view ac3dec.c @ 5306:abc5c130b448 libavcodec

AC-3 decoder, soc revision 32, Jul 17 09:37:32 2006 UTC by cloud9 Latest commit. There is no error in parsing and or recovering transform coefficients. Double checked with ac3dec. Getting consistent results with the bit allocation routine and transform coefficients. The code is able to parse valid ac3 bitstreams without error from start to end. I have also implemented the imdct when block switching is not enabled. However, can anybody provide an insight into how to convert float samples to int16_t ? lrint is of no help cuz it produces output -1, 0 or 1 whereas the output should be between -32768 to 32767.
author jbr
date Sat, 14 Jul 2007 15:48:28 +0000
parents 5892b4a6380b
children 1bcccd2de20d
line wrap: on
line source

/* AC3 Audio Decoder.
 * Copyright (c) 2006 Kartikey Mahendra BHATT (bhattkm at gmail dot com).
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <string.h>


#include "ac3tab.h"
#include "ac3.h"
#include "ac3_decoder.h"
#include "avcodec.h"
#include "bitstream.h"
#include "dsputil.h"
#include "avutil.h"
#include "common.h"

#define MAX_CHANNELS    6
#define BLOCK_SIZE    256
#define AUDIO_BLOCKS    6

/* Synchronization information. */
typedef struct {
    uint16_t sync_word;     //synchronization word = always 0x0b77
    uint16_t crc1;          //crc for the first 5/8 of the frame
    uint8_t  fscod;         //sampling rate code
    uint8_t  frmsizecod;    //frame size code

    /* Derived Attributes */
    int sampling_rate;      //sampling rate - 48, 44.1 or 32 kHz (value in Hz)
    int bit_rate;           //nominal bit rate (value in kbps)
    int framesize;          //frame size - 16 bit words
} ac3_sync_info;

/* flags for the BSI. */
#define AC3_BSI_LFEON       0x00000001  //low frequency effects channel on
#define AC3_BSI_COMPRE      0x00000002  //compression exists
#define AC3_BSI_LANGCODE    0x00000004  //langcode exists
#define AC3_BSI_AUDPRODIE   0x00000008  //audio production information exists
#define AC3_BSI_COMPR2E     0x00000010  //compr2 exists
#define AC3_BSI_LANGCOD2E   0x00000020  //langcod2 exists
#define AC3_BSI_AUDPRODI2E  0x00000040  //audio production information 2 exists
#define AC3_BSI_COPYRIGHTB  0x00000080  //copyright
#define AC3_BSI_ORIGBS      0x00000100  //original bit stream
#define AC3_BSI_TIMECOD1E   0x00000200  //timecod1 exists
#define AC3_BSI_TIMECOD2E   0x00000400  //timecod2 exists
#define AC3_BSI_ADDBSIE     0x00000800  //additional bit stream information exists

/* Bit Stream Information. */
typedef struct {
    uint32_t flags;
    uint8_t  bsid;          //bit stream identification
    uint8_t  bsmod;         //bit stream mode - type of service
    uint8_t  acmod;         //audio coding mode - which channels are in use
    uint8_t  cmixlev;       //center mix level
    uint8_t  surmixlev;     //surround mix level
    uint8_t  dsurmod;       //dynamic surround encoded
    uint8_t  dialnorm;      //dialog normalization
    uint8_t  compr;         //compression gain word
    uint8_t  langcod;       //language code
    uint8_t  mixlevel;      //mixing level
    uint8_t  roomtyp;       //room type
    uint8_t  dialnorm2;     //dialogue normalization for 1+1 mode
    uint8_t  compr2;        //compression gain word for 1+1 mode
    uint8_t  langcod2;      //language code for 1+1 mode
    uint8_t  mixlevel2;     //mixing level for 1+1 mode
    uint8_t  roomtyp2;      //room type for 1+1 mode
    uint16_t timecod1;      //timecode 1
    uint16_t timecod2;      //timecode 2
    uint8_t  addbsil;       //additional bit stream information length

    /* Dervied Attributes */
    int      nfchans;      //number of full bandwidth channels - derived from acmod
} ac3_bsi;

/* #defs relevant to Audio Block. */
#define MAX_FBW_CHANNELS    5       //maximum full bandwidth channels
#define NUM_LFE_GROUPS      3       //number of LFE Groups
#define MAX_NUM_SEGS        8       //maximum number of segments per delta bit allocation
#define NUM_LFE_MANTS       7       //number of lfe mantissas
#define MAX_CPL_SUBNDS      18      //maximum number of coupling sub bands
#define MAX_CPL_BNDS        18      //maximum number of coupling bands
#define MAX_CPL_GRPS        253     //maximum number of coupling groups
#define MAX_CHNL_GRPS       88      //maximum number of channel groups
#define MAX_NUM_MANTISSAS   256     //maximum number of mantissas

/* flags for the Audio Block. */
#define AC3_AB_DYNRNGE      0x00000001  //dynamic range control exists
#define AC3_AB_DYNRNG2E     0x00000002  //dynamic range control 2 exists
#define AC3_AB_CPLSTRE      0x00000004  //coupling strategy exists
#define AC3_AB_CPLINU       0x00000008  //coupling in use
#define AC3_AB_PHSFLGINU    0x00000010  //phase flag in use
#define AC3_AB_REMATSTR     0x00000020  //rematrixing required
#define AC3_AB_LFEEXPSTR    0x00000100  //lfe exponent strategy
#define AC3_AB_BAIE         0x00000200  //bit allocation information exists
#define AC3_AB_SNROFFSTE    0x00000400  //SNR offset exists
#define AC3_AB_CPLLEAKE     0x00000800  //coupling leak initialization exists
#define AC3_AB_DELTBAIE     0x00001000  //delta bit allocation information exists
#define AC3_AB_SKIPLE       0x00002000  //skip length exists

/* Exponent strategies. */
#define AC3_EXPSTR_D15      0x01
#define AC3_EXPSTR_D25      0x02
#define AC3_EXPSTR_D45      0x03
#define AC3_EXPSTR_REUSE    0x00

/* Bit allocation strategies */
#define AC3_DBASTR_NEW      0x01
#define AC3_DBASTR_NONE     0x02
#define AC3_DBASTR_RESERVED 0x03
#define AC3_DBASTR_REUSE    0x00

/* Audio Block */
typedef struct {
    uint32_t flags;
    uint8_t  blksw;                 //block switch flags for channels in use
    uint8_t  dithflag;              //dithering flags for channels in use
    int8_t   dynrng;                //dynamic range word
    int8_t   dynrng2;               //dynamic range word for 1+1 mode
    uint8_t  chincpl;               //channel in coupling flags for channels in use
    uint8_t  cplbegf;               //coupling begin frequency code
    uint8_t  cplendf;               //coupling end frequency code
    uint32_t cplbndstrc;            //coupling band structure
    uint8_t  cplcoe;                //coupling co-ordinates exists for the channel in use
    uint32_t phsflg;                //phase flag per band
    uint8_t  rematflg;              //rematrixing flag
    uint8_t  cplexpstr;             //coupling exponent strategy
    uint8_t  chexpstr[5];           //channel exponent strategy
    uint8_t  lfeexpstr;             //lfe exponent strategy
    uint8_t  chbwcod[5];            //channel bandwdith code for channels in use
    uint8_t  cplabsexp;             //coupling absolute exponent
    uint8_t  gainrng[5];            //gain range
    uint8_t  sdcycod;               //slow decay code
    uint8_t  fdcycod;               //fast decay code
    uint8_t  sgaincod;              //slow gain code
    uint8_t  dbpbcod;               //dB per bit code
    uint8_t  floorcod;              //masking floor code
    uint8_t  csnroffst;             //coarse SNR offset
    uint8_t  cplfsnroffst;          //coupling fine SNR offset
    uint8_t  cplfgaincod;           //coupling fast gain code
    uint8_t  fsnroffst[5];          //fine SNR offset for channels in use
    uint8_t  fgaincod[5];           //fast gain code for channels in use
    uint8_t  lfefsnroffst;          //lfe fine SNR offset
    uint8_t  lfefgaincod;           //lfe fast gain code
    uint8_t  cplfleak;              //coupling fast leak initialization value
    uint8_t  cplsleak;              //coupling slow leak initialization value
    uint8_t  cpldeltbae;            //coupling delta bit allocation exists
    uint8_t  deltbae[5];            //delta bit allocation exists for channels in use
    uint8_t  cpldeltnseg;           //coupling delta bit allocation number of segments
    uint8_t  cpldeltoffst[8];       //coupling delta offset
    uint8_t  cpldeltlen[8];         //coupling delta len
    uint8_t  cpldeltba[8];          //coupling delta bit allocation
    uint8_t  deltnseg[5];           //delta bit allocation number of segments per channel
    uint8_t  deltoffst[5][8];       //delta offset for channels in use
    uint8_t  deltlen[5][8];         //delta len for channels in use
    uint8_t  deltba[5][8];          //delta bit allocation
    uint16_t skipl;                 //skip length

    /* Derived Attributes */
    int      ncplsubnd;             //number of active coupling sub bands = 3 + cplendf - cplbegf
    int      ncplbnd;               //derived from ncplsubnd and cplbndstrc
    int      ncplgrps;              //derived from ncplsubnd, cplexpstr
    int      nchgrps[5];            //derived from chexpstr, and cplbegf or chbwcod
    int      ncplmant;              //derived from ncplsubnd = 12 * ncplsubnd

    uint8_t  cplstrtmant;           //coupling start mantissa
    uint8_t  cplendmant;            //coupling end mantissa
    uint8_t  endmant[5];            //channel end mantissas

    uint8_t  dcplexps[256];         //decoded coupling exponents
    uint8_t  dexps[5][256];         //decoded fbw channel exponents
    uint8_t  dlfeexps[256];         //decoded lfe exponents
    uint8_t  cplbap[256];           //coupling bit allocation parameters table
    uint8_t  bap[5][256];           //fbw channels bit allocation parameters table
    uint8_t  lfebap[256];           //lfe bit allocaiton parameters table

    DECLARE_ALIGNED_16(float, transform_coeffs[MAX_CHANNELS][BLOCK_SIZE]); //transform coefficients
    DECLARE_ALIGNED_16(float, output[MAX_CHANNELS][BLOCK_SIZE]);  //output of the block
    DECLARE_ALIGNED_16(float, delay[MAX_CHANNELS][BLOCK_SIZE]); //delay (for overlap and add)
    DECLARE_ALIGNED_16(float, tmp_imdct[BLOCK_SIZE]);   //temporary storage for ff_imdct_calc
    DECLARE_ALIGNED_16(float, tmp_output[BLOCK_SIZE * 2]);  //output of ff_imdct_calc
    float    cplco[5][18];          //coupling coordinates
    float    chcoeffs[6];           //channel coefficients for downmix
} ac3_audio_block;

#define AC3_OUTPUT_UNMODIFIED   0x01
#define AC3_OUTPUT_MONO         0x02
#define AC3_OUTPUT_STEREO       0x04
#define AC3_OUTPUT_DOLBY        0x08
#define AC3_OUTPUT_LFEON        0x10

#define AC3_INPUT_DUALMONO      0x00
#define AC3_INPUT_MONO          0x01
#define AC3_INPUT_STEREO        0x02
#define AC3_INPUT_3F            0x03
#define AC3_INPUT_2F_1R         0x04
#define AC3_INPUT_3F_1R         0x05
#define AC3_INPUT_2F_2R         0x06
#define AC3_INPUT_3F_2R         0x07

/* BEGIN Mersenne Twister Code. */
#define N 624
#define M 397
#define MATRIX_A    0x9908b0df
#define UPPER_MASK  0x80000000
#define LOWER_MASK  0x7fffffff

typedef struct {
    uint32_t mt[N];
    int      mti;
} dither_state;

static void dither_seed(dither_state *state, uint32_t seed)
    if (seed == 0)
        seed = 0x1f2e3d4c;

    state->mt[0] = seed;
    for (state->mti = 1; state->mti < N; state->mti++)
        state->mt[state->mti] = ((69069 * state->mt[state->mti - 1]) + 1);

static uint32_t dither_uint32(dither_state *state)
    uint32_t y;
    static const uint32_t mag01[2] = { 0x00, MATRIX_A };
    int kk;

    if (state->mti >= N) {
        for (kk = 0; kk < N - M; kk++) {
            y = (state->mt[kk] & UPPER_MASK) | (state->mt[kk + 1] & LOWER_MASK);
            state->mt[kk] = state->mt[kk + M] ^ (y >> 1) ^ mag01[y & 0x01];
        for (;kk < N - 1; kk++) {
            y = (state->mt[kk] & UPPER_MASK) | (state->mt[kk + 1] & LOWER_MASK);
            state->mt[kk] = state->mt[kk + (M - N)] ^ (y >> 1) ^ mag01[y & 0x01];
        y = (state->mt[N - 1] & UPPER_MASK) | (state->mt[0] & LOWER_MASK);
        state->mt[N - 1] = state->mt[M - 1] ^ (y >> 1) ^ mag01[y & 0x01];

        state->mti = 0;

    y = state->mt[state->mti++];
    y ^= (y >> 11);
    y ^= ((y << 7) & 0x9d2c5680);
    y ^= ((y << 15) & 0xefc60000);
    y ^= (y >> 18);

    return y;

static inline int16_t dither_int16(dither_state *state)
    return ((dither_uint32(state) << 16) >> 16);

/* END Mersenne Twister */

/* AC3 Context. */
typedef struct {
    ac3_sync_info   sync_info;
    ac3_bsi         bsi;
    ac3_audio_block audio_block;
    dither_state    state;
    MDCTContext     imdct_ctx_256;
    MDCTContext     imdct_ctx_512;
    GetBitContext   gb;
    int             output;
} AC3DecodeContext;

static void ac3_common_init1(void)
    int i, j, k, l, v;
    /* compute bndtab and masktab from bandsz */
    k = 0;
    l = 0;
    for(i=0;i<50;i++) {
        bndtab[i] = l;
        v = bndsz[i];
        for(j=0;j<v;j++) masktab[k++]=i;
        l += v;
    masktab[253] = masktab[254] = masktab[255] = 0;
    bndtab[50] = 0;

static int ac3_decode_init(AVCodecContext *avctx)
    AC3DecodeContext *ctx = avctx->priv_data;
    int i;


    ff_mdct_init(&ctx->imdct_ctx_256, 8, 1);
    ff_mdct_init(&ctx->imdct_ctx_512, 9, 1);
    dither_seed(&ctx->state, 0);
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNELS; i++)
        memset(ctx->audio_block.delay[i], 0, sizeof(ctx->audio_block.delay[i]));

    return 0;

static int ac3_synchronize(uint8_t *buf, int buf_size)
    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < buf_size - 1; i++)
        if (buf[i] == 0x0b && buf[i + 1] == 0x77)
            return i;

    return -1;

//Returns -1 when 'fscod' is not valid;
static int ac3_parse_sync_info(AC3DecodeContext *ctx)
    ac3_sync_info *sync_info = &ctx->sync_info;
    ac3_bsi *bsi = &ctx->bsi;
    GetBitContext *gb = &ctx->gb;

    sync_info->sync_word = get_bits(gb, 16);
    sync_info->crc1 = get_bits(gb, 16);
    sync_info->fscod = get_bits(gb, 2);
    if (sync_info->fscod == 0x03)
        return 0;
    sync_info->frmsizecod = get_bits(gb, 6);
    if (sync_info->frmsizecod >= 38)
        return 0;
    sync_info->sampling_rate = ac3_freqs[sync_info->fscod];
    sync_info->bit_rate = ac3_bitratetab[sync_info->frmsizecod >> 1];

    /* we include it here in order to determine validity of ac3 frame */
    bsi->bsid = get_bits(gb, 5);
    if (bsi->bsid > 0x08)
        return 0;
    bsi->bsmod = get_bits(gb, 3);

    switch (sync_info->fscod) {
        case 0x00:
            sync_info->framesize = 4 * sync_info->bit_rate;
            return sync_info->framesize;
        case 0x01:
            sync_info->framesize = 2 * (320 * sync_info->bit_rate / 147 + (sync_info->frmsizecod & 1));
            return sync_info->framesize;
        case 0x02:
            sync_info->framesize =  6 * sync_info->bit_rate;
            return sync_info->framesize;

    /* never reached */
    return 0;

//Returns -1 when
static int ac3_parse_bsi(AC3DecodeContext *ctx)
    ac3_bsi *bsi = &ctx->bsi;
    uint32_t *flags = &bsi->flags;
    GetBitContext *gb = &ctx->gb;
    int i;

    *flags = 0;
    bsi->cmixlev = 0;
    bsi->surmixlev = 0;
    bsi->dsurmod = 0;
    bsi->nfchans = 0;
    ctx->audio_block.cpldeltbae = AC3_DBASTR_NONE;
    ctx->audio_block.cpldeltnseg = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        ctx->audio_block.deltbae[i] = AC3_DBASTR_NONE;
        ctx->audio_block.deltnseg[i] = 0;

    bsi->acmod = get_bits(gb, 3);
    if (bsi->acmod & 0x01 && bsi->acmod != 0x01)
        bsi->cmixlev = get_bits(gb, 2);
    if (bsi->acmod & 0x04)
        bsi->surmixlev = get_bits(gb, 2);
    if (bsi->acmod == 0x02)
        bsi->dsurmod = get_bits(gb, 2);
    if (get_bits1(gb))
        *flags |= AC3_BSI_LFEON;
    bsi->dialnorm = get_bits(gb, 5);
    if (get_bits1(gb)) {
        *flags |= AC3_BSI_COMPRE;
        bsi->compr = get_bits(gb, 8);
    if (get_bits1(gb)) {
        *flags |= AC3_BSI_LANGCODE;
        bsi->langcod = get_bits(gb, 8);
    if (get_bits1(gb)) {
        *flags |= AC3_BSI_AUDPRODIE;
        bsi->mixlevel = get_bits(gb, 5);
        bsi->roomtyp = get_bits(gb, 2);
    if (bsi->acmod == 0x00) {
        bsi->dialnorm2 = get_bits(gb, 5);
        if (get_bits1(gb)) {
            *flags |= AC3_BSI_COMPR2E;
            bsi->compr2 = get_bits(gb, 8);
        if (get_bits1(gb)) {
            *flags |= AC3_BSI_LANGCOD2E;
            bsi->langcod2 = get_bits(gb, 8);
        if (get_bits1(gb)) {
            *flags |= AC3_BSI_AUDPRODIE;
            bsi->mixlevel2 = get_bits(gb, 5);
            bsi->roomtyp2 = get_bits(gb, 2);
    if (get_bits1(gb))
        *flags |= AC3_BSI_COPYRIGHTB;
    if (get_bits1(gb))
        *flags |= AC3_BSI_ORIGBS;
    if (get_bits1(gb)) {
        *flags |= AC3_BSI_TIMECOD1E;
        bsi->timecod1 = get_bits(gb, 14);
    if (get_bits1(gb)) {
        *flags |= AC3_BSI_TIMECOD2E;
        bsi->timecod2 = get_bits(gb, 14);
    if (get_bits1(gb)) {
        *flags |= AC3_BSI_ADDBSIE;
        bsi->addbsil = get_bits(gb, 6);
        do {
            skip_bits(gb, 8);
        } while(bsi->addbsil--);

    bsi->nfchans = nfchans_tbl[bsi->acmod];

    return 0;

 /* Decodes the grouped exponents and stores them
 * in decoded exponents (dexps).
 * The code is derived from liba52.
 * Uses liba52 tables.
static int decode_exponents(GetBitContext *gb, int expstr, int ngrps, uint8_t absexp, uint8_t *dexps)
    int exps;

    while (ngrps--) {
        exps = get_bits(gb, 7);

        absexp += exp_1[exps];
        if (absexp > 24) {
            av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Absolute Exponent > 24, ngrp = %d\n", ngrps);
            return -ngrps;
        switch (expstr) {
            case AC3_EXPSTR_D45:
                *(dexps++) = absexp;
                *(dexps++) = absexp;
            case AC3_EXPSTR_D25:
                *(dexps++) = absexp;
            case AC3_EXPSTR_D15:
                *(dexps++) = absexp;

        absexp += exp_2[exps];
        if (absexp > 24) {
            av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Absolute Exponent > 24, ngrp = %d\n", ngrps);
            return -ngrps;
        switch (expstr) {
            case AC3_EXPSTR_D45:
                *(dexps++) = absexp;
                *(dexps++) = absexp;
            case AC3_EXPSTR_D25:
                *(dexps++) = absexp;
            case AC3_EXPSTR_D15:
                *(dexps++) = absexp;

        absexp += exp_3[exps];
        if (absexp > 24) {
            av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Absolute Exponent > 24, ngrp = %d\n", ngrps);
            return -ngrps;
        switch (expstr) {
            case AC3_EXPSTR_D45:
                *(dexps++) = absexp;
                *(dexps++) = absexp;
            case AC3_EXPSTR_D25:
                *(dexps++) = absexp;
            case AC3_EXPSTR_D15:
                *(dexps++) = absexp;

    return 0;

static inline int logadd(int a, int b)
    int c = a - b;
    int address;

    address = FFMIN(ABS(c) >> 1, 255);

    if (c >= 0)
        return (a + latab[address]);
        return (b + latab[address]);

static inline int calc_lowcomp(int a, int b0, int b1, int bin)
    if (bin < 7) {
        if ((b0 + 256) == b1)
            a = 384;
        else if (b0 > b1)
            a = FFMAX(0, a - 64);
    else if (bin < 20) {
        if ((b0 + 256) == b1)
            a = 320;
        else if (b0 > b1)
            a = FFMAX(0, a - 64);
        a = FFMAX(0, a - 128);

    return a;

/* do the bit allocation for chnl.
 * chnl = 0 to 4 - fbw channel
 * chnl = 5 coupling channel
 * chnl = 6 lfe channel
static void do_bit_allocation1(AC3DecodeContext *ctx, int chnl)
    ac3_audio_block *ab = &ctx->audio_block;
    int sdecay, fdecay, sgain, dbknee, floor;
    int lowcomp = 0, fgain = 0, snroffset = 0, fastleak = 0, slowleak = 0;
    int psd[256], bndpsd[50], excite[50], mask[50], delta;
    int start = 0, end = 0, bin = 0, i = 0, j = 0, k = 0, lastbin = 0, bndstrt = 0;
    int bndend = 0, begin = 0, deltnseg = 0, band = 0, seg = 0, address = 0;
    int fscod = ctx->sync_info.fscod;
    uint8_t *exps, *deltoffst = 0, *deltlen = 0, *deltba = 0;
    uint8_t *baps;
    int do_delta = 0;

    /* initialization */
    sdecay = sdecaytab[ab->sdcycod];
    fdecay = fdecaytab[ab->fdcycod];
    sgain = sgaintab[ab->sgaincod];
    dbknee = dbkneetab[ab->dbpbcod];
    floor = floortab[ab->floorcod];

    if (chnl == 5) {
        start = ab->cplstrtmant;
        end = ab->cplendmant;
        fgain = fgaintab[ab->cplfgaincod];
        snroffset = (((ab->csnroffst - 15) << 4) + ab->cplfsnroffst) << 2;
        fastleak = (ab->cplfleak << 8) + 768;
        slowleak = (ab->cplsleak << 8) + 768;
        exps = ab->dcplexps;
        baps = ab->cplbap;
        if (ab->cpldeltbae == AC3_DBASTR_NEW || ab->cpldeltbae == AC3_DBASTR_REUSE) {
            do_delta = 1;
            deltnseg = ab->cpldeltnseg;
            deltoffst = ab->cpldeltoffst;
            deltlen = ab->cpldeltlen;
            deltba = ab->cpldeltba;
    else if (chnl == 6) {
        start = 0;
        end = 7;
        lowcomp = 0;
        fastleak = 0;
        slowleak = 0;
        fgain = fgaintab[ab->lfefgaincod];
        snroffset = (((ab->csnroffst - 15) << 4) + ab->lfefsnroffst) << 2;
        exps = ab->dlfeexps;
        baps = ab->lfebap;
    else {
        start = 0;
        end = ab->endmant[chnl];
        lowcomp = 0;
        fastleak = 0;
        slowleak = 0;
        fgain = fgaintab[ab->fgaincod[chnl]];
        snroffset = (((ab->csnroffst - 15) << 4) + ab->fsnroffst[chnl]) << 2;
        exps = ab->dexps[chnl];
        baps = ab->bap[chnl];
        if (ab->deltbae[chnl] == AC3_DBASTR_NEW || ab->deltbae[chnl] == AC3_DBASTR_REUSE) {
            do_delta = 1;
            deltnseg = ab->deltnseg[chnl];
            deltoffst = ab->deltoffst[chnl];
            deltlen = ab->deltlen[chnl];
            deltba = ab->deltba[chnl];

    for (bin = start; bin < end; bin++) /* exponent mapping into psd */
        psd[bin] = (3072 - ((int)(exps[bin]) << 7));

    /* psd integration */
    j = start;
    k = masktab[start];
    do {
        lastbin = FFMIN(bndtab[k] + bndsz[k], end);
        bndpsd[k] = psd[j];
        for (i = j; i < lastbin; i++) {
            bndpsd[k] = logadd(bndpsd[k], psd[j]);
    } while (end > lastbin);

    /* compute the excite function */
    bndstrt = masktab[start];
    bndend = masktab[end - 1] + 1;
    if (bndstrt == 0) {
        lowcomp = calc_lowcomp(lowcomp, bndpsd[0], bndpsd[1], 0);
        excite[0] = bndpsd[0] - fgain - lowcomp;
        lowcomp = calc_lowcomp(lowcomp, bndpsd[1], bndpsd[2], 1);
        excite[1] = bndpsd[1] - fgain - lowcomp;
        begin = 7;
        for (bin = 2; bin < 7; bin++) {
            if (!(chnl == 6 && bin == 6))
                lowcomp = calc_lowcomp(lowcomp, bndpsd[bin], bndpsd[bin + 1], bin);
            fastleak = bndpsd[bin] - fgain;
            slowleak = bndpsd[bin] - sgain;
            excite[bin] = fastleak - lowcomp;
            if (!(chnl == 6 && bin == 6))
                if (bndpsd[bin] <= bndpsd[bin + 1]) {
                    begin = bin + 1;
        for (bin = begin; bin < FFMIN(bndend, 22); bin++) {
            if (!(chnl == 6 && bin == 6))
                lowcomp = calc_lowcomp(lowcomp, bndpsd[bin], bndpsd[bin + 1], bin);
            fastleak -= fdecay;
            fastleak = FFMAX(fastleak, bndpsd[bin] - fgain);
            slowleak -= sdecay;
            slowleak = FFMAX(slowleak, bndpsd[bin] - sgain);
            excite[bin] = FFMAX(fastleak - lowcomp, slowleak);
        begin = 22;
    else {
        begin = bndstrt;
    for (bin = begin; bin < bndend; bin++) {
        fastleak -= fdecay;
        fastleak = FFMAX(fastleak, bndpsd[bin] - fgain);
        slowleak -= sdecay;
        slowleak = FFMAX(slowleak, bndpsd[bin] - sgain);
        excite[bin] = FFMAX(fastleak, slowleak);

    /* compute the masking curve */
    for (bin = bndstrt; bin < bndend; bin++) {
        if (bndpsd[bin] < dbknee)
            excite[bin] += ((dbknee - bndpsd[bin]) >> 2);
        mask[bin] = FFMAX(excite[bin], hth[bin][fscod]);

    /* apply the delta bit allocation */
    if (do_delta) {
        band = 0;
        for (seg = 0; seg < deltnseg + 1; seg++) {
            band += (int)(deltoffst[seg]);
            if ((int)(deltba[seg]) >= 4)
                delta = ((int)(deltba[seg]) - 3) << 7;
                delta = ((int)(deltba[seg]) - 4) << 7;
            for (k = 0; k < (int)(deltlen[seg]); k++) {
                mask[band] += delta;

    /*compute the bit allocation */
    i = start;
    j = masktab[start];
    do {
        lastbin = FFMIN(bndtab[j] + bndsz[j], end);
        mask[j] -= snroffset;
        mask[j] -= floor;
        if (mask[j] < 0)
            mask[j] = 0;
        mask[j] &= 0x1fe0;
        mask[j] += floor;
        for (k = i; k < lastbin; k++) {
            address = (psd[i] - mask[j]) >> 5;
            address = FFMIN(63, FFMAX(0, address));
            baps[i] = baptab[address];
    } while (end > lastbin);

static void do_bit_allocation(AC3DecodeContext *ctx, int flags)
    ac3_audio_block *ab = &ctx->audio_block;
    int i, snroffst = 0;

    if (!flags) /* bit allocation is not required */

    if (ab->flags & AC3_AB_SNROFFSTE) { /* check whether snroffsts are zero */
        snroffst += ab->csnroffst;
        if (ab->flags & ab->chincpl)
            snroffst += ab->cplfsnroffst;
        for (i = 0; i < ctx->bsi.nfchans; i++)
            snroffst += ab->fsnroffst[i];
        if (ctx->bsi.flags & AC3_BSI_LFEON)
            snroffst += ab->lfefsnroffst;
        if (!snroffst) {
            memset(ab->cplbap, 0, sizeof (ab->cplbap));
            for (i = 0; i < ctx->bsi.nfchans; i++)
                memset(ab->bap[i], 0, sizeof (ab->bap[i]));
            memset(ab->lfebap, 0, sizeof (ab->lfebap));


    /* perform bit allocation */
    if (ab->chincpl && (flags & 64))
        do_bit_allocation1(ctx, 5);
    for (i = 0; i < ctx->bsi.nfchans; i++)
        if (flags & (1 << i))
            do_bit_allocation1(ctx, i);
    if ((ctx->bsi.flags & AC3_BSI_LFEON) && (flags & 32))
        do_bit_allocation1(ctx, 6);

typedef struct { /* grouped mantissas for 3-level 5-leve and 11-level quantization */
    uint8_t gcodesl3[3];
    uint8_t gcodesl5[3];
    uint8_t gcodesl11[3];
    int l3ptr;
    int l5ptr;
    int l11ptr;
} mant_groups;

#define TRANSFORM_COEFF(tc, m, e, f) (tc) = (m) * (f)[(e)]

/* Get the transform coefficients for coupling channel and uncouple channels.
 * The coupling transform coefficients starts at the the cplstrtmant, which is
 * equal to endmant[ch] for fbw channels. Hence we can uncouple channels before
 * getting transform coefficients for the channel.
static int get_transform_coeffs_cpling(AC3DecodeContext *ctx, mant_groups *m)
    ac3_audio_block *ab = &ctx->audio_block;
    GetBitContext *gb = &ctx->gb;
    int sbnd, bin, ch, index, gcode;
    float cplcos[5], cplcoeff;
    uint8_t *exps = ab->dcplexps;
    uint8_t *bap = ab->cplbap;

    for (sbnd = ab->cplbegf; sbnd < ab->cplendf + 3; sbnd++) {
        for (ch = 0; ch < ctx->bsi.nfchans; ch++)
            cplcos[ch] = ab->chcoeffs[ch] * ab->cplco[ch][sbnd];
        for (bin = 0; bin < 12; bin++) {
            index = sbnd * 12 + bin + 37;
            switch(bap[index]) {
                case 0:
                    for (ch = 0; ch < ctx->bsi.nfchans; ctx++)
                        if (((ab->chincpl) >> ch) & 1) {
                            if (((ab->dithflag) >> ch) & 1) {
                                TRANSFORM_COEFF(cplcoeff, dither_int16(&ctx->state), exps[index], scale_factors);
                                ab->transform_coeffs[ch + 1][index] = cplcoeff * cplcos[ch];
                            } else
                                ab->transform_coeffs[ch + 1][index] = 0;
                case 1:
                    if (m->l3ptr > 2) {
                        gcode = get_bits(gb, 5);
                        if (gcode > 26)
                            return -1;
                        m->gcodesl3[0] = gcode / 9;
                        m->gcodesl3[1] = (gcode % 9) / 3;
                        m->gcodesl3[2] = (gcode % 9) % 3;
                        m->l3ptr = 0;
                    TRANSFORM_COEFF(cplcoeff, l3_q_tab[m->gcodesl3[m->l3ptr++]], exps[index], scale_factors);

                case 2:
                    if (m->l5ptr > 2) {
                        gcode = get_bits(gb, 7);
                        if (gcode > 124)
                            return -1;
                        m->gcodesl5[0] = gcode / 25;
                        m->gcodesl5[1] = (gcode % 25) / 5;
                        m->gcodesl5[2] = (gcode % 25) % 5;
                        m->l5ptr = 0;
                    TRANSFORM_COEFF(cplcoeff, l5_q_tab[m->gcodesl5[m->l5ptr++]], exps[index], scale_factors);

                case 3:
                    gcode = get_bits(gb, 3);
                    if (gcode > 6)
                        return -1;
                    TRANSFORM_COEFF(cplcoeff, l7_q_tab[gcode], exps[index], scale_factors);

                case 4:
                    if (m->l11ptr > 1) {
                        gcode = get_bits(gb, 7);
                        if (gcode > 120)
                            return -1;
                        m->gcodesl11[0] = gcode / 11;
                        m->gcodesl11[1] = gcode % 11;
                        m->l11ptr = 0;
                    TRANSFORM_COEFF(cplcoeff, l11_q_tab[m->gcodesl11[m->l11ptr++]], exps[index], scale_factors);

                case 5:
                    gcode = get_bits(gb, 4);
                    if (gcode > 14)
                        return -1;
                    TRANSFORM_COEFF(cplcoeff, l15_q_tab[gcode], exps[index], scale_factors);

                    TRANSFORM_COEFF(cplcoeff, get_bits(gb, qntztab[bap[index]]) << (16 - qntztab[bap[index]]),
                            exps[index], scale_factors);
            for (ch = 0; ch < ctx->bsi.nfchans; ch++)
                if (((ab->chincpl) >> ch) & 1)
                    ab->transform_coeffs[ch][index] = cplcoeff * cplcos[ch];

    return 0;

/* Get the transform coefficients for particular channel */
static int get_transform_coeffs_ch(uint8_t *exps, uint8_t *bap, float chcoeff,
        float *coeffs, int start, int end, int dith_flag, GetBitContext *gb,
        dither_state *state, mant_groups *m)
    int i;
    int gcode;
    float factors[25];

    for (i = 0; i < 25; i++)
        factors[i] = scale_factors[i] * chcoeff;

    for (i = start; i < end; i++) {
        switch (bap[i]) {
            case 0:
                if (!dith_flag) {
                    coeffs[i] = 0;
                else {
                    TRANSFORM_COEFF(coeffs[i], dither_int16(state), exps[i], factors);

            case 1:
                if (m->l3ptr > 2) {
                    gcode = get_bits(gb, 5);
                    if (gcode > 26)
                        return -1;
                    m->gcodesl3[0] = gcode / 9;
                    m->gcodesl3[1] = (gcode % 9) / 3;
                    m->gcodesl3[2] = (gcode % 9) % 3;
                    m->l3ptr = 0;
                TRANSFORM_COEFF(coeffs[i], l3_q_tab[m->gcodesl3[m->l3ptr++]], exps[i], factors);

            case 2:
                if (m->l5ptr > 2) {
                    gcode = get_bits(gb, 7);
                    if (gcode > 124)
                        return -1;
                    m->gcodesl5[0] = gcode / 25;
                    m->gcodesl5[1] = (gcode % 25) / 5;
                    m->gcodesl5[2] = (gcode % 25) % 5;
                    m->l5ptr = 0;
                TRANSFORM_COEFF(coeffs[i], l5_q_tab[m->gcodesl5[m->l5ptr++]], exps[i], factors);

            case 3:
                gcode = get_bits(gb, 3);
                if (gcode > 6)
                    return -1;
                TRANSFORM_COEFF(coeffs[i], l7_q_tab[gcode], exps[i], factors);

            case 4:
                if (m->l11ptr > 1) {
                    gcode = get_bits(gb, 7);
                    if (gcode > 120)
                        return -1;
                    m->gcodesl11[0] = gcode / 11;
                    m->gcodesl11[1] = gcode % 11;
                    m->l11ptr = 0;
                TRANSFORM_COEFF(coeffs[i], l11_q_tab[m->gcodesl11[m->l11ptr++]], exps[i], factors);

            case 5:
                gcode = get_bits(gb, 4);
                if (gcode > 14)
                    return -1;
                TRANSFORM_COEFF(coeffs[i], l15_q_tab[gcode], exps[i], factors);

                TRANSFORM_COEFF(coeffs[i], get_bits(gb, qntztab[bap[i]]) << (16 - qntztab[bap[i]]), exps[i], factors);

    return 0;

static int get_transform_coeffs(AC3DecodeContext * ctx)
    int i, end;
    ac3_audio_block *ab = &ctx->audio_block;
    int got_cplchan = 0;
    int dithflag = 0;
    mant_groups m;

    m.l3ptr = m.l5ptr = m.l11ptr = 3;

    for (i = 0; i < ctx->bsi.nfchans; i++) {
        dithflag = ab->dithflag & (1 << i);
        /* transform coefficients for individual channel */
        if (get_transform_coeffs_ch(ab->dexps[i], ab->bap[i], ab->chcoeffs[i], ab->transform_coeffs[i + 1],
                    0, ab->endmant[i], dithflag, &ctx->gb, &ctx->state, &m))
            return -1;
        /* tranform coefficients for coupling channels */
        if (((ab->chincpl) >> i & 1))  {
            if (!got_cplchan) {
                if (get_transform_coeffs_cpling(ctx, &m))
                    return -1;
                got_cplchan = 1;
            end = ab->cplendmant;
        } else
            end = ab->endmant[i];
            ab->transform_coeffs[i + 1][end] = 0;
        while(++end < 256);
    if (ctx->bsi.flags & AC3_BSI_LFEON) {
        if (get_transform_coeffs_ch(ab->dlfeexps, ab->lfebap, 1.0f, ab->transform_coeffs[0], 0, 7, 0, &ctx->gb, &ctx->state, &m))
                return -1;
        for (i = 7; i < 256; i++) {
            ab->transform_coeffs[0][i] = 0;

    return 0;

static void do_rematrixing1(AC3DecodeContext *ctx, int start, int end)
    float tmp0, tmp1;

    while (start < end) {
        tmp0 = ctx->audio_block.transform_coeffs[1][start];
        tmp1 = ctx->audio_block.transform_coeffs[2][start];
        ctx->audio_block.transform_coeffs[1][start] = tmp0 + tmp1;
        ctx->audio_block.transform_coeffs[2][start] = tmp0 - tmp1;

static void do_rematrixing(AC3DecodeContext *ctx)
    ac3_audio_block *ab = &ctx->audio_block;
    uint8_t bnd1 = 13, bnd2 = 25, bnd3 = 37, bnd4 = 61;
    uint8_t bndend;

    bndend = FFMIN(ab->endmant[0], ab->endmant[1]);
    if (ab->rematflg & 1)
        do_rematrixing1(ctx, bnd1, bnd2);
    if (ab->rematflg & 2)
        do_rematrixing1(ctx, bnd2, bnd3);
    if (ab->rematflg & 4) {
        if (ab->cplbegf > 0 && ab->cplbegf <= 2 && (ab->chincpl))
            do_rematrixing1(ctx, bnd3, bndend);
        else {
            do_rematrixing1(ctx, bnd3, bnd4);
            if (ab->rematflg & 8)
                do_rematrixing1(ctx, bnd4, bndend);

static void get_downmix_coeffs(AC3DecodeContext *ctx)
    int from = ctx->bsi.acmod;
    int to = ctx->output;
    float clev = clevs[ctx->bsi.cmixlev];
    float slev = slevs[ctx->bsi.surmixlev];
    ac3_audio_block *ab = &ctx->audio_block;

    if (to == AC3_OUTPUT_UNMODIFIED)

    switch (from) {
        case AC3_INPUT_DUALMONO:
            switch (to) {
                case AC3_OUTPUT_MONO:
                case AC3_OUTPUT_STEREO: /* We Assume that sum of both mono channels is requested */
                    ab->chcoeffs[0] *= LEVEL_MINUS_6DB;
                    ab->chcoeffs[1] *= LEVEL_MINUS_6DB;
        case AC3_INPUT_MONO:
            switch (to) {
                case AC3_OUTPUT_STEREO:
                    ab->chcoeffs[0] *= LEVEL_MINUS_3DB;
        case AC3_INPUT_STEREO:
            switch (to) {
                case AC3_OUTPUT_MONO:
                    ab->chcoeffs[0] *= LEVEL_MINUS_3DB;
                    ab->chcoeffs[1] *= LEVEL_MINUS_3DB;
        case AC3_INPUT_3F:
            switch (to) {
                case AC3_OUTPUT_MONO:
                    ab->chcoeffs[0] *= LEVEL_MINUS_3DB;
                    ab->chcoeffs[2] *= LEVEL_MINUS_3DB;
                    ab->chcoeffs[1] *= clev * LEVEL_PLUS_3DB;
                case AC3_OUTPUT_STEREO:
                    ab->chcoeffs[1] *= clev;
        case AC3_INPUT_2F_1R:
            switch (to) {
                case AC3_OUTPUT_MONO:
                    ab->chcoeffs[0] *= LEVEL_MINUS_3DB;
                    ab->chcoeffs[1] *= LEVEL_MINUS_3DB;
                    ab->chcoeffs[2] *= slev * LEVEL_MINUS_3DB;
                case AC3_OUTPUT_STEREO:
                    ab->chcoeffs[2] *= slev * LEVEL_MINUS_3DB;
                case AC3_OUTPUT_DOLBY:
                    ab->chcoeffs[2] *= LEVEL_MINUS_3DB;
        case AC3_INPUT_3F_1R:
            switch (to) {
                case AC3_OUTPUT_MONO:
                    ab->chcoeffs[0] *= LEVEL_MINUS_3DB;
                    ab->chcoeffs[2] *= LEVEL_MINUS_3DB;
                    ab->chcoeffs[1] *= clev * LEVEL_PLUS_3DB;
                    ab->chcoeffs[3] *= slev * LEVEL_MINUS_3DB;
                case AC3_OUTPUT_STEREO:
                    ab->chcoeffs[1] *= clev;
                    ab->chcoeffs[3] *= slev * LEVEL_MINUS_3DB;
                case AC3_OUTPUT_DOLBY:
                    ab->chcoeffs[1] *= LEVEL_MINUS_3DB;
                    ab->chcoeffs[3] *= LEVEL_MINUS_3DB;
        case AC3_INPUT_2F_2R:
            switch (to) {
                case AC3_OUTPUT_MONO:
                    ab->chcoeffs[0] *= LEVEL_MINUS_3DB;
                    ab->chcoeffs[1] *= LEVEL_MINUS_3DB;
                    ab->chcoeffs[2] *= slev * LEVEL_MINUS_3DB;
                    ab->chcoeffs[3] *= slev * LEVEL_MINUS_3DB;
                case AC3_OUTPUT_STEREO:
                    ab->chcoeffs[2] *= slev;
                    ab->chcoeffs[3] *= slev;
                case AC3_OUTPUT_DOLBY:
                    ab->chcoeffs[2] *= LEVEL_MINUS_3DB;
                    ab->chcoeffs[3] *= LEVEL_MINUS_3DB;
        case AC3_INPUT_3F_2R:
            switch (to) {
                case AC3_OUTPUT_MONO:
                    ab->chcoeffs[0] *= LEVEL_MINUS_3DB;
                    ab->chcoeffs[2] *= LEVEL_MINUS_3DB;
                    ab->chcoeffs[1] *= clev * LEVEL_PLUS_3DB;
                    ab->chcoeffs[3] *= slev * LEVEL_MINUS_3DB;
                    ab->chcoeffs[4] *= slev * LEVEL_MINUS_3DB;
                case AC3_OUTPUT_STEREO:
                    ab->chcoeffs[1] *= clev;
                    ab->chcoeffs[3] *= slev;
                    ab->chcoeffs[4] *= slev;
                case AC3_OUTPUT_DOLBY:
                    ab->chcoeffs[1] *= LEVEL_MINUS_3DB;
                    ab->chcoeffs[3] *= LEVEL_MINUS_3DB;
                    ab->chcoeffs[4] *= LEVEL_MINUS_3DB;

static inline void mix_dualmono_to_mono(AC3DecodeContext *ctx)
    int i;
    float (*output)[BLOCK_SIZE] = ctx->audio_block.output;

    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
        output[1][i] += output[2][i];
    memset(output[2], 0, sizeof(output[2]));

static inline void mix_dualmono_to_stereo(AC3DecodeContext *ctx)
    int i;
    float tmp;
    float (*output)[BLOCK_SIZE] = ctx->audio_block.output;

    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
        tmp = output[1][i] + output[2][i];
        output[1][i] = output[2][i] = tmp;

static inline void upmix_mono_to_stereo(AC3DecodeContext *ctx)
    int i;
    float (*output)[BLOCK_SIZE] = ctx->audio_block.output;

    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
        output[2][i] = output[1][i];

static inline void mix_stereo_to_mono(AC3DecodeContext *ctx)
    int i;
    float (*output)[BLOCK_SIZE] = ctx->audio_block.output;

    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
        output[1][i] += output[2][i];
    memset(output[2], 0, sizeof(output[2]));

static inline void mix_3f_to_mono(AC3DecodeContext *ctx)
    int i;
    float (*output)[BLOCK_SIZE] = ctx->audio_block.output;

    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
        output[1][i] += (output[2][i] + output[3][i]);
    memset(output[2], 0, sizeof(output[2]));
    memset(output[3], 0, sizeof(output[3]));

static inline void mix_3f_to_stereo(AC3DecodeContext *ctx)
    int i;
    float (*output)[BLOCK_SIZE] = ctx->audio_block.output;

    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
        output[1][i] += output[2][i];
        output[2][i] += output[3][i];
    memset(output[3], 0, sizeof(output[3]));

static inline void mix_2f_1r_to_mono(AC3DecodeContext *ctx)
    int i;
    float (*output)[BLOCK_SIZE] = ctx->audio_block.output;

    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
        output[1][i] += (output[2][i] + output[3][i]);
    memset(output[2], 0, sizeof(output[2]));
    memset(output[3], 0, sizeof(output[3]));


static inline void mix_2f_1r_to_stereo(AC3DecodeContext *ctx)
    int i;
    float (*output)[BLOCK_SIZE] = ctx->audio_block.output;

    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
        output[1][i] += output[2][i];
        output[2][i] += output[3][i];
    memset(output[3], 0, sizeof(output[3]));

static inline void mix_2f_1r_to_dolby(AC3DecodeContext *ctx)
    int i;
    float (*output)[BLOCK_SIZE] = ctx->audio_block.output;

    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
        output[1][i] -= output[3][i];
        output[2][i] += output[3][i];
    memset(output[3], 0, sizeof(output[3]));

static inline void mix_3f_1r_to_mono(AC3DecodeContext *ctx)
    int i;
    float (*output)[BLOCK_SIZE] = ctx->audio_block.output;

    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
        output[1][i] = (output[2][i] + output[3][i] + output[4][i]);
    memset(output[2], 0, sizeof(output[2]));
    memset(output[3], 0, sizeof(output[3]));
    memset(output[4], 0, sizeof(output[4]));

static inline void mix_3f_1r_to_stereo(AC3DecodeContext *ctx)
    int i;
    float (*output)[BLOCK_SIZE] = ctx->audio_block.output;

    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
        output[1][i] += (output[2][i] + output[4][i]);
        output[2][i] += (output[3][i] + output[4][i]);
    memset(output[3], 0, sizeof(output[3]));
    memset(output[4], 0, sizeof(output[4]));

static inline void mix_3f_1r_to_dolby(AC3DecodeContext *ctx)
    int i;
    float (*output)[BLOCK_SIZE] = ctx->audio_block.output;

    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
        output[1][i] += (output[2][i] - output[4][i]);
        output[2][i] += (output[3][i] + output[4][i]);
    memset(output[3], 0, sizeof(output[3]));
    memset(output[4], 0, sizeof(output[4]));

static inline void mix_2f_2r_to_mono(AC3DecodeContext *ctx)
    int i;
    float (*output)[BLOCK_SIZE] = ctx->audio_block.output;

    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
        output[1][i] = (output[2][i] + output[3][i] + output[4][i]);
    memset(output[2], 0, sizeof(output[2]));
    memset(output[3], 0, sizeof(output[3]));
    memset(output[4], 0, sizeof(output[4]));

static inline void mix_2f_2r_to_stereo(AC3DecodeContext *ctx)
    int i;
    float (*output)[BLOCK_SIZE] = ctx->audio_block.output;

    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
        output[1][i] += output[3][i];
        output[2][i] += output[4][i];
    memset(output[3], 0, sizeof(output[3]));
    memset(output[4], 0, sizeof(output[4]));

static inline void mix_2f_2r_to_dolby(AC3DecodeContext *ctx)
    int i;
    float (*output)[BLOCK_SIZE] = ctx->audio_block.output;

    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
        output[1][i] -= output[3][i];
        output[2][i] += output[4][i];
    memset(output[3], 0, sizeof(output[3]));
    memset(output[4], 0, sizeof(output[4]));

static inline void mix_3f_2r_to_mono(AC3DecodeContext *ctx)
    int i;
    float (*output)[BLOCK_SIZE] = ctx->audio_block.output;

    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
        output[1][i] += (output[2][i] + output[3][i] + output[4][i] + output[5][i]);
    memset(output[2], 0, sizeof(output[2]));
    memset(output[3], 0, sizeof(output[3]));
    memset(output[4], 0, sizeof(output[4]));
    memset(output[5], 0, sizeof(output[5]));

static inline void mix_3f_2r_to_stereo(AC3DecodeContext *ctx)
    int i;
    float (*output)[BLOCK_SIZE] = ctx->audio_block.output;

    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
        output[1][i] += (output[2][i] + output[4][i]);
        output[2][i] += (output[3][i] + output[5][i]);
    memset(output[3], 0, sizeof(output[3]));
    memset(output[4], 0, sizeof(output[4]));
    memset(output[5], 0, sizeof(output[5]));

static inline void mix_3f_2r_to_dolby(AC3DecodeContext *ctx)
    int i;
    float (*output)[BLOCK_SIZE] = ctx->audio_block.output;

    for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
        output[1][i] += (output[2][i] - output[4][i] - output[5][i]);
        output[2][i] += (output[3][i] + output[4][i] + output[5][i]);
    memset(output[3], 0, sizeof(output[3]));
    memset(output[4], 0, sizeof(output[4]));
    memset(output[5], 0, sizeof(output[5]));

static void do_downmix(AC3DecodeContext *ctx)
    int from = ctx->bsi.acmod;
    int to = ctx->output;

    switch (from) {
        case AC3_INPUT_DUALMONO:
            switch (to) {
                case AC3_OUTPUT_MONO:
                case AC3_OUTPUT_STEREO: /* We assume that sum of both mono channels is requested */
        case AC3_INPUT_MONO:
            switch (to) {
                case AC3_OUTPUT_STEREO:
        case AC3_INPUT_STEREO:
            switch (to) {
                case AC3_OUTPUT_MONO:
        case AC3_INPUT_3F:
            switch (to) {
                case AC3_OUTPUT_MONO:
                case AC3_OUTPUT_STEREO:
        case AC3_INPUT_2F_1R:
            switch (to) {
                case AC3_OUTPUT_MONO:
                case AC3_OUTPUT_STEREO:
                case AC3_OUTPUT_DOLBY:
        case AC3_INPUT_3F_1R:
            switch (to) {
                case AC3_OUTPUT_MONO:
                case AC3_OUTPUT_STEREO:
                case AC3_OUTPUT_DOLBY:
        case AC3_INPUT_2F_2R:
            switch (to) {
                case AC3_OUTPUT_MONO:
                case AC3_OUTPUT_STEREO:
                case AC3_OUTPUT_DOLBY:
        case AC3_INPUT_3F_2R:
            switch (to) {
                case AC3_OUTPUT_MONO:
                case AC3_OUTPUT_STEREO:
                case AC3_OUTPUT_DOLBY:

static void dump_floats(const char *name, int prec, const float *tab, int n)
    int i;

    av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_INFO, "%s[%d]:\n", name, n);
    for(i=0;i<n;i++) {
        if ((i & 7) == 0)
            av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_INFO, "%4d: ", i);
        av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_INFO, " %8.*f", prec, tab[i]);
        if ((i & 7) == 7)
            av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_INFO, "\n");
    if ((i & 7) != 0)
        av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_INFO, "\n");

static void window_and_de_interleave(float *output)
    int n2, n4, n8;
    int k;

    n2 = 512 >> 1;
    n4 = 512 >> 2;
    n8 = 512 >> 3;

    for (k = 0; k < n8; k++) {
        output[2 * k] *= window[2 * k];
        output[2 * k + 1] *= window[2 * k + 1];
        output[n4 + 2 * k] *= window[n4 + 2 * k];
        output[n4 + 2 * k + 1] *= window[n4 + 2 * k + 1];
        output[n2 + 2 * k] *= window[n2 - 2 * k - 1];
        output[n2 + 2 * k + 1] *= window[n2 - 2 * k - 2];
        output[3 * n4 + 2 * k] *= window[n4 -2 * k - 1];
        output[3 * n4 + 2 * k + 1] *= window[n4 - 2 * k - 2];

static inline void overlap_and_add(float *tmp_output, float *delay, float *output)
    int n;

    for (n = 0; n < BLOCK_SIZE; n++) {
        output[n] = 2 * (tmp_output[n] + delay[n]);
        delay[n] = tmp_output[BLOCK_SIZE + n];

static inline void do_imdct(AC3DecodeContext *ctx)
    ac3_audio_block *ab = &ctx->audio_block;
    int i;

    if (ctx->output & AC3_OUTPUT_LFEON) {
        av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_INFO, "imdct lfe\n");
        ff_imdct_calc(&ctx->imdct_ctx_512, ab->tmp_output, ab->transform_coeffs[0], ab->tmp_imdct);
        overlap_and_add(ab->tmp_output, ab->delay[0], ab->output[0]);
    for (i = 0; i < ctx->bsi.nfchans; i++) {
        if (!(((ab->blksw) >> i) & 1)) {
            av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_INFO, "imdct channel %d - block switching not enabled\n", i);
            ff_imdct_calc(&ctx->imdct_ctx_512, ab->tmp_output, ab->transform_coeffs[i + 1], ab->tmp_imdct);
            overlap_and_add(ab->tmp_output, ab->delay[i + 1], ab->output[i + 1]);
        } else {
            av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_INFO, "imdct channel %d skipping - block switching enabled\n", i);

static int ac3_parse_audio_block(AC3DecodeContext * ctx, int index)
    ac3_audio_block *ab = &ctx->audio_block;
    int nfchans = ctx->bsi.nfchans;
    int acmod = ctx->bsi.acmod;
    int i, bnd, rbnd, seg, grpsize;
    GetBitContext *gb = &ctx->gb;
    uint32_t *flags = &ab->flags;
    int bit_alloc_flags = 0;
    float drange, tmpco;
    uint8_t *dexps;
    int mstrcplco, cplcoexp, cplcomant, sbnd, cplbndstrc;

    *flags = 0;
    ab->blksw = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
        ab->chcoeffs[i] = 1.0;
    for (i = 0; i < nfchans; i++) /*block switch flag */
        ab->blksw |= get_bits1(gb) << i;
    ab->dithflag = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < nfchans; i++) /* dithering flag */
        ab->dithflag |= get_bits1(gb) << i;
    if (get_bits1(gb)) { /* dynamic range */
        *flags |= AC3_AB_DYNRNGE;
        ab->dynrng = get_bits(gb, 8);
        drange = ((((ab->dynrng & 0x1f) | 0x20) << 13) * scale_factors[3 - (ab->dynrng >> 5)]);
        for (i = 0; i < nfchans; i++)
            ab->chcoeffs[i] *= drange;
    if (acmod == 0x00) { /* dynamic range 1+1 mode */
        if (get_bits1(gb)) {
            *flags |= AC3_AB_DYNRNG2E;
            ab->dynrng2 = get_bits(gb, 8);
            drange = ((((ab->dynrng2 & 0x1f) | 0x20) << 13) * scale_factors[3 - (ab->dynrng2 >> 5)]);
            ab->chcoeffs[1] *= drange;
    if (get_bits1(gb)) { /* coupling strategy */
        *flags |= AC3_AB_CPLSTRE;
        ab->cplbndstrc = 0;
        ab->chincpl = 0;
        if (get_bits1(gb)) { /* coupling in use */
            *flags |= AC3_AB_CPLINU;
            for (i = 0; i < nfchans; i++)
                ab->chincpl |= get_bits1(gb) << i;
            if (acmod == 0x02)
                if (get_bits1(gb)) /* phase flag in use */
                    *flags |= AC3_AB_PHSFLGINU;
            ab->cplbegf = get_bits(gb, 4);
            ab->cplendf = get_bits(gb, 4);
            if (3 + ab->cplendf - ab->cplbegf < 0)
                return -1;
            ab->ncplbnd = ab->ncplsubnd = 3 + ab->cplendf - ab->cplbegf;
            ab->cplstrtmant = ab->cplbegf * 12 + 37;
            ab->cplendmant = ab->cplendf * 12 + 73;
            for (i = 0; i < ab->ncplsubnd - 1; i++) /* coupling band structure */
                if (get_bits1(gb)) {
                    ab->cplbndstrc |= 1 << i;
    if (ab->chincpl) {
        ab->cplcoe = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < nfchans; i++)
            if ((ab->chincpl) >> i & 1)
                if (get_bits1(gb)) { /* coupling co-ordinates */
                    ab->cplcoe |= 1 << i;
                    mstrcplco = 3 * get_bits(gb, 2);
                    sbnd = ab->cplbegf;
                    cplbndstrc = ab->cplbndstrc;
                    for (bnd = 0; bnd < ab->ncplbnd; bnd++) {
                        cplcoexp = get_bits(gb, 4);
                        cplcomant = get_bits(gb, 4);
                        if (cplcoexp == 15)
                            cplcomant <<= 14;
                            cplcomant = (cplcomant | 0x10) << 13;
                        tmpco = ab->cplco[i][sbnd++] = cplcomant * scale_factors[cplcoexp + mstrcplco];
                        while (cplbndstrc & 1) {
                            ab->cplco[i][sbnd++] = tmpco;
                            cplbndstrc >>= 1;
                        cplbndstrc >>= 1;
        ab->phsflg = 0;
        if ((acmod == 0x02) && (*flags & AC3_AB_PHSFLGINU) && (ab->cplcoe & 1 || ab->cplcoe & (1 << 1))) {
            sbnd = ab->cplbegf;
            cplbndstrc = ab->cplbndstrc;
            for (bnd = 0; bnd < ab->ncplbnd; bnd++)
                if (get_bits1(gb)) {
                    ab->phsflg |= 1 << bnd;
                    ab->cplco[1][sbnd] = -ab->cplco[1][sbnd];
                    while (cplbndstrc & 1) {
                        ab->cplco[1][sbnd] = -ab->cplco[1][sbnd];
                        cplbndstrc >>= 1;
                    cplbndstrc >>= 1;
                } else {
                    while (cplbndstrc & 1) {
                        cplbndstrc >>= 1;
                    cplbndstrc >>= 1;
    ab->rematflg = 0;
    if (acmod == 0x02) /* rematrixing */
        if (get_bits1(gb)) {
            *flags |= AC3_AB_REMATSTR;
            if (!(ab->chincpl) || ab->cplbegf > 2)
                for (rbnd = 0; rbnd < 4; rbnd++)
                    ab->rematflg |= get_bits1(gb) << rbnd;
            if (ab->cplbegf > 0 && ab->cplbegf <= 2 && (ab->chincpl))
                for (rbnd = 0; rbnd < 3; rbnd++)
                    ab->rematflg |= get_bits1(gb) << rbnd;
            if (ab->cplbegf == 0 && (ab->chincpl))
                for (rbnd = 0; rbnd < 2; rbnd++)
                    ab->rematflg |= get_bits1(gb) << rbnd;
    ab->cplexpstr = AC3_EXPSTR_REUSE;
    ab->lfeexpstr = AC3_EXPSTR_REUSE;
    if (ab->chincpl) /* coupling exponent strategy */
        ab->cplexpstr = get_bits(gb, 2);
    for (i = 0; i < nfchans; i++) /* channel exponent strategy */
        ab->chexpstr[i] = get_bits(gb, 2);
    if (ctx->bsi.flags & AC3_BSI_LFEON) /* lfe exponent strategy */
        ab->lfeexpstr = get_bits1(gb);
    for (i = 0; i < nfchans; i++) /* channel bandwidth code */
        if (ab->chexpstr[i] != AC3_EXPSTR_REUSE) {
            if (((ab->chincpl) >> i) & 1)  {
                ab->endmant[i] = ab->cplstrtmant;
            else {
                ab->chbwcod[i] = get_bits(gb, 6);
                if (ab->chbwcod[i] > 60) {
                    av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "chbwcod = %d > 60", ab->chbwcod[i]);
                    return -1;
                ab->endmant[i] = ab->chbwcod[i] * 3 + 73;
    if (ab->cplexpstr != AC3_EXPSTR_REUSE) {/* coupling exponents */
        bit_alloc_flags |= 64;
        ab->cplabsexp = get_bits(gb, 4) << 1;
        ab->ncplgrps = (ab->cplendmant - ab->cplstrtmant) / (3 << (ab->cplexpstr - 1));
        if (decode_exponents(gb, ab->cplexpstr, ab->ncplgrps, ab->cplabsexp, ab->dcplexps + ab->cplstrtmant)) {
            av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "error decoding coupling exponents\n");
            return -1;
    for (i = 0; i < nfchans; i++) /* fbw channel exponents */
        if (ab->chexpstr[i] != AC3_EXPSTR_REUSE) {
            bit_alloc_flags |= 1 << i;
            grpsize = 3 << (ab->chexpstr[i] - 1);
            ab->nchgrps[i] = (ab->endmant[i] + grpsize - 4) / grpsize;
            dexps = ab->dexps[i];
            dexps[0] = get_bits(gb, 4);
            if (decode_exponents(gb, ab->chexpstr[i], ab->nchgrps[i], dexps[0], dexps + 1)) {
                av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "error decoding channel %d exponents\n", i);
                return -1;
            ab->gainrng[i] = get_bits(gb, 2);
    if (ab->lfeexpstr != AC3_EXPSTR_REUSE) { /* lfe exponents */
        bit_alloc_flags |= 32;
        ab->dlfeexps[0] = get_bits(gb, 4);
        if (decode_exponents(gb, ab->lfeexpstr, 2, ab->dlfeexps[0], ab->dlfeexps + 1)) {
            av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "error decoding lfe exponents\n");
            return -1;

    if (get_bits1(gb)) { /* bit allocation information */
        *flags |= AC3_AB_BAIE;
        bit_alloc_flags |= 127;
        ab->sdcycod = get_bits(gb, 2);
        ab->fdcycod = get_bits(gb, 2);
        ab->sgaincod = get_bits(gb, 2);
        ab->dbpbcod = get_bits(gb, 2);
        ab->floorcod = get_bits(gb, 3);
    if (get_bits1(gb)) { /* snroffset */
        *flags |= AC3_AB_SNROFFSTE;
        bit_alloc_flags |= 127;
        ab->csnroffst = get_bits(gb, 6);
        if (ab->chincpl) { /* couling fine snr offset and fast gain code */
            ab->cplfsnroffst = get_bits(gb, 4);
            ab->cplfgaincod = get_bits(gb, 3);
        for (i = 0; i < nfchans; i++) { /* channel fine snr offset and fast gain code */
            ab->fsnroffst[i] = get_bits(gb, 4);
            ab->fgaincod[i] = get_bits(gb, 3);
        if (ctx->bsi.flags & AC3_BSI_LFEON) { /* lfe fine snr offset and fast gain code */
            ab->lfefsnroffst = get_bits(gb, 4);
            ab->lfefgaincod = get_bits(gb, 3);
    if (ab->chincpl)
        if (get_bits1(gb)) { /* coupling leak information */
            bit_alloc_flags |= 64;
            *flags |= AC3_AB_CPLLEAKE;
            ab->cplfleak = get_bits(gb, 3);
            ab->cplsleak = get_bits(gb, 3);
    ab->cpldeltbae = AC3_DBASTR_RESERVED;
    for (i = 0; i < nfchans; i++)
        ab->deltbae[i] = AC3_DBASTR_RESERVED;
    if (get_bits1(gb)) { /* delta bit allocation information */
        *flags |= AC3_AB_DELTBAIE;
        bit_alloc_flags |= 127;
        if (ab->chincpl) {
            ab->cpldeltbae = get_bits(gb, 2);
            if (ab->cpldeltbae == AC3_DBASTR_RESERVED) {
                av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "coupling delta bit allocation strategy reserved\n");
                return -1;
        for (i = 0; i < nfchans; i++) {
            ab->deltbae[i] = get_bits(gb, 2);
            if (ab->deltbae[i] == AC3_DBASTR_RESERVED) {
                av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "delta bit allocation strategy reserved\n");
                return -1;
        if (ab->chincpl)
            if (ab->cpldeltbae == AC3_DBASTR_NEW) { /*coupling delta offset, len and bit allocation */
                ab->cpldeltnseg = get_bits(gb, 3);
                for (seg = 0; seg <= ab->cpldeltnseg; seg++) {
                    ab->cpldeltoffst[seg] = get_bits(gb, 5);
                    ab->cpldeltlen[seg] = get_bits(gb, 4);
                    ab->cpldeltba[seg] = get_bits(gb, 3);
        for (i = 0; i < nfchans; i++)
            if (ab->deltbae[i] == AC3_DBASTR_NEW) {/*channel delta offset, len and bit allocation */
                ab->deltnseg[i] = get_bits(gb, 3);
                for (seg = 0; seg <= ab->deltnseg[i]; seg++) {
                    ab->deltoffst[i][seg] = get_bits(gb, 5);
                    ab->deltlen[i][seg] = get_bits(gb, 4);
                    ab->deltba[i][seg] = get_bits(gb, 3);

    do_bit_allocation (ctx, bit_alloc_flags); /* perform the bit allocation */
    if (get_bits1(gb)) { /* unused dummy data */
        *flags |= AC3_AB_SKIPLE;
        ab->skipl = get_bits(gb, 9);
            skip_bits(gb, 8);
    /* unpack the transform coefficients
     * * this also uncouples channels if coupling is in use.
    if (get_transform_coeffs(ctx)) {
        av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Error in routine get_transform_coeffs\n");
        return -1;
    /*for (i = 0; i < nfchans; i++)
        dump_floats("channel transform coefficients", 10, ab->transform_coeffs[i + 1], BLOCK_SIZE);*/

    /* recover coefficients if rematrixing is in use */
    if (*flags & AC3_AB_REMATSTR)

    for(i = 0; i < nfchans; i++)
        dump_floats("channel output", 10, ab->output[i + 1], BLOCK_SIZE);


    return 0;

/* from FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Library */
#define NORMFACT    (float)0x8000
#define MAXSAMPLE   (float)0x7fff

static inline int16_t convert(float f)
    short s;
    f = f * NORMFACT;
    if (f >= 0)
        s = (short)(f + 0.5);
        s = (short)(f - 0.5);
    if ((float)s > MAXSAMPLE)
        s = (float)MAXSAMPLE;
    if (s < (short) -MAXSAMPLE)
        s = (short) -MAXSAMPLE;

    return s;

static int ac3_decode_frame(AVCodecContext * avctx, void *data, int *data_size, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size)
    AC3DecodeContext *ctx = (AC3DecodeContext *)avctx->priv_data;
    ac3_audio_block *ab = &ctx->audio_block;
    int frame_start;
    int16_t *out_samples = (int16_t *)data;
    int i, j, k, value;

    //Synchronize the frame.
    frame_start = ac3_synchronize(buf, buf_size);
    if (frame_start == -1) {
        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "frame is not synchronized\n");
        *data_size = 0;
        return buf_size;

    //Initialize the GetBitContext with the start of valid AC3 Frame.
    init_get_bits(&(ctx->gb), buf + frame_start, (buf_size - frame_start) * 8);

    //Parse the syncinfo.
    //If 'fscod' or 'bsid' is not valid the decoder shall mute as per the standard.
    if (!ac3_parse_sync_info(ctx)) {
        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "\n");
        *data_size = 0;
        return buf_size;

    //Check for the errors.
    /* if (ac3_error_check(ctx)) {
        *data_size = 0;
        return -1;
    } */

    //Parse the BSI.
    //If 'bsid' is not valid decoder shall not decode the audio as per the standard.

    avctx->sample_rate = ctx->sync_info.sampling_rate;
    avctx->bit_rate = ctx->sync_info.bit_rate;
    if (avctx->channels == 0) {
        ctx->output |= AC3_OUTPUT_UNMODIFIED;
        avctx->channels = ctx->bsi.nfchans;
    } else if ((ctx->bsi.nfchans + ((ctx->bsi.flags & AC3_BSI_LFEON) ? 1 : 0)) < avctx->channels) {
        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_INFO, "ac3_decoder: AC3 Source Channels Are Less Then Specified %d: Output to %d Channels\n",
                avctx->channels, (ctx->bsi.nfchans + ((ctx->bsi.flags & AC3_BSI_LFEON) ? 1 : 0)));
        avctx->channels = ctx->bsi.nfchans;
        ctx->output |= AC3_OUTPUT_UNMODIFIED;
    } else if (avctx->channels == 1) {
        ctx->output |= AC3_OUTPUT_MONO;
    } else if (avctx->channels == 2) {
        if (ctx->bsi.dsurmod == 0x02)
            ctx->output |= AC3_OUTPUT_DOLBY;
            ctx->output |= AC3_OUTPUT_STEREO;
    if (ctx->bsi.flags & AC3_BSI_LFEON) {
        ctx->output |= AC3_OUTPUT_LFEON;

    av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_INFO, "channels = %d \t bit rate = %d \t sampling rate = %d \n", avctx->channels, avctx->bit_rate * 1000, avctx->sample_rate);

    //Parse the Audio Blocks.
    for (i = 0; i < AUDIO_BLOCKS; i++) {
        if (ac3_parse_audio_block(ctx, i)) {
            av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "error parsing the audio block\n");
            *data_size = 0;
            return ctx->sync_info.framesize;
        j = ((ctx->output & AC3_OUTPUT_LFEON) ? 0 : 1);
        for (;j < avctx->channels; j++) {
            for(k = 0; k < BLOCK_SIZE; k++) {
                value = convert(ab->output[j][k]);
                *(out_samples++) = value;
    *data_size = AUDIO_BLOCKS * BLOCK_SIZE * avctx->channels * sizeof (int16_t);
    return ctx->sync_info.framesize;

static int ac3_decode_end(AVCodecContext *ctx)
    return 0;

AVCodec lgpl_ac3_decoder = {
    sizeof (AC3DecodeContext),