1 // .asf fileformat docs from http://divx.euro.ru
3 typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) {
4 unsigned char guid[16];
5 unsigned long long size;
6 } ASF_obj_header_t;
8 typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) {
9 ASF_obj_header_t objh;
10 unsigned int cno; // number of subchunks
11 unsigned char v1; // unknown (0x01)
12 unsigned char v2; // unknown (0x02)
13 } ASF_header_t;
15 typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) {
16 unsigned char client[16]; // Client GUID
17 unsigned long long file_size;
18 unsigned long long creat_time; //File creation time FILETIME 8
19 unsigned long long packets; //Number of packets UINT64 8
20 unsigned long long end_timestamp; //Timestamp of the end position UINT64 8
21 unsigned long long duration; //Duration of the playback UINT64 8
22 unsigned long start_timestamp; //Timestamp of the start position UINT32 4
23 unsigned long unk1; //Unknown, maybe reserved ( usually contains 0 ) UINT32 4
24 unsigned long flags; //Unknown, maybe flags ( usually contains 2 ) UINT32 4
25 unsigned long packetsize; //Size of packet, in bytes UINT32 4
26 unsigned long packetsize2; //Size of packet ( confirm ) UINT32 4
27 unsigned long frame_size; //Size of uncompressed video frame UINT32 4
28 } ASF_file_header_t;
30 typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) {
31 unsigned char type[16]; // Stream type (audio/video) GUID 16
32 unsigned char concealment[16]; // Audio error concealment type GUID 16
33 unsigned long long unk1; // Unknown, maybe reserved ( usually contains 0 ) UINT64 8
34 unsigned long type_size; //Total size of type-specific data UINT32 4
35 unsigned long stream_size; //Size of stream-specific data UINT32 4
36 unsigned short stream_no; //Stream number UINT16 2
37 unsigned long unk2; //Unknown UINT32 4
38 } ASF_stream_header_t;
41 ASF_header_t asfh;
42 ASF_obj_header_t objh;
43 ASF_file_header_t fileh;
44 ASF_stream_header_t streamh;
45 unsigned char* asf_packet=NULL;
46 //int asf_video_id=-1;
47 int asf_scrambling_h=1;
48 int asf_scrambling_w=1;
49 int asf_scrambling_b=1;
51 int i;
53 void asf_descrambling(unsigned char *src,int len){
54 unsigned char *dst=malloc(len);
55 unsigned char *s2=src;
56 int i=0,x,y;
57 while(len-i>=asf_scrambling_h*asf_scrambling_w*asf_scrambling_b){
58 // printf("descrambling! (w=%d b=%d)\n",w,asf_scrambling_b);
59 //i+=asf_scrambling_h*asf_scrambling_w;
60 for(x=0;x<asf_scrambling_w;x++)
61 for(y=0;y<asf_scrambling_h;y++){
62 memcpy(dst+i,s2+(y*asf_scrambling_w+x)*asf_scrambling_b,asf_scrambling_b);
63 i+=asf_scrambling_b;
64 }
65 s2+=asf_scrambling_h*asf_scrambling_w*asf_scrambling_b;
66 }
67 //if(i<len) memcpy(dst+i,src+i,len-i);
68 memcpy(src,dst,i);
69 free(dst);
70 }
72 char* asf_chunk_type(unsigned char* guid){
73 switch(*((unsigned int*)guid)){
74 case 0xF8699E40: return "guid_audio_stream";
75 case 0xBC19EFC0: return "guid_video_stream";
76 case 0x49f1a440: return "guid_audio_conceal_none";
77 case 0xbfc3cd50: return "guid_audio_conceal_interleave";
78 case 0x75B22630: return "guid_header";
79 case 0x75b22636: return "guid_data_chunk";
80 case 0x33000890: return "guid_index_chunk";
81 case 0xB7DC0791: return "guid_stream_header";
82 case 0xD6E229D1: return "guid_header_2_0";
83 case 0x8CABDCA1: return "guid_file_header";
84 }
85 return NULL;
86 }
88 int asf_check_header(){
89 unsigned char asfhdrguid[16]={0x30,0x26,0xB2,0x75,0x8E,0x66,0xCF,0x11,0xA6,0xD9,0x00,0xAA,0x00,0x62,0xCE,0x6C};
90 int i;
91 stream_read(demuxer->stream,(char*) &asfh,sizeof(asfh)); // header obj
92 // for(i=0;i<16;i++) printf(" %02X",temp[i]);printf("\n");
93 // for(i=0;i<16;i++) printf(" %02X",asfhdrguid[i]);printf("\n");
94 if(memcmp(asfhdrguid,asfh.objh.guid,16)){
95 if(verbose) printf("ASF_check: not ASF guid!\n");
96 return 0; // not ASF guid
97 }
98 if(asfh.cno>256){
99 if(verbose) printf("ASF_check: invalid subchunks_no %d\n",(int) asfh.cno);
100 return 0; // invalid header???
101 }
102 return 1;
103 }
105 int read_asf_header(){
106 unsigned char buffer[512];
108 #if 1
109 printf("ASF file! (subchunks: %d)\n",asfh.cno);
110 while(!stream_eof(demuxer->stream)){
111 int pos,endpos;
112 pos=stream_tell(demuxer->stream);
113 stream_read(demuxer->stream,(char*) &objh,sizeof(objh));
114 if(stream_eof(demuxer->stream)) break; // EOF
115 endpos=pos+objh.size;
116 // for(i=0;i<16;i++) printf("%02X ",objh.guid[i]);
117 printf("0x%08X [%s] %d\n",pos, asf_chunk_type(objh.guid),(int) objh.size);
118 switch(*((unsigned int*)&objh.guid)){
119 case 0xB7DC0791: // guid_stream_header
120 stream_read(demuxer->stream,(char*) &streamh,sizeof(streamh));
121 printf("stream type: %s\n",asf_chunk_type(streamh.type));
122 printf("stream concealment: %s\n",asf_chunk_type(streamh.concealment));
123 printf("type: %d bytes, stream: %d bytes ID: %d\n",(int)streamh.type_size,(int)streamh.stream_size,(int)streamh.stream_no);
124 printf("unk1: %lX unk2: %X\n",streamh.unk1,streamh.unk2);
125 printf("FILEPOS=0x%X\n",stream_tell(demuxer->stream));
126 // type-specific data:
127 stream_read(demuxer->stream,(char*) buffer,streamh.type_size);
128 switch(*((unsigned int*)&streamh.type)){
129 case 0xF8699E40: // guid_audio_stream
130 memcpy(avi_header.wf_ext,buffer,streamh.type_size<64?streamh.type_size:64);
131 if(verbose>=1) print_wave_header((WAVEFORMATEX*)buffer);
132 if((*((unsigned int*)&streamh.concealment))==0xbfc3cd50){
133 stream_read(demuxer->stream,(char*) buffer,streamh.stream_size);
134 asf_scrambling_h=buffer[0];
135 asf_scrambling_w=(buffer[2]<<8)|buffer[1];
136 asf_scrambling_b=(buffer[4]<<8)|buffer[3];
137 asf_scrambling_w/=asf_scrambling_b;
138 } else {
139 asf_scrambling_b=asf_scrambling_h=asf_scrambling_w=1;
140 }
141 printf("ASF audio scrambling: %d x %d x %d\n",asf_scrambling_h,asf_scrambling_w,asf_scrambling_b);
142 if(demuxer->audio->id==-1) demuxer->audio->id=streamh.stream_no & 0x7F;
143 break;
144 case 0xBC19EFC0: // guid_video_stream
145 memcpy(&avi_header.bih,&buffer[4+4+1+2],sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
146 if(verbose>=1) print_video_header((BITMAPINFOHEADER*)&buffer[4+4+1+2]);
147 //asf_video_id=streamh.stream_no & 0x7F;
148 if(demuxer->video->id==-1) demuxer->video->id=streamh.stream_no & 0x7F;
149 break;
150 }
151 // stream-specific data:
152 // stream_read(demuxer->stream,(char*) buffer,streamh.stream_size);
153 break;
154 // case 0xD6E229D1: return "guid_header_2_0";
155 case 0x8CABDCA1: // guid_file_header
156 stream_read(demuxer->stream,(char*) &fileh,sizeof(fileh));
157 printf("packets: %d flags: %d pack_size: %d frame_size: %d\n",(int)fileh.packets,(int)fileh.flags,(int)fileh.packetsize,(int)fileh.frame_size);
158 asf_packet=malloc(fileh.packetsize); // !!!
159 break;
160 case 0x75b22636: // guid_data_chunk
161 avi_header.movi_start=stream_tell(demuxer->stream)+26;
162 avi_header.movi_end=endpos;
163 if(verbose>=1) printf("Found movie at 0x%X - 0x%X\n",avi_header.movi_start,avi_header.movi_end);
164 break;
166 // case 0x33000890: return "guid_index_chunk";
168 } // switch GUID
169 if(!stream_seek(demuxer->stream,endpos)) break;
170 } // while EOF
172 #if 0
173 if(verbose){
174 printf("ASF duration: %d\n",(int)fileh.duration);
175 printf("ASF start pts: %d\n",(int)fileh.start_timestamp);
176 printf("ASF end pts: %d\n",(int)fileh.end_timestamp);
177 }
178 #endif
180 #endif
181 return 1;
182 }