view i386/idct_mmx_xvid.c @ 3198:6b9f0c4fbdbe libavcodec

First part of a series of speed-enchancing patches. This one sets up a snow.h and makes snow use the dsputil function pointer framework to access the three functions that will be implemented in asm in the other parts of the patchset. Patch by Robert Edele < yartrebo AH earthlink POIS net> Original thread: Subject: [Ffmpeg-devel] [PATCH] Snow mmx+sse2 asm optimizations Date: Sun, 05 Feb 2006 12:47:14 -0500
author gpoirier
date Thu, 16 Mar 2006 19:18:18 +0000
parents 0b546eab515d
children a3db61f32f5a
line wrap: on
line source

// *
// *  - MMX and XMM forward discrete cosine transform -
// *
// *  Copyright(C) 2001 Peter Ross <>
// *
// *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// *  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// *  (at your option) any later version.
// *
// *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// *  GNU General Public License for more details.
// *
// *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
// *  Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// *
// * $Id$
// *
// ***************************************************************************/

// ****************************************************************************
// Originally provided by Intel at AP-922
// (See more app notes at
// but in a limited edition.
// New macro implements a column part for precise iDCT
// The routine precision now satisfies IEEE standard 1180-1990.
// Copyright(C) 2000-2001 Peter Gubanov <>
// Rounding trick Copyright(C) 2000 Michel Lespinasse <>
// ***************************************************************************/
// These examples contain code fragments for first stage iDCT 8x8
// (for rows) and first stage DCT 8x8 (for columns)

// conversion to gcc syntax by michael niedermayer

#include <inttypes.h>
#include "../avcodec.h"

// Macros and other preprocessor constants

#define BITS_INV_ACC    5                              // 4 or 5 for IEEE
#define SHIFT_INV_ROW   (16 - BITS_INV_ACC) //11
#define SHIFT_INV_COL   (1 + BITS_INV_ACC) //6
#define RND_INV_ROW     (1024 * (6 - BITS_INV_ACC))
#define RND_INV_COL     (16 * (BITS_INV_ACC - 3))
#define RND_INV_CORR    (RND_INV_COL - 1)

#define BITS_FRW_ACC    3                              // 2 or 3 for accuracy
#define SHIFT_FRW_ROW   (BITS_FRW_ACC + 17)
#define RND_FRW_ROW     (262144*(BITS_FRW_ACC - 1))

// Various memory constants (trigonometric values or rounding values)

static const int16_t tg_1_16[4*4] attribute_used __attribute__ ((aligned(8))) = {
  13036,13036,13036,13036,        // tg * (2<<16) + 0.5
  27146,27146,27146,27146,        // tg * (2<<16) + 0.5
  -21746,-21746,-21746,-21746,    // tg * (2<<16) + 0.5
  23170,23170,23170,23170};       // cos * (2<<15) + 0.5

static const int32_t rounder_0[2*8] attribute_used __attribute__ ((aligned(8))) = {

// The first stage iDCT 8x8 - inverse DCTs of rows
// The 8-point inverse DCT direct algorithm
// static const short w[32] = {
//       FIX(cos_4_16),  FIX(cos_2_16),  FIX(cos_4_16),  FIX(cos_6_16),
//       FIX(cos_4_16),  FIX(cos_6_16), -FIX(cos_4_16), -FIX(cos_2_16),
//       FIX(cos_4_16), -FIX(cos_6_16), -FIX(cos_4_16),  FIX(cos_2_16),
//       FIX(cos_4_16), -FIX(cos_2_16),  FIX(cos_4_16), -FIX(cos_6_16),
//       FIX(cos_1_16),  FIX(cos_3_16),  FIX(cos_5_16),  FIX(cos_7_16),
//       FIX(cos_3_16), -FIX(cos_7_16), -FIX(cos_1_16), -FIX(cos_5_16),
//       FIX(cos_5_16), -FIX(cos_1_16),  FIX(cos_7_16),  FIX(cos_3_16),
//       FIX(cos_7_16), -FIX(cos_5_16),  FIX(cos_3_16), -FIX(cos_1_16) };
// #define DCT_8_INV_ROW(x, y)
// {
//       int a0, a1, a2, a3, b0, b1, b2, b3;
//       a0 =x[0]*w[0]+x[2]*w[1]+x[4]*w[2]+x[6]*w[3];
//       a1 =x[0]*w[4]+x[2]*w[5]+x[4]*w[6]+x[6]*w[7];
//       a2 = x[0] * w[ 8] + x[2] * w[ 9] + x[4] * w[10] + x[6] * w[11];
//       a3 = x[0] * w[12] + x[2] * w[13] + x[4] * w[14] + x[6] * w[15];
//       b0 = x[1] * w[16] + x[3] * w[17] + x[5] * w[18] + x[7] * w[19];
//       b1 = x[1] * w[20] + x[3] * w[21] + x[5] * w[22] + x[7] * w[23];
//       b2 = x[1] * w[24] + x[3] * w[25] + x[5] * w[26] + x[7] * w[27];
//       b3 = x[1] * w[28] + x[3] * w[29] + x[5] * w[30] + x[7] * w[31];
//       y[0] = SHIFT_ROUND ( a0 + b0 );
//       y[1] = SHIFT_ROUND ( a1 + b1 );
//       y[2] = SHIFT_ROUND ( a2 + b2 );
//       y[3] = SHIFT_ROUND ( a3 + b3 );
//       y[4] = SHIFT_ROUND ( a3 - b3 );
//       y[5] = SHIFT_ROUND ( a2 - b2 );
//       y[6] = SHIFT_ROUND ( a1 - b1 );
//       y[7] = SHIFT_ROUND ( a0 - b0 );
// }
// In this implementation the outputs of the iDCT-1D are multiplied
//       for rows 0,4 - by cos_4_16,
//       for rows 1,7 - by cos_1_16,
//       for rows 2,6 - by cos_2_16,
//       for rows 3,5 - by cos_3_16
// and are shifted to the left for better accuracy
// For the constants used,
//       FIX(float_const) = (short) (float_const * (1<<15) + 0.5)

// Tables for mmx processors

// Table for rows 0,4 - constants are multiplied by cos_4_16
static const int16_t tab_i_04_mmx[32*4] attribute_used __attribute__ ((aligned(8))) = {
  16384,16384,16384,-16384,       // movq-> w06 w04 w02 w00
  21407,8867,8867,-21407,         // w07 w05 w03 w01
  16384,-16384,16384,16384,       // w14 w12 w10 w08
  -8867,21407,-21407,-8867,       // w15 w13 w11 w09
  22725,12873,19266,-22725,       // w22 w20 w18 w16
  19266,4520,-4520,-12873,        // w23 w21 w19 w17
  12873,4520,4520,19266,          // w30 w28 w26 w24
  -22725,19266,-12873,-22725,     // w31 w29 w27 w25
// Table for rows 1,7 - constants are multiplied by cos_1_16
  22725,22725,22725,-22725,       // movq-> w06 w04 w02 w00
  29692,12299,12299,-29692,       // w07 w05 w03 w01
  22725,-22725,22725,22725,       // w14 w12 w10 w08
  -12299,29692,-29692,-12299,     // w15 w13 w11 w09
  31521,17855,26722,-31521,       // w22 w20 w18 w16
  26722,6270,-6270,-17855,        // w23 w21 w19 w17
  17855,6270,6270,26722,          // w30 w28 w26 w24
  -31521,26722,-17855,-31521,     // w31 w29 w27 w25
// Table for rows 2,6 - constants are multiplied by cos_2_16
  21407,21407,21407,-21407,       // movq-> w06 w04 w02 w00
  27969,11585,11585,-27969,       // w07 w05 w03 w01
  21407,-21407,21407,21407,       // w14 w12 w10 w08
  -11585,27969,-27969,-11585,     // w15 w13 w11 w09
  29692,16819,25172,-29692,       // w22 w20 w18 w16
  25172,5906,-5906,-16819,        // w23 w21 w19 w17
  16819,5906,5906,25172,          // w30 w28 w26 w24
  -29692,25172,-16819,-29692,     // w31 w29 w27 w25
// Table for rows 3,5 - constants are multiplied by cos_3_16
  19266,19266,19266,-19266,       // movq-> w06 w04 w02 w00
  25172,10426,10426,-25172,       // w07 w05 w03 w01
  19266,-19266,19266,19266,       // w14 w12 w10 w08
  -10426,25172,-25172,-10426,     // w15 w13 w11 w09
  26722,15137,22654,-26722,       // w22 w20 w18 w16
  22654,5315,-5315,-15137,        // w23 w21 w19 w17
  15137,5315,5315,22654,          // w30 w28 w26 w24
  -26722,22654,-15137,-26722,     // w31 w29 w27 w25
// Tables for xmm processors

// %3 for rows 0,4 - constants are multiplied by cos_4_16
static const int16_t tab_i_04_xmm[32*4] attribute_used __attribute__ ((aligned(8))) = {
  16384,21407,16384,8867,      // movq-> w05 w04 w01 w00
  16384,8867,-16384,-21407,    // w07 w06 w03 w02
  16384,-8867,16384,-21407,    // w13 w12 w09 w08
  -16384,21407,16384,-8867,    // w15 w14 w11 w10
  22725,19266,19266,-4520,     // w21 w20 w17 w16
  12873,4520,-22725,-12873,    // w23 w22 w19 w18
  12873,-22725,4520,-12873,    // w29 w28 w25 w24
  4520,19266,19266,-22725,     // w31 w30 w27 w26
// %3 for rows 1,7 - constants are multiplied by cos_1_16
  22725,29692,22725,12299,     // movq-> w05 w04 w01 w00
  22725,12299,-22725,-29692,   // w07 w06 w03 w02
  22725,-12299,22725,-29692,   // w13 w12 w09 w08
  -22725,29692,22725,-12299,   // w15 w14 w11 w10
  31521,26722,26722,-6270,     // w21 w20 w17 w16
  17855,6270,-31521,-17855,    // w23 w22 w19 w18
  17855,-31521,6270,-17855,    // w29 w28 w25 w24
  6270,26722,26722,-31521,     // w31 w30 w27 w26
// %3 for rows 2,6 - constants are multiplied by cos_2_16
  21407,27969,21407,11585,     // movq-> w05 w04 w01 w00
  21407,11585,-21407,-27969,   // w07 w06 w03 w02
  21407,-11585,21407,-27969,   // w13 w12 w09 w08
  -21407,27969,21407,-11585,   // w15 w14 w11 w10
  29692,25172,25172,-5906,     // w21 w20 w17 w16
  16819,5906,-29692,-16819,    // w23 w22 w19 w18
  16819,-29692,5906,-16819,    // w29 w28 w25 w24
  5906,25172,25172,-29692,     // w31 w30 w27 w26
// %3 for rows 3,5 - constants are multiplied by cos_3_16
  19266,25172,19266,10426,     // movq-> w05 w04 w01 w00
  19266,10426,-19266,-25172,   // w07 w06 w03 w02
  19266,-10426,19266,-25172,   // w13 w12 w09 w08
  -19266,25172,19266,-10426,   // w15 w14 w11 w10
  26722,22654,22654,-5315,     // w21 w20 w17 w16
  15137,5315,-26722,-15137,    // w23 w22 w19 w18
  15137,-26722,5315,-15137,    // w29 w28 w25 w24
  5315,22654,22654,-26722,     // w31 w30 w27 w26
// Helper macros for the code


#define DCT_8_INV_ROW_MMX(A1,A2,A3,A4)\
  "movq " #A1 ",%%mm0              \n\t"/* 0 ; x3 x2 x1 x0*/\
  "movq 8+" #A1 ",%%mm1            \n\t"/* 1 ; x7 x6 x5 x4*/\
  "movq %%mm0,%%mm2            \n\t"/* 2  ; x3 x2 x1 x0*/\
  "movq " #A3 ",%%mm3              \n\t"/* 3 ; w06 w04 w02 w00*/\
  "punpcklwd %%mm1,%%mm0       \n\t"/* x5 x1 x4 x0*/\
  "movq %%mm0,%%mm5            \n\t"/* 5 ; x5 x1 x4 x0*/\
  "punpckldq %%mm0,%%mm0       \n\t"/* x4 x0 x4 x0*/\
  "movq 8+" #A3 ",%%mm4            \n\t"/* 4 ; w07 w05 w03 w01*/\
  "punpckhwd %%mm1,%%mm2       \n\t"/* 1 ; x7 x3 x6 x2*/\
  "pmaddwd %%mm0,%%mm3         \n\t"/* x4*w06+x0*w04 x4*w02+x0*w00*/\
  "movq %%mm2,%%mm6            \n\t"/* 6 ; x7 x3 x6 x2*/\
  "movq 32+" #A3 ",%%mm1           \n\t"/* 1 ; w22 w20 w18 w16*/\
  "punpckldq %%mm2,%%mm2       \n\t"/* x6 x2 x6 x2*/\
  "pmaddwd %%mm2,%%mm4         \n\t"/* x6*w07+x2*w05 x6*w03+x2*w01*/\
  "punpckhdq %%mm5,%%mm5       \n\t"/* x5 x1 x5 x1*/\
  "pmaddwd 16+" #A3 ",%%mm0        \n\t"/* x4*w14+x0*w12 x4*w10+x0*w08*/\
  "punpckhdq %%mm6,%%mm6       \n\t"/* x7 x3 x7 x3*/\
  "movq 40+" #A3 ",%%mm7           \n\t"/* 7 ; w23 w21 w19 w17*/\
  "pmaddwd %%mm5,%%mm1         \n\t"/* x5*w22+x1*w20 x5*w18+x1*w16*/\
  "paddd " #A4 ",%%mm3             \n\t"/* +%4*/\
  "pmaddwd %%mm6,%%mm7         \n\t"/* x7*w23+x3*w21 x7*w19+x3*w17*/\
  "pmaddwd 24+" #A3 ",%%mm2        \n\t"/* x6*w15+x2*w13 x6*w11+x2*w09*/\
  "paddd %%mm4,%%mm3           \n\t"/* 4 ; a1=sum(even1) a0=sum(even0)*/\
  "pmaddwd 48+" #A3 ",%%mm5        \n\t"/* x5*w30+x1*w28 x5*w26+x1*w24*/\
  "movq %%mm3,%%mm4            \n\t"/* 4 ; a1 a0*/\
  "pmaddwd 56+" #A3 ",%%mm6        \n\t"/* x7*w31+x3*w29 x7*w27+x3*w25*/\
  "paddd %%mm7,%%mm1           \n\t"/* 7 ; b1=sum(odd1) b0=sum(odd0)*/\
  "paddd " #A4 ",%%mm0             \n\t"/* +%4*/\
  "psubd %%mm1,%%mm3           \n\t"/* a1-b1 a0-b0*/\
  "psrad $11,%%mm3 \n\t"/* y6=a1-b1 y7=a0-b0*/\
  "paddd %%mm4,%%mm1           \n\t"/* 4 ; a1+b1 a0+b0*/\
  "paddd %%mm2,%%mm0           \n\t"/* 2 ; a3=sum(even3) a2=sum(even2)*/\
  "psrad $11,%%mm1 \n\t"/* y1=a1+b1 y0=a0+b0*/\
  "paddd %%mm6,%%mm5           \n\t"/* 6 ; b3=sum(odd3) b2=sum(odd2)*/\
  "movq %%mm0,%%mm4            \n\t"/* 4 ; a3 a2*/\
  "paddd %%mm5,%%mm0           \n\t"/* a3+b3 a2+b2*/\
  "psubd %%mm5,%%mm4           \n\t"/* 5 ; a3-b3 a2-b2*/\
  "psrad $11,%%mm0 \n\t"/* y3=a3+b3 y2=a2+b2*/\
  "psrad $11,%%mm4 \n\t"/* y4=a3-b3 y5=a2-b2*/\
  "packssdw %%mm0,%%mm1        \n\t"/* 0 ; y3 y2 y1 y0*/\
  "packssdw %%mm3,%%mm4        \n\t"/* 3 ; y6 y7 y4 y5*/\
  "movq %%mm4,%%mm7            \n\t"/* 7 ; y6 y7 y4 y5*/\
  "psrld $16,%%mm4            \n\t"/* 0 y6 0 y4*/\
  "pslld $16,%%mm7            \n\t"/* y7 0 y5 0*/\
  "movq %%mm1," #A2 "              \n\t"/* 1 ; save y3 y2 y1 y0*/\
  "por %%mm4,%%mm7             \n\t"/* 4 ; y7 y6 y5 y4*/\
  "movq %%mm7,8            +" #A2 "\n\t"/* 7 ; save y7 y6 y5 y4*/\


#define DCT_8_INV_ROW_XMM(A1,A2,A3,A4)\
  "movq " #A1 ",%%mm0                  \n\t"/* 0     ; x3 x2 x1 x0*/\
  "movq 8+" #A1 ",%%mm1                \n\t"/* 1     ; x7 x6 x5 x4*/\
  "movq %%mm0,%%mm2                \n\t"/* 2     ; x3 x2 x1 x0*/\
  "movq " #A3 ",%%mm3                  \n\t"/* 3     ; w05 w04 w01 w00*/\
  "pshufw $0b10001000,%%mm0,%%mm0  \n\t"/* x2 x0 x2 x0*/\
  "movq 8+" #A3 ",%%mm4                \n\t"/* 4     ; w07 w06 w03 w02*/\
  "movq %%mm1,%%mm5                \n\t"/* 5     ; x7 x6 x5 x4*/\
  "pmaddwd %%mm0,%%mm3             \n\t"/* x2*w05+x0*w04 x2*w01+x0*w00*/\
  "movq 32+" #A3 ",%%mm6               \n\t"/* 6     ; w21 w20 w17 w16*/\
  "pshufw $0b10001000,%%mm1,%%mm1  \n\t"/* x6 x4 x6 x4*/\
  "pmaddwd %%mm1,%%mm4             \n\t"/* x6*w07+x4*w06 x6*w03+x4*w02*/\
  "movq 40+" #A3 ",%%mm7               \n\t"/* 7    ; w23 w22 w19 w18*/\
  "pshufw $0b11011101,%%mm2,%%mm2  \n\t"/* x3 x1 x3 x1*/\
  "pmaddwd %%mm2,%%mm6             \n\t"/* x3*w21+x1*w20 x3*w17+x1*w16*/\
  "pshufw $0b11011101,%%mm5,%%mm5  \n\t"/* x7 x5 x7 x5*/\
  "pmaddwd %%mm5,%%mm7             \n\t"/* x7*w23+x5*w22 x7*w19+x5*w18*/\
  "paddd " #A4 ",%%mm3                 \n\t"/* +%4*/\
  "pmaddwd 16+" #A3 ",%%mm0            \n\t"/* x2*w13+x0*w12 x2*w09+x0*w08*/\
  "paddd %%mm4,%%mm3               \n\t"/* 4     ; a1=sum(even1) a0=sum(even0)*/\
  "pmaddwd 24+" #A3 ",%%mm1            \n\t"/* x6*w15+x4*w14 x6*w11+x4*w10*/\
  "movq %%mm3,%%mm4                \n\t"/* 4     ; a1 a0*/\
  "pmaddwd 48+" #A3 ",%%mm2            \n\t"/* x3*w29+x1*w28 x3*w25+x1*w24*/\
  "paddd %%mm7,%%mm6               \n\t"/* 7     ; b1=sum(odd1) b0=sum(odd0)*/\
  "pmaddwd 56+" #A3 ",%%mm5            \n\t"/* x7*w31+x5*w30 x7*w27+x5*w26*/\
  "paddd %%mm6,%%mm3               \n\t"/* a1+b1 a0+b0*/\
  "paddd " #A4 ",%%mm0                 \n\t"/* +%4*/\
  "psrad $11,%%mm3     \n\t"/* y1=a1+b1 y0=a0+b0*/\
  "paddd %%mm1,%%mm0               \n\t"/* 1     ; a3=sum(even3) a2=sum(even2)*/\
  "psubd %%mm6,%%mm4               \n\t"/* 6     ; a1-b1 a0-b0*/\
  "movq %%mm0,%%mm7                \n\t"/* 7     ; a3 a2*/\
  "paddd %%mm5,%%mm2               \n\t"/* 5     ; b3=sum(odd3) b2=sum(odd2)*/\
  "paddd %%mm2,%%mm0               \n\t"/* a3+b3 a2+b2*/\
  "psrad $11,%%mm4     \n\t"/* y6=a1-b1 y7=a0-b0*/\
  "psubd %%mm2,%%mm7               \n\t"/* 2     ; a3-b3 a2-b2*/\
  "psrad $11,%%mm0     \n\t"/* y3=a3+b3 y2=a2+b2*/\
  "psrad $11,%%mm7     \n\t"/* y4=a3-b3 y5=a2-b2*/\
  "packssdw %%mm0,%%mm3            \n\t"/* 0     ; y3 y2 y1 y0*/\
  "packssdw %%mm4,%%mm7            \n\t"/* 4     ; y6 y7 y4 y5*/\
  "movq %%mm3, " #A2 "                  \n\t"/* 3     ; save y3 y2 y1 y0*/\
  "pshufw $0b10110001,%%mm7,%%mm7  \n\t"/* y7 y6 y5 y4*/\
  "movq %%mm7,8                +" #A2 "\n\t"/* 7     ; save y7 y6 y5 y4*/\

// The first stage DCT 8x8 - forward DCTs of columns
// The %2puts are multiplied
// for rows 0,4 - on cos_4_16,
// for rows 1,7 - on cos_1_16,
// for rows 2,6 - on cos_2_16,
// for rows 3,5 - on cos_3_16
// and are shifted to the left for rise of accuracy
// The 8-point scaled forward DCT algorithm (26a8m)
// #define DCT_8_FRW_COL(x, y)
// short t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7;
// short tp03, tm03, tp12, tm12, tp65, tm65;
// short tp465, tm465, tp765, tm765;
// t0 = LEFT_SHIFT ( x[0] + x[7] );
// t1 = LEFT_SHIFT ( x[1] + x[6] );
// t2 = LEFT_SHIFT ( x[2] + x[5] );
// t3 = LEFT_SHIFT ( x[3] + x[4] );
// t4 = LEFT_SHIFT ( x[3] - x[4] );
// t5 = LEFT_SHIFT ( x[2] - x[5] );
// t6 = LEFT_SHIFT ( x[1] - x[6] );
// t7 = LEFT_SHIFT ( x[0] - x[7] );
// tp03 = t0 + t3;
// tm03 = t0 - t3;
// tp12 = t1 + t2;
// tm12 = t1 - t2;
// y[0] = tp03 + tp12;
// y[4] = tp03 - tp12;
// y[2] = tm03 + tm12 * tg_2_16;
// y[6] = tm03 * tg_2_16 - tm12;
// tp65 =(t6 +t5 )*cos_4_16;
// tm65 =(t6 -t5 )*cos_4_16;
// tp765 = t7 + tp65;
// tm765 = t7 - tp65;
// tp465 = t4 + tm65;
// tm465 = t4 - tm65;
// y[1] = tp765 + tp465 * tg_1_16;
// y[7] = tp765 * tg_1_16 - tp465;
// y[5] = tm765 * tg_3_16 + tm465;
// y[3] = tm765 - tm465 * tg_3_16;


#define DCT_8_INV_COL(A1,A2)\
  "movq 2*8(%3),%%mm0\n\t"\
  "movq 16*3+" #A1 ",%%mm3\n\t"\
  "movq %%mm0,%%mm1            \n\t"/* tg_3_16*/\
  "movq 16*5+" #A1 ",%%mm5\n\t"\
  "pmulhw %%mm3,%%mm0          \n\t"/* x3*(tg_3_16-1)*/\
  "movq (%3),%%mm4\n\t"\
  "pmulhw %%mm5,%%mm1          \n\t"/* x5*(tg_3_16-1)*/\
  "movq 16*7+" #A1 ",%%mm7\n\t"\
  "movq %%mm4,%%mm2            \n\t"/* tg_1_16*/\
  "movq 16*1+" #A1 ",%%mm6\n\t"\
  "pmulhw %%mm7,%%mm4          \n\t"/* x7*tg_1_16*/\
  "paddsw %%mm3,%%mm0          \n\t"/* x3*tg_3_16*/\
  "pmulhw %%mm6,%%mm2          \n\t"/* x1*tg_1_16*/\
  "paddsw %%mm3,%%mm1          \n\t"/* x3+x5*(tg_3_16-1)*/\
  "psubsw %%mm5,%%mm0          \n\t"/* x3*tg_3_16-x5 = tm35*/\
  "movq 3*8(%3),%%mm3\n\t"\
  "paddsw %%mm5,%%mm1          \n\t"/* x3+x5*tg_3_16 = tp35*/\
  "paddsw %%mm6,%%mm4          \n\t"/* x1+tg_1_16*x7 = tp17*/\
  "psubsw %%mm7,%%mm2          \n\t"/* x1*tg_1_16-x7 = tm17*/\
  "movq %%mm4,%%mm5            \n\t"/* tp17*/\
  "movq %%mm2,%%mm6            \n\t"/* tm17*/\
  "paddsw %%mm1,%%mm5          \n\t"/* tp17+tp35 = b0*/\
  "psubsw %%mm0,%%mm6          \n\t"/* tm17-tm35 = b3*/\
  "psubsw %%mm1,%%mm4          \n\t"/* tp17-tp35 = t1*/\
  "paddsw %%mm0,%%mm2          \n\t"/* tm17+tm35 = t2*/\
  "movq 1*8(%3),%%mm7\n\t"\
  "movq %%mm4,%%mm1            \n\t"/* t1*/\
  "movq %%mm5,3*16         +" #A2 "\n\t"/* save b0*/\
  "paddsw %%mm2,%%mm1          \n\t"/* t1+t2*/\
  "movq %%mm6,5*16         +" #A2 "\n\t"/* save b3*/\
  "psubsw %%mm2,%%mm4          \n\t"/* t1-t2*/\
  "movq 2*16+" #A1 ",%%mm5\n\t"\
  "movq %%mm7,%%mm0            \n\t"/* tg_2_16*/\
  "movq 6*16+" #A1 ",%%mm6\n\t"\
  "pmulhw %%mm5,%%mm0          \n\t"/* x2*tg_2_16*/\
  "pmulhw %%mm6,%%mm7          \n\t"/* x6*tg_2_16*/\
  "pmulhw %%mm3,%%mm1          \n\t"/* ocos_4_16*(t1+t2) = b1/2*/\
  "movq 0*16+" #A1 ",%%mm2\n\t"\
  "pmulhw %%mm3,%%mm4          \n\t"/* ocos_4_16*(t1-t2) = b2/2*/\
  "psubsw %%mm6,%%mm0          \n\t"/* t2*tg_2_16-x6 = tm26*/\
  "movq %%mm2,%%mm3            \n\t"/* x0*/\
  "movq 4*16+" #A1 ",%%mm6\n\t"\
  "paddsw %%mm5,%%mm7          \n\t"/* x2+x6*tg_2_16 = tp26*/\
  "paddsw %%mm6,%%mm2          \n\t"/* x0+x4 = tp04*/\
  "psubsw %%mm6,%%mm3          \n\t"/* x0-x4 = tm04*/\
  "movq %%mm2,%%mm5            \n\t"/* tp04*/\
  "movq %%mm3,%%mm6            \n\t"/* tm04*/\
  "psubsw %%mm7,%%mm2          \n\t"/* tp04-tp26 = a3*/\
  "paddsw %%mm0,%%mm3          \n\t"/* tm04+tm26 = a1*/\
  "paddsw %%mm1,%%mm1          \n\t"/* b1*/\
  "paddsw %%mm4,%%mm4          \n\t"/* b2*/\
  "paddsw %%mm7,%%mm5          \n\t"/* tp04+tp26 = a0*/\
  "psubsw %%mm0,%%mm6          \n\t"/* tm04-tm26 = a2*/\
  "movq %%mm3,%%mm7            \n\t"/* a1*/\
  "movq %%mm6,%%mm0            \n\t"/* a2*/\
  "paddsw %%mm1,%%mm3          \n\t"/* a1+b1*/\
  "paddsw %%mm4,%%mm6          \n\t"/* a2+b2*/\
  "psraw $6,%%mm3 \n\t"/* dst1*/\
  "psubsw %%mm1,%%mm7          \n\t"/* a1-b1*/\
  "psraw $6,%%mm6 \n\t"/* dst2*/\
  "psubsw %%mm4,%%mm0          \n\t"/* a2-b2*/\
  "movq 3*16+" #A2 ",%%mm1         \n\t"/* load b0*/\
  "psraw $6,%%mm7 \n\t"/* dst6*/\
  "movq %%mm5,%%mm4            \n\t"/* a0*/\
  "psraw $6,%%mm0 \n\t"/* dst5*/\
  "movq %%mm3,1*16+" #A2 "\n\t"\
  "paddsw %%mm1,%%mm5          \n\t"/* a0+b0*/\
  "movq %%mm6,2*16+" #A2 "\n\t"\
  "psubsw %%mm1,%%mm4          \n\t"/* a0-b0*/\
  "movq 5*16+" #A2 ",%%mm3         \n\t"/* load b3*/\
  "psraw $6,%%mm5 \n\t"/* dst0*/\
  "movq %%mm2,%%mm6            \n\t"/* a3*/\
  "psraw $6,%%mm4 \n\t"/* dst7*/\
  "movq %%mm0,5*16+" #A2 "\n\t"\
  "paddsw %%mm3,%%mm2          \n\t"/* a3+b3*/\
  "movq %%mm7,6*16+" #A2 "\n\t"\
  "psubsw %%mm3,%%mm6          \n\t"/* a3-b3*/\
  "movq %%mm5,0*16+" #A2 "\n\t"\
  "psraw $6,%%mm2 \n\t"/* dst3*/\
  "movq %%mm4,7*16+" #A2 "\n\t"\
  "psraw $6,%%mm6 \n\t"/* dst4*/\
  "movq %%mm2,3*16+" #A2 "\n\t"\
  "movq %%mm6,4*16+" #A2 "\n\t"

// Code

// void idct_mmx(uint16_t block[64]);

void ff_idct_xvid_mmx(short *block){
asm volatile(
            //# Process each row
    DCT_8_INV_ROW_MMX(0*16(%0), 0*16(%0), 64*0(%2), 8*0(%1))
    DCT_8_INV_ROW_MMX(1*16(%0), 1*16(%0), 64*1(%2), 8*1(%1))
    DCT_8_INV_ROW_MMX(2*16(%0), 2*16(%0), 64*2(%2), 8*2(%1))
    DCT_8_INV_ROW_MMX(3*16(%0), 3*16(%0), 64*3(%2), 8*3(%1))
    DCT_8_INV_ROW_MMX(4*16(%0), 4*16(%0), 64*0(%2), 8*4(%1))
    DCT_8_INV_ROW_MMX(5*16(%0), 5*16(%0), 64*3(%2), 8*5(%1))
    DCT_8_INV_ROW_MMX(6*16(%0), 6*16(%0), 64*2(%2), 8*6(%1))
    DCT_8_INV_ROW_MMX(7*16(%0), 7*16(%0), 64*1(%2), 8*7(%1))

            //# Process the columns (4 at a time)
    DCT_8_INV_COL(0(%0), 0(%0))
    DCT_8_INV_COL(8(%0), 8(%0))
    :: "r"(block), "r"(rounder_0), "r"(tab_i_04_mmx), "r"(tg_1_16));

// void idct_xmm(uint16_t block[64]);

void ff_idct_xvid_mmx2(short *block){
asm volatile(
            //# Process each row
    DCT_8_INV_ROW_XMM(0*16(%0), 0*16(%0), 64*0(%2), 8*0(%1))
    DCT_8_INV_ROW_XMM(1*16(%0), 1*16(%0), 64*1(%2), 8*1(%1))
    DCT_8_INV_ROW_XMM(2*16(%0), 2*16(%0), 64*2(%2), 8*2(%1))
    DCT_8_INV_ROW_XMM(3*16(%0), 3*16(%0), 64*3(%2), 8*3(%1))
    DCT_8_INV_ROW_XMM(4*16(%0), 4*16(%0), 64*0(%2), 8*4(%1))
    DCT_8_INV_ROW_XMM(5*16(%0), 5*16(%0), 64*3(%2), 8*5(%1))
    DCT_8_INV_ROW_XMM(6*16(%0), 6*16(%0), 64*2(%2), 8*6(%1))
    DCT_8_INV_ROW_XMM(7*16(%0), 7*16(%0), 64*1(%2), 8*7(%1))

            //# Process the columns (4 at a time)
    DCT_8_INV_COL(0(%0), 0(%0))
    DCT_8_INV_COL(8(%0), 8(%0))
    :: "r"(block), "r"(rounder_0), "r"(tab_i_04_xmm), "r"(tg_1_16));