diff aviwrite.c @ 1:3b5f5d1c5041

Initial revision
author arpi_esp
date Sat, 24 Feb 2001 20:28:24 +0000
children 8511095c5283
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/aviwrite.c	Sat Feb 24 20:28:24 2001 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+void write_avi_chunk(FILE *f,unsigned int id,int len,void* data){
+  if(data){
+    // DATA
+    fwrite(data,len,1,f);
+    if(len&1){  // padding
+      unsigned char zerobyte=0;
+      fwrite(&zerobyte,1,1,f);
+    }
+  } else {
+    // JUNK
+    char *avi_junk_data="[= MPlayer junk data! =]";
+    if(len&1) ++len; // padding
+    while(len>0){
+      int l=strlen(avi_junk_data);
+      if(l>len) l=len;
+      fwrite(avi_junk_data,l,1,f);
+      len-=l;
+    }
+  }
+void write_avi_list(FILE *f,unsigned int id,int len){
+  unsigned int list_id=FOURCC_LIST;
+  len+=4; // list fix
+  fwrite(&list_id,4,1,f);
+  fwrite(&len,4,1,f);
+  fwrite(&id,4,1,f);
+struct {
+  MainAVIHeader avih;
+  AVIStreamHeader video;
+  unsigned int movi_start;
+  unsigned int movi_end;
+  unsigned int file_end;
+} wah;
+void write_avi_header(FILE *f){
+  unsigned int riff[3];
+  // RIFF header:
+  riff[0]=mmioFOURCC('R','I','F','F');
+  riff[1]=wah.file_end;  // filesize
+  riff[2]=formtypeAVI; // 'AVI '
+  fwrite(&riff,12,1,f);
+  // AVI header:
+  write_avi_list(f,listtypeAVIHEADER,sizeof(wah.avih)+8+12+sizeof(wah.video)+8+sizeof(wah.bih)+8);
+  write_avi_chunk(f,ckidAVIMAINHDR,sizeof(wah.avih),&wah.avih);
+  // stream header:
+  write_avi_list(f,listtypeSTREAMHEADER,sizeof(wah.video)+8+sizeof(wah.bih)+8);
+  write_avi_chunk(f,ckidSTREAMHEADER,sizeof(wah.video),&wah.video);
+  write_avi_chunk(f,ckidSTREAMFORMAT,sizeof(wah.bih),&wah.bih);
+  // JUNK:  
+  write_avi_chunk(f,ckidAVIPADDING,2048-(ftell(f)&2047)-8,NULL);
+  // 'movi' header:
+  write_avi_list(f,listtypeAVIMOVIE,wah.movi_end-ftell(f)-12);
+  wah.movi_start=ftell(f);
+// called _before_ encoding:  (write placeholders and video info)
+void write_avi_header_1(FILE *f,int fcc,float fps,int width,int height){
+  int frames=8*3600*fps; // 8 hours
+  wah.file_end=
+  wah.movi_end=0x7f000000;
+  wah.avih.dwMicroSecPerFrame=1000000.0f/fps;
+  wah.avih.dwMaxBytesPerSec=fps*500000; // ?????
+  wah.avih.dwPaddingGranularity=1; // padding
+  wah.avih.dwFlags=AVIF_ISINTERLEAVED;
+  wah.avih.dwTotalFrames=frames;
+  wah.avih.dwInitialFrames=0;
+  wah.avih.dwStreams=1;
+  wah.avih.dwSuggestedBufferSize=0x10000; // 1MB
+  wah.avih.dwWidth=width;
+  wah.avih.dwHeight=height;
+  wah.avih.dwReserved[0]=
+  wah.avih.dwReserved[1]=
+  wah.avih.dwReserved[2]=
+  wah.avih.dwReserved[3]=0;
+  wah.video.fccType=streamtypeVIDEO;
+  wah.video.fccHandler=fcc;
+  wah.video.dwFlags=0;
+  wah.video.wPriority=0;
+  wah.video.wLanguage=0;
+  wah.video.dwInitialFrames=0;
+  wah.video.dwScale=10000;
+  wah.video.dwRate=fps*10000;
+  wah.video.dwStart=0;
+  wah.video.dwLength=frames;
+  wah.video.dwSuggestedBufferSize=0x100000; // 1MB ????
+  wah.video.dwQuality=10000;
+  wah.video.dwSampleSize=width*height*3;
+  wah.bih.biSize=sizeof(wah.bih); // 40 ?
+  wah.bih.biWidth=width;
+  wah.bih.biHeight=height;
+  wah.bih.biPlanes=1;
+  wah.bih.biBitCount=24;
+  wah.bih.biCompression=fcc;
+  wah.bih.biSizeImage=3*width*height;
+  wah.bih.biXPelsPerMeter=
+  wah.bih.biYPelsPerMeter=
+  wah.bih.biClrUsed=
+  wah.bih.biClrImportant=0;
+  write_avi_header(f);  
+void avi_fixate(){
+  // append index and fix avi headers:
+  FILE *f1=fopen(encode_name,"r+");
+  FILE *f2;
+  if(!f1) return; // error
+  fseek(f1,0,SEEK_END);
+  wah.file_end=wah.movi_end=ftell(f1);
+  // index:
+  if(encode_index_name && (f2=fopen(encode_index_name,"rb"))){
+    unsigned int pos=0;
+    int frames=0;
+    write_avi_chunk(f1,ckidAVINEWINDEX,0,NULL);
+    while(fread(&idx,sizeof(idx),1,f2)>0){
+      idx.dwChunkOffset-=wah.movi_start-4;
+      fwrite(&idx,sizeof(idx),1,f1);
+      ++frames;
+    }
+    fclose(f2);
+    unlink(encode_index_name);
+    wah.file_end=ftell(f1);
+    // re-write idx1 length:
+    pos=wah.file_end-wah.movi_end-8;
+    fseek(f1,wah.movi_end+4,SEEK_SET);
+    fwrite(&pos,4,1,f1);
+    // fixup frames:
+    wah.avih.dwTotalFrames=frames;
+    wah.video.dwLength=frames;
+  }
+  // re-write avi header:
+  fseek(f1,0,SEEK_SET);
+  write_avi_header(f1);
+  fclose(f1);