diff libvo/vo_xmga.c @ 1:3b5f5d1c5041

Initial revision
author arpi_esp
date Sat, 24 Feb 2001 20:28:24 +0000
children 1fc618eba830
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/libvo/vo_xmga.c	Sat Feb 24 20:28:24 2001 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+ *    video_out_xmga.c
+ *
+ *      Copyright (C) Zoltan Ponekker - Jan 2001
+ *
+ *  This file is part of mpeg2dec, a free MPEG-2 video stream decoder.
+ *
+ *  mpeg2dec is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ *  any later version.
+ *
+ *  mpeg2dec is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
+ *  the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "config.h"
+#include "video_out.h"
+#include "video_out_internal.h"
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+#include "drivers/mga_vid.h"
+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+#include <X11/Xutil.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+static vo_info_t vo_info =
+ "X11 (Matrox G200/G400 overlay in window using /dev/mga_vid)",
+ "xmga",
+ "Zoltan Ponekker <pontscho@makacs.poliod.hu>",
+ ""
+static mga_vid_config_t       mga_vid_config;
+static uint8_t              * vid_data;
+static uint8_t              * frame0;
+static uint8_t              * frame1;
+static int                    next_frame=0;
+static int                    f;
+static Display              * mDisplay;
+static Window                 mWindow;
+static GC                     mGC;
+static XGCValues              wGCV;
+static XImage               * myximage;
+static uint32_t               mDepth, bpp, mode;
+static XWindowAttributes      attribs;
+static uint32_t               X_already_started=0;
+static uint32_t               wndHeight;
+static uint32_t               wndWidth;
+static uint32_t               wndX;
+static uint32_t               wndY;
+static uint32_t               fgColor;
+static uint32_t               mvHeight;
+static uint32_t               mvWidth;
+static Window                 mRoot;
+static uint32_t               drwX,drwY,drwWidth,drwHeight,drwBorderWidth,drwDepth;
+static uint32_t               drwcX,drwcY,dwidth,dheight,mFullscreen;
+static XSetWindowAttributes   xWAttribs;
+#include "mga_common.c"
+static void mDrawColorKey( void )
+ XClearWindow( mDisplay,mWindow );
+ XSetForeground( mDisplay,mGC,fgColor );
+ XFillRectangle( mDisplay,mWindow,mGC,drwX,drwY,drwWidth,(mFullscreen?drwHeight - 1:drwHeight) );
+ XFlush( mDisplay );
+static Bool mEvents( Display * display,XEvent * Event,XPointer arg )
+ int            i;
+ char           buf[100];
+ KeySym         keySym;
+ XComposeStatus stat;
+ unsigned long  vo_KeyTable[512];
+ switch( Event->type )
+  {
+   case Expose:
+         mDrawColorKey();
+         break;
+   case ConfigureNotify:
+         XGetGeometry( mDisplay,mWindow,&mRoot,&drwX,&drwY,&drwWidth,&drwHeight,&drwBorderWidth,&drwDepth );
+         drwX=0; drwY=0;
+         XTranslateCoordinates( mDisplay,mWindow,mRoot,0,0,&drwcX,&drwcY,&mRoot );
+         if ( mFullscreen )
+          {
+           drwX=( vo_screenwidth - (dwidth > vo_screenwidth?vo_screenwidth:dwidth) ) / 2;
+           drwcX=drwX;
+           drwY=( vo_screenheight - (dheight > vo_screenheight?vo_screenheight:dheight) ) / 2;
+           drwcY=drwY;
+           drwWidth=(dwidth > vo_screenwidth?vo_screenwidth:dwidth);
+           drwHeight=(dheight > vo_screenheight?vo_screenheight:dheight);
+          }
+         mDrawColorKey();
+         mga_vid_config.x_org=drwcX;
+         mga_vid_config.y_org=drwcY;
+         mga_vid_config.dest_width=drwWidth;
+         mga_vid_config.dest_height=drwHeight;
+         fprintf( stderr,"[xmga] dcx: %d dcy: %d dx: %d dy: %d dw: %d dh: %d\n",drwcX,drwcY,drwX,drwY,drwWidth,drwHeight );
+         if ( ioctl( f,MGA_VID_CONFIG,&mga_vid_config ) )
+          {
+           fprintf( stderr,"Error in mga_vid_config ioctl" );
+           exit( 0 );
+          }
+         break;
+   case KeyPress:
+         XLookupString( &Event->xkey,buf,sizeof(buf),&keySym,&stat );
+         vo_keyboard( ( (keySym&0xff00) != 0?( (keySym&0x00ff) + 256 ):( keySym ) ) );
+         break;
+  }
+ return 0;
+static XEvent mEvent;
+static uint32_t init( uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t d_width, uint32_t d_height, uint32_t fullscreen, char *title, uint32_t format )
+ char                 * frame_mem;
+ uint32_t               frame_size;
+ int                    mScreen;
+ unsigned int           fg, bg;
+ char                 * mTitle=(title == NULL) ? "XMGA render" : title;
+ char                 * name=":0.0";
+ XSizeHints             hint;
+ XVisualInfo            vinfo;
+ XEvent                 xev;
+ XGCValues              xgcv;
+ unsigned long          xswamask;
+ f=open( "/dev/mga_vid",O_RDWR );
+ if ( f == -1 )
+  {
+   fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't open /dev/mga_vid\n");
+   return(-1);
+  }
+ switch(format)
+  {
+   case IMGFMT_YV12: mga_vid_config.format=MGA_VID_FORMAT_YV12; break;
+   case IMGFMT_YUY2: mga_vid_config.format=MGA_VID_FORMAT_YUY2; break;
+   default:          fprintf(stderr,"mga: invalid output format %0X\n",format); return (-1);
+  }
+ if ( X_already_started ) return -1;
+ vo_init();
+ if ( getenv( "DISPLAY" ) ) name=getenv( "DISPLAY" );
+ mDisplay=XOpenDisplay(name);
+ if ( mDisplay == NULL )
+  {
+   fprintf( stderr,"Can not open display\n" );
+   return -1;
+  }
+ mScreen=DefaultScreen( mDisplay );
+ mvWidth=width; mvHeight=height;
+ wndX=0; wndY=0;
+ wndWidth=d_width; wndHeight=d_height;
+ dwidth=d_width; dheight=d_height;
+ mFullscreen=fullscreen;
+ if ( fullscreen )
+  {
+   wndWidth=vo_screenwidth;
+   wndHeight=vo_screenheight;
+  }
+ XGetWindowAttributes( mDisplay,DefaultRootWindow( mDisplay ),&attribs );
+ mDepth=attribs.depth;
+ if ( mDepth != 15 && mDepth != 16 && mDepth != 24 && mDepth != 32 ) mDepth=24;
+ XMatchVisualInfo( mDisplay,mScreen,mDepth,TrueColor,&vinfo );
+ xWAttribs.colormap=XCreateColormap( mDisplay,RootWindow( mDisplay,mScreen ),vinfo.visual,AllocNone );
+ switch ( vo_depthonscreen )
+  {
+   case 32:
+   case 24: fgColor=0x00ff00ffL; break;
+   case 16: fgColor=0xf81fL; break;
+   case 15: fgColor=0x7c1fL; break;
+   default: fprintf( stderr,"Sorry, this (%d) color depth not supported.\n",vo_depthonscreen ); return -1;
+  }
+ xWAttribs.background_pixel=0;
+ xWAttribs.border_pixel=0;
+ xWAttribs.event_mask=StructureNotifyMask | ExposureMask | KeyPressMask;
+ xswamask=CWBackPixel | CWBorderPixel | CWColormap | CWEventMask;
+ mWindow=XCreateWindow( mDisplay,RootWindow( mDisplay,mScreen ),
+   wndX,wndY,
+   wndWidth,wndHeight,
+   xWAttribs.border_pixel,
+   mDepth,
+   InputOutput,
+   vinfo.visual,xswamask,&xWAttribs );
+ if ( fullscreen ) vo_decoration( mDisplay,mWindow,0 );
+ XGetNormalHints( mDisplay,mWindow,&hint );
+ hint.x=wndX; hint.y=wndY;
+ hint.width=wndWidth; hint.height=wndHeight;
+ hint.base_width=wndWidth; hint.base_height=wndHeight;
+ hint.flags=USPosition | USSize;
+ XSetNormalHints( mDisplay,mWindow,&hint );
+ XStoreName( mDisplay,mWindow,mTitle );
+ mGC=XCreateGC( mDisplay,mWindow,GCForeground,&wGCV );
+ XMapWindow( mDisplay,mWindow );
+ XGetGeometry( mDisplay,mWindow,&mRoot,&drwX,&drwY,&drwWidth,&drwHeight,&drwBorderWidth,&drwDepth );
+ drwX=0; drwY=0; drwWidth=wndWidth; drwHeight=wndHeight;
+ XTranslateCoordinates( mDisplay,mWindow,mRoot,0,0,&drwcX,&drwcY,&mRoot );
+ if ( fullscreen )
+  {
+   drwX=( vo_screenwidth - (dwidth > vo_screenwidth?vo_screenwidth:dwidth) ) / 2;
+   drwcX=drwX;
+   drwY=( vo_screenheight - (dheight > vo_screenheight?vo_screenheight:dheight) ) / 2;
+   drwcY=drwY;
+   drwWidth=(dwidth > vo_screenwidth?vo_screenwidth:dwidth);
+   drwHeight=(dheight > vo_screenheight?vo_screenheight:dheight);
+  }
+ mDrawColorKey();
+ mga_vid_config.src_width=width;
+ mga_vid_config.src_height=height;
+ mga_vid_config.x_org=drwcX;
+ mga_vid_config.y_org=drwcY;
+ mga_vid_config.dest_width=drwWidth;
+ mga_vid_config.dest_height=drwHeight;
+ fprintf( stderr,"[xmga] dcx: %d dcy: %d dx: %d dy: %d dw: %d dh: %d\n",drwcX,drwcY,drwX,drwY,drwWidth,drwHeight );
+ mga_vid_config.colkey_on=1;
+ mga_vid_config.colkey_red=255;
+ mga_vid_config.colkey_green=0;
+ mga_vid_config.colkey_blue=255;
+#if 1
+ if ( ioctl( f,MGA_VID_CONFIG,&mga_vid_config ) )
+  {
+   fprintf( stderr,"Error in mga_vid_config ioctl" );
+   return -1;
+  }
+ ioctl( f,MGA_VID_ON,0 );
+ frame_size=( ( width + 31 ) & ~31 ) * height + ( ( ( width + 31 ) & ~31 ) * height ) / 2;
+ frame_mem=(char*)mmap( 0,frame_size*2,PROT_WRITE,MAP_SHARED,f,0 );
+ frame0=frame_mem;
+ frame1=frame_mem + frame_size;
+ vid_data=frame0;
+ next_frame=0;
+ memset( frame_mem,0x80,frame_size * 2 );
+ XFlush( mDisplay );
+ XSync( mDisplay,False );
+// vo_initthread( mThread );
+ if((vo_eventhandler_pid=fork())==0){
+   XIfEvent( mDisplay,&mEvent,mEvents,NULL ); 
+   exit(0);
+ }
+ return 0;
+static const vo_info_t* get_info( void )
+{ return &vo_info; }
+static void
+ ioctl( f,MGA_VID_OFF,0 );
+printf("vo: uninit!\n");