Mercurial > libavformat.hg
do not fail av_find_stream_info() if params for all streams could not be found libavformatThu, 29 Jun 2006 19:02:15 +0000, by mru
detect MPEG PES streams as MPEG PS; the PS demuxer will cope libavformatWed, 28 Jun 2006 21:40:08 +0000, by mru
dont read over the end of a data chunk and at the end search for the next libavformatWed, 28 Jun 2006 10:51:56 +0000, by michael
cleanup patch from Diego Petten <> libavformatSun, 25 Jun 2006 17:37:12 +0000, by lu_zero
Remove unused variable, patch by Stefan Huehner stefan__at__huehner__dot__org. libavformatTue, 20 Jun 2006 22:19:11 +0000, by diego
allow packets with non-zero PES_scrambling_control libavformatMon, 19 Jun 2006 22:20:38 +0000, by mru
Add const to (mostly) char* and make some functions static, which aren't used libavformatSun, 18 Jun 2006 11:33:14 +0000, by diego
Add (mostly) const to variable and parameter declaration, where a char* was libavformatSat, 17 Jun 2006 15:53:23 +0000, by diego
use standard codec tag if the specified tag is out of range and would be libavformatFri, 16 Jun 2006 20:45:29 +0000, by mru
Fix compilation with all combinations of --disable-(de)muxers. libavformatFri, 16 Jun 2006 10:06:57 +0000, by diego
simplify, completely ignore streams not recognized, that fixes seeking for some files libavformatMon, 12 Jun 2006 13:09:19 +0000, by bcoudurier
read_packet return value must be < 0 when no packet is returned, including EOF. libavformatSun, 11 Jun 2006 10:09:33 +0000, by reimar
rm_read_audio_stream_info return type is not void libavformatSun, 04 Jun 2006 21:01:02 +0000, by rtogni
Support for AAC (fourcc raac and racp) in rm files libavformatSun, 04 Jun 2006 17:26:58 +0000, by rtogni
Remove all .cvsignore files, they are no longer necessary. libavformatFri, 26 May 2006 15:37:11 +0000, by diego
fixing title on PSP (0x60 != 'a') someone needs a 10x10km ascii table ... libavformatFri, 19 May 2006 01:53:59 +0000, by michael
dont store mov style meta tags in mp4 (fixes ffmpeg -title + gtkpod) libavformatThu, 18 May 2006 23:32:42 +0000, by michael
dont write LAVF_ID if bitexact and any meta tag is set libavformatThu, 18 May 2006 23:03:16 +0000, by michael
fix seeking, typo provoking hard segfault libavformatThu, 18 May 2006 15:18:25 +0000, by bcoudurier
fix keyframe check, stss might be there but count set to 0 libavformatThu, 18 May 2006 15:17:09 +0000, by bcoudurier
Now MPlayer should understand Smacker audio and video codecs. libavformatWed, 17 May 2006 03:03:53 +0000, by kostya
add quicktime uncompressed 8bit 4:2:2 support libavformatSun, 14 May 2006 14:21:06 +0000, by bcoudurier