view ppc/mpegvideo_altivec.c @ 905:2b93dc762f9a libavcodec

fixing illegal 3. esc bug (the mpeg4 std only requires encoders to use unescaped symbols but not esc1 or esc2 if they are shorter than esc3, andjust beause its logical to use the shortest possible vlc doesnt mean encoders do that)
author michaelni
date Wed, 04 Dec 2002 11:47:24 +0000
parents ace3ccd18dd2
children 8bec850dc9c7
line wrap: on
line source

 * Copyright (c) 2002 Dieter Shirley
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "../dsputil.h"
#include "../mpegvideo.h"

// Used when initializing constant vectors
#define FOUR_INSTANCES(x) x,x,x,x

// Swaps two variables (used for altivec registers)
#define SWAP(a,b) \
do { \
    __typeof__(a) swap_temp=a; \
    a=b; \
    b=swap_temp; \
} while (0)

// transposes a matrix consisting of four vectors with four elements each
#define TRANSPOSE4(a,b,c,d) \
do { \
  __typeof__(a) _trans_ach = vec_mergeh(a, c); \
  __typeof__(a) _trans_acl = vec_mergel(a, c); \
  __typeof__(a) _trans_bdh = vec_mergeh(b, d); \
  __typeof__(a) _trans_bdl = vec_mergel(b, d); \
  a = vec_mergeh(_trans_ach, _trans_bdh); \
  b = vec_mergel(_trans_ach, _trans_bdh); \
  c = vec_mergeh(_trans_acl, _trans_bdl); \
  d = vec_mergel(_trans_acl, _trans_bdl); \
} while (0)

#define TRANSPOSE8(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) \
do { \
    __typeof__(a)  _A1, _B1, _C1, _D1, _E1, _F1, _G1, _H1; \
    __typeof__(a)  _A2, _B2, _C2, _D2, _E2, _F2, _G2, _H2; \
    _A1 = vec_mergeh (a, e); \
    _B1 = vec_mergel (a, e); \
    _C1 = vec_mergeh (b, f); \
    _D1 = vec_mergel (b, f); \
    _E1 = vec_mergeh (c, g); \
    _F1 = vec_mergel (c, g); \
    _G1 = vec_mergeh (d, h); \
    _H1 = vec_mergel (d, h); \
    _A2 = vec_mergeh (_A1, _E1); \
    _B2 = vec_mergel (_A1, _E1); \
    _C2 = vec_mergeh (_B1, _F1); \
    _D2 = vec_mergel (_B1, _F1); \
    _E2 = vec_mergeh (_C1, _G1); \
    _F2 = vec_mergel (_C1, _G1); \
    _G2 = vec_mergeh (_D1, _H1); \
    _H2 = vec_mergel (_D1, _H1); \
    a = vec_mergeh (_A2, _E2); \
    b = vec_mergel (_A2, _E2); \
    c = vec_mergeh (_B2, _F2); \
    d = vec_mergel (_B2, _F2); \
    e = vec_mergeh (_C2, _G2); \
    f = vec_mergel (_C2, _G2); \
    g = vec_mergeh (_D2, _H2); \
    h = vec_mergel (_D2, _H2); \
} while (0)

// Loads a four-byte value (int or float) from the target address
// into every element in the target vector.  Only works if the
// target address is four-byte aligned (which should be always).
#define LOAD4(vec, address) \
{ \
    __typeof__(vec)* _load_addr = (__typeof__(vec)*)(address); \
    vector unsigned char _perm_vec = vec_lvsl(0,(address)); \
    vec = vec_ld(0, _load_addr); \
    vec = vec_perm(vec, vec, _perm_vec); \
    vec = vec_splat(vec, 0); \

int dct_quantize_altivec(MpegEncContext* s, 
                        DCTELEM* data, int n,
                        int qscale, int* overflow)
    int lastNonZero;
    vector float row0, row1, row2, row3, row4, row5, row6, row7;
    vector float alt0, alt1, alt2, alt3, alt4, alt5, alt6, alt7;
    const vector float zero = {FOUR_INSTANCES(0.0f)};

    // Load the data into the row/alt vectors
        vector signed short data0, data1, data2, data3, data4, data5, data6, data7;

        data0 = vec_ld(0, data);
        data1 = vec_ld(16, data);
        data2 = vec_ld(32, data);
        data3 = vec_ld(48, data);
        data4 = vec_ld(64, data);
        data5 = vec_ld(80, data);
        data6 = vec_ld(96, data);
        data7 = vec_ld(112, data);

        // Transpose the data before we start
        TRANSPOSE8(data0, data1, data2, data3, data4, data5, data6, data7);

        // load the data into floating point vectors.  We load
        // the high half of each row into the main row vectors
        // and the low half into the alt vectors.
        row0 = vec_ctf(vec_unpackh(data0), 0);
        alt0 = vec_ctf(vec_unpackl(data0), 0);
        row1 = vec_ctf(vec_unpackh(data1), 0);
        alt1 = vec_ctf(vec_unpackl(data1), 0);
        row2 = vec_ctf(vec_unpackh(data2), 0);
        alt2 = vec_ctf(vec_unpackl(data2), 0);
        row3 = vec_ctf(vec_unpackh(data3), 0);
        alt3 = vec_ctf(vec_unpackl(data3), 0);
        row4 = vec_ctf(vec_unpackh(data4), 0);
        alt4 = vec_ctf(vec_unpackl(data4), 0);
        row5 = vec_ctf(vec_unpackh(data5), 0);
        alt5 = vec_ctf(vec_unpackl(data5), 0);
        row6 = vec_ctf(vec_unpackh(data6), 0);
        alt6 = vec_ctf(vec_unpackl(data6), 0);
        row7 = vec_ctf(vec_unpackh(data7), 0);
        alt7 = vec_ctf(vec_unpackl(data7), 0);

    // The following block could exist as a separate an altivec dct
		// function.  However, if we put it inline, the DCT data can remain
		// in the vector local variables, as floats, which we'll use during the
		// quantize step...
        const vector float vec_0_298631336 = {FOUR_INSTANCES(0.298631336f)};
        const vector float vec_0_390180644 = {FOUR_INSTANCES(-0.390180644f)};
        const vector float vec_0_541196100 = {FOUR_INSTANCES(0.541196100f)};
        const vector float vec_0_765366865 = {FOUR_INSTANCES(0.765366865f)};
        const vector float vec_0_899976223 = {FOUR_INSTANCES(-0.899976223f)};
        const vector float vec_1_175875602 = {FOUR_INSTANCES(1.175875602f)};
        const vector float vec_1_501321110 = {FOUR_INSTANCES(1.501321110f)};
        const vector float vec_1_847759065 = {FOUR_INSTANCES(-1.847759065f)};
        const vector float vec_1_961570560 = {FOUR_INSTANCES(-1.961570560f)};
        const vector float vec_2_053119869 = {FOUR_INSTANCES(2.053119869f)};
        const vector float vec_2_562915447 = {FOUR_INSTANCES(-2.562915447f)};
        const vector float vec_3_072711026 = {FOUR_INSTANCES(3.072711026f)};

        int whichPass, whichHalf;

        for(whichPass = 1; whichPass<=2; whichPass++)
            for(whichHalf = 1; whichHalf<=2; whichHalf++)
                vector float tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5, tmp6, tmp7;
                vector float tmp10, tmp11, tmp12, tmp13;
                vector float z1, z2, z3, z4, z5;

                tmp0 = vec_add(row0, row7); // tmp0 = dataptr[0] + dataptr[7];
                tmp7 = vec_sub(row0, row7); // tmp7 = dataptr[0] - dataptr[7];
                tmp3 = vec_add(row3, row4); // tmp3 = dataptr[3] + dataptr[4];
                tmp4 = vec_sub(row3, row4); // tmp4 = dataptr[3] - dataptr[4];
                tmp1 = vec_add(row1, row6); // tmp1 = dataptr[1] + dataptr[6];
                tmp6 = vec_sub(row1, row6); // tmp6 = dataptr[1] - dataptr[6];
                tmp2 = vec_add(row2, row5); // tmp2 = dataptr[2] + dataptr[5];
                tmp5 = vec_sub(row2, row5); // tmp5 = dataptr[2] - dataptr[5];

                tmp10 = vec_add(tmp0, tmp3); // tmp10 = tmp0 + tmp3;
                tmp13 = vec_sub(tmp0, tmp3); // tmp13 = tmp0 - tmp3;
                tmp11 = vec_add(tmp1, tmp2); // tmp11 = tmp1 + tmp2;
                tmp12 = vec_sub(tmp1, tmp2); // tmp12 = tmp1 - tmp2;

                // dataptr[0] = (DCTELEM) ((tmp10 + tmp11) << PASS1_BITS);
                row0 = vec_add(tmp10, tmp11);

                // dataptr[4] = (DCTELEM) ((tmp10 - tmp11) << PASS1_BITS);
                row4 = vec_sub(tmp10, tmp11);

                // z1 = MULTIPLY(tmp12 + tmp13, FIX_0_541196100);
                z1 = vec_madd(vec_add(tmp12, tmp13), vec_0_541196100, (vector float)zero);

                // dataptr[2] = (DCTELEM) DESCALE(z1 + MULTIPLY(tmp13, FIX_0_765366865),
                //		   CONST_BITS-PASS1_BITS);
                row2 = vec_madd(tmp13, vec_0_765366865, z1);

                // dataptr[6] = (DCTELEM) DESCALE(z1 + MULTIPLY(tmp12, - FIX_1_847759065),
                //		   CONST_BITS-PASS1_BITS);
                row6 = vec_madd(tmp12, vec_1_847759065, z1);

                z1 = vec_add(tmp4, tmp7); // z1 = tmp4 + tmp7;
                z2 = vec_add(tmp5, tmp6); // z2 = tmp5 + tmp6;
                z3 = vec_add(tmp4, tmp6); // z3 = tmp4 + tmp6;
                z4 = vec_add(tmp5, tmp7); // z4 = tmp5 + tmp7;

                // z5 = MULTIPLY(z3 + z4, FIX_1_175875602); /* sqrt(2) * c3 */
                z5 = vec_madd(vec_add(z3, z4), vec_1_175875602, (vector float)zero);

                // z3 = MULTIPLY(z3, - FIX_1_961570560); /* sqrt(2) * (-c3-c5) */
                z3 = vec_madd(z3, vec_1_961570560, z5);

                // z4 = MULTIPLY(z4, - FIX_0_390180644); /* sqrt(2) * (c5-c3) */
                z4 = vec_madd(z4, vec_0_390180644, z5);

                // The following adds are rolled into the multiplies above
                // z3 = vec_add(z3, z5);  // z3 += z5;
                // z4 = vec_add(z4, z5);  // z4 += z5;

                // z2 = MULTIPLY(z2, - FIX_2_562915447); /* sqrt(2) * (-c1-c3) */
                // Wow!  It's actually more effecient to roll this multiply
                // into the adds below, even thought the multiply gets done twice!
                // z2 = vec_madd(z2, vec_2_562915447, (vector float)zero);

                // z1 = MULTIPLY(z1, - FIX_0_899976223); /* sqrt(2) * (c7-c3) */
                // Same with this one...
                // z1 = vec_madd(z1, vec_0_899976223, (vector float)zero);

                // tmp4 = MULTIPLY(tmp4, FIX_0_298631336); /* sqrt(2) * (-c1+c3+c5-c7) */
                // dataptr[7] = (DCTELEM) DESCALE(tmp4 + z1 + z3, CONST_BITS-PASS1_BITS);
                row7 = vec_madd(tmp4, vec_0_298631336, vec_madd(z1, vec_0_899976223, z3));

                // tmp5 = MULTIPLY(tmp5, FIX_2_053119869); /* sqrt(2) * ( c1+c3-c5+c7) */
                // dataptr[5] = (DCTELEM) DESCALE(tmp5 + z2 + z4, CONST_BITS-PASS1_BITS);
                row5 = vec_madd(tmp5, vec_2_053119869, vec_madd(z2, vec_2_562915447, z4));

                // tmp6 = MULTIPLY(tmp6, FIX_3_072711026); /* sqrt(2) * ( c1+c3+c5-c7) */
                // dataptr[3] = (DCTELEM) DESCALE(tmp6 + z2 + z3, CONST_BITS-PASS1_BITS);
                row3 = vec_madd(tmp6, vec_3_072711026, vec_madd(z2, vec_2_562915447, z3));

                // tmp7 = MULTIPLY(tmp7, FIX_1_501321110); /* sqrt(2) * ( c1+c3-c5-c7) */
                // dataptr[1] = (DCTELEM) DESCALE(tmp7 + z1 + z4, CONST_BITS-PASS1_BITS);
                row1 = vec_madd(z1, vec_0_899976223, vec_madd(tmp7, vec_1_501321110, z4));

                // Swap the row values with the alts.  If this is the first half,
                // this sets up the low values to be acted on in the second half.
                // If this is the second half, it puts the high values back in
                // the row values where they are expected to be when we're done.
                SWAP(row0, alt0);
                SWAP(row1, alt1);
                SWAP(row2, alt2);
                SWAP(row3, alt3);
                SWAP(row4, alt4);
                SWAP(row5, alt5);
                SWAP(row6, alt6);
                SWAP(row7, alt7);

            if (whichPass == 1)
                // transpose the data for the second pass
                // First, block transpose the upper right with lower left.
                SWAP(row4, alt0);
                SWAP(row5, alt1);
                SWAP(row6, alt2);
                SWAP(row7, alt3);

                // Now, transpose each block of four
                TRANSPOSE4(row0, row1, row2, row3);
                TRANSPOSE4(row4, row5, row6, row7);
                TRANSPOSE4(alt0, alt1, alt2, alt3);
                TRANSPOSE4(alt4, alt5, alt6, alt7);

    // used after quantise step
    int oldBaseValue = 0;

    // perform the quantise step, using the floating point data
    // still in the row/alt registers
        const int* biasAddr;
        const vector signed int* qmat;
        vector float bias, negBias;

        if (s->mb_intra)
            vector signed int baseVector;

            // We must cache element 0 in the intra case
            // (it needs special handling).
            baseVector = vec_cts(vec_splat(row0, 0), 0);
            vec_ste(baseVector, 0, &oldBaseValue);

            qmat = (vector signed int*)s->q_intra_matrix[qscale];
            biasAddr = &(s->intra_quant_bias);
            qmat = (vector signed int*)s->q_inter_matrix[qscale];
            biasAddr = &(s->inter_quant_bias);

        // Load the bias vector (We add 0.5 to the bias so that we're
				// rounding when we convert to int, instead of flooring.)
            vector signed int biasInt;
            const vector float negOneFloat = (vector float)(FOUR_INSTANCES(-1.0f));
            LOAD4(biasInt, biasAddr);
            bias = vec_ctf(biasInt, QUANT_BIAS_SHIFT);
            negBias = vec_madd(bias, negOneFloat, zero);

            vector float q0, q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6, q7;

            q0 = vec_ctf(qmat[0], QMAT_SHIFT);
            q1 = vec_ctf(qmat[2], QMAT_SHIFT);
            q2 = vec_ctf(qmat[4], QMAT_SHIFT);
            q3 = vec_ctf(qmat[6], QMAT_SHIFT);
            q4 = vec_ctf(qmat[8], QMAT_SHIFT);
            q5 = vec_ctf(qmat[10], QMAT_SHIFT);
            q6 = vec_ctf(qmat[12], QMAT_SHIFT);
            q7 = vec_ctf(qmat[14], QMAT_SHIFT);

            row0 = vec_sel(vec_madd(row0, q0, negBias), vec_madd(row0, q0, bias),
                    vec_cmpgt(row0, zero));
            row1 = vec_sel(vec_madd(row1, q1, negBias), vec_madd(row1, q1, bias),
                    vec_cmpgt(row1, zero));
            row2 = vec_sel(vec_madd(row2, q2, negBias), vec_madd(row2, q2, bias),
                    vec_cmpgt(row2, zero));
            row3 = vec_sel(vec_madd(row3, q3, negBias), vec_madd(row3, q3, bias),
                    vec_cmpgt(row3, zero));
            row4 = vec_sel(vec_madd(row4, q4, negBias), vec_madd(row4, q4, bias),
                    vec_cmpgt(row4, zero));
            row5 = vec_sel(vec_madd(row5, q5, negBias), vec_madd(row5, q5, bias),
                    vec_cmpgt(row5, zero));
            row6 = vec_sel(vec_madd(row6, q6, negBias), vec_madd(row6, q6, bias),
                    vec_cmpgt(row6, zero));
            row7 = vec_sel(vec_madd(row7, q7, negBias), vec_madd(row7, q7, bias),
                    vec_cmpgt(row7, zero));

            q0 = vec_ctf(qmat[1], QMAT_SHIFT);
            q1 = vec_ctf(qmat[3], QMAT_SHIFT);
            q2 = vec_ctf(qmat[5], QMAT_SHIFT);
            q3 = vec_ctf(qmat[7], QMAT_SHIFT);
            q4 = vec_ctf(qmat[9], QMAT_SHIFT);
            q5 = vec_ctf(qmat[11], QMAT_SHIFT);
            q6 = vec_ctf(qmat[13], QMAT_SHIFT);
            q7 = vec_ctf(qmat[15], QMAT_SHIFT);

            alt0 = vec_sel(vec_madd(alt0, q0, negBias), vec_madd(alt0, q0, bias),
                    vec_cmpgt(alt0, zero));
            alt1 = vec_sel(vec_madd(alt1, q1, negBias), vec_madd(alt1, q1, bias),
                    vec_cmpgt(alt1, zero));
            alt2 = vec_sel(vec_madd(alt2, q2, negBias), vec_madd(alt2, q2, bias),
                    vec_cmpgt(alt2, zero));
            alt3 = vec_sel(vec_madd(alt3, q3, negBias), vec_madd(alt3, q3, bias),
                    vec_cmpgt(alt3, zero));
            alt4 = vec_sel(vec_madd(alt4, q4, negBias), vec_madd(alt4, q4, bias),
                    vec_cmpgt(alt4, zero));
            alt5 = vec_sel(vec_madd(alt5, q5, negBias), vec_madd(alt5, q5, bias),
                    vec_cmpgt(alt5, zero));
            alt6 = vec_sel(vec_madd(alt6, q6, negBias), vec_madd(alt6, q6, bias),
                    vec_cmpgt(alt6, zero));
            alt7 = vec_sel(vec_madd(alt7, q7, negBias), vec_madd(alt7, q7, bias),
                    vec_cmpgt(alt7, zero));


    // Store the data back into the original block
        vector signed short data0, data1, data2, data3, data4, data5, data6, data7;

        data0 = vec_pack(vec_cts(row0, 0), vec_cts(alt0, 0));
        data1 = vec_pack(vec_cts(row1, 0), vec_cts(alt1, 0));
        data2 = vec_pack(vec_cts(row2, 0), vec_cts(alt2, 0));
        data3 = vec_pack(vec_cts(row3, 0), vec_cts(alt3, 0));
        data4 = vec_pack(vec_cts(row4, 0), vec_cts(alt4, 0));
        data5 = vec_pack(vec_cts(row5, 0), vec_cts(alt5, 0));
        data6 = vec_pack(vec_cts(row6, 0), vec_cts(alt6, 0));
        data7 = vec_pack(vec_cts(row7, 0), vec_cts(alt7, 0));

            // Clamp for overflow
            vector signed int max_q_int, min_q_int;
            vector signed short max_q, min_q;

            LOAD4(max_q_int, &(s->max_qcoeff));
            LOAD4(min_q_int, &(s->min_qcoeff));

            max_q = vec_pack(max_q_int, max_q_int);
            min_q = vec_pack(min_q_int, min_q_int);

            data0 = vec_max(vec_min(data0, max_q), min_q);
            data1 = vec_max(vec_min(data1, max_q), min_q);
            data2 = vec_max(vec_min(data2, max_q), min_q);
            data4 = vec_max(vec_min(data4, max_q), min_q);
            data5 = vec_max(vec_min(data5, max_q), min_q);
            data6 = vec_max(vec_min(data6, max_q), min_q);
            data7 = vec_max(vec_min(data7, max_q), min_q);

        vector bool char zero_01, zero_23, zero_45, zero_67;
        vector signed char scanIndices_01, scanIndices_23, scanIndices_45, scanIndices_67;
        vector signed char negOne = vec_splat_s8(-1);
        vector signed char* scanPtr =
                (vector signed char*)(s->intra_scantable.inverse);

        // Determine the largest non-zero index.
        zero_01 = vec_pack(vec_cmpeq(data0, (vector short)zero),
                vec_cmpeq(data1, (vector short)zero));
        zero_23 = vec_pack(vec_cmpeq(data2, (vector short)zero),
                vec_cmpeq(data3, (vector short)zero));
        zero_45 = vec_pack(vec_cmpeq(data4, (vector short)zero),
                vec_cmpeq(data5, (vector short)zero));
        zero_67 = vec_pack(vec_cmpeq(data6, (vector short)zero),
                vec_cmpeq(data7, (vector short)zero));

        // 64 biggest values
        scanIndices_01 = vec_sel(scanPtr[0], negOne, zero_01);
        scanIndices_23 = vec_sel(scanPtr[1], negOne, zero_23);
        scanIndices_45 = vec_sel(scanPtr[2], negOne, zero_45);
        scanIndices_67 = vec_sel(scanPtr[3], negOne, zero_67);

        // 32 largest values
        scanIndices_01 = vec_max(scanIndices_01, scanIndices_23);
        scanIndices_45 = vec_max(scanIndices_45, scanIndices_67);

        // 16 largest values
        scanIndices_01 = vec_max(scanIndices_01, scanIndices_45);

        // 8 largest values
        scanIndices_01 = vec_max(vec_mergeh(scanIndices_01, negOne),
                vec_mergel(scanIndices_01, negOne));

        // 4 largest values
        scanIndices_01 = vec_max(vec_mergeh(scanIndices_01, negOne),
                vec_mergel(scanIndices_01, negOne));

        // 2 largest values
        scanIndices_01 = vec_max(vec_mergeh(scanIndices_01, negOne),
                vec_mergel(scanIndices_01, negOne));

        // largest value
        scanIndices_01 = vec_max(vec_mergeh(scanIndices_01, negOne),
                vec_mergel(scanIndices_01, negOne));

        scanIndices_01 = vec_splat(scanIndices_01, 0);

        signed char lastNonZeroChar;

        vec_ste(scanIndices_01, 0, &lastNonZeroChar);

        lastNonZero = lastNonZeroChar;
        // While the data is still in vectors we check for the transpose IDCT permute
        // and handle it using the vector unit if we can.  This is the permute used
        // by the altivec idct, so it is common when using the altivec dct.

        if ((lastNonZero > 0) && (s->idct_permutation_type == FF_TRANSPOSE_IDCT_PERM))
            TRANSPOSE8(data0, data1, data2, data3, data4, data5, data6, data7);

        vec_st(data0, 0, data);
        vec_st(data1, 16, data);
        vec_st(data2, 32, data);
        vec_st(data3, 48, data);
        vec_st(data4, 64, data);
        vec_st(data5, 80, data);
        vec_st(data6, 96, data);
        vec_st(data7, 112, data);

    // special handling of block[0]
    if (s->mb_intra)
        if (!s->h263_aic)
            if (n < 4)
                oldBaseValue /= s->y_dc_scale;
                oldBaseValue /= s->c_dc_scale;

        // Divide by 8, rounding the result
        data[0] = (oldBaseValue + 4) >> 3;

    // We handled the tranpose permutation above and we don't
    // need to permute the "no" permutation case.
    if ((lastNonZero > 0) &&
        (s->idct_permutation_type != FF_TRANSPOSE_IDCT_PERM) &&
        (s->idct_permutation_type != FF_NO_IDCT_PERM))
        ff_block_permute(data, s->idct_permutation,
                s->intra_scantable.scantable, lastNonZero);

    return lastNonZero;