XMLHttpRequest in IE7, so we use the ActiveXObject when it is available
+		var xml = window.ActiveXObject ? new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") : new XMLHttpRequest();
+		// Open the socket
+, s.url, s.async);
+		// Set the correct header, if data is being sent
+		if ( )
+			xml.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", s.contentType);
+		// Set the If-Modified-Since header, if ifModified mode.
+		if ( s.ifModified )
+			xml.setRequestHeader("If-Modified-Since",
+				jQuery.lastModified[s.url] || "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT" );
+		// Set header so the called script knows that it's an XMLHttpRequest
+		xml.setRequestHeader("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest");
+		// Allow custom headers/mimetypes
+		if ( s.beforeSend )
+			s.beforeSend(xml);
+		if ( )
+		    jQuery.event.trigger("ajaxSend", [xml, s]);
+		// Wait for a response to come back
+		var onreadystatechange = function(isTimeout){
+			// The transfer is complete and the data is available, or the request timed out
+			if ( !requestDone && xml && (xml.readyState == 4 || isTimeout == "timeout") ) {
+				requestDone = true;
+				// clear poll interval
+				if (ival) {
+					clearInterval(ival);
+					ival = null;
+				}
+				status = isTimeout == "timeout" && "timeout" ||
+					!jQuery.httpSuccess( xml ) && "error" ||
+					s.ifModified && jQuery.httpNotModified( xml, s.url ) && "notmodified" ||
+					"success";
+				if ( status == "success" ) {
+					// Watch for, and catch, XML document parse errors
+					try {
+						// process the data (runs the xml through httpData regardless of callback)
+						data = jQuery.httpData( xml, s.dataType );
+					} catch(e) {
+						status = "parsererror";
+					}
+				}
+				// Make sure that the request was successful or notmodified
+				if ( status == "success" ) {
+					// Cache Last-Modified header, if ifModified mode.
+					var modRes;
+					try {
+						modRes = xml.getResponseHeader("Last-Modified");
+					} catch(e) {} // swallow exception thrown by FF if header is not available
+					if ( s.ifModified && modRes )
+						jQuery.lastModified[s.url] = modRes;
+					// JSONP handles its own success callback
+					if ( !jsonp )
+						success();	
+				} else
+					jQuery.handleError(s, xml, status);
+				// Fire the complete handlers
+				complete();
+				// Stop memory leaks
+				if ( s.async )
+					xml = null;
+			}
+		};
+		if ( s.async ) {
+			// don't attach the handler to the request, just poll it instead
+			var ival = setInterval(onreadystatechange, 13); 
+			// Timeout checker
+			if ( s.timeout > 0 )
+				setTimeout(function(){
+					// Check to see if the request is still happening
+					if ( xml ) {
+						// Cancel the request
+						xml.abort();
+						if( !requestDone )
+							onreadystatechange( "timeout" );
+					}
+				}, s.timeout);
+		}
+		// Send the data
+		try {
+			xml.send(;
+		} catch(e) {
+			jQuery.handleError(s, xml, null, e);
+		}
+		// firefox 1.5 doesn't fire statechange for sync requests
+		if ( !s.async )
+			onreadystatechange();
+		// return XMLHttpRequest to allow aborting the request etc.
+		return xml;
+		function success(){
+			// If a local callback was specified, fire it and pass it the data
+			if ( s.success )
+				s.success( data, status );
+			// Fire the global callback
+			if ( )
+				jQuery.event.trigger( "ajaxSuccess", [xml, s] );
+		}
+		function complete(){
+			// Process result
+			if ( s.complete )
+				s.complete(xml, status);
+			// The request was completed
+			if ( )
+				jQuery.event.trigger( "ajaxComplete", [xml, s] );
+			// Handle the global AJAX counter
+			if ( && ! )
+				jQuery.event.trigger( "ajaxStop" );
+		}
+	},
+	handleError: function( s, xml, status, e ) {
+		// If a local callback was specified, fire it
+		if ( s.error ) s.error( xml, status, e );
+		// Fire the global callback
+		if ( )
+			jQuery.event.trigger( "ajaxError", [xml, s, e] );
+	},
+	// Counter for holding the number of active queries
+	active: 0,
+	// Determines if an XMLHttpRequest was successful or not
+	httpSuccess: function( r ) {
+		try {
+			return !r.status && location.protocol == "file:" ||
+				( r.status >= 200 && r.status < 300 ) || r.status == 304 ||
+				jQuery.browser.safari && r.status == undefined;
+		} catch(e){}
+		return false;
+	},
+	// Determines if an XMLHttpRequest returns NotModified
+	httpNotModified: function( xml, url ) {
+		try {
+			var xmlRes = xml.getResponseHeader("Last-Modified");
+			// Firefox always returns 200. check Last-Modified date
+			return xml.status == 304 || xmlRes == jQuery.lastModified[url] ||
+				jQuery.browser.safari && xml.status == undefined;
+		} catch(e){}
+		return false;
+	},
+	httpData: function( r, type ) {
+		var ct = r.getResponseHeader("content-type");
+		var xml = type == "xml" || !type && ct && ct.indexOf("xml") >= 0;
+		var data = xml ? r.responseXML : r.responseText;
+		if ( xml && data.documentElement.tagName == "parsererror" )
+			throw "parsererror";
+		// If the type is "script", eval it in global context
+		if ( type == "script" )
+			jQuery.globalEval( data );
+		// Get the JavaScript object, if JSON is used.
+		if ( type == "json" )
+			data = eval("(" + data + ")");
+		return data;
+	},
+	// Serialize an array of form elements or a set of
+	// key/values into a query string
+	param: function( a ) {
+		var s = [];
+		// If an array was passed in, assume that it is an array
+		// of form elements
+		if ( a.constructor == Array || a.jquery )
+			// Serialize the form elements
+			jQuery.each( a, function(){
+				s.push( encodeURIComponent( + "=" + encodeURIComponent( this.value ) );
+			});
+		// Otherwise, assume that it's an object of key/value pairs
+		else
+			// Serialize the key/values
+			for ( var j in a )
+				// If the value is an array then the key names need to be repeated
+				if ( a[j] && a[j].constructor == Array )
+					jQuery.each( a[j], function(){
+						s.push( encodeURIComponent(j) + "=" + encodeURIComponent( this ) );
+					});
+				else
+					s.push( encodeURIComponent(j) + "=" + encodeURIComponent( a[j] ) );
+		// Return the resulting serialization
+		return s.join("&").replace(/%20/g, "+");
+	}
+	show: function(speed,callback){
+		return speed ?
+			this.animate({
+				height: "show", width: "show", opacity: "show"
+			}, speed, callback) :
+			this.filter(":hidden").each(function(){
+ = this.oldblock ? this.oldblock : "";
+				if ( jQuery.css(this,"display") == "none" )
+ = "block";
+			}).end();
+	},
+	hide: function(speed,callback){
+		return speed ?
+			this.animate({
+				height: "hide", width: "hide", opacity: "hide"
+			}, speed, callback) :
+			this.filter(":visible").each(function(){
+				this.oldblock = this.oldblock || jQuery.css(this,"display");
+				if ( this.oldblock == "none" )
+					this.oldblock = "block";
+ = "none";
+			}).end();
+	},
+	// Save the old toggle function
+	_toggle: jQuery.fn.toggle,
+	toggle: function( fn, fn2 ){
+		return jQuery.isFunction(fn) && jQuery.isFunction(fn2) ?
+			this._toggle( fn, fn2 ) :
+			fn ?
+				this.animate({
+					height: "toggle", width: "toggle", opacity: "toggle"
+				}, fn, fn2) :
+				this.each(function(){
+					jQuery(this)[ jQuery(this).is(":hidden") ? "show" : "hide" ]();
+				});
+	},
+	slideDown: function(speed,callback){
+		return this.animate({height: "show"}, speed, callback);
+	},
+	slideUp: function(speed,callback){
+		return this.animate({height: "hide"}, speed, callback);
+	},
+	slideToggle: function(speed, callback){
+		return this.animate({height: "toggle"}, speed, callback);
+	},
+	fadeIn: function(speed, callback){
+		return this.animate({opacity: "show"}, speed, callback);
+	},
+	fadeOut: function(speed, callback){
+		return this.animate({opacity: "hide"}, speed, callback);
+	},
+	fadeTo: function(speed,to,callback){
+		return this.animate({opacity: to}, speed, callback);
+	},
+	animate: function( prop, speed, easing, callback ) {
+		var opt = jQuery.speed(speed, easing, callback);
+		return this[ opt.queue === false ? "each" : "queue" ](function(){
+			opt = jQuery.extend({}, opt);
+			var hidden = jQuery(this).is(":hidden"), self = this;
+			for ( var p in prop ) {
+				if ( prop[p] == "hide" && hidden || prop[p] == "show" && !hidden )
+					return jQuery.isFunction(opt.complete) && opt.complete.apply(this);
+				if ( p == "height" || p == "width" ) {
+					// Store display property
+					opt.display = jQuery.css(this, "display");
+					// Make sure that nothing sneaks out
+					opt.overflow =;
+				}
+			}
+			if ( opt.overflow != null )
+ = "hidden";
+			opt.curAnim = jQuery.extend({}, prop);
+			jQuery.each( prop, function(name, val){
+				var e = new jQuery.fx( self, opt, name );
+				if ( /toggle|show|hide/.test(val) )
+					e[ val == "toggle" ? hidden ? "show" : "hide" : val ]( prop );
+				else {
+					var parts = val.toString().match(/^([+-]=)?([\d+-.]+)(.*)$/),
+						start = e.cur(true) || 0;
+					if ( parts ) {
+						var end = parseFloat(parts[2]),
+							unit = parts[3] || "px";
+						// We need to compute starting value
+						if ( unit != "px" ) {
+[ name ] = (end || 1) + unit;
+							start = ((end || 1) / e.cur(true)) * start;
+[ name ] = start + unit;
+						}
+						// If a +=/-= token was provided, we're doing a relative animation
+						if ( parts[1] )
+							end = ((parts[1] == "-=" ? -1 : 1) * end) + start;
+						e.custom( start, end, unit );
+					} else
+						e.custom( start, val, "" );
+				}
+			});
+			// For JS strict compliance
+			return true;
+		});
+	},
+	queue: function(type, fn){
+		if ( jQuery.isFunction(type) ) {
+			fn = type;
+			type = "fx";
+		}
+		if ( !type || (typeof type == "string" && !fn) )
+			return queue( this[0], type );
+		return this.each(function(){
+			if ( fn.constructor == Array )
+				queue(this, type, fn);
+			else {
+				queue(this, type).push( fn );
+				if ( queue(this, type).length == 1 )
+					fn.apply(this);
+			}
+		});
+	},
+	stop: function(){
+		var timers = jQuery.timers;
+		return this.each(function(){
+			for ( var i = 0; i < timers.length; i++ )
+				if ( timers[i].elem == this )
+					timers.splice(i--, 1);
+		}).dequeue();
+	}
+var queue = function( elem, type, array ) {
+	if ( !elem )
+		return;
+	var q = elem, type + "queue" );
+	if ( !q || array )
+		q = elem, type + "queue", 
+			array ? jQuery.makeArray(array) : [] );
+	return q;
+jQuery.fn.dequeue = function(type){
+	type = type || "fx";
+	return this.each(function(){
+		var q = queue(this, type);
+		q.shift();
+		if ( q.length )
+			q[0].apply( this );
+	});
+	speed: function(speed, easing, fn) {
+		var opt = speed && speed.constructor == Object ? speed : {
+			complete: fn || !fn && easing || 
+				jQuery.isFunction( speed ) && speed,
+			duration: speed,
+			easing: fn && easing || easing && easing.constructor != Function && easing
+		};
+		opt.duration = (opt.duration && opt.duration.constructor == Number ? 
+			opt.duration : 
+			{ slow: 600, fast: 200 }[opt.duration]) || 400;
+		// Queueing
+		opt.old = opt.complete;
+		opt.complete = function(){
+			jQuery(this).dequeue();
+			if ( jQuery.isFunction( opt.old ) )
+				opt.old.apply( this );
+		};
+		return opt;
+	},
+	easing: {
+		linear: function( p, n, firstNum, diff ) {
+			return firstNum + diff * p;
+		},
+		swing: function( p, n, firstNum, diff ) {
+			return ((-Math.cos(p*Math.PI)/2) + 0.5) * diff + firstNum;
+		}
+	},
+	timers: [],
+	fx: function( elem, options, prop ){
+		this.options = options;
+		this.elem = elem;
+		this.prop = prop;
+		if ( !options.orig )
+			options.orig = {};
+	}
+jQuery.fx.prototype = {
+	// Simple function for setting a style value
+	update: function(){
+		if ( this.options.step )
+			this.options.step.apply( this.elem, [, this ] );
+		(jQuery.fx.step[this.prop] || jQuery.fx.step._default)( this );
+		// Set display property to block for height/width animations
+		if ( this.prop == "height" || this.prop == "width" )
+ = "block";
+	},
+	// Get the current size
+	cur: function(force){
+		if ( this.elem[this.prop] != null &&[this.prop] == null )
+			return this.elem[ this.prop ];
+		var r = parseFloat(jQuery.curCSS(this.elem, this.prop, force));
+		return r && r > -10000 ? r : parseFloat(jQuery.css(this.elem, this.prop)) || 0;
+	},
+	// Start an animation from one number to another
+	custom: function(from, to, unit){
+		this.startTime = (new Date()).getTime();
+		this.start = from;
+		this.end = to;
+		this.unit = unit || this.unit || "px";
+ = this.start;
+		this.pos = this.state = 0;
+		this.update();
+		var self = this;
+		function t(){
+			return self.step();
+		}
+		t.elem = this.elem;
+		jQuery.timers.push(t);
+		if ( jQuery.timers.length == 1 ) {
+			var timer = setInterval(function(){
+				var timers = jQuery.timers;
+				for ( var i = 0; i < timers.length; i++ )
+					if ( !timers[i]() )
+						timers.splice(i--, 1);
+				if ( !timers.length )
+					clearInterval( timer );
+			}, 13);
+		}
+	},
+	// Simple 'show' function
+	show: function(){
+		// Remember where we started, so that we can go back to it later
+		this.options.orig[this.prop] = jQuery.attr(, this.prop );
+ = true;
+		// Begin the animation
+		this.custom(0, this.cur());
+		// Make sure that we start at a small width/height to avoid any
+		// flash of content
+		if ( this.prop == "width" || this.prop == "height" )
+[this.prop] = "1px";
+		// Start by showing the element
+		jQuery(this.elem).show();
+	},
+	// Simple 'hide' function
+	hide: function(){
+		// Remember where we started, so that we can go back to it later
+		this.options.orig[this.prop] = jQuery.attr(, this.prop );
+		this.options.hide = true;
+		// Begin the animation
+		this.custom(this.cur(), 0);
+	},
+	// Each step of an animation
+	step: function(){
+		var t = (new Date()).getTime();
+		if ( t > this.options.duration + this.startTime ) {
+ = this.end;
+			this.pos = this.state = 1;
+			this.update();
+			this.options.curAnim[ this.prop ] = true;
+			var done = true;
+			for ( var i in this.options.curAnim )
+				if ( this.options.curAnim[i] !== true )
+					done = false;
+			if ( done ) {
+				if ( this.options.display != null ) {
+					// Reset the overflow
+ = this.options.overflow;
+					// Reset the display
+ = this.options.display;
+					if ( jQuery.css(this.elem, "display") == "none" )
+ = "block";
+				}
+				// Hide the element if the "hide" operation was done
+				if ( this.options.hide )
+ = "none";
+				// Reset the properties, if the item has been hidden or shown
+				if ( this.options.hide || )
+					for ( var p in this.options.curAnim )
+						jQuery.attr(, p, this.options.orig[p]);
+			}
+			// If a callback was provided, execute it
+			if ( done && jQuery.isFunction( this.options.complete ) )
+				// Execute the complete function
+				this.options.complete.apply( this.elem );
+			return false;
+		} else {
+			var n = t - this.startTime;
+			this.state = n / this.options.duration;
+			// Perform the easing function, defaults to swing
+			this.pos = jQuery.easing[this.options.easing || (jQuery.easing.swing ? "swing" : "linear")](this.state, n, 0, 1, this.options.duration);
+ = this.start + ((this.end - this.start) * this.pos);
+			// Perform the next step of the animation
+			this.update();
+		}
+		return true;
+	}
+jQuery.fx.step = {
+	scrollLeft: function(fx){
+		fx.elem.scrollLeft =;
+	},
+	scrollTop: function(fx){
+		fx.elem.scrollTop =;
+	},
+	opacity: function(fx){
+		jQuery.attr(, "opacity",;
+	},
+	_default: function(fx){
+[ fx.prop ] = + fx.unit;
+	}
+// The Offset Method
+// Originally By Brandon Aaron, part of the Dimension Plugin
+jQuery.fn.offset = function() {
+	var left = 0, top = 0, elem = this[0], results;
+	if ( elem ) with ( jQuery.browser ) {
+		var	absolute     = jQuery.css(elem, "position") == "absolute", 
+		    parent       = elem.parentNode, 
+		    offsetParent = elem.offsetParent, 
+		    doc          = elem.ownerDocument,
+		    safari2      = safari && parseInt(version) < 522;
+		// Use getBoundingClientRect if available
+		if ( elem.getBoundingClientRect ) {
+			box = elem.getBoundingClientRect();
+			// Add the document scroll offsets
+			add(
+				box.left + Math.max(doc.documentElement.scrollLeft, doc.body.scrollLeft),
+  + Math.max(doc.documentElement.scrollTop,  doc.body.scrollTop)
+			);
+			// IE adds the HTML element's border, by default it is medium which is 2px
+			// IE 6 and IE 7 quirks mode the border width is overwritable by the following css html { border: 0; }
+			// IE 7 standards mode, the border is always 2px
+			if ( msie ) {
+				var border = jQuery("html").css("borderWidth");
+				border = (border == "medium" || jQuery.boxModel && parseInt(version) >= 7) && 2 || border;
+				add( -border, -border );
+			}
+		// Otherwise loop through the offsetParents and parentNodes
+		} else {
+			// Initial element offsets
+			add( elem.offsetLeft, elem.offsetTop );
+			// Get parent offsets
+			while ( offsetParent ) {
+				// Add offsetParent offsets
+				add( offsetParent.offsetLeft, offsetParent.offsetTop );
+				// Mozilla and Safari > 2 does not include the border on offset parents
+				// However Mozilla adds the border for table cells
+				if ( mozilla && /^t[d|h]$/i.test(parent.tagName) || !safari2 )
+					border( offsetParent );
+				// Safari <= 2 doubles body offsets with an absolutely positioned element or parent
+				if ( safari2 && !absolute && jQuery.css(offsetParent, "position") == "absolute" )
+					absolute = true;
+				// Get next offsetParent
+				offsetParent = offsetParent.offsetParent;
+			}
+			// Get parent scroll offsets
+			while ( parent.tagName && !/^body|html$/i.test(parent.tagName) ) {
+				// Work around opera inline/table scrollLeft/Top bug
+				if ( !/^inline|table-row.*$/i.test(jQuery.css(parent, "display")) )
+					// Subtract parent scroll offsets
+					add( -parent.scrollLeft, -parent.scrollTop );
+				// Mozilla does not add the border for a parent that has overflow != visible
+				if ( mozilla && jQuery.css(parent, "overflow") != "visible" )
+					border( parent );
+				// Get next parent
+				parent = parent.parentNode;
+			}
+			// Safari doubles body offsets with an absolutely positioned element or parent
+			if ( safari2 && absolute )
+				add( -doc.body.offsetLeft, -doc.body.offsetTop );
+		}
+		// Return an object with top and left properties
+		results = { top: top, left: left };
+	}
+	return results;
+	function border(elem) {
+		add( jQuery.css(elem, "borderLeftWidth"), jQuery.css(elem, "borderTopWidth") );
+	}
+	function add(l, t) {
+		left += parseInt(l) || 0;
+		top += parseInt(t) || 0;
+	}
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/web/robots.txt	Tue Mar 10 21:42:19 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+User-agent: *
+Disallow: /feeds/
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/web/	Tue Mar 10 21:42:19 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Use Django's template machinery to expand static web pages.  First
+# tries the default template path for a particular installation, then
+# looks for templates in the filesystem.
+from django.template import Context, TemplateDoesNotExist
+from django.template.loader import get_template, get_template_from_string
+from import setup_environ
+import rwh.settings as settings
+import sys
+c = Context()
+if len(sys.argv) == 2:
+    in_name = sys.argv[1]
+    out_name = 'stdout'
+    out_fp = sys.stdout
+elif len(sys.argv) == 3:
+    in_name = sys.argv[1]
+    out_name = sys.argv[2]
+    out_fp = None
+    print >> sys.stderr, 'Usage: %s template-file [output-file]'
+    sys.exit(1)
+    t = get_template(in_name)
+except TemplateDoesNotExist:
+    t = get_template_from_string(open(in_name).read(), name=in_name)
+if out_fp is None:
+    out_fp = open(out_name, 'w')