view armv4l/simple_idct_arm.S @ 1968:19c2344e800a libavcodec

support reusing mb types and field select values of the source file, but use motion vectors just as additional predictors minor cleanup segfault fix
author michael
date Sun, 25 Apr 2004 02:09:47 +0000
parents cca26199ab17
children ef2149182f1c
line wrap: on
line source

 * simple_idct_arm.S
 * Copyright (C) 2002 Frederic 'dilb' Boulay.
 * All Rights Reserved.
 * Author: Frederic Boulay <>
 * You can redistribute this file and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2)
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 * The function defined in this file, is derived from the simple_idct function
 * from the libavcodec library part of the ffmpeg project. 

/* useful constants for the algorithm, they are save in __constant_ptr__ at */
/* the end of the source code.*/
#define W1  22725
#define W2  21407
#define W3  19266
#define W4  16383
#define W5  12873
#define W6  8867
#define W7  4520
#define MASK_MSHW 0xFFFF0000

/* offsets of the constants in the vector */
#define offW1  0
#define offW2  4
#define offW3  8
#define offW4  12
#define offW5  16
#define offW6  20
#define offW7  24
#define offMASK_MSHW 28

#define ROW_SHIFT 11
#define ROW_SHIFT2MSHW (16-11)
#define COL_SHIFT 20
#define ROW_SHIFTED_1 1024 /* 1<< (ROW_SHIFT-1) */
#define COL_SHIFTED_1 524288 /* 1<< (COL_SHIFT-1) */

	.global simple_idct_ARM

        @@ void simple_idct_ARM(int16_t *block)
        @@ save stack for reg needed (take all of them),
        @@ R0-R3 are scratch regs, so no need to save them, but R0 contains the pointer to block
        @@ so it must not be overwritten, if it is not saved!!
        @@ R12 is another scratch register, so it should not be saved too
        @@ save all registers
        stmfd sp!, {r4-r11, r14} @ R14 is also called LR
        @@ at this point, R0=block, other registers are free.
        add r14, r0, #112        @ R14=&block[8*7], better start from the last row, and decrease the value until row=0, i.e. R12=block.
        add r12, pc, #(__constant_ptr__-.-8) @ R12=__constant_ptr__, the vector containing the constants, probably not necessary to reserve a register for it
        @@ add 2 temporary variables in the stack: R0 and R14
        sub sp, sp, #8          @ allow 2 local variables
        str r0, [sp, #0]        @ save block in sp[0]
        @@ stack status
        @@ sp+4   free
        @@ sp+0   R0  (block)

        @@ at this point, R0=block, R14=&block[56], R12=__const_ptr_, R1-R11 free

        @@ read the row and check if it is null, almost null, or not, according to strongarm specs, it is not necessary to optimise ldr accesses (i.e. split 32bits in 2 16bits words), at least it gives more usable registers :)
        ldr r1, [r14, #0]        @ R1=(int32)(R12)[0]=ROWr32[0] (relative row cast to a 32b pointer)
        ldr r2, [r14, #4]        @ R2=(int32)(R12)[1]=ROWr32[1]
        ldr r3, [r14, #8]        @ R3=ROWr32[2]
        ldr r4, [r14, #12]       @ R4=ROWr32[3]
        @@ check if the words are null, if all of them are null, then proceed with next row (branch __end_row_loop),
        @@ if ROWr16[0] is the only one not null, then proceed with this special case (branch __almost_empty_row)
        @@ else follow the complete algorithm.
        @@ at this point, R0=block, R14=&block[n], R12=__const_ptr_, R1=ROWr32[0], R2=ROWr32[1],
        @@                R3=ROWr32[2], R4=ROWr32[3], R5-R11 free
        orr r5, r4, r3           @ R5=R4 | R3
        orr r5, r5, r2           @ R5=R4 | R3 | R2
        orrs r6, r5, r1          @ Test R5 | R1 (the aim is to check if everything is null)
        beq __end_row_loop
        mov r7, r1, asr #16      @ R7=R1>>16=ROWr16[1] (evaluate it now, as it could be useful later)
        ldrsh r6, [r14, #0]      @ R6=ROWr16[0]
        orrs r5, r5, r7          @ R5=R4 | R3 | R2 | R7
        beq __almost_empty_row

        @@ at this point, R0=block (temp),  R1(free), R2=ROWr32[1], R3=ROWr32[2], R4=ROWr32[3],
        @@     R5=(temp), R6=ROWr16[0], R7=ROWr16[1], R8-R11 free,
        @@     R12=__const_ptr_, R14=&block[n]
        @@ to save some registers/calls, proceed with b0-b3 first, followed by a0-a3

        @@ MUL16(b0, W1, row[1]);
        @@ MUL16(b1, W3, row[1]);
        @@ MUL16(b2, W5, row[1]);
        @@ MUL16(b3, W7, row[1]);
        @@ MAC16(b0, W3, row[3]);
        @@ MAC16(b1, -W7, row[3]);
        @@ MAC16(b2, -W1, row[3]);
        @@ MAC16(b3, -W5, row[3]);
        ldr r8, [r12, #offW1]    @ R8=W1
        mov r2, r2, asr #16      @ R2=ROWr16[3]
        mul r0, r8, r7           @ R0=W1*ROWr16[1]=b0 (ROWr16[1] must be the second arg, to have the possibility to save 1 cycle)
        ldr r9, [r12, #offW3]    @ R9=W3
        ldr r10, [r12, #offW5]   @ R10=W5
        mul r1, r9, r7           @ R1=W3*ROWr16[1]=b1 (ROWr16[1] must be the second arg, to have the possibility to save 1 cycle)
        ldr r11, [r12, #offW7]   @ R11=W7
        mul r5, r10, r7          @ R5=W5*ROWr16[1]=b2 (ROWr16[1] must be the second arg, to have the possibility to save 1 cycle)
        mul r7, r11, r7          @ R7=W7*ROWr16[1]=b3 (ROWr16[1] must be the second arg, to have the possibility to save 1 cycle)
		teq r2, #0               @ if null avoid muls
		mlane r0, r9, r2, r0     @ R0+=W3*ROWr16[3]=b0 (ROWr16[3] must be the second arg, to have the possibility to save 1 cycle)
        rsbne r2, r2, #0         @ R2=-ROWr16[3]
        mlane r1, r11, r2, r1    @ R1-=W7*ROWr16[3]=b1 (ROWr16[3] must be the second arg, to have the possibility to save 1 cycle)
        mlane r5, r8, r2, r5     @ R5-=W1*ROWr16[3]=b2 (ROWr16[3] must be the second arg, to have the possibility to save 1 cycle)
        mlane r7, r10, r2, r7    @ R7-=W5*ROWr16[3]=b3 (ROWr16[3] must be the second arg, to have the possibility to save 1 cycle)

        @@ at this point, R0=b0,  R1=b1, R2 (free), R3=ROWr32[2], R4=ROWr32[3],
        @@     R5=b2, R6=ROWr16[0], R7=b3, R8=W1, R9=W3, R10=W5, R11=W7,
        @@     R12=__const_ptr_, R14=&block[n]
        @@ temp = ((uint32_t*)row)[2] | ((uint32_t*)row)[3];
        @@ if (temp != 0) {}
        orrs r2, r3, r4          @ R2=ROWr32[2] | ROWr32[3]
        beq __end_b_evaluation

        @@ at this point, R0=b0,  R1=b1, R2 (free), R3=ROWr32[2], R4=ROWr32[3],
        @@     R5=b2, R6=ROWr16[0], R7=b3, R8=W1, R9=W3, R10=W5, R11=W7,
        @@     R12=__const_ptr_, R14=&block[n]
        @@ MAC16(b0, W5, row[5]);
        @@ MAC16(b2, W7, row[5]);
        @@ MAC16(b3, W3, row[5]);
        @@ MAC16(b1, -W1, row[5]);
        @@ MAC16(b0, W7, row[7]);
        @@ MAC16(b2, W3, row[7]);
        @@ MAC16(b3, -W1, row[7]);
        @@ MAC16(b1, -W5, row[7]);
        mov r3, r3, asr #16      @ R3=ROWr16[5]
		teq r3, #0               @ if null avoid muls
        mlane r0, r10, r3, r0    @ R0+=W5*ROWr16[5]=b0
        mov r4, r4, asr #16      @ R4=ROWr16[7]
        mlane r5, r11, r3, r5    @ R5+=W7*ROWr16[5]=b2
        mlane r7, r9, r3, r7     @ R7+=W3*ROWr16[5]=b3
        rsbne r3, r3, #0         @ R3=-ROWr16[5]
        mlane r1, r8, r3, r1     @ R7-=W1*ROWr16[5]=b1
        @@ R3 is free now
		teq r4, #0               @ if null avoid muls
        mlane r0, r11, r4, r0    @ R0+=W7*ROWr16[7]=b0
        mlane r5, r9, r4, r5     @ R5+=W3*ROWr16[7]=b2
        rsbne r4, r4, #0         @ R4=-ROWr16[7]
        mlane r7, r8, r4, r7     @ R7-=W1*ROWr16[7]=b3
        mlane r1, r10, r4, r1    @ R1-=W5*ROWr16[7]=b1
        @@ R4 is free now
        @@ at this point, R0=b0,  R1=b1, R2=ROWr32[2] | ROWr32[3] (tmp), R3 (free), R4 (free),
        @@     R5=b2, R6=ROWr16[0], R7=b3, R8 (free), R9 (free), R10 (free), R11 (free),
        @@     R12=__const_ptr_, R14=&block[n]

        @@ a0 = (W4 * row[0]) + (1 << (ROW_SHIFT - 1));
        @@ a1 = a0 + W6 * row[2];
        @@ a2 = a0 - W6 * row[2];
        @@ a3 = a0 - W2 * row[2];
        @@ a0 = a0 + W2 * row[2];
        ldr r9, [r12, #offW4]    @ R9=W4
        mul r6, r9, r6           @ R6=W4*ROWr16[0]
        ldr r10, [r12, #offW6]   @ R10=W6
        ldrsh r4, [r14, #4]      @ R4=ROWr16[2] (a3 not defined yet)
        add r6, r6, #ROW_SHIFTED_1 @ R6=W4*ROWr16[0] + 1<<(ROW_SHIFT-1) (a0)

        mul r11, r10, r4         @ R11=W6*ROWr16[2]
        ldr r8, [r12, #offW2]    @ R8=W2
        sub r3, r6, r11          @ R3=a0-W6*ROWr16[2] (a2)
        @@ temp = ((uint32_t*)row)[2] | ((uint32_t*)row)[3];
        @@ if (temp != 0) {}
        teq r2, #0
        beq __end_bef_a_evaluation

	add r2, r6, r11          @ R2=a0+W6*ROWr16[2] (a1)
        mul r11, r8, r4          @ R11=W2*ROWr16[2]
        sub r4, r6, r11          @ R4=a0-W2*ROWr16[2] (a3)
        add r6, r6, r11          @ R6=a0+W2*ROWr16[2] (a0)

        @@ at this point, R0=b0,  R1=b1, R2=a1, R3=a2, R4=a3,
        @@     R5=b2, R6=a0, R7=b3, R8=W2, R9=W4, R10=W6, R11 (free),
        @@     R12=__const_ptr_, R14=&block[n]

        @@ a0 += W4*row[4]
        @@ a1 -= W4*row[4]
        @@ a2 -= W4*row[4]
        @@ a3 += W4*row[4]
        ldrsh r11, [r14, #8]     @ R11=ROWr16[4]
		teq r11, #0              @ if null avoid muls
        mulne r11, r9, r11       @ R11=W4*ROWr16[4]
        @@ R9 is free now
        ldrsh r9, [r14, #12]     @ R9=ROWr16[6]
        addne r6, r6, r11        @ R6+=W4*ROWr16[4] (a0)
        subne r2, r2, r11        @ R2-=W4*ROWr16[4] (a1)
        subne r3, r3, r11        @ R3-=W4*ROWr16[4] (a2)
        addne r4, r4, r11        @ R4+=W4*ROWr16[4] (a3)
        @@ W6 alone is no more useful, save W2*ROWr16[6] in it instead
		teq r9, #0               @ if null avoid muls
        mulne r11, r10, r9       @ R11=W6*ROWr16[6]
        addne r6, r6, r11        @ R6+=W6*ROWr16[6] (a0)
        mulne r10, r8, r9        @ R10=W2*ROWr16[6]
        @@ a0 += W6*row[6];
        @@ a3 -= W6*row[6];
        @@ a1 -= W2*row[6];
        @@ a2 += W2*row[6];
        subne r4, r4, r11        @ R4-=W6*ROWr16[6] (a3)
        subne r2, r2, r10        @ R2-=W2*ROWr16[6] (a1)
        addne r3, r3, r10        @ R3+=W2*ROWr16[6] (a2)

        @@ at this point, R0=b0,  R1=b1, R2=a1, R3=a2, R4=a3,
        @@     R5=b2, R6=a0, R7=b3, R8 (free), R9 (free), R10 (free), R11 (free),
        @@     R12=__const_ptr_, R14=&block[n]
        @@ row[0] = (a0 + b0) >> ROW_SHIFT;
        @@ row[1] = (a1 + b1) >> ROW_SHIFT;
        @@ row[2] = (a2 + b2) >> ROW_SHIFT;
        @@ row[3] = (a3 + b3) >> ROW_SHIFT;
        @@ row[4] = (a3 - b3) >> ROW_SHIFT;
        @@ row[5] = (a2 - b2) >> ROW_SHIFT;
        @@ row[6] = (a1 - b1) >> ROW_SHIFT;
        @@ row[7] = (a0 - b0) >> ROW_SHIFT;
        add r8, r6, r0           @ R8=a0+b0
        add r9, r2, r1           @ R9=a1+b1
        @@ put 2 16 bits half-words in a 32bits word
        @@ ROWr32[0]=ROWr16[0] | (ROWr16[1]<<16) (only Little Endian compliant then!!!)
        ldr r10, [r12, #offMASK_MSHW] @ R10=0xFFFF0000
        and r9, r10, r9, lsl #ROW_SHIFT2MSHW @ R9=0xFFFF0000 & ((a1+b1)<<5)
        mvn r11, r10             @ R11= NOT R10= 0x0000FFFF
        and r8, r11, r8, asr #ROW_SHIFT @ R8=0x0000FFFF & ((a0+b0)>>11)
        orr r8, r8, r9
        str r8, [r14, #0]

        add r8, r3, r5           @ R8=a2+b2
        add r9, r4, r7           @ R9=a3+b3
        and r9, r10, r9, lsl #ROW_SHIFT2MSHW @ R9=0xFFFF0000 & ((a3+b3)<<5)
        and r8, r11, r8, asr #ROW_SHIFT @ R8=0x0000FFFF & ((a2+b2)>>11)
        orr r8, r8, r9
        str r8, [r14, #4]

        sub r8, r4, r7           @ R8=a3-b3
        sub r9, r3, r5           @ R9=a2-b2
        and r9, r10, r9, lsl #ROW_SHIFT2MSHW @ R9=0xFFFF0000 & ((a2-b2)<<5)
        and r8, r11, r8, asr #ROW_SHIFT @ R8=0x0000FFFF & ((a3-b3)>>11)
        orr r8, r8, r9
        str r8, [r14, #8]

        sub r8, r2, r1           @ R8=a1-b1
        sub r9, r6, r0           @ R9=a0-b0
        and r9, r10, r9, lsl #ROW_SHIFT2MSHW @ R9=0xFFFF0000 & ((a0-b0)<<5)
        and r8, r11, r8, asr #ROW_SHIFT @ R8=0x0000FFFF & ((a1-b1)>>11)
        orr r8, r8, r9
        str r8, [r14, #12]

        bal __end_row_loop

        @@ the row was empty, except ROWr16[0], now, management of this special case
        @@ at this point, R0=block, R14=&block[n], R12=__const_ptr_, R1=ROWr32[0], R2=ROWr32[1],
        @@                R3=ROWr32[2], R4=ROWr32[3], R5=(temp), R6=ROWr16[0], R7=ROWr16[1],
        @@                R8=0xFFFF (temp), R9-R11 free
        mov r8, #0x10000         @ R8=0xFFFF (2 steps needed!) it saves a ldr call (because of delay run).
        sub r8, r8, #1           @ R8 is now ready.
        and r5, r8, r6, lsl #3   @ R5=R8 & (R6<<3)= (ROWr16[0]<<3) & 0xFFFF
        orr r5, r5, r5, lsl #16  @ R5=R5 | (R5<<16)
        str r5, [r14, #0]        @ R14[0]=ROWr32[0]=R5
        str r5, [r14, #4]        @ R14[4]=ROWr32[1]=R5
        str r5, [r14, #8]        @ R14[8]=ROWr32[2]=R5
        str r5, [r14, #12]       @ R14[12]=ROWr32[3]=R5

        @@ at this point, R0-R11 (free)
        @@     R12=__const_ptr_, R14=&block[n]
        ldr r0, [sp, #0]         @ R0=block
        teq r0, r14              @ compare current &block[8*n] to block, when block is reached, the loop is finished.
        sub r14, r14, #16
        bne __row_loop

	@@ at this point, R0=block, R1-R11 (free)
	@@     R12=__const_ptr_, R14=&block[n]
	add r14, r0, #14        @ R14=&block[7], better start from the last col, and decrease the value until col=0, i.e. R14=block.

	@@ at this point, R0=block (temp),  R1-R11 (free)
	@@     R12=__const_ptr_, R14=&block[n]
	@@ proceed with b0-b3 first, followed by a0-a3
	@@ MUL16(b0, W1, col[8x1]);
	@@ MUL16(b1, W3, col[8x1]);
	@@ MUL16(b2, W5, col[8x1]);
	@@ MUL16(b3, W7, col[8x1]);
	@@ MAC16(b0, W3, col[8x3]);
	@@ MAC16(b1, -W7, col[8x3]);
	@@ MAC16(b2, -W1, col[8x3]);
	@@ MAC16(b3, -W5, col[8x3]);
	ldr r8, [r12, #offW1]    @ R8=W1
	ldrsh r7, [r14, #16]
	mul r0, r8, r7           @ R0=W1*ROWr16[1]=b0 (ROWr16[1] must be the second arg, to have the possibility to save 1 cycle)
	ldr r9, [r12, #offW3]    @ R9=W3
	ldr r10, [r12, #offW5]   @ R10=W5
	mul r1, r9, r7           @ R1=W3*ROWr16[1]=b1 (ROWr16[1] must be the second arg, to have the possibility to save 1 cycle)
	ldr r11, [r12, #offW7]   @ R11=W7
	mul r5, r10, r7          @ R5=W5*ROWr16[1]=b2 (ROWr16[1] must be the second arg, to have the possibility to save 1 cycle)
	ldrsh r2, [r14, #48]
	mul r7, r11, r7          @ R7=W7*ROWr16[1]=b3 (ROWr16[1] must be the second arg, to have the possibility to save 1 cycle)
	teq r2, #0               @ if 0, then avoid muls
	mlane r0, r9, r2, r0     @ R0+=W3*ROWr16[3]=b0 (ROWr16[3] must be the second arg, to have the possibility to save 1 cycle)
	rsbne r2, r2, #0         @ R2=-ROWr16[3]
	mlane r1, r11, r2, r1    @ R1-=W7*ROWr16[3]=b1 (ROWr16[3] must be the second arg, to have the possibility to save 1 cycle)
	mlane r5, r8, r2, r5     @ R5-=W1*ROWr16[3]=b2 (ROWr16[3] must be the second arg, to have the possibility to save 1 cycle)
	mlane r7, r10, r2, r7    @ R7-=W5*ROWr16[3]=b3 (ROWr16[3] must be the second arg, to have the possibility to save 1 cycle)

	@@ at this point, R0=b0,  R1=b1, R2 (free), R3 (free), R4 (free),
	@@     R5=b2, R6 (free), R7=b3, R8=W1, R9=W3, R10=W5, R11=W7,
	@@     R12=__const_ptr_, R14=&block[n]
	@@ MAC16(b0, W5, col[5x8]);
	@@ MAC16(b2, W7, col[5x8]);
	@@ MAC16(b3, W3, col[5x8]);
	@@ MAC16(b1, -W1, col[5x8]);
	@@ MAC16(b0, W7, col[7x8]);
	@@ MAC16(b2, W3, col[7x8]);
	@@ MAC16(b3, -W1, col[7x8]);
	@@ MAC16(b1, -W5, col[7x8]);
	ldrsh r3, [r14, #80]     @ R3=COLr16[5x8]
	teq r3, #0               @ if 0 then avoid muls
	mlane r0, r10, r3, r0    @ R0+=W5*ROWr16[5x8]=b0
	mlane r5, r11, r3, r5    @ R5+=W7*ROWr16[5x8]=b2
	mlane r7, r9, r3, r7     @ R7+=W3*ROWr16[5x8]=b3
	rsbne r3, r3, #0         @ R3=-ROWr16[5x8]
	ldrsh r4, [r14, #112]    @ R4=COLr16[7x8]
	mlane r1, r8, r3, r1     @ R7-=W1*ROWr16[5x8]=b1
	@@ R3 is free now
	teq r4, #0               @ if 0 then avoid muls
	mlane r0, r11, r4, r0    @ R0+=W7*ROWr16[7x8]=b0
	mlane r5, r9, r4, r5     @ R5+=W3*ROWr16[7x8]=b2
	rsbne r4, r4, #0         @ R4=-ROWr16[7x8]
	mlane r7, r8, r4, r7     @ R7-=W1*ROWr16[7x8]=b3
	mlane r1, r10, r4, r1    @ R1-=W5*ROWr16[7x8]=b1
	@@ R4 is free now
	@@ at this point, R0=b0,  R1=b1, R2 (free), R3 (free), R4 (free),
	@@     R5=b2, R6 (free), R7=b3, R8 (free), R9 (free), R10 (free), R11 (free),
	@@     R12=__const_ptr_, R14=&block[n]

	@@ a0 = (W4 * col[8x0]) + (1 << (COL_SHIFT - 1));
	@@ a1 = a0 + W6 * row[2];
	@@ a2 = a0 - W6 * row[2];
	@@ a3 = a0 - W2 * row[2];
	@@ a0 = a0 + W2 * row[2];
	ldrsh r6, [r14, #0]
	ldr r9, [r12, #offW4]    @ R9=W4
	mul r6, r9, r6           @ R6=W4*ROWr16[0]
	ldr r10, [r12, #offW6]   @ R10=W6
	ldrsh r4, [r14, #32]      @ R4=ROWr16[2] (a3 not defined yet)
	add r6, r6, #COL_SHIFTED_1 @ R6=W4*ROWr16[0] + 1<<(COL_SHIFT-1) (a0)
	mul r11, r10, r4         @ R11=W6*ROWr16[2]
	ldr r8, [r12, #offW2]    @ R8=W2
	add r2, r6, r11          @ R2=a0+W6*ROWr16[2] (a1)
	sub r3, r6, r11          @ R3=a0-W6*ROWr16[2] (a2)
	mul r11, r8, r4          @ R11=W2*ROWr16[2]
	sub r4, r6, r11          @ R4=a0-W2*ROWr16[2] (a3)
	add r6, r6, r11          @ R6=a0+W2*ROWr16[2] (a0)

	@@ at this point, R0=b0,  R1=b1, R2=a1, R3=a2, R4=a3,
	@@     R5=b2, R6=a0, R7=b3, R8=W2, R9=W4, R10=W6, R11 (free),
	@@     R12=__const_ptr_, R14=&block[n]
	@@ a0 += W4*row[4]
	@@ a1 -= W4*row[4]
	@@ a2 -= W4*row[4]
	@@ a3 += W4*row[4]
	ldrsh r11, [r14, #64]     @ R11=ROWr16[4]
	teq r11, #0              @ if null avoid muls
	mulne r11, r9, r11       @ R11=W4*ROWr16[4]
	@@ R9 is free now
	addne r6, r6, r11        @ R6+=W4*ROWr16[4] (a0)
	subne r2, r2, r11        @ R2-=W4*ROWr16[4] (a1)
	subne r3, r3, r11        @ R3-=W4*ROWr16[4] (a2)
	ldrsh r9, [r14, #96]     @ R9=ROWr16[6]
	addne r4, r4, r11        @ R4+=W4*ROWr16[4] (a3)
	@@ W6 alone is no more useful, save W2*ROWr16[6] in it instead
	teq r9, #0               @ if null avoid muls
	mulne r11, r10, r9       @ R11=W6*ROWr16[6]
	addne r6, r6, r11        @ R6+=W6*ROWr16[6] (a0)
	mulne r10, r8, r9        @ R10=W2*ROWr16[6]
	@@ a0 += W6*row[6];
	@@ a3 -= W6*row[6];
	@@ a1 -= W2*row[6];
	@@ a2 += W2*row[6];
	subne r4, r4, r11        @ R4-=W6*ROWr16[6] (a3)
	subne r2, r2, r10        @ R2-=W2*ROWr16[6] (a1)
	addne r3, r3, r10        @ R3+=W2*ROWr16[6] (a2)
	@@ at this point, R0=b0,  R1=b1, R2=a1, R3=a2, R4=a3,
	@@     R5=b2, R6=a0, R7=b3, R8 (free), R9 (free), R10 (free), R11 (free),
	@@     R12=__const_ptr_, R14=&block[n]
	@@ col[0 ] = ((a0 + b0) >> COL_SHIFT);
	@@ col[8 ] = ((a1 + b1) >> COL_SHIFT);
	@@ col[16] = ((a2 + b2) >> COL_SHIFT);
	@@ col[24] = ((a3 + b3) >> COL_SHIFT);
	@@ col[32] = ((a3 - b3) >> COL_SHIFT);
	@@ col[40] = ((a2 - b2) >> COL_SHIFT);
	@@ col[48] = ((a1 - b1) >> COL_SHIFT);
	@@ col[56] = ((a0 - b0) >> COL_SHIFT);
	@@@@@ no optimisation here @@@@@
	add r8, r6, r0           @ R8=a0+b0
	add r9, r2, r1           @ R9=a1+b1
	mov r8, r8, asr #COL_SHIFT
	mov r9, r9, asr #COL_SHIFT
	strh r8, [r14, #0]
	strh r9, [r14, #16]
	add r8, r3, r5           @ R8=a2+b2
	add r9, r4, r7           @ R9=a3+b3
	mov r8, r8, asr #COL_SHIFT
	mov r9, r9, asr #COL_SHIFT
	strh r8, [r14, #32]
	strh r9, [r14, #48]
	sub r8, r4, r7           @ R8=a3-b3
	sub r9, r3, r5           @ R9=a2-b2
	mov r8, r8, asr #COL_SHIFT
	mov r9, r9, asr #COL_SHIFT
	strh r8, [r14, #64]
	strh r9, [r14, #80]
	sub r8, r2, r1           @ R8=a1-b1
	sub r9, r6, r0           @ R9=a0-b0
	mov r8, r8, asr #COL_SHIFT
	mov r9, r9, asr #COL_SHIFT
	strh r8, [r14, #96]
	strh r9, [r14, #112]

	@@ at this point, R0-R11 (free)
	@@     R12=__const_ptr_, R14=&block[n]
	ldr r0, [sp, #0]         @ R0=block
	teq r0, r14              @ compare current &block[n] to block, when block is reached, the loop is finished.
	sub r14, r14, #2
	bne __col_loop

        @@ restore registers to previous status!
        add sp, sp, #8 @@ the local variables!
        ldmfd sp!, {r4-r11, r15} @@ update PC with LR content.

@@ kind of sub-function, here not to overload the common case.
	add r2, r6, r11          @ R2=a0+W6*ROWr16[2] (a1)
        mul r11, r8, r4          @ R11=W2*ROWr16[2]
        sub r4, r6, r11          @ R4=a0-W2*ROWr16[2] (a3)
        add r6, r6, r11          @ R6=a0+W2*ROWr16[2] (a0)
	bal __end_a_evaluation

__constant_ptr__:  @@ see #defines at the beginning of the source code for values.
        .word   W1
        .word   W2
        .word   W3
        .word   W4
        .word   W5
        .word   W6
        .word   W7
        .word   MASK_MSHW