1 /***********************************************************
3 Win32 emulation code. Functions that emulate
4 responses from corresponding Win32 API calls.
5 Since we are not going to be able to load
6 virtually any DLL, we can only implement this
7 much, adding needed functions with each new codec.
9 ************************************************************/
11 #include <config.h>
13 #include "win32.h"
14 #include <stdio.h>
15 #include <pthread.h>
16 #ifdef HAVE_MALLOC_H
17 #include <malloc.h>
18 #else
19 #include <stdlib.h>
20 #endif
21 #include <time.h>
22 #include <sys/types.h>
23 #include <sys/time.h>
24 #include <sys/timeb.h>
26 #include <wine/winbase.h>
27 #include <wine/winreg.h>
28 #include <wine/winnt.h>
29 #include <wine/winerror.h>
30 #include <wine/debugtools.h>
31 #include <wine/module.h>
33 #include <registry.h>
34 #include <loader.h>
35 #ifdef USE_TSC
36 static unsigned int localcount()
37 {
38 int a;
39 __asm__ __volatile__("rdtsc\n\t"
40 :"=a"(a)
41 :
42 :"edx");
43 return a;
44 }
45 static void longcount(long long* z)
46 {
47 __asm__ __volatile__(
48 "pushl %%ebx\n\t"
49 "movl %%eax, %%ebx\n\t"
50 "rdtsc\n\t"
51 "movl %%eax, 0(%%ebx)\n\t"
52 "movl %%edx, 4(%%ebx)\n\t"
53 "popl %%ebx\n\t"
54 ::"a"(z));
55 }
56 #else
57 #include <sys/time.h>
58 #include <unistd.h>
59 static unsigned int localcount()
60 {
61 struct timeval tv;
62 unsigned limit=~0;
63 limit/=1000000;
64 gettimeofday(&tv, 0);
65 return limit*tv.tv_usec;
66 }
67 static void longcount(long long* z)
68 {
69 struct timeval tv;
70 unsigned long long result;
71 unsigned limit=~0;
72 if(!z)return;
73 limit/=1000000;
74 gettimeofday(&tv, 0);
75 result=tv.tv_sec;
76 result<<=32;
77 result+=limit*tv.tv_usec;
78 *z=result;
79 }
80 #endif
82 void dbgprintf(char* fmt, ...)
83 {
84 #ifdef DETAILED_OUT
85 #if 1
86 va_list va;
87 va_start(va, fmt);
88 vprintf(fmt, va);
89 va_end(va);
90 #else
91 va_list va;
92 FILE* f;
93 va_start(va, fmt);
94 f=fopen("./log", "a");
95 if(f==0)return;
96 vfprintf(f, fmt, va);
97 fsync(f);
98 fclose(f);
99 #endif
100 #endif
101 }
102 char export_names[500][30]={
103 "name1",
104 //"name2",
105 //"name3"
106 };
107 //#define min(x,y) ((x)<(y)?(x):(y))
109 static unsigned char* heap=NULL;
110 static int heap_counter=0;
111 void test_heap()
112 {
113 int offset=0;
114 if(heap==0)
115 return;
116 while(offset<heap_counter)
117 {
118 if(*(int*)(heap+offset)!=0x433476)
119 {
120 printf("Heap corruption at address %d\n", offset);
121 return;
122 }
123 offset+=8+*(int*)(heap+offset+4);
124 }
125 for(;offset<min(offset+1000, 20000000); offset++)
126 if(heap[offset]!=0xCC)
127 {
128 printf("Free heap corruption at address %d\n", offset);
129 }
130 }
131 #undef MEMORY_DEBUG
133 #ifdef MEMORY_DEBUG
135 void* my_mreq(int size, int to_zero)
136 {
137 static int test=0;
138 test++;
139 if(test%10==0)printf("Memory: %d bytes allocated\n", heap_counter);
140 // test_heap();
141 if(heap==NULL)
142 {
143 heap=malloc(20000000);
144 memset(heap, 0xCC,20000000);
145 }
146 if(heap==0)
147 {
148 printf("No enough memory\n");
149 return 0;
150 }
151 if(heap_counter+size>20000000)
152 {
153 printf("No enough memory\n");
154 return 0;
155 }
156 *(int*)(heap+heap_counter)=0x433476;
157 heap_counter+=4;
158 *(int*)(heap+heap_counter)=size;
159 heap_counter+=4;
160 printf("Allocated %d bytes of memory: sys %d, user %d-%d\n", size, heap_counter-8, heap_counter, heap_counter+size);
161 if(to_zero)
162 memset(heap+heap_counter, 0, size);
163 heap_counter+=size;
164 return heap+heap_counter-size;
165 }
166 int my_release(char* memory)
167 {
168 // test_heap();
169 if(memory==NULL)
170 {
171 printf("ERROR: free(0)\n");
172 return 0;
173 }
174 if(*(int*)(memory-8)!=0x433476)
175 {
176 printf("MEMORY CORRUPTION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n");
177 return 0;
178 }
179 printf("Freed %d bytes of memory\n", *(int*)(memory-4));
180 // memset(memory-8, *(int*)(memory-4), 0xCC);
181 return 0;
182 }
184 #else
185 void* my_mreq(int size, int to_zero)
186 {
187 void* answer;
188 if(to_zero)
189 answer=calloc(size+4, 1);
190 else
191 answer=malloc(size+4);
192 *(int*)answer=size;
193 return (int*)answer+1;
194 }
195 int my_release(char* memory)
196 {
197 if(memory==0)return 0;
198 free(memory-4);
199 return 0;
200 }
201 #endif
202 int my_size(char* memory)
203 {
204 return *(int*)(memory-4);
205 }
207 extern int unk_exp1;
208 char extcode[20000];// place for 200 unresolved exports
209 int pos=0;
211 int WINAPI ext_unknown()
212 {
213 printf("Unknown func called\n");
214 return 0;
215 }
216 int WINAPI expIsBadWritePtr(void* ptr, unsigned int count)
217 {
218 dbgprintf("IsBadWritePtr(%x, %x)\n", ptr, count);
219 if(count==0)
220 return 0;
221 if(ptr==0)
222 return 1;
223 return 0;
224 }
225 int WINAPI expIsBadReadPtr(void* ptr, unsigned int count)
226 {
227 dbgprintf("IsBadReadPtr(%x, %x)\n", ptr, count);
228 if(count==0)
229 return 0;
230 if(ptr==0)
231 return 1;
232 return 0;
233 }
234 void* CDECL expmalloc(int size)
235 {
236 //printf("malloc");
237 // return malloc(size);
238 void* result=my_mreq(size,0);
239 dbgprintf("malloc(%x)\n", size);
240 if(result==0)
241 {
242 dbgprintf("returns 0\n");
243 printf("WARNING: malloc() failed\n");
244 }
245 return result;
246 }
247 void CDECL expfree(void* mem)
248 {
249 // return free(mem);
250 dbgprintf("free(%x)\n", mem);
251 my_release(mem);
252 }
253 void* CDECL expnew(int size)
254 {
255 // printf("NEW:: Call from address %08x\n STACK DUMP:\n", *(-1+(int*)&size));
256 // printf("%08x %08x %08x %08x\n",
257 // size, *(1+(int*)&size),
258 // *(2+(int*)&size),*(3+(int*)&size));
259 void* result=expmalloc(size);
260 dbgprintf("new(%x)\n", size);
261 if(result==0)
262 {
263 dbgprintf("returns 0\n");
264 printf("WARNING: malloc() failed\n");
265 }
266 return result;
268 }
269 int CDECL expdelete(void* memory)
270 {
271 dbgprintf("delete(%x)\n", memory);
272 expfree(memory);
273 return 0;
274 }
275 int WINAPI expDisableThreadLibraryCalls(int module)
276 {
277 dbgprintf("DisableThreadLibraryCalls(%x)\n", module);
278 return 0;
279 }
280 int CDECL exp_initterm(int v1, int v2)
281 {
282 return 0;
283 }
285 typedef struct {
286 unsigned int uDriverSignature;
287 void* hDriverModule;
288 void* DriverProc;
289 unsigned int dwDriverID;
290 } DRVR;
292 void* WINAPI expGetDriverModuleHandle(DRVR* pdrv)
293 {
294 dbgprintf("GetDriverModuleHandle(%x)\n", pdrv);
295 return pdrv->hDriverModule;
296 }
298 void* WINAPI expGetModuleHandleA(const char* name)
299 {
300 WINE_MODREF* wm;
301 dbgprintf("GetModuleHandleA(%s)\n", name);
302 if(!name)return 0;
303 wm=MODULE_FindModule(name);
304 if(wm==0)return 0;
305 return (void*)(wm->module);
306 }
307 struct th_list_t;
308 typedef struct th_list_t{
309 int id;
310 void* thread;
311 struct th_list_t* next;
312 struct th_list_t* prev;
313 }th_list;
315 static th_list* list=NULL;
319 void* WINAPI expCreateThread(void* pSecAttr, long dwStackSize, void* lpStartAddress,
320 void* lpParameter, long dwFlags, long* dwThreadId)
321 {
322 pthread_t *pth;
323 // printf("CreateThread:");
324 pth=my_mreq(sizeof(pthread_t), 0);
325 dbgprintf("pthread_create\n");
326 pthread_create(pth, NULL, (void*(*)(void*))lpStartAddress, lpParameter);
327 if(dwFlags)
328 dbgprintf( "WARNING: CreateThread flags not supported\n");
329 if(dwThreadId)
330 *dwThreadId=(long)pth;
331 dbgprintf( "Created thread %08X\n", pth);
332 if(list==NULL)
333 {
334 list=my_mreq(sizeof(th_list), 1);
335 list->next=list->prev=NULL;
336 }
337 else
338 {
339 list->next=my_mreq(sizeof(th_list), 0);
340 list->next->prev=list;
341 list->next->next=NULL;
342 list=list->next;
343 }
344 list->thread=pth;
345 return pth;
346 }
348 struct mutex_list_t;
350 struct mutex_list_t
351 {
352 pthread_mutex_t *pm;
353 char name[64];
354 struct mutex_list_t* next;
355 struct mutex_list_t* prev;
356 };
357 typedef struct mutex_list_t mutex_list;
358 static mutex_list* mlist=NULL;
359 void* WINAPI expCreateEventA(void* pSecAttr, char bManualReset,
360 char bInitialState, const char* name)
361 {
362 #warning ManualReset
363 pthread_mutex_t *pm;
364 dbgprintf("CreateEvent\n");
365 if(mlist!=NULL)
366 {
367 mutex_list* pp=mlist;
368 if(name!=NULL)
369 do
370 {
371 if(strcmp(pp->name, name)==0)
372 return pp->pm;
373 }while(pp=pp->prev);
374 }
375 pm=my_mreq(sizeof(pthread_mutex_t), 0);
376 pthread_mutex_init(pm, NULL);
377 if(mlist==NULL)
378 {
379 mlist=my_mreq(sizeof(mutex_list), 00);
380 mlist->next=mlist->prev=NULL;
381 }
382 else
383 {
384 mlist->next=my_mreq(sizeof(mutex_list), 00);
385 mlist->next->prev=mlist->next;
386 mlist->next->next=NULL;
387 mlist=mlist->next;
388 }
389 mlist->pm=pm;
390 if(name!=NULL)
391 strncpy(mlist->name, name, 64);
392 else
393 mlist->name[0]=0;
394 if(pm==NULL)
395 dbgprintf("ERROR::: CreateEventA failure\n");
396 if(bInitialState)
397 pthread_mutex_lock(pm);
398 return pm;
399 }
401 void* WINAPI expSetEvent(void* event)
402 {
403 dbgprintf("Trying to lock %X\n", event);
404 pthread_mutex_lock(event);
405 }
406 void* WINAPI expResetEvent(void* event)
407 {
408 dbgprintf("Unlocking %X\n", event);
409 pthread_mutex_unlock(event);
410 }
412 void* WINAPI expWaitForSingleObject(void* object, int duration)
413 {
414 #warning not sure
415 dbgprintf("WaitForSingleObject: duration %d\n", duration);
416 pthread_mutex_lock(object);
417 pthread_mutex_unlock(object);
418 }
420 static BYTE PF[64] = {0,};
422 void WINAPI expGetSystemInfo(SYSTEM_INFO* si)
423 {
424 /* FIXME: better values for the two entries below... */
425 static int cache = 0;
426 static SYSTEM_INFO cachedsi;
427 HKEY xhkey=0,hkey;
428 dbgprintf("GetSystemInfo()\n");
430 if (cache) {
431 memcpy(si,&cachedsi,sizeof(*si));
432 return;
433 }
434 memset(PF,0,sizeof(PF));
436 cachedsi.u.s.wProcessorArchitecture = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL;
437 cachedsi.dwPageSize = getpagesize();
439 /* FIXME: better values for the two entries below... */
440 cachedsi.lpMinimumApplicationAddress = (void *)0x40000000;
441 cachedsi.lpMaximumApplicationAddress = (void *)0x7FFFFFFF;
442 cachedsi.dwActiveProcessorMask = 1;
443 cachedsi.dwNumberOfProcessors = 1;
444 cachedsi.dwProcessorType = PROCESSOR_INTEL_386;
445 cachedsi.dwAllocationGranularity = 0x10000;
446 cachedsi.wProcessorLevel = 3; /* pentium */
447 cachedsi.wProcessorRevision = 0;
449 #ifdef __FreeBSD__
450 cachedsi.dwProcessorType = PROCESSOR_INTEL_PENTIUM;
451 cachedsi.wProcessorLevel= 5;
453 #ifdef MMX
455 #endif
456 cachedsi.dwNumberOfProcessors=1;
457 #else
458 {
459 char buf[20];
460 char line[200];
461 FILE *f = fopen ("/proc/cpuinfo", "r");
463 if (!f)
464 return;
465 xhkey = 0;
466 while (fgets(line,200,f)!=NULL) {
467 char *s,*value;
469 /* NOTE: the ':' is the only character we can rely on */
470 if (!(value = strchr(line,':')))
471 continue;
472 /* terminate the valuename */
473 *value++ = '\0';
474 /* skip any leading spaces */
475 while (*value==' ') value++;
476 if ((s=strchr(value,'\n')))
477 *s='\0';
479 /* 2.1 method */
480 if (!lstrncmpiA(line, "cpu family",strlen("cpu family"))) {
481 if (isdigit (value[0])) {
482 switch (value[0] - '0') {
483 case 3: cachedsi.dwProcessorType = PROCESSOR_INTEL_386;
484 cachedsi.wProcessorLevel= 3;
485 break;
486 case 4: cachedsi.dwProcessorType = PROCESSOR_INTEL_486;
487 cachedsi.wProcessorLevel= 4;
488 break;
489 case 5: cachedsi.dwProcessorType = PROCESSOR_INTEL_PENTIUM;
490 cachedsi.wProcessorLevel= 5;
491 break;
492 case 6: cachedsi.dwProcessorType = PROCESSOR_INTEL_PENTIUM;
493 cachedsi.wProcessorLevel= 5;
494 break;
495 default:cachedsi.dwProcessorType = PROCESSOR_INTEL_PENTIUM;
496 cachedsi.wProcessorLevel= 5;
497 break;
498 }
499 }
500 /* set the CPU type of the current processor */
501 sprintf(buf,"CPU %ld",cachedsi.dwProcessorType);
502 continue;
503 }
504 /* old 2.0 method */
505 if (!lstrncmpiA(line, "cpu",strlen("cpu"))) {
506 if ( isdigit (value[0]) && value[1] == '8' &&
507 value[2] == '6' && value[3] == 0
508 ) {
509 switch (value[0] - '0') {
510 case 3: cachedsi.dwProcessorType = PROCESSOR_INTEL_386;
511 cachedsi.wProcessorLevel= 3;
512 break;
513 case 4: cachedsi.dwProcessorType = PROCESSOR_INTEL_486;
514 cachedsi.wProcessorLevel= 4;
515 break;
516 case 5: cachedsi.dwProcessorType = PROCESSOR_INTEL_PENTIUM;
517 cachedsi.wProcessorLevel= 5;
518 break;
519 case 6: cachedsi.dwProcessorType = PROCESSOR_INTEL_PENTIUM;
520 cachedsi.wProcessorLevel= 5;
521 break;
522 default:cachedsi.dwProcessorType = PROCESSOR_INTEL_PENTIUM;
523 cachedsi.wProcessorLevel= 5;
524 break;
525 }
526 }
527 /* set the CPU type of the current processor */
528 sprintf(buf,"CPU %ld",cachedsi.dwProcessorType);
529 continue;
530 }
531 if (!lstrncmpiA(line,"fdiv_bug",strlen("fdiv_bug"))) {
532 if (!lstrncmpiA(value,"yes",3))
535 continue;
536 }
537 if (!lstrncmpiA(line,"fpu",strlen("fpu"))) {
538 if (!lstrncmpiA(value,"no",2))
541 continue;
542 }
543 if (!lstrncmpiA(line,"processor",strlen("processor"))) {
544 /* processor number counts up...*/
545 int x;
547 if (sscanf(value,"%d",&x))
548 if (x+1>cachedsi.dwNumberOfProcessors)
549 cachedsi.dwNumberOfProcessors=x+1;
551 /* Create a new processor subkey on a multiprocessor
552 * system
553 */
554 sprintf(buf,"%d",x);
555 }
556 if (!lstrncmpiA(line,"stepping",strlen("stepping"))) {
557 int x;
559 if (sscanf(value,"%d",&x))
560 cachedsi.wProcessorRevision = x;
561 }
562 if ( (!lstrncmpiA(line,"flags",strlen("flags"))) ||
563 (!lstrncmpiA(line,"features",strlen("features"))) ) {
564 if (strstr(value,"cx8"))
566 if (strstr(value,"mmx"))
569 }
570 }
571 fclose (f);
572 }
573 #endif /* __FreeBSD__ */
574 memcpy(si,&cachedsi,sizeof(*si));
575 }
577 long WINAPI expGetVersion()
578 {
579 return 0xC0000A04;//Windows 98
580 }
582 HANDLE WINAPI expHeapCreate(long flags, long init_size, long max_size)
583 {
584 // printf("HeapCreate:");
585 dbgprintf("HeapCreate(%X, %X, %X)\n", flags, init_size, max_size);
586 if(init_size==0)
587 return (HANDLE)my_mreq(0x110000, 0);
588 else
589 return (HANDLE)my_mreq(init_size, 0);
590 }
591 void* WINAPI expHeapAlloc(HANDLE heap, int flags, int size)
592 {
593 void* z;
594 dbgprintf("HeapAlloc(%X, %X, %X)\n", heap, flags, size);
595 // printf("HeapAlloc:");
596 z=my_mreq(size, flags&8);
597 // z=HeapAlloc(heap,flags,size);
598 if(z==0)
599 printf("HeapAlloc failure\n");
600 return z;
601 }
602 long WINAPI expHeapDestroy(void* heap)
603 {
604 dbgprintf("HeapDestroy(%X)\n", heap);
605 my_release(heap);
606 return 1;
607 }
609 long WINAPI expHeapFree(int arg1, int arg2, void* ptr)
610 {
611 dbgprintf("HeapFree(%X, %X, %X)\n", arg1, arg2, ptr);
612 my_release(ptr);
613 return 1;
614 }
615 long WINAPI expHeapSize(int heap, int flags, void* pointer)
616 {
617 return my_size(pointer);
618 }
619 long WINAPI expGetProcessHeap(void)
620 {
621 return 1;
622 }
623 void* WINAPI expVirtualAlloc(void* v1, long v2, long v3, long v4)
624 {
625 void* z;
626 dbgprintf("VirtualAlloc(%d %d %d %d) \n",v1,v2,v3,v4);
627 z=VirtualAlloc(v1, v2, v3, v4);
628 if(z==0)
629 printf("VirtualAlloc failure\n");
630 return z;
631 }
632 int WINAPI expVirtualFree(void* v1, int v2, int v3)
633 {
634 dbgprintf("VirtualFree(%X %X %X) \n",v1,v2,v3);
635 return VirtualFree(v1,v2,v3);
636 }
637 struct CRITSECT
638 {
639 pthread_t id;
640 pthread_mutex_t mutex;
641 int locked;
642 };
643 void WINAPI expInitializeCriticalSection(CRITICAL_SECTION* c)
644 {
645 struct CRITSECT cs;
646 dbgprintf("InitCriticalSection(%X) \n", c);
647 /* if(sizeof(pthread_mutex_t)>sizeof(CRITICAL_SECTION))
648 {
649 printf(" ERROR:::: sizeof(pthread_mutex_t) is %d, expected <=%d!\n",
650 sizeof(pthread_mutex_t), sizeof(CRITICAL_SECTION));
651 return;
652 }*/
653 /* pthread_mutex_init((pthread_mutex_t*)c, NULL); */
654 pthread_mutex_init(&cs.mutex, NULL);
655 cs.locked=0;
656 *(void**)c=malloc(sizeof cs);
657 memcpy(*(void**)c, &cs, sizeof cs);
658 return;
659 }
660 void WINAPI expEnterCriticalSection(CRITICAL_SECTION* c)
661 {
662 struct CRITSECT* cs=(struct CRITSECT*)c;
663 dbgprintf("EnterCriticalSection(%X) \n",c);
664 // cs.id=pthread_self();
665 if(cs->locked)
666 if(cs->id==pthread_self())
667 return;
668 pthread_mutex_lock(&(cs->mutex));
669 cs->locked=1;
670 cs->id=pthread_self();
671 return;
672 }
673 void WINAPI expLeaveCriticalSection(CRITICAL_SECTION* c)
674 {
675 struct CRITSECT* cs=(struct CRITSECT*)c;
676 dbgprintf("LeaveCriticalSection(%X) \n",c);
677 cs->locked=0;
678 pthread_mutex_unlock(&(cs->mutex));
679 return;
680 }
681 void WINAPI expDeleteCriticalSection(CRITICAL_SECTION *c)
682 {
683 dbgprintf("DeleteCriticalSection(%X) \n",c);
684 pthread_mutex_destroy((pthread_mutex_t*)c);
685 return;
686 }
687 int WINAPI expGetCurrentThreadId()
688 {
689 dbgprintf("GetCurrentThreadId() \n");
690 return getpid();
691 }
692 struct tls_s;
693 typedef struct tls_s
694 {
695 void* value;
696 int used;
697 struct tls_s* prev;
698 struct tls_s* next;
699 }tls_t;
701 tls_t* g_tls=NULL;
703 void* WINAPI expTlsAlloc()
704 {
705 dbgprintf("TlsAlloc \n");
706 if(g_tls==NULL)
707 {
708 g_tls=my_mreq(sizeof(tls_t), 0);
709 g_tls->next=g_tls->prev=NULL;
710 }
711 else
712 {
713 g_tls->next=my_mreq(sizeof(tls_t), 0);
714 g_tls->next->prev=g_tls;
715 g_tls->next->next=NULL;
716 g_tls=g_tls->next;
717 }
718 return g_tls;
719 }
721 int WINAPI expTlsSetValue(tls_t* index, void* value)
722 {
723 dbgprintf("TlsSetVal(%X %X) \n", index, value );
724 if(index==0)
725 return 0;
726 index->value=value;
727 return 1;
728 }
729 void* WINAPI expTlsGetValue(tls_t* index)
730 {
731 dbgprintf("TlsGetVal(%X) \n", index );
732 if(index==0)
733 return 0;
734 return index->value;
735 }
736 int WINAPI expTlsFree(tls_t* index)
737 {
738 dbgprintf("TlsFree(%X) \n", index);
739 if(index==0)
740 return 0;
741 if(index->next)
742 index->next->prev=index->prev;
743 if(index->prev)
744 index->prev->next=index->next;
745 my_release((void*)index);
746 return 1;
747 }
749 void* WINAPI expLocalAlloc(int flags, int size)
750 {
751 void* z;
752 dbgprintf("LocalAlloc(%d, flags %X)\n", size, flags);
753 if(flags&GMEM_ZEROINIT)
754 z=my_mreq(size, 1);
755 else
756 z=my_mreq(size, 0);
757 if(z==0)
758 printf("LocalAlloc() failed\n");
759 return z;
760 }
761 void* WINAPI expLocalLock(void* z)
762 {
763 dbgprintf("LocalLock\n");
764 return z;
765 }
766 void* WINAPI expGlobalAlloc(int flags, int size)
767 {
768 void* z;
769 dbgprintf("GlobalAlloc(%d, flags 0x%X)\n", size, flags);
770 if(flags&GMEM_ZEROINIT)
771 z=my_mreq(size, 1);
772 else
773 z=my_mreq(size, 0);
774 if(z==0)
775 printf("LocalAlloc() failed\n");
776 return z;
777 }
778 void* WINAPI expGlobalLock(void* z)
779 {
780 dbgprintf("GlobalLock\n");
781 return z;
782 }
784 int WINAPI expLoadStringA(long instance, long id, void* buf, long size)
785 {
786 dbgprintf("LoadStringA\n");
787 return LoadStringA(instance, id, buf, size);
788 }
790 long WINAPI expMultiByteToWideChar(long v1, long v2, char* s1, long siz1, char* s2, int siz2)
791 {
792 #warning FIXME
793 dbgprintf("MB2WCh\n");
794 dbgprintf("WARNING: Unsupported call: MBToWCh %s\n", s1);
795 if(s2==0)
796 return 1;
797 s2[0]=s2[1]=0;
798 return 1;
799 }
800 long WINAPI expWideCharToMultiByte(long v1, long v2, short* s1, long siz1, char* s2, int siz2, char* c3, int* siz3)
801 {
802 int result;
803 dbgprintf("WCh2MB\n");
804 result=WideCharToMultiByte(v1, v2, s1, siz1, s2, siz2, c3, siz3);
805 dbgprintf("=> %d\n", result);
806 return result;
807 }
808 long WINAPI expGetVersionExA(OSVERSIONINFOA* c)
809 {
810 dbgprintf("GetVersionExA\n");
811 c->dwMajorVersion=4;
812 c->dwMinorVersion=10;
813 c->dwBuildNumber=0x40a07ce;
814 c->dwPlatformId=VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS;
815 strcpy(c->szCSDVersion, "Win98");
816 return 1;
817 }
818 #include <sys/types.h>
819 #include <sys/ipc.h>
820 #include <sys/sem.h>
821 HANDLE WINAPI expCreateSemaphoreA(char* v1, long init_count, long max_count, char* name)
822 {
823 #warning FIXME
824 /* struct sembuf buf[1];
825 int sem=semget(IPC_PRIVATE,1,IPC_CREAT);
826 if(sem==-1)
827 {
828 printf("semget() failed\n");
829 return (HANDLE)-1;
830 }
831 buf[0].sem_num=0;
832 printf("%s\n", name);
833 printf("Init count %d, max count %d\n", init_count, max_count);
834 buf[0].sem_op=-max_count+init_count;
835 buf[0].sem_flg=0;
836 if(semop(sem, &buf, 1)<0)
837 {
838 printf("semop() failed\n");
839 }
840 return sem;
841 */
842 void* z;
843 dbgprintf("CreateSemaphoreA\n");
844 z=my_mreq(24, 0);
845 pthread_mutex_init(z, NULL);
846 return (HANDLE)z;
847 }
849 long WINAPI expReleaseSemaphore(long hsem, long increment, long* prev_count)
850 {
851 // The state of a semaphore object is signaled when its count
852 // is greater than zero and nonsignaled when its count is equal to zero
853 // Each time a waiting thread is released because of the semaphore's signaled
854 // state, the count of the semaphore is decreased by one.
855 struct sembuf buf[1];
856 dbgprintf("ReleaseSemaphore\n");
857 dbgprintf("WARNING: Unsupported call: ReleaseSemaphoreA\n");
858 /* if(hsem==-1)return 0;
859 buf[0].sem_num=0;
860 buf[0].sem_op=-1;
861 buf[0].sem_flg=0;
862 if(semop(hsem, &buf, 1)<0)
863 {
864 printf("ReleaseSemaphore: semop() failed\n");
865 }*/
867 return 1;//zero on error
868 }
871 long WINAPI expRegOpenKeyExA(long key, const char* subkey, long reserved, long access, int* newkey)
872 {
873 dbgprintf("RegOpenKeyExA(%d,%s)\n", key, subkey);
874 return RegOpenKeyExA(key, subkey, reserved, access, newkey);
875 }
876 long WINAPI expRegCloseKey(long key)
877 {
878 dbgprintf("RegCloseKey()\n");
879 return RegCloseKey(key);
880 }
881 long WINAPI expRegQueryValueExA(long key, const char* value, int* reserved, int* type, int* data, int* count)
882 {
883 dbgprintf("RegQueryValueExA()\n");
884 return RegQueryValueExA(key, value, reserved, type, data, count);
885 }
886 long WINAPI expRegCreateKeyExA(long key, const char* name, long reserved,
887 void* classs, long options, long security,
888 void* sec_attr, int* newkey, int* status)
889 {
890 dbgprintf("RegCreateKeyExA()\n");
891 return RegCreateKeyExA(key, name, reserved, classs, options, security, sec_attr, newkey, status);
892 }
893 long WINAPI expRegSetValueExA(long key, const char* name, long v1, long v2, void* data, long size)
894 {
895 dbgprintf("RegSetValueExA()\n");
896 return RegSetValueExA(key, name, v1, v2, data, size);
897 }
899 long WINAPI expRegOpenKeyA (
900 long hKey,
901 LPCSTR lpSubKey,
902 int* phkResult
903 ){
904 return RegOpenKeyExA(hKey, lpSubKey, 0, 0, phkResult);
905 }
907 long WINAPI expQueryPerformanceCounter(long long* z)
908 {
909 dbgprintf("QueryPerformanceCounter()\n");
910 longcount(z);
911 return 1;
912 }
914 static double old_freq()
915 {
916 int i=time(NULL);
917 int x,y;
918 while(i==time(NULL));
919 x=localcount();
920 i++;
921 while(i==time(NULL));
922 y=localcount();
923 return (double)(y-x)/1000.;
924 }
925 static double CPU_Freq()
926 {
927 #ifdef USE_TSC
928 FILE *f = fopen ("/proc/cpuinfo", "r");
929 char line[200];
930 char model[200]="unknown";
931 char flags[500]="";
932 char *s,*value;
933 double freq=-1;
935 if (!f)
936 {
937 printf("Can't open /proc/cpuinfo for reading\n");
938 return old_freq();
939 }
940 while (fgets(line,200,f)!=NULL)
941 {
942 /* NOTE: the ':' is the only character we can rely on */
943 if (!(value = strchr(line,':')))
944 continue;
945 /* terminate the valuename */
946 *value++ = '\0';
947 /* skip any leading spaces */
948 while (*value==' ') value++;
949 if ((s=strchr(value,'\n')))
950 *s='\0';
952 if (!strncasecmp(line, "cpu MHz",strlen("cpu MHz")))
953 {
954 sscanf(value, "%lf", &freq);
955 freq*=1000;
956 break;
957 }
958 continue;
960 }
961 fclose(f);
962 if(freq<0)return old_freq();
963 return freq;
964 #else
965 return old_freq();
966 #endif
967 }
969 long WINAPI expQueryPerformanceFrequency(long long* z)
970 {
971 dbgprintf("QueryPerformanceFrequency()\n");
972 *z=(long long)CPU_Freq();
973 return 1;
974 }
975 long WINAPI exptimeGetTime()
976 {
977 struct timeval t;
978 dbgprintf("timeGetTime()\n");
979 gettimeofday(&t, 0);
980 return 1000*t.tv_sec+t.tv_usec/1000;
981 }
982 void* WINAPI expLocalHandle(void* v)
983 {
984 dbgprintf("LocalHandle\n");
985 return v;
986 }
987 void* WINAPI expGlobalHandle(void* v)
988 {
989 dbgprintf("GlobalHandle\n");
990 return v;
991 }
992 int WINAPI expGlobalUnlock(void* v)
993 {
994 dbgprintf("GlobalUnlock\n");
995 return 1;
996 }
997 //
998 void* WINAPI expGlobalFree(void* v)
999 {
1000 dbgprintf("GlobalFree(%X)\n", v);
1001 my_release(v);
1002 return 0;
1003 }
1005 int WINAPI expLocalUnlock(void* v)
1006 {
1007 dbgprintf("LocalUnlock\n");
1008 return 1;
1009 }
1010 //
1011 void* WINAPI expLocalFree(void* v)
1012 {
1013 dbgprintf("LocalFree(%X)\n", v);
1014 my_release(v);
1015 return 0;
1016 }
1018 HRSRC WINAPI expFindResourceA(HMODULE module, char* name, char* type)
1019 {
1020 dbgprintf("FindResourceA\n");
1021 return FindResourceA(module, name, type);
1022 }
1023 HGLOBAL WINAPI expLoadResource(HMODULE module, HRSRC res)
1024 {
1025 dbgprintf("LoadResource\n");
1026 return LoadResource(module, res);;
1027 }
1028 void* WINAPI expLockResource(long res)
1029 {
1030 dbgprintf("LockResource\n");
1031 return LockResource(res);
1032 }
1033 int WINAPI expFreeResource(long res)
1034 {
1035 dbgprintf("FreeResource\n");
1036 return FreeResource(res);
1037 }
1038 //bool fun(HANDLE)
1039 //!0 on success
1040 int WINAPI expCloseHandle(long v1)
1041 {
1042 dbgprintf("CloseHandle\n");
1043 return 1;
1044 }
1046 const char* WINAPI expGetCommandLineA()
1047 {
1048 dbgprintf("GetCommandLine\n");
1049 return "c:\\aviplay.exe";
1050 }
1051 LPWSTR WINAPI expGetEnvironmentStringsW()
1052 {
1053 static wchar_t envs[]={'p', 'a', 't', 'h', ' ', 'c', ':', '\\', 0, 0};
1054 dbgprintf("GetEnvStringsW\n");
1055 return (LPWSTR)envs;
1056 }
1058 int WINAPI expFreeEnvironmentStringsW(short* strings)
1059 {
1060 dbgprintf("FreeEnvStringsW\n");
1061 return 1;
1062 }
1063 LPCSTR WINAPI expGetEnvironmentStrings()
1064 {
1065 dbgprintf("GetEnvStrings\n");
1066 return "\0\0";
1067 }
1069 int WINAPI expGetStartupInfoA(STARTUPINFOA *s)
1070 {
1071 int i;
1072 dbgprintf("GetStartupInfoA\n");
1073 /*
1074 for(i=0; i<sizeof(STARTUPINFOA)/4; i++)
1075 ((int*)s)[i]=i+0x200;
1076 */
1077 memset(s, 0, sizeof(*s));
1078 s->cb=sizeof(*s);
1079 s->lpReserved="qwe";
1080 s->lpDesktop="rty";
1081 s->lpTitle="uio";
1082 s->dwX=s->dwY=0;
1083 s->dwXSize=s->dwYSize=200;
1084 s->dwFlags=s->wShowWindow=0;
1085 return 1;
1086 }
1088 int WINAPI expGetStdHandle(int z)
1089 {
1090 dbgprintf("GetStdHandle\n");
1091 dbgprintf("WARNING: Unsupported call: GetStdHandle\n");
1092 return 1234;
1093 }
1094 int WINAPI expGetFileType(int handle)
1095 {
1096 dbgprintf("GetFileType\n");
1097 dbgprintf("WARNING: Unsupported call: GetFileType\n");
1098 return 5678;
1099 }
1100 int WINAPI expSetHandleCount(int count)
1101 {
1102 dbgprintf("SetHandleCount\n");
1103 return 1;
1104 }
1105 int WINAPI expGetACP()
1106 {
1107 dbgprintf("GetACP\n");
1108 dbgprintf("WARNING: Unsupported call: GetACP\n");
1109 return 0;
1110 }
1112 int WINAPI expGetModuleFileNameA(int module, char* s, int len)
1113 {
1114 WINE_MODREF *mr;
1115 dbgprintf("GetModuleFileNameA\n");
1116 // printf("File name of module %X requested\n", module);
1117 if(s==0)
1118 return 0;
1119 if(len<35)
1120 return 0;
1121 strcpy(s, "c:\\windows\\system\\");
1122 mr=MODULE32_LookupHMODULE(module);
1123 if(mr==0)//oops
1124 {
1125 strcat(s, "aviplay.dll");
1126 return 1;
1127 }
1128 if(strrchr(mr->filename, '/')==NULL)
1129 strcat(s, mr->filename);
1130 else
1131 strcat(s, strrchr(mr->filename, '/')+1);
1132 return 1;
1133 }
1135 int WINAPI expSetUnhandledExceptionFilter(void* filter)
1136 {
1137 dbgprintf("SetUnhandledExcFilter\n");
1138 return 1;//unsupported and probably won't ever be supported
1139 }
1140 extern char* def_path;
1142 int WINAPI expLoadLibraryA(char* name)
1143 {
1144 char qq[256];
1145 dbgprintf("LoadLibraryA\n");
1146 printf("They want library %s\n", name);
1147 strcpy(qq, def_path);
1148 strcat(qq, "/");
1149 strcat(qq, name);
1150 return LoadLibraryA(qq);
1151 }
1152 int WINAPI expFreeLibrary(int module)
1153 {
1154 dbgprintf("FreeLibrary\n");
1155 return FreeLibrary(module);
1156 }
1157 void* WINAPI expGetProcAddress(HMODULE mod, char* name)
1158 {
1159 dbgprintf("GetProcAddress\n");
1160 return GetProcAddress(mod, name);
1161 }
1163 long WINAPI expCreateFileMappingA(int hFile, void* lpAttr,
1164 long flProtect, long dwMaxHigh, long dwMaxLow, const char* name)
1165 {
1166 dbgprintf("CreateFileMappingA\n");
1167 return CreateFileMappingA(hFile, lpAttr, flProtect, dwMaxHigh, dwMaxLow, name);
1168 }
1170 long WINAPI expOpenFileMappingA(long hFile, long hz, const char* name)
1171 {
1172 dbgprintf("OpenFileMappingA\n");
1173 return OpenFileMappingA(hFile, hz, name);
1174 }
1176 void* WINAPI expMapViewOfFile(HANDLE file, DWORD mode, DWORD offHigh, DWORD offLow, DWORD size)
1177 {
1178 dbgprintf("MapViewOfFile(%d, %x, %x, %x, %x)\n",
1179 file,mode,offHigh,offLow,size);
1180 return (char*)file+offLow;
1181 }
1183 void* WINAPI expUnmapViewOfFile(void* view)
1184 {
1185 dbgprintf("UnmapViewOfFile()\n");
1186 return 0;
1187 }
1189 void* WINAPI expSleep(int time)
1190 {
1191 dbgprintf("Sleep(%d)\n", time);
1192 usleep(time);
1193 return 0;
1194 }
1195 // why does IV32 codec want to call this? I don't know ...
1196 void* WINAPI expCreateCompatibleDC(int hdc)
1197 {
1198 dbgprintf("CreateCompatibleDC(%d)\n", hdc);
1199 return (void*)129;
1200 }
1202 int WINAPI expGetDeviceCaps(int hdc, int unk)
1203 {
1204 dbgprintf("GetDeviceCaps(%d, %d)\n", hdc, unk);
1205 return 0;
1206 }
1208 WIN_BOOL WINAPI expDeleteDC(int hdc)
1209 {
1210 dbgprintf("DeleteDC(%d)\n", hdc);
1211 return 0;
1212 }
1214 int expwsprintfA(char* string, char* format, ...)
1215 {
1216 va_list va;
1217 va_start(va, format);
1218 dbgprintf("wsprintfA\n");
1219 return vsprintf(string, format, va);
1220 }
1222 int WINAPI expGetPrivateProfileIntA(const char* appname, const char* keyname, int default_value, const char* filename)
1223 {
1224 int size=255;
1225 char buffer[256];
1226 char* fullname;
1227 int result;
1229 buffer[255]=0;
1230 dbgprintf("GetPrivateProfileIntA(%s, %s, %s)\n", appname, keyname, filename );
1231 if(!(appname && keyname && filename) ) return default_value;
1232 fullname=(char*)malloc(50+strlen(appname)+strlen(keyname)+strlen(filename));
1233 strcpy(fullname, "Software\\IniFileMapping\\");
1234 strcat(fullname, appname);
1235 strcat(fullname, "\\");
1236 strcat(fullname, keyname);
1237 strcat(fullname, "\\");
1238 strcat(fullname, filename);
1239 result=RegQueryValueExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, fullname, NULL, NULL, (int*)buffer, &size);
1240 if((size>=0)&&(size<256))
1241 buffer[size]=0;
1242 // printf("GetPrivateProfileIntA(%s, %s, %s) -> %s\n", appname, keyname, filename, buffer);
1243 free(fullname);
1244 if(result)
1245 return default_value;
1246 else
1247 return atoi(buffer);
1248 }
1249 int WINAPI expGetPrivateProfileStringA(const char* appname, const char* keyname,
1250 const char* def_val, char* dest, unsigned int len, const char* filename)
1251 {
1252 int result;
1253 int size;
1254 char* fullname;
1255 dbgprintf("GetPrivateProfileStringA(%s, %s, %s, %X, %X, %s)\n", appname, keyname, def_val, dest, len, filename );
1256 if(!(appname && keyname && filename) ) return 0;
1257 fullname=(char*)malloc(50+strlen(appname)+strlen(keyname)+strlen(filename));
1258 strcpy(fullname, "Software\\IniFileMapping\\");
1259 strcat(fullname, appname);
1260 strcat(fullname, "\\");
1261 strcat(fullname, keyname);
1262 strcat(fullname, "\\");
1263 strcat(fullname, filename);
1264 size=len;
1265 result=RegQueryValueExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, fullname, NULL, NULL, (int*)dest, &size);
1266 // printf("GetPrivateProfileStringA(%s, %s, %s, %X, %X, %s)\n", appname, keyname, def_val, dest, len, filename );
1267 free(fullname);
1268 if(!result)
1269 return size;
1270 strncpy(dest, def_val, size);
1271 return size;
1272 }
1273 int WINAPI expWritePrivateProfileStringA(const char* appname, const char* keyname,
1274 const char* string, const char* filename)
1275 {
1276 int size=256;
1277 char* fullname;
1278 dbgprintf("WritePrivateProfileStringA(%s, %s, %s, %s)\n", appname, keyname, string, filename );
1279 if(!(appname && keyname && filename) ) return -1;
1280 fullname=(char*)malloc(50+strlen(appname)+strlen(keyname)+strlen(filename));
1281 strcpy(fullname, "Software\\IniFileMapping\\");
1282 strcat(fullname, appname);
1283 strcat(fullname, "\\");
1284 strcat(fullname, keyname);
1285 strcat(fullname, "\\");
1286 strcat(fullname, filename);
1287 RegSetValueExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, fullname, 0, REG_SZ, (int*)string, strlen(string));
1288 // printf("RegSetValueExA(%s,%d)\n", string, strlen(string));
1289 // printf("WritePrivateProfileStringA(%s, %s, %s, %s)\n", appname, keyname, string, filename );
1290 free(fullname);
1291 return 0;
1292 }
1294 unsigned int _GetPrivateProfileIntA(const char* appname, const char* keyname, INT default_value, const char* filename)
1295 {
1296 return expGetPrivateProfileIntA(appname, keyname, default_value, filename);
1297 }
1298 int _GetPrivateProfileStringA(const char* appname, const char* keyname,
1299 const char* def_val, char* dest, unsigned int len, const char* filename)
1300 {
1301 return expGetPrivateProfileStringA(appname, keyname, def_val, dest, len, filename);
1302 }
1303 int _WritePrivateProfileStringA(const char* appname, const char* keyname,
1304 const char* string, const char* filename)
1305 {
1306 return expWritePrivateProfileStringA(appname, keyname, string, filename);
1307 }
1310 int WINAPI expDefDriverProc(int _private, int id, int msg, int arg1, int arg2)
1311 {
1312 printf("Called DefDriverProc(%X)\n", msg);
1313 return 0;
1314 }
1316 int WINAPI expSizeofResource(int v1, int v2)
1317 {
1318 dbgprintf("SizeofResource()\n");
1319 return SizeofResource(v1, v2);
1320 }
1322 int WINAPI expGetLastError()
1323 {
1324 dbgprintf("GetLastError()\n");
1325 return GetLastError();
1326 }
1328 void WINAPI expSetLastError(int error)
1329 {
1330 dbgprintf("SetLastError()\n");
1331 SetLastError(error);
1332 }
1334 char* expstrrchr(char* string, int value)
1335 {
1336 return strrchr(string, value);
1337 }
1339 char* expstrchr(char* string, int value)
1340 {
1341 return strchr(string, value);
1342 }
1344 int WINAPI expGetFileVersionInfoSizeA(const char* name, int* lpHandle)
1345 {
1346 printf("GetFileVersionInfoSizeA(%s,0x%X)\n", name, lpHandle);
1347 return 0;
1348 }
1350 int WINAPI expIsBadStringPtrW(const short* string, int nchars)
1351 {
1352 if(string==0)return 1;
1353 return 0;
1354 }
1355 extern long WINAPI InterlockedExchangeAdd( long* dest, long incr )
1356 {
1357 long ret;
1358 __asm__ __volatile__( "lock; xaddl %0,(%1)"
1359 : "=r" (ret) : "r" (dest), "0" (incr) : "memory" );
1360 return ret;
1361 }
1363 extern long WINAPI expInterlockedIncrement( long* dest )
1364 {
1365 return InterlockedExchangeAdd( dest, 1 ) + 1;
1366 }
1367 extern long WINAPI expInterlockedDecrement( long* dest )
1368 {
1369 return InterlockedExchangeAdd( dest, -1 ) - 1;
1370 }
1372 extern void WINAPI expOutputDebugStringA( const char* string )
1373 {
1374 fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: %s\n", string);
1375 }
1377 int WINAPI expGetDC(int hwnd)
1378 {
1379 return 0;
1380 }
1382 int WINAPI expGetDesktopWindow()
1383 {
1384 return 0;
1385 }
1387 int WINAPI expReleaseDC(int hwnd, int hdc)
1388 {
1389 return 0;
1390 }
1392 int WINAPI expGetSystemPaletteEntries(int hdc, int iStartIndex, int nEntries, void* lppe)
1393 {
1394 return 0;
1395 }
1396 /*
1397 typedef struct _TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION {
1398 long Bias;
1399 char StandardName[32];
1400 SYSTEMTIME StandardDate;
1401 long StandardBias;
1402 char DaylightName[32];
1403 SYSTEMTIME DaylightDate;
1404 long DaylightBias;
1406 */
1408 int WINAPI expGetTimeZoneInformation(LPTIME_ZONE_INFORMATION lpTimeZoneInformation)
1409 {
1410 memset(lpTimeZoneInformation, 0, sizeof(TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION));
1411 return 0;
1412 }
1414 void WINAPI expGetLocalTime(SYSTEMTIME* systime)
1415 {
1416 time_t local_time;
1417 struct tm *local_tm;
1418 struct timeval tv;
1420 gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
1421 local_time=tv.tv_sec;
1422 local_tm=localtime(&local_time);
1424 systime->wYear = local_tm->tm_year + 1900;
1425 systime->wMonth = local_tm->tm_mon + 1;
1426 systime->wDayOfWeek = local_tm->tm_wday;
1427 systime->wDay = local_tm->tm_mday;
1428 systime->wHour = local_tm->tm_hour;
1429 systime->wMinute = local_tm->tm_min;
1430 systime->wSecond = local_tm->tm_sec;
1431 systime->wMilliseconds = (tv.tv_usec / 1000) % 1000;
1432 }
1434 int WINAPI expGetSystemTime(SYSTEMTIME* systime)
1435 {
1436 time_t local_time;
1437 struct tm *local_tm;
1438 struct timeval tv;
1440 gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
1441 local_time=tv.tv_sec;
1442 local_tm=gmtime(&local_time);
1444 systime->wYear = local_tm->tm_year + 1900;
1445 systime->wMonth = local_tm->tm_mon + 1;
1446 systime->wDayOfWeek = local_tm->tm_wday;
1447 systime->wDay = local_tm->tm_mday;
1448 systime->wHour = local_tm->tm_hour;
1449 systime->wMinute = local_tm->tm_min;
1450 systime->wSecond = local_tm->tm_sec;
1451 systime->wMilliseconds = (tv.tv_usec / 1000) % 1000;
1453 }
1455 int WINAPI expGetEnvironmentVariableA(const char* name, char* field, int size)
1456 {
1457 dbgprintf("GetEnvironmentVariableA\n");
1458 printf("%s %x %x\n", name, field, size);
1459 if(field)field[0]=0;
1460 return 0;
1461 }
1464 //HDRVR WINAPI expOpenDriverA(LPCSTR szDriverName, LPCSTR szSectionName, LPARAM lParam2);
1465 //HDRVR WINAPI expOpenDriverW(LPCWSTR szDriverName, LPCWSTR szSectionName, LPARAM lParam2);
1466 HDRVR WINAPI expOpenDriver(LPCSTR szDriverName, LPCSTR szSectionName, LPARAM lParam2){
1467 printf("winmm32::OpenDriver() called\n");
1468 return NULL;
1469 }
1472 struct exports
1473 {
1474 char name[64];
1475 int id;
1476 void* func;
1477 };
1478 struct libs
1479 {
1480 char name[64];
1481 int length;
1482 struct exports* exps;
1483 };
1485 #define FF(X,Y) \
1486 {#X, Y, (void*)exp##X},
1488 struct exports exp_kernel32[]={
1489 FF(IsBadWritePtr, 357)
1490 FF(IsBadReadPtr, 354)
1491 FF(IsBadStringPtrW, -1)
1492 FF(DisableThreadLibraryCalls, -1)
1493 FF(CreateThread, -1)
1494 FF(CreateEventA, -1)
1495 FF(SetEvent, -1)
1496 FF(ResetEvent, -1)
1497 FF(WaitForSingleObject, -1)
1498 FF(GetSystemInfo, -1)
1499 FF(GetVersion, 332)
1500 FF(HeapCreate, 461)
1501 FF(HeapAlloc, -1)
1502 FF(HeapDestroy, -1)
1503 FF(HeapFree, -1)
1504 FF(HeapSize, -1)
1505 FF(GetProcessHeap, -1)
1506 FF(VirtualAlloc, -1)
1507 FF(VirtualFree, -1)
1508 FF(InitializeCriticalSection, -1)
1509 FF(EnterCriticalSection, -1)
1510 FF(LeaveCriticalSection, -1)
1511 FF(DeleteCriticalSection, -1)
1512 FF(TlsAlloc, -1)
1513 FF(TlsFree, -1)
1514 FF(TlsGetValue, -1)
1515 FF(TlsSetValue, -1)
1516 FF(GetCurrentThreadId, -1)
1517 FF(LocalAlloc, -1)
1518 FF(LocalLock, -1)
1519 FF(GlobalAlloc, -1)
1520 FF(GlobalLock, -1)
1521 FF(MultiByteToWideChar, 427)
1522 FF(WideCharToMultiByte, -1)
1523 FF(GetVersionExA, -1)
1524 FF(CreateSemaphoreA, -1)
1525 FF(QueryPerformanceCounter, -1)
1526 FF(QueryPerformanceFrequency, -1)
1527 FF(LocalHandle, -1)
1528 FF(LocalUnlock, -1)
1529 FF(LocalFree, -1)
1530 FF(GlobalHandle, -1)
1531 FF(GlobalUnlock, -1)
1532 FF(GlobalFree, -1)
1533 FF(LoadResource, -1)
1534 FF(ReleaseSemaphore, -1)
1535 FF(FindResourceA, -1)
1536 FF(LockResource, -1)
1537 FF(FreeResource, -1)
1538 FF(SizeofResource, -1)
1539 FF(CloseHandle, -1)
1540 FF(GetCommandLineA, -1)
1541 FF(GetEnvironmentStringsW, -1)
1542 FF(FreeEnvironmentStringsW, -1)
1543 FF(GetEnvironmentStrings, -1)
1544 FF(GetStartupInfoA, -1)
1545 FF(GetStdHandle, -1)
1546 FF(GetFileType, -1)
1547 FF(SetHandleCount, -1)
1548 FF(GetACP, -1)
1549 FF(GetModuleFileNameA, -1)
1550 FF(SetUnhandledExceptionFilter, -1)
1551 FF(LoadLibraryA, -1)
1552 FF(GetProcAddress, -1)
1553 FF(FreeLibrary, -1)
1554 FF(CreateFileMappingA, -1)
1555 FF(OpenFileMappingA, -1)
1556 FF(MapViewOfFile, -1)
1557 FF(UnmapViewOfFile, -1)
1558 FF(Sleep, -1)
1559 FF(GetModuleHandleA, -1)
1560 FF(GetPrivateProfileIntA, -1)
1561 FF(GetPrivateProfileStringA, -1)
1562 FF(WritePrivateProfileStringA, -1)
1563 FF(GetLastError, -1)
1564 FF(SetLastError, -1)
1565 FF(InterlockedIncrement, -1)
1566 FF(InterlockedDecrement, -1)
1567 FF(GetTimeZoneInformation, -1)
1568 FF(OutputDebugStringA, -1)
1569 FF(GetLocalTime, -1)
1570 FF(GetSystemTime, -1)
1571 FF(GetEnvironmentVariableA, -1)
1572 };
1574 struct exports exp_msvcrt[]={
1575 FF(malloc, -1)
1576 FF(_initterm, -1)
1577 FF(free, -1)
1578 {"??3@YAXPAX@Z", -1, expdelete},
1579 {"??2@YAPAXI@Z", -1, expnew},
1580 FF(strrchr, -1)
1581 FF(strchr, -1)
1582 };
1583 struct exports exp_winmm[]={
1584 FF(GetDriverModuleHandle, -1)
1585 FF(timeGetTime, -1)
1586 FF(DefDriverProc, -1)
1587 FF(OpenDriver, -1)
1588 };
1589 struct exports exp_user32[]={
1590 FF(LoadStringA, -1)
1591 FF(wsprintfA, -1)
1592 FF(GetDC, -1)
1593 FF(GetDesktopWindow, -1)
1594 FF(ReleaseDC, -1)
1595 };
1596 struct exports exp_advapi32[]={
1597 FF(RegOpenKeyA, -1)
1598 FF(RegOpenKeyExA, -1)
1599 FF(RegCreateKeyExA, -1)
1600 FF(RegQueryValueExA, -1)
1601 FF(RegSetValueExA, -1)
1602 FF(RegCloseKey, -1)
1603 };
1604 struct exports exp_gdi32[]={
1605 FF(CreateCompatibleDC, -1)
1606 FF(GetDeviceCaps, -1)
1607 FF(DeleteDC, -1)
1608 FF(GetSystemPaletteEntries, -1)
1609 };
1610 struct exports exp_version[]={
1611 FF(GetFileVersionInfoSizeA, -1)
1612 };
1613 #define LL(X) \
1614 {#X".dll", sizeof(exp_##X)/sizeof(struct exports), exp_##X},
1616 struct libs libraries[]={
1617 LL(kernel32)
1618 LL(msvcrt)
1619 LL(winmm)
1620 LL(user32)
1621 LL(advapi32)
1622 LL(gdi32)
1623 LL(version)
1624 };
1626 void* LookupExternal(const char* library, int ordinal)
1627 {
1628 char* answ;
1629 int i,j;
1630 if(library==0)
1631 {
1632 printf("ERROR: library=0\n");
1633 return (void*)ext_unknown;
1634 }
1635 printf("External func %s:%d\n", library, ordinal);
1636 // printf("%x %x\n", &unk_exp1, &unk_exp2);
1638 for(i=0; i<sizeof(libraries)/sizeof(struct libs); i++)
1639 {
1640 if(strcasecmp(library, libraries[i].name))
1641 continue;
1642 for(j=0; j<libraries[i].length; j++)
1643 {
1644 if(ordinal!=libraries[i].exps[j].id)
1645 continue;
1646 printf("Hit: 0x%08X\n", libraries[i].exps[j].func);
1647 return libraries[i].exps[j].func;
1648 }
1649 }
1650 if(pos>150)return 0;
1651 answ=(char*)extcode+pos*0x64;
1652 memcpy(answ, &unk_exp1, 0x64);
1653 *(int*)(answ+9)=pos;
1654 *(int*)(answ+47)-=((int)answ-(int)&unk_exp1);
1655 sprintf(export_names[pos], "%s:%d", library, ordinal);
1656 pos++;
1657 return (void*)answ;
1658 }
1660 void* LookupExternalByName(const char* library, const char* name)
1661 {
1662 char* answ;
1663 int i,j;
1664 // return (void*)ext_unknown;
1665 if(library==0)
1666 {
1667 printf("ERROR: library=0\n");
1668 return (void*)ext_unknown;
1669 }
1670 if(name==0)
1671 {
1672 printf("ERROR: name=0\n");
1673 return (void*)ext_unknown;
1674 }
1675 // printf("External func %s:%s\n", library, name);
1676 for(i=0; i<sizeof(libraries)/sizeof(struct libs); i++)
1677 {
1678 if(strcasecmp(library, libraries[i].name))
1679 continue;
1680 for(j=0; j<libraries[i].length; j++)
1681 {
1682 if(strcmp(name, libraries[i].exps[j].name))
1683 continue;
1684 // printf("Hit: 0x%08X\n", libraries[i].exps[j].func);
1685 return libraries[i].exps[j].func;
1686 }
1687 }// printf("%x %x\n", &unk_exp1, &unk_exp2);
1688 //printf("Missing (%d) External func %s:%s\n", pos, library, name);
1689 if(pos>150){
1690 // printf("Warning! Too many missing externals!\n");
1691 return 0;
1692 }
1693 strcpy(export_names[pos], name);
1694 answ=(char*)extcode+pos*0x64;
1695 memcpy(answ, &unk_exp1, 0x64);
1696 *(int*)(answ+9)=pos;
1697 *(int*)(answ+47)-=((int)answ-(int)&unk_exp1);
1698 pos++;
1699 return (void*)answ;
1700 // memcpy(extcode, &unk_exp1, 0x64);
1701 // *(int*)(extcode+52)-=((int)extcode-(int)&unk_exp1);
1702 // return (void*)extcode;
1703 // printf("Unknown func %s:%s\n", library, name);
1704 // return (void*)ext_unknown;
1705 }