1 /*
3 * - MMX and XMM forward discrete cosine transform -
4 *
5 * Copyright(C) 2001 Peter Ross <pross@xvid.org>
6 *
7 * Originally provided by Intel at AP-922
8 * http://developer.intel.com/vtune/cbts/strmsimd/922down.htm
9 * (See more app notes at http://developer.intel.com/vtune/cbts/strmsimd/appnotes.htm)
10 * but in a limited edition.
11 * New macro implements a column part for precise iDCT
12 * The routine precision now satisfies IEEE standard 1180-1990.
13 *
14 * Copyright(C) 2000-2001 Peter Gubanov <peter@elecard.net.ru>
15 * Rounding trick Copyright(C) 2000 Michel Lespinasse <walken@zoy.org>
16 *
17 * http://www.elecard.com/peter/idct.html
18 * http://www.linuxvideo.org/mpeg2dec/
19 *
20 * These examples contain code fragments for first stage iDCT 8x8
21 * (for rows) and first stage DCT 8x8 (for columns)
22 *
23 * conversion to gcc syntax by Michael Niedermayer
24 *
25 * This file is part of FFmpeg.
26 *
27 * FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
28 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
29 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
30 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
31 *
32 * FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
33 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
35 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
36 *
37 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
38 * along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
39 * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
40 */
42 #include <inttypes.h>
43 #include "libavcodec/avcodec.h"
45 //=============================================================================
46 // Macros and other preprocessor constants
47 //=============================================================================
49 #define BITS_INV_ACC 5 // 4 or 5 for IEEE
50 #define SHIFT_INV_ROW (16 - BITS_INV_ACC) //11
51 #define SHIFT_INV_COL (1 + BITS_INV_ACC) //6
52 #define RND_INV_ROW (1024 * (6 - BITS_INV_ACC))
53 #define RND_INV_COL (16 * (BITS_INV_ACC - 3))
54 #define RND_INV_CORR (RND_INV_COL - 1)
56 #define BITS_FRW_ACC 3 // 2 or 3 for accuracy
58 #define SHIFT_FRW_ROW (BITS_FRW_ACC + 17)
59 #define RND_FRW_ROW (262144*(BITS_FRW_ACC - 1))
62 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
63 // Various memory constants (trigonometric values or rounding values)
64 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
67 DECLARE_ALIGNED(8, static const int16_t, tg_1_16[4*4]) = {
68 13036,13036,13036,13036, // tg * (2<<16) + 0.5
69 27146,27146,27146,27146, // tg * (2<<16) + 0.5
70 -21746,-21746,-21746,-21746, // tg * (2<<16) + 0.5
71 23170,23170,23170,23170}; // cos * (2<<15) + 0.5
73 DECLARE_ALIGNED(8, static const int32_t, rounder_0[2*8]) = {
74 65536,65536,
75 3597,3597,
76 2260,2260,
77 1203,1203,
78 0,0,
79 120,120,
80 512,512,
81 512,512};
83 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
84 //
85 // The first stage iDCT 8x8 - inverse DCTs of rows
86 //
87 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
88 // The 8-point inverse DCT direct algorithm
89 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
90 //
91 // static const short w[32] = {
92 // FIX(cos_4_16), FIX(cos_2_16), FIX(cos_4_16), FIX(cos_6_16),
93 // FIX(cos_4_16), FIX(cos_6_16), -FIX(cos_4_16), -FIX(cos_2_16),
94 // FIX(cos_4_16), -FIX(cos_6_16), -FIX(cos_4_16), FIX(cos_2_16),
95 // FIX(cos_4_16), -FIX(cos_2_16), FIX(cos_4_16), -FIX(cos_6_16),
96 // FIX(cos_1_16), FIX(cos_3_16), FIX(cos_5_16), FIX(cos_7_16),
97 // FIX(cos_3_16), -FIX(cos_7_16), -FIX(cos_1_16), -FIX(cos_5_16),
98 // FIX(cos_5_16), -FIX(cos_1_16), FIX(cos_7_16), FIX(cos_3_16),
99 // FIX(cos_7_16), -FIX(cos_5_16), FIX(cos_3_16), -FIX(cos_1_16) };
100 //
101 // #define DCT_8_INV_ROW(x, y)
102 // {
103 // int a0, a1, a2, a3, b0, b1, b2, b3;
104 //
105 // a0 =x[0]*w[0]+x[2]*w[1]+x[4]*w[2]+x[6]*w[3];
106 // a1 =x[0]*w[4]+x[2]*w[5]+x[4]*w[6]+x[6]*w[7];
107 // a2 = x[0] * w[ 8] + x[2] * w[ 9] + x[4] * w[10] + x[6] * w[11];
108 // a3 = x[0] * w[12] + x[2] * w[13] + x[4] * w[14] + x[6] * w[15];
109 // b0 = x[1] * w[16] + x[3] * w[17] + x[5] * w[18] + x[7] * w[19];
110 // b1 = x[1] * w[20] + x[3] * w[21] + x[5] * w[22] + x[7] * w[23];
111 // b2 = x[1] * w[24] + x[3] * w[25] + x[5] * w[26] + x[7] * w[27];
112 // b3 = x[1] * w[28] + x[3] * w[29] + x[5] * w[30] + x[7] * w[31];
113 //
114 // y[0] = SHIFT_ROUND ( a0 + b0 );
115 // y[1] = SHIFT_ROUND ( a1 + b1 );
116 // y[2] = SHIFT_ROUND ( a2 + b2 );
117 // y[3] = SHIFT_ROUND ( a3 + b3 );
118 // y[4] = SHIFT_ROUND ( a3 - b3 );
119 // y[5] = SHIFT_ROUND ( a2 - b2 );
120 // y[6] = SHIFT_ROUND ( a1 - b1 );
121 // y[7] = SHIFT_ROUND ( a0 - b0 );
122 // }
123 //
124 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
125 //
126 // In this implementation the outputs of the iDCT-1D are multiplied
127 // for rows 0,4 - by cos_4_16,
128 // for rows 1,7 - by cos_1_16,
129 // for rows 2,6 - by cos_2_16,
130 // for rows 3,5 - by cos_3_16
131 // and are shifted to the left for better accuracy
132 //
133 // For the constants used,
134 // FIX(float_const) = (short) (float_const * (1<<15) + 0.5)
135 //
136 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
138 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
139 // Tables for mmx processors
140 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
142 // Table for rows 0,4 - constants are multiplied by cos_4_16
143 DECLARE_ALIGNED(8, static const int16_t, tab_i_04_mmx[32*4]) = {
144 16384,16384,16384,-16384, // movq-> w06 w04 w02 w00
145 21407,8867,8867,-21407, // w07 w05 w03 w01
146 16384,-16384,16384,16384, // w14 w12 w10 w08
147 -8867,21407,-21407,-8867, // w15 w13 w11 w09
148 22725,12873,19266,-22725, // w22 w20 w18 w16
149 19266,4520,-4520,-12873, // w23 w21 w19 w17
150 12873,4520,4520,19266, // w30 w28 w26 w24
151 -22725,19266,-12873,-22725, // w31 w29 w27 w25
152 // Table for rows 1,7 - constants are multiplied by cos_1_16
153 22725,22725,22725,-22725, // movq-> w06 w04 w02 w00
154 29692,12299,12299,-29692, // w07 w05 w03 w01
155 22725,-22725,22725,22725, // w14 w12 w10 w08
156 -12299,29692,-29692,-12299, // w15 w13 w11 w09
157 31521,17855,26722,-31521, // w22 w20 w18 w16
158 26722,6270,-6270,-17855, // w23 w21 w19 w17
159 17855,6270,6270,26722, // w30 w28 w26 w24
160 -31521,26722,-17855,-31521, // w31 w29 w27 w25
161 // Table for rows 2,6 - constants are multiplied by cos_2_16
162 21407,21407,21407,-21407, // movq-> w06 w04 w02 w00
163 27969,11585,11585,-27969, // w07 w05 w03 w01
164 21407,-21407,21407,21407, // w14 w12 w10 w08
165 -11585,27969,-27969,-11585, // w15 w13 w11 w09
166 29692,16819,25172,-29692, // w22 w20 w18 w16
167 25172,5906,-5906,-16819, // w23 w21 w19 w17
168 16819,5906,5906,25172, // w30 w28 w26 w24
169 -29692,25172,-16819,-29692, // w31 w29 w27 w25
170 // Table for rows 3,5 - constants are multiplied by cos_3_16
171 19266,19266,19266,-19266, // movq-> w06 w04 w02 w00
172 25172,10426,10426,-25172, // w07 w05 w03 w01
173 19266,-19266,19266,19266, // w14 w12 w10 w08
174 -10426,25172,-25172,-10426, // w15 w13 w11 w09
175 26722,15137,22654,-26722, // w22 w20 w18 w16
176 22654,5315,-5315,-15137, // w23 w21 w19 w17
177 15137,5315,5315,22654, // w30 w28 w26 w24
178 -26722,22654,-15137,-26722, // w31 w29 w27 w25
179 };
180 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
181 // Tables for xmm processors
182 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
184 // %3 for rows 0,4 - constants are multiplied by cos_4_16
185 DECLARE_ALIGNED(8, static const int16_t, tab_i_04_xmm[32*4]) = {
186 16384,21407,16384,8867, // movq-> w05 w04 w01 w00
187 16384,8867,-16384,-21407, // w07 w06 w03 w02
188 16384,-8867,16384,-21407, // w13 w12 w09 w08
189 -16384,21407,16384,-8867, // w15 w14 w11 w10
190 22725,19266,19266,-4520, // w21 w20 w17 w16
191 12873,4520,-22725,-12873, // w23 w22 w19 w18
192 12873,-22725,4520,-12873, // w29 w28 w25 w24
193 4520,19266,19266,-22725, // w31 w30 w27 w26
194 // %3 for rows 1,7 - constants are multiplied by cos_1_16
195 22725,29692,22725,12299, // movq-> w05 w04 w01 w00
196 22725,12299,-22725,-29692, // w07 w06 w03 w02
197 22725,-12299,22725,-29692, // w13 w12 w09 w08
198 -22725,29692,22725,-12299, // w15 w14 w11 w10
199 31521,26722,26722,-6270, // w21 w20 w17 w16
200 17855,6270,-31521,-17855, // w23 w22 w19 w18
201 17855,-31521,6270,-17855, // w29 w28 w25 w24
202 6270,26722,26722,-31521, // w31 w30 w27 w26
203 // %3 for rows 2,6 - constants are multiplied by cos_2_16
204 21407,27969,21407,11585, // movq-> w05 w04 w01 w00
205 21407,11585,-21407,-27969, // w07 w06 w03 w02
206 21407,-11585,21407,-27969, // w13 w12 w09 w08
207 -21407,27969,21407,-11585, // w15 w14 w11 w10
208 29692,25172,25172,-5906, // w21 w20 w17 w16
209 16819,5906,-29692,-16819, // w23 w22 w19 w18
210 16819,-29692,5906,-16819, // w29 w28 w25 w24
211 5906,25172,25172,-29692, // w31 w30 w27 w26
212 // %3 for rows 3,5 - constants are multiplied by cos_3_16
213 19266,25172,19266,10426, // movq-> w05 w04 w01 w00
214 19266,10426,-19266,-25172, // w07 w06 w03 w02
215 19266,-10426,19266,-25172, // w13 w12 w09 w08
216 -19266,25172,19266,-10426, // w15 w14 w11 w10
217 26722,22654,22654,-5315, // w21 w20 w17 w16
218 15137,5315,-26722,-15137, // w23 w22 w19 w18
219 15137,-26722,5315,-15137, // w29 w28 w25 w24
220 5315,22654,22654,-26722, // w31 w30 w27 w26
221 };
222 //=============================================================================
223 // Helper macros for the code
224 //=============================================================================
226 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
228 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
230 #define DCT_8_INV_ROW_MMX(A1,A2,A3,A4)\
231 "movq " #A1 ",%%mm0 \n\t"/* 0 ; x3 x2 x1 x0*/\
232 "movq 8+" #A1 ",%%mm1 \n\t"/* 1 ; x7 x6 x5 x4*/\
233 "movq %%mm0,%%mm2 \n\t"/* 2 ; x3 x2 x1 x0*/\
234 "movq " #A3 ",%%mm3 \n\t"/* 3 ; w06 w04 w02 w00*/\
235 "punpcklwd %%mm1,%%mm0 \n\t"/* x5 x1 x4 x0*/\
236 "movq %%mm0,%%mm5 \n\t"/* 5 ; x5 x1 x4 x0*/\
237 "punpckldq %%mm0,%%mm0 \n\t"/* x4 x0 x4 x0*/\
238 "movq 8+" #A3 ",%%mm4 \n\t"/* 4 ; w07 w05 w03 w01*/\
239 "punpckhwd %%mm1,%%mm2 \n\t"/* 1 ; x7 x3 x6 x2*/\
240 "pmaddwd %%mm0,%%mm3 \n\t"/* x4*w06+x0*w04 x4*w02+x0*w00*/\
241 "movq %%mm2,%%mm6 \n\t"/* 6 ; x7 x3 x6 x2*/\
242 "movq 32+" #A3 ",%%mm1 \n\t"/* 1 ; w22 w20 w18 w16*/\
243 "punpckldq %%mm2,%%mm2 \n\t"/* x6 x2 x6 x2*/\
244 "pmaddwd %%mm2,%%mm4 \n\t"/* x6*w07+x2*w05 x6*w03+x2*w01*/\
245 "punpckhdq %%mm5,%%mm5 \n\t"/* x5 x1 x5 x1*/\
246 "pmaddwd 16+" #A3 ",%%mm0 \n\t"/* x4*w14+x0*w12 x4*w10+x0*w08*/\
247 "punpckhdq %%mm6,%%mm6 \n\t"/* x7 x3 x7 x3*/\
248 "movq 40+" #A3 ",%%mm7 \n\t"/* 7 ; w23 w21 w19 w17*/\
249 "pmaddwd %%mm5,%%mm1 \n\t"/* x5*w22+x1*w20 x5*w18+x1*w16*/\
250 "paddd " #A4 ",%%mm3 \n\t"/* +%4*/\
251 "pmaddwd %%mm6,%%mm7 \n\t"/* x7*w23+x3*w21 x7*w19+x3*w17*/\
252 "pmaddwd 24+" #A3 ",%%mm2 \n\t"/* x6*w15+x2*w13 x6*w11+x2*w09*/\
253 "paddd %%mm4,%%mm3 \n\t"/* 4 ; a1=sum(even1) a0=sum(even0)*/\
254 "pmaddwd 48+" #A3 ",%%mm5 \n\t"/* x5*w30+x1*w28 x5*w26+x1*w24*/\
255 "movq %%mm3,%%mm4 \n\t"/* 4 ; a1 a0*/\
256 "pmaddwd 56+" #A3 ",%%mm6 \n\t"/* x7*w31+x3*w29 x7*w27+x3*w25*/\
257 "paddd %%mm7,%%mm1 \n\t"/* 7 ; b1=sum(odd1) b0=sum(odd0)*/\
258 "paddd " #A4 ",%%mm0 \n\t"/* +%4*/\
259 "psubd %%mm1,%%mm3 \n\t"/* a1-b1 a0-b0*/\
260 "psrad $11,%%mm3 \n\t"/* y6=a1-b1 y7=a0-b0*/\
261 "paddd %%mm4,%%mm1 \n\t"/* 4 ; a1+b1 a0+b0*/\
262 "paddd %%mm2,%%mm0 \n\t"/* 2 ; a3=sum(even3) a2=sum(even2)*/\
263 "psrad $11,%%mm1 \n\t"/* y1=a1+b1 y0=a0+b0*/\
264 "paddd %%mm6,%%mm5 \n\t"/* 6 ; b3=sum(odd3) b2=sum(odd2)*/\
265 "movq %%mm0,%%mm4 \n\t"/* 4 ; a3 a2*/\
266 "paddd %%mm5,%%mm0 \n\t"/* a3+b3 a2+b2*/\
267 "psubd %%mm5,%%mm4 \n\t"/* 5 ; a3-b3 a2-b2*/\
268 "psrad $11,%%mm0 \n\t"/* y3=a3+b3 y2=a2+b2*/\
269 "psrad $11,%%mm4 \n\t"/* y4=a3-b3 y5=a2-b2*/\
270 "packssdw %%mm0,%%mm1 \n\t"/* 0 ; y3 y2 y1 y0*/\
271 "packssdw %%mm3,%%mm4 \n\t"/* 3 ; y6 y7 y4 y5*/\
272 "movq %%mm4,%%mm7 \n\t"/* 7 ; y6 y7 y4 y5*/\
273 "psrld $16,%%mm4 \n\t"/* 0 y6 0 y4*/\
274 "pslld $16,%%mm7 \n\t"/* y7 0 y5 0*/\
275 "movq %%mm1," #A2 " \n\t"/* 1 ; save y3 y2 y1 y0*/\
276 "por %%mm4,%%mm7 \n\t"/* 4 ; y7 y6 y5 y4*/\
277 "movq %%mm7,8 +" #A2 "\n\t"/* 7 ; save y7 y6 y5 y4*/\
280 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
282 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
284 #define DCT_8_INV_ROW_XMM(A1,A2,A3,A4)\
285 "movq " #A1 ",%%mm0 \n\t"/* 0 ; x3 x2 x1 x0*/\
286 "movq 8+" #A1 ",%%mm1 \n\t"/* 1 ; x7 x6 x5 x4*/\
287 "movq %%mm0,%%mm2 \n\t"/* 2 ; x3 x2 x1 x0*/\
288 "movq " #A3 ",%%mm3 \n\t"/* 3 ; w05 w04 w01 w00*/\
289 "pshufw $0x88,%%mm0,%%mm0 \n\t"/* x2 x0 x2 x0*/\
290 "movq 8+" #A3 ",%%mm4 \n\t"/* 4 ; w07 w06 w03 w02*/\
291 "movq %%mm1,%%mm5 \n\t"/* 5 ; x7 x6 x5 x4*/\
292 "pmaddwd %%mm0,%%mm3 \n\t"/* x2*w05+x0*w04 x2*w01+x0*w00*/\
293 "movq 32+" #A3 ",%%mm6 \n\t"/* 6 ; w21 w20 w17 w16*/\
294 "pshufw $0x88,%%mm1,%%mm1 \n\t"/* x6 x4 x6 x4*/\
295 "pmaddwd %%mm1,%%mm4 \n\t"/* x6*w07+x4*w06 x6*w03+x4*w02*/\
296 "movq 40+" #A3 ",%%mm7 \n\t"/* 7 ; w23 w22 w19 w18*/\
297 "pshufw $0xdd,%%mm2,%%mm2 \n\t"/* x3 x1 x3 x1*/\
298 "pmaddwd %%mm2,%%mm6 \n\t"/* x3*w21+x1*w20 x3*w17+x1*w16*/\
299 "pshufw $0xdd,%%mm5,%%mm5 \n\t"/* x7 x5 x7 x5*/\
300 "pmaddwd %%mm5,%%mm7 \n\t"/* x7*w23+x5*w22 x7*w19+x5*w18*/\
301 "paddd " #A4 ",%%mm3 \n\t"/* +%4*/\
302 "pmaddwd 16+" #A3 ",%%mm0 \n\t"/* x2*w13+x0*w12 x2*w09+x0*w08*/\
303 "paddd %%mm4,%%mm3 \n\t"/* 4 ; a1=sum(even1) a0=sum(even0)*/\
304 "pmaddwd 24+" #A3 ",%%mm1 \n\t"/* x6*w15+x4*w14 x6*w11+x4*w10*/\
305 "movq %%mm3,%%mm4 \n\t"/* 4 ; a1 a0*/\
306 "pmaddwd 48+" #A3 ",%%mm2 \n\t"/* x3*w29+x1*w28 x3*w25+x1*w24*/\
307 "paddd %%mm7,%%mm6 \n\t"/* 7 ; b1=sum(odd1) b0=sum(odd0)*/\
308 "pmaddwd 56+" #A3 ",%%mm5 \n\t"/* x7*w31+x5*w30 x7*w27+x5*w26*/\
309 "paddd %%mm6,%%mm3 \n\t"/* a1+b1 a0+b0*/\
310 "paddd " #A4 ",%%mm0 \n\t"/* +%4*/\
311 "psrad $11,%%mm3 \n\t"/* y1=a1+b1 y0=a0+b0*/\
312 "paddd %%mm1,%%mm0 \n\t"/* 1 ; a3=sum(even3) a2=sum(even2)*/\
313 "psubd %%mm6,%%mm4 \n\t"/* 6 ; a1-b1 a0-b0*/\
314 "movq %%mm0,%%mm7 \n\t"/* 7 ; a3 a2*/\
315 "paddd %%mm5,%%mm2 \n\t"/* 5 ; b3=sum(odd3) b2=sum(odd2)*/\
316 "paddd %%mm2,%%mm0 \n\t"/* a3+b3 a2+b2*/\
317 "psrad $11,%%mm4 \n\t"/* y6=a1-b1 y7=a0-b0*/\
318 "psubd %%mm2,%%mm7 \n\t"/* 2 ; a3-b3 a2-b2*/\
319 "psrad $11,%%mm0 \n\t"/* y3=a3+b3 y2=a2+b2*/\
320 "psrad $11,%%mm7 \n\t"/* y4=a3-b3 y5=a2-b2*/\
321 "packssdw %%mm0,%%mm3 \n\t"/* 0 ; y3 y2 y1 y0*/\
322 "packssdw %%mm4,%%mm7 \n\t"/* 4 ; y6 y7 y4 y5*/\
323 "movq %%mm3, " #A2 " \n\t"/* 3 ; save y3 y2 y1 y0*/\
324 "pshufw $0xb1,%%mm7,%%mm7 \n\t"/* y7 y6 y5 y4*/\
325 "movq %%mm7,8 +" #A2 "\n\t"/* 7 ; save y7 y6 y5 y4*/\
328 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
329 //
330 // The first stage DCT 8x8 - forward DCTs of columns
331 //
332 // The %2puts are multiplied
333 // for rows 0,4 - on cos_4_16,
334 // for rows 1,7 - on cos_1_16,
335 // for rows 2,6 - on cos_2_16,
336 // for rows 3,5 - on cos_3_16
337 // and are shifted to the left for rise of accuracy
338 //
339 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
340 //
341 // The 8-point scaled forward DCT algorithm (26a8m)
342 //
343 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
344 //
345 // #define DCT_8_FRW_COL(x, y)
346 //{
347 // short t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7;
348 // short tp03, tm03, tp12, tm12, tp65, tm65;
349 // short tp465, tm465, tp765, tm765;
350 //
351 // t0 = LEFT_SHIFT ( x[0] + x[7] );
352 // t1 = LEFT_SHIFT ( x[1] + x[6] );
353 // t2 = LEFT_SHIFT ( x[2] + x[5] );
354 // t3 = LEFT_SHIFT ( x[3] + x[4] );
355 // t4 = LEFT_SHIFT ( x[3] - x[4] );
356 // t5 = LEFT_SHIFT ( x[2] - x[5] );
357 // t6 = LEFT_SHIFT ( x[1] - x[6] );
358 // t7 = LEFT_SHIFT ( x[0] - x[7] );
359 //
360 // tp03 = t0 + t3;
361 // tm03 = t0 - t3;
362 // tp12 = t1 + t2;
363 // tm12 = t1 - t2;
364 //
365 // y[0] = tp03 + tp12;
366 // y[4] = tp03 - tp12;
367 //
368 // y[2] = tm03 + tm12 * tg_2_16;
369 // y[6] = tm03 * tg_2_16 - tm12;
370 //
371 // tp65 =(t6 +t5 )*cos_4_16;
372 // tm65 =(t6 -t5 )*cos_4_16;
373 //
374 // tp765 = t7 + tp65;
375 // tm765 = t7 - tp65;
376 // tp465 = t4 + tm65;
377 // tm465 = t4 - tm65;
378 //
379 // y[1] = tp765 + tp465 * tg_1_16;
380 // y[7] = tp765 * tg_1_16 - tp465;
381 // y[5] = tm765 * tg_3_16 + tm465;
382 // y[3] = tm765 - tm465 * tg_3_16;
383 //}
384 //
385 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
387 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
388 // DCT_8_INV_COL_4 INP,OUT
389 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
391 #define DCT_8_INV_COL(A1,A2)\
392 "movq 2*8(%3),%%mm0\n\t"\
393 "movq 16*3+" #A1 ",%%mm3\n\t"\
394 "movq %%mm0,%%mm1 \n\t"/* tg_3_16*/\
395 "movq 16*5+" #A1 ",%%mm5\n\t"\
396 "pmulhw %%mm3,%%mm0 \n\t"/* x3*(tg_3_16-1)*/\
397 "movq (%3),%%mm4\n\t"\
398 "pmulhw %%mm5,%%mm1 \n\t"/* x5*(tg_3_16-1)*/\
399 "movq 16*7+" #A1 ",%%mm7\n\t"\
400 "movq %%mm4,%%mm2 \n\t"/* tg_1_16*/\
401 "movq 16*1+" #A1 ",%%mm6\n\t"\
402 "pmulhw %%mm7,%%mm4 \n\t"/* x7*tg_1_16*/\
403 "paddsw %%mm3,%%mm0 \n\t"/* x3*tg_3_16*/\
404 "pmulhw %%mm6,%%mm2 \n\t"/* x1*tg_1_16*/\
405 "paddsw %%mm3,%%mm1 \n\t"/* x3+x5*(tg_3_16-1)*/\
406 "psubsw %%mm5,%%mm0 \n\t"/* x3*tg_3_16-x5 = tm35*/\
407 "movq 3*8(%3),%%mm3\n\t"\
408 "paddsw %%mm5,%%mm1 \n\t"/* x3+x5*tg_3_16 = tp35*/\
409 "paddsw %%mm6,%%mm4 \n\t"/* x1+tg_1_16*x7 = tp17*/\
410 "psubsw %%mm7,%%mm2 \n\t"/* x1*tg_1_16-x7 = tm17*/\
411 "movq %%mm4,%%mm5 \n\t"/* tp17*/\
412 "movq %%mm2,%%mm6 \n\t"/* tm17*/\
413 "paddsw %%mm1,%%mm5 \n\t"/* tp17+tp35 = b0*/\
414 "psubsw %%mm0,%%mm6 \n\t"/* tm17-tm35 = b3*/\
415 "psubsw %%mm1,%%mm4 \n\t"/* tp17-tp35 = t1*/\
416 "paddsw %%mm0,%%mm2 \n\t"/* tm17+tm35 = t2*/\
417 "movq 1*8(%3),%%mm7\n\t"\
418 "movq %%mm4,%%mm1 \n\t"/* t1*/\
419 "movq %%mm5,3*16 +" #A2 "\n\t"/* save b0*/\
420 "paddsw %%mm2,%%mm1 \n\t"/* t1+t2*/\
421 "movq %%mm6,5*16 +" #A2 "\n\t"/* save b3*/\
422 "psubsw %%mm2,%%mm4 \n\t"/* t1-t2*/\
423 "movq 2*16+" #A1 ",%%mm5\n\t"\
424 "movq %%mm7,%%mm0 \n\t"/* tg_2_16*/\
425 "movq 6*16+" #A1 ",%%mm6\n\t"\
426 "pmulhw %%mm5,%%mm0 \n\t"/* x2*tg_2_16*/\
427 "pmulhw %%mm6,%%mm7 \n\t"/* x6*tg_2_16*/\
428 "pmulhw %%mm3,%%mm1 \n\t"/* ocos_4_16*(t1+t2) = b1/2*/\
429 "movq 0*16+" #A1 ",%%mm2\n\t"\
430 "pmulhw %%mm3,%%mm4 \n\t"/* ocos_4_16*(t1-t2) = b2/2*/\
431 "psubsw %%mm6,%%mm0 \n\t"/* t2*tg_2_16-x6 = tm26*/\
432 "movq %%mm2,%%mm3 \n\t"/* x0*/\
433 "movq 4*16+" #A1 ",%%mm6\n\t"\
434 "paddsw %%mm5,%%mm7 \n\t"/* x2+x6*tg_2_16 = tp26*/\
435 "paddsw %%mm6,%%mm2 \n\t"/* x0+x4 = tp04*/\
436 "psubsw %%mm6,%%mm3 \n\t"/* x0-x4 = tm04*/\
437 "movq %%mm2,%%mm5 \n\t"/* tp04*/\
438 "movq %%mm3,%%mm6 \n\t"/* tm04*/\
439 "psubsw %%mm7,%%mm2 \n\t"/* tp04-tp26 = a3*/\
440 "paddsw %%mm0,%%mm3 \n\t"/* tm04+tm26 = a1*/\
441 "paddsw %%mm1,%%mm1 \n\t"/* b1*/\
442 "paddsw %%mm4,%%mm4 \n\t"/* b2*/\
443 "paddsw %%mm7,%%mm5 \n\t"/* tp04+tp26 = a0*/\
444 "psubsw %%mm0,%%mm6 \n\t"/* tm04-tm26 = a2*/\
445 "movq %%mm3,%%mm7 \n\t"/* a1*/\
446 "movq %%mm6,%%mm0 \n\t"/* a2*/\
447 "paddsw %%mm1,%%mm3 \n\t"/* a1+b1*/\
448 "paddsw %%mm4,%%mm6 \n\t"/* a2+b2*/\
449 "psraw $6,%%mm3 \n\t"/* dst1*/\
450 "psubsw %%mm1,%%mm7 \n\t"/* a1-b1*/\
451 "psraw $6,%%mm6 \n\t"/* dst2*/\
452 "psubsw %%mm4,%%mm0 \n\t"/* a2-b2*/\
453 "movq 3*16+" #A2 ",%%mm1 \n\t"/* load b0*/\
454 "psraw $6,%%mm7 \n\t"/* dst6*/\
455 "movq %%mm5,%%mm4 \n\t"/* a0*/\
456 "psraw $6,%%mm0 \n\t"/* dst5*/\
457 "movq %%mm3,1*16+" #A2 "\n\t"\
458 "paddsw %%mm1,%%mm5 \n\t"/* a0+b0*/\
459 "movq %%mm6,2*16+" #A2 "\n\t"\
460 "psubsw %%mm1,%%mm4 \n\t"/* a0-b0*/\
461 "movq 5*16+" #A2 ",%%mm3 \n\t"/* load b3*/\
462 "psraw $6,%%mm5 \n\t"/* dst0*/\
463 "movq %%mm2,%%mm6 \n\t"/* a3*/\
464 "psraw $6,%%mm4 \n\t"/* dst7*/\
465 "movq %%mm0,5*16+" #A2 "\n\t"\
466 "paddsw %%mm3,%%mm2 \n\t"/* a3+b3*/\
467 "movq %%mm7,6*16+" #A2 "\n\t"\
468 "psubsw %%mm3,%%mm6 \n\t"/* a3-b3*/\
469 "movq %%mm5,0*16+" #A2 "\n\t"\
470 "psraw $6,%%mm2 \n\t"/* dst3*/\
471 "movq %%mm4,7*16+" #A2 "\n\t"\
472 "psraw $6,%%mm6 \n\t"/* dst4*/\
473 "movq %%mm2,3*16+" #A2 "\n\t"\
474 "movq %%mm6,4*16+" #A2 "\n\t"
476 //=============================================================================
477 // Code
478 //=============================================================================
480 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
481 // void idct_mmx(uint16_t block[64]);
482 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
485 void ff_idct_xvid_mmx(short *block){
486 __asm__ volatile(
487 //# Process each row
488 DCT_8_INV_ROW_MMX(0*16(%0), 0*16(%0), 64*0(%2), 8*0(%1))
489 DCT_8_INV_ROW_MMX(1*16(%0), 1*16(%0), 64*1(%2), 8*1(%1))
490 DCT_8_INV_ROW_MMX(2*16(%0), 2*16(%0), 64*2(%2), 8*2(%1))
491 DCT_8_INV_ROW_MMX(3*16(%0), 3*16(%0), 64*3(%2), 8*3(%1))
492 DCT_8_INV_ROW_MMX(4*16(%0), 4*16(%0), 64*0(%2), 8*4(%1))
493 DCT_8_INV_ROW_MMX(5*16(%0), 5*16(%0), 64*3(%2), 8*5(%1))
494 DCT_8_INV_ROW_MMX(6*16(%0), 6*16(%0), 64*2(%2), 8*6(%1))
495 DCT_8_INV_ROW_MMX(7*16(%0), 7*16(%0), 64*1(%2), 8*7(%1))
497 //# Process the columns (4 at a time)
498 DCT_8_INV_COL(0(%0), 0(%0))
499 DCT_8_INV_COL(8(%0), 8(%0))
500 :: "r"(block), "r"(rounder_0), "r"(tab_i_04_mmx), "r"(tg_1_16));
501 }
503 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
504 // void idct_xmm(uint16_t block[64]);
505 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
508 void ff_idct_xvid_mmx2(short *block){
509 __asm__ volatile(
510 //# Process each row
511 DCT_8_INV_ROW_XMM(0*16(%0), 0*16(%0), 64*0(%2), 8*0(%1))
512 DCT_8_INV_ROW_XMM(1*16(%0), 1*16(%0), 64*1(%2), 8*1(%1))
513 DCT_8_INV_ROW_XMM(2*16(%0), 2*16(%0), 64*2(%2), 8*2(%1))
514 DCT_8_INV_ROW_XMM(3*16(%0), 3*16(%0), 64*3(%2), 8*3(%1))
515 DCT_8_INV_ROW_XMM(4*16(%0), 4*16(%0), 64*0(%2), 8*4(%1))
516 DCT_8_INV_ROW_XMM(5*16(%0), 5*16(%0), 64*3(%2), 8*5(%1))
517 DCT_8_INV_ROW_XMM(6*16(%0), 6*16(%0), 64*2(%2), 8*6(%1))
518 DCT_8_INV_ROW_XMM(7*16(%0), 7*16(%0), 64*1(%2), 8*7(%1))
520 //# Process the columns (4 at a time)
521 DCT_8_INV_COL(0(%0), 0(%0))
522 DCT_8_INV_COL(8(%0), 8(%0))
523 :: "r"(block), "r"(rounder_0), "r"(tab_i_04_xmm), "r"(tg_1_16));
524 }