diff bitstream.h @ 9411:4cb7c65fc775 libavcodec

Split bitstream.h, put the bitstream writer stuff in the new file put_bits.h.
author stefano
date Sun, 12 Apr 2009 08:35:26 +0000
parents e74131a0652d
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/bitstream.h	Sun Apr 12 03:26:20 2009 +0000
+++ b/bitstream.h	Sun Apr 12 08:35:26 2009 +0000
@@ -39,8 +39,6 @@
 #   if ARCH_ARM
 #       define A32_BITSTREAM_READER
@@ -74,106 +72,6 @@
 #    define NEG_USR32(a,s) (((uint32_t)(a))>>(32-(s)))
-/* bit output */
-/* buf and buf_end must be present and used by every alternative writer. */
-typedef struct PutBitContext {
-    uint8_t *buf, *buf_end;
-    int index;
-    uint32_t bit_buf;
-    int bit_left;
-    uint8_t *buf, *buf_ptr, *buf_end;
-    int size_in_bits;
-} PutBitContext;
- * Initializes the PutBitContext \p s.
- *
- * @param buffer the buffer where to put bits
- * @param buffer_size the size in bytes of \p buffer
- */
-static inline void init_put_bits(PutBitContext *s, uint8_t *buffer, int buffer_size)
-    if(buffer_size < 0) {
-        buffer_size = 0;
-        buffer = NULL;
-    }
-    s->size_in_bits= 8*buffer_size;
-    s->buf = buffer;
-    s->buf_end = s->buf + buffer_size;
-    s->index=0;
-    ((uint32_t*)(s->buf))[0]=0;
-//    memset(buffer, 0, buffer_size);
-    s->buf_ptr = s->buf;
-    s->bit_left=32;
-    s->bit_buf=0;
- * Returns the total number of bits written to the bitstream.
- */
-static inline int put_bits_count(PutBitContext *s)
-    return s->index;
-    return (s->buf_ptr - s->buf) * 8 + 32 - s->bit_left;
- * Pads the end of the output stream with zeros.
- */
-static inline void flush_put_bits(PutBitContext *s)
-    align_put_bits(s);
-    s->bit_buf<<= s->bit_left;
-    while (s->bit_left < 32) {
-        /* XXX: should test end of buffer */
-        *s->buf_ptr++=s->bit_buf;
-        s->bit_buf>>=8;
-        *s->buf_ptr++=s->bit_buf >> 24;
-        s->bit_buf<<=8;
-        s->bit_left+=8;
-    }
-    s->bit_left=32;
-    s->bit_buf=0;
- * Pads the bitstream with zeros up to the next byte boundary.
- */
-void align_put_bits(PutBitContext *s);
- * Puts the string \p s in the bitstream.
- *
- * @param terminate_string 0-terminates the written string if value is 1
- */
-void ff_put_string(PutBitContext * pbc, const char *s, int terminate_string);
- * Copies the content of \p src to the bitstream.
- *
- * @param length the number of bits of \p src to copy
- */
-void ff_copy_bits(PutBitContext *pb, const uint8_t *src, int length);
 /* bit input */
 /* buffer, buffer_end and size_in_bits must be present and used by every reader */
 typedef struct GetBitContext {
@@ -207,178 +105,6 @@
     uint8_t run;
-static inline void put_bits(PutBitContext *s, int n, unsigned int value)
-    unsigned int bit_buf;
-    int bit_left;
-    //    printf("put_bits=%d %x\n", n, value);
-    assert(n == 32 || value < (1U << n));
-    bit_buf = s->bit_buf;
-    bit_left = s->bit_left;
-    //    printf("n=%d value=%x cnt=%d buf=%x\n", n, value, bit_cnt, bit_buf);
-    /* XXX: optimize */
-    bit_buf |= value << (32 - bit_left);
-    if (n >= bit_left) {
-        if (3 & (intptr_t) s->buf_ptr) {
-            AV_WL32(s->buf_ptr, bit_buf);
-        } else
-        *(uint32_t *)s->buf_ptr = le2me_32(bit_buf);
-        s->buf_ptr+=4;
-        bit_buf = (bit_left==32)?0:value >> bit_left;
-        bit_left+=32;
-    }
-    bit_left-=n;
-    if (n < bit_left) {
-        bit_buf = (bit_buf<<n) | value;
-        bit_left-=n;
-    } else {
-        bit_buf<<=bit_left;
-        bit_buf |= value >> (n - bit_left);
-        if (3 & (intptr_t) s->buf_ptr) {
-            AV_WB32(s->buf_ptr, bit_buf);
-        } else
-        *(uint32_t *)s->buf_ptr = be2me_32(bit_buf);
-        //printf("bitbuf = %08x\n", bit_buf);
-        s->buf_ptr+=4;
-        bit_left+=32 - n;
-        bit_buf = value;
-    }
-    s->bit_buf = bit_buf;
-    s->bit_left = bit_left;
-#else  /* ALT_BITSTREAM_WRITER defined */
-#        if ARCH_X86
-    __asm__ volatile(
-        "movl %0, %%ecx                 \n\t"
-        "xorl %%eax, %%eax              \n\t"
-        "shrdl %%cl, %1, %%eax          \n\t"
-        "shrl %%cl, %1                  \n\t"
-        "movl %0, %%ecx                 \n\t"
-        "shrl $3, %%ecx                 \n\t"
-        "andl $0xFFFFFFFC, %%ecx        \n\t"
-        "bswapl %1                      \n\t"
-        "orl %1, (%2, %%ecx)            \n\t"
-        "bswapl %%eax                   \n\t"
-        "addl %3, %0                    \n\t"
-        "movl %%eax, 4(%2, %%ecx)       \n\t"
-        : "=&r" (s->index), "=&r" (value)
-        : "r" (s->buf), "r" (n), "0" (s->index), "1" (value<<(-n))
-        : "%eax", "%ecx"
-    );
-#        else
-    int index= s->index;
-    uint32_t *ptr= ((uint32_t *)s->buf)+(index>>5);
-    value<<= 32-n;
-    ptr[0] |= be2me_32(value>>(index&31));
-    ptr[1]  = be2me_32(value<<(32-(index&31)));
-//if(n>24) printf("%d %d\n", n, value);
-    index+= n;
-    s->index= index;
-#        endif
-#        if ARCH_X86
-    __asm__ volatile(
-        "movl $7, %%ecx                 \n\t"
-        "andl %0, %%ecx                 \n\t"
-        "addl %3, %%ecx                 \n\t"
-        "negl %%ecx                     \n\t"
-        "shll %%cl, %1                  \n\t"
-        "bswapl %1                      \n\t"
-        "movl %0, %%ecx                 \n\t"
-        "shrl $3, %%ecx                 \n\t"
-        "orl %1, (%%ecx, %2)            \n\t"
-        "addl %3, %0                    \n\t"
-        "movl $0, 4(%%ecx, %2)          \n\t"
-        : "=&r" (s->index), "=&r" (value)
-        : "r" (s->buf), "r" (n), "0" (s->index), "1" (value)
-        : "%ecx"
-    );
-#        else
-    int index= s->index;
-    uint32_t *ptr= (uint32_t*)(((uint8_t *)s->buf)+(index>>3));
-    ptr[0] |= be2me_32(value<<(32-n-(index&7) ));
-    ptr[1] = 0;
-//if(n>24) printf("%d %d\n", n, value);
-    index+= n;
-    s->index= index;
-#        endif
-static inline void put_sbits(PutBitContext *pb, int bits, int32_t val)
-    assert(bits >= 0 && bits <= 31);
-    put_bits(pb, bits, val & ((1<<bits)-1));
-static inline uint8_t* pbBufPtr(PutBitContext *s)
-        return s->buf + (s->index>>3);
-        return s->buf_ptr;
- * Skips the given number of bytes.
- * PutBitContext must be flushed & aligned to a byte boundary before calling this.
- */
-static inline void skip_put_bytes(PutBitContext *s, int n){
-        assert((put_bits_count(s)&7)==0);
-        FIXME may need some cleaning of the buffer
-        s->index += n<<3;
-        assert(s->bit_left==32);
-        s->buf_ptr += n;
- * Skips the given number of bits.
- * Must only be used if the actual values in the bitstream do not matter.
- * If \p n is 0 the behavior is undefined.
- */
-static inline void skip_put_bits(PutBitContext *s, int n){
-    s->index += n;
-    s->bit_left -= n;
-    s->buf_ptr-= s->bit_left>>5;
-    s->bit_left &= 31;
- * Changes the end of the buffer.
- *
- * @param size the new size in bytes of the buffer where to put bits
- */
-static inline void set_put_bits_buffer_size(PutBitContext *s, int size){
-    s->buf_end= s->buf + size;
 /* Bitstream reader API docs:
     arbitrary name which is used as prefix for the internal variables